Himno de la Falange Española - "¡Cara al Sol!"
El «
Cara al sol» es el himno de la
Falange Española de las JONS. Lo compuso un grupo de escritores convocados por
José Antonio Primo de Rivera junto con Agustín de Foxá y otros miembros de la dirección del partido con música del compositor vasco
Juan Tellería, cuya composición se titula «
Amanecer en Cegama».
Cara al Sol (
Facing the sun) is the anthem of the Falange party. The lyrics were written in
December 1935 and are usually credited to the then leader of the Falange, José Antonio Primo de Rivera.
The music was composed by Juan de Tellería and Juan R.
The circumstances of its creation are unusual. The Falangists needed a stirring song of their own to counter the popular appeal of
El Himno de Riego (the national anthem of the
Second Spanish Republic) and
A Las Barricadas (a very popular Anarchist song). The Falange had nothing suitable of its own so it had been borrowing from the
German Nazi and the
Italian fascist repertoire.
Francoist Spain, the Falange, merged with other far-right groups into "
Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las
JONS", became the only legal political party. Cara al Sol became an official hymn together with the
Oriamendi the hymn of the carlist movement, often played alongside the official anthem, the
Marcha Real, and was regarded as the battle song of the
Spanish far right.
Cara al Sol („Gesicht zur
Sonne") war die Parteihymne der faschistisch ausgerichteten spanischen Falange-Bewegung.Der
Text stammt offiziell von dem Parteigründer José Antonio Primo de Rivera selbst, während die
Melodie von Juan de Tellería komponiert wurde. Tatsächlich soll es sich aber um die Arbeit eines Autorenkollektivs handeln, wenngleich tatsächlich unter Beteiligung
Primo de Riveras jun.