Soviet Physicists' Win Nobel Prize (1958)
Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Russia (aka USSR). Exact location unknown. Various shots inside the laboratory of accelerators and photonuclea...
How to Pronounce Igor E Tamm
Expand your vocabulary and learn how to say new words:
Igor ja Oleg - Intervjuu sissepressija Raivu Tamm'iga 20.05.2011
Raadio 2: http://r2.err.ee/saated?saade=51 Semulas: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Igor-ja-Oleg-Silmad-Lahti-RRaadio2/145090472203946 - uploaded via http://ww...
PL TV: Vali Premium liiga aasta värav
A. Le Coq Premium liiga 2015 aasta ilusaima värava kandidaadid on:
A - Taavi Laurits (Pärnu Linnameeskond)
B - Joonas Tamm (Viljandi JK Tulevik)
C - Kristjan Tiirik (Tartu JK Tammeka)
D - Ingemar Teever (Tallinna FC Levadia)
E - Igor Dudarev (JK Sillamäe Kalev)
F - Reginald Mbu Alidor (Nõmme Kalju FC)
G - Vlasiy Sinyavskiy (JK Narva Trans)
H - Kevin Rääbis (Tartu JK Tammeka)
I - Raido Roman (Vil
PHYSICS of the ENERGY SOURCES Series: Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1998), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide. Stefan Frontier Conferences (Fron...
XXVIII voor 2015: Tallinna FC Flora - JK Sillamäe Kalev 3:1 (1:1)
Tallinna FC Flora - JK Sillamäe Kalev 3:1 (1:1)
45+1. Nikita Baranov, 84. ov. Igor Tšeminava, 90. Joonas Tamm - 34. Igor Tšeminava
Hoiatused: 53. Kõrõlo Silitš - 60. Igor Dudarev
Mänguolud: +19, päikesepaisteline ilm; muruväljak väga heas seisukorras.
Pealtvaatajaid: 439
Peakohtunik: Kristo Tohver
Abikohtunikud: Aron Härsing, Lauri Salei
Neljas kohtunik: Toomas Nõmmiste
Lisakohtunikud: Veiko Mõt
M. N. Rosenbluth: Status [1991] of Laser Thermonuclear Fusion Research. X-Ray Photography
The HISTORY of PHYSICS Series. Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, Stefan University.
M. N. Rosenbluth: Status [1991] of Laser Thermonuclear Fusion Research; HIGH SPEED X-RAY PHOTOGRAPHY
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1991), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide.La Valencia Hotel, La Jolla, California 92037.
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth, (192
PHYSICS of the ENERGY SOURCES: Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion; M. N. Rosenbluth
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1998), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide. Stefan Frontier Conferences (Fron...
Cherenkov radiation
Cherenkov radiation, also known as Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation, (also spelled Čerenkov or Cerenkov) is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity of light in that medium. The characteristic blue glow of an underwater nuclear reactor is due to Cherenkov radiation. It is named after Sov
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 79m48 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Walter Ciofani 74m88 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the websit...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 78m18 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 80m18 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Juri Tamm 80m84 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website htt...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 80m00
For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website http://www.athlete.org.uk
01 SEP 1987
1 Sergey LITVINOV URS 83.06 CR
2 Jüri TAMM URS 80.84
3 Ralf HABER GDR 80.76
4 Christoph SAHNER FRG 80.58
5 Igor NIKULIN URS 80.18
6 Heinz WEIS FRG 80.18
Tokamak - Video Learning - WizScience.com
A "tokamak " is a device using a magnetic field to confine a plasma in the shape of a torus. Achieving a stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines that move around the torus in a helical shape. Such a helical field can be generated by adding a toroidal field and a poloidal field . In a tokamak, the toroidal field is produced by electromagnets that surround the torus, and the pol
Obama awards $2B for solar power
President Barack Obama, under pressure to spur job growth, said on Saturday two solar energy companies will get nearly $2 billion in U.S. loan guarantees to ...
Premium liiga ilusaim värav 2015 - Raido Roman
EJL ja Postimees koostöös läbi viidud Premium aasta värava hääletuse võitis Viljandi JK Tuleviku poolkaitsja Raido Roman.
Kokku osales lõpphääletusel 1806 inimest.
1. Raido Roman (Viljandi Tulevik) - 868 häält (48,1%)
2. Igor Dudarev (Sillamäe Kalev) - 396 häält (21,9%)
3. Taavi Laurits (Pärnu Linnameeskond) - 157 häält (8,7%)
4. Kristjan Tiirik (Tartu Tammeka) - 147 häält (8,1%)
5. Vjatšesla
Evald Tipneri karikavõistluste 1/8 finaal: Tallinna FC Flora - JK Retro 17:0 (8:0)
Tallinna FC Flora - JK Retro 17:0 (8:0)
5., 55. Herol Riiberg, 13., 30., 45., 68. Joonas Tamm, 19., 32., 60. Rauno Alliku, 34., 37. Joseph Saliste, 53. Andre Frolov, 65. Janar Õunap, 67. German Šlein, 74., 80. Maksim Gussev, 75. Jan Kokla
Hoiatused: -
Mänguolud: +5, pilves ilm; muruväljak väga heas seisukorras.
Pealtvaatajaid: 186
Peakohtunik: Dmitri Kirilov
Abikohtunikud: Rein Väin, Karolin Kaiv
Oled Salliv?! sotsiaalreklaam Erik
"Erik" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autorid: Igor Pozdnjakov, K...
Oled Salliv?! sotsiaalreklaam Kohus
"Kohus" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autor: Karina Tamm Töötoas...
Oled Salliv?! sotsiaalreklaam Kaubanduskeskus
"Kaubanduskeskus" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autor: Tallinna ...
XXIII voor 2015: Tartu JK Tammeka - Tallinna FC Levadia 1:6 (1:2)
Tartu JK Tammeka - Tallinna FC Levadia 1:6 (1:2)
30. Kristjan Tiirik - 10. Ingemar Teever, 17., 81. Omar El Hussieny, 49., 64. Igor Subbotin, 55. Tarmo Kink
Hoiatused: 36. Rasmus Tauts - 81. Hindrek Ojamaa
Mänguolud: +22, vahelduv pilvisus; muruväljak väga heas seisukorras.
Pealtvaatajaid: 370
Peakohtunik: Elar Tarkus
Abikohtunikud: Neeme Neemlaid, Riivo Stolts
Neljas kohtunik: Danel Udu
15. augu
Soviet Physicists' Win Nobel Prize (1958)
Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Russia (aka USSR). Exact location unknown. Various shots inside the laboratory of accelerators and photonuclea......
Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Russia (aka USSR). Exact location unknown. Various shots inside the laboratory of accelerators and photonuclea...
wn.com/Soviet Physicists' Win Nobel Prize (1958)
Physical Institute of the Academy of Sciences, Russia (aka USSR). Exact location unknown. Various shots inside the laboratory of accelerators and photonuclea...
How to Pronounce Igor E Tamm
Expand your vocabulary and learn how to say new words:
Expand your vocabulary and learn how to say new words:
wn.com/How To Pronounce Igor E Tamm
Expand your vocabulary and learn how to say new words:
- published: 05 Aug 2015
- views: 2
Igor ja Oleg - Intervjuu sissepressija Raivu Tamm'iga 20.05.2011
Raadio 2: http://r2.err.ee/saated?saade=51 Semulas: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Igor-ja-Oleg-Silmad-Lahti-RRaadio2/145090472203946 - uploaded via http://ww......
Raadio 2: http://r2.err.ee/saated?saade=51 Semulas: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Igor-ja-Oleg-Silmad-Lahti-RRaadio2/145090472203946 - uploaded via http://ww...
wn.com/Igor Ja Oleg Intervjuu Sissepressija Raivu Tamm'Iga 20.05.2011
Raadio 2: http://r2.err.ee/saated?saade=51 Semulas: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Igor-ja-Oleg-Silmad-Lahti-RRaadio2/145090472203946 - uploaded via http://ww...
- published: 20 May 2011
- views: 1139
author: vonnekurt
PL TV: Vali Premium liiga aasta värav
A. Le Coq Premium liiga 2015 aasta ilusaima värava kandidaadid on:
A - Taavi Laurits (Pärnu Linnameeskond)
B - Joonas Tamm (Viljandi JK Tulevik)
C - Kristjan ...
A. Le Coq Premium liiga 2015 aasta ilusaima värava kandidaadid on:
A - Taavi Laurits (Pärnu Linnameeskond)
B - Joonas Tamm (Viljandi JK Tulevik)
C - Kristjan Tiirik (Tartu JK Tammeka)
D - Ingemar Teever (Tallinna FC Levadia)
E - Igor Dudarev (JK Sillamäe Kalev)
F - Reginald Mbu Alidor (Nõmme Kalju FC)
G - Vlasiy Sinyavskiy (JK Narva Trans)
H - Kevin Rääbis (Tartu JK Tammeka)
I - Raido Roman (Viljandi JK Tulevik)
J - Vjatšeslav Zahovaiko (Paide Linnameeskond)
Hääletada saad minnes Postimehe spordilehele: sport.postimees.ee
Silent Partner "Loophole fragment"
Videod: ERR, Mind Media,
wn.com/Pl Tv Vali Premium Liiga Aasta Värav
A. Le Coq Premium liiga 2015 aasta ilusaima värava kandidaadid on:
A - Taavi Laurits (Pärnu Linnameeskond)
B - Joonas Tamm (Viljandi JK Tulevik)
C - Kristjan Tiirik (Tartu JK Tammeka)
D - Ingemar Teever (Tallinna FC Levadia)
E - Igor Dudarev (JK Sillamäe Kalev)
F - Reginald Mbu Alidor (Nõmme Kalju FC)
G - Vlasiy Sinyavskiy (JK Narva Trans)
H - Kevin Rääbis (Tartu JK Tammeka)
I - Raido Roman (Viljandi JK Tulevik)
J - Vjatšeslav Zahovaiko (Paide Linnameeskond)
Hääletada saad minnes Postimehe spordilehele: sport.postimees.ee
Silent Partner "Loophole fragment"
Videod: ERR, Mind Media,
- published: 16 Nov 2015
- views: 845
PHYSICS of the ENERGY SOURCES Series: Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1998), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide. Stefan Frontier Conferences (Fron......
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1998), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide. Stefan Frontier Conferences (Fron...
wn.com/Physics Of The Energy Sources Series Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1998), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide. Stefan Frontier Conferences (Fron...
XXVIII voor 2015: Tallinna FC Flora - JK Sillamäe Kalev 3:1 (1:1)
Tallinna FC Flora - JK Sillamäe Kalev 3:1 (1:1)
45+1. Nikita Baranov, 84. ov. Igor Tšeminava, 90. Joonas Tamm - 34. Igor Tšeminava
Hoiatused: 53. Kõrõlo Silit...
Tallinna FC Flora - JK Sillamäe Kalev 3:1 (1:1)
45+1. Nikita Baranov, 84. ov. Igor Tšeminava, 90. Joonas Tamm - 34. Igor Tšeminava
Hoiatused: 53. Kõrõlo Silitš - 60. Igor Dudarev
Mänguolud: +19, päikesepaisteline ilm; muruväljak väga heas seisukorras.
Pealtvaatajaid: 439
Peakohtunik: Kristo Tohver
Abikohtunikud: Aron Härsing, Lauri Salei
Neljas kohtunik: Toomas Nõmmiste
Lisakohtunikud: Veiko Mõtsnik, Denis Petrov
12. septembril kell 16.30 Lilleküla staadionil
Flora: Mait Toom, Markus Jürgenson, Gert Kams, Nikita Baranov, Madis Vihmann, Mihkel Ainsalu, German Šlein (46. Brent Lepistu), Rauno Sappinen (60. Maksim Gussev), Zakaria Beglarišvili, Albert Prosa, Joseph Saliste (82. Joonas Tamm).
Varus: Magnus Karofeld, Joonas Tamm, Maksim Gussev, Jan Kokla, Brent Lepistu, Janar Õunap, Kevin Aloe.
Sillamäe: Artjom Levizi, Andrei Sidorenkov, Deniss Tjapkin, Igor Tšeminava, Kirill Novikov, Kõrõlo Silitš (79. Janar Toomet), Igor Dudarev, Denis Vnukov, Aleksandr Volkov, Aleksandr Ivanjušin, Jaroslav Kvassov.
Varus: Eduard Usikov, Aleksei Tšerkassov, Giorgio Russo, Daniil Ratnikov, Janar Toomet.
Video: ERR
wn.com/Xxviii Voor 2015 Tallinna Fc Flora Jk Sillamäe Kalev 3 1 (1 1)
Tallinna FC Flora - JK Sillamäe Kalev 3:1 (1:1)
45+1. Nikita Baranov, 84. ov. Igor Tšeminava, 90. Joonas Tamm - 34. Igor Tšeminava
Hoiatused: 53. Kõrõlo Silitš - 60. Igor Dudarev
Mänguolud: +19, päikesepaisteline ilm; muruväljak väga heas seisukorras.
Pealtvaatajaid: 439
Peakohtunik: Kristo Tohver
Abikohtunikud: Aron Härsing, Lauri Salei
Neljas kohtunik: Toomas Nõmmiste
Lisakohtunikud: Veiko Mõtsnik, Denis Petrov
12. septembril kell 16.30 Lilleküla staadionil
Flora: Mait Toom, Markus Jürgenson, Gert Kams, Nikita Baranov, Madis Vihmann, Mihkel Ainsalu, German Šlein (46. Brent Lepistu), Rauno Sappinen (60. Maksim Gussev), Zakaria Beglarišvili, Albert Prosa, Joseph Saliste (82. Joonas Tamm).
Varus: Magnus Karofeld, Joonas Tamm, Maksim Gussev, Jan Kokla, Brent Lepistu, Janar Õunap, Kevin Aloe.
Sillamäe: Artjom Levizi, Andrei Sidorenkov, Deniss Tjapkin, Igor Tšeminava, Kirill Novikov, Kõrõlo Silitš (79. Janar Toomet), Igor Dudarev, Denis Vnukov, Aleksandr Volkov, Aleksandr Ivanjušin, Jaroslav Kvassov.
Varus: Eduard Usikov, Aleksei Tšerkassov, Giorgio Russo, Daniil Ratnikov, Janar Toomet.
Video: ERR
- published: 13 Sep 2015
- views: 87
M. N. Rosenbluth: Status [1991] of Laser Thermonuclear Fusion Research. X-Ray Photography
The HISTORY of PHYSICS Series. Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, Stefan University.
M. N. Rosenbluth: Status [1991] of Laser Thermonuclear Fusion Resear...
The HISTORY of PHYSICS Series. Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, Stefan University.
M. N. Rosenbluth: Status [1991] of Laser Thermonuclear Fusion Research; HIGH SPEED X-RAY PHOTOGRAPHY
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1991), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide.La Valencia Hotel, La Jolla, California 92037.
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth, (1927--2003), was one of the ultimate authorities in plasma physics and thermonuclear fusion research, often indicated by the sobriquet the "Pope of Plasma Physics." His theoretical contributions have been central to the development of controlled thermonuclear fusion. In the 1950s, his pioneering work in plasma instabilities, together with the pioneering works of Andrei Sakharov, Igor Tamm, Lyman Spitzer, Jr., and Lev A. Artsimovich and others, led to the design of the TOKAMAK, the principal configuration used in contemporary magnetic fusion research, such as ITER--International Tokamak Experimental Reactor.
In addition to his research achievements, Rosenbluth has made significant administrative contributions as science advisor in the field of energy policy and national defense. He is the founder of the Institute for Fusion Studies at Austin, Texas, and was its first director for many years. He was the recipient of the E.O. Lawrence Memorial Award (1964), the Albert Einstein Award (1967), the James Clerk Maxwell Prize in Plasma Physics (1976), and the Enrico Fermi Award (1967). M. N. Rosenbluth was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, a Professor Emeritus of the University of California, San Diego, and a Senior Scientist at General Atomics, San Diego.
M. N. Rosenbluth, (Editor-in-Chief), New Ideas in Tokamak Confinement, (American Institute of Physics Press, New York, 1994); Research Trends in Physics Series, Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, Stefan University.
wn.com/M. N. Rosenbluth Status 1991 Of Laser Thermonuclear Fusion Research. X Ray Photography
The HISTORY of PHYSICS Series. Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, Stefan University.
M. N. Rosenbluth: Status [1991] of Laser Thermonuclear Fusion Research; HIGH SPEED X-RAY PHOTOGRAPHY
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1991), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide.La Valencia Hotel, La Jolla, California 92037.
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth, (1927--2003), was one of the ultimate authorities in plasma physics and thermonuclear fusion research, often indicated by the sobriquet the "Pope of Plasma Physics." His theoretical contributions have been central to the development of controlled thermonuclear fusion. In the 1950s, his pioneering work in plasma instabilities, together with the pioneering works of Andrei Sakharov, Igor Tamm, Lyman Spitzer, Jr., and Lev A. Artsimovich and others, led to the design of the TOKAMAK, the principal configuration used in contemporary magnetic fusion research, such as ITER--International Tokamak Experimental Reactor.
In addition to his research achievements, Rosenbluth has made significant administrative contributions as science advisor in the field of energy policy and national defense. He is the founder of the Institute for Fusion Studies at Austin, Texas, and was its first director for many years. He was the recipient of the E.O. Lawrence Memorial Award (1964), the Albert Einstein Award (1967), the James Clerk Maxwell Prize in Plasma Physics (1976), and the Enrico Fermi Award (1967). M. N. Rosenbluth was a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, a Professor Emeritus of the University of California, San Diego, and a Senior Scientist at General Atomics, San Diego.
M. N. Rosenbluth, (Editor-in-Chief), New Ideas in Tokamak Confinement, (American Institute of Physics Press, New York, 1994); Research Trends in Physics Series, Institute for Advanced Physics Studies, Stefan University.
- published: 02 Feb 2015
- views: 4
PHYSICS of the ENERGY SOURCES: Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion; M. N. Rosenbluth
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1998), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide. Stefan Frontier Conferences (Fron......
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1998), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide. Stefan Frontier Conferences (Fron...
wn.com/Physics Of The Energy Sources Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion M. N. Rosenbluth
Marshall Nicholas Rosenbluth addresses the present status, (1998), in Laser Driven Thermonuclear Fusion research worldwide. Stefan Frontier Conferences (Fron...
Cherenkov radiation
Cherenkov radiation, also known as Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation, (also spelled Čerenkov or Cerenkov) is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle...
Cherenkov radiation, also known as Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation, (also spelled Čerenkov or Cerenkov) is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity of light in that medium. The characteristic blue glow of an underwater nuclear reactor is due to Cherenkov radiation. It is named after Soviet scientist Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, the 1958 Nobel Prize winner who was the first to detect it experimentally. A theory of this effect was later developed within the framework of Einstein's special relativity theory by Igor Tamm and Ilya Frank, who also shared the Nobel Prize. Cherenkov radiation had been theoretically predicted by the English polymath Oliver Heaviside in papers published in 1888–1889.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
wn.com/Cherenkov Radiation
Cherenkov radiation, also known as Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation, (also spelled Čerenkov or Cerenkov) is electromagnetic radiation emitted when a charged particle (such as an electron) passes through a dielectric medium at a speed greater than the phase velocity of light in that medium. The characteristic blue glow of an underwater nuclear reactor is due to Cherenkov radiation. It is named after Soviet scientist Pavel Alekseyevich Cherenkov, the 1958 Nobel Prize winner who was the first to detect it experimentally. A theory of this effect was later developed within the framework of Einstein's special relativity theory by Igor Tamm and Ilya Frank, who also shared the Nobel Prize. Cherenkov radiation had been theoretically predicted by the English polymath Oliver Heaviside in papers published in 1888–1889.
This video is targeted to blind users.
Article text available under CC-BY-SA
Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 05 Oct 2014
- views: 3
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 79m48 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ......
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 79m48 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 79m48 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ...
- published: 11 Aug 2014
- views: 25
author: Basil Sage
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Walter Ciofani 74m88 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the websit......
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Walter Ciofani 74m88 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the websit...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Walter Ciofani 74m88 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the websit...
- published: 12 Aug 2014
- views: 164
author: Basil Sage
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 78m18 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ......
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 78m18 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 78m18 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ...
- published: 13 Aug 2014
- views: 23
author: Basil Sage
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 80m18 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ......
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 80m18 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 80m18 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website ...
- published: 13 Aug 2014
- views: 12
author: Basil Sage
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Juri Tamm 80m84 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website htt......
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Juri Tamm 80m84 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website htt...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Juri Tamm 80m84 For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website htt...
- published: 14 Aug 2014
- views: 29
author: Basil Sage
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 80m00
For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website htt...
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 80m00
For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website http://www.athlete.org.uk
01 SEP 1987
1 Sergey LITVINOV URS 83.06 CR
2 Jüri TAMM URS 80.84
3 Ralf HABER GDR 80.76
4 Christoph SAHNER FRG 80.58
5 Igor NIKULIN URS 80.18
6 Heinz WEIS FRG 80.18
7 Tibor GÉCSEK HUN 77.56
8 Plamen MINEV BUL 77.06
9 Günther RODEHAU GDR 76.18
10 Ivan TANEV BUL 76.00
11 Walter CIOFANI FRA 75.34
12 Harri HUHTALA FIN 74.98
1987 World - Rome Hammer Throw Men Igor Nikulin 80m00
For further videos, a modern history of track & field, sort, filter and search options see the website http://www.athlete.org.uk
01 SEP 1987
1 Sergey LITVINOV URS 83.06 CR
2 Jüri TAMM URS 80.84
3 Ralf HABER GDR 80.76
4 Christoph SAHNER FRG 80.58
5 Igor NIKULIN URS 80.18
6 Heinz WEIS FRG 80.18
7 Tibor GÉCSEK HUN 77.56
8 Plamen MINEV BUL 77.06
9 Günther RODEHAU GDR 76.18
10 Ivan TANEV BUL 76.00
11 Walter CIOFANI FRA 75.34
12 Harri HUHTALA FIN 74.98
- published: 19 Aug 2014
- views: 16
Tokamak - Video Learning - WizScience.com
A "tokamak " is a device using a magnetic field to confine a plasma in the shape of a torus. Achieving a stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lin...
A "tokamak " is a device using a magnetic field to confine a plasma in the shape of a torus. Achieving a stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines that move around the torus in a helical shape. Such a helical field can be generated by adding a toroidal field and a poloidal field . In a tokamak, the toroidal field is produced by electromagnets that surround the torus, and the poloidal field is the result of a toroidal electric current that flows inside the plasma. This current is induced inside the plasma with a second set of electromagnets.
The tokamak is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices, and is one of the most-researched candidates for producing controlled thermonuclear fusion power. Magnetic fields are used for confinement since no solid material could withstand the extremely high temperature of the plasma. An alternative to the tokamak is the stellarator.
Tokamaks were invented in the 1950s by Soviet physicists Igor Tamm and Andrei Sakharov, inspired by an original idea of Oleg Lavrentiev.
The word "tokamak" is a transliteration of the Russian word "токамак", an acronym of either:
Although nuclear fusion research began soon after World War II, the programs in various countries were each initially classified as secret. It was not until after the 1955 United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Geneva that programs were declassified and international scientific collaboration could take place.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokamak, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokamak, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
wn.com/Tokamak Video Learning Wizscience.Com
A "tokamak " is a device using a magnetic field to confine a plasma in the shape of a torus. Achieving a stable plasma equilibrium requires magnetic field lines that move around the torus in a helical shape. Such a helical field can be generated by adding a toroidal field and a poloidal field . In a tokamak, the toroidal field is produced by electromagnets that surround the torus, and the poloidal field is the result of a toroidal electric current that flows inside the plasma. This current is induced inside the plasma with a second set of electromagnets.
The tokamak is one of several types of magnetic confinement devices, and is one of the most-researched candidates for producing controlled thermonuclear fusion power. Magnetic fields are used for confinement since no solid material could withstand the extremely high temperature of the plasma. An alternative to the tokamak is the stellarator.
Tokamaks were invented in the 1950s by Soviet physicists Igor Tamm and Andrei Sakharov, inspired by an original idea of Oleg Lavrentiev.
The word "tokamak" is a transliteration of the Russian word "токамак", an acronym of either:
Although nuclear fusion research began soon after World War II, the programs in various countries were each initially classified as secret. It was not until after the 1955 United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy in Geneva that programs were declassified and international scientific collaboration could take place.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokamak, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
Wiz Science™ is "the" learning channel for children and all ages.
Disclaimer: This video is for your information only. The author or publisher does not guarantee the accuracy of the content presented in this video. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
Background Music:
"The Place Inside" by Silent Partner (royalty-free) from YouTube Audio Library.
This video uses material/images from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tokamak, which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . This video is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/ . To reuse/adapt the content in your own work, you must comply with the license terms.
- published: 10 Sep 2015
- views: 0
Obama awards $2B for solar power
President Barack Obama, under pressure to spur job growth, said on Saturday two solar energy companies will get nearly $2 billion in U.S. loan guarantees to ......
President Barack Obama, under pressure to spur job growth, said on Saturday two solar energy companies will get nearly $2 billion in U.S. loan guarantees to ...
wn.com/Obama Awards 2B For Solar Power
President Barack Obama, under pressure to spur job growth, said on Saturday two solar energy companies will get nearly $2 billion in U.S. loan guarantees to ...
- published: 07 Mar 2012
- views: 2600
author: PappyStu
Premium liiga ilusaim värav 2015 - Raido Roman
EJL ja Postimees koostöös läbi viidud Premium aasta värava hääletuse võitis Viljandi JK Tuleviku poolkaitsja Raido Roman.
Kokku osales lõpphääletusel 1806 in...
EJL ja Postimees koostöös läbi viidud Premium aasta värava hääletuse võitis Viljandi JK Tuleviku poolkaitsja Raido Roman.
Kokku osales lõpphääletusel 1806 inimest.
1. Raido Roman (Viljandi Tulevik) - 868 häält (48,1%)
2. Igor Dudarev (Sillamäe Kalev) - 396 häält (21,9%)
3. Taavi Laurits (Pärnu Linnameeskond) - 157 häält (8,7%)
4. Kristjan Tiirik (Tartu Tammeka) - 147 häält (8,1%)
5. Vjatšeslav Zahovaiko (Paide Linnameeskond) - 49 häält (2,7%)
6. Kevin Rääbis (Tartu Tammeka) - 46 häält (2,5%)
7. Reginald Mbu Alidor (Nõmme Kalju) - 43 häält (2,4%)
8. Ingemar Teever (Levadia) - 39 häält (2,2%)
9. Vlasii Sinjavskii (Narva Trans) - 31 häält (1,7%)
10. Joonas Tamm (Viljandi Tulevik) - 30 häält (1,7%)
wn.com/Premium Liiga Ilusaim Värav 2015 Raido Roman
EJL ja Postimees koostöös läbi viidud Premium aasta värava hääletuse võitis Viljandi JK Tuleviku poolkaitsja Raido Roman.
Kokku osales lõpphääletusel 1806 inimest.
1. Raido Roman (Viljandi Tulevik) - 868 häält (48,1%)
2. Igor Dudarev (Sillamäe Kalev) - 396 häält (21,9%)
3. Taavi Laurits (Pärnu Linnameeskond) - 157 häält (8,7%)
4. Kristjan Tiirik (Tartu Tammeka) - 147 häält (8,1%)
5. Vjatšeslav Zahovaiko (Paide Linnameeskond) - 49 häält (2,7%)
6. Kevin Rääbis (Tartu Tammeka) - 46 häält (2,5%)
7. Reginald Mbu Alidor (Nõmme Kalju) - 43 häält (2,4%)
8. Ingemar Teever (Levadia) - 39 häält (2,2%)
9. Vlasii Sinjavskii (Narva Trans) - 31 häält (1,7%)
10. Joonas Tamm (Viljandi Tulevik) - 30 häält (1,7%)
- published: 23 Nov 2015
- views: 2218
Evald Tipneri karikavõistluste 1/8 finaal: Tallinna FC Flora - JK Retro 17:0 (8:0)
Tallinna FC Flora - JK Retro 17:0 (8:0)
5., 55. Herol Riiberg, 13., 30., 45., 68. Joonas Tamm, 19., 32., 60. Rauno Alliku, 34., 37. Joseph Saliste, 53. Andre Fr...
Tallinna FC Flora - JK Retro 17:0 (8:0)
5., 55. Herol Riiberg, 13., 30., 45., 68. Joonas Tamm, 19., 32., 60. Rauno Alliku, 34., 37. Joseph Saliste, 53. Andre Frolov, 65. Janar Õunap, 67. German Šlein, 74., 80. Maksim Gussev, 75. Jan Kokla
Hoiatused: -
Mänguolud: +5, pilves ilm; muruväljak väga heas seisukorras.
Pealtvaatajaid: 186
Peakohtunik: Dmitri Kirilov
Abikohtunikud: Rein Väin, Karolin Kaivoja
Neljas kohtunik: Jagnar Jakobson
20.10. kell 19.00 A. Le Coq Arenal
Flora: Richard Aland, Markus Jürgenson, Janar Õunap, Nikita Baranov, Kevin Aloe, Jan Kokla, Herol Riiberg, Rauno Alliku (68. Zakaria Beglarišvili), Joonas Tamm, Andre Frolov (56. German Šlein), Joseph Saliste (56. Maksim Gussev).
Varus: Magnus Karofeld, Gert Kams, Zakaria Beglarišvili, Rauno Sappinen, German Šlein, Maksim Gussev, Madis Vihmann.
Retro: Toomas Tohver, Priit Murumets, Raido Raudnagel, Indrek Rist, Dmitri Skiperski (46. Lars Hopp), Marko Arge (46. Aivar Priidel), Gerol Silkin, Igor Prins, Arvo Kraam, Tarmo Rüütli, Pavel Hodossov (39. Marko Lepik).
Varus: Lars Hopp, Aivar Priidel, Marko Lepik, Kaarel Värton.
wn.com/Evald Tipneri Karikavõistluste 1 8 Finaal Tallinna Fc Flora Jk Retro 17 0 (8 0)
Tallinna FC Flora - JK Retro 17:0 (8:0)
5., 55. Herol Riiberg, 13., 30., 45., 68. Joonas Tamm, 19., 32., 60. Rauno Alliku, 34., 37. Joseph Saliste, 53. Andre Frolov, 65. Janar Õunap, 67. German Šlein, 74., 80. Maksim Gussev, 75. Jan Kokla
Hoiatused: -
Mänguolud: +5, pilves ilm; muruväljak väga heas seisukorras.
Pealtvaatajaid: 186
Peakohtunik: Dmitri Kirilov
Abikohtunikud: Rein Väin, Karolin Kaivoja
Neljas kohtunik: Jagnar Jakobson
20.10. kell 19.00 A. Le Coq Arenal
Flora: Richard Aland, Markus Jürgenson, Janar Õunap, Nikita Baranov, Kevin Aloe, Jan Kokla, Herol Riiberg, Rauno Alliku (68. Zakaria Beglarišvili), Joonas Tamm, Andre Frolov (56. German Šlein), Joseph Saliste (56. Maksim Gussev).
Varus: Magnus Karofeld, Gert Kams, Zakaria Beglarišvili, Rauno Sappinen, German Šlein, Maksim Gussev, Madis Vihmann.
Retro: Toomas Tohver, Priit Murumets, Raido Raudnagel, Indrek Rist, Dmitri Skiperski (46. Lars Hopp), Marko Arge (46. Aivar Priidel), Gerol Silkin, Igor Prins, Arvo Kraam, Tarmo Rüütli, Pavel Hodossov (39. Marko Lepik).
Varus: Lars Hopp, Aivar Priidel, Marko Lepik, Kaarel Värton.
- published: 21 Oct 2015
- views: 3443
Oled Salliv?! sotsiaalreklaam Erik
"Erik" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autorid: Igor Pozdnjakov, K......
"Erik" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autorid: Igor Pozdnjakov, K...
wn.com/Oled Salliv Sotsiaalreklaam Erik
"Erik" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autorid: Igor Pozdnjakov, K...
- published: 18 May 2010
- views: 395
author: siisiable
Oled Salliv?! sotsiaalreklaam Kohus
"Kohus" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autor: Karina Tamm Töötoas......
"Kohus" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autor: Karina Tamm Töötoas...
wn.com/Oled Salliv Sotsiaalreklaam Kohus
"Kohus" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autor: Karina Tamm Töötoas...
- published: 18 May 2010
- views: 709
author: siisiable
Oled Salliv?! sotsiaalreklaam Kaubanduskeskus
"Kaubanduskeskus" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autor: Tallinna ......
"Kaubanduskeskus" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autor: Tallinna ...
wn.com/Oled Salliv Sotsiaalreklaam Kaubanduskeskus
"Kaubanduskeskus" on üks viiest sotsiaalreklaamist, mis valmis 15.-16. mail 2010. a-l Tartus "OLE(D) SALLIV?!" konkursi raames. Stsenaariumi autor: Tallinna ...
- published: 18 May 2010
- views: 795
author: siisiable
XXIII voor 2015: Tartu JK Tammeka - Tallinna FC Levadia 1:6 (1:2)
Tartu JK Tammeka - Tallinna FC Levadia 1:6 (1:2)
30. Kristjan Tiirik - 10. Ingemar Teever, 17., 81. Omar El Hussieny, 49., 64. Igor Subbotin, 55. Tarmo Kink
Tartu JK Tammeka - Tallinna FC Levadia 1:6 (1:2)
30. Kristjan Tiirik - 10. Ingemar Teever, 17., 81. Omar El Hussieny, 49., 64. Igor Subbotin, 55. Tarmo Kink
Hoiatused: 36. Rasmus Tauts - 81. Hindrek Ojamaa
Mänguolud: +22, vahelduv pilvisus; muruväljak väga heas seisukorras.
Pealtvaatajaid: 370
Peakohtunik: Elar Tarkus
Abikohtunikud: Neeme Neemlaid, Riivo Stolts
Neljas kohtunik: Danel Udu
15. augustil kell 16.30 Tartu Tamme staadionil (Kungla 1, Tartu)
Tammeka: Karli Kütt, Kristjan Tiirik, Kevin Rääbis, Reio Laabus (61. Martin Jõgi), Tauno Tekko, Andre Paju, Rasmus Tauts (46. Tamm), Jürgen Lorenz, Siim Tenno, Kevin Anderson (68. Saks), Martin Hurt.
Varus: Karl Johan Pechter, Martin Jõgi, Geir-Kristjan Suurpere, Heiko Tamm, Martin Naggel, Martin Miller, Janno Saks.
Levadia: Priit Pikker, Hindrek Ojamaa, Taavi Rähn, Artjom Artjunin, Dmitri Kruglov, Kaspar Mutso (59. Raudsepp), Omar El Hussieny, Tarmo Kink, Siim Luts (72. Peetson), Ingemar Teever (59. Saag), Igor Subbotin.
Varus: Sergei Pareiko, Artur Pikk, Juuso Laitinen, Andreas Raudsepp, Pavel Marin, Kaimar Saag, Rasmus Peetson.
Video: ERR
wn.com/Xxiii Voor 2015 Tartu Jk Tammeka Tallinna Fc Levadia 1 6 (1 2)
Tartu JK Tammeka - Tallinna FC Levadia 1:6 (1:2)
30. Kristjan Tiirik - 10. Ingemar Teever, 17., 81. Omar El Hussieny, 49., 64. Igor Subbotin, 55. Tarmo Kink
Hoiatused: 36. Rasmus Tauts - 81. Hindrek Ojamaa
Mänguolud: +22, vahelduv pilvisus; muruväljak väga heas seisukorras.
Pealtvaatajaid: 370
Peakohtunik: Elar Tarkus
Abikohtunikud: Neeme Neemlaid, Riivo Stolts
Neljas kohtunik: Danel Udu
15. augustil kell 16.30 Tartu Tamme staadionil (Kungla 1, Tartu)
Tammeka: Karli Kütt, Kristjan Tiirik, Kevin Rääbis, Reio Laabus (61. Martin Jõgi), Tauno Tekko, Andre Paju, Rasmus Tauts (46. Tamm), Jürgen Lorenz, Siim Tenno, Kevin Anderson (68. Saks), Martin Hurt.
Varus: Karl Johan Pechter, Martin Jõgi, Geir-Kristjan Suurpere, Heiko Tamm, Martin Naggel, Martin Miller, Janno Saks.
Levadia: Priit Pikker, Hindrek Ojamaa, Taavi Rähn, Artjom Artjunin, Dmitri Kruglov, Kaspar Mutso (59. Raudsepp), Omar El Hussieny, Tarmo Kink, Siim Luts (72. Peetson), Ingemar Teever (59. Saag), Igor Subbotin.
Varus: Sergei Pareiko, Artur Pikk, Juuso Laitinen, Andreas Raudsepp, Pavel Marin, Kaimar Saag, Rasmus Peetson.
Video: ERR
- published: 16 Aug 2015
- views: 610
MC Japa - Chama Lá o Igor , Igo Igo Igo - Musica Nova 2014 - ( Produzida )
Download Baixe a Musica : http://goo.gl/OX99Vw • Me Siga No Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DjZooiProds • Compartilhe com seus amigos : http://goo.gl/4...
Igor Yurgens about Russia´s position towards Georgia and Ukraine.wmv
Interview with Igor Yurgens, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Development and a aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,made at international secu...
Igor Yurgens about how Russia should be modernised.wmv
Interview with Igor Yurgens, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Development and a aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,made at international secu...
Paul Crouch hosts with Matt Crouch and Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011
Paul Crouch hosts with Matt Crouch and Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011
Mr Paul Crouch Sr. was born to Assemblies of God missionaries in St. Joseph, Mo., March 30, 1934. And he passed into the presence of the Lord on November 30, 2013. We are grateful for the life of this amazing servant of God."
Paul F. Crouch, co-founder of the Trinity Broadcasting Network, died Saturday at age 79, according to his we
Igor Yurgens comparing administration of President Putin and president Medvedev.wmv
Interview with Igor Yurgens, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Development and a aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,made at international secu...
Igor ja Oleg: intekas Katja Sambuca 12.12.14
keiss: http://www.postimees.ee/3017975/vene-erootikataht-tahab-haapsalu-promenaadile-oma-skulptuuri
hammer throw
Juri Tamm, Yuri Sedych, Koji Murofushi, Ivan Tikhon, Juan Cerra, Yepsi Moreno, Lance Deal, Shaunov Yuriy, Olga Kusenkova, Tatiana Lysenko, Sergei Litvinov, I...
Occupy Wall Street (Ocupado Occupé)
Credits Occupy Wall Street (Ocupado Occupé) © 2011 Eric Tamm ASCAP, Mark Kuroczko & David Fenton The Phrase "Ocupado Occupé" Mark Kuroczko Dharma Bumming & M...
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R2 saate "Hallo, Kosmos!" sünnipäev - 13.06.2013 kinos Sõprus http://hallokosmos.ee Esinevad: R2 peatoimetaja HENRY KÕRVITS Kosmoseteadlane ja satelliidimeis...
Jean- Francois Bureau about France´s reintegration to NATO.wmv
Interview with Jean- Francois Bureau, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, made at international security "New Challenges- Better Capabilit...
Jean Francois Bureau on NATO-EU cooperation.wmv
Interview with Jean- Francois Bureau, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, made at international security "New Challenges- Better Capabilit...
Intervjuu Ukrainas igavesel tulel mune ja viinereid teinud Zojaga:
igor ja oleg - uploaded via http://www.mp32u.net/
"Hallo, Kosmos!" sünnipäevasaate II OSA treiler.
Saatejuht: Ingrid Peek Assistent: Eeva-Liisa Vahtra Helitehnikud: Kaspar Karner / ERR; R2: Sirje Raud, Monika Tamm, Margus Müür Video: Reźissöör ja monteerij...
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1 . Samuel Pökälä ; 2 . Silver Schultz ; 3 . Siim Jalakas ; 4 . Ivo Suur ; 5 . Silver Mäoma ; 6 . Oliver Keller ; 7 . Kert Martma ; 8 . Anti Arumägi ; 9 . No...
2013-05-23 ABT 2
Bows for a scintillating performance of "Symphony in C"! Stella Abrera & Eric Tamm were great Polina Semionova & Marcelo Gomes were absolutely exquisite Nata...
2013-05-23 ABT 3
Curtain call for "Symphony in C" Stella Abrera & Eric Tamm; Polina Semionova & Marcelo Gomes; Natalia Osipova & Ivan Vasiliev; Simone Messmer & Jared Matthews.
Season Of Snow
Olemasolevatest klippidest kokku pandud kaadervärk. Martin Tamm Sakari Tali Rauno Komp Ermo Saarits Andres Raja Siim Kask Culture Shock - Bad Red.
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MC Japa - Chama Lá o Igor , Igo Igo Igo - Musica Nova 2014 - ( Produzida )
Download Baixe a Musica : http://goo.gl/OX99Vw • Me Siga No Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DjZooiProds • Compartilhe com seus amigos : http://goo.gl/4......
Download Baixe a Musica : http://goo.gl/OX99Vw • Me Siga No Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DjZooiProds • Compartilhe com seus amigos : http://goo.gl/4...
wn.com/Mc Japa Chama Lá O Igor , Igo Igo Igo Musica Nova 2014 ( Produzida )
Download Baixe a Musica : http://goo.gl/OX99Vw • Me Siga No Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/DjZooiProds • Compartilhe com seus amigos : http://goo.gl/4...
Igor Yurgens about Russia´s position towards Georgia and Ukraine.wmv
Interview with Igor Yurgens, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Development and a aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,made at international secu......
Interview with Igor Yurgens, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Development and a aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,made at international secu...
wn.com/Igor Yurgens About Russia´S Position Towards Georgia And Ukraine.Wmv
Interview with Igor Yurgens, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Development and a aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,made at international secu...
Igor Yurgens about how Russia should be modernised.wmv
Interview with Igor Yurgens, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Development and a aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,made at international secu......
Interview with Igor Yurgens, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Development and a aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,made at international secu...
wn.com/Igor Yurgens About How Russia Should Be Modernised.Wmv
Interview with Igor Yurgens, Director of the Institute of Contemporary Development and a aide to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev,made at international secu...
Paul Crouch hosts with Matt Crouch and Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011
Paul Crouch hosts with Matt Crouch and Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011
Mr Paul Crouch Sr. was born to Assemblies of God missionaries in St. Joseph, Mo., March 30, 19...
Paul Crouch hosts with Matt Crouch and Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011
Mr Paul Crouch Sr. was born to Assemblies of God missionaries in St. Joseph, Mo., March 30, 1934. And he passed into the presence of the Lord on November 30, 2013. We are grateful for the life of this amazing servant of God."
Paul F. Crouch, co-founder of the Trinity Broadcasting Network, died Saturday at age 79, according to his website and the network's Facebook page.
"We are grateful for the life of this amazing servant of God. Please pray for the Crouch family during this time," said the announcement.
No further details on the televangelist's death were immediately available.
On November 5, TBN said Crouch fell ill and was hospitalized in Texas in late October. He returned to California for treatment of "his heart and related health issues," a network spokesman said. Crouch received a pacemaker in 2012.
TBN, based in Orange County, California, bills itself as the most-watched faith channel in the United States.
Paul F. Crouch, a television evangelist who founded the Trinity Broadcasting Network with his wife and turned it into the world’s largest Christian television network, died on Saturday. He was 79.
His death was confirmed by the network, which said he had suffered from degenerative heart disease for a decade.
Mr. Crouch served as the face of Trinity Broadcasting, along with his wife, Janice, expanding it from one station in Southern California to thousands of stations across the world. He often appeared on camera, microphone in hand, quoting from the Bible and delivering his upbeat brand of Christianity.
Paul Crouch| 2013 | Paul Crouch sermons 2012| Paul Crouch 2011 sermons | Paul Crouchsermons | Paul Crouch| Paul Crouch 2012| Paul Crouchsongs | Paul Crouchministries | Paul Crouchdaily devotional |Paul Crouch miracles| Paul Crouchbroadcasts | Paul Crouch prayer line | Paul Crouch music |Paul Crouch battlefield of the mind | Paul Crouch power thoughts | Paul Crouch | Paul Crouch exposed | Paul Crouch marriage | Paul Crouch testimony,Paul Crouch hosts with Matt Crouch and Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011 ..
Subscribe for more https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAaCwNgS6BSU-T4itFnQNwQ
Enjoying Everyday Life 2015 Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlsK6C6P4H0z2Wn5phhadcZ8p_PkCtHbJ
Praise God for you - my friends who call in! Listen be blessed and encouraged and forward!
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Paul Crouch 2012
Paul Crouch 2013
Paul Crouch sermons,Paul Crouch full sermons,Paul Crouch,Paul Crouch 2015, paul crouch funeral die,paul crouch exposed,paul crouch funeral,paul crouch in hell,paul crouch jr leaves tbn,paul crouch death,paul crouch scandal,paul crouch died,paul crouch funeral video,paul crouch jr divorce,paul crouch jr,paul crouch last appearance,paul crouch funeral ceremony,tbn paul crouch death,paul and jan crouch divorce,paul and jan crouch exposed,paul crouch i am a little god,open mike paul crouch,death of paul crouch,paul crouch tbn,Paul Crouch hosts with Matt Crouch and Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011
Paul Crouch Sermon 2013
Paul Crouch Full Sermon 2012.
======================================== ================
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wn.com/Paul Crouch Hosts With Matt Crouch And Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011
Paul Crouch hosts with Matt Crouch and Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011
Mr Paul Crouch Sr. was born to Assemblies of God missionaries in St. Joseph, Mo., March 30, 1934. And he passed into the presence of the Lord on November 30, 2013. We are grateful for the life of this amazing servant of God."
Paul F. Crouch, co-founder of the Trinity Broadcasting Network, died Saturday at age 79, according to his website and the network's Facebook page.
"We are grateful for the life of this amazing servant of God. Please pray for the Crouch family during this time," said the announcement.
No further details on the televangelist's death were immediately available.
On November 5, TBN said Crouch fell ill and was hospitalized in Texas in late October. He returned to California for treatment of "his heart and related health issues," a network spokesman said. Crouch received a pacemaker in 2012.
TBN, based in Orange County, California, bills itself as the most-watched faith channel in the United States.
Paul F. Crouch, a television evangelist who founded the Trinity Broadcasting Network with his wife and turned it into the world’s largest Christian television network, died on Saturday. He was 79.
His death was confirmed by the network, which said he had suffered from degenerative heart disease for a decade.
Mr. Crouch served as the face of Trinity Broadcasting, along with his wife, Janice, expanding it from one station in Southern California to thousands of stations across the world. He often appeared on camera, microphone in hand, quoting from the Bible and delivering his upbeat brand of Christianity.
Paul Crouch| 2013 | Paul Crouch sermons 2012| Paul Crouch 2011 sermons | Paul Crouchsermons | Paul Crouch| Paul Crouch 2012| Paul Crouchsongs | Paul Crouchministries | Paul Crouchdaily devotional |Paul Crouch miracles| Paul Crouchbroadcasts | Paul Crouch prayer line | Paul Crouch music |Paul Crouch battlefield of the mind | Paul Crouch power thoughts | Paul Crouch | Paul Crouch exposed | Paul Crouch marriage | Paul Crouch testimony,Paul Crouch hosts with Matt Crouch and Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011 ..
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Paul Crouch 2012
Paul Crouch 2013
Paul Crouch sermons,Paul Crouch full sermons,Paul Crouch,Paul Crouch 2015, paul crouch funeral die,paul crouch exposed,paul crouch funeral,paul crouch in hell,paul crouch jr leaves tbn,paul crouch death,paul crouch scandal,paul crouch died,paul crouch funeral video,paul crouch jr divorce,paul crouch jr,paul crouch last appearance,paul crouch funeral ceremony,tbn paul crouch death,paul and jan crouch divorce,paul and jan crouch exposed,paul crouch i am a little god,open mike paul crouch,death of paul crouch,paul crouch tbn,Paul Crouch hosts with Matt Crouch and Igor Nikitin,Jul 19, 2011
Paul Crouch Sermon 2013
Paul Crouch Full Sermon 2012.
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