http://www.facebook.com/zdupy - Lajkuj Fanpage!
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Będąc kiedyś w Wolbromiu w hotelu przeczytałem w ulotce jaka jest największa atrakcja Wolbromia - Leżący 40 km obok Kraków.
Kłamali skurwysyny!
Kraków jest największym wysypiskiem śmieci w całej Polsce. jeżeli chcielibyście zwiedzić kiedyś to miasto to ten poradnik powie Wam jak szalony i chujow
Myslovitz & Marek Grechuta - Kraków
Very nice!
Kraków - film promocyjny
Film dokumentalny o Twierdzy Kraków. Realizacja: Julian Rachwał, zdjęcia: Krzysztof Stawowczyk, Sebastian Stawowczyk, montaż: Paweł Augustynek Halny, muzyka: Krzysztof Suchodolski, produkcja: Julian Rachwał
Film powstał w ramach Filmoteki Małopolskiej.
Setna rocznica wybuchu I wojny światowej w Krakowie ma swoją egzemplifikację w postaci zespołu umocnień, szczególnie potężnych fortów, które z mnie
Kraków nocą / Cracow by night
Michał Rec Studio
791 44 81 83
Kraków (Polska) z lotu ptaka DRONem
Kamera - DRON - Szymon Sitko Montaż - Maciej Kapuściński.
Magical Krakow - Magiczny Kraków
Kraków, also Cracow, or Krakow (English /ˈkrækaʊ/), is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River (Polish: Wisł...
Uliczny Kombajn - Kraków o Warszawie
Zobacz więcej! http://ULICZNYKOMBAJN.tosiewytnie.pl Mówi się, że Kraków nie lubi Warszawy. Dlaczego? By rozwikłać problem Kostek udał się miasta smoka wawels...
Subskrybuj, aby być na bieżąco: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanillee95
►KANAŁ NICOLE: https://www.youtube.com/user/nicoleheartsmakeup21
➩Blog: http://nikolettap.blogspot.co.uk
➩Instagram: http://instagram.com/daisylette
➩Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanillee95
➩Tumblr: http://daisylette.tumblr.co
Artur Szpilka o chuligańskim życiu i kibicach Wisły Kraków [3/6] [Sektor Gości odc. 5]
Zobacz więcej na http://SPORT.wp.tv W jakim stopniu chuligańskie życie ukształtowało charakter Artura Szpilki? Czy w Krakowie zdarzały mu się sytuacje, w których musiał uciekać przed wrogami, atakującymi go z nożami lub maczetami? Czy 25-latek żałuje, że grupy kibicowskie na Wiśle uznały go za persona non grata? Co dziś ma im do przekazania? Jak postrzega piłkę nożną i które mecze wzbudzają w nim
Visit Kraków | Travel Guide Video - Video Guía de Viajes de Cracovia
http://tokitan.tv An approximation to Kraków. Travel Guide Video. Video Guia de Viajes de Cracovia. Kraków / Cracow / Cracovia Polonia / Poland Travel / Viaj...
Kraków - Marek Grechuta i Myslovitz
Pamięci Marka Grechuty.
Wisła Kraków UEFA 2002/2003
Mecze Wisły Kraków w Pucharze UEFA w sezonie 2002/2003.
cz.1 MORD Kraków ul. Nowohucka trasa egzaminacyjna na prawo jazdy Koszykarska
trasy egzaminacyjne MORD Kraków ul. Nowohucka 33a, przykładowa trasa egzaminacyjna na prawo jazdy w Krakowie.
Kraków In Your Pocket - Kraków, Poland Highlights
Kraków In Your Pocket editor Garret Van Reed takes us on a grand tour of Kraków from the Train Station (Dworzec Główny) to Kazimierz via the Planty, through Floriańska Gate down ulica Floriańska to Rynek Główny, the main market square with the magnificent Cloth Hall (Sukiennice) and St. Marys Basilica (Bazylika Mariacka) and the famous Heynal. Then past Karol Wojtyła
Tramwaje Kraków linia 4
Trasa linii tramwajowej nr 4 Wzgórza Krzesławickie - Bronowice Małe w Krakowie filmowana z kabiny motorniczego. Film powstał dzięki pomocy Miejskiego Przedsi...
Flash Mob - Cracow Dance Connection 29.04.2011 - Kraków - CDC
Cracow Dance Connection http://www.cracowdanceconnection.com CDC - Dance Flash Mob - 29.04.2011 Galeria Krakowska, Kraków On the 29th of April 2011- Internat...
Derby Krakowa, doping cz.1
Testing Attractions - Testujemy Park Wodny Kraków #7
Testing Attractions - Wiedz Więcej !
W siódmym odcinku odwiedziliśmy Park Wodny w Krakowie Przetestowaliśmy tam dla was najciekawsze wodne atrakcje ! Te które pozwalają się nam zrelaksować oraz te dla poszukiwaczy mocnych wrażeń !
Dowiaduj się więcej na Facebook.com
pod linkiem : https://www.facebook.com/testingattractions
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SUPER VLOG DOMINA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH2s2vHZmPo&feature;=youtu.be
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Wisła Kraków - Wielke mecze na drodze do raju
WYJAZDOWE KULISY: Wisła Kraków 0-0 Ruch (30.10.2015 r.)
TV Niebiescy serdecznie zaprasza do oglądania kulis wyjazdowego meczu z Wisłą Kraków. Na stadionie przy ul. Reymonta stawiło się 1660 fanatyków chorzowskiego Ruchu, natomiast podopieczni trenera Waldemara Fornalika zremisowali z "Białą Gwiazdą" 0:0.
Jak to wszystko wyglądało od kuchni? Zobaczycie tylko w TV Niebiescy! Życzymy przyjemnego oglądania.
Zdjęcia: Asceto, Bendzin, Paweł, Stefan, Td, Te
http://www.facebook.com/zdupy - Lajkuj Fanpage!
http://www.youtube.com/user/programzdupy - Subuj kanał!
Będąc kiedyś w Wolbromiu w hotelu przeczytałem w ulotce ...
http://www.facebook.com/zdupy - Lajkuj Fanpage!
http://www.youtube.com/user/programzdupy - Subuj kanał!
Będąc kiedyś w Wolbromiu w hotelu przeczytałem w ulotce jaka jest największa atrakcja Wolbromia - Leżący 40 km obok Kraków.
Kłamali skurwysyny!
Kraków jest największym wysypiskiem śmieci w całej Polsce. jeżeli chcielibyście zwiedzić kiedyś to miasto to ten poradnik powie Wam jak szalony i chujowy jest ten pomysł. Lepiej spierdolić do Tokio, Chicago, czy nawet na Spitzbergen! Jak ten tchórz Gonciarz!
Rada dla lokalnych patriotów - Zluzuj ciperkę. Uwielbiam Kraków jak i inne miasta w Polsce. W tym poradniku jedziemy stereotypami powielanymi wciąż i wciąż, plus absurdalnymi i abstrakcyjnymi obserwacjami. Zanim więc podniesiesz na mnie maczetę pamiętaj - It’s just a prank bro! Poza tym też mam maczetę.
Serdeczne dzięki dla Ajgora, któremu dzień po pomaganiu mi dziwnym trafem zajebali cały sprzęt i opierdolili chatę. Nie pomogło mu tow walce z wizerunkiem polskiego Justina Biebera…może jednak pomoże mu, kiedy wejdziecie na jego kanał i go zasubskrybujecie? Poza tym - to dobry dzieciak!
Jeżeli chcecie zapytać Krzyśka #kiedyzapytajbeczke to wbijajcie tu:
Pomóżcie też Gracjanowi stać się najbardziej znanym youtuberem w Krakowie!
Pamiętajmy też o kabarecie Lekko Stronniczych, którzy mają nawet swoją stronę uauauiua (Tak naprawdę kocham chłopaków)
Brawa dla R.A.U. za piękny dubstep hejnałowy i za muzę w podkładzie
A miniaturkę machnęła Kosmoska
A jak chcesz mnie pośledzić to zapraszam na:
wn.com/27 Rzeczy, Które Wkurwiają W Krakowie
http://www.facebook.com/zdupy - Lajkuj Fanpage!
http://www.youtube.com/user/programzdupy - Subuj kanał!
Będąc kiedyś w Wolbromiu w hotelu przeczytałem w ulotce jaka jest największa atrakcja Wolbromia - Leżący 40 km obok Kraków.
Kłamali skurwysyny!
Kraków jest największym wysypiskiem śmieci w całej Polsce. jeżeli chcielibyście zwiedzić kiedyś to miasto to ten poradnik powie Wam jak szalony i chujowy jest ten pomysł. Lepiej spierdolić do Tokio, Chicago, czy nawet na Spitzbergen! Jak ten tchórz Gonciarz!
Rada dla lokalnych patriotów - Zluzuj ciperkę. Uwielbiam Kraków jak i inne miasta w Polsce. W tym poradniku jedziemy stereotypami powielanymi wciąż i wciąż, plus absurdalnymi i abstrakcyjnymi obserwacjami. Zanim więc podniesiesz na mnie maczetę pamiętaj - It’s just a prank bro! Poza tym też mam maczetę.
Serdeczne dzięki dla Ajgora, któremu dzień po pomaganiu mi dziwnym trafem zajebali cały sprzęt i opierdolili chatę. Nie pomogło mu tow walce z wizerunkiem polskiego Justina Biebera…może jednak pomoże mu, kiedy wejdziecie na jego kanał i go zasubskrybujecie? Poza tym - to dobry dzieciak!
Jeżeli chcecie zapytać Krzyśka #kiedyzapytajbeczke to wbijajcie tu:
Pomóżcie też Gracjanowi stać się najbardziej znanym youtuberem w Krakowie!
Pamiętajmy też o kabarecie Lekko Stronniczych, którzy mają nawet swoją stronę uauauiua (Tak naprawdę kocham chłopaków)
Brawa dla R.A.U. za piękny dubstep hejnałowy i za muzę w podkładzie
A miniaturkę machnęła Kosmoska
A jak chcesz mnie pośledzić to zapraszam na:
- published: 08 Oct 2014
- views: 722658
Film dokumentalny o Twierdzy Kraków. Realizacja: Julian Rachwał, zdjęcia: Krzysztof Stawowczyk, Sebastian Stawowczyk, montaż: Paweł Augustynek Halny, muzyka: Kr...
Film dokumentalny o Twierdzy Kraków. Realizacja: Julian Rachwał, zdjęcia: Krzysztof Stawowczyk, Sebastian Stawowczyk, montaż: Paweł Augustynek Halny, muzyka: Krzysztof Suchodolski, produkcja: Julian Rachwał
Film powstał w ramach Filmoteki Małopolskiej.
Setna rocznica wybuchu I wojny światowej w Krakowie ma swoją egzemplifikację w postaci zespołu umocnień, szczególnie potężnych fortów, które z mniejszym lub większym uszczerbkiem przetrwały do naszych czasów. Przetrwały a więc stanowią dla filmu dokumentalnego znakomite tworzywo w warstwie obrazu i dźwięku – dzięki głosom wielu specjalistów rozkochanych w konstrukcjach największej twierdzy w Europie tamtych lat. Budzące podziw mocą przemyślanych założeń umocnienia Twierdzy Kraków w postaci pierścieniowo rozłożonych bastionów i fortów wraz z Kopcem Kościuszki (ważny punkt obrony fortecznej) stanowiły dla wojsk rosyjskich (twierdza powstawała głównie przeciw nim) zaporę nie do przebycia. Dzięki twierdzy miasto ocalało. Rosjanom udało się najdalej dotrzeć pod wzgórze Kaim koło Wieliczki gdzie rozegrała się znacząca bitwa I wojny przy zdecydowanym i zwycięskim udziale twierdzy. Film będzie więc opowieścią o historii tych umocnień i ich losem - już po wojnach – w naszym czasie. Czym są obecnie poszczególne forty, jaką funkcję przeznacza im nasz czas dzięki pomysłowości pasjonatów, na ile mają szansę istnienia w pokojowej rzeczywistości.
Występują: prof. Mieczysław Rokosz, Michał Kozioł, Krzysztof Wielgus, Marcin Mikulski, Maciej Baszak, Franciszek Dziadoń, Bogumił Peschak, s. Małgorzata Borkowska, s. Benedykta Nogaj, Przemysław Jaskółowski
wn.com/Twierdza Kraków
Film dokumentalny o Twierdzy Kraków. Realizacja: Julian Rachwał, zdjęcia: Krzysztof Stawowczyk, Sebastian Stawowczyk, montaż: Paweł Augustynek Halny, muzyka: Krzysztof Suchodolski, produkcja: Julian Rachwał
Film powstał w ramach Filmoteki Małopolskiej.
Setna rocznica wybuchu I wojny światowej w Krakowie ma swoją egzemplifikację w postaci zespołu umocnień, szczególnie potężnych fortów, które z mniejszym lub większym uszczerbkiem przetrwały do naszych czasów. Przetrwały a więc stanowią dla filmu dokumentalnego znakomite tworzywo w warstwie obrazu i dźwięku – dzięki głosom wielu specjalistów rozkochanych w konstrukcjach największej twierdzy w Europie tamtych lat. Budzące podziw mocą przemyślanych założeń umocnienia Twierdzy Kraków w postaci pierścieniowo rozłożonych bastionów i fortów wraz z Kopcem Kościuszki (ważny punkt obrony fortecznej) stanowiły dla wojsk rosyjskich (twierdza powstawała głównie przeciw nim) zaporę nie do przebycia. Dzięki twierdzy miasto ocalało. Rosjanom udało się najdalej dotrzeć pod wzgórze Kaim koło Wieliczki gdzie rozegrała się znacząca bitwa I wojny przy zdecydowanym i zwycięskim udziale twierdzy. Film będzie więc opowieścią o historii tych umocnień i ich losem - już po wojnach – w naszym czasie. Czym są obecnie poszczególne forty, jaką funkcję przeznacza im nasz czas dzięki pomysłowości pasjonatów, na ile mają szansę istnienia w pokojowej rzeczywistości.
Występują: prof. Mieczysław Rokosz, Michał Kozioł, Krzysztof Wielgus, Marcin Mikulski, Maciej Baszak, Franciszek Dziadoń, Bogumił Peschak, s. Małgorzata Borkowska, s. Benedykta Nogaj, Przemysław Jaskółowski
- published: 07 Nov 2014
- views: 41
Kraków nocą / Cracow by night
Michał Rec Studio
791 44 81 83
Michał Rec Studio
791 44 81 83
wn.com/Kraków Nocą Cracow By Night
Michał Rec Studio
791 44 81 83
- published: 14 Aug 2014
- views: 216
Kraków (Polska) z lotu ptaka DRONem
Kamera - DRON - Szymon Sitko Montaż - Maciej Kapuściński....
Kamera - DRON - Szymon Sitko Montaż - Maciej Kapuściński.
wn.com/Kraków (Polska) Z Lotu Ptaka Dronem
Kamera - DRON - Szymon Sitko Montaż - Maciej Kapuściński.
Magical Krakow - Magiczny Kraków
Kraków, also Cracow, or Krakow (English /ˈkrækaʊ/), is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River (Polish: Wisł......
Kraków, also Cracow, or Krakow (English /ˈkrækaʊ/), is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River (Polish: Wisł...
wn.com/Magical Krakow Magiczny Kraków
Kraków, also Cracow, or Krakow (English /ˈkrækaʊ/), is the second largest and one of the oldest cities in Poland. Situated on the Vistula River (Polish: Wisł...
- published: 05 Jan 2012
- views: 89211
author: apollyon713
Uliczny Kombajn - Kraków o Warszawie
Zobacz więcej! http://ULICZNYKOMBAJN.tosiewytnie.pl Mówi się, że Kraków nie lubi Warszawy. Dlaczego? By rozwikłać problem Kostek udał się miasta smoka wawels......
Zobacz więcej! http://ULICZNYKOMBAJN.tosiewytnie.pl Mówi się, że Kraków nie lubi Warszawy. Dlaczego? By rozwikłać problem Kostek udał się miasta smoka wawels...
wn.com/Uliczny Kombajn Kraków O Warszawie
Zobacz więcej! http://ULICZNYKOMBAJN.tosiewytnie.pl Mówi się, że Kraków nie lubi Warszawy. Dlaczego? By rozwikłać problem Kostek udał się miasta smoka wawels...
- published: 25 May 2011
- views: 69395
author: tosiewytnie
Subskrybuj, aby być na bieżąco: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanillee95
►KANAŁ NICOLE: https://www.youtube.com/user/nicoleheartsmake...
Subskrybuj, aby być na bieżąco: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanillee95
►KANAŁ NICOLE: https://www.youtube.com/user/nicoleheartsmakeup21
➩Blog: http://nikolettap.blogspot.co.uk
➩Instagram: http://instagram.com/daisylette
➩Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanillee95
➩Tumblr: http://daisylette.tumblr.com
➩Twitter: https://twitter.com/daisyylette
➩WeHeartIt: http://weheartit.com/daisylette
Filmik Nagrywałam: Canon G7x
Edytuje w: iMovie
wn.com/Vlog Z Polski Kraków Z Nicole Grzeda Poznajcie Mateusza
Subskrybuj, aby być na bieżąco: https://www.youtube.com/user/vanillee95
►KANAŁ NICOLE: https://www.youtube.com/user/nicoleheartsmakeup21
➩Blog: http://nikolettap.blogspot.co.uk
➩Instagram: http://instagram.com/daisylette
➩Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vanillee95
➩Tumblr: http://daisylette.tumblr.com
➩Twitter: https://twitter.com/daisyylette
➩WeHeartIt: http://weheartit.com/daisylette
Filmik Nagrywałam: Canon G7x
Edytuje w: iMovie
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 13542
Artur Szpilka o chuligańskim życiu i kibicach Wisły Kraków [3/6] [Sektor Gości odc. 5]
Zobacz więcej na http://SPORT.wp.tv W jakim stopniu chuligańskie życie ukształtowało charakter Artura Szpilki? Czy w Krakowie zdarzały mu się sytuacje, w któryc...
Zobacz więcej na http://SPORT.wp.tv W jakim stopniu chuligańskie życie ukształtowało charakter Artura Szpilki? Czy w Krakowie zdarzały mu się sytuacje, w których musiał uciekać przed wrogami, atakującymi go z nożami lub maczetami? Czy 25-latek żałuje, że grupy kibicowskie na Wiśle uznały go za persona non grata? Co dziś ma im do przekazania? Jak postrzega piłkę nożną i które mecze wzbudzają w nim największe emocje? Zapraszamy do obejrzenia 3. części piątego odcinka programu "Sektor Gości". Z Arturem Szpilką rozmawia Michał Bugno, dziennikarz Grupy Wirtualna Polska.
Polub nasz fanpage:
Oryginalny odcinek znajdziecie pod adresem:
wn.com/Artur Szpilka O Chuligańskim Życiu I Kibicach Wisły Kraków 3 6 Sektor Gości Odc. 5
Zobacz więcej na http://SPORT.wp.tv W jakim stopniu chuligańskie życie ukształtowało charakter Artura Szpilki? Czy w Krakowie zdarzały mu się sytuacje, w których musiał uciekać przed wrogami, atakującymi go z nożami lub maczetami? Czy 25-latek żałuje, że grupy kibicowskie na Wiśle uznały go za persona non grata? Co dziś ma im do przekazania? Jak postrzega piłkę nożną i które mecze wzbudzają w nim największe emocje? Zapraszamy do obejrzenia 3. części piątego odcinka programu "Sektor Gości". Z Arturem Szpilką rozmawia Michał Bugno, dziennikarz Grupy Wirtualna Polska.
Polub nasz fanpage:
Oryginalny odcinek znajdziecie pod adresem:
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 485
Visit Kraków | Travel Guide Video - Video Guía de Viajes de Cracovia
http://tokitan.tv An approximation to Kraków. Travel Guide Video. Video Guia de Viajes de Cracovia. Kraków / Cracow / Cracovia Polonia / Poland Travel / Viaj......
http://tokitan.tv An approximation to Kraków. Travel Guide Video. Video Guia de Viajes de Cracovia. Kraków / Cracow / Cracovia Polonia / Poland Travel / Viaj...
wn.com/Visit Kraków | Travel Guide Video Video Guía De Viajes De Cracovia
http://tokitan.tv An approximation to Kraków. Travel Guide Video. Video Guia de Viajes de Cracovia. Kraków / Cracow / Cracovia Polonia / Poland Travel / Viaj...
- published: 26 Apr 2014
- views: 389
author: tokitantv
Wisła Kraków UEFA 2002/2003
Mecze Wisły Kraków w Pucharze UEFA w sezonie 2002/2003....
Mecze Wisły Kraków w Pucharze UEFA w sezonie 2002/2003.
wn.com/Wisła Kraków Uefa 2002 2003
Mecze Wisły Kraków w Pucharze UEFA w sezonie 2002/2003.
- published: 09 Apr 2009
- views: 68838
author: kozuba92
cz.1 MORD Kraków ul. Nowohucka trasa egzaminacyjna na prawo jazdy Koszykarska
trasy egzaminacyjne MORD Kraków ul. Nowohucka 33a, przykładowa trasa egzaminacyjna na prawo jazdy w Krakowie....
trasy egzaminacyjne MORD Kraków ul. Nowohucka 33a, przykładowa trasa egzaminacyjna na prawo jazdy w Krakowie.
wn.com/Cz.1 Mord Kraków Ul. Nowohucka Trasa Egzaminacyjna Na Prawo Jazdy Koszykarska
trasy egzaminacyjne MORD Kraków ul. Nowohucka 33a, przykładowa trasa egzaminacyjna na prawo jazdy w Krakowie.
Kraków In Your Pocket - Kraków, Poland Highlights
Kraków In Your Pocket editor Garret Van Reed takes us on a grand tour of Kraków from the Train Station (Dworzec Główny) to Kazimie...
Kraków In Your Pocket editor Garret Van Reed takes us on a grand tour of Kraków from the Train Station (Dworzec Główny) to Kazimierz via the Planty, through Floriańska Gate down ulica Floriańska to Rynek Główny, the main market square with the magnificent Cloth Hall (Sukiennice) and St. Marys Basilica (Bazylika Mariacka) and the famous Heynal. Then past Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II) home on ulica Kanonicza and up Wawel Hill to the Cathedral, the Royal Castle and the Chakra stone. Back down along the Wisla to Skałka and into Kazimierz, Kraków historic Jewish quarter.
For more information about everything to see and do in Kraków check out Kraków In Your Pocket: http://krakow.inyourpocket.com/
wn.com/Kraków In Your Pocket Kraków, Poland Highlights
Kraków In Your Pocket editor Garret Van Reed takes us on a grand tour of Kraków from the Train Station (Dworzec Główny) to Kazimierz via the Planty, through Floriańska Gate down ulica Floriańska to Rynek Główny, the main market square with the magnificent Cloth Hall (Sukiennice) and St. Marys Basilica (Bazylika Mariacka) and the famous Heynal. Then past Karol Wojtyła (Pope John Paul II) home on ulica Kanonicza and up Wawel Hill to the Cathedral, the Royal Castle and the Chakra stone. Back down along the Wisla to Skałka and into Kazimierz, Kraków historic Jewish quarter.
For more information about everything to see and do in Kraków check out Kraków In Your Pocket: http://krakow.inyourpocket.com/
- published: 31 Aug 2009
- views: 207068
Tramwaje Kraków linia 4
Trasa linii tramwajowej nr 4 Wzgórza Krzesławickie - Bronowice Małe w Krakowie filmowana z kabiny motorniczego. Film powstał dzięki pomocy Miejskiego Przedsi......
Trasa linii tramwajowej nr 4 Wzgórza Krzesławickie - Bronowice Małe w Krakowie filmowana z kabiny motorniczego. Film powstał dzięki pomocy Miejskiego Przedsi...
wn.com/Tramwaje Kraków Linia 4
Trasa linii tramwajowej nr 4 Wzgórza Krzesławickie - Bronowice Małe w Krakowie filmowana z kabiny motorniczego. Film powstał dzięki pomocy Miejskiego Przedsi...
- published: 23 Jul 2012
- views: 7593
author: esbek2
wn.com/Oficjalny Film Promujący Kraków 2015
- published: 27 Nov 2014
- views: 2637
Flash Mob - Cracow Dance Connection 29.04.2011 - Kraków - CDC
Cracow Dance Connection http://www.cracowdanceconnection.com CDC - Dance Flash Mob - 29.04.2011 Galeria Krakowska, Kraków On the 29th of April 2011- Internat......
Cracow Dance Connection http://www.cracowdanceconnection.com CDC - Dance Flash Mob - 29.04.2011 Galeria Krakowska, Kraków On the 29th of April 2011- Internat...
wn.com/Flash Mob Cracow Dance Connection 29.04.2011 Kraków Cdc
Cracow Dance Connection http://www.cracowdanceconnection.com CDC - Dance Flash Mob - 29.04.2011 Galeria Krakowska, Kraków On the 29th of April 2011- Internat...
Testing Attractions - Testujemy Park Wodny Kraków #7
Testing Attractions - Wiedz Więcej !
W siódmym odcinku odwiedziliśmy Park Wodny w Krakowie Przetestowaliśmy tam dla was najciekawsze wodne atrakcje ! Te które ...
Testing Attractions - Wiedz Więcej !
W siódmym odcinku odwiedziliśmy Park Wodny w Krakowie Przetestowaliśmy tam dla was najciekawsze wodne atrakcje ! Te które pozwalają się nam zrelaksować oraz te dla poszukiwaczy mocnych wrażeń !
Dowiaduj się więcej na Facebook.com
pod linkiem : https://www.facebook.com/testingattractions
Zapraszamy na :
Manager i pomysłodawca - Krystian Borkowski
Prowadzący - Krystian Borkowski
Obsługa kamery - Rafał Pussy
Montaż - Jakub Sadowskii
Pomoc w Realizacji - Oskar Dębowski
wn.com/Testing Attractions Testujemy Park Wodny Kraków 7
Testing Attractions - Wiedz Więcej !
W siódmym odcinku odwiedziliśmy Park Wodny w Krakowie Przetestowaliśmy tam dla was najciekawsze wodne atrakcje ! Te które pozwalają się nam zrelaksować oraz te dla poszukiwaczy mocnych wrażeń !
Dowiaduj się więcej na Facebook.com
pod linkiem : https://www.facebook.com/testingattractions
Zapraszamy na :
Manager i pomysłodawca - Krystian Borkowski
Prowadzący - Krystian Borkowski
Obsługa kamery - Rafał Pussy
Montaż - Jakub Sadowskii
Pomoc w Realizacji - Oskar Dębowski
- published: 11 Nov 2014
- views: 165
SUPER VLOG DOMINA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH2s2vHZmPo&feature;=youtu.be
STR. NA FB https://www.facebook.com/LittleMooons....
SUPER VLOG DOMINA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH2s2vHZmPo&feature;=youtu.be
STR. NA FB https://www.facebook.com/LittleMooons...
MÓJ BLOG: http://littlemooonster96.blogspot.com
ask: http://ask.fm/littlemooonsterartpop
instagram: http://instagram.com/littlemooonster96
facebook(obserwacja): https://www.facebook.com/angelika.muc...
twitter: kidrauhl_baby
tumblr: http://swaggy-life.tumblr.com
chcesz mi cos wyslac? :)
Angelika Mucha
skr 1093
ul. Pocztowa 9
40-001 Katowice
*business enquiries - littlemooonster96@onet.eu
Kopiowanie lub rozpowszechnianie filmów znajdujących się na moim kanale bez mojej zgody jest niezgodne z prawem, a co za tym idzie - karalne!
wn.com/Daily Vlog Kraków (Zlot Ekipa Z Katowic Tour)
SUPER VLOG DOMINA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH2s2vHZmPo&feature;=youtu.be
STR. NA FB https://www.facebook.com/LittleMooons...
MÓJ BLOG: http://littlemooonster96.blogspot.com
ask: http://ask.fm/littlemooonsterartpop
instagram: http://instagram.com/littlemooonster96
facebook(obserwacja): https://www.facebook.com/angelika.muc...
twitter: kidrauhl_baby
tumblr: http://swaggy-life.tumblr.com
chcesz mi cos wyslac? :)
Angelika Mucha
skr 1093
ul. Pocztowa 9
40-001 Katowice
*business enquiries - littlemooonster96@onet.eu
Kopiowanie lub rozpowszechnianie filmów znajdujących się na moim kanale bez mojej zgody jest niezgodne z prawem, a co za tym idzie - karalne!
- published: 17 Oct 2014
- views: 10863
WYJAZDOWE KULISY: Wisła Kraków 0-0 Ruch (30.10.2015 r.)
TV Niebiescy serdecznie zaprasza do oglądania kulis wyjazdowego meczu z Wisłą Kraków. Na stadionie przy ul. Reymonta stawiło się 1660 fanatyków chorzowskiego Ru...
TV Niebiescy serdecznie zaprasza do oglądania kulis wyjazdowego meczu z Wisłą Kraków. Na stadionie przy ul. Reymonta stawiło się 1660 fanatyków chorzowskiego Ruchu, natomiast podopieczni trenera Waldemara Fornalika zremisowali z "Białą Gwiazdą" 0:0.
Jak to wszystko wyglądało od kuchni? Zobaczycie tylko w TV Niebiescy! Życzymy przyjemnego oglądania.
Zdjęcia: Asceto, Bendzin, Paweł, Stefan, Td, Teś, Tynka
Montaż: Asceto
wn.com/Wyjazdowe Kulisy Wisła Kraków 0 0 Ruch (30.10.2015 R.)
TV Niebiescy serdecznie zaprasza do oglądania kulis wyjazdowego meczu z Wisłą Kraków. Na stadionie przy ul. Reymonta stawiło się 1660 fanatyków chorzowskiego Ruchu, natomiast podopieczni trenera Waldemara Fornalika zremisowali z "Białą Gwiazdą" 0:0.
Jak to wszystko wyglądało od kuchni? Zobaczycie tylko w TV Niebiescy! Życzymy przyjemnego oglądania.
Zdjęcia: Asceto, Bendzin, Paweł, Stefan, Td, Teś, Tynka
Montaż: Asceto
- published: 01 Nov 2015
- views: 2720
Krakow Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Wandering among the endless hills, lakes and mountains of Southeast Poland, one can find cities, medieval castles, grandiose palaces and rich museums, each one more interesting than the previous. The city core of Krakow, with its old streets and squares offer us the feeling of the happy, old days. The Wawel district, which is built on a hill, fort walls and bastions protect the royal palace and th
Best of Krakow: city of Polish Kings
Best of Krakow online travel guide with the city's most sought after destinations including The Wawel Castle, Grodzka Street, Rynek Glowny, St-Mary's Church, Kazimierz, Barbakan and the Wisła River
The music soundtrack is track Leanne.mp3" composed by "Alchemorph Soundtracks" and under Creative Commons (CC-by-sa) licence, Attribution, Share Alike and approved for commercial purposes.
Krakow, the Magical City
Audio-guide The audio-guide was prepared by historians and Cracow tour guides and recorded by a professional lector. There are 87 pieces presenting tourist a...
Top 5 Attractions Krakow - Poland Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Krakow, Poland - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions of
Krakow, Poland.
#5: Wawel Royal Castle - Amongst Europe's most beautiful royal complexes, monarchs started calling it home all the way back in the 11th century.
#4: St. Mary's Basilica -
Kraków, Poland: Poland's Cultural Capital
More info about travel to Poland: http://www.ricksteves.com/europe/poland Kraków emerged from WWII virtually unscathed. As a result, today the city is Poland's leading tourist attraction, with plenty of top notch sights.
At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
FOOTLOOSE IN POLAND ~ Zakopane and Krakow (video travel guide DVD)
Extract from our entertaining and informative walking/travelogue DVD http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003NVH3X0 available from Amazon.co.uk. Thinking of going to Poland? Visit our FOOTLOOSE.TV feature page for travel tips & information http://www.footloose.tv/FLE/Polandholiday.htm
Prague and Krakow Travel Guide
A guided tour of Prague Czech Republic and Krakow, Poland. For more detailed travel tips, visit www.travelmytrips.com.
Kraków Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Wawel Hill, Old Town, Kraków. Wawel Cathedral. Sigismund and Waza Chapels, Wawel Cathedral. Wawel...
Extracts from our popular East European travel DVD http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000YN3M0I ~ 3 city break ideas on one 120 minute DVD For more travel informati...
Krakow 2015, 50 travel points, things to see in Krakow
Krakow 2015,
Where to go in Krakow?, Poland travel guide from Krakow airport arrivals. Information of map, history, museums, palace ,parks, theatre, metro, hotels, architecture, gallery, bus, zoo...., things to see in Krakow, do your points.
Travel blog where travel points get shown
more cities : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMjgD0vyu0-llxiPKFgKkcqM1SWKXe2K4
Poland Travel: Krakow Ghetto, Oscar Schindler Factory, Kazimierz & Tyniec
May 7 was a rainy and overcast day in Krakow. My expert guide Monica first took me on a tour of the Krakow Ghetto, where from March 1941 about 15,000 Jewish residents were crammed into a small area of 320 buildings that used to be inhabited by only 3,000 people. The ghetto was liquidated by the Nazis between May 1942 and March 1943, when most of the inhabitants were deported to the Plaszow Labour
Krakow in Your Pocket- Going from the City Center to the Airport using the Train
The Krakow (KRK) Airport Train has re-opened as of September 28, 2015, and we've made two videos to show you how easy it is to use! This video shows the travel from city center to the airport. For travel from the airport to the city center you can go here:
Music By: Thymn Chase
Krakow is the gateway to Auschwitz Memorial, making it extremely popular with tourists.
For travel information, costs, must see attractions, how to work and travel abroad long term and itineraries check out http://www.nomadgirl.co
If you have any questions, leave a comment below (or contact me on social media (links below). Thumbs up and subscribe for more travel adventures :)
Backpacking so
Three Faces of Krakow _ Best Guided Tours of Krakow Point.Travel.pl
Tour 1A Three Faces Tour is a great way to get an overview of Krakow Communism Tour Nowa Huta Krakow Route: Nowa Huta - Kazimierz-- Old Town Includes: guide,...
Going Underground (Literally) in Kraków
Kraków's excellent Rynek Underground Museum — situated directly below the Main Market Square — offers an intimate look at the city 500 years ago. In this cli...
Krakow, Poland - Promotional Video
Krakow Travel Time is a fully licensed, insured private transportation company based in Krakow, Poland that offers comfort, relaxation, and reliability while riding.
We specialize in private tours and sightseeing, domestic and international transfers and airport pickups and drop-offs.
Discover the city of Krakow and its surroundings with our experienced team.
Kraków, Poland - Sneak Peak - The Traveling Trio
Come along with Olivia, Ingram and Everett as they visit Kraków, Poland. The history of this amazing city starts with a fire-breathing dragon. You'll also le...
Travel | Krakow, Poland, October 2014
A look into my long weekend in Krakow, Poland. A truly beautiful, chilled out city that can be enjoyed on a very tight budget.
Myself and my 3 friends spontaneously booked flights to Poland in February/March time not knowing what to expect. We had a wonderful weekend full of laughter, amazing food and some incredible experiences.
A very emotional trip to Auschwitz left us with a deeper reflect
【K】Poland Travel-Krakow[폴란드 여행-크라쿠프]비엘리치카 소금 광산/Krakow/Wieliczka Salt Mine/Chapel/St. Kinga
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
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■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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Warsaw (Polish: Warszawa [varˈʂava] ( listen); see also other names), is the capital and largest city of Poland. It is located on the Vistula River, in east-central Poland, roughly 260 kilometres (160 mi) from the Baltic Sea and 300 kilometres (190 mi) from the Carpathian Mountains. Its population is
Krakow Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Wandering among the endless hills, lakes and mountains of Southeast Poland, one can find cities, medieval castles, grandiose palaces and rich museums, each one ...
Wandering among the endless hills, lakes and mountains of Southeast Poland, one can find cities, medieval castles, grandiose palaces and rich museums, each one more interesting than the previous. The city core of Krakow, with its old streets and squares offer us the feeling of the happy, old days. The Wawel district, which is built on a hill, fort walls and bastions protect the royal palace and the cathedral. The astonishingly great square of the old marketplace is surrounded by medieval houses, and is busy all day and all night. The restaurants tempt the travelers with food prepared from wild mushrooms and berries, game and cabbage. The religious buildings keep the memory of the late Pope, John Paul II. the late Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. From Krakow we can take a trip to the Wieliczka salt mine, to the enchanting medieval trading post, Krosno, and to the Ojcowi National Park, where there are many rivers, castles and caves for us to explore. We can take a look at the symbol of human cruelty, Auschwitz, and take a tour in the Polish Alps. The city of Zakopane awaits those visitors at any season, who would like to take tours, bike, and ski.
wn.com/Krakow Vacation Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
Wandering among the endless hills, lakes and mountains of Southeast Poland, one can find cities, medieval castles, grandiose palaces and rich museums, each one more interesting than the previous. The city core of Krakow, with its old streets and squares offer us the feeling of the happy, old days. The Wawel district, which is built on a hill, fort walls and bastions protect the royal palace and the cathedral. The astonishingly great square of the old marketplace is surrounded by medieval houses, and is busy all day and all night. The restaurants tempt the travelers with food prepared from wild mushrooms and berries, game and cabbage. The religious buildings keep the memory of the late Pope, John Paul II. the late Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. From Krakow we can take a trip to the Wieliczka salt mine, to the enchanting medieval trading post, Krosno, and to the Ojcowi National Park, where there are many rivers, castles and caves for us to explore. We can take a look at the symbol of human cruelty, Auschwitz, and take a tour in the Polish Alps. The city of Zakopane awaits those visitors at any season, who would like to take tours, bike, and ski.
- published: 16 Apr 2015
- views: 11171
Best of Krakow: city of Polish Kings
Best of Krakow online travel guide with the city's most sought after destinations including The Wawel Castle, Grodzka Street, Rynek Glowny, St-Mary's Church, Ka...
Best of Krakow online travel guide with the city's most sought after destinations including The Wawel Castle, Grodzka Street, Rynek Glowny, St-Mary's Church, Kazimierz, Barbakan and the Wisła River
The music soundtrack is track Leanne.mp3" composed by "Alchemorph Soundtracks" and under Creative Commons (CC-by-sa) licence, Attribution, Share Alike and approved for commercial purposes.
wn.com/Best Of Krakow City Of Polish Kings
Best of Krakow online travel guide with the city's most sought after destinations including The Wawel Castle, Grodzka Street, Rynek Glowny, St-Mary's Church, Kazimierz, Barbakan and the Wisła River
The music soundtrack is track Leanne.mp3" composed by "Alchemorph Soundtracks" and under Creative Commons (CC-by-sa) licence, Attribution, Share Alike and approved for commercial purposes.
- published: 27 Oct 2012
- views: 95913
Krakow, the Magical City
Audio-guide The audio-guide was prepared by historians and Cracow tour guides and recorded by a professional lector. There are 87 pieces presenting tourist a......
Audio-guide The audio-guide was prepared by historians and Cracow tour guides and recorded by a professional lector. There are 87 pieces presenting tourist a...
wn.com/Krakow, The Magical City
Audio-guide The audio-guide was prepared by historians and Cracow tour guides and recorded by a professional lector. There are 87 pieces presenting tourist a...
- published: 19 Nov 2012
- views: 1864
author: rafal1928
Top 5 Attractions Krakow - Poland Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Krakow, Poland - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your travel host, Naomi. I...
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Krakow, Poland - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions of
Krakow, Poland.
#5: Wawel Royal Castle - Amongst Europe's most beautiful royal complexes, monarchs started calling it home all the way back in the 11th century.
#4: St. Mary's Basilica - A remarkable brick church in the middle of the city. Built in the 14th century, it has a world famous wooden altar.
#3: Auschwitz - Located 30 miles from Krakow, you can visit the Auschwitz concentration camp and learn about its history.
#2: Salt mines - Closed to Krakow, mining has occurred here for 900 years, a unique UNESCO World Heritage site.
#1: Market Square - the city's central meeting point. Sit back and enjoy, a great place to soak in magnificent Krakow.
wn.com/Top 5 Attractions Krakow Poland Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 5 Travel Attractions of Krakow, Poland - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your travel host, Naomi. I would like to show you the top 5 attractions of
Krakow, Poland.
#5: Wawel Royal Castle - Amongst Europe's most beautiful royal complexes, monarchs started calling it home all the way back in the 11th century.
#4: St. Mary's Basilica - A remarkable brick church in the middle of the city. Built in the 14th century, it has a world famous wooden altar.
#3: Auschwitz - Located 30 miles from Krakow, you can visit the Auschwitz concentration camp and learn about its history.
#2: Salt mines - Closed to Krakow, mining has occurred here for 900 years, a unique UNESCO World Heritage site.
#1: Market Square - the city's central meeting point. Sit back and enjoy, a great place to soak in magnificent Krakow.
- published: 13 Jul 2010
- views: 8222
Kraków, Poland: Poland's Cultural Capital
More info about travel to Poland: http://www.ricksteves.com/europe/poland Kraków emerged from WWII virtually unscathed. As a result, today the city is Poland's ...
More info about travel to Poland: http://www.ricksteves.com/europe/poland Kraków emerged from WWII virtually unscathed. As a result, today the city is Poland's leading tourist attraction, with plenty of top notch sights.
At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
wn.com/Kraków, Poland Poland's Cultural Capital
More info about travel to Poland: http://www.ricksteves.com/europe/poland Kraków emerged from WWII virtually unscathed. As a result, today the city is Poland's leading tourist attraction, with plenty of top notch sights.
At http://www.ricksteves.com, you'll find money-saving travel tips, small-group tours, guidebooks, TV shows, radio programs, podcasts, and more on this destination.
- published: 16 Sep 2009
- views: 168495
FOOTLOOSE IN POLAND ~ Zakopane and Krakow (video travel guide DVD)
Extract from our entertaining and informative walking/travelogue DVD http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003NVH3X0 available from Amazon.co.uk. Thinking of going to P...
Extract from our entertaining and informative walking/travelogue DVD http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003NVH3X0 available from Amazon.co.uk. Thinking of going to Poland? Visit our FOOTLOOSE.TV feature page for travel tips & information http://www.footloose.tv/FLE/Polandholiday.htm
wn.com/Footloose In Poland ~ Zakopane And Krakow (Video Travel Guide Dvd)
Extract from our entertaining and informative walking/travelogue DVD http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B003NVH3X0 available from Amazon.co.uk. Thinking of going to Poland? Visit our FOOTLOOSE.TV feature page for travel tips & information http://www.footloose.tv/FLE/Polandholiday.htm
- published: 01 Jan 2012
- views: 12592
Prague and Krakow Travel Guide
A guided tour of Prague Czech Republic and Krakow, Poland. For more detailed travel tips, visit www.travelmytrips.com....
A guided tour of Prague Czech Republic and Krakow, Poland. For more detailed travel tips, visit www.travelmytrips.com.
wn.com/Prague And Krakow Travel Guide
A guided tour of Prague Czech Republic and Krakow, Poland. For more detailed travel tips, visit www.travelmytrips.com.
Kraków Wikipedia travel guide video. Created by Stupeflix.com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Wawel Hill, Old Town, Kraków. Wawel Cathedral. Sigismund and Waza Chapels, Wawel Cathedral. Wawel......
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Wawel Hill, Old Town, Kraków. Wawel Cathedral. Sigismund and Waza Chapels, Wawel Cathedral. Wawel...
wn.com/Kraków Wikipedia Travel Guide Video. Created By Stupeflix.Com
Create your own video on http://studio.stupeflix.com/?w=1 ! Wawel Hill, Old Town, Kraków. Wawel Cathedral. Sigismund and Waza Chapels, Wawel Cathedral. Wawel...
Extracts from our popular East European travel DVD http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000YN3M0I ~ 3 city break ideas on one 120 minute DVD For more travel informati......
Extracts from our popular East European travel DVD http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000YN3M0I ~ 3 city break ideas on one 120 minute DVD For more travel informati...
wn.com/Footloose In Budapest Prague Krakow ~ Video Travel Guide Dvd
Extracts from our popular East European travel DVD http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B000YN3M0I ~ 3 city break ideas on one 120 minute DVD For more travel informati...
Krakow 2015, 50 travel points, things to see in Krakow
Krakow 2015,
Where to go in Krakow?, Poland travel guide from Krakow airport arrivals. Information of map, history, museums, palace ,parks, theatre, metro, hote...
Krakow 2015,
Where to go in Krakow?, Poland travel guide from Krakow airport arrivals. Information of map, history, museums, palace ,parks, theatre, metro, hotels, architecture, gallery, bus, zoo...., things to see in Krakow, do your points.
Travel blog where travel points get shown
more cities : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMjgD0vyu0-llxiPKFgKkcqM1SWKXe2K4
wn.com/Krakow 2015, 50 Travel Points, Things To See In Krakow
Krakow 2015,
Where to go in Krakow?, Poland travel guide from Krakow airport arrivals. Information of map, history, museums, palace ,parks, theatre, metro, hotels, architecture, gallery, bus, zoo...., things to see in Krakow, do your points.
Travel blog where travel points get shown
more cities : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMjgD0vyu0-llxiPKFgKkcqM1SWKXe2K4
- published: 01 Dec 2014
- views: 232
Poland Travel: Krakow Ghetto, Oscar Schindler Factory, Kazimierz & Tyniec
May 7 was a rainy and overcast day in Krakow. My expert guide Monica first took me on a tour of the Krakow Ghetto, where from March 1941 about 15,000 Jewish res...
May 7 was a rainy and overcast day in Krakow. My expert guide Monica first took me on a tour of the Krakow Ghetto, where from March 1941 about 15,000 Jewish residents were crammed into a small area of 320 buildings that used to be inhabited by only 3,000 people. The ghetto was liquidated by the Nazis between May 1942 and March 1943, when most of the inhabitants were deported to the Plaszow Labour Camp and to Auschwitz.
The second stop on our walking tour on May 7, 2012 was the Schindler Factory, owned by the iconic entrepreneur Oscar Schindler who saved over 1,100 Jewish lives in his enamelware and ammunition factory during WWII. Since 2010 the factory has been turned into a museum that documents the Nazi occupation of Krakow with photos, movies, authentic artifacts and multimedia experiences. It's an amazing museum where I could have spent many hours, studying original photos and objects.
The we crossed the bridge over into Kazimierz, Krakow's historic Jewish quarter. We visited the Old Synagogue, the Remuth Synagogue and its cemetery as well as the Temple, Krakow's lavishly ornamented Reform synagogue.
Kazimierz also has a Christian part and in my walking tour with my expert guide Monica we visited three important Roman Catholic Churches: the Gothic Corpus Christi Church, St. Catherine's Church (also Gothic), and the lavish Baroque Church on the Rock, Poland's second holiest sanctuary. We also visited the Market Square of Kazimierz which now holds an ethnographical museum.
At the end of our walking tour we crossed the entire Old Town of Krakow and headed north of the St. Florian's Gate to a local outdoor market where everything was on sale: fruits, vegetables, meat, clothing, household goods and much more. Shopping locally on the markets is still an important tradition in Poland. I was particularly fascinated by the country cheeses that are made in decorated moulds. They looked delicious...
Finally, in the late afternoon, I took a tram and a local bus to the Benedictine Abbey of Tyniec which is located on a steep limestone outcropping on the right bank of the Vistula outside of Krakow. The monastery was founded in 1044 AD and is one of the oldest in Poland. Normally, there is a wonderful view from the abbey over the surrounding countryside, but not on this day due to the rainy weather.
wn.com/Poland Travel Krakow Ghetto, Oscar Schindler Factory, Kazimierz Tyniec
May 7 was a rainy and overcast day in Krakow. My expert guide Monica first took me on a tour of the Krakow Ghetto, where from March 1941 about 15,000 Jewish residents were crammed into a small area of 320 buildings that used to be inhabited by only 3,000 people. The ghetto was liquidated by the Nazis between May 1942 and March 1943, when most of the inhabitants were deported to the Plaszow Labour Camp and to Auschwitz.
The second stop on our walking tour on May 7, 2012 was the Schindler Factory, owned by the iconic entrepreneur Oscar Schindler who saved over 1,100 Jewish lives in his enamelware and ammunition factory during WWII. Since 2010 the factory has been turned into a museum that documents the Nazi occupation of Krakow with photos, movies, authentic artifacts and multimedia experiences. It's an amazing museum where I could have spent many hours, studying original photos and objects.
The we crossed the bridge over into Kazimierz, Krakow's historic Jewish quarter. We visited the Old Synagogue, the Remuth Synagogue and its cemetery as well as the Temple, Krakow's lavishly ornamented Reform synagogue.
Kazimierz also has a Christian part and in my walking tour with my expert guide Monica we visited three important Roman Catholic Churches: the Gothic Corpus Christi Church, St. Catherine's Church (also Gothic), and the lavish Baroque Church on the Rock, Poland's second holiest sanctuary. We also visited the Market Square of Kazimierz which now holds an ethnographical museum.
At the end of our walking tour we crossed the entire Old Town of Krakow and headed north of the St. Florian's Gate to a local outdoor market where everything was on sale: fruits, vegetables, meat, clothing, household goods and much more. Shopping locally on the markets is still an important tradition in Poland. I was particularly fascinated by the country cheeses that are made in decorated moulds. They looked delicious...
Finally, in the late afternoon, I took a tram and a local bus to the Benedictine Abbey of Tyniec which is located on a steep limestone outcropping on the right bank of the Vistula outside of Krakow. The monastery was founded in 1044 AD and is one of the oldest in Poland. Normally, there is a wonderful view from the abbey over the surrounding countryside, but not on this day due to the rainy weather.
- published: 13 Aug 2012
- views: 948
Krakow in Your Pocket- Going from the City Center to the Airport using the Train
The Krakow (KRK) Airport Train has re-opened as of September 28, 2015, and we've made two videos to sh...
The Krakow (KRK) Airport Train has re-opened as of September 28, 2015, and we've made two videos to show you how easy it is to use! This video shows the travel from city center to the airport. For travel from the airport to the city center you can go here:
Music By: Thymn Chase
wn.com/Krakow In Your Pocket Going From The City Center To The Airport Using The Train
The Krakow (KRK) Airport Train has re-opened as of September 28, 2015, and we've made two videos to show you how easy it is to use! This video shows the travel from city center to the airport. For travel from the airport to the city center you can go here:
Music By: Thymn Chase
- published: 06 Oct 2015
- views: 36
Krakow is the gateway to Auschwitz Memorial, making it extremely popular with tourists.
For travel information, costs, must see attractions, how to work and t...
Krakow is the gateway to Auschwitz Memorial, making it extremely popular with tourists.
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love jasmine xx
music: Fadex - Different State of Mind.
wn.com/Lets Explore Krakow Historical City
Krakow is the gateway to Auschwitz Memorial, making it extremely popular with tourists.
For travel information, costs, must see attractions, how to work and travel abroad long term and itineraries check out http://www.nomadgirl.co
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Backpacking southeast Asia
Southeast Asia Highlights - must see
Life as an expat in Hong Kong one year review and tips
Hong Kong Daily expenses - v's Melbourne (a cost break down) http://www.nomadgirl.co/cost-of-living-in-hong-kong
Save money while on road trips and backpacking in Australia
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love jasmine xx
music: Fadex - Different State of Mind.
- published: 17 Sep 2015
- views: 87
Three Faces of Krakow _ Best Guided Tours of Krakow Point.Travel.pl
Tour 1A Three Faces Tour is a great way to get an overview of Krakow Communism Tour Nowa Huta Krakow Route: Nowa Huta - Kazimierz-- Old Town Includes: guide,......
Tour 1A Three Faces Tour is a great way to get an overview of Krakow Communism Tour Nowa Huta Krakow Route: Nowa Huta - Kazimierz-- Old Town Includes: guide,...
wn.com/Three Faces Of Krakow Best Guided Tours Of Krakow Point.Travel.Pl
Tour 1A Three Faces Tour is a great way to get an overview of Krakow Communism Tour Nowa Huta Krakow Route: Nowa Huta - Kazimierz-- Old Town Includes: guide,...
Going Underground (Literally) in Kraków
Kraków's excellent Rynek Underground Museum — situated directly below the Main Market Square — offers an intimate look at the city 500 years ago. In this cli......
Kraków's excellent Rynek Underground Museum — situated directly below the Main Market Square — offers an intimate look at the city 500 years ago. In this cli...
wn.com/Going Underground (Literally) In Kraków
Kraków's excellent Rynek Underground Museum — situated directly below the Main Market Square — offers an intimate look at the city 500 years ago. In this cli...
Krakow, Poland - Promotional Video
Krakow Travel Time is a fully licensed, insured private transportation company based in Krakow, Poland that offers comfort, relaxation, a...
Krakow Travel Time is a fully licensed, insured private transportation company based in Krakow, Poland that offers comfort, relaxation, and reliability while riding.
We specialize in private tours and sightseeing, domestic and international transfers and airport pickups and drop-offs.
Discover the city of Krakow and its surroundings with our experienced team.
wn.com/Krakow, Poland Promotional Video
Krakow Travel Time is a fully licensed, insured private transportation company based in Krakow, Poland that offers comfort, relaxation, and reliability while riding.
We specialize in private tours and sightseeing, domestic and international transfers and airport pickups and drop-offs.
Discover the city of Krakow and its surroundings with our experienced team.
- published: 01 May 2015
- views: 271
Kraków, Poland - Sneak Peak - The Traveling Trio
Come along with Olivia, Ingram and Everett as they visit Kraków, Poland. The history of this amazing city starts with a fire-breathing dragon. You'll also le......
Come along with Olivia, Ingram and Everett as they visit Kraków, Poland. The history of this amazing city starts with a fire-breathing dragon. You'll also le...
wn.com/Kraków, Poland Sneak Peak The Traveling Trio
Come along with Olivia, Ingram and Everett as they visit Kraków, Poland. The history of this amazing city starts with a fire-breathing dragon. You'll also le...
Travel | Krakow, Poland, October 2014
A look into my long weekend in Krakow, Poland. A truly beautiful, chilled out city that can be enjoyed on a very tight budget.
Myself and my 3 friends spontan...
A look into my long weekend in Krakow, Poland. A truly beautiful, chilled out city that can be enjoyed on a very tight budget.
Myself and my 3 friends spontaneously booked flights to Poland in February/March time not knowing what to expect. We had a wonderful weekend full of laughter, amazing food and some incredible experiences.
A very emotional trip to Auschwitz left us with a deeper reflection and fuller understanding of the true horrors that went on during the time of Nazi Germany.
wn.com/Travel | Krakow, Poland, October 2014
A look into my long weekend in Krakow, Poland. A truly beautiful, chilled out city that can be enjoyed on a very tight budget.
Myself and my 3 friends spontaneously booked flights to Poland in February/March time not knowing what to expect. We had a wonderful weekend full of laughter, amazing food and some incredible experiences.
A very emotional trip to Auschwitz left us with a deeper reflection and fuller understanding of the true horrors that went on during the time of Nazi Germany.
- published: 09 Oct 2014
- views: 94
【K】Poland Travel-Krakow[폴란드 여행-크라쿠프]비엘리치카 소금 광산/Krakow/Wieliczka Salt Mine/Chapel/St. Kinga
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click...
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
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[한국어 정보]
비엘리치카 소금 광산은 유럽에서 가장 오래된 소금 광산으로 크라쿠프에서 차로 20분 거리에 있다. 소금을 채취하던 갱도는 약 300km 정도, 지하 9층, 327m까지 내려간다. 그중 채굴장과 갱도 2.5km를 관광용으로 개발해 운영 중이다. 비엘리치카 소금 광산은 13세기부터 700년간 소금을 채취했다. 당시는 소금이 귀했다.이 소금은 폴란드 왕국 수도인 크라쿠프를 건설하는데 큰 재정적 도움이 되었다. 지금도 소금을 채취할 수는 있다 그러나 채산성 부족으로 중단되었다. 지금은 한해 120만 명이 넘는 관광객들로 북적인다. 그 중에서 한국 관광객이 4번째로 많다고 한다. 관광객 안내는 소금광산 광부 출신들이 전담해서 맡고 있다. 가장 인기가 있는 곳은 지하 100m에 있는 성당이다. 헝가리에서 폴란드로 시집올 때 이 소금 광산을 가져왔다고 전해지는 킹가공주를 기리는 성당이다. 그 크기가 길이 55m, 폭 18미터, 높이가 12미터나 된다. 웬만한 지상의 성당의 규모다. 소금 바위로 어쩜 저렇게 조각을 잘 했나 싶다. 더욱 놀란 것은 전문 조각가의 솜씨가 아닌 광부들의 작품이라는 것이다. 관광객을 위한 기념품 가게도 지하에 있다. 형형색색 그 빛깔도 화려하다. 모든 것이 소금으로 만든 것이라는 애기에 한 번 더 눈길이 갔다.
[English: Google Translator]
Wieliczka salt mine is a 20-minute drive from Krakow's oldest salt mine in Europe. Who collected the salt mine is about 300km or so, nine-storey basement, down to 327m. Among the 2.5km pit and underground operations being developed for tourism. Wieliczka Salt Mine has taken 700 years salt from the 13th century. At that time, salt was the ear. This salt was a big financial help to build the kingdom's capital, Krakow, Poland. You can still collect salt, however, it was interrupted by a lack of profitability. Indah now crowded with more than 1.2 million tourists a year. Among the tourists to Korea tons in the fourth. Tourist guide is responsible to the salt mine miners who were dedicated. The most popular place is the cathedral in the underground 100m. When it comes to Polish poetry in Hungary brought the salt mine is handed down kingga Cathedral in honor of the princess. Its size, length 55m, width 18 m, height is or 12 meters. The size of the Cathedral of tolerable ground. Did I want a good piece eojjeom like that in Salt Rock.
[Polish: Google Translator]
Kopalnia soli w Wieliczce znajduje się w odległości 20 minut spacerem od krakowskiego najstarszej kopalni soli w Europie. Kto zebrał kopalnię soli to około 300 km lub więcej, dziewięć kondygnacji piwnicy, aż do 327m. Wśród działań podziemnych i odkrywkowych 2,5 km tworzone dla turystyki. Kopalnia Soli w Wieliczce miała 700 lat sól z 13 wieku. W tym czasie, sól była ucho. Sól ta była duża pomoc finansowa budować stolicę królestwa, Kraków, Polska. Nadal można zebrać sól, jednak została przerwana z powodu braku rentowności. Indah teraz zatłoczone z ponad 1,2 mln turystów rocznie. Wśród turystów do Korei ton w czwartym. Przewodnik turystyczny jest odpowiedzialny górników kopalni soli którzy dedykowanych. Najbardziej popularnym miejscem jest katedra w podziemnym 100m. Jeśli chodzi o poezji polskiej na Węgrzech przyniosła kopalnia soli jest przekazywane kingga Katedra na cześć księżniczki. Jego wielkość, długość 55m, szerokość 18 m, wysokość 12 metrów i jest. Wielkość katedry dopuszczalnego podłoża. Czy chcę dobry kawałek eojjeom takiego w Salt Rock.
■클립명: 유럽119-폴란드03-10 비엘리치카 소금 광산/Krakow/Wieliczka Salt Mine/Chapel/St. Kinga
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이남기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 6월 June
유럽,Europe,,폴란드,Poland,Polska ,Republic of Poland,이남기,2015,6월 June,크라쿠프,,Krakow
wn.com/【K】Poland Travel Krakow 폴란드 여행 크라쿠프 비엘리치카 소금 광산 Krakow Wieliczka Salt Mine Chapel St. Kinga
■ KBS 걸어서 세계속으로 PD들이 직접 만든 해외여행전문 유투브 채널 【Everywhere, K】
■ The Travels of Nearly Everywhere! 10,000 of HD world travel video clips with English subtitle! (Click on 'subtitles/CC' button)
■ '구독' 버튼을 누르고 10,000여 개의 생생한 【HD】영상을 공유 해 보세요! (Click on 'setting'-'quality'- 【1080P HD】 ! / 더보기 SHOW MORE ↓↓↓)
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● KBS 걸어서세계속으로 홈페이지 - http://travel.kbs.co.kr
[한국어 정보]
비엘리치카 소금 광산은 유럽에서 가장 오래된 소금 광산으로 크라쿠프에서 차로 20분 거리에 있다. 소금을 채취하던 갱도는 약 300km 정도, 지하 9층, 327m까지 내려간다. 그중 채굴장과 갱도 2.5km를 관광용으로 개발해 운영 중이다. 비엘리치카 소금 광산은 13세기부터 700년간 소금을 채취했다. 당시는 소금이 귀했다.이 소금은 폴란드 왕국 수도인 크라쿠프를 건설하는데 큰 재정적 도움이 되었다. 지금도 소금을 채취할 수는 있다 그러나 채산성 부족으로 중단되었다. 지금은 한해 120만 명이 넘는 관광객들로 북적인다. 그 중에서 한국 관광객이 4번째로 많다고 한다. 관광객 안내는 소금광산 광부 출신들이 전담해서 맡고 있다. 가장 인기가 있는 곳은 지하 100m에 있는 성당이다. 헝가리에서 폴란드로 시집올 때 이 소금 광산을 가져왔다고 전해지는 킹가공주를 기리는 성당이다. 그 크기가 길이 55m, 폭 18미터, 높이가 12미터나 된다. 웬만한 지상의 성당의 규모다. 소금 바위로 어쩜 저렇게 조각을 잘 했나 싶다. 더욱 놀란 것은 전문 조각가의 솜씨가 아닌 광부들의 작품이라는 것이다. 관광객을 위한 기념품 가게도 지하에 있다. 형형색색 그 빛깔도 화려하다. 모든 것이 소금으로 만든 것이라는 애기에 한 번 더 눈길이 갔다.
[English: Google Translator]
Wieliczka salt mine is a 20-minute drive from Krakow's oldest salt mine in Europe. Who collected the salt mine is about 300km or so, nine-storey basement, down to 327m. Among the 2.5km pit and underground operations being developed for tourism. Wieliczka Salt Mine has taken 700 years salt from the 13th century. At that time, salt was the ear. This salt was a big financial help to build the kingdom's capital, Krakow, Poland. You can still collect salt, however, it was interrupted by a lack of profitability. Indah now crowded with more than 1.2 million tourists a year. Among the tourists to Korea tons in the fourth. Tourist guide is responsible to the salt mine miners who were dedicated. The most popular place is the cathedral in the underground 100m. When it comes to Polish poetry in Hungary brought the salt mine is handed down kingga Cathedral in honor of the princess. Its size, length 55m, width 18 m, height is or 12 meters. The size of the Cathedral of tolerable ground. Did I want a good piece eojjeom like that in Salt Rock.
[Polish: Google Translator]
Kopalnia soli w Wieliczce znajduje się w odległości 20 minut spacerem od krakowskiego najstarszej kopalni soli w Europie. Kto zebrał kopalnię soli to około 300 km lub więcej, dziewięć kondygnacji piwnicy, aż do 327m. Wśród działań podziemnych i odkrywkowych 2,5 km tworzone dla turystyki. Kopalnia Soli w Wieliczce miała 700 lat sól z 13 wieku. W tym czasie, sól była ucho. Sól ta była duża pomoc finansowa budować stolicę królestwa, Kraków, Polska. Nadal można zebrać sól, jednak została przerwana z powodu braku rentowności. Indah teraz zatłoczone z ponad 1,2 mln turystów rocznie. Wśród turystów do Korei ton w czwartym. Przewodnik turystyczny jest odpowiedzialny górników kopalni soli którzy dedykowanych. Najbardziej popularnym miejscem jest katedra w podziemnym 100m. Jeśli chodzi o poezji polskiej na Węgrzech przyniosła kopalnia soli jest przekazywane kingga Katedra na cześć księżniczki. Jego wielkość, długość 55m, szerokość 18 m, wysokość 12 metrów i jest. Wielkość katedry dopuszczalnego podłoża. Czy chcę dobry kawałek eojjeom takiego w Salt Rock.
■클립명: 유럽119-폴란드03-10 비엘리치카 소금 광산/Krakow/Wieliczka Salt Mine/Chapel/St. Kinga
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 이남기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2015년 6월 June
유럽,Europe,,폴란드,Poland,Polska ,Republic of Poland,이남기,2015,6월 June,크라쿠프,,Krakow
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 2
Warsaw (Polish: Warszawa [varˈʂava] ( listen); see also other ...
Warsaw (Polish: Warszawa [varˈʂava] ( listen); see also other names), is the capital and largest city of Poland. It is located on the Vistula River, in east-central Poland, roughly 260 kilometres (160 mi) from the Baltic Sea and 300 kilometres (190 mi) from the Carpathian Mountains. Its population is estimated at 1.740 million residents within a greater metropolitan area of 2.666 million residents, which makes Warsaw the 9th most populous capital city in the European Union.[2][3][4] The city limits cover 516.9 square kilometres (199.6 sq mi), while the metropolitan area covers 6,100.43 square kilometres (2,355.39 sq mi).[5]
In 2012 Warsaw was ranked as the 32nd most liveable city in the world by the Economist Intelligence Unit.[6] It was also ranked as one of the most liveable cities in Central and Eastern Europe. Today Warsaw is considered an Alpha– global city, a major international tourist destination and a significant cultural, political and economic hub.[7][8][9] Warsaw's economy, by a wide variety of industries, is characterised by FMCG manufacturing, metal processing, steel and electronic manufacturing and food processing. The city is a significant centre of research and development, BPO, ITO, as well as Polish media industry. The Warsaw Stock Exchange is one of the largest and most important in Central Europe. Frontex, the European Union agency for external border security, is headquartered in Warsaw. Unusually for a European city, Warsaw has a prominent skyline with many skyscrapers and high-rise buildings in the city center. Warsaw is one of only a few cities in the European Union that have such a skyline, together with Frankfurt, London and Paris.
The first historical reference to Warsaw dates back to the year 1313, when initially Kraków served as the Polish capital city. Due to its central location between the Commonwealth's capitals of Kraków and Vilnius, Warsaw became the capital of the Commonwealth and the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland when King Sigismund III Vasa moved his court from Kraków to Warsaw in 1596.[10] After the Third Partition of Poland in 1795, Warsaw was incorporated into the Kingdom of Prussia. In 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars, the city became the official capital of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, a puppet state of the First French Empire created by Napoleon Bonaparte. With accordance to the decision of the Congress of Vienna, Warsaw in 1815 was annexed by the Russian Empire and became part of the "Congress Kingdom". Only in 1918 it regained independence from the foreign rule and emerged as a new capital of the independent Republic of Poland. Along with the German invasion in 1939, the massacre of the Jewish population and deportations to concentration camps led to the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto in 1943 and to a major and devastating Warsaw Uprising between August and October 1944. For this Warsaw gained the title of the "phoenix city" because it has survived so many wars, conflicts and invasions throughout its long history. Most notably, the city had to be painstakingly rebuilt after the extensive damage it suffered in World War II, during which 85% of its buildings were destroyed.[11][12] On 9 November 1940 the city was awarded Poland's highest military decoration for heroism, the Virtuti Militari, during the Siege of Warsaw (1939).[13][14]
The city is the seat of a Roman Catholic archdiocese (left bank) and diocese (right bank of the Vistula), and possesses various universities, most notably the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Warsaw University, an opera house, theatres, museums, libraries and monuments. The historic city centre of Warsaw with its picturesque Old Town in 1980 was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other main architectural attractions include the Castle Square with the Royal Castle and the iconic King Sigismund's Column, St. John's Cathedral, Market Square, palaces, churches and mansions all displaying a richness of colour and architectural detail. Buildings are representatives of nearly every European architectural style and historical period. Warsaw has wonderful examples of architecture from the gothic, renaissance, baroque and neoclassical periods and around a quarter of the city is filled with grand parks and royal gardens.
Turism in Warsaw
: http://www.warsawtour.pl/en
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Warsaw (Polish: Warszawa [varˈʂava] ( listen); see also other names), is the capital and largest city of Poland. It is located on the Vistula River, in east-central Poland, roughly 260 kilometres (160 mi) from the Baltic Sea and 300 kilometres (190 mi) from the Carpathian Mountains. Its population is estimated at 1.740 million residents within a greater metropolitan area of 2.666 million residents, which makes Warsaw the 9th most populous capital city in the European Union.[2][3][4] The city limits cover 516.9 square kilometres (199.6 sq mi), while the metropolitan area covers 6,100.43 square kilometres (2,355.39 sq mi).[5]
In 2012 Warsaw was ranked as the 32nd most liveable city in the world by the Economist Intelligence Unit.[6] It was also ranked as one of the most liveable cities in Central and Eastern Europe. Today Warsaw is considered an Alpha– global city, a major international tourist destination and a significant cultural, political and economic hub.[7][8][9] Warsaw's economy, by a wide variety of industries, is characterised by FMCG manufacturing, metal processing, steel and electronic manufacturing and food processing. The city is a significant centre of research and development, BPO, ITO, as well as Polish media industry. The Warsaw Stock Exchange is one of the largest and most important in Central Europe. Frontex, the European Union agency for external border security, is headquartered in Warsaw. Unusually for a European city, Warsaw has a prominent skyline with many skyscrapers and high-rise buildings in the city center. Warsaw is one of only a few cities in the European Union that have such a skyline, together with Frankfurt, London and Paris.
The first historical reference to Warsaw dates back to the year 1313, when initially Kraków served as the Polish capital city. Due to its central location between the Commonwealth's capitals of Kraków and Vilnius, Warsaw became the capital of the Commonwealth and the Crown of the Kingdom of Poland when King Sigismund III Vasa moved his court from Kraków to Warsaw in 1596.[10] After the Third Partition of Poland in 1795, Warsaw was incorporated into the Kingdom of Prussia. In 1806 during the Napoleonic Wars, the city became the official capital of the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, a puppet state of the First French Empire created by Napoleon Bonaparte. With accordance to the decision of the Congress of Vienna, Warsaw in 1815 was annexed by the Russian Empire and became part of the "Congress Kingdom". Only in 1918 it regained independence from the foreign rule and emerged as a new capital of the independent Republic of Poland. Along with the German invasion in 1939, the massacre of the Jewish population and deportations to concentration camps led to the uprising in the Warsaw ghetto in 1943 and to a major and devastating Warsaw Uprising between August and October 1944. For this Warsaw gained the title of the "phoenix city" because it has survived so many wars, conflicts and invasions throughout its long history. Most notably, the city had to be painstakingly rebuilt after the extensive damage it suffered in World War II, during which 85% of its buildings were destroyed.[11][12] On 9 November 1940 the city was awarded Poland's highest military decoration for heroism, the Virtuti Militari, during the Siege of Warsaw (1939).[13][14]
The city is the seat of a Roman Catholic archdiocese (left bank) and diocese (right bank of the Vistula), and possesses various universities, most notably the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Warsaw University, an opera house, theatres, museums, libraries and monuments. The historic city centre of Warsaw with its picturesque Old Town in 1980 was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Other main architectural attractions include the Castle Square with the Royal Castle and the iconic King Sigismund's Column, St. John's Cathedral, Market Square, palaces, churches and mansions all displaying a richness of colour and architectural detail. Buildings are representatives of nearly every European architectural style and historical period. Warsaw has wonderful examples of architecture from the gothic, renaissance, baroque and neoclassical periods and around a quarter of the city is filled with grand parks and royal gardens.
Turism in Warsaw
: http://www.warsawtour.pl/en
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- published: 15 May 2015
- views: 7516