Geschichte des Deutschen Staates von 1871-1990 Illustriert dargestellt. Nachkriegsgeschichte im Lichte des Staats- und Völkerrechtes - Erzeugt mit AquaSoft D...
1871 (1990) Clip 1
1871 (1990) Clip 1
1871 (1990) Clip 1
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted pe...
1871 (1990) Clip 2
1871 (1990) Clip 2
1871 (1990) Clip 2
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted pe...
Germany 1871-1990 -
Germany 1871-1990 -
Germany 1871-1990 -
From the German Reich to the fall of the Wall and the German reunification. Inside Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM) in Berlin. Read more about it in the "...
1871 (1990)
1871 (1990)
1871 (1990)
Play Now
1871 (1990) ***Film Complet**
1871 (1990) ***Film Complet**
1871 (1990) ***Film Complet**
playing here
Made during the time of Hitler's Third Reich, this silent educational film (made to have a script read over it while it played) shows the varying borders of Western Germany during the period 1871- 1935, including after the Treaty of Versailles in 1918. Doubtless part of the idea and motivation behind this film was to demonstrate to the German people that many "Germanic peoples" were living in other parts of Europe nearby, and that Germany deserved to be a bigger state than it was permitted to be following the Treaty of Versailles.
Various Germanic tribes have occupied northern Germany since classical antiquity. A region named Germania was
Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
Beste Aydın & Erkan Aydın - Türk Sanat Müziği Konseri
Tarih: Cuma, 12 Aralık 2008
Saat: 19:30
Yer: Friedrichstr. 19, Großer Saal, Erlangen
Münevver Beste AYDIN: 1994 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Devlet Türk Mûsikîsi Konservatuvarı Temel Bilimler Bölümü'nü birincilikle kazandi. 2001 yılında Konservatuvara ögretim görevlisi olarak atandı. T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, T.C. Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının görevlendirmeleri ile yurt içinde ve yurt dışında bir çok konserde kanun sanatçısı olarak görev yapmıştır. 2007 yılında " Yeni Başlayanlar İçin KANUN METODU" adlı kitabını yayınladı. Bu metod, konservatuvarda ders kitabı
Germania in 5 minuti di Ignazio, Elisa e Carlo
Germania in 5 minuti di Ignazio, Elisa e Carlo
Germania in 5 minuti di Ignazio, Elisa e Carlo
Un video diviso in tre parti: nella prima vi mostreremo immagini su monumenti tedeschi, nella seconda troverete delle immagini sulla storia tedesca dal 1871 al 1990 e nella terza troverete delle immagini sulla Germania attuale.
Billy Bragg - The Internationale (with lyrics) [1990]
Billy Bragg - The Internationale (with lyrics) [1990]
Billy Bragg - The Internationale (with lyrics) [1990]
Original anthem of the Soviet Union. "The Internationale" (French: "L'Internationale") is a widely sung left-wing anthem. It has been one of the most recogni...
Thema: Deutsch-Deutscher Krieg 1866 und Reichsgründung 1871
Thema: Deutsch-Deutscher Krieg 1866 und Reichsgründung 1871
Thema: Deutsch-Deutscher Krieg 1866 und Reichsgründung 1871
Gekürzter Ausschnitt aus der ZDF Doku „Bismarck und das Deutsche Reich" zum Deutsch-Deutschen-Krieg und Reichsgründung Gedacht als Appetizer und Impulsfilm f...
L’unification de l’Allemagne (1850-1871) (Carte animée)
L’unification de l’Allemagne (1850-1871) (Carte animée)
L’unification de l’Allemagne (1850-1871) (Carte animée)
La confédération Germanique créée en 1815 et présidée par l'empereur d'Autriche, ne satisfait pas les patriotes Allemands. Bismarck et Guillaume Ier entrepre...
1990 Hauge Staubo Ditlev-Simonsen - He was a Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog | malteserkors
1990 Hauge Staubo Ditlev-Simonsen - He was a Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog | malteserkors
1990 Hauge Staubo Ditlev-Simonsen - He was a Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog | malteserkors
White Knights - Scandinavian Star (1990) set on fire | I april 1943 skipsreder Olaf Ditlev-Simonsen jr., Oslo tiltråde som ny leder, Nortraships kontor i Gøt...
Verfassung von 1871 wurde nie aufgehoben und ist heute noch in Kraft
Verfassung von 1871 wurde nie aufgehoben und ist heute noch in Kraft
Verfassung von 1871 wurde nie aufgehoben und ist heute noch in Kraft
Die Verfassung von 1871 wurde von der WRV nicht aufgehoben und ist immer noch die Verfassung des souveränen Deutschlands.
Geschichte des Deutschen Staates von 1871-1990 Illustriert dargestellt. Nachkriegsgeschichte im Lichte des Staats- und Völkerrechtes - Erzeugt mit AquaSoft D...
1871 (1990) Clip 1
1871 (1990) Clip 1
1871 (1990) Clip 1
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted pe...
1871 (1990) Clip 2
1871 (1990) Clip 2
1871 (1990) Clip 2
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted pe...
Germany 1871-1990 -
Germany 1871-1990 -
Germany 1871-1990 -
From the German Reich to the fall of the Wall and the German reunification. Inside Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM) in Berlin. Read more about it in the "...
1871 (1990)
1871 (1990)
1871 (1990)
Play Now
1871 (1990) ***Film Complet**
1871 (1990) ***Film Complet**
1871 (1990) ***Film Complet**
playing here
Made during the time of Hitler's Third Reich, this silent educational film (made to have a script read over it while it played) shows the varying borders of Western Germany during the period 1871- 1935, including after the Treaty of Versailles in 1918. Doubtless part of the idea and motivation behind this film was to demonstrate to the German people that many "Germanic peoples" were living in other parts of Europe nearby, and that Germany deserved to be a bigger state than it was permitted to be following the Treaty of Versailles.
Various Germanic tribes have occupied northern Germany since classical antiquity. A region named Germania was
Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
Beste Aydın & Erkan Aydın - Türk Sanat Müziği Konseri
Tarih: Cuma, 12 Aralık 2008
Saat: 19:30
Yer: Friedrichstr. 19, Großer Saal, Erlangen
Münevver Beste AYDIN: 1994 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Devlet Türk Mûsikîsi Konservatuvarı Temel Bilimler Bölümü'nü birincilikle kazandi. 2001 yılında Konservatuvara ögretim görevlisi olarak atandı. T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, T.C. Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının görevlendirmeleri ile yurt içinde ve yurt dışında bir çok konserde kanun sanatçısı olarak görev yapmıştır. 2007 yılında " Yeni Başlayanlar İçin KANUN METODU" adlı kitabını yayınladı. Bu metod, konservatuvarda ders kitabı
Germania in 5 minuti di Ignazio, Elisa e Carlo
Germania in 5 minuti di Ignazio, Elisa e Carlo
Germania in 5 minuti di Ignazio, Elisa e Carlo
Un video diviso in tre parti: nella prima vi mostreremo immagini su monumenti tedeschi, nella seconda troverete delle immagini sulla storia tedesca dal 1871 al 1990 e nella terza troverete delle immagini sulla Germania attuale.
Billy Bragg - The Internationale (with lyrics) [1990]
Billy Bragg - The Internationale (with lyrics) [1990]
Billy Bragg - The Internationale (with lyrics) [1990]
Original anthem of the Soviet Union. "The Internationale" (French: "L'Internationale") is a widely sung left-wing anthem. It has been one of the most recogni...
Thema: Deutsch-Deutscher Krieg 1866 und Reichsgründung 1871
Thema: Deutsch-Deutscher Krieg 1866 und Reichsgründung 1871
Thema: Deutsch-Deutscher Krieg 1866 und Reichsgründung 1871
Gekürzter Ausschnitt aus der ZDF Doku „Bismarck und das Deutsche Reich" zum Deutsch-Deutschen-Krieg und Reichsgründung Gedacht als Appetizer und Impulsfilm f...
L’unification de l’Allemagne (1850-1871) (Carte animée)
L’unification de l’Allemagne (1850-1871) (Carte animée)
L’unification de l’Allemagne (1850-1871) (Carte animée)
La confédération Germanique créée en 1815 et présidée par l'empereur d'Autriche, ne satisfait pas les patriotes Allemands. Bismarck et Guillaume Ier entrepre...
1990 Hauge Staubo Ditlev-Simonsen - He was a Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog | malteserkors
1990 Hauge Staubo Ditlev-Simonsen - He was a Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog | malteserkors
1990 Hauge Staubo Ditlev-Simonsen - He was a Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog | malteserkors
White Knights - Scandinavian Star (1990) set on fire | I april 1943 skipsreder Olaf Ditlev-Simonsen jr., Oslo tiltråde som ny leder, Nortraships kontor i Gøt...
Verfassung von 1871 wurde nie aufgehoben und ist heute noch in Kraft
Verfassung von 1871 wurde nie aufgehoben und ist heute noch in Kraft
Verfassung von 1871 wurde nie aufgehoben und ist heute noch in Kraft
Die Verfassung von 1871 wurde von der WRV nicht aufgehoben und ist immer noch die Verfassung des souveränen Deutschlands.
Aufklärung wie das rechtsfähige Deutsches Reich (1871) wieder handlungsfähig wird.
Aufklärung wie das rechtsfähige Deutsches Reich (1871) wieder handlungsfähig wird.
Aufklärung wie das rechtsfähige Deutsches Reich (1871) wieder handlungsfähig wird.
Wir beziehen uns bezüglich des Reiches bewußt und völkerrechtlich absolut korrekt auf das 1871 gegründete Deutsche Reich und nicht auf das ab 1919 stetig fremdverwaltete Reich. Es geht bei unseren Handlungen nicht darum, wieder in die Zeit vor 1919 zurückzukehren, sonderen es geht uns darum die seit November 1918 gegen Völkerrecht und Staatsrecht aufgebaute Privatisierung unserer Heimat neu zu ordnen und als souveräner Staat dem deutschen Volk die staatliche Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Es ist nicht nur unser Recht, sondern unsere Pflicht wieder als freies Volk in einem freien Staat in friedlicher Nachbarschaft mit allen Völkern zu leben.
Eine Reise in das Deutsche Kaiserreich ( 1871 - 1918 )
Eine Reise in das Deutsche Kaiserreich ( 1871 - 1918 )
Eine Reise in das Deutsche Kaiserreich ( 1871 - 1918 )
Eine Reise in das Deutsche Kaiserreich ( 1871 - 1918 ) Deutsches Kaiserreich ist die Bezeichnung für das Deutsche Reich zwischen 1871 und 1918. Während diese...
Gute gemachte Geschichte des Deutschen Reiches beginnend mit der Gründung 1871...bis steht völkerrechtlich eindeutig fest, dass das Deutsche Reich ...
Die Gründung des Deutschen Reiches 1871 - Ein RSG-Zeitzeichen , von Sven, Conrad, Sebastian
Die Gründung des Deutschen Reiches 1871 - Ein RSG-Zeitzeichen , von Sven, Conrad, Sebastian
Die Gründung des Deutschen Reiches 1871 - Ein RSG-Zeitzeichen , von Sven, Conrad, Sebastian
Ein Projekt des LK Geschichte von Herr Lochthowe. Autoren sind Conrad, Sebastian und Sven.
Franco-German War (1870 - 1871)
Franco-German War (1870 - 1871)
Franco-German War (1870 - 1871)
The Franco-German War or Franco-Prussian War (19 July 1870 - 10 May 1871) was a conflict between France and Prussia, while Prussia was backed up by the North...
Deutsches Kaiserreich 1871 - 1918
Deutsches Kaiserreich 1871 - 1918
Deutsches Kaiserreich 1871 - 1918
Im Gedenken an Deutschlands Blütezeit Dieser Film ist ausnahmsweise mal nicht von uns, sondern von Vaterland 1871.
Die Verfassung von 1871
Die Verfassung von 1871
Die Verfassung von 1871
Dieses Video wurde für unser Geschichtsprojekt erstellt. Das Projekt umfasst das Thema "Einheit und Freiheit".
Geschichte des Deutschen Staates von 1871-1990 Illustriert dargestellt. Nachkriegsgeschichte im Lichte des Staats- und Völkerrechtes - Erzeugt mit AquaSoft D...
Geschichte des Deutschen Staates von 1871-1990 Illustriert dargestellt. Nachkriegsgeschichte im Lichte des Staats- und Völkerrechtes - Erzeugt mit AquaSoft D...
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted pe...
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted pe...
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted pe...
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted pe...
From the German Reich to the fall of the Wall and the German reunification. Inside Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM) in Berlin. Read more about it in the "...
From the German Reich to the fall of the Wall and the German reunification. Inside Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM) in Berlin. Read more about it in the "...
Made during the time of Hitler's Third Reich, this silent educational film (made to have a script read over it while it played) shows the varying borders of Western Germany during the period 1871- 1935, including after the Treaty of Versailles in 1918. Doubtless part of the idea and motivation behind this film was to demonstrate to the German people that many "Germanic peoples" were living in other parts of Europe nearby, and that Germany deserved to be a bigger state than it was permitted to be following the Treaty of Versailles.
Various Germanic tribes have occupied northern Germany since classical antiquity. A region named Germania was documented before 100 CE. During the Migration Period the Germanic tribes expanded southward. Beginning in the 10th century, German territories formed a central part of the Holy Roman Empire. During the 16th century, northern German regions became the centre of the Protestant Reformation.
The rise of Pan-Germanism inside the German Confederation resulted in the unification of most of the German states in 1871 into the Prussian-dominated German Empire. After World War I and the German Revolution of 1918–1919, the Empire was replaced by the parliamentary Weimar Republic. The establishment of the Third Reich in 1933 eventually led to World War II and the Holocaust. After 1945, Germany lost roughly one-quarter of its pre-war territory and evolved into two states, East Germany and West Germany. In 1990, the country was reunified.
The process of German expansion after WWI started in 1935, when residents of the Saar region, which had been ruled under a mandate by the League of Nations since the Versailles Treaty, decided to join Germany after holding a popular referendum. This was followed in March 1936 by the German army’s occupation of the Rhineland, which had been demilitarized after the end of the First World War. Hitler then legitimized the occupation by staging a popular referendum after the fact. In March 1938, after making a series of intimidating moves and threats against the Austrian government, Hitler’s Germany annexed his native Austria and incorporated it into the Reich as the Eastern March [Ostmark]. Again, Hitler staged a popular referendum to retroactively legitimize the so-called Anschluss [annexation]. None of these moves met with any appreciable resistance from the local population or the Western Allies, despite the fact that the remilitarization of the Rhineland represented a violation of the Versailles and Locarno treaties. Thus, in September 1938, Hitler moved on to the next phase of his plan: the liquidation of Czechoslovakia. First, he demanded the incorporation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland – a region inhabited by ethnic Germans – into the German Reich. After prolonged negotiations with the Western Allies (above all Great Britain), who feared another European war, the Sudetenland was ceded to Germany in the Munich Agreement. This agreement, however, was made without Czech participation. In March 1939, German troops went on to occupy the rest of Czechoslovakia, where they established the “Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.” Slovakia was declared a German satellite state, and a “protective zone” for the stationing of German troops was established on its western border. In the same month, German troops occupied the Lithuanian Memel region, which Germany had lost under the Versailles treaty. Lithuania, which governed the region, was forced to sign a treaty that returned the Memel region to Germany. At this point, the aggressive and confrontational nature of Hitler’s foreign policy could not be ignored any longer. As a result, Great Britain guaranteed Poland’s sovereignty and promised its support in case of an attack.
We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example like: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference."
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit
Made during the time of Hitler's Third Reich, this silent educational film (made to have a script read over it while it played) shows the varying borders of Western Germany during the period 1871- 1935, including after the Treaty of Versailles in 1918. Doubtless part of the idea and motivation behind this film was to demonstrate to the German people that many "Germanic peoples" were living in other parts of Europe nearby, and that Germany deserved to be a bigger state than it was permitted to be following the Treaty of Versailles.
Various Germanic tribes have occupied northern Germany since classical antiquity. A region named Germania was documented before 100 CE. During the Migration Period the Germanic tribes expanded southward. Beginning in the 10th century, German territories formed a central part of the Holy Roman Empire. During the 16th century, northern German regions became the centre of the Protestant Reformation.
The rise of Pan-Germanism inside the German Confederation resulted in the unification of most of the German states in 1871 into the Prussian-dominated German Empire. After World War I and the German Revolution of 1918–1919, the Empire was replaced by the parliamentary Weimar Republic. The establishment of the Third Reich in 1933 eventually led to World War II and the Holocaust. After 1945, Germany lost roughly one-quarter of its pre-war territory and evolved into two states, East Germany and West Germany. In 1990, the country was reunified.
The process of German expansion after WWI started in 1935, when residents of the Saar region, which had been ruled under a mandate by the League of Nations since the Versailles Treaty, decided to join Germany after holding a popular referendum. This was followed in March 1936 by the German army’s occupation of the Rhineland, which had been demilitarized after the end of the First World War. Hitler then legitimized the occupation by staging a popular referendum after the fact. In March 1938, after making a series of intimidating moves and threats against the Austrian government, Hitler’s Germany annexed his native Austria and incorporated it into the Reich as the Eastern March [Ostmark]. Again, Hitler staged a popular referendum to retroactively legitimize the so-called Anschluss [annexation]. None of these moves met with any appreciable resistance from the local population or the Western Allies, despite the fact that the remilitarization of the Rhineland represented a violation of the Versailles and Locarno treaties. Thus, in September 1938, Hitler moved on to the next phase of his plan: the liquidation of Czechoslovakia. First, he demanded the incorporation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland – a region inhabited by ethnic Germans – into the German Reich. After prolonged negotiations with the Western Allies (above all Great Britain), who feared another European war, the Sudetenland was ceded to Germany in the Munich Agreement. This agreement, however, was made without Czech participation. In March 1939, German troops went on to occupy the rest of Czechoslovakia, where they established the “Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.” Slovakia was declared a German satellite state, and a “protective zone” for the stationing of German troops was established on its western border. In the same month, German troops occupied the Lithuanian Memel region, which Germany had lost under the Versailles treaty. Lithuania, which governed the region, was forced to sign a treaty that returned the Memel region to Germany. At this point, the aggressive and confrontational nature of Hitler’s foreign policy could not be ignored any longer. As a result, Great Britain guaranteed Poland’s sovereignty and promised its support in case of an attack.
We encourage viewers to add comments and, especially, to provide additional information about our videos by adding a comment! See something interesting? Tell people what it is and what they can see by writing something for example like: "01:00:12:00 -- President Roosevelt is seen meeting with Winston Churchill at the Quebec Conference."
This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit
Beste Aydın & Erkan Aydın - Türk Sanat Müziği Konseri
Tarih: Cuma, 12 Aralık 2008
Saat: 19:30
Yer: Friedrichstr. 19, Großer Saal, Erlangen
Münevver Beste AYDIN: 1994 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Devlet Türk Mûsikîsi Konservatuvarı Temel Bilimler Bölümü'nü birincilikle kazandi. 2001 yılında Konservatuvara ögretim görevlisi olarak atandı. T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, T.C. Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının görevlendirmeleri ile yurt içinde ve yurt dışında bir çok konserde kanun sanatçısı olarak görev yapmıştır. 2007 yılında " Yeni Başlayanlar İçin KANUN METODU" adlı kitabını yayınladı. Bu metod, konservatuvarda ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır. Halen, E.Ü. D.T.M. Konservatuvarında; Türk Mûsikîsi Tarihi ve Çalgı Eğitimi (kanun) derslerini yürütmektedir.
Erkan AYDIN: 1990 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Devlet Türk Mûsikîsi Konservatuvarı Temel Bilimler Bölümü'nü ikincilikle kazandı. 1992'de TRT İzmir Radyosu'nda akitli ud sanatçısı olarak çalısmaya basladı. 1997 yılında E.Ü. D.T.M. Konservatuvarına öğretim görevlisi olarak atandı. Konservatuvardaki ve TRT'deki çalışmalarının dışında; T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, T.C. Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının görevlendirmeleri ile yurt içinde ve yurt dışında bir çok konserde ud sanatçısı olarak katılmıstır. Halen, E.Ü. D.T.M. Konservatuvarında; Türk Müziği'nde Türler ve Biçimler ve Çalgı Eğitimi (ud) derslerini yürütmektedir.
Beste Aydın & Erkan Aydın - Türk Sanat Müziği Konseri
Tarih: Cuma, 12 Aralık 2008
Saat: 19:30
Yer: Friedrichstr. 19, Großer Saal, Erlangen
Münevver Beste AYDIN: 1994 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Devlet Türk Mûsikîsi Konservatuvarı Temel Bilimler Bölümü'nü birincilikle kazandi. 2001 yılında Konservatuvara ögretim görevlisi olarak atandı. T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, T.C. Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının görevlendirmeleri ile yurt içinde ve yurt dışında bir çok konserde kanun sanatçısı olarak görev yapmıştır. 2007 yılında " Yeni Başlayanlar İçin KANUN METODU" adlı kitabını yayınladı. Bu metod, konservatuvarda ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır. Halen, E.Ü. D.T.M. Konservatuvarında; Türk Mûsikîsi Tarihi ve Çalgı Eğitimi (kanun) derslerini yürütmektedir.
Erkan AYDIN: 1990 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Devlet Türk Mûsikîsi Konservatuvarı Temel Bilimler Bölümü'nü ikincilikle kazandı. 1992'de TRT İzmir Radyosu'nda akitli ud sanatçısı olarak çalısmaya basladı. 1997 yılında E.Ü. D.T.M. Konservatuvarına öğretim görevlisi olarak atandı. Konservatuvardaki ve TRT'deki çalışmalarının dışında; T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, T.C. Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının görevlendirmeleri ile yurt içinde ve yurt dışında bir çok konserde ud sanatçısı olarak katılmıstır. Halen, E.Ü. D.T.M. Konservatuvarında; Türk Müziği'nde Türler ve Biçimler ve Çalgı Eğitimi (ud) derslerini yürütmektedir.
Un video diviso in tre parti: nella prima vi mostreremo immagini su monumenti tedeschi, nella seconda troverete delle immagini sulla storia tedesca dal 1871 al 1990 e nella terza troverete delle immagini sulla Germania attuale.
Un video diviso in tre parti: nella prima vi mostreremo immagini su monumenti tedeschi, nella seconda troverete delle immagini sulla storia tedesca dal 1871 al 1990 e nella terza troverete delle immagini sulla Germania attuale.
published:30 May 2014
Billy Bragg - The Internationale (with lyrics) [1990]
Original anthem of the Soviet Union. "The Internationale" (French: "L'Internationale") is a widely sung left-wing anthem. It has been one of the most recogni...
Original anthem of the Soviet Union. "The Internationale" (French: "L'Internationale") is a widely sung left-wing anthem. It has been one of the most recogni...
Gekürzter Ausschnitt aus der ZDF Doku „Bismarck und das Deutsche Reich" zum Deutsch-Deutschen-Krieg und Reichsgründung Gedacht als Appetizer und Impulsfilm f...
Gekürzter Ausschnitt aus der ZDF Doku „Bismarck und das Deutsche Reich" zum Deutsch-Deutschen-Krieg und Reichsgründung Gedacht als Appetizer und Impulsfilm f...
La confédération Germanique créée en 1815 et présidée par l'empereur d'Autriche, ne satisfait pas les patriotes Allemands. Bismarck et Guillaume Ier entrepre...
La confédération Germanique créée en 1815 et présidée par l'empereur d'Autriche, ne satisfait pas les patriotes Allemands. Bismarck et Guillaume Ier entrepre...
White Knights - Scandinavian Star (1990) set on fire | I april 1943 skipsreder Olaf Ditlev-Simonsen jr., Oslo tiltråde som ny leder, Nortraships kontor i Gøt...
White Knights - Scandinavian Star (1990) set on fire | I april 1943 skipsreder Olaf Ditlev-Simonsen jr., Oslo tiltråde som ny leder, Nortraships kontor i Gøt...
Wir beziehen uns bezüglich des Reiches bewußt und völkerrechtlich absolut korrekt auf das 1871 gegründete Deutsche Reich und nicht auf das ab 1919 stetig fremdverwaltete Reich. Es geht bei unseren Handlungen nicht darum, wieder in die Zeit vor 1919 zurückzukehren, sonderen es geht uns darum die seit November 1918 gegen Völkerrecht und Staatsrecht aufgebaute Privatisierung unserer Heimat neu zu ordnen und als souveräner Staat dem deutschen Volk die staatliche Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Es ist nicht nur unser Recht, sondern unsere Pflicht wieder als freies Volk in einem freien Staat in friedlicher Nachbarschaft mit allen Völkern zu leben.
Wir beziehen uns bezüglich des Reiches bewußt und völkerrechtlich absolut korrekt auf das 1871 gegründete Deutsche Reich und nicht auf das ab 1919 stetig fremdverwaltete Reich. Es geht bei unseren Handlungen nicht darum, wieder in die Zeit vor 1919 zurückzukehren, sonderen es geht uns darum die seit November 1918 gegen Völkerrecht und Staatsrecht aufgebaute Privatisierung unserer Heimat neu zu ordnen und als souveräner Staat dem deutschen Volk die staatliche Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Es ist nicht nur unser Recht, sondern unsere Pflicht wieder als freies Volk in einem freien Staat in friedlicher Nachbarschaft mit allen Völkern zu leben.
published:05 Nov 2012
Eine Reise in das Deutsche Kaiserreich ( 1871 - 1918 )
Eine Reise in das Deutsche Kaiserreich ( 1871 - 1918 ) Deutsches Kaiserreich ist die Bezeichnung für das Deutsche Reich zwischen 1871 und 1918. Während diese...
Eine Reise in das Deutsche Kaiserreich ( 1871 - 1918 ) Deutsches Kaiserreich ist die Bezeichnung für das Deutsche Reich zwischen 1871 und 1918. Während diese...
Gute gemachte Geschichte des Deutschen Reiches beginnend mit der Gründung 1871...bis steht völkerrechtlich eindeutig fest, dass das Deutsche Reich ...
Gute gemachte Geschichte des Deutschen Reiches beginnend mit der Gründung 1871...bis steht völkerrechtlich eindeutig fest, dass das Deutsche Reich ...
The Franco-German War or Franco-Prussian War (19 July 1870 - 10 May 1871) was a conflict between France and Prussia, while Prussia was backed up by the North...
The Franco-German War or Franco-Prussian War (19 July 1870 - 10 May 1871) was a conflict between France and Prussia, while Prussia was backed up by the North...
Dieses Video wurde für unser Geschichtsprojekt erstellt. Das Projekt umfasst das Thema "Einheit und Freiheit".
Dieses Video wurde für unser Geschichtsprojekt erstellt. Das Projekt umfasst das Thema "Einheit und Freiheit".
Geschichte des Deutschen Staates von 1871-1990 Illustriert dargestellt. Nachkriegsgeschichte im Lichte des Staats- und Völkerrechtes - Erzeugt mit AquaSoft D...
1871 (1990) Clip 1
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's...
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted pe...
1871 (1990) Clip 2
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's...
871- A lavish period film about the rise and fall of the Paris Commune in 1871. McMullen's highly regarded film intriguingly illuminates a rarely depicted pe...
Germany 1871-1990 -
From the German Reich to the fall of the Wall and the German reunification. Inside Deutsch...
From the German Reich to the fall of the Wall and the German reunification. Inside Deutsches Historisches Museum (DHM) in Berlin. Read more about it in the "...
1871 (1990)
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published:19 Sep 2015
1871 (1990)
1871 (1990)
published:19 Sep 2015
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1871 (1990) ***Film Complet**
playing here
published:08 Jul 2015
1871 (1990) ***Film Complet**
1871 (1990) ***Film Complet**
published:08 Jul 2015
playing here
Made during the time of Hitler's Third Reich, this silent educational film (made to have a...
published:13 Aug 2015
published:13 Aug 2015
Made during the time of Hitler's Third Reich, this silent educational film (made to have a script read over it while it played) shows the varying borders of Western Germany during the period 1871- 1935, including after the Treaty of Versailles in 1918. Doubtless part of the idea and motivation behind this film was to demonstrate to the German people that many "Germanic peoples" were living in other parts of Europe nearby, and that Germany deserved to be a bigger state than it was permitted to be following the Treaty of Versailles.
Various Germanic tribes have occupied northern Germany since classical antiquity. A region named Germania was documented before 100 CE. During the Migration Period the Germanic tribes expanded southward. Beginning in the 10th century, German territories formed a central part of the Holy Roman Empire. During the 16th century, northern German regions became the centre of the Protestant Reformation.
The rise of Pan-Germanism inside the German Confederation resulted in the unification of most of the German states in 1871 into the Prussian-dominated German Empire. After World War I and the German Revolution of 1918–1919, the Empire was replaced by the parliamentary Weimar Republic. The establishment of the Third Reich in 1933 eventually led to World War II and the Holocaust. After 1945, Germany lost roughly one-quarter of its pre-war territory and evolved into two states, East Germany and West Germany. In 1990, the country was reunified.
The process of German expansion after WWI started in 1935, when residents of the Saar region, which had been ruled under a mandate by the League of Nations since the Versailles Treaty, decided to join Germany after holding a popular referendum. This was followed in March 1936 by the German army’s occupation of the Rhineland, which had been demilitarized after the end of the First World War. Hitler then legitimized the occupation by staging a popular referendum after the fact. In March 1938, after making a series of intimidating moves and threats against the Austrian government, Hitler’s Germany annexed his native Austria and incorporated it into the Reich as the Eastern March [Ostmark]. Again, Hitler staged a popular referendum to retroactively legitimize the so-called Anschluss [annexation]. None of these moves met with any appreciable resistance from the local population or the Western Allies, despite the fact that the remilitarization of the Rhineland represented a violation of the Versailles and Locarno treaties. Thus, in September 1938, Hitler moved on to the next phase of his plan: the liquidation of Czechoslovakia. First, he demanded the incorporation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland – a region inhabited by ethnic Germans – into the German Reich. After prolonged negotiations with the Western Allies (above all Great Britain), who feared another European war, the Sudetenland was ceded to Germany in the Munich Agreement. This agreement, however, was made without Czech participation. In March 1939, German troops went on to occupy the rest of Czechoslovakia, where they established the “Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.” Slovakia was declared a German satellite state, and a “protective zone” for the stationing of German troops was established on its western border. In the same month, German troops occupied the Lithuanian Memel region, which Germany had lost under the Versailles treaty. Lithuania, which governed the region, was forced to sign a treaty that returned the Memel region to Germany. At this point, the aggressive and confrontational nature of Hitler’s foreign policy could not be ignored any longer. As a result, Great Britain guaranteed Poland’s sovereignty and promised its support in case of an attack.
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This film is part of the Periscope Film LLC archive, one of the largest historic military, transportation, and aviation stock footage collections in the USA. Entirely film backed, this material is available for licensing in 24p HD and 2k. For more information visit
Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
Beste Aydın & Erkan Aydın - Türk Sanat Müziği Konseri
Tarih: Cuma, 12 Aralık 2008
published:22 Feb 2010
Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
Nikriz - Longa - Tamburi Cemil Bey (1871- 1916)
published:22 Feb 2010
Beste Aydın & Erkan Aydın - Türk Sanat Müziği Konseri
Tarih: Cuma, 12 Aralık 2008
Saat: 19:30
Yer: Friedrichstr. 19, Großer Saal, Erlangen
Münevver Beste AYDIN: 1994 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Devlet Türk Mûsikîsi Konservatuvarı Temel Bilimler Bölümü'nü birincilikle kazandi. 2001 yılında Konservatuvara ögretim görevlisi olarak atandı. T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, T.C. Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının görevlendirmeleri ile yurt içinde ve yurt dışında bir çok konserde kanun sanatçısı olarak görev yapmıştır. 2007 yılında " Yeni Başlayanlar İçin KANUN METODU" adlı kitabını yayınladı. Bu metod, konservatuvarda ders kitabı olarak okutulmaktadır. Halen, E.Ü. D.T.M. Konservatuvarında; Türk Mûsikîsi Tarihi ve Çalgı Eğitimi (kanun) derslerini yürütmektedir.
Erkan AYDIN: 1990 yılında Ege Üniversitesi Devlet Türk Mûsikîsi Konservatuvarı Temel Bilimler Bölümü'nü ikincilikle kazandı. 1992'de TRT İzmir Radyosu'nda akitli ud sanatçısı olarak çalısmaya basladı. 1997 yılında E.Ü. D.T.M. Konservatuvarına öğretim görevlisi olarak atandı. Konservatuvardaki ve TRT'deki çalışmalarının dışında; T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı, T.C. Dış İşleri Bakanlığı, T.C. Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığının görevlendirmeleri ile yurt içinde ve yurt dışında bir çok konserde ud sanatçısı olarak katılmıstır. Halen, E.Ü. D.T.M. Konservatuvarında; Türk Müziği'nde Türler ve Biçimler ve Çalgı Eğitimi (ud) derslerini yürütmektedir.
Germania in 5 minuti di Ignazio, Elisa e Carlo
Un video diviso in tre parti: nella prima vi mostreremo immagini su monumenti tedeschi, ne...
published:30 May 2014
Germania in 5 minuti di Ignazio, Elisa e Carlo
Germania in 5 minuti di Ignazio, Elisa e Carlo
published:30 May 2014
Un video diviso in tre parti: nella prima vi mostreremo immagini su monumenti tedeschi, nella seconda troverete delle immagini sulla storia tedesca dal 1871 al 1990 e nella terza troverete delle immagini sulla Germania attuale.
Billy Bragg - The Internationale (with lyrics) [1990]
Original anthem of the Soviet Union. "The Internationale" (French: "L'Internationale") is ...
Original anthem of the Soviet Union. "The Internationale" (French: "L'Internationale") is a widely sung left-wing anthem. It has been one of the most recogni...
Thema: Deutsch-Deutscher Krieg 1866 und Reichsgründung 1871
Gekürzter Ausschnitt aus der ZDF Doku „Bismarck und das Deutsche Reich" zum Deutsch-Deutsc...
Gekürzter Ausschnitt aus der ZDF Doku „Bismarck und das Deutsche Reich" zum Deutsch-Deutschen-Krieg und Reichsgründung Gedacht als Appetizer und Impulsfilm f...
L’unification de l’Allemagne (1850-1871) (Carte animée)
La confédération Germanique créée en 1815 et présidée par l'empereur d'Autriche, ne satisf...
La confédération Germanique créée en 1815 et présidée par l'empereur d'Autriche, ne satisfait pas les patriotes Allemands. Bismarck et Guillaume Ier entrepre...
1990 Hauge Staubo Ditlev-Simonsen - He was a Knight of the Order of the Dannebrog | malteserkors
White Knights - Scandinavian Star (1990) set on fire | I april 1943 skipsreder Olaf Ditlev...
White Knights - Scandinavian Star (1990) set on fire | I april 1943 skipsreder Olaf Ditlev-Simonsen jr., Oslo tiltråde som ny leder, Nortraships kontor i Gøt...
Verfassung von 1871 wurde nie aufgehoben und ist heute noch in Kraft
Die Verfassung von 1871 wurde von der WRV nicht aufgehoben und ist immer noch die Verfassu...
published:30 Jul 2014
Verfassung von 1871 wurde nie aufgehoben und ist heute noch in Kraft
Verfassung von 1871 wurde nie aufgehoben und ist heute noch in Kraft
published:30 Jul 2014
Die Verfassung von 1871 wurde von der WRV nicht aufgehoben und ist immer noch die Verfassung des souveränen Deutschlands.
Article by Correspondent DallasDarling. Definitions matter unless you're Donald Trump. Ignoring the UN definition that refugees are people who have been forced to leave their country by actual or perceived threats, the Republican presidential frontrunner declared he would send back all Syrian refugees no matter their age, gender or faith ... and warned ... hegemony through preemptive wars and military occupations ... Since the U.S ... 362. ....
MOSCOW/AMMAN. Russia said on Saturday it will step up air strikes in Syria, escalating a military intervention which Moscow says is weakening Islamic State militants but which Western powers say aims to support PresidentBashar al-Assad. A senior Russian military officer said Russian jets based in western Syria had carried out more than 60 sorties in 72 hours across Syria. "We will not only continue strikes... Western-backed rebels hit ... ....
Médecins Sans Frontières decries ‘horrific’ loss of life, as US airstrike revives questions over whether enough is done to protect civilians in Afghanistan. A US airstrike that killed up to 20 aid workers and patients in a Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) hospital in Afghanistan constitutes a “grave violation of international law”, the charity’s president has said. Related. MSF hospital ... Twitter ... Facebook ... ....
Twenty-five years ago today, eleven months after the fall of the Berlin Wall, Germany was unified for the second time in modern history. The first unification, in 1871, came after three wars and over the objections of its neighbors. This time, it came without bloodshed and with the support of its neighbors.On the international level, the Soviet Union’s position evolved over the months after the wall fell ... ....
(CNN)On Thursday, almost exactly a month since a disturbed gunman shot my daughter Alison on live television, another senseless act of gun violence took place in this country ... A month ago, I was like most Americans ... Take Rep ... And that has got to change ... According to the organization's own website, the "primary goal of the association" back when it was formed in 1871, was to "promote and encourage rifle shooting on a scientific basis." ... ....
(Source. University of Arkansas) Photo Submitted. Left to right. April Mason, Joseph E. Steinmetz and Jeffrey S. Vitter. FAYETTEVILLE, Ark ... Oct. 6-7 - Dr. April Mason, provost and senior vice president, Kansas State University () Oct. 12-13 - Dr. Joseph E ... 14-15 - Dr ... Oct ... Founded in 1871, the University of Arkansas comprises 10 colleges and schools and maintains a low student-to-faculty ratio that promotes personal attention and close mentoring....
(Source. The Norwegian Royal Family). - I greet the Storting and welcome you to responsible labour, wishing it will be to the good of the Nation. With this traditional wording, His Majesty began the Speech from the Throne and the official opening of the 160th Norwegian Storting (Parliament) ... However, annual meetings of the Storting was not introduced until 1871, making this session the 160th and not the 201th ... distributed by ... (noodl....
BREWSTER, N.Y. and WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., Oct. 2, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- After more than 140 years as Putnam CountySavings Bank, the bank today announced a name change to PCSB Bank to reflect expansion throughout Westchester County...Roberto, chairman, president and chief executive officer of PCSB Bank ... "True Local ... Established in 1871, PCSB Bank grew over the years as more people started businesses throughout the Lower Hudson Valley ... ....
(Source. University of Arkansas). The National Jurist. FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. - TheNational Jurist and preLaw magazines ranked the University of Arkansas School of Law seventh 'Best Value' in the nation ... The National Jurist reaches an estimated 100,000 law students ... U.S ... Founded in 1871, the University of Arkansas comprises 10 colleges and schools and maintains a low student-to-faculty ratio that promotes personal attention and close mentoring....
Halloween is less than a month away, which means it's a great time to watch a suspenseful play or musical in central Pa. . As usual, we've compiled a list of local plays that are showing this month. This time, most of them are thrillers. . Whether you're looking to enjoy a classic or a less-known production, check out our suggestions below. ... 8 at Luhrs Center, 1871Old MainDrive, Shippensburg ... 23....
(Source. NFPA - National Fire Protection Association) ... Features include a free trivia-based app called Sparky's® Brain Busters, a revamped Sparky Schoolhouse website, and a video that looks at the Great Chicago Fire of 1871 ... science, math, social studies, fire safety and Sparky's Choice ... Watch as they talk about the Great Chicago Fire and how the terrible events in 1871 have helped us build safer cities, schools, and homes ... Contact....
BURLINGTON, Mass., Oct. 1, 2015 /PRNewswire/ -- Decision Resources Group finds that the lack of biomarkers and corresponding diagnostics for juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA) to guide therapeutic selection are obstacles in achieving earlier remission in pediatric patients afflicted with this rare immune disorder ... The number of diagnosed prevalent cases in the U.S ... About Decision Resources Group ... Media contact. ... 617.779.1871 ... ....