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Archaeologies of Consciousness

Archaeologies of Consciousness

Spanning ten years of independent research into prehistoric art and monuments, altered states, folklore, mythology and occult practice, this is the first collection of writings by Gyrus, creator of Towards 2012 and Dreamflesh Journal. More info »

Dreamflesh Journal Vol. 1

Dreamflesh Journal Vol. 1

The first installment of Dreamflesh Journal is a florid and protean collection of ideas, investigations and experiments weaving together altered states, ecology, healing, mythology, magic and prehistory. More info »

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  • Jim: I occasionally have time for Werner Herzog-style conscious misattribution of quotes… Pynchon made a career out of it. And very well it turned out too! :-)
  • Gyrus: Thanks KMO!
  • KMO: The SoundCloud link is kaput. Here is the permalink for the recording: ealm/c-realm-special-dennis-mc kenna-douglas-rushkoff/
  • Gyrus: Thanks for that tidbit, Isabelle. I occasionally have time for Werner Herzog-style conscious misattribution of quotes (I think he made up a quote attributed to...
  • Isabelle Champlin: I enjoy your posts. FYI The Random Pearl quote from Nietzsche is not from him at all. (“Those that were seen dancing were thought to be insane...

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