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Darkness in America: Lynne Stewart's Resentencing

Stephen Lendman | Lynne's shocking resentencing more...  11 Comments

Updating Lynne Stewart's "Love Struggle:" Part II

Stephen Lendman | Lynne's struggle for justice continues more...  4 Comments

Al-Awda Responds to Politicians' Attempt to Silence Gaza Flotilla Survivors

Al-Awda NY | Words of truth strike fear into the hearts of certain hate-filled New York politicians who have voted time and again to turn U.S. taxpayers' dollars into missiles and bombs for Israel's war machine. more...  6 Comments

Rally for Justice for the Central Park Five

by Amadi Ajamu | Without any physical evidence, the NYPD and the District Attorney's office, namely fiction crime writer Linda Fairstein, railroaded five young boys to further their own careers. They spent a total of forty years in prison. more...  2 Comments

Aafia Siddiqui: Victimized by American Injustice

Stephen Lendman | a human tragedy and gross injustice more...  2 Comments

The Right To A Fair Defense Cannot Be Controversial: The Case of Fahad Hashmi

Udai Malhotra | We must consider cases such as Fahad Hashmi's, which illustrates the overreaching powers that have come to characterize the Federal Government, the intelligence community, and the American justice system through the War on Terror. more...  0 Comments

NYers Carol for Leviev Boycott while Israel Jails Protesters’ Palestinian Allies

Adalah-NY | On a snowy Saturday afternoon, forty-five human rights carolers serenaded Madison Avenue shoppers with familiar holiday tunes outside the storefront of Israeli diamond and settlement mogul Lev Leviev, but their lyrics called for the boycott of Leviev’s companies. The New York protest took place against the backdrop of a growing arrest campaign by the Israeli military against Palestinian protest and boycott activists from West Bank villages where Leviev has built settlements.
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12/11/09 Update on Imprisoned People's Lawyer Lynne Stewart

repost | Your holiday cards to framed and falsely imprisoned workingclass lawyer Lynne Stewart and financial contributions to her legal defense are needed now. Your letters are also needed as she faces a new sentencing hearing on April 22. Her high blood pressure at age 70 is sufficient grounds to free her as it is deadly. Here are the latest updates from her website. more...  6 Comments

Coalition Details Hebron Fund's Connections to Extremism before Citi Field Event

Adalah-NY | One day before the Hebron Fund's controversial fundraising dinner at the New York Mets' Citi Field, a coalition of civil rights and peace organizations released new details about extremist statements by individuals associated with the Hebron Fund, and about its fundraising for illegal purposes. The statements were made by Yossi Baumol, the Executive Director of the Hebron Fund, Rabbi Dov Lior, the Chief Rabbi of the Jewish settlers in Hebron, and Noam Arnon, an honoree at the upcoming dinner. Other examples of racist, violent and illegal activities supported by the Hebron Fund were included in a November 3rd letter to the Mets.

Related Story from Adalah: New Yorkers Tell Baseball Commish: 'Strike Out Israeli Settlements!' more...  2 Comments

Lynne Stewart: Heroic Human Rights Lawyer Jailed

Stephen Lendman | The US criminal justice system failed this heroic woman more...  17 Comments

MPG Reacts to Offer of Support for Employees with Criminal Complaint

Industrial Workers of the World | MPG unsuccessfully attempted last week to cause the arrest of a former employee and his supporters after they visited the company to offer aid to workers concerned about more layoffs at the company without adequate notice or severance. Former MPG employee Joseph Sanchez and other members of the Industrial Workers of the World labor union discussed the availability of free legal and advocacy support for current MPG workers and distributed informational leaflets. more...  0 Comments

Beyond Attica: The Untold Story of Women's Resistance Behind Bars

Hans Bennett | "When I was 15, my friends started going to jail," says Victoria Law, a native New Yorker. "One by one," Law recalls, "they landed in Rikers Island, an entire island in New York City devoted to pretrial detainment for those who can not afford bail." Law shares this and other recollections in her new book, 'Resistance Behind Bars: The Struggles of Incarcerated Women' (PM Press). more...  2 Comments

Tackling 9/11 Questions at the Ballot Box!

Sander Hicks | On Wednesday, June 24, 2009, the New York City Coalition for Accountability Now (“NYC CAN”) filed petitions for a referendum to create an independent investigation of 9/11/01.

The group, led by Victims’ Families, submitted 52,000 signatures to the City of New York. The new Commission would be independently funded, yet have legal authority from the City Council. If approved, New York City voters will be able to vote on this in the City-wide elections this November. more...  18 Comments

Grand Jury Convened to Investigate Times Square Bike Bombing

anonymous | A Federal Grand Jury has convened in New York City, New York. It is believed this grand jury is part of a federal investigation into the bombing of the Times Square military recruitment center on March 6, 2008. more...  3 Comments

A Question Over Iran: Can the People Make History or Not?

By Mike Ely | The Kasama Project | There is a self-deceptive politics (among some leftists) that seeks to prettify all kinds of reactionary forces that (for one reason or another) are in opposition to U.S. imperialism — including Islamic reactionaries, Kim Jung Il, “hardline” revisionists of the Li Peng and Eric Honecker type and so on. And in the process they have a real, almost startling, hostility toward sections of the people who rise up in important if still-inarticulate ways. My sense is that such politics arise from a despair over actually developing our own revolutionary forces — and a resigned assumption that we have no other alternative but to fall behind any forces (ugly, oppressive, reactionary or not) who (one way or another) who seem to be on America’s shit list.


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NY Premiere of "William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe"

Soozy Duncan | There will be a Q&A with directors Sarah and Emily Kunstler, Phil Donahue, Liz Fink, and Yusef Salaam, moderated by Democracy Now! host Amy Goodman after the screening of "William Kunstler: Disturbing the Universe"
Saturday, June 20 at 12:30 pm
BAM, 30 Lafayette Avenue
Brooklyn, NY

To read review of the film, see below. more...  0 Comments

Crisis Brewing at Manhattan’s Community Access TV Station

Lyell Davies | May 28, 2009—Community television producers and a former Manhattan Neighborhood Network (MNN) staffer assembled outside MNN to charge that the station is failing in its mission of providing media services to community organizations and is cracking down on staffers opposed to the organization’s present direction. more...  0 Comments

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