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The New Significance » Entries tagged with "Youth"

Carlos Delclós: The Neoliberal Assault On University Education

Carlos Delclós: The Neoliberal Assault On University Education

By Carlos Delclós While global elites continue their cynical assault on higher education unabated, the global student movement shows us that another world is possible.   It is often said that we live in a post-industrial society, where knowledge and innovation are the motors of production and information is the currency. We are also told, in the midst of a deepening systemic crisis, that the drastic measures taken by our governments, painful as they may be, are necessary … Read entire article »

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Pankaj Mishra: The Dead End Of Globalization Looms Before Our Youth

Pankaj Mishra: The Dead End Of Globalization Looms Before Our Youth

By Pankaj Mishra Even in the west there is little chance of stable jobs or affordable education. Across the world the rage will grow. In India, tens of thousands of middle-class people respond to a quasi-Gandhian activist’s call for a second freedom struggle – this time, against the country’s venal “brown masters”, as one protester told the Wall Street Journal. Middle-class Israelis demanding “social justice” turn out for their country’s first major demonstrations in years. In China, the state broadcaster CCTV unprecedentedly … Read entire article »

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Scott McLemee: Education Is In The Streets

Scott McLemee: Education Is In The Streets

By Scott McLemee When students took to the streets in Rome last November to demonstrate against proposed budget cuts to the university system, they introduced something new to the vocabulary of protest. To defend themselves from police truncheons they carried improvised shields made of polystyrene, painted, on the front, with the names of classic works of literature and philosophy: Moby Dick, The Republic, Don Quixote, A Thousand Plateaus…. The practice caught on. A couple of weeks later, … Read entire article »

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Eloy Fisher: Chile’s Student Rebels – Views From The Trenches

Eloy Fisher: Chile’s Student Rebels – Views From The Trenches

By Eloy Fisher Radio Toma, loosely translated as “Occupation Radio,” broadcasts non-stop information about the protests being staged in front of the University of Chile’s main building – literally a stone’s throw away from the Presidential Palace of La Moneda. Since June 10, students have occupied the beautiful neoclassical 19th Century campus as the protests have continued to intensify around their one demand – to dismantle the market-based approach of the Chilean educational system, something they have scornfully come … Read entire article »

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Spiegel Online: Europe’s Angry Youth – Flash Points Across The Continent

Spiegel Online: Europe’s Angry Youth – Flash Points Across The Continent

By Spiegel Online Violent riots like those that raged through London and Britain this week have rung the alarm bell for politicians. Frustration is also high among young people in other nations across Europe. As the gap between rich and poor widens, the next outbreak could happen in a number of countries. For four days earlier this week, young people in Britain rioted, marauding through the streets of England’s big cities. Prime Minister David Cameron called off his … Read entire article »

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Noam Chomsky: Education Q&A

Noam Chomsky: Education Q&A

By Noam Chomsky: Source: The Charlatan Interviewed by Jennifer Pagliaro, in The Charlatan (Carleton University). June 4, 2011. The Charlatan: I saw that you were quoted as saying “education is ignorance” — Noam Chomsky: Well, that’s what it often is in practice. It shouldn’t be. TC: I’m just wondering if you can speak to this idea of education being mostly something that teaches obedience rather than critical thinking. NC: I didn’t say that’s what it mostly is. I said that’s what … Read entire article »

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Nina Power: Against Education Cuts

Nina Power: Against Education Cuts

By Nina Power: Before the UK election in May 2010, Conservative think-tanks such as Policy Exchange were suggesting that universities should be forced to ‘sink or swim’ and that private takeover was a very real possibility for ‘failing’ (or even not-so-failing) universities. While the introduction of ‘top-up’ tuition fees in 1998 heralded a shift in the way institutions understood their relation to both the state and their students, the total market vision of universities held by the … Read entire article »

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Clare Solomon: Springtime – The New Student Rebellions

Clare Solomon: Springtime – The New Student Rebellions

By David Dawkins & Clare Solomon As head of the University of London Student Union Clare Solomon rose above the dank leadership of higher Ranking student leaders to articulate the passion and the resentment felt by young people through the period of student rebellion. Now, months later, and as editor of Springtime – a collection of essays and writings on the rebellions from, among others, Laurie Penny – she agreed to talk us through the thinking and theory … Read entire article »

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