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Federico Quilodran: Thousands In Chile Take To Streets, Demand Change

Federico Quilodran: Thousands In Chile Take To Streets, Demand Change

By Federico Quilodran Santiago, Chile — Tens of thousands of Chileans marched peacefully Thursday demanding profound changes in the country’s heavily centralized and privatized form of government, while smaller groups broke away to fight with police. More than 450 people were arrested and dozens injured. Union members, students, government workers and center-left opposition parties took part in the final day of a nationwide two-day strike, which included four separate protest marches in the capital and demonstrations across Chile. In … Read entire article »

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Eloy Fisher: Chile’s Student Rebels – Views From The Trenches

Eloy Fisher: Chile’s Student Rebels – Views From The Trenches

By Eloy Fisher Radio Toma, loosely translated as “Occupation Radio,” broadcasts non-stop information about the protests being staged in front of the University of Chile’s main building – literally a stone’s throw away from the Presidential Palace of La Moneda. Since June 10, students have occupied the beautiful neoclassical 19th Century campus as the protests have continued to intensify around their one demand – to dismantle the market-based approach of the Chilean educational system, something they have scornfully come … Read entire article »

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Joanna Eede: The “Discovery” Of Machu Picchu 100 Years Ago

Joanna Eede: The “Discovery” Of Machu Picchu 100 Years Ago

By Joanna Eede A hundred years ago in Peru, a tall history professor from Yale University left his camp in a valley northwest of Cusco, and walked through cloud forest to a mountain ridge more than 7,500 feet above sea level. There, high above the roaring Urubamba river, he found an ancient stone citadel; sculpted terraces of temples and tombs, granite buildings and polished walls that were covered in centuries of vines and vegetation. Hiram Bingham had stumbled … Read entire article »

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Euclides Montes: Colombia’s “Crossed Legs” Protest Is Redefining Women’s Activism

Euclides Montes: Colombia’s “Crossed Legs” Protest Is Redefining Women’s Activism

By Euclides Montes A sex strike by women demanding a paved road to the small town of Barbacoas has deservedly grabbed the media’s attention. Since 22 June, the women of the small town of Barbacoas in the Nariño province of Colombia have foregone all sexual activity. After years of fruitless pressure on the central government to pave a road linking their town with the rest of the province, they finally reached breaking point and organised what has come to … Read entire article »

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Chilean Students Kiss Protest

Chilean Students Kiss Protest

Thousands of Chilean students lock lips to demand education reforms in ongoing clashes with the government. (video) Protests punish Pinera, but Chile economy seen safe By Alexandra Ulmer and Alexis Krell SANTIAGO | Thu Jul 7, 2011 3:57pm EDT (Reuters) – A growing wave of protests against Chilean President Sebastian Pinera’s policies risks hampering his legislative agenda though investment in Latin America’s model economy is seen safe for now. Led by students demanding cheaper and better state education, hundreds of thousands of people have taken … Read entire article »

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Letter Of Support And Solidarity With The National Indigenous Campesino Movement Of Argentina

Letter Of Support And Solidarity With The National Indigenous Campesino Movement Of Argentina

As the Latin American Coordinating Body of Rural Organizations, we at CLOC-Vía Campesina—historical reference point for the Continent’s struggle and resistance—condemn the repression and criminalization of social struggle we are seeing become more and more pronounced in Argentina and on the rest of the Continent. In the face of arrest warrants and raids against 12 comrades from the National Indigenous Campesino Movement of Argentina, MNCI, CLOC-Vía Campesina expresses its solidarity, at the same time as it denounces … Read entire article »

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Gloria Muñoz Ramírez: Zapatistas March In Solidarity Against Calderon’s Drug War

Gloria Muñoz Ramírez: Zapatistas March In Solidarity Against Calderon’s Drug War

By Gloria Muñoz Ramírez Editor’s note: This story was first published in Spanish at San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, May 8. A poignantly silent march of the masses, an eloquent speech, a plaza brimming with Zapatistas, and organizations and collectives from The Other Campaign in Chiapas, united in their rejection of Felipe Calderón’s drug war. This, and more, marked the reemergence of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) after more than 5 years without protesting … Read entire article »

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Horace Campbell: Posada Carriles, “The Bin Laden of the Americas”

Horace Campbell: Posada Carriles, “The Bin Laden of the Americas”

By Horace Campbell: Before Osama Bin Laden, there was Luis Posada Carriles. The news regarding the killing of Osama Bin Laden by United States military forces hit the airwaves on Sunday, May 1, 2011, prompting jubilation among many people in the United States and other places around the world. This triumphalism of US citizens, who were directly or indirectly affected by the military activities of Bin Laden’s al Qaeda group, emanated from the belief that Bin Laden’s death … Read entire article »

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