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Radio Entasi: Taking Over Responsibility

We take over responsibility for the explosive ideas, the free spreading and conveyance of those, the formation of a free and direct-democratic radio...

Radio Entasi: Taking Over Responsibility Radio Entasi: Taking Over Responsibility

Comix Ergo Sum – Democritus

A new comic series by Alexander Schismenos translated from Greek to English. Part one is on Democritus 460 B.C. - 370 B.C.

Comix Ergo Sum – Democritus Comix Ergo Sum - Democritus

The Future of Greece: A Society of Barbarism or of Social Spaces for Freedom

An interview Greek Anti-Authoritarian Movement members Malamas Sotiriou and Grigoris Tsilimandos...

The Future of Greece: A Society of Barbarism or of Social Spaces for Freedom The Future of Greece: A Society of Barbarism or of Social Spaces for Freedom

Rebel Diaz: Craazy feat. C-Rayz Walz

The latest, must watch, hip-hop video from Rebel Diaz...

Rebel Diaz: Craazy feat. C-Rayz Walz Rebel Diaz: Craazy feat. C-Rayz Walz

Ross Domoney: Athens – Social Meltdown

In this video by Ross Domoney, Dr Dimitris Dalakoglou explains the social meltdown which took place in Greece between May 2010 & June 2012 that is on going.

Ross Domoney: Athens – Social Meltdown Ross Domoney: Athens - Social Meltdown

Yiorgos Bakalis: Hungry Men

The latest short film by Greek director Yiorgos Bakalis: Capitalism has collapsed, and fat people have been driven out of society...

Yiorgos Bakalis: Hungry Men Yiorgos Bakalis: Hungry Men

Jasiri X: “Do We Need to Start a Riot?”

A six time Pittsburgh Hip-Hop Award winner, Jasiri recently became the first Hip-Hop artist to received the coveted August Wilson Center for African American Culture Fellowship.

Jasiri X: “Do We Need to Start a Riot?” Jasiri X: "Do We Need to Start a Riot?"

Chris Spannos: The Road of December

Events commemorating the 4 years since police murdered Alexandros Grigoropoulos on December 6, 2008...

Chris Spannos: The Road of December Chris Spannos: The Road of December

Chris Spannos: Greece Between Austerity and Fascism

The European Union has been awarded a Nobel Peace Prize. But it is today’s Greek anti-fascist movement that deserves an award...

Chris Spannos: Greece Between Austerity and Fascism Chris Spannos: Greece Between Austerity and Fascism

Rebel Diaz: Revolution Has Come

Our goal with this song is to convey the message that Revolution is Love.

Rebel Diaz: Revolution Has Come Rebel Diaz: Revolution Has Come

Greece’s Uncertain Future

This short documentary looks at the current social crisis in Greece, the growth of alternative economies, general strikes, and the rise of the anti-fascist movement...

Greece’s Uncertain Future Greece's Uncertain Future

Fighting the Fascist Phenomena in Greece

This video aims to communicate the underlying tension of these forces by using images to contrast the way Greece appears on the surface with voiceover by an anonymous anti-fascist motorcycle patroller...

Fighting the Fascist Phenomena in Greece Fighting the Fascist Phenomena in Greece

Tim Forster: Alec Empire – Atari Teenage Riot Interview Pt. 2

The second half of a wide ranging conversation with Alec Empire.

Tim Forster: Alec Empire – Atari Teenage Riot Interview Pt. 2 Tim Forster: Alec Empire – Atari Teenage Riot Interview Pt. 2

Yiannis Biliris: Split Normality – One year after the riots of June 15, 28 & 29 2011

Τhe legacy of December, June and Syntagma square is still hard to assess.

Yiannis Biliris: Split Normality – One year after the riots of June 15, 28 & 29 2011 Yiannis Biliris: Split Normality - One year after the riots of June 15, 28 & 29 2011

Chumbawamba: The End

That’s it then, it’s the end. with neither a whimper, a bang or a reunion...

Chumbawamba: The End Chumbawamba: The End

The New Significance » Archive

Jasiri X Ft Rhymefest: Who’s Illegal?

Jasiri X Ft Rhymefest: Who’s Illegal?

By Jasiri X Ft Rhymefest: In response to repressive anti-Immigration legislation SB1070 and HB56, Jasiri X, Rhymefest, and Paradise Gray traveled to Arizona and Alabama courtesy of the Sound Strike to see first hand how these unjust laws break up families, fracture communities and destroy lives. “Who’s Illegal?” asks the question, can a nation on stolen land, built by stolen people define another group of human beings as illegal? “Who’s Illegal?” was produced by GM3 and directed by … Read entire article »

Filed under: Music, Video

Samuel Farber: Cuba – The Implications of Worker Self-Management

Samuel Farber: Cuba – The Implications of Worker Self-Management

By Samuel Farber: HAVANA TIMES — Much of the emerging critical Cuban left is advocating workers’ self-management as a keystone of a truly democratic socialism. This is a welcome proposal that cannot be taken for granted in a country with a long history of labor militancy and struggle but lacking in traditions of class and group autonomy, the legacy of centralized top-down caudillismo and the rule of Communism – in its Cuban version – for over fifty years. Worker self-management … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles

Tim Forster: Alec Empire – Atari Teenage Riot Interview Pt. 1

Tim Forster: Alec Empire – Atari Teenage Riot Interview Pt. 1

By Tim Forster: You’ve probably noticed that in late capitalism mainstream culture, including music, is often the tarted up result of market forces and the commodification of all things, it cannot help but be bereft of meaning and over arching purpose, it has nothing much to say and no idea where it is going; it operates as a social anaesthetic. In contrast Atari Teenage Riot are a band with purpose, vitality and a strong anarchist position. … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Interviews, Music

Comrades from Cairo: Egypt’s Elections Under Military Rule – Join Our Resistance to the Counter-Revolution

Comrades from Cairo: Egypt’s Elections Under Military Rule – Join Our Resistance to the Counter-Revolution

By Comrades from Cairo: To you at whose side we struggle, From the beginning of the Egyptian revolution, the powers that be have launched a vicious counter-revolution to contain our struggle and subsume it by drowning the people’s voices in a process of meaningless, piecemeal political reforms. This process aimed at deflecting the path of revolution and the Egyptian people’s demands for “bread, freedom and social justice.” Only 18 days into our revolution, and since we forced Mubarak … Read entire article »

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Rap News: Julian Assange vs Rupert Murdoch

Rap News: Julian Assange vs Rupert Murdoch

By Rap News: Is an honest Fourth Estate the only Force than can restore peace and balance to the Galaxy? To find out, we consult two of journalism’s most influential and inflammatory figures: Rebel journalist, enfant terrible, Julian Assange, who awaits a verdict in London which could see him ‘Sextradited’ to Sweden. And, on the opposite end of the journalistic spectrum, Rupert Murdoch, head of the mighty NewsCorp media Empire, embroiled in legal scandals that go … Read entire article »

Filed under: Music, Video

Tim Forster: Levellers – Still Speaking Out!

Tim Forster: Levellers – Still Speaking Out!

By Tim Forster: The Levellers seemed to have occupied a prophetic position in British society for over 20 years, challenging the individual to think, critiquing the capitalist/ state amalgam, speaking up for the poor. Included in this has been a continual encouragement towards fraternity and mutual support in songs like ‘Carry me’ and ‘Accidental Anarchist’. WithBritainsuffering under a Tory led coalition blatantly serving the interests of the rich it seemed a good time to talk to … Read entire article »

Filed under: Interviews, Music

Colonialism, not Investment

Colonialism, not Investment

In “This is colonialism, not development” you will meet some of the workers of Egypt’s vast private sector. The private sector is promoted as the main path for the development of Egypt. Here, you will hear how the conditions of many private sector plants are bastions of slavery, rather than promoting a better way of life for the workers hired there. This is a rare look inside the factories that propped up the Mubarak-era neo-liberal … Read entire article »

Filed under: Video

Alexandros Schismenos: Digital Identity And Direct Democracy

Alexandros Schismenos: Digital Identity And Direct Democracy

By Alexandros Schismenos: [Translated from Greek] It is my opinion that next generations will regard the emergence of the internet not as a technological revolution, but as an ontological one. The word ‘ontological’ may seem an abuse of definitions, but I mean it as the emergence of a completely new region of reality, if we schematically divide reality in levels and plainly in a subjective and an objective region. The internet realm creates, in the context of human … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles, Autonomy

Rebel Diaz: “Soy Rebelde” 2012

By Rebel Diaz: Rebel Diaz releases the street single “Soy Rebelde” off their long anticipated debut album Radical Dilemma. True to the group’s bilingual form, the song samples a late 60s spanish pop ballad, “Soy Rebelde, porque el mundo me hecho asi..” (I’m a Rebel, because the world has made me this way…”). Soy Rebelde- Produced by G1 of Rebel Diaz, Performed by G1 and RodStarz of Rebel Diaz. Shot, Edited and Produced by Internationally Acclaimed Liberation Photographer Pocho1, the video’s documentary style follows Rebel Diaz’s recent tours throughout Europe and Latin America, as well as images of their community arts work in the South Bronx and beyond. Pocho1 of Pocho1 Visual Movement (P1VM) 2012. follow us! @rebeldiaz @rdacbx … Read entire article »

Filed under: Music, Video

Philip Rizk: State Crime and Street Crime: Two Sides of One Coin?

By Philip Rizk: When society is this corrupt, are the poor entitled to rise up and take what is ‘theirs’? Cairo, Egypt - The revolutionary process that erupted in this country on January 25, 2011, is an uprising against crime. This crime was structural and legalised – made legal by the political leadership of Egypt and their friends and business partners that practice it. Various criminal forces – the police, the secret police, the state security – exist in large part to protect these criminals’ interests, with authority to enforce the ruling classes’ “law” without judicial liability. These forces were the first line of defence of the ruling system and this is why, in the first days of revolution, the population targeted them and broke the chains of their control. I will argue that unless … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles

Egypt’s Democracy: A Question of Legitimacy

Egypt’s Democracy: A Question of Legitimacy

By Brandon Jourdan Egypt’s Democracy: A Question of Legitimacy from brandon jourdan on Vimeo. Although Hosni Mubarak was forced to step down in February 2011, the uprisings in Egypt show little sign of retreat. While the uniting rallying cry may have been against dictatorship, the struggle in Egypt that took headlines across the world in early 2011 reflected deeper social, political, and economic problems. The key demands of the revolution have still not been met. The continuation of … Read entire article »

Filed under: Video

DSG: Autonomy Tonight / Utopia Tomorrow – DSG Is Over

DSG: Autonomy Tonight / Utopia Tomorrow – DSG Is Over

By DSG: (pdf) DSG believe in building appropriate tools for struggle. We formed DSG at the end of 2010 out of a need; the need for a place to discuss issues of class-struggle that are broader or more imaginative than were already on offer, and a need to produce propaganda which travels with that struggle in a form more alive to our everyday realities. We wanted to reflect and further the class-struggle and the struggle against austerity … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles

Laurie Penny: On the streets with Bloomberg’s “private army”

Laurie Penny: On the streets with Bloomberg’s “private army”

By Laurie Penny “Whose tweets? Our tweets!” Sometimes, only puns will do. The Brookfield Winter Garden is the sort of aggressively bland corporate un-place where scuffles with the NYPD are not supposed to happen. The financial district of New York is full of spaces like this: soulless private-public atriums full of force-grown unseasonal greenery, glistening 1980s marble and glaze-eyed commuters on their way to meetings. It’s a place for “passive recreation” — the stated function of Zucotti Park, … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles

Corinna Lotz: Anti-Putin movement marks end of an era

Corinna Lotz: Anti-Putin movement marks end of an era

By Corinna Lotz Russia’s street protest movement, which has shaken not only the Kremlin’s autocrats but global financial markets, is the largest for two decades, and is the end of an era. The pro-capitalist triumphalism of the early 1990s has turned into disenchantment, not just with the sham democracy which voters experienced earlier this month, but with the corruption of a mafia-style capitalism. The demands for a fair election are part of a much bigger movement of discontent which … Read entire article »

Filed under: Articles

Ahmed Masoud: The Arab Spring: A Palestinian Perspective

Ahmed Masoud: The Arab Spring: A Palestinian Perspective

By Ahmed Masoud In the fourth instalment of our series of Arab reflections on the regional uprisings, award-winning Palestinian author and playwright Ahmed Masoud explores the impact of the Arab Spring on the Palestinian struggle for freedom and justice. While upheaval has been sweeping the Arab World since the start of the year, Palestinians seem to have taken a different approach to their struggle, focusing on their internal affairs and their hopes of achieving national unity. Indeed, despite being … Read entire article »

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