- published: 20 Dec 2014
- views: 103616
The Sejm [sɛjm] ( listen) is the lower house of the Polish parliament. The Sejm is made up of 460 deputies, or Poseł in Polish (literally 'Envoy'). It is elected by universal ballot and is presided over by a speaker called the Marshal of the Sejm (Marszałek Sejmu).
In the Kingdom of Poland Sejm referred to the entire three-chamber parliament of Poland, comprising the lower house (Chamber of Envoys; Polish: Izba Poselska), the upper house (Senate; Polish: Senat) and the King. It was thus a three-estate parliament. Since the Second Polish Republic (1918–1939) Sejm has referred only to the lower house of the parliament; the upper house is called the Senat.
"Sejm" stems from an Old Slavic word meaning 'gathering'. Its origin were the King's Councils ('wiece'), which gained power during the time of Poland's fragmentation (1146–1295). The Sejm in 1182 in Łęczyca was the most notable of these councils, in that for the first time in Poland's history it established laws constraining the power of the ruler. It forbade arbitrary sequestration of supplies in the countryside and takeover of bishopric lands after the death of a bishop. However, these early Sejms were not a regular event and were formed only at the King's behest.
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Telewizja Republika - Sejm - Wystąpienie Prezydenta RP Andrzeja Dudy 2015-11-12
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Posłanka Platformy rozbawiła Sejm (04.06.2014)
Telewizja Republika - Ryszard Petru (.Nowoczesna) - Sejm 2015-11-18