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Stunning performance by Mariana Sadovska at Ukrainian House, April 27 2012.
MARIANA SADOVSKA voice, indian harmonium CHRISTIAN THOMÉ drums, electronics "Vola" - rough mix recorded in Cologne/Germany 2014
Video by Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko.
Filmed by Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko. Teatr Stary, Lublin, Poland. 15/11/2014.
MARIANA SADOVSKA voice, indian harmonium CHRISTIAN THOMÉ drums, electronics "Korabel" - rough mix recorded in Cologne/Germany 2014
«2014» for 4 double basses and 4 female voices. Music by Mariana Sadovska in collaboration with Mark Tokar. Lyrics by Serhiy Zhadan, Liubov Iakymchuk and traditional Ukrainian wedding songs. Mark Tokar, Artem Kamenkov, Volodymyr Bedzvin, Ivan Ogar, Mariana Sadovska, Trio «Kurbasy» - Natalka Rybka-Parkhomenko, Maria Kopytchak, Myroslava Rachynska. Produced by Dzyga art association. film director: Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko. Operators: Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko, Bohdan Demchuk, Vitaliy Cycura. Ternopil Drama Theatre 11/12/2014.
Filmed by Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko. Warsaw, Teatr Powszechny 19/10/2014
Mariana Sadovska in Kyiv on TET TV.
«2014» for 4 double basses and 4 female voices. Music by Mariana Sadovska in collaboration with Mark Tokar. Lyrics by Serhiy Zhadan, Liubov Iakymchuk and traditional Ukrainian wedding songs. Mark Tokar, Artem Kamenkov, Volodymyr Bedzvin, Ivan Ogar, Mariana Sadovska, Trio «Kurbasy» - Natalka Rybka-Parkhomenko, Maria Kopytchak, Myroslava Rachynska. Produced by Dzyga art association. film director: Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko. Operators: Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko, Bohdan Demchuk, Vitaliy Cycura. Ternopil Drama Theatre 11/12/2014.
Video from YouTube cutted by Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko
Ой, попід гай зелененький, Ой, попід гай зелененький, Ходить Довбуш молоденький. Він на ніжку налягає, Він на ніжку налягає, Топірцем ся підпирає, Аби Кути не минути, Аби Кути не минути, До Космача повернути. До Космача, та й до Дзвінки, До Космача, та й до Дзвінки, До Штефанової жінки. А чи будеш відчиняти, Ой чи будеш відчиняти, Чи будем двері ламати? Довбуш плечі підставляє, Довбуш плечі підставляє, Штефан в Довбуша стріляє. Як поцілив в праве плече, Як поцілив в праве плече, А з лівого кровця тече. А ви, хлопці, ви, молодці, Ай ви, хлопці, ви, молодці, Візьміть мене на топорці. Візьміть мене на топори, Візьміть мене на топори, Занесіть у чорні гори. В чорну гору, в полонину, В чорну гору, в полонину, Де родився, там загину. Де родились батько й мати, Де родились батько й мати, Там я буду помирати. А ви, хлопці, бігом-бігом, А ви, хлопці, бігом-бігом, Замітає стежки снігом. Виконує Мар’яна Садовська та гурт "Borderland" Performed by: Mariana Sadovska - vocals, indian harmonium Anthony Coleman - piano Doug Wieselman - bass clarinet, eb clarinet, guitar Roberto Juan Rodrigues - drums Frank London - trumpet, alto horn Brad Jones - bass З альбому "Borderland" (2005)
Film directed by Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko.
Filmed by Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko. Warsaw, Teatr Powszechny 19/10/2014
Welcome to the KONTAKT Ukrainian Television Network. Produced by Jurij Klufas and hosted by Marta Czurylowicz, the program is based in Toronto, Canada and is televised in several cities in North America and Ukraine. It is a weekly one-hour show that covers news, culture, politics and other topics relevant to the Ukrainian community. It is broadcast in a combination of two languages, English and Ukrainian. From KONTAKT TV program #2327, originally aired on OMNI TV (Canada) on 7 March 2015. This segment is: Culture in Conversation. Marko R. Stech converses with Ukrainian musical sensations: Mariana Sadovska, Maria Burmaka, and Serhiy Fomenko (Foma). Produced by Marko R. Stech and Tania Stech. Videographer/editor: Andrij Rawlyk. «Розмови про культуру». Марко Р. Стех розмовляє з зірками української естради Мар’яною Садовською, Марією Бурмакою і Сергієм Фоменком (Фомою). Продюсери: Марко Р. Стех і Таня Стех. Камера і монтаж: Андрій Равлик.
Filmed by Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko. Warsaw, Teatr Powszechny 19/10/2014
Scenes and traditional song sources: Oj učora iz večora, Karilske, Koropski region, Ukraine Prituri se planinata, Thrace, Bulgaria The Rusalka Cycle: Songs Between the Worlds Musical Direction, Composition, Arrangement, and Dramaturgy by Mariana Sadovska Performed by Kitka Women's Vocal Ensemble: Briget Boyle Shira Cion Catherine Rose Crowther Juliana Graffagna Lily Huang Janet Kutulas Eva Salina Primack Moira Smiley With: Elaine Kreston, cello Moses Sedler, cello Kevin Mummey, percussion Цей альбом - плід співпраці українського композитора Мар'яни Садовської із американським жіночим вокальним гуртом Kitka. В ньому фольклорні мелодії та тексти поєднуються в оригінальну та вражаючу авторську роботу. Музика була написана Мар'яною Садовькою для одноіменної музичної вистави, основа сюжету якої - перекази про русалок, які досі побутують в деяких куточках України (чи перекази, чи русалки - мабуть, однаково, бо одному без іншого не бувати!). В слов'янському фольклорі русалки - невгамовн духи жінок, померлих неправдиво, нагло, або неприродно. Вони населяють водойми, ліси та поля та приваблюють до себе людей чаруючими піснями та сміхом. Але цей композиційно єдиний диск далекий від традиційного фольклору - талановита музично-драматургійна обробка розкриють навіть не вельми знайомому з фольклором слухачеві світ хтонічних вірувань українців та інших слов'янських народів, повний містики та міцно пов'язаний із землею, з якої ми виходимо і в яку всі колись повернемось. _______________ In Slavic folklore, Rusalki are powerful, enticing female entities who inhabit waters, forests, and fields. Believed to be the restless spirits of women who died untimely or unjust deaths - such as brides who died on their wedding night; young mothers who perished during childbirth; unmarried women who committed suicide after being rejected by a lover; or female babies who were stillborn - Rusalki regulate human, animal, and agricultural fertility; seasonal cycles; and the weather. In many traditional Eastern European cultures, Rusalki are ritually feared, appeased, and celebrated through song, dance, and storytelling during the spring festival Rusalnaja Nedelja (Rusalka Week). During that time, the Rusalki are believed to leave their underworld dwellings to mingle among the living and bring moisture to the new crops. The rich folklore surrounding these mysterious and unpredictable nature-spirits was our inspiration for The Rusalka Cycle: Songs Between the Worlds, a contemporary vocal-theater project created by Kitka Women's Vocal Ensemble; stage director Ellen Sebastian Chang; and Ukrainian composer, vocalist, performance artist, and song catcher Mariana Sadovska. Mariana Sadovska's score is a collage of diverse folk melodies and texts combined with original music. Though inspired by tradition, The Rusalka Cycle is a nontraditional performance piece. Rather than following a linear narrative, its synthesis of intense vocal ensemble work, images, movement, and storytelling intends to evoke a mesmerizing, dreamlike journey. From album "The Rusalka Cycle: Songs Between the Worlds" (2007)
The Ukranian-born Mariana Sadovska finds fresh iterations of age-old Slavic melodies and aching tradicional songs while accompanying herself on harmonium.
«2014» for 4 double basses and 4 female voices. Music by Mariana Sadovska in collaboration with Mark Tokar. Lyrics by Serhiy Zhadan, Liubov Iakymchuk and traditional Ukrainian wedding songs. Mark Tokar, Artem Kamenkov, Volodymyr Bedzvin, Ivan Ogar, Mariana Sadovska, Trio «Kurbasy» - Natalka Rybka-Parkhomenko, Maria Kopytchak, Myroslava Rachynska. Produced by Dzyga art association. film director: Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko. Operators: Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko, Bohdan Demchuk, Vitaliy Cycura. Ternopil Drama Theatre 11/12/2014.
A short film about the first concert of Kronos Quartet in Ukraine, which took place on July 5, 2013. The quartet was invited to Kyiv by Ukho music and premiered their piece with Ukrainian singer-composer Mariana Sadovska "Chernobyl. The harvest". Another notable performance was that of Valentyn Sylvestrov's Third string quartet. Sylvestrov, a kyivite, dubbed the concert "an utter triumph". Kronos Quartet: David Harrington John Sherba Hank Dutt Sunny Yang Valetyn Sylvestrov:
Живая запись Марьяны Садовской на фестивале "Немые Ночи" (Одесса, Украина). Композиция из программы "Odessa Underground". "А ты хохочешь" - один из самых тон...
Award Concert "ODESSA UNDERGOUND" - 2013.
Artist: Mariana Sadovska & PsyLoFi (Tunguska Electronic Music Society) Album: Craters: Romeiko Title: Voly Licence: Creative Commons BY-ND
A video made from footage of the 2008 production of Rusalka Cycle: Songs between the Worlds. The performances took place the JCCSF in Kanbar Hall at the Euge...
Mariana Sadovska LIVE.
Тройця, Тройця, Пресвятая Богородиця, Посіяла льон, льон, да нехай зароди(ться). Посіяла льон, льон при холодненькій росі - Нехай зародиться да на мої жовтоко(си). А ми були, були у великому лісі, Нарядили Куста із зельоного кльо(ну). Нарядили Куста із зеленого кльону, Вийди, господарю, та з нового поко(ю). Хорошая пані по покоях ходила, Вона паниченька за рученьку води(ла). Для свойого пана та й трой-зілля шукала, Свому паниченьку под головоньку кла(ла). _____________ We were in the deep forest And dressed one girl in maples leaves She searched for trinity herb for her beloved She found it and placed it under his pillow Я не співаю пісень, знайдених у книгах. Кожна з пісень, які я виконую, була віддана мені конкретною жінкою, що я зустріла. Я почула історію пісні, дізналася як і коли ії потрібно співати. Я зрозуміла, що пісня може бути шляхом, мапою, що веде тебе крізь життя. Коли я співаю, я можу відчути, як ці стародавні українські пісні живуть в мені, і розумію, що колись і я також віддам комусь ці пісні. - Мар’яна Садовська Дохристиянські пісні, співалися, щоб заохотити рослини до росту. Язичницький обряд "водіння Куста" збігається з днем Святої Трійці у червні. Сьогодні цей обряд існує у первісному вигляді лише в одному селі - у Сварицевичах на Поліссі. Жінки встають удосвіта і несуть кленове листя на цвинтар, де прикрашають могили. Тоді вони голосять та розмовляють з предками. "Татусеньку, ріднесенький, куди-куди ти від нас пішов, на кого ти нас залишив?" Всі роблять це, щоб не образити духів. Затим вони вбирають одну дівчину у кленове листя - "Куст" - та водять її по селу, співаючи троїцьких пісень. _____________ I do not sing songs I found in books. Each song I sing was given to me by a specific woman I met. I heard the story of the song, I learned the way it should be sung and when. I understood that a song can be the way, the map that guides you through life. As I sing I hear these ancient Ukrainian songs live in me and I realise that some day I will have to give these songs to someone too. - Mariana Sadovska Pre-Christian songs sung to encourage the plants to grow. The pagan ritual coincided with the Day of the Holy Trinity in June. This ritual is intact in only one village today - Svarytsevychi in the Polissia region. There the women get up before dawn and carry maple leaves to the cemetery, where they decorate the graves. Then they lament and address their ancestors. "Oh, father, why don't you come to me in my dreams any more?" Everyone goes so as not to offend the spirits. Afterwards they dress one girl in maple leaves and lead her through the village singing the trinity songs. З альбому "Songs I Learned in Ukraine" / "Пісні, вивчені в Україні" (2001)
Мар'яна Садовска співає в Нью-Йорку 1 Лютого, 2015 пісню "Співаємо Весну". ..."Зима може ваша, містер Путін, але Весна - Наша!" Amazing job by Christian Thomé, percussionist, composer, and electronic voodoo
Сидить Галєчка на посадоньку, Як на каліні вєтка. Їй матьонка надивляється, Не може надивить’ - Ой ти, донечко, ой моє дітятко, Яка же ж ти мені мила, Своїм личеньком, своїм рутьмяним Весь посаг закрасни’ _____________ Halychka sits on her hope chest. Her mother compares her to a ripe berry. Я не співаю пісень, знайдених у книгах. Кожна з пісень, які я виконую, була віддана мені конкретною жінкою, що я зустріла. Я почула історію пісні, дізналася як і коли ії потрібно співати. Я зрозуміла, що пісня може бути шляхом, мапою, що веде тебе крізь життя. Коли я співаю, я можу відчути, як ці стародавні українські пісні живуть в мені, і розумію, що колись і я також віддам комусь ці пісні. - Мар’яна Садовська Один з найважливіших моментів весілля - розлука матері з донькою. Цих двох пісень я навчилася від Уляни Кузло з села Лісове, Полісся. Я зустріла її під час моєї першої фольклорної експедиції по селам. Після багатогодинного записування гурту жінок, вона залишилася щоб заспівати мені багато довгих балад, і, зрештою, "свою" пісню. Улянина пісня відбивала історію її власного життя. Ця пісня допомагала їй у нелегкі часи. Саме пісня давала їй сили продовжувати. Тієї ночі вона також заспівала мені "мою" пісню. _____________ I do not sing songs I found in books. Each song I sing was given to me by a specific woman I met. I heard the story of the song, I learned the way it should be sung and when. I understood that a song can be the way, the map that guides you through life. As I sing I hear these ancient Ukrainian songs live in me and I realise that some day I will have to give these songs to someone too. - Mariana Sadovska One of the most important moments in the wedding is the parting of the mother and the daughter. I learned the following two songs from Ulana Kuzlo, village of Lisove, Polissia. I met her during my first research expedition to the villages. After many hours of recording a group of women, she stayed to sing me many long ballads and eventually, her own song. Uliana's song reflected the story of her own life. This song has helped her through many a hard time. The song itself gives her the strength to carry on. That night she also sang me my own song. З альбому "Songs I Learned in Ukraine" / "Пісні, вивчені в Україні" (2001)
Deepest truth of knowledge from ancient wisdom keepers, by sound wave in torsion field.
A one-of-a-kind 40th-anniversary celebration for Kronos Quartet featuring new music by Philip Glass, Bryce Dessner, Jarvis Cocker, Mariana Sadovska and more....
KRONOS at 40: day 2! Kronos' 5 days of free concerts at Lincoln Center Out of Doors continue tonight with performances by My Brightest Diamond, Emily Wells, ...
Shira Cion, Executive Director of Kitka and a member of the ensemble, introduces her group and its mission. Kitka will be SFGC's special guest artists in the...
Macedonian Heritage Program on OMNI TV, July 2007, Toronto Canada ASK - Alexandra, Stefanie, Katharine Petkovski Produced by Miki Petkovsk...
October 30th 2006 Channel 10 San Diego Photojournalist Kyle Majors interviewed Eric Van der Wyk about his business King Tet Productions. (more) visit http://...
Part 1 of Eye on Somalia's interview with Bruce Rivers about supports and services available for people with an intellectual disability.
UCLU Weekly Officer Video - Mariana and Annie Annie: Hi, this is Marianna and she is your Postgraduate Students’ Officer. Mariana: And this is Annie, she’s your Women’s Officer. Annie: So recently I have been working on the zero tolerance to sexual harassment campaign, which is about making sure that our Union wont tolerate sexual harassment in any form in any of our spaces. Just last week we released a pledge that clubs and societies can sign up to, to say that they wont tolerate sexual harassment either. It’s really exciting because within only a couple of days about 115 clubs and societies have signed the pledge, and if your club and society hasn’t done so too you can sign up online ( Another thing that we have both been working on is for better provisions for student parents and carers - it is one of our campaign priorities for this year. We have been working on getting more child friendly events at the Union, we’ve just had high chairs installed in the bars and we are conducting interviews to see what support there is for parents and carers in academic departments. Mariana: Now in the Postgraduate Association there is a significant number of student parents and we are doing whatever we can to support them, like what Annie said. We are also providing affordable nurseries and space and capacities for the students. Other campaigns that the PGA is running are do to with more funding for education at research level and masters level as well as helping with the free campaign for national education. There’s going to be a demo soon and, since Germany have just passed free education, I think it is important to campaign in the UK to let them know that it is possible. Other campaigns that the PGA is running are for more funding for education at the PGR and at the top level, and also helping part time students get cheaper oyster cards for travel and cheaper council tax rates. We have lots of events in the Postgrad Association as well, we have a big bowling party coming up soon, we have bike tours, we have a barbeque in the summer, and we have specific events for specific sections, for example, LGBT drinks, LGBT coffee meet-up. Annie: The Women’s Network also runs lots of events too. We’ve just had our first ever forum, which is where we make decisions as a campaign and we have our next forum coming up at the end of the month. The most immediate thing we’ve got coming up is we are running a series of “herstory” events in collaboration with the BME network for Black History Month. They are going to be running next week and all the information is online at Possibly the most exciting thing we are doing at the moment is electing our new committee. We haven’t opened nominations yet – we’ve got a large committee of about 12 places – and I’m looking for lots of women students to run, and it’s all going to be happening online, so keep an eye out for that. Mariana: And actually one of the positions you can run for in Annie’s committee is the Postgrad rep in the Women’s Network, which also sits on the PGA – the Postgraduate Association. We have already started elections for our main committee, but the liberation roles are still open: Women’s, BME, Disabled and LGBT. You just elect these at each specific forum. Annie: We are also electing lots of different positions across UCLU. We are electing our NUS delegates, our faculty reps and halls reps – so you should all vote because everyone should have a say in how the union runs.
Fader Website: Twitter: Facebook:
Interview with Izabela Ciesinska, Director of the short film NEDE, at the 2011 Ekran Toronto Polish Film Festival.
Stage Director Ellen Sebastian Chang interview with AfroSolo Executive Director Thomas R. Simpson.
Mechanical contraption, panorama past Mariana to Greg's life size Swarovski pig.
Esta es una sorpresa para mi equipo base que tanto quiero!!! Gracias por todo los llevo en mi corazón siempre :)
Interview - Evripidis Koronis Tv show.
Germany's Ahorn TV Season 2 ep35 interviews Odotech on Electronic Noses and Odor Tracking at Globe 2012, in Vancouver Canada.
Channel 5 Titan TV News - Why the palm trees? - eWaste fundraiser - Aidan Ballard; Worship Leader - Big Red Interview, and Dance - Red Zone Tailgate Party.
Making Music host and local musician James Everest interviews Kronos Quartet founder and violinist David Harrington about his career, his insights on global ...
The Kronos Quartet prides itself on innovation and exploration, breathing new energy and life into the classic chamber music form. Kronos, led by violinist a...
CNN's Paula Newton reports on the few hundred Jews left in Yemen. Djerba is one the most beautiful spots in Tunisia and home to surprising harmony between Jews and Muslims. In this small island, two very different cultures ... Boom Pam & Kutiman 23rd Jewish Culture Festival Final Concert Szeroka Street, Krakow, Poland July 7, 2013 Setlist thanks to Uri 1. Alakazam 2. Delilah Jones ... To wear a tallit, start by holding it over your head while holding both edges of the embroidered edge. Discover how to wear a tallit with guidance from a Rab... Durme, Durme Krakow Jewish Culture Festival 2008 The Ark: Stuart Brotman, Jewlia Eisenberg, Glenn Hartman, Jessica Ivry, Frank London, Mariana Sadovska, and ... Originally broadcast on PB What is Jewish Culture? What is Jewish Culture?
Valentin Silvestrov (b. 1937) Sonata nr.2 (1975) Recorded in 2008 Hayk Melikyan, piano Join the Group of Hayk Melikyan here: Painting: Edward Shatinyan (b. 1961)
запорожский муниципальный театр танца
Valentin Silvestrov 3 Bagatelles Op. 1 (2005) Peter Bannister - piano I. Allegretto II. Moderato 2:36 III. Moderato 5:12 4 Stücke Op. 2 (2006) I. Wiegenlied ...
Hung Ton talks about problem gambling in Vietnamese community in Toronto, Canada.
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Blues Kolo.Program 2. A.Kokhan-voc.guit. A.Pavlov-guit. O.Adjykauev-guit. I.Zakus-bass V.Kovalenko-drums Video "Автор невідомий"
Kronos Quartet Symposium: A Meditation on War 2-5pm at The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley An exploration of the themes ...
Kronos Quartet Symposium: A Meditation on War 2-5pm at The Magnes Collection of Jewish Art and Life, 2121 Allston Way, Berkeley An exploration of the themes of The Kronos Quartet's April...
Ukraine War Alleged Combat Footage Of Belgian Azov Battalion Volunteer During Heavy Clashes ,Ukraine War Alleged Combat Footage Of Belgian Azov Battalion Volunteer During Heavy Clashes ,Ukraine War Alleged Combat Footage Of Belgian Azov Battalion Volunteer During Heavy Clashes ,Ukraine War Alleged Combat Footage Of Belgian Azov Battalion Volunteer During Heavy Clashes ,Ukraine War Alleged Combat Footage Of Belgian Azov Battalion Volunteer During Heavy Clashes , RAW FOOTAGE
"Bandura" is a Ukrainian traditional stringed instrument, Ms.Cateryna Gudziy is a famous Ukrainian Bandura performer who does her activities in Japan. She took part in the 25th Mitaka International Exchange Festival held on September 21st, 2014 and played bandura and sang so beautifully. Designed to run for 18 months, TABUROPA is an international research and theatre project on the topic of taboos that will be conducted in four selected countries: Portugal, Poland, Belgium and Germany. Based on their respective historical and cultural traditions, these four countries each stand for a different set of experiences in dealing with taboos and thus exemplify the diversity of Europe. Camera and film editing David Sypniewski Sound and interviews Lena Rogowska Music Szymon Pytel - Night Walk ( Alex Fain - Rain ( Translation Joanna Aleksiejuk PARTICIPANTS OF TABUROPA – AN INTERNATIONAL PERFORMING ARTS PROJECT EINTOPF Director: Agnieszka Błońska (Association of Culture Practitioners – Warsaw) Performers: Angel Kaba, Marielle Morales, Sayaka Kaiwa, Igor Shyshko ( – Brüssel) Production-Assistant: Madelaine Reiner Production-Coordination: Michael Neupert Stage- & Costume-Design: Petra Maria Wirth Light: Boris Kahnert Video: Valerij Lisac Technics: Marco Stadie INCUBADORA Director: Arco Renz (, Brüssel) Performers: Rita Morais, Nuno Leão, Ricardo Teixeira, Sónia Baptista (teatro praga – Lissabon) Production-Assistant: Tanja Martin Stage & Costume-Design: Petra Maria Wirth Light: Boris Kahnert Technics: Max Geilke NO RETURN Director: André Erlen (Futur3 – Köln) Performers: Dominika Biernat, Dawid Żakowski, Sean Palmer, Joanna Wichowska (Association of Culture Practitioners, Warsaw) Costume-Design: Anna-Maria Karczmarska Stage-Design: Petra Maria Wirth Stage-Decoration: Anna-Maria Karczmarska Light: Boris Kahnert Production-Assistant Poland: Justyna Wielgus Production-Assistant Germany: Jana Marscheider Technics: Michael Baumert SHHHHHHHOW Director: André Teodosio (teatro praga, Lissabon) Performers: Anja Jazeschann, Bernd Rehse, Tomasso Tessitori, Pietro Micci (Futur3, Köln) Stage- & Costume-Design: Petra Maria Wirth Light: Boris Kahnert Production-Assistant: Judith Heese Technics: Mario Forth Artistic Management: André Erlen Stage- and Costumes Design and Management: Petra Maria Wirth Technical Management: Boris Kahnert Stage-Design-Assistant: Eva Sauermann Costume-Design-Assistant: Marie Abel Foto-Documentation: Werner Meyer, Lena Rogowska Video-Documentation: David Sypniewski Graphics: Bernd A. Hartwig Public Relations: Jens Ofiera Online-Editing: Katharina Ley Producer: Sommerblut Kulturfestival e.V. Project-Management: Gregor Leschig, Rolf Emmerich Production-Management Germany: Armin Leoni, Judith Heese Production-Management Poland: Anna Katarzyna Regulska-Lokanga, Joanna Wichowska, Magdalena Sobolewska Produktion-Management Belgium: Ine Vander Elst Production-Management Portugal: Elisabete Fragoso Scientifical Accompaniment: Dr. Hiltrud Cordes In Cooperation with: Arkadas Theater/Bühne der Kulturen, artheater, Kölner Künstler Theater und Design-Quartier-Ehrenfeld
Может ли ухо обычного человека различить звучание девяти тысяч труб? Способен ли музыкальный инструмент, подобно живому существу, благоволить только одному исполнителю? Гарри Гродберг и орган Концертного зала имени Чайковского. Почти 60 лет вместе.
Андрій Дрозда, Юрій Завадський, Віктор Неборак, Юрій Кучерявий, Олександр Фразе-Фразенко читають вірші з нагоди дня народження Дрозди.
Dzyndra Festival (Cutted version). Yuriy Yaremchuk, Yuriy Zmorovich, Mark Tokar, Oleksandr Fraze-Frazenko, Yaroslav Mygal, Arkadiy Orekhov, Oleksandr Sushinsky, Myhailo Samohvalov, Andriy Arnautov, Oleksandr Dirdovsky and others Dzyndra Museum, Briuhovychi, near Lviv 16/06/2014 Video: A. Caverina.
Lent starts from Ash Wednesday and ends on Easter Sunday. In this Front Page Philippines episode, marked as Season 11, Episode 27, religious leaders in the P...
Mac in Birmingham. Sunday 12th April 2015. 8:00 pm. No age restrictions. Ukrainian folk singer. Event Info. Venue.
Skiddle 2015-04-11MARIANA Sadovska is known as "the Ukrainian Bjork" in her home country.
York Press 2015-04-09Mariana Sodovska, the Ukrainian singer and composer, ... Kronos Quartet & Mariana Sadovska - Chernobyl.
The Guardian 2014-05-18The Kronos Quartet are joined by special guest, Mariana Sadovska, centre, at the Barbican in London.
The Guardian 2014-05-14(Source: Barbican Centre ) ... KRONOS AT 40 ... ) and Ukrainian singer, actress and composer Mariana Sadovska (Chernobyl ... Tickets: ... com.
noodls 2014-05-02) and Ukrainian singer, actress and composer Mariana Sadovska (Chernobyl. The Harvest) ... Happy Birthday!' ... Tickets £20 ' 35.
Music News 2014-05-01(Source: Barbican Centre ) ... Entitled Explorations: ... ) and Ukrainian singer, actress and composer Mariana Sadovska ( Chernobyl.
noodls 2014-04-07The Harvest by Ukrainian singer, actress and composer Mariana Sadovska, who also performs alongside Kronos.
noodls 2014-03-14... hacen interactuar con la intensidad ucraniana de Mariana Sadovska en la pieza de estreno "Chernobyl.
U~T San Diego 2013-07-27... where he is a member of Borderland, the award-winning group of Ukrainian singer Mariana Sadovska.
Deccan Chronicle 2013-07-25Mariana Sadovska - Songs I Learned in the Ukraine (Global Village, 2001).
dusted 2013-02-22Mariana Sadovska (born 1972, Lviv, Ukraine) is a German-based Ukrainian actress, singer, musician, recording artist and composer.
Sadovska began her work with Les Kurbas Theater (Lviv, Ukraine) at Anatole Vasiliev's Festivals in St. Petersburg and Moscow. There she was tapped for the "Slavic Pilgrim Project" by Jerzy Grotowski in Pontedera, Italy. Later that year, she was invited to join Theater Gardzienice where she worked for 10 years as an actor and music director. During her tenure with Gardzienice, she conducted ethnomusicological expeditions to Ukraine, Ireland, Egypt, Cuba and Brazil. She has since organized many cultural exchanges between contemporary artists from Europe and the United States with the native singers of Ukraine.
In 2001, she moved to New York with a grant from the Earth Foundation. There she worked as a music director with La Mama E.T.C.'s resident theater company, Yara Arts Group.
During her residence in NYC, she began working on her solo performances as well as collaborations with such renowned artists as Julian Kytasty, Michael Alpert (of Brave Old World), Anthony Coleman, Frank London, Victoria Hanna and Sanda.
Oleksandr-Zenon Stepanovych Kurbas (Ukrainian: Олександр-Зенон Степанович Курбас, 1887–1937), a Ukrainian movie and theater director, is considered by many to be the most important Ukrainian theater director of the 20th century. He formed together with Vsevolod Meyerhold, Yevgeny Vakhtangov and several other directors the Soviet theater avantgarde in the 1920s and 30s.
Kurbas was born in Sambir (then part of Austria-Hungary) on February 25, 1887 and was given a double name Oleksandr-Zenon, for short Les or Oles. He was born to a well known Austrian-Ruthenian family of actors Stepan Pylypovych Yanovych (1862–1908) and Vanda Adolfivna (1867–1950) (née - Teikhman). Parents' last name Yanovych was their pseudonym, for which they were better known, particularly in theater of "Ruska besida". Beside Les who was the first child there were three other children Kornylo, Nestor, and Nadia, however none of them survived past their teenage years.
At fist Kurbas studied at Ternopil gymnasium. In 1907 he enrolled into the Philosophy Department of University of Vienna from where he transferred out in 1908, due to his father death enrolling later in Lviv University (1908–1910). This was determined by the need to lead Ukrainian culture out of the provincialism it had fallen into as a result of the century-long occupation by Poland and Russia.