Modern Art Max Ernst & The Surrealist Revolution part 1.mov
Modern Art Max Ernst & The Surrealist Revolution part 1
Revolution of the Mind, Surrealist Provocations: MAX ERNST, CELEBES
German artist Max Ernst survived World War 1, but his experiences as an artillery officer filled him with nausea for the high culture that applauded the war. In Ernst's Dadainspired paintings and collages, like the 1921 Celebes, André Breton, author of the Surrealist Manifesto, caught glimpses of a Surrealist electric spark that could unleash the unconscious and liberate the
mind. teleSUR http://
Max Ernst (Brühl, Alemania, el 2 de abril de 1891 - París, Francia, el 1 de abril de 1976) fue un artista alemán nacionalizado francés considerado figura fundamental tanto en el movimiento dadá como en el surrealismo. A lo largo de su variada carrera artística, Ernst se caracterizó por ser un experimentador infatigable, utilizando una extraordinaria diversidad de técnicas, estilos y materiales. En
Max Ernst
Max Ernst (2 April 1891 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst is considered to be one of the primary pioneers of the Dada movement and Surrealism.
After the war, filled with new ideas, Ernst, Jean Arp and social activist Alfred Grünwald, formed the Cologne, Germany Dada group. In 1918 he married the art historian Luise Straus — a stormy
Max Ernst
Mini documentario sulla vita e le opere di Max Ernst di Luca Rizzardi
Trailer "Max Ernst - Mein Vagabundieren, meine Unruhe"
Regie und Drehbuch: Peter Schamoni
Dokumentarfilm über Max Ernst | 1991 | 100 Minuten | 35 mm | Farbe
mehr zum Film:
DVD erhältlich bei amazon.de:
Kamera: Ernst Hirsch, Peter Rosenwanger, Victor Schamoni jun.
Produktion: Peter Schamon
HOW TO: Max Ernst Texture with Plastic Wrap
Ever wonder how Max Ernst achieved the texture in some of his paintings? Lynette Bettini gives a demo of Decalcomania which was used by a pioneer of the Dada movement and Surrealism, Max Ernst. The technique of Decalcomania involves pressing paint between two surfaces. In this demo it's oil paint between canvas and plastic wrap.
Websites Referenced:
Einführung in die Ausstellung "Max Ernst" durch Kurator Raphaël Bouvier
Einführung in die Ausstellung "Max Ernst" durch Kurator Raphaël Bouvier. "Max Ernst" in der Fondation Beyeler, 26.5.- 8.9.2013. Max Ernst (1891--1976) gehört zu den vielseitigsten Künstlern der Moderne. Nach seinen Anfängen als Dadaist in Köln wurde er bald zu einem der Pioniere des Surrealismus in Paris. Als fortwährender Erfinder neuer Figuren, Formen und Techniken hat sich Max Ernst auch später
Desire (Max Ernst)
Thought this was already up... well, it's a segment from Dreams That Money Can Buy, with the original soundtrack. A 1947 collaborative effort by many of the leading surrealists of the era, with contributions from various notable musicians &c; too, really quite something given its age (+ now happily public domain).
Anyway, this first sequence is one of the finest evocations of the dreamworld that I
Top Twenty Max Ernst Paintings
Here is my take on what the top twenty Max Ernst Paintings are... enjoy.
Max Ernst and Frottage
Max Ernst and Frottage
Subscribe to School of Yule:
Max Ernst. Conferencia de Guillermo Solana / “Cinco surrealistas”
Conferencia de Guillermo Solana, director artístico del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, dentro del ciclo de conferencias “Cinco surrealistas en las colecciones Thyssen-Bornemisza”, organizado coincidiendo con la exposición temporal “Paul Delvaux: paseo por el amor y la muerte”.
→ 5 de marzo de 2015, salón de actos del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid).
max ernst - surrealismo
"Las tentaciones de San Antonio"
Esta obra es la participación de Ernst en el concurso para la imagen de un cartel para una pelicula. concurso en el cual participaba también Salvador Dali. la obra de max fue la eligida por el aspecto terrorifico.
The World of Tim Burton / Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR
Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR
16. August 2015 - 3. Januar 2016
Das Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR zeigt zum ersten Mal in Deutschland eine Ausstellung des amerikanischen Filmregisseurs, Produzenten, Künstlers, Fotografen und Autors Tim Burton (BEETLEJUICE, EDWARD MIT DEN SCHERENHÄNDEN, ALICE IM WUNDERLAND).
Nach erfolgreichen Präsentationen in Prag, Tokio und Osaka folgt „The World of Tim Burt
Mission of Burma - Max Ernst (1981, Signals, Calls and Marches EP)
Great song from 1981 'Signals, Calls and Marches' EP by Mission of Burma.
Surrealist-Dadaist German Artist Max Ernst Decoded By Gerone Wright
German's Surrealist artist Max Ernst painting 1920 "Elephant Celebs" is not a inspiration of his own ideals or vision. Through my paranomal experience-encounter I have exposed the max Ernst painting to be a copied encrypted statement taking from 1420 artwork of lorenzo ghiberti's "Gates of Paradise" Story of Noah. I can and will continue to expose our worls past and current artist for thier encode
Psychoanalysis, the Rorschach Ink Blot Test, Surrealism, Max Ernst and Decalcomania
Psychoanalysis was founded by Sigmund Freud in the early 20th century. Freud believed that people could be cured by revealing and making conscious their unconscious thoughts to give them insight into why they think as they do.
Psychoanalytic psychologists see psychological problems as rooted in the unconscious mind. The aim of psychoanalysis therapy is to release repress
Max Ernst Noveles Visuals
Max Ernst (2 April 1891 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst is considered to be one of the primary pioneers of the Dada movement and Surrealism.
Early life
Ernst was born in Brühl, Germany, near Cologne. In 1909, he enrolled in the University at Bonn to study philosophy but soon abandoned the courses. He began painting that year, but
150 Jahre Max Ernst Gymnasium Brühl - Die Revue
150 Jahre Max Ernst Gymnasium Brühl.
An Interview with Max Ernst
An interpretation of an interview with Max Ernst from the 60s found on ubu.com.
'Une Semaine de Bonté [A Week of Kindness]' by Max Ernst
Professor Elizabeth Cowling and Senior Curator Ann Simpson talk about Max Ernst and his work, 'Une Semaine de Bonté [A Week of Kindness]'.
[Duration 4:33]
Max Ernst - Frottage - Trailer Schulfilm Kunst
Das Wort Frottage stammt vom französischen `frotter´ ab, das soviel bedeutet wie `reiben´. In der Kunst ist die Frottage ein Druckverfahren. Dabei drückt man ein dünnes Blatt Papier auf einen stark strukturierten, fast beliebigen Gegenstand. Durch Abreiben zum Beispiel mit Bleistift, Kohle oder Kreide wird die Oberflächenstruktur auf das Papier ü
Max Ernst - famous paintings
Video adaptation of these famous works:
Approacing Puberty or The Pleiads / La Puberté proche... ou Les Pléiades
Two Children are Threatened by a Nightingale / Deux enfants sont menacés par un rossignol
L'Ange du foyer ou Le Triomphe du surréalisme / Der Hausengel
Au premier Mot limpide / Beim ersten klaren Wort
The Equivocal Woman / La Femme chancelante / Die schwankende Frau
Max Ernst (2
Modern Art Max Ernst & The Surrealist Revolution part 1.mov
Modern Art Max Ernst & The Surrealist Revolution part 1...
Modern Art Max Ernst & The Surrealist Revolution part 1
wn.com/Modern Art Max Ernst The Surrealist Revolution Part 1.Mov
Modern Art Max Ernst & The Surrealist Revolution part 1
- published: 20 Feb 2012
- views: 23647
Revolution of the Mind, Surrealist Provocations: MAX ERNST, CELEBES
German artist Max Ernst survived World War 1, but his experiences as an artillery officer filled him with nausea for the high culture that applauded the war. In...
German artist Max Ernst survived World War 1, but his experiences as an artillery officer filled him with nausea for the high culture that applauded the war. In Ernst's Dadainspired paintings and collages, like the 1921 Celebes, André Breton, author of the Surrealist Manifesto, caught glimpses of a Surrealist electric spark that could unleash the unconscious and liberate the
mind. teleSUR http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/v/rear-window-383073/
wn.com/Revolution Of The Mind, Surrealist Provocations Max Ernst, Celebes
German artist Max Ernst survived World War 1, but his experiences as an artillery officer filled him with nausea for the high culture that applauded the war. In Ernst's Dadainspired paintings and collages, like the 1921 Celebes, André Breton, author of the Surrealist Manifesto, caught glimpses of a Surrealist electric spark that could unleash the unconscious and liberate the
mind. teleSUR http://multimedia.telesurtv.net/v/rear-window-383073/
- published: 07 May 2015
- views: 1362
Max Ernst (Brühl, Alemania, el 2 de abril de 1891 - París, Francia, el 1 de abril de 1976) fue un artista alemán nacionalizado francés considerado figura fundam...
Max Ernst (Brühl, Alemania, el 2 de abril de 1891 - París, Francia, el 1 de abril de 1976) fue un artista alemán nacionalizado francés considerado figura fundamental tanto en el movimiento dadá como en el surrealismo. A lo largo de su variada carrera artística, Ernst se caracterizó por ser un experimentador infatigable, utilizando una extraordinaria diversidad de técnicas, estilos y materiales. En todas sus obras buscaba los medios ideales para expresar, en dos o tres dimensiones, el mundo extradimensional de los sueños y la imaginación.
El frottage (del francés frotter, 'frotar') es una técnica artística que consiste en frotar un lápiz sobre una hoja colocada sobre un objeto, consiguiendo una impresión de la forma y textura de ese objeto. Se puede hacer también con lápices de colores, o pintar sobre el primer esbozo. Fue ideado por el pintor surrealista Max Ernst en 1925. Esta Técnica Se basa en Reproducir la Textura de Diferentes Objetos Con resultados En muchos casos Sorprendentes sobre el papel permiten poner una textura debajo de la hoja, por ejemplo, una moneda, una hoja seca de un árbol, cualquier textura sobre la cual ponemos el papel. Y a continuación, frotando con una barra de color, un lápiz de grafito o de colores, con ceras, u otros materiales que permiten atrapar la textura en la hoja de papel.
wn.com/Max Ernst
Max Ernst (Brühl, Alemania, el 2 de abril de 1891 - París, Francia, el 1 de abril de 1976) fue un artista alemán nacionalizado francés considerado figura fundamental tanto en el movimiento dadá como en el surrealismo. A lo largo de su variada carrera artística, Ernst se caracterizó por ser un experimentador infatigable, utilizando una extraordinaria diversidad de técnicas, estilos y materiales. En todas sus obras buscaba los medios ideales para expresar, en dos o tres dimensiones, el mundo extradimensional de los sueños y la imaginación.
El frottage (del francés frotter, 'frotar') es una técnica artística que consiste en frotar un lápiz sobre una hoja colocada sobre un objeto, consiguiendo una impresión de la forma y textura de ese objeto. Se puede hacer también con lápices de colores, o pintar sobre el primer esbozo. Fue ideado por el pintor surrealista Max Ernst en 1925. Esta Técnica Se basa en Reproducir la Textura de Diferentes Objetos Con resultados En muchos casos Sorprendentes sobre el papel permiten poner una textura debajo de la hoja, por ejemplo, una moneda, una hoja seca de un árbol, cualquier textura sobre la cual ponemos el papel. Y a continuación, frotando con una barra de color, un lápiz de grafito o de colores, con ceras, u otros materiales que permiten atrapar la textura en la hoja de papel.
- published: 28 Feb 2013
- views: 3941
Max Ernst
Max Ernst (2 April 1891 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst is considered to be one of the primary...
Max Ernst (2 April 1891 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst is considered to be one of the primary pioneers of the Dada movement and Surrealism.
After the war, filled with new ideas, Ernst, Jean Arp and social activist Alfred Grünwald, formed the Cologne, Germany Dada group. In 1918 he married the art historian Luise Straus — a stormy relationship that would not last. The couple had a son who was born in 1920, the artist Jimmy Ernst. (Luise died in Auschwitz in 1944.) In 1919 Ernst visited Paul Klee and created paintings, block prints and collages, and experimented with mixed media.
In 1922, he joined fellow Dadaists André Breton, Gala, Tristan Tzara, Paul Éluard at the artistic community of Montparnasse.Constantly experimenting, in 1925 he invented a graphic art technique called frottage, which uses pencil rubbings of objects as a source of images.
The next year he collaborated with Joan Miró on designs for Sergei Diaghilev. With Miró's help, Ernst pioneered grattage in which he troweled pigment from his canvases. He also explored with the technique of decalcomania which involves pressing paint between two surfaces.
Max Ernst's life and career are the subject of Peter Schamoni's 1991 documentary Max Ernst. Dedicated to the art historian Werner Spies, it was assembled from interviews with Ernst, stills of his paintings and sculptures, and the memoirs of his wife Dorothea Tannning and son Jimmy. The 101-minute German film was released on DVD with English subtitles by Image Entertainment.
In 2005, "Max Ernst: A Retrospective" opened at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and included works such as Celebes (1921), Ubu Imperator (1923), and Fireside Angel (1937), which is one of the few definitively political pieces and is sub-titled The Triumph of Surrealism depicting a raging bird-like creature that symbolizes the wave of fascism that took over Europe. The exhibition also includes Ernst's works that experiment with free association writing and the techniques of frottage, created from a rubbing from a textured surface; grattage, involving scratching at the surface of a painting; and decalcomania, which involves altering a wet painting by pressing a second surface against it and taking it away.
Ernst's son Jimmy, a well known German/American abstract expressionist painter, who lived on the south shore of Long Island, died in 1984. His memoirs, A Not-So-Still Life, were published shortly before his death. His grandson Eric and granddaughter Amy are both artists and writers.
[from Wikipedia]
Music by:Erik Satie
wn.com/Max Ernst
Max Ernst (2 April 1891 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst is considered to be one of the primary pioneers of the Dada movement and Surrealism.
After the war, filled with new ideas, Ernst, Jean Arp and social activist Alfred Grünwald, formed the Cologne, Germany Dada group. In 1918 he married the art historian Luise Straus — a stormy relationship that would not last. The couple had a son who was born in 1920, the artist Jimmy Ernst. (Luise died in Auschwitz in 1944.) In 1919 Ernst visited Paul Klee and created paintings, block prints and collages, and experimented with mixed media.
In 1922, he joined fellow Dadaists André Breton, Gala, Tristan Tzara, Paul Éluard at the artistic community of Montparnasse.Constantly experimenting, in 1925 he invented a graphic art technique called frottage, which uses pencil rubbings of objects as a source of images.
The next year he collaborated with Joan Miró on designs for Sergei Diaghilev. With Miró's help, Ernst pioneered grattage in which he troweled pigment from his canvases. He also explored with the technique of decalcomania which involves pressing paint between two surfaces.
Max Ernst's life and career are the subject of Peter Schamoni's 1991 documentary Max Ernst. Dedicated to the art historian Werner Spies, it was assembled from interviews with Ernst, stills of his paintings and sculptures, and the memoirs of his wife Dorothea Tannning and son Jimmy. The 101-minute German film was released on DVD with English subtitles by Image Entertainment.
In 2005, "Max Ernst: A Retrospective" opened at the Metropolitan Museum of Art and included works such as Celebes (1921), Ubu Imperator (1923), and Fireside Angel (1937), which is one of the few definitively political pieces and is sub-titled The Triumph of Surrealism depicting a raging bird-like creature that symbolizes the wave of fascism that took over Europe. The exhibition also includes Ernst's works that experiment with free association writing and the techniques of frottage, created from a rubbing from a textured surface; grattage, involving scratching at the surface of a painting; and decalcomania, which involves altering a wet painting by pressing a second surface against it and taking it away.
Ernst's son Jimmy, a well known German/American abstract expressionist painter, who lived on the south shore of Long Island, died in 1984. His memoirs, A Not-So-Still Life, were published shortly before his death. His grandson Eric and granddaughter Amy are both artists and writers.
[from Wikipedia]
Music by:Erik Satie
- published: 07 May 2012
- views: 40883
Max Ernst
Mini documentario sulla vita e le opere di Max Ernst di Luca Rizzardi...
Mini documentario sulla vita e le opere di Max Ernst di Luca Rizzardi
wn.com/Max Ernst
Mini documentario sulla vita e le opere di Max Ernst di Luca Rizzardi
- published: 28 Oct 2011
- views: 1682
Trailer "Max Ernst - Mein Vagabundieren, meine Unruhe"
Regie und Drehbuch: Peter Schamoni
Dokumentarfilm über Max Ernst | 1991 | 100 Minuten | 35 mm | Farbe
mehr zum Film:
Regie und Drehbuch: Peter Schamoni
Dokumentarfilm über Max Ernst | 1991 | 100 Minuten | 35 mm | Farbe
mehr zum Film:
DVD erhältlich bei amazon.de:
Kamera: Ernst Hirsch, Peter Rosenwanger, Victor Schamoni jun.
Produktion: Peter Schamoni Filmproduktion
Ein schon klassischer Dokumentarfilm über Leben und Werk des Künstlers Max Ernst (1891‑1976), mit einer Fülle an Archivmaterial und neu gedrehten Aufnahmen von Originalschauplätzen der Biografie von Max Ernst. Regisseur Peter Schamoni war der einzige filmische Begleiter des Künstlers -- eine cineastische Hommage an den Künstler und Freund Max Ernst.
Der Film ist Werner Spies gewidmet.
wn.com/Trailer Max Ernst Mein Vagabundieren, Meine Unruhe
Regie und Drehbuch: Peter Schamoni
Dokumentarfilm über Max Ernst | 1991 | 100 Minuten | 35 mm | Farbe
mehr zum Film:
DVD erhältlich bei amazon.de:
Kamera: Ernst Hirsch, Peter Rosenwanger, Victor Schamoni jun.
Produktion: Peter Schamoni Filmproduktion
Ein schon klassischer Dokumentarfilm über Leben und Werk des Künstlers Max Ernst (1891‑1976), mit einer Fülle an Archivmaterial und neu gedrehten Aufnahmen von Originalschauplätzen der Biografie von Max Ernst. Regisseur Peter Schamoni war der einzige filmische Begleiter des Künstlers -- eine cineastische Hommage an den Künstler und Freund Max Ernst.
Der Film ist Werner Spies gewidmet.
- published: 11 Sep 2012
- views: 14946
HOW TO: Max Ernst Texture with Plastic Wrap
Ever wonder how Max Ernst achieved the texture in some of his paintings? Lynette Bettini gives a demo of Decalcomania which was used by a pioneer of the Dada mo...
Ever wonder how Max Ernst achieved the texture in some of his paintings? Lynette Bettini gives a demo of Decalcomania which was used by a pioneer of the Dada movement and Surrealism, Max Ernst. The technique of Decalcomania involves pressing paint between two surfaces. In this demo it's oil paint between canvas and plastic wrap.
Websites Referenced:
wn.com/How To Max Ernst Texture With Plastic Wrap
Ever wonder how Max Ernst achieved the texture in some of his paintings? Lynette Bettini gives a demo of Decalcomania which was used by a pioneer of the Dada movement and Surrealism, Max Ernst. The technique of Decalcomania involves pressing paint between two surfaces. In this demo it's oil paint between canvas and plastic wrap.
Websites Referenced:
- published: 29 Dec 2010
- views: 25347
Einführung in die Ausstellung "Max Ernst" durch Kurator Raphaël Bouvier
Einführung in die Ausstellung "Max Ernst" durch Kurator Raphaël Bouvier. "Max Ernst" in der Fondation Beyeler, 26.5.- 8.9.2013. Max Ernst (1891--1976) gehört zu...
Einführung in die Ausstellung "Max Ernst" durch Kurator Raphaël Bouvier. "Max Ernst" in der Fondation Beyeler, 26.5.- 8.9.2013. Max Ernst (1891--1976) gehört zu den vielseitigsten Künstlern der Moderne. Nach seinen Anfängen als Dadaist in Köln wurde er bald zu einem der Pioniere des Surrealismus in Paris. Als fortwährender Erfinder neuer Figuren, Formen und Techniken hat sich Max Ernst auch später ständig weiterorientiert. Dabei hat er ein einzigartiges Werk geschaffen, das sich jeder klaren stilistischen Definition entzieht und dessen Entwicklung vom bewegten Leben und den wechselnden Aufenthaltsorten des Künstlers in Europa und Amerika mitgeprägt ist.
Die grosse Retrospektive in der Fondation Beyeler präsentiert eine exemplarische Auswahl von über 170 Gemälden, Zeichnungen, Collagen, Skulpturen und Büchern von Max Ernst, die alle Aspekte seines Werks umfasst. So erhält der Besucher zum ersten Mal in der Schweiz die Gelegenheit, das mannigfaltige Oeuvre dieses Jahrhundertkünstlers in seinem gesamten Reichtum zu erleben.
wn.com/Einführung In Die Ausstellung Max Ernst Durch Kurator Raphaël Bouvier
Einführung in die Ausstellung "Max Ernst" durch Kurator Raphaël Bouvier. "Max Ernst" in der Fondation Beyeler, 26.5.- 8.9.2013. Max Ernst (1891--1976) gehört zu den vielseitigsten Künstlern der Moderne. Nach seinen Anfängen als Dadaist in Köln wurde er bald zu einem der Pioniere des Surrealismus in Paris. Als fortwährender Erfinder neuer Figuren, Formen und Techniken hat sich Max Ernst auch später ständig weiterorientiert. Dabei hat er ein einzigartiges Werk geschaffen, das sich jeder klaren stilistischen Definition entzieht und dessen Entwicklung vom bewegten Leben und den wechselnden Aufenthaltsorten des Künstlers in Europa und Amerika mitgeprägt ist.
Die grosse Retrospektive in der Fondation Beyeler präsentiert eine exemplarische Auswahl von über 170 Gemälden, Zeichnungen, Collagen, Skulpturen und Büchern von Max Ernst, die alle Aspekte seines Werks umfasst. So erhält der Besucher zum ersten Mal in der Schweiz die Gelegenheit, das mannigfaltige Oeuvre dieses Jahrhundertkünstlers in seinem gesamten Reichtum zu erleben.
- published: 31 May 2013
- views: 6565
Desire (Max Ernst)
Thought this was already up... well, it's a segment from Dreams That Money Can Buy, with the original soundtrack. A 1947 collaborative effort by many of the lea...
Thought this was already up... well, it's a segment from Dreams That Money Can Buy, with the original soundtrack. A 1947 collaborative effort by many of the leading surrealists of the era, with contributions from various notable musicians &c; too, really quite something given its age (+ now happily public domain).
Anyway, this first sequence is one of the finest evocations of the dreamworld that I've yet seen.
wn.com/Desire (Max Ernst)
Thought this was already up... well, it's a segment from Dreams That Money Can Buy, with the original soundtrack. A 1947 collaborative effort by many of the leading surrealists of the era, with contributions from various notable musicians &c; too, really quite something given its age (+ now happily public domain).
Anyway, this first sequence is one of the finest evocations of the dreamworld that I've yet seen.
- published: 27 Jan 2013
- views: 6606
Top Twenty Max Ernst Paintings
Here is my take on what the top twenty Max Ernst Paintings are... enjoy....
Here is my take on what the top twenty Max Ernst Paintings are... enjoy.
wn.com/Top Twenty Max Ernst Paintings
Here is my take on what the top twenty Max Ernst Paintings are... enjoy.
- published: 27 Dec 2008
- views: 8887
Max Ernst and Frottage
Max Ernst and Frottage
Subscribe to School of Yule:
Max Ernst and Frottage
Subscribe to School of Yule:
wn.com/Max Ernst And Frottage
Max Ernst and Frottage
Subscribe to School of Yule:
- published: 08 Jun 2013
- views: 11182
Max Ernst. Conferencia de Guillermo Solana / “Cinco surrealistas”
Conferencia de Guillermo Solana, director artístico del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, dentro del ciclo de conferencias “Cinco surrealistas en las colecciones Thysse...
Conferencia de Guillermo Solana, director artístico del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, dentro del ciclo de conferencias “Cinco surrealistas en las colecciones Thyssen-Bornemisza”, organizado coincidiendo con la exposición temporal “Paul Delvaux: paseo por el amor y la muerte”.
→ 5 de marzo de 2015, salón de actos del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid).
wn.com/Max Ernst. Conferencia De Guillermo Solana “Cinco Surrealistas”
Conferencia de Guillermo Solana, director artístico del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, dentro del ciclo de conferencias “Cinco surrealistas en las colecciones Thyssen-Bornemisza”, organizado coincidiendo con la exposición temporal “Paul Delvaux: paseo por el amor y la muerte”.
→ 5 de marzo de 2015, salón de actos del Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza (Madrid).
- published: 07 May 2015
- views: 888
max ernst - surrealismo
"Las tentaciones de San Antonio"
Esta obra es la participación de Ernst en el concurso para la imagen de un cartel para una pelicula. concurso en el cual partic...
"Las tentaciones de San Antonio"
Esta obra es la participación de Ernst en el concurso para la imagen de un cartel para una pelicula. concurso en el cual participaba también Salvador Dali. la obra de max fue la eligida por el aspecto terrorifico.
wn.com/Max Ernst Surrealismo
"Las tentaciones de San Antonio"
Esta obra es la participación de Ernst en el concurso para la imagen de un cartel para una pelicula. concurso en el cual participaba también Salvador Dali. la obra de max fue la eligida por el aspecto terrorifico.
- published: 06 Oct 2013
- views: 1549
The World of Tim Burton / Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR
Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR
16. August 2015 - 3. Januar 2016
Das Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR zeigt zum ersten Mal in Deutschland eine Ausstellung des am...
Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR
16. August 2015 - 3. Januar 2016
Das Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR zeigt zum ersten Mal in Deutschland eine Ausstellung des amerikanischen Filmregisseurs, Produzenten, Künstlers, Fotografen und Autors Tim Burton (BEETLEJUICE, EDWARD MIT DEN SCHERENHÄNDEN, ALICE IM WUNDERLAND).
Nach erfolgreichen Präsentationen in Prag, Tokio und Osaka folgt „The World of Tim Burton“ als spektakuläres Highlight im Max Ernst Museum. Über 400 Zeichnungen, Gemälde, Skulpturen, Fotografien, Filme, Storyboards, persönliche Dokumente etc. bieten einen faszinierenden Einblick in den künstlerischen Prozess der Ideenfindung und in die bizarren Vorstellungswelten dieses multimedial veranlagten Ausnahmekünstlers. Dazu veranschaulichen Requisiten und Puppen aus den Animationsfilmen wie TIM BURTON‘S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS oder FRANKENWEENIE weitere Aspekte seines vielfältigen Schaffens.
Auf spielerische Weise vermischt Tim Burton im Geiste des Surrealismus Elemente der Popkultur, des Cartoons und Comics, des B-Movies sowie der Gothic-Kultur.
Die Ausstellung wird vom Max Ernst Museum in Zusammenarbeit mit der unabhängigen Kuratorin Jenny He und Tim Burton Productions organisiert.
wn.com/The World Of Tim Burton Max Ernst Museum Brühl Des Lvr
Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR
16. August 2015 - 3. Januar 2016
Das Max Ernst Museum Brühl des LVR zeigt zum ersten Mal in Deutschland eine Ausstellung des amerikanischen Filmregisseurs, Produzenten, Künstlers, Fotografen und Autors Tim Burton (BEETLEJUICE, EDWARD MIT DEN SCHERENHÄNDEN, ALICE IM WUNDERLAND).
Nach erfolgreichen Präsentationen in Prag, Tokio und Osaka folgt „The World of Tim Burton“ als spektakuläres Highlight im Max Ernst Museum. Über 400 Zeichnungen, Gemälde, Skulpturen, Fotografien, Filme, Storyboards, persönliche Dokumente etc. bieten einen faszinierenden Einblick in den künstlerischen Prozess der Ideenfindung und in die bizarren Vorstellungswelten dieses multimedial veranlagten Ausnahmekünstlers. Dazu veranschaulichen Requisiten und Puppen aus den Animationsfilmen wie TIM BURTON‘S THE NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS oder FRANKENWEENIE weitere Aspekte seines vielfältigen Schaffens.
Auf spielerische Weise vermischt Tim Burton im Geiste des Surrealismus Elemente der Popkultur, des Cartoons und Comics, des B-Movies sowie der Gothic-Kultur.
Die Ausstellung wird vom Max Ernst Museum in Zusammenarbeit mit der unabhängigen Kuratorin Jenny He und Tim Burton Productions organisiert.
- published: 30 Apr 2015
- views: 48267
Mission of Burma - Max Ernst (1981, Signals, Calls and Marches EP)
Great song from 1981 'Signals, Calls and Marches' EP by Mission of Burma.
Great song from 1981 'Signals, Calls and Marches' EP by Mission of Burma.
wn.com/Mission Of Burma Max Ernst (1981, Signals, Calls And Marches Ep)
Great song from 1981 'Signals, Calls and Marches' EP by Mission of Burma.
- published: 06 Jul 2013
- views: 7014
Surrealist-Dadaist German Artist Max Ernst Decoded By Gerone Wright
German's Surrealist artist Max Ernst painting 1920 "Elephant Celebs" is not a inspiration of his own ideals or vision. Through my paranomal experience-encounter...
German's Surrealist artist Max Ernst painting 1920 "Elephant Celebs" is not a inspiration of his own ideals or vision. Through my paranomal experience-encounter I have exposed the max Ernst painting to be a copied encrypted statement taking from 1420 artwork of lorenzo ghiberti's "Gates of Paradise" Story of Noah. I can and will continue to expose our worls past and current artist for thier encoded artworks which detail historical genetic alterings of the genes of mankind with that of of creatures of our world. A hidden source of knowledge which is suppressed from the masses of our world and enjoyed by a select few that are sworn to secretcy.
wn.com/Surrealist Dadaist German Artist Max Ernst Decoded By Gerone Wright
German's Surrealist artist Max Ernst painting 1920 "Elephant Celebs" is not a inspiration of his own ideals or vision. Through my paranomal experience-encounter I have exposed the max Ernst painting to be a copied encrypted statement taking from 1420 artwork of lorenzo ghiberti's "Gates of Paradise" Story of Noah. I can and will continue to expose our worls past and current artist for thier encoded artworks which detail historical genetic alterings of the genes of mankind with that of of creatures of our world. A hidden source of knowledge which is suppressed from the masses of our world and enjoyed by a select few that are sworn to secretcy.
- published: 24 Feb 2013
- views: 2300
Psychoanalysis, the Rorschach Ink Blot Test, Surrealism, Max Ernst and Decalcomania
Psychoanalysis was founded by Sigmund Freud in the early 20th century. Freud believed that people could be cured by revealing and makin...
Psychoanalysis was founded by Sigmund Freud in the early 20th century. Freud believed that people could be cured by revealing and making conscious their unconscious thoughts to give them insight into why they think as they do.
Psychoanalytic psychologists see psychological problems as rooted in the unconscious mind. The aim of psychoanalysis therapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences.
By bringing the repressed emotions and experiences to consciousness and having a cathartic (i.e. a healing) experience can the person be helped.
The Rorschach Ink Blot Test
What do you see in this ink blot?
Perhaps you see an animal, a vehicle, a map or something else...
It's ambiguous, unclear. But what people interpret in these ink spots is important for psychoanalysts. Different people will "see" different things depending on the unconscious connections they make in their brain.
This experiment is called the Rorschach Ink Blot Test, it was invented by the Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach. Using the Rorschach Ink Blot Test, Psychoanalysts record how their patients interpret the ink blots and analyse them in order to examine their personalities and emotions.
Surrealism is an Art Movement that began in the early 20th Century lead by André Breton and influenced by psychoanalysis. Artists painted unnerving, illogical scenes with photographic precision creating strange creatures from everyday objects and developed painting techniques that allowed for the unconscious, dream-like expression of ideas. Surrealist works feature the element of surprise and unexpected juxtapositions.
Max Ernst was a German artist, he was a pioneer of the Surrealist Movement.
This painting 'Europe After the Rain II' was based on the technique of "decalcomania" where thin paint is spread on a sheet of glass and the canvas is then pressed against it.
Ernst invented this technique and paints into it portraying a ravaged landscape reminiscent of both twisted wreckage and rotting organic rocks. Is this an apocalypse, or uncontrolled, cancerous growth? Who knows?
There is no definitive interpretation of this painting, but given his personal history, quitting the Gestapo, self-imposed exile and disgust at the effects of war, viewers often see it as melancholic. What do you think?
Subscribe to School of Yule:
wn.com/Psychoanalysis, The Rorschach Ink Blot Test, Surrealism, Max Ernst And Decalcomania
Psychoanalysis was founded by Sigmund Freud in the early 20th century. Freud believed that people could be cured by revealing and making conscious their unconscious thoughts to give them insight into why they think as they do.
Psychoanalytic psychologists see psychological problems as rooted in the unconscious mind. The aim of psychoanalysis therapy is to release repressed emotions and experiences.
By bringing the repressed emotions and experiences to consciousness and having a cathartic (i.e. a healing) experience can the person be helped.
The Rorschach Ink Blot Test
What do you see in this ink blot?
Perhaps you see an animal, a vehicle, a map or something else...
It's ambiguous, unclear. But what people interpret in these ink spots is important for psychoanalysts. Different people will "see" different things depending on the unconscious connections they make in their brain.
This experiment is called the Rorschach Ink Blot Test, it was invented by the Swiss psychologist Hermann Rorschach. Using the Rorschach Ink Blot Test, Psychoanalysts record how their patients interpret the ink blots and analyse them in order to examine their personalities and emotions.
Surrealism is an Art Movement that began in the early 20th Century lead by André Breton and influenced by psychoanalysis. Artists painted unnerving, illogical scenes with photographic precision creating strange creatures from everyday objects and developed painting techniques that allowed for the unconscious, dream-like expression of ideas. Surrealist works feature the element of surprise and unexpected juxtapositions.
Max Ernst was a German artist, he was a pioneer of the Surrealist Movement.
This painting 'Europe After the Rain II' was based on the technique of "decalcomania" where thin paint is spread on a sheet of glass and the canvas is then pressed against it.
Ernst invented this technique and paints into it portraying a ravaged landscape reminiscent of both twisted wreckage and rotting organic rocks. Is this an apocalypse, or uncontrolled, cancerous growth? Who knows?
There is no definitive interpretation of this painting, but given his personal history, quitting the Gestapo, self-imposed exile and disgust at the effects of war, viewers often see it as melancholic. What do you think?
Subscribe to School of Yule:
- published: 15 Apr 2013
- views: 2403
Max Ernst Noveles Visuals
Max Ernst (2 April 1891 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst is considered to be one of the primary...
Max Ernst (2 April 1891 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst is considered to be one of the primary pioneers of the Dada movement and Surrealism.
Early life
Ernst was born in Brühl, Germany, near Cologne. In 1909, he enrolled in the University at Bonn to study philosophy but soon abandoned the courses. He began painting that year, but never received any formal artistic training.[1] During World War I he served in the German army, which was a momentous interruption in his career as an artist. He stated in his autobiography, "Max Ernst died the 1st of August, 1914."
[edit] Dada and Surrealism
Max Ernst, Ubu Imperator, (1923), Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
After the war, filled with new ideas, Ernst, Jean Arp and social activist Alfred Grünwald, formed the Cologne, Germany Dada group. In 1918 he married the art historian Luise Straus — a stormy relationship that would not last. The couple had a son who was born in 1920, the artist Jimmy Ernst. (Luise died in Auschwitz in 1944.[2]) In 1919 Ernst visited Paul Klee and created paintings, block prints and collages, and experimented with mixed media.
In 1922, he joined fellow Dadaists André Breton, Gala, Tristan Tzara, Paul Éluard at the artistic community of Montparnasse.[1] Constantly experimenting, in 1925 he invented a graphic art technique called frottage, which uses pencil rubbings of objects as a source of images.
The next year he collaborated with Joan Miró on designs for Sergei Diaghilev. With Miró's help, Ernst pioneered grattage in which he troweled pigment from his canvases. He also explored with the technique of decalcomania which involves pressing paint between two surfaces.[3]
Ernst developed a fascination with birds that was prevalent in his work. His alter ego in paintings, which he called Loplop, was a bird. He suggested this alter-ego was an extension of himself stemming from an early confusion of birds and humans. He said that one night when he was young he woke up and found that his beloved bird had died, and a few minutes later his father announced that his sister was born. Loplop often appeared in collages of other artists' work, such as Loplop presents André Breton. Ernst drew a great deal of controversy with his 1926 painting The Virgin Chastises the infant Jesus before Three Witnesses: André Breton, Paul Éluard, and the Painter.[4] In 1927 he married Marie-Berthe Aurenche, and it is thought his relationship with her may have inspired the erotic subject matter of The Kiss and other works of this year.[5] In 1930, he appeared in the film L'Âge d'or, directed by self-identifying Surrealist Luis Buñuel. Ernst began to make sculpture in 1934, and spent time with Alberto Giacometti. In 1938, the American heiress and artistic patron Peggy Guggenheim acquired a number of Max Ernst's works which she displayed in her new museum in London.
[edit] World War II and later life
L'Ange du Foyer, (1937)
In 1938 he was interned in Camp des Milles, near Aix-en-Provence, along with fellow surrealist, Hans Bellmer, who had recently emigrated to Paris on the outbreak of World War II. Thanks to the intercession of Paul Éluard, and other friends including the journalist Varian Fry he was discharged a few weeks later. Soon after the Nazi occupation of France, he was arrested again, this time by the Gestapo, but managed to escape and flee to America with the help of Guggenheim.[1] He left behind his lover, Leonora Carrington, and she suffered a major mental breakdown. Ernst and Guggenheim arrived in the United States in 1941 and were married the following year. Along with other artists and friends (Marcel Duchamp and Marc Chagall) who had fled from the war and lived in New York City, Ernst helped inspire the development of Abstract expressionism.
His marriage to Guggenheim did not last, and in Beverly Hills, California in October 1946, in a double ceremony with Man Ray and Juliet P. Browner, he married Dorothea Tanning. The couple first made their home in Sedona, Arizona. In 1948 Ernst wrote the treatise Beyond Painting. As a result of the publicity, he began to achieve financial success.
In 1953 he and Tanning moved to a small town in the south of France where he continued to work. The City, and the Galeries Nationales du Grand-Palais in Paris published a complete catalogue of his works.
In 1966 he created a chessgame made of glass which he named "Immortel"; it has been described as a masterpiece of bewitching magic, worthy of a Maya palace or the residence of a Pharaon[6]
Ernst died on 1 April 1976, in Paris.[1] He was interred at the Père Lachaise Cemetery
wn.com/Max Ernst Noveles Visuals
Max Ernst (2 April 1891 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet. A prolific artist, Ernst is considered to be one of the primary pioneers of the Dada movement and Surrealism.
Early life
Ernst was born in Brühl, Germany, near Cologne. In 1909, he enrolled in the University at Bonn to study philosophy but soon abandoned the courses. He began painting that year, but never received any formal artistic training.[1] During World War I he served in the German army, which was a momentous interruption in his career as an artist. He stated in his autobiography, "Max Ernst died the 1st of August, 1914."
[edit] Dada and Surrealism
Max Ernst, Ubu Imperator, (1923), Musee National d'Art Moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, France
After the war, filled with new ideas, Ernst, Jean Arp and social activist Alfred Grünwald, formed the Cologne, Germany Dada group. In 1918 he married the art historian Luise Straus — a stormy relationship that would not last. The couple had a son who was born in 1920, the artist Jimmy Ernst. (Luise died in Auschwitz in 1944.[2]) In 1919 Ernst visited Paul Klee and created paintings, block prints and collages, and experimented with mixed media.
In 1922, he joined fellow Dadaists André Breton, Gala, Tristan Tzara, Paul Éluard at the artistic community of Montparnasse.[1] Constantly experimenting, in 1925 he invented a graphic art technique called frottage, which uses pencil rubbings of objects as a source of images.
The next year he collaborated with Joan Miró on designs for Sergei Diaghilev. With Miró's help, Ernst pioneered grattage in which he troweled pigment from his canvases. He also explored with the technique of decalcomania which involves pressing paint between two surfaces.[3]
Ernst developed a fascination with birds that was prevalent in his work. His alter ego in paintings, which he called Loplop, was a bird. He suggested this alter-ego was an extension of himself stemming from an early confusion of birds and humans. He said that one night when he was young he woke up and found that his beloved bird had died, and a few minutes later his father announced that his sister was born. Loplop often appeared in collages of other artists' work, such as Loplop presents André Breton. Ernst drew a great deal of controversy with his 1926 painting The Virgin Chastises the infant Jesus before Three Witnesses: André Breton, Paul Éluard, and the Painter.[4] In 1927 he married Marie-Berthe Aurenche, and it is thought his relationship with her may have inspired the erotic subject matter of The Kiss and other works of this year.[5] In 1930, he appeared in the film L'Âge d'or, directed by self-identifying Surrealist Luis Buñuel. Ernst began to make sculpture in 1934, and spent time with Alberto Giacometti. In 1938, the American heiress and artistic patron Peggy Guggenheim acquired a number of Max Ernst's works which she displayed in her new museum in London.
[edit] World War II and later life
L'Ange du Foyer, (1937)
In 1938 he was interned in Camp des Milles, near Aix-en-Provence, along with fellow surrealist, Hans Bellmer, who had recently emigrated to Paris on the outbreak of World War II. Thanks to the intercession of Paul Éluard, and other friends including the journalist Varian Fry he was discharged a few weeks later. Soon after the Nazi occupation of France, he was arrested again, this time by the Gestapo, but managed to escape and flee to America with the help of Guggenheim.[1] He left behind his lover, Leonora Carrington, and she suffered a major mental breakdown. Ernst and Guggenheim arrived in the United States in 1941 and were married the following year. Along with other artists and friends (Marcel Duchamp and Marc Chagall) who had fled from the war and lived in New York City, Ernst helped inspire the development of Abstract expressionism.
His marriage to Guggenheim did not last, and in Beverly Hills, California in October 1946, in a double ceremony with Man Ray and Juliet P. Browner, he married Dorothea Tanning. The couple first made their home in Sedona, Arizona. In 1948 Ernst wrote the treatise Beyond Painting. As a result of the publicity, he began to achieve financial success.
In 1953 he and Tanning moved to a small town in the south of France where he continued to work. The City, and the Galeries Nationales du Grand-Palais in Paris published a complete catalogue of his works.
In 1966 he created a chessgame made of glass which he named "Immortel"; it has been described as a masterpiece of bewitching magic, worthy of a Maya palace or the residence of a Pharaon[6]
Ernst died on 1 April 1976, in Paris.[1] He was interred at the Père Lachaise Cemetery
- published: 29 Jul 2009
- views: 8815
An Interview with Max Ernst
An interpretation of an interview with Max Ernst from the 60s found on ubu.com....
An interpretation of an interview with Max Ernst from the 60s found on ubu.com.
wn.com/An Interview With Max Ernst
An interpretation of an interview with Max Ernst from the 60s found on ubu.com.
- published: 29 Apr 2009
- views: 5820
'Une Semaine de Bonté [A Week of Kindness]' by Max Ernst
Professor Elizabeth Cowling and Senior Curator Ann Simpson talk about Max Ernst and his work, 'Une Semaine de Bonté [A Week of Kindness]'.
[Duration 4:33]...
Professor Elizabeth Cowling and Senior Curator Ann Simpson talk about Max Ernst and his work, 'Une Semaine de Bonté [A Week of Kindness]'.
[Duration 4:33]
wn.com/'Une Semaine De Bonté A Week Of Kindness ' By Max Ernst
Professor Elizabeth Cowling and Senior Curator Ann Simpson talk about Max Ernst and his work, 'Une Semaine de Bonté [A Week of Kindness]'.
[Duration 4:33]
- published: 13 Jul 2010
- views: 7516
Max Ernst - Frottage - Trailer Schulfilm Kunst
Das Wort Frottage stammt vom französischen `frotter´ ab, das soviel bedeutet wie `reiben´. In der Kunst ist ...
Das Wort Frottage stammt vom französischen `frotter´ ab, das soviel bedeutet wie `reiben´. In der Kunst ist die Frottage ein Druckverfahren. Dabei drückt man ein dünnes Blatt Papier auf einen stark strukturierten, fast beliebigen Gegenstand. Durch Abreiben zum Beispiel mit Bleistift, Kohle oder Kreide wird die Oberflächenstruktur auf das Papier übertragen. Es entstehen Abdrücke.
Pionier auf diesem Gebiet ist für die moderne Kunst der Maler Max Ernst. Er nutzt die Frottagetechnik immer wieder in seinem Werk. Die Themen wählt Max Ernst vor allem aus dem pflanzlichen Bereich. Der Künstler variiert mit der Frottage frühere Motive, etwa aus dem Bereich des Mythischen. Es sind oft seltsame Zwischenwesen, die durch die Frottage fast bizarr wirken. Immer haftet den Bildern etwas Fremdartiges und Rätselhaftes an.
wn.com/Max Ernst Frottage Trailer Schulfilm Kunst
Das Wort Frottage stammt vom französischen `frotter´ ab, das soviel bedeutet wie `reiben´. In der Kunst ist die Frottage ein Druckverfahren. Dabei drückt man ein dünnes Blatt Papier auf einen stark strukturierten, fast beliebigen Gegenstand. Durch Abreiben zum Beispiel mit Bleistift, Kohle oder Kreide wird die Oberflächenstruktur auf das Papier übertragen. Es entstehen Abdrücke.
Pionier auf diesem Gebiet ist für die moderne Kunst der Maler Max Ernst. Er nutzt die Frottagetechnik immer wieder in seinem Werk. Die Themen wählt Max Ernst vor allem aus dem pflanzlichen Bereich. Der Künstler variiert mit der Frottage frühere Motive, etwa aus dem Bereich des Mythischen. Es sind oft seltsame Zwischenwesen, die durch die Frottage fast bizarr wirken. Immer haftet den Bildern etwas Fremdartiges und Rätselhaftes an.
- published: 05 Aug 2013
- views: 7207
Max Ernst - famous paintings
Video adaptation of these famous works:
Approacing Puberty or The Pleiads / La Puberté proche... ou Les Pléiades
Two Children are Threatened by a Nightingale ...
Video adaptation of these famous works:
Approacing Puberty or The Pleiads / La Puberté proche... ou Les Pléiades
Two Children are Threatened by a Nightingale / Deux enfants sont menacés par un rossignol
L'Ange du foyer ou Le Triomphe du surréalisme / Der Hausengel
Au premier Mot limpide / Beim ersten klaren Wort
The Equivocal Woman / La Femme chancelante / Die schwankende Frau
Max Ernst (2 April 1891 - 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet, considered one of the chief representatives of Dadaism and Surrealism.
wn.com/Max Ernst Famous Paintings
Video adaptation of these famous works:
Approacing Puberty or The Pleiads / La Puberté proche... ou Les Pléiades
Two Children are Threatened by a Nightingale / Deux enfants sont menacés par un rossignol
L'Ange du foyer ou Le Triomphe du surréalisme / Der Hausengel
Au premier Mot limpide / Beim ersten klaren Wort
The Equivocal Woman / La Femme chancelante / Die schwankende Frau
Max Ernst (2 April 1891 - 1 April 1976) was a German painter, sculptor, graphic artist, and poet, considered one of the chief representatives of Dadaism and Surrealism.
- published: 08 May 2008
- views: 28767
DADA Ultimate anthology [face A]
Additional Musics by Gestalt OrchestrA + Twin Realities Dreamers.
Download the full album free here http://archive.org/download/ObjetPetitDada/ObjetPetitDada_vbr_mp3.zip
If dada was a virus...
...and not a vaccin.
Does it change anything ?
Et si dada était un virus...
...est non un vaccin.
Est-ce que cela changerait quelque chose ?
Films Hans Richter + Fernand Leger & Dudley Murphy + Man Ray + W
Leonora Carrington: Britain's Lost Surrealist | TateShots
Featuring rare archive footage, this short film follows Leonora Carrington’s cousin and journalist, Joanna Moorhead, exploring the artist’s story.
Leonora Carrington was one of the most prolific members of the Surrealist movement. After rejecting her upper-class upbringing in northern England, Carrington embarked upon a relationship with Surrealist artist Max Ernst, and became central in the Surr
Neo Rauch: para / Max Ernst Museum, Brühl
The Max Ernst Museum in Brühl (near Cologne, Germany) presents 13 works by the German painter Neo Rauch (born 1960 in Leipzig) which were specially painted for this exhibition at Max Ernst Museum (the only station after the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York) and to which six further loans were added. The title of the exhibition with the prefix “para” is aimed at evoking a chain of association
Wolfgang Beltracchi - CBS 60 Minutes Interview (HD)
Wolfgang Beltracchi (born Wolfgang Fischer in 1951) is a German art forger and artist, who has admitted to producing hundreds of fake paintings. Beltracchi, his wife, and two accomplices sold these as original works by famous artists including Max Ernst, Heinrich Campendonk, Fernand Léger and Kees van Dongen. In 2011, Beltracchi was sentenced to six years in prison.
Wolfgang Fischer was born 4 Fe
Interview Dr. Ernst Maier-Reimer Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie zur PK 23.02.2012
Interview mit
Dr. Ernst Maier-Reimer
Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie,
Ehemaliger Gruppenleiter Biogeochemie des Ozeans
Wissenschaftler des Max-Planck-Instituts für Meteorologie (MPI-M) und des Deutschen Klimarechenzentrums (DKRZ) haben mit dem neuen Klimamodell des MPI-M neue Klimasimulationen durchgeführt.
Erste Ergebnisse der Simulationen sowie die Nutzung der Daten werden im Rahmen
Zeitzeugen-Interview mit Ernst Grube
Im Sommersemester 2013 führte das Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau gemeinsam mit dem Lehrstuhl für Geschichtsdidaktik der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München eine Übung durch, die sich mit Zeitzeugen als historischer Quelle beschäftigte. Am Ende entstanden so aus längeren Interviews innerhalb eines Semesters vier Kurzfilme, die die Lebensgeschichten von Überlebendenden der Nationalsozialisti
Dr. J. Wilhelm spricht über Max Ernst und das Museum in Brühl
Dr. Jürgen Wilhelm ist seit 2005 Vorsitzender der Max Ernst Stiftung mit Sitz in Brühl. Als Herausgeber zahlreicher Bücher unter anderem die Werke " Über Max Ernst " und gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Werner Spies, dem Kurator der Eröffnungsausstellung " Von der Kunst mit den Augen zu trinken." gehört er zu den Kennern des Brühler Künstlers.
Im Interview mit RheintalTV spricht Dr. Wilhelm u.a. auch über
Unglaubliches Interview zu Call of Duty 2015 mit Entwickler! [by m4xfps]
(100000% ernst gemeinte Beschreibung.)
Original Video by Activision.
Übersetzt von : yt.com / m4xfps
Fliegervideo der Max-Ernst Schule in Weilrod-Riedelbach
Fliegervideo der Max-Ernst Schule in Weilrod-Riedelbach
Künstlergespräch mit Peter Fischli und Hans Ulrich Obrist
Künstlergespräch mit Peter Fischli und Hans Ulrich Obrist in der Fondation Beyeler. Am Freitag, 23. August 2013 fand in der Fondation Beyeler im Rahmen der Max Ernst gewidmeten Ausstellung, die noch bis zum 8. September laufen wird ein Künstlergespräch statt. Der Kurator, Autor und Co-Direktor der Serpentine Gallery in London, Hans Ulrich Obrist, interviewte Künstler Peter Fischli.
Peter Fischli
DADA Ultimate anthology [face A]
Additional Musics by Gestalt OrchestrA + Twin Realities Dreamers.
Download the full album free here http://archive.org/download/ObjetPetitDada/ObjetPetitDada_vb...
Additional Musics by Gestalt OrchestrA + Twin Realities Dreamers.
Download the full album free here http://archive.org/download/ObjetPetitDada/ObjetPetitDada_vbr_mp3.zip
If dada was a virus...
...and not a vaccin.
Does it change anything ?
Et si dada était un virus...
...est non un vaccin.
Est-ce que cela changerait quelque chose ?
Films Hans Richter + Fernand Leger & Dudley Murphy + Man Ray + Walther Ruttmann
Interviews of Tristan Tzara + Marcel Duchamp + Max Ernst + Raoul Hausmann
Poems Jean Arp + Kurt Schwitters + Mehring + Tzara + Duchamp + Richter + Vogel + Jancd + Huelsenbeck + Hausmann + Ribemond Dessaignes
Gestalt OrchestrA + Twin Realities Dreamers are part of Vivid Tribe of Psychics
Thanks so much to Hans Richter.
Warning I do not own the copyright of this video, it's just share for educational prupose. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
"Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in Zurich, Switzerland, during World War I and peaked from 1916 to 1922. The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature—poetry, art manifestoes, art theory—theatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti-war politics through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works. Its purpose was to ridicule what its participants considered to be the meaninglessness of the modern world. [Italics mine.] In addition to being anti-war, dada was also anti-bourgeois and anarchist in nature.
"Dada activities included public gatherings, demonstrations, and publication of art/literary journals; passionate coverage of art, politics, and culture were topics often discussed in a variety of media. The movement influenced later styles like the avant-garde and downtown music movements, and groups including surrealism, Nouveau réalisme, pop art, Fluxus and punk rock."
wn.com/Dada Ultimate Anthology Face A
Additional Musics by Gestalt OrchestrA + Twin Realities Dreamers.
Download the full album free here http://archive.org/download/ObjetPetitDada/ObjetPetitDada_vbr_mp3.zip
If dada was a virus...
...and not a vaccin.
Does it change anything ?
Et si dada était un virus...
...est non un vaccin.
Est-ce que cela changerait quelque chose ?
Films Hans Richter + Fernand Leger & Dudley Murphy + Man Ray + Walther Ruttmann
Interviews of Tristan Tzara + Marcel Duchamp + Max Ernst + Raoul Hausmann
Poems Jean Arp + Kurt Schwitters + Mehring + Tzara + Duchamp + Richter + Vogel + Jancd + Huelsenbeck + Hausmann + Ribemond Dessaignes
Gestalt OrchestrA + Twin Realities Dreamers are part of Vivid Tribe of Psychics
Thanks so much to Hans Richter.
Warning I do not own the copyright of this video, it's just share for educational prupose. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
"Dada or Dadaism is a cultural movement that began in Zurich, Switzerland, during World War I and peaked from 1916 to 1922. The movement primarily involved visual arts, literature—poetry, art manifestoes, art theory—theatre, and graphic design, and concentrated its anti-war politics through a rejection of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural works. Its purpose was to ridicule what its participants considered to be the meaninglessness of the modern world. [Italics mine.] In addition to being anti-war, dada was also anti-bourgeois and anarchist in nature.
"Dada activities included public gatherings, demonstrations, and publication of art/literary journals; passionate coverage of art, politics, and culture were topics often discussed in a variety of media. The movement influenced later styles like the avant-garde and downtown music movements, and groups including surrealism, Nouveau réalisme, pop art, Fluxus and punk rock."
- published: 06 Dec 2012
- views: 14148
Leonora Carrington: Britain's Lost Surrealist | TateShots
Featuring rare archive footage, this short film follows Leonora Carrington’s cousin and journalist, Joanna Moorhead, exploring the artist’s story.
Leonora Carr...
Featuring rare archive footage, this short film follows Leonora Carrington’s cousin and journalist, Joanna Moorhead, exploring the artist’s story.
Leonora Carrington was one of the most prolific members of the Surrealist movement. After rejecting her upper-class upbringing in northern England, Carrington embarked upon a relationship with Surrealist artist Max Ernst, and became central in the Surrealist circles of France and New York.
After hanging out with celebrated names such as Andre Breton and Pablo Picasso, the artist then moved to Mexico where she spend the rest of her life painting, as well as making sculpture, tapestry, writing poetry and designing for theatre and film.
This film is republished with kind permission by The Guardian.
Leonora Carrington is now on show at Tate Liverpool. See the exhibition: http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-liverpool/exhibition/leonora-carrington
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wn.com/Leonora Carrington Britain's Lost Surrealist | Tateshots
Featuring rare archive footage, this short film follows Leonora Carrington’s cousin and journalist, Joanna Moorhead, exploring the artist’s story.
Leonora Carrington was one of the most prolific members of the Surrealist movement. After rejecting her upper-class upbringing in northern England, Carrington embarked upon a relationship with Surrealist artist Max Ernst, and became central in the Surrealist circles of France and New York.
After hanging out with celebrated names such as Andre Breton and Pablo Picasso, the artist then moved to Mexico where she spend the rest of her life painting, as well as making sculpture, tapestry, writing poetry and designing for theatre and film.
This film is republished with kind permission by The Guardian.
Leonora Carrington is now on show at Tate Liverpool. See the exhibition: http://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/tate-liverpool/exhibition/leonora-carrington
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- published: 26 Mar 2015
- views: 19224
Neo Rauch: para / Max Ernst Museum, Brühl
The Max Ernst Museum in Brühl (near Cologne, Germany) presents 13 works by the German painter Neo Rauch (born 1960 in Leipzig) which were specially painted for ...
The Max Ernst Museum in Brühl (near Cologne, Germany) presents 13 works by the German painter Neo Rauch (born 1960 in Leipzig) which were specially painted for this exhibition at Max Ernst Museum (the only station after the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York) and to which six further loans were added. The title of the exhibition with the prefix “para” is aimed at evoking a chain of associations whilst contemplating these paintings.
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Art TV pioneer Vernissage TV provides you with an authentic insight into the world of contemporary fine arts, design and architecture. With its two main series "No Comment" and "Interviews", art tv channel VernissageTV attends opening receptions of exhibitions worldwide, interviews artists, designers, architects. VTV provides art lovers with news, reports and features from the international art scene. VernissageTV: the window to the art world. Das Fenster zur Kunstwelt. La fenêtre sur le monde de l'art. A janela para o mundo da arte. La ventana al mundo del arte. نافذة على عالم الفن. 到艺术世界的窗口。Окно в мир искусства. Since 2005.
wn.com/Neo Rauch Para Max Ernst Museum, Brühl
The Max Ernst Museum in Brühl (near Cologne, Germany) presents 13 works by the German painter Neo Rauch (born 1960 in Leipzig) which were specially painted for this exhibition at Max Ernst Museum (the only station after the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York) and to which six further loans were added. The title of the exhibition with the prefix “para” is aimed at evoking a chain of associations whilst contemplating these paintings.
More videos on contemporary art, design, architecture:
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Art TV pioneer Vernissage TV provides you with an authentic insight into the world of contemporary fine arts, design and architecture. With its two main series "No Comment" and "Interviews", art tv channel VernissageTV attends opening receptions of exhibitions worldwide, interviews artists, designers, architects. VTV provides art lovers with news, reports and features from the international art scene. VernissageTV: the window to the art world. Das Fenster zur Kunstwelt. La fenêtre sur le monde de l'art. A janela para o mundo da arte. La ventana al mundo del arte. نافذة على عالم الفن. 到艺术世界的窗口。Окно в мир искусства. Since 2005.
- published: 27 Aug 2015
- views: 250
Wolfgang Beltracchi - CBS 60 Minutes Interview (HD)
Wolfgang Beltracchi (born Wolfgang Fischer in 1951) is a German art forger and artist, who has admitted to producing hundreds of fake paintings. Beltracchi, his...
Wolfgang Beltracchi (born Wolfgang Fischer in 1951) is a German art forger and artist, who has admitted to producing hundreds of fake paintings. Beltracchi, his wife, and two accomplices sold these as original works by famous artists including Max Ernst, Heinrich Campendonk, Fernand Léger and Kees van Dongen. In 2011, Beltracchi was sentenced to six years in prison.
Wolfgang Fischer was born 4 February 1951 in Höxter and grew up in Geilenkirchen. His father was an art restorer and muralist.
According to his own statements, Beltracchi copied a Pablo Picasso painting when he was 14 years old. He was expelled from school when he was 17, and went to art school in Aachen. He said that as a young man, he used drugs such a LSD and opium and started doing art forgeries "a little". He travelled through Europe and lived in Amsterdam and Morocco.
He also lived in Mallorca, Spain, and France. In the 1980s for a short time, Beltracchi ran an art gallery together with a business partner. The two had a falling-out and his partner accused Beltracchi of burglary and stealing paintings from his house. Beltracchi vehemently denies this. Fischer met Helene Beltracchi in 1992, and after marrying her in 1993, adopted her surname.
Wolfgang and Helene Beltracchi were arrested 27 August 2010 in Freiburg. Otto Schulte-Kellinghaus was arrested 1 December 2010. During the trial in autumn 2011, Wolfgang Beltracchi admitted forging 14 paintings: 3 by Heinrich Campendonk, 2 by André Derain, 1 by Kees van Dongen, 5 by Max Ernst, 1 by Fernand Léger and 2 by Max Pechstein. On 27 October 2011, Wolfgang Beltracchi was sentenced to 6 years in jail. His wife Helene was sentenced to 4 years, and his accomplice "Otto S.K." to 5 years. Helene's sister "Jeanette S." was given a suspended sentence of 21 months in jail.
wn.com/Wolfgang Beltracchi Cbs 60 Minutes Interview (Hd)
Wolfgang Beltracchi (born Wolfgang Fischer in 1951) is a German art forger and artist, who has admitted to producing hundreds of fake paintings. Beltracchi, his wife, and two accomplices sold these as original works by famous artists including Max Ernst, Heinrich Campendonk, Fernand Léger and Kees van Dongen. In 2011, Beltracchi was sentenced to six years in prison.
Wolfgang Fischer was born 4 February 1951 in Höxter and grew up in Geilenkirchen. His father was an art restorer and muralist.
According to his own statements, Beltracchi copied a Pablo Picasso painting when he was 14 years old. He was expelled from school when he was 17, and went to art school in Aachen. He said that as a young man, he used drugs such a LSD and opium and started doing art forgeries "a little". He travelled through Europe and lived in Amsterdam and Morocco.
He also lived in Mallorca, Spain, and France. In the 1980s for a short time, Beltracchi ran an art gallery together with a business partner. The two had a falling-out and his partner accused Beltracchi of burglary and stealing paintings from his house. Beltracchi vehemently denies this. Fischer met Helene Beltracchi in 1992, and after marrying her in 1993, adopted her surname.
Wolfgang and Helene Beltracchi were arrested 27 August 2010 in Freiburg. Otto Schulte-Kellinghaus was arrested 1 December 2010. During the trial in autumn 2011, Wolfgang Beltracchi admitted forging 14 paintings: 3 by Heinrich Campendonk, 2 by André Derain, 1 by Kees van Dongen, 5 by Max Ernst, 1 by Fernand Léger and 2 by Max Pechstein. On 27 October 2011, Wolfgang Beltracchi was sentenced to 6 years in jail. His wife Helene was sentenced to 4 years, and his accomplice "Otto S.K." to 5 years. Helene's sister "Jeanette S." was given a suspended sentence of 21 months in jail.
- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 71879
Interview Dr. Ernst Maier-Reimer Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie zur PK 23.02.2012
Interview mit
Dr. Ernst Maier-Reimer
Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie,
Ehemaliger Gruppenleiter Biogeochemie des Ozeans
Wissenschaftler des Max-Planck...
Interview mit
Dr. Ernst Maier-Reimer
Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie,
Ehemaliger Gruppenleiter Biogeochemie des Ozeans
Wissenschaftler des Max-Planck-Instituts für Meteorologie (MPI-M) und des Deutschen Klimarechenzentrums (DKRZ) haben mit dem neuen Klimamodell des MPI-M neue Klimasimulationen durchgeführt.
Erste Ergebnisse der Simulationen sowie die Nutzung der Daten werden im Rahmen einer Informationsveranstaltung am 23. / 24. Februar 2012 in Hamburg vorgestellt.
In einem internationalen Modellvergleich haben die Forscher den komplexen Kohlenstoffkreislauf und die Vegetationsdynamik in die Klimaprojektionen für das 21. Jahrhundert integriert. Erstmals wurden neben Langzeitprojektionen auch detaillierte Klimaprognosen für die kommenden zehn Jahre durchgeführt.
wn.com/Interview Dr. Ernst Maier Reimer Max Planck Institut Für Meteorologie Zur Pk 23.02.2012
Interview mit
Dr. Ernst Maier-Reimer
Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie,
Ehemaliger Gruppenleiter Biogeochemie des Ozeans
Wissenschaftler des Max-Planck-Instituts für Meteorologie (MPI-M) und des Deutschen Klimarechenzentrums (DKRZ) haben mit dem neuen Klimamodell des MPI-M neue Klimasimulationen durchgeführt.
Erste Ergebnisse der Simulationen sowie die Nutzung der Daten werden im Rahmen einer Informationsveranstaltung am 23. / 24. Februar 2012 in Hamburg vorgestellt.
In einem internationalen Modellvergleich haben die Forscher den komplexen Kohlenstoffkreislauf und die Vegetationsdynamik in die Klimaprojektionen für das 21. Jahrhundert integriert. Erstmals wurden neben Langzeitprojektionen auch detaillierte Klimaprognosen für die kommenden zehn Jahre durchgeführt.
- published: 23 Feb 2012
- views: 1324
Zeitzeugen-Interview mit Ernst Grube
Im Sommersemester 2013 führte das Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau gemeinsam mit dem Lehrstuhl für Geschichtsdidaktik der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität Münc...
Im Sommersemester 2013 führte das Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau gemeinsam mit dem Lehrstuhl für Geschichtsdidaktik der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München eine Übung durch, die sich mit Zeitzeugen als historischer Quelle beschäftigte. Am Ende entstanden so aus längeren Interviews innerhalb eines Semesters vier Kurzfilme, die die Lebensgeschichten von Überlebendenden der Nationalsozialistischen Verfolgungs- und Vernichtungspolitik dokumentieren.
Ein Film von Marina Bergmeier, Kyra Schiessl und Lisa Spannknebel
wn.com/Zeitzeugen Interview Mit Ernst Grube
Im Sommersemester 2013 führte das Max Mannheimer Studienzentrum Dachau gemeinsam mit dem Lehrstuhl für Geschichtsdidaktik der Ludwig-Maximilian-Universität München eine Übung durch, die sich mit Zeitzeugen als historischer Quelle beschäftigte. Am Ende entstanden so aus längeren Interviews innerhalb eines Semesters vier Kurzfilme, die die Lebensgeschichten von Überlebendenden der Nationalsozialistischen Verfolgungs- und Vernichtungspolitik dokumentieren.
Ein Film von Marina Bergmeier, Kyra Schiessl und Lisa Spannknebel
- published: 08 Feb 2014
- views: 319
Dr. J. Wilhelm spricht über Max Ernst und das Museum in Brühl
Dr. Jürgen Wilhelm ist seit 2005 Vorsitzender der Max Ernst Stiftung mit Sitz in Brühl. Als Herausgeber zahlreicher Bücher unter anderem die Werke " Über Max Er...
Dr. Jürgen Wilhelm ist seit 2005 Vorsitzender der Max Ernst Stiftung mit Sitz in Brühl. Als Herausgeber zahlreicher Bücher unter anderem die Werke " Über Max Ernst " und gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Werner Spies, dem Kurator der Eröffnungsausstellung " Von der Kunst mit den Augen zu trinken." gehört er zu den Kennern des Brühler Künstlers.
Im Interview mit RheintalTV spricht Dr. Wilhelm u.a. auch über den Architekten des Museum Thomas van den Valentyn sowie die Finanzierung des beindruckend umgebauten historischen Gebäudes.
Autor Bert P. Herfen, Schnitt: Daniel Herfen
wn.com/Dr. J. Wilhelm Spricht Über Max Ernst Und Das Museum In Brühl
Dr. Jürgen Wilhelm ist seit 2005 Vorsitzender der Max Ernst Stiftung mit Sitz in Brühl. Als Herausgeber zahlreicher Bücher unter anderem die Werke " Über Max Ernst " und gemeinsam mit Prof. Dr. Werner Spies, dem Kurator der Eröffnungsausstellung " Von der Kunst mit den Augen zu trinken." gehört er zu den Kennern des Brühler Künstlers.
Im Interview mit RheintalTV spricht Dr. Wilhelm u.a. auch über den Architekten des Museum Thomas van den Valentyn sowie die Finanzierung des beindruckend umgebauten historischen Gebäudes.
Autor Bert P. Herfen, Schnitt: Daniel Herfen
- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 98
Unglaubliches Interview zu Call of Duty 2015 mit Entwickler! [by m4xfps]
(100000% ernst gemeinte Beschreibung.)
Original Video by Activision.
Übersetzt von : yt.com / m4xfps
(100000% ernst gemeinte Beschreibung.)
Original Video by Activision.
Übersetzt von : yt.com / m4xfps
wn.com/Unglaubliches Interview Zu Call Of Duty 2015 Mit Entwickler By M4Xfps
(100000% ernst gemeinte Beschreibung.)
Original Video by Activision.
Übersetzt von : yt.com / m4xfps
- published: 06 Apr 2015
- views: 5795
Fliegervideo der Max-Ernst Schule in Weilrod-Riedelbach
Fliegervideo der Max-Ernst Schule in Weilrod-Riedelbach...
Fliegervideo der Max-Ernst Schule in Weilrod-Riedelbach
wn.com/Fliegervideo Der Max Ernst Schule In Weilrod Riedelbach
Fliegervideo der Max-Ernst Schule in Weilrod-Riedelbach
- published: 03 Jul 2015
- views: 1448
Künstlergespräch mit Peter Fischli und Hans Ulrich Obrist
Künstlergespräch mit Peter Fischli und Hans Ulrich Obrist in der Fondation Beyeler. Am Freitag, 23. August 2013 fand in der Fondation Beyeler im Rahmen der Max ...
Künstlergespräch mit Peter Fischli und Hans Ulrich Obrist in der Fondation Beyeler. Am Freitag, 23. August 2013 fand in der Fondation Beyeler im Rahmen der Max Ernst gewidmeten Ausstellung, die noch bis zum 8. September laufen wird ein Künstlergespräch statt. Der Kurator, Autor und Co-Direktor der Serpentine Gallery in London, Hans Ulrich Obrist, interviewte Künstler Peter Fischli.
Peter Fischli vom Schweizer Künstlerduo Fischli/Weiss gehört zweifelsohne zu den bedeutendsten Künstlern der Gegenwart. In ihren Werken inszenierten Fischli/Weiss Gegenstände und Situationen aus dem Alltag in oft dadaistisch-humorvoller Weise und bedienten sich dabei unterschiedlicher künstlerischer Ausdrucksformen von der Skulptur bis hin zu Filmen, Fotografien und Multimedia-Installationen.
wn.com/Künstlergespräch Mit Peter Fischli Und Hans Ulrich Obrist
Künstlergespräch mit Peter Fischli und Hans Ulrich Obrist in der Fondation Beyeler. Am Freitag, 23. August 2013 fand in der Fondation Beyeler im Rahmen der Max Ernst gewidmeten Ausstellung, die noch bis zum 8. September laufen wird ein Künstlergespräch statt. Der Kurator, Autor und Co-Direktor der Serpentine Gallery in London, Hans Ulrich Obrist, interviewte Künstler Peter Fischli.
Peter Fischli vom Schweizer Künstlerduo Fischli/Weiss gehört zweifelsohne zu den bedeutendsten Künstlern der Gegenwart. In ihren Werken inszenierten Fischli/Weiss Gegenstände und Situationen aus dem Alltag in oft dadaistisch-humorvoller Weise und bedienten sich dabei unterschiedlicher künstlerischer Ausdrucksformen von der Skulptur bis hin zu Filmen, Fotografien und Multimedia-Installationen.
- published: 27 Aug 2013
- views: 7799