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Instagram Ads: Now Available Around the World

September 30, 2015
After Facebook, Instagram is the leading social network where the most people in the US are spending their time.1 While people come to Facebook to connect with friends and discover things from people they know, people turn to Instagram for visual inspiration and to explore the world through imagery, giving businesses the opportunity to connect with people in an environment where they’re open to learning about new things.
Since we started running brand awareness ads on Instagram a year and a half ago, businesses have seen impressive results, with 97% of campaigns generating significant lift in ad recall.2 Over the past few months, we’ve been working to extend the power of Instagram ads to more advertisers. Now marketers around the world have access to Instagram ads and can purchase them through most Facebook ad management tools.

Facebook helps you reach your business goals

How Facebook works for businesses

You know your business

Whether you sell in person, online or through an app, you know what you’d like to do next as your business grows.

We know people

More than a billion people use Facebook to connect with friends, family and things that matter to them.

Facebook connects businesses with people

Marketing on Facebook helps your business build lasting relationships with people and find new customers.

Success Stories

Banana Republic

Finding new shoppers like the best shoppers

Distinctive Gardens

Growing local sales

Savage Race

Bringing mud, fire and barbed wire to life

Learn how to use Facebook to drive sales for your business.

Learn How
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