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Police outnumber demonstrators outside Parramatta mosque


Anne Davies and Eryk Bagshaw

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Mosque chairman: 'Violence is not acceptable'

Neil El-Kadomi addresses Friday prayers at Parramatta Mosque one week after fellow worshipper Farahd Jabar shot and killed a police employee.

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Demonstrators gathered in Parramatta CBD on Friday evening chanting anti-Islam slogans, and denouncing the shooting of a NSW police employee Curtis Cheng a week ago by 15-year-old Muslim student Farhad Jabar, as a heavily armed police presence sought to keep anti-Islam protesters and a second group, who had come to show support for the Muslim community, apart.

About 75 police including officers from Parramatta Local Area Command, the General Order and Riot Squad and the mounted police created a 100 metre exclusion zone outside the Parramatta Mosque in Marsden Street, Parramatta and to keep demonstrators apart.

Anti-Islamic protesters approach police in front of Parramatta Mosque.

Anti-Islamic protesters approach police in front of Parramatta Mosque. Photo: Wolter Peeters

As police choppers whirred overhead, by about 5pm only three Reclaim Australia protesters and one dog had arrived on the frontline. The small collection later grew to 15. 

Parking was to blame for the low turnout, said one of the organisers of the Party for Freedom rally, Nick Folkes. Mr Folkes, said that the protest was a response to the death of Curtis Cheng, whom he believed had be been slain by "radical Muslims".

Fifty-year-old Jeff Prior was one of the few who managed to get to Marsden Street, outside Parramatta Mosque.

Police and protesters on the streets of Parramatta.

Police and protesters on the streets of Parramatta. Photo: Zak Kaczmarek

He decided to come down after he had finished work as a builder because he believes Islam is "incompatible with the Australian way of life." 

"If the Islamic immigration continues we will be over-run," he said.

Another of the three, Matt, who declined to give his second name, said he had taught his dog to bark upon hearing the word "Muslim". 

Police in Parramatta on Friday afternoon.

Police in Parramatta on Friday afternoon. Photo: Wolter Peeters

"I'm here for what these Muslims had done to the cops," he said.

A hundred metres down the road, behind a barricade of police, counter protesters chanted. Tensions briefly escalated when one counter protester managed to sneak behind a barricade staffed by about 50 police and made it through the exclusion zone to appear inside the Freedom Party protest.

"Get out of here or I'll rip your head off," someone among the group of 15 yelled before charging after the lone protester, who was escorted out of the area by police. 

Police on the streets of Parramatta on Friday.

Police on the streets of Parramatta on Friday. Photo: Wolter Peeters

Worshippers, after being vetted, were allowed through to 4pm prayers, but Commander Wayne Cox, superintendent for the Parramatta Local Area Command, made it clear his officers would be keeping demonstrators apar​t.

"We certainly support the right of people to express their views, but after saying that, we are also here as a law enforcement agency and we expect people to abide by the law of the land," he said.

"I mean we will take action against those who are violent or muck up," he said.

Riot squad police and mounted police barricaded Marsden St and formed an exclusion zone in front of Parramatta Mosque between anti-Islamic and pro-Islamic groups.

Riot squad police and mounted police barricaded Marsden St and formed an exclusion zone in front of Parramatta Mosque between anti-Islamic and pro-Islamic groups. Photo: Wolter Peeters

Police did not approve the protest, but it was expected to be smaller than usual because many anti-Islam protesters were travelling to a rally being held in Bendigo by the Reclaim Australia group, as part of a global anti-Islam protest.

Earlier in the day hundreds of Muslim worshippers were told by the chairman of the Parramatta Mosque, Neil El-Kadomi, to get out of the country if they weren't happy. 

Mr Kadomi told the faithful gathered that Australia had given them endless opportunity and freedom that many of their brothers and sisters overseas could only hope for. 

"If you don't like it, get lost," he said.

"My message to those who would consider committing an act of violence is it will not be tolerated." 

As Mr Kadomi uttered those words, the 22-year-old brother of the 18-year-old man who police believe supplied the gun to the teenager Jabar, sat motionless on the floor. 

The Wentworthville man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was himself the target of the largest counter-terrorism raids in the nation's history last year and was also arrested in Tuesday's raids.

He is also the brother of the 16-year-old Arthur Phillip high student who police believe recruited 15-year-old Farad into extremist lunchtime prayer groups. 

Mr Kadomi issued a stern warning to the 22-year-old's family.  

"No one who should take their freedom, safety and acceptance for granted," he said 

Hundreds nodded in agreement, from the brickie to the finance worker who had earlier joined in unison at the beleaguered mosque as the soaring call rang out for the mid-day prayer of Duhr. 

Mr Kadomi spoke of the anguish of community following Farhad's spiral into extremism that ended with his execution of NSW Police forensic worker, Curtis Cheng. 

"None of us could ever imagine that such a thing could happen. The whole community grieves over this tragic incident." 

"This tragedy has shocked us all and brought to light an issue...that we must act on." 

"I need a safe street for my wife and children," he said. 

"I want to remind us all of the importance of listening to our children so that they do not lose hope and a sense of purpose." 

Outside the mosque, Aaron, a convert of 17 years, who declined to give his second name, agreed with Mr Kadomi's comments.  

"He just said we need to work together and guide the youth," he said. 

"I think the boy was very foolish and had no right to do what he did. it was an act of evil. If you follow the teachings of the Koran you are not meant to do things like that,"

"The Muslim religion and the Christian religion are very similar. We have similar beliefs, and rather than looking at a Muslim as an alien from another planet we need to realise that a Muslim is someone who believes in Jesus."

Another man in his 30s said he was shocked by Jabar's act.
"I prayed with him on many occasions. I didn't know him but I saw him in the mosque. There was absolutely no clue that he could do such a thing," he said..

"I was actually thinking, wow, how good that these kids are coming to the mosque at such a young age." 

"Islam means peace, it is a religion of peace," he said.

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