13 October 2015

US airdrops arms in Syria as Russia escalates bombing campaign

By Bill Van Auken, 13 October 2015

Just days after terminating its failed “rebel” training program, the Pentagon has airdropped some 50 tons of arms and ammunition in Syria.

US-Russian proxy war in Syria intensifies

US to give arms, air support to Islamist militias in Syria

Syria and the drumbeat of world war

French government assassinates six of its own citizens in bombing raid in Syria

By Stéphane Hugues, 13 October 2015

The Socialist Party government claimed those targeted might in future carry out terrorist attacks in France.

More on the war in Syria »

Turkey gripped by protests against Erdogan government

By Chris Marsden, 13 October 2015

Thousands protested at the funerals of those slain in Saturday’s suicide bombings.

UAW hires public relations firm to sell Fiat Chrysler deal

By Eric London, 13 October 2015

The UAW and its new propaganda firm, BerlinRosen Public Affairs, are pouring out one lie after another to counter opposition from FCA workers.

UAW begins campaign to beat back opposition to second sellout at Fiat Chrysler

GM-Opel workers in Germany support struggle of US autoworkers

By our reporters, 13 October 2015

WSWS reporters spoke to workers in front of the gates of the GM-Opel Rüsselsheim plant on Friday, and many declared their solidarity with their American brothers and sisters.

Volkswagen systematically cheated on emissions tests in Europe

Australian dock, engineering workers express solidarity with US autoworkers

By our correspondents, 13 October 2015

Workers involved in bitter industrial disputes on the Australian waterfront and at engineering company UGL have spoken out in support of American autoworkers.

Australian Toyota workers support US auto workers’ struggle

More on autoworkers struggles »

Murder trial implicates leadership of fascist Golden Dawn in Greece

By Robert Stevens, 13 October 2015

Nikos Michaloliakos and other Golden Dawn officials are accused of being part of a criminal organisation.

Syriza budget implements dictates of European banks

Former Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis denounces working class, praises British Tories

More on the crisis in Greece »

Unifor demands NDP keep silent on Canada-Saudi Arabia arms deal

By Carl Bronski, 13 October 2015

The opposition parties’ unwillingness to attack the government over the Saudi arms deal demonstrates their fear of raising any issue which could endanger Canada’s alliance with the US.

Conservative government intervened to halt Syrian refugees entering Canada

Canada’s Conservatives stoke anti-Muslim bigotry

More on the Canadian elections »

US Supreme Court dismisses challenge to ruling undermining insider trading prosecutions

By Gabriel Black, 13 October 2015

The Supreme Court refused to hear a challenge to a recent ruling making the enforcement of insider trading laws virtually impossible.

Federal court arraigns Arizona Border Patrol agent for murder of Mexican teenager

By D. Lencho, 13 October 2015

Jose Antonio Elena Rodriguez was shot at least 10 times by Border Patrol agents while walking along the Mexican side of the border.

Murder conviction, coerced by New York City police, overturned after 25 years

By Philip Guelpa, 13 October 2015

A conviction that led to New York’s “broken windows” and “stop-and-frisk” policies has been overturned.

Australia: Union keeps tram workers in dark over new agreement

By our correspondent, 13 October 2015

The RTBU has declared that workers will see the full enterprise bargaining agreement with Yarra Trams only after a vote is taken on it.

Witness to New Zealand police shooting: “It was not necessary to kill that man”

By our reporters, 13 October 2015

The WSWS spoke to Christian Haider, who witnessed the killing of Pera Smiler by police in Upper Hutt.

New in Turkish

Suriye ve dünya savaşı tamtamları

Bill Van Auken, 12 Ekim 2015

ABD’nin Şam’daki yönetimi devirme müdahalesi, başından itibaren, Suriye hükümetinin başlıca müttefiklerine (İran ve Rusya) yönelik doğrudan bir saldırı hazırlığı içinde, bu iki ülkeyi zayıflatmayı hedefliyordu.

“İşçiler yalanların iç yüzünü görmeye başlıyor”
İşçiler Fiat Chrysler’deki “hayır” oyunu selamlıyor

Muhabirlerimizden, 12 Ekim 2015

Ülkenin dört bir yanındaki otomotiv işçileri, Birleşik Otomotiv İşçileri sendikası (UAW)-Fiat Chrysler anlaşmasına yönelik “hayır” oyunu selamladılar.

New in French

Syrie: La guerre par procuration des Etats-Unis et de la Russie s’intensifie

Par Thomas Gaist, 13 octobre 2015

Des affrontements ces derniers temps entre forces soutenues par les Etats-Unis et par la Russie ont montré l’énorme danger d’une nouvelle escalade de la guerre en Syrie.

Manifestations de colère à la suite des attentats terroristes en Turquie

Par Jean Shaoul et Halil Celik, 13 octobre 2015

Les manifestants ont donné la faute des explosions qui ont transformé une manifestation pacifique en cauchemar sanglant à la campagne anti-kurde de bombardements et de répression du président Erdoğan.

L’UAW part en campagne pour repousser l’opposition à son deuxième bradage chez Fiat Chrysler

Par Jerry White, 12 octobre 2015

L’UAW commence une série de réunions d’information, ou plus exactement de « désinformation », cette semaine alors qu’elle essaie de vendre aux travailleurs de FCA sa proposition avec un nouvel emballage.

New in German

250.000 Menschen demonstrieren in Berlin gegen TTIP

Von unseren Korrespondenten, 12. Oktober 2015

Während viele Teilnehmer ihre Unzufriedenheit mit der Kriegspolitik und den sozialen Angriffen zum Ausdruck bringen wollten, verfolgten die Veranstalter eine rechte Agenda.

Other Languages


The whitewash of Tamir Rice’s killing and the fight against police violence

13 October 2015

In the face of widespread outrage over the police murder of the 12-year-old Cleveland boy last year, the police and the media have been working tirelessly to justify his shooting.

Earlier Perspectives »

Listen to part one Listen to part two


Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By David North, 30 September 2015

The assassination of the greatest leader of the 1917 October Revolution marked the climax of the Stalinist regime’s eradication of the socialist workers and intellectuals who had secured the victory of the Bolshevik revolution.

More on autoworkers struggles »


Obama’s “60 Minutes” interview and the crisis of US policy in Syria

By Barry Grey, 13 October 2015

Under aggressive questioning from moderator Steve Kroft, Obama was unable to present a coherent explanation of either the purpose of the war in Syria or the reasons for the fiasco to date of Washington’s drive to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Sanders backs US aggression in the Middle East

By Patrick Martin, 12 October 2015

A crisis of global dimensions

By Joseph Kishore, 9 October 2015

Perplexity and gloom dominate IMF-World Bank meeting

By Nick Beams, 12 October 2015

Organizers promote economic nationalism at Berlin demonstration against transatlantic trade agreement

By our reporters, 12 October 2015

The struggle against the TTIP is a class question

The government-union conspiracy to raid US workers’ pensions

By Andre Damon, 10 October 2015

Autoworkers Struggles

Vote “no” on second UAW-FCA sellout contract! Build rank-and-file action committees in every plant!

13 October 2015

The WSWS Autoworker Newsletter urges workers to download and distribute this statement to their fellow workers attending informational meetings this week before the October 20 and 21 ratification votes.

A reply to redbaiting by the general counsel of the Detroit AFL-CIO

By Eric London, 8 October 2015

Growing demands from John Deere workers for recount on sell-out contract

By George Marlowe and George Gallanis, 12 October 2015

Arts Review

“Artists have the capacity to expose the reality of war”
Sri Lankan filmmaker Prasanna Vithanage speaks with the World Socialist Web Site

By Wasantha Rupasinghe, 13 October 2015

Vithanage discusses With You, Without You and the political difficulties facing contemporary Sri Lankan filmmakers.

Black Mass: The story of Whitey Bulger, gangster and FBI informant

By Kevin Martinez, 10 October 2015

The Black Panthers: Vanguard of the Revolution: No lessons learned

Toronto International Film Festival 2015: Part Four
Guantanamo’s Child, Thank You for Bombing, The Hard Stop: Filmmakers take on the global “war on terror” and police violence at home

Workers Struggles

German childcare workers’ wage dispute: Vote “no”!

By the Socialist Equality Party (Germany), 13 October 2015

Although union members resoundingly rejected an arbitration proposal in June, the trade unions are now holding a new vote on virtually the same sell-out contract.

Workers Struggles: The Americas

13 October 2015

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.


Grace Lee Boggs dies at 100 years old

By Shannon Jones, 9 October 2015

Boggs passed briefly through the Trotskyist movement in the early 1950s before becoming a supporter of black nationalism, feminism and the Democratic Party.

2016 US Elections

McCarthy withdrawal highlights deepening Republican Party crisis

By Patrick Martin, 9 October 2015

Bernie Sanders backs Obama on Syria war

By Patrick Martin, 7 October 2015

Is Bernie Sanders a socialist?

The New York Times discovers a problem: Too many political parties

By Patrick Martin, 3 October 2015

More on the 2016 US elections »

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

SEP/IYSSE meeting in Colombo: Why is the US whitewashing Sri Lankan war crimes?

5 October 2015

25 years ago: Gorbachev unveils program for capitalist restoration

On October 16, 1990, Soviet Stalinist leader Mikhail Gorbachev unveiled plans for the dismantling of the planned economy and nationalized property relations established in the October 1917 Russian Revolution.

More »

50 years ago: Democrats drop “Right-to-Work” repeal

On October 12, 1965, the Democratic Party dropped half-hearted attempts to repeal Section 14(b) of the anti-labor Taft-Hartley Act.

More »

75 years ago: Protests against Jim Crow in the US military

On October 12, 1940, black leaders denounced US President Franklin Roosevelt for falsely claiming they had approved his policy of maintaining racial segregation in the armed forces.

More »


100 years ago: Mass demonstration of striking garment workers in Chicago

On October 12, 1915, 15,000 striking garment workers marched through the streets of the Loop District of Chicago in a mass demonstration, carrying signs and banners proclaiming their cause.

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