“Michael Schmidt is a white nationalist trying to infiltrate the anarchist movement.”


Anarchist publisher + distributor AK Press has issued a public statement on the subject of Michael Schmidt, among other things the co-author of Black Flame: The Revolutionary Class Politics of Anarchism and Syndicalism (AK Press, 2009). According to AK Press, Schmidt, while posing as a revolutionary anarchist, is in reality “an undercover fascist” and “a white nationalist trying to infiltrate the anarchist movement.”


As I see it, until such time as AK Press publishes its evidence — and Schmidt is given an opportunity to respond — it’s very difficult, if not impossible, to make a reasonable assessment of the situation. Nevertheless, some discussion has floated the possibility that Schmidt was moonlighting as a ‘national anarchist’. If so, this would be a case of ‘deep entrism’.

In any event, in Australia at least — and despite the best efforts of its chief promoter, Sydney-based businessman Welf Herfurth — ‘national anarchism’ appears to have been a largely abortive political project. Thus, other than arrange a handful of media stunts (see : When White nationalists attack! New Right @ Gaza solidarity rally, Sydney, November 24, December 7, 2012), ‘national anarchism’ has failed to establish itself as even a minor grouping on the far right. Indeed, one of Herfurth’s former acolytes, Scott Harrison, after taking a detour thru Creativity, eventually wound up as a Young Liberal (much to former Victorian premier Dennis Napthine’s embarrassment).

Obviously, there’s much more to come, but in the meantime note that ‘national anarchists’ are organising a conference to take place somewhere in Europe in 2017, at which Herfurth along with Troy Southgate, Keith Preston et al are scheduled to speak.


See also : ‘Co-opting the Counter Culture: Troy Southgate and the National Revolutionary Faction’ by Graham D. Macklin (May 30, 2009) | Rebranding Fascism: National-Anarchists, Spencer Sunshine, PublicEye.org, 2008 | Rising Above the Herd: Keith Preston’s Authoritarian Anti-Statism, Matthew N. Lyons, New Politics, April 29, 2011.

About @ndy

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I like anarchy. I don't like nazis. I enjoy eating pizza and drinking beer. I barrack for the greatest football team on Earth: Collingwood Magpies. The 2015 premiership's a cakewalk for the good old Collingwood.
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2 Responses to “Michael Schmidt is a white nationalist trying to infiltrate the anarchist movement.”

  1. ablokeimet says:

    Regardless of the truth or falsity of the allegations (all allegations of this nature must be treated seriously), I am very disappointed about the manner in which AK Press has conducted itself. Michael Schmidt has been a comrade held in high respect worldwide and his published works not only bear no trace of his alleged “white nationalist” proclivities (even in the form of strategically chosen areas of silence), but carry lines of argument that any white nationalist would have difficulty reading, let alone writing, without blowing a gasket. As Slackbastard says, it would be a case of very “deep entry” indeed. Because of this, allegations published without evidence do not have prima facie credibility and, at the very least, Michael should have been given the courtesy of a right of reply before AK Press went public.

    If the alleged evidence is made public in the near future, the Anarchist movement should swiftly establish a tribunal composed of people with the confidence of both Michael Schmidt and AK Press. That tribunal should investigate the allegations impartially, using the principles of natural justice, and publish its report, along with a record of its proceedings. If the evidence is not made public within two months, the tribunal should be established anyway and AK Press should be asked to hand the evidence over.

    Somebody is going to emerge out of this with their reputation destroyed. As yet, I cannot be certain who that is.

  2. Butt Darling says:

    Schmidt discredited himself with the Black Flame nonsense about trading-in Stirner & Proudhon for James Connolly & Bill Haywood. That was around 2009-11 when any sensible anarch distanced themselves from this bodysnatcher. Most did.

    Nothing to see here – move along…

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