Last Update 12:25
Queen of Cannes changing room: Kidman x8

Nicole Kidman Cannes dresses (All photos by Reuters or AP)
Nicole Kidman Cannes dresses (All photos by Reuters or AP)
Nicole Kidman Cannes dresses (All photos by Reuters or AP)
Nicole Kidman Cannes dresses (All photos by Reuters or AP)
Nicole Kidman Cannes dresses (All photos by Reuters or AP)
Nicole Kidman Cannes dresses (All photos by Reuters or AP)
Nicole Kidman Cannes dresses (All photos by Reuters or AP)
Nicole Kidman Cannes dresses (All photos by Reuters or AP)

Nicole Kidman was not only one of the Cannes judges this year, but her many appearances show her pulling her starpower to support Cannes publicity.

At least eight changes of clothes, ladies and gentlemen, and all of them unique, fashionable, artistic and impeccably tasteful.


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