Face to Face - Nouri al-Maliki talks about ISIL threat (P.1)
Face to Face - Nouri al-Maliki talks about ISIL threat (P.1)
Face to Face - Nouri al-Maliki talks about ISIL threat (P.1)
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TKZ0ZvxNSY
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV conducts an exclusive interview with former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to discuss the ISIL threat in Iraq and Syria.
Al-Maliki says the root cause of the creation of ISIL is extremism and racism in the region, particularly the Wahhabi ideology in Saudi Arabia.
He further added that the ISIL harbors animosity toward both Shia and Sunnis and the group is being used as a tool to topple the Syrian government.
Live @ http://www.presstv.ir/live.html
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Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki about Saddam Execution
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki about Saddam Execution
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki about Saddam Execution
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki about Saddam Execution
احمد نوري المالكي في امريكا Ahmed Nouri al-Maliki in America
احمد نوري المالكي في امريكا Ahmed Nouri al-Maliki in America
احمد نوري المالكي في امريكا Ahmed Nouri al-Maliki in America
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Visiting The Liberated Town Of Amerli
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Visiting The Liberated Town Of Amerli
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Visiting The Liberated Town Of Amerli
US airstrikes near a (mostly) Shia Turkoman town north of Baghdad have cleared the way for militiamen and Iraqi troops to rescue 12,000 residents from jihadis who had besieged them for more than two months.
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki steps down
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki steps down
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki steps down
A top Shiite cleric in Iraq has voiced support for the prime minister designate, Haider al-Abadi, following incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ending h...
What did the US think of Nouri al-Maliki?
What did the US think of Nouri al-Maliki?
What did the US think of Nouri al-Maliki?
The leaked documents allege that Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki operated a "detention squad," a group of Iraqi army soldiers responsible for rounding up his political opponents.
They also reveal that US troops worried he would be perceived as using his position for sectarian power grabs, and show him as a frequent target for assassination attempts
Nouri al Maliki VS Massoud Barzani
Nouri al Maliki VS Massoud Barzani
Nouri al Maliki VS Massoud Barzani
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani, attend a press conference after a cabinet meeting in Irbil, 350 kilometers (217 miles) north of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, June 9, 2013. Iraq's Prime Minister on Sunday made a rare visit to the country's self-ruled northern Kurdish region in a bid to melt the ice between the Kurds and the Shiite-led central government in Baghdad, as a suicide attack in Baghdad claimed the lives of seven people.
Nouri al-Maliki à FRANCE 24 : "Riyad et Doha soutiennent le terrorisme"
Nouri al-Maliki à FRANCE 24 : "Riyad et Doha soutiennent le terrorisme"
Nouri al-Maliki à FRANCE 24 : "Riyad et Doha soutiennent le terrorisme"
Lors d'un entretien exclusif accordé samedi à FRANCE 24, le Premier ministre irakien, Nouri al-Maliki, a accusé l'Arabie saoudite et le Qatar d'être les prin...
Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki leaving the White House
Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki leaving the White House
Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki leaving the White House
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki leaving the White House after a long meeting with President Obama. VP Biden was also present. White House West Wing Wash...
Inside Story - Nouri al-Maliki's visit to the Kurdish north
Inside Story - Nouri al-Maliki's visit to the Kurdish north
Inside Story - Nouri al-Maliki's visit to the Kurdish north
Iraqi's prime minister makes a rare visit to the self-ruled Kurdish north; a region that could hold the key to Iraq's future prosperity and stability, or it ...
Eye To Eye: Nouri al-Maliki (CBS News)
Eye To Eye: Nouri al-Maliki (CBS News)
Eye To Eye: Nouri al-Maliki (CBS News)
In an exclusive interview with Lara Logan, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki talks about the security plan and claims that it has prevented more bloodshed...
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki jugé responsable de la chute de Mossoul
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki jugé responsable de la chute de Mossoul
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki jugé responsable de la chute de Mossoul
En Irak, une commission d'enquête parlementaire a jugé l'ancien Premier ministre Nouri al-Maliki et 35 autres personnes responsables de la chute de Mossoul aux mains d'"Etat islamique". Le président du parlement a indiqué qu'il transmettrait le rapport au ministère public, en vue de poursuites judiciaires.
En tant que commandant en chef de l'armée, al-Maliki est accusé d'avoir centralisé le contrôle de l'armée dans ses services et ainsi joué une part importante dans son affaiblissement, choisis…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2015/08/17/irak-nouri-al-maliki-juge-responsable-de-la-chute-de-mossoul
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les t
Irak: Nouri Al-Maliki jette l'éponge
Irak: Nouri Al-Maliki jette l'éponge
Irak: Nouri Al-Maliki jette l'éponge
En Irak, la situation politique évolue: Nouri al-Maliki se résout finalement à abandonner le pouvoir. Il renonce donc à un troisième mandat. Pendant ce temps...
Iraq Crisis: Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Steps Down
Iraq Crisis: Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Steps Down
Iraq Crisis: Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Steps Down
After eight years in office, Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, announced his decision to step down and endorse his successor, Haider al-Abadi, in order to "preserve unity" in Iraq.
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announces the Iraqi Gov YouTube Channel
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announces the Iraqi Gov YouTube Channel
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announces the Iraqi Gov YouTube Channel
السيد رئيس الوزراء يفتتح القناة الحكومية على موقع اليوتيوب
See more videos at youtube.com/iraqigov
Here's a translated transcript of this video, in English:
In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate.
In the interest of enabling the Iraqi government and the National Media Center to use technology and advanced methods of communications and to present our message to other peoples, and in particular with the Iraqi people at home and abroad;
The National Media Center has created the Iraqi channel on YouTube, a new and advanced method of communication.
The Iraqi government is committed to using this technology to connect to var
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Welcomed By Citizens Of The Liberated Town Of Amerli
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Welcomed By Citizens Of The Liberated Town Of Amerli
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Welcomed By Citizens Of The Liberated Town Of Amerli
US airstrikes near a (mostly) Shia Turkoman town north of Baghdad have cleared the way for militiamen and Iraqi troops to rescue 12,000 residents from jihadis who had besieged them for more than two months.
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki remporte les législatives
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki remporte les législatives
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki remporte les législatives
Le Parti du Premier ministre sortant Nouri al-Maliki est arrivé largement en tête des élections législatives, sans toutefois obtenir la majorité des sièges a...
Iraq PM Nouri al Maliki arrives for Iraq conference
Iraq PM Nouri al Maliki arrives for Iraq conference
Iraq PM Nouri al Maliki arrives for Iraq conference
1. Media waiting on tarmac of Stockholm-Arlanda airport, armed policeman
2. Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (left on screen) speaking to official
3. Long shot of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's plane landing
4. Swedish and Iraqi flags
5. Plane taxiing on tarmac
6. Armed policeman
7. Wide of plane on tarmac
8. Door of plane opening
9. Airport workers rolling out red carpet
10. Al-Maliki getting out of plane and walking down stairs with delegates
11. Swedish and Iraqi flags on car
12. Bildt and al-Maliki walking on tarmac, talking, Al-Maliki getting into car
13. Various of al-Maliki's convoy driving away
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki refuse de former un gouvernement de salut national
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki refuse de former un gouvernement de salut national
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki refuse de former un gouvernement de salut national
L'armée irakienne tente tant bien que mal de freiner l'avancée des jihadistes. Elle aurait reçu le soutien logistique de l'Iran, notamment des drones de surv...
Irak, dorëhiqet Nouri al Maliki - Top Channel Albania - News
Irak, dorëhiqet Nouri al Maliki - Top Channel Albania - News
Irak, dorëhiqet Nouri al Maliki - Top Channel Albania - News
Kryeministri i Irakut, Nouri al Maliki ka dhënë dorëheqjen, duke i dhënë fund ngërçit politik në Bagdad. Presidenti i vendit i kërkoi nënkryetarit të Parlamentit, Haider al Abadi të krijojë qeverinë e re.
Nouri al Maliki نوري المالكي في اغنية كرسي تمليك
Nouri al Maliki نوري المالكي في اغنية كرسي تمليك
Nouri al Maliki نوري المالكي في اغنية كرسي تمليك
من هي شخصية العام 2013 ؟ - نوري المالكي - Nouri Al Maliki
من هي شخصية العام 2013 ؟ - نوري المالكي - Nouri Al Maliki
من هي شخصية العام 2013 ؟ - نوري المالكي - Nouri Al Maliki
رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي هو اللاعب الأقوى في العراق. تميز بوضوح مواقفه العربية والإقليمية.يعلن مواجهة بلا تراجع للإرهاب. بدأ عام 2013 بلا وجود لقوات...
ISIS, Maliki, and the US Agenda in Iraq
ISIS, Maliki, and the US Agenda in Iraq
ISIS, Maliki, and the US Agenda in Iraq
Eric Draitser of StopImperialism.org appears on RT to discuss the latest developments in Iraq. Draitser explains that Washington is using the situation with ISIS as a pretext to execute its agenda which includes ousting PM Maliki, creating a servile puppet government, dislodging the Kurdish North, and dismembering the Iraqi state. He notes that the US has had these goals for quite a while, and that the current situation with ISIS is used as a convenient pretext to achieve geopolitical and strategic goals in the region. Draitser also describes how US policy in Iraq is designed to spread the ISIS problem to beyond Syria and Iraq, specificall
Face to Face - Nouri al-Maliki talks about ISIL threat (P.1)
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TKZ0ZvxNSY
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV conducts an exclusive interview with former Iraqi Prime Minister ...
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TKZ0ZvxNSY
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV conducts an exclusive interview with former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to discuss the ISIL threat in Iraq and Syria.
Al-Maliki says the root cause of the creation of ISIL is extremism and racism in the region, particularly the Wahhabi ideology in Saudi Arabia.
He further added that the ISIL harbors animosity toward both Shia and Sunnis and the group is being used as a tool to topple the Syrian government.
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wn.com/Face To Face Nouri Al Maliki Talks About ISIL Threat (P.1)
Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TKZ0ZvxNSY
In this edition of Face to Face, Press TV conducts an exclusive interview with former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to discuss the ISIL threat in Iraq and Syria.
Al-Maliki says the root cause of the creation of ISIL is extremism and racism in the region, particularly the Wahhabi ideology in Saudi Arabia.
He further added that the ISIL harbors animosity toward both Shia and Sunnis and the group is being used as a tool to topple the Syrian government.
Live @ http://www.presstv.ir/live.html
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- published: 28 Nov 2014
- views: 33
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki about Saddam Execution
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki about Saddam Execution...
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki about Saddam Execution
wn.com/Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki About Saddam Execution
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki about Saddam Execution
- published: 20 Jan 2007
- views: 15685
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Visiting The Liberated Town Of Amerli
US airstrikes near a (mostly) Shia Turkoman town north of Baghdad have cleared the way for militiamen and Iraqi troops to rescue 12,000 residents from jihadis w...
US airstrikes near a (mostly) Shia Turkoman town north of Baghdad have cleared the way for militiamen and Iraqi troops to rescue 12,000 residents from jihadis who had besieged them for more than two months.
wn.com/Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki Visiting The Liberated Town Of Amerli
US airstrikes near a (mostly) Shia Turkoman town north of Baghdad have cleared the way for militiamen and Iraqi troops to rescue 12,000 residents from jihadis who had besieged them for more than two months.
- published: 07 Sep 2014
- views: 7
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki steps down
A top Shiite cleric in Iraq has voiced support for the prime minister designate, Haider al-Abadi, following incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ending h......
A top Shiite cleric in Iraq has voiced support for the prime minister designate, Haider al-Abadi, following incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ending h...
wn.com/Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki Steps Down
A top Shiite cleric in Iraq has voiced support for the prime minister designate, Haider al-Abadi, following incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki ending h...
What did the US think of Nouri al-Maliki?
The leaked documents allege that Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki operated a "detention squad," a group of Iraqi army soldiers responsible for rounding up h...
The leaked documents allege that Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki operated a "detention squad," a group of Iraqi army soldiers responsible for rounding up his political opponents.
They also reveal that US troops worried he would be perceived as using his position for sectarian power grabs, and show him as a frequent target for assassination attempts
wn.com/What Did The US Think Of Nouri Al Maliki
The leaked documents allege that Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki operated a "detention squad," a group of Iraqi army soldiers responsible for rounding up his political opponents.
They also reveal that US troops worried he would be perceived as using his position for sectarian power grabs, and show him as a frequent target for assassination attempts
- published: 24 Oct 2010
- views: 5501
Nouri al Maliki VS Massoud Barzani
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani, attend a press conference after a cabinet meeting in Irbil, 350 kilometers...
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani, attend a press conference after a cabinet meeting in Irbil, 350 kilometers (217 miles) north of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, June 9, 2013. Iraq's Prime Minister on Sunday made a rare visit to the country's self-ruled northern Kurdish region in a bid to melt the ice between the Kurds and the Shiite-led central government in Baghdad, as a suicide attack in Baghdad claimed the lives of seven people.
wn.com/Nouri Al Maliki Vs Massoud Barzani
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, and Kurdish regional President Massoud Barzani, attend a press conference after a cabinet meeting in Irbil, 350 kilometers (217 miles) north of Baghdad, Iraq, Sunday, June 9, 2013. Iraq's Prime Minister on Sunday made a rare visit to the country's self-ruled northern Kurdish region in a bid to melt the ice between the Kurds and the Shiite-led central government in Baghdad, as a suicide attack in Baghdad claimed the lives of seven people.
- published: 15 Jun 2013
- views: 7751
Nouri al-Maliki à FRANCE 24 : "Riyad et Doha soutiennent le terrorisme"
Lors d'un entretien exclusif accordé samedi à FRANCE 24, le Premier ministre irakien, Nouri al-Maliki, a accusé l'Arabie saoudite et le Qatar d'être les prin......
Lors d'un entretien exclusif accordé samedi à FRANCE 24, le Premier ministre irakien, Nouri al-Maliki, a accusé l'Arabie saoudite et le Qatar d'être les prin...
wn.com/Nouri Al Maliki À France 24 Riyad Et Doha Soutiennent Le Terrorisme
Lors d'un entretien exclusif accordé samedi à FRANCE 24, le Premier ministre irakien, Nouri al-Maliki, a accusé l'Arabie saoudite et le Qatar d'être les prin...
- published: 08 Mar 2014
- views: 1825
author: FRANCE 24
Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki leaving the White House
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki leaving the White House after a long meeting with President Obama. VP Biden was also present. White House West Wing Wash......
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki leaving the White House after a long meeting with President Obama. VP Biden was also present. White House West Wing Wash...
wn.com/Iraqi Pm Nouri Al Maliki Leaving The White House
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki leaving the White House after a long meeting with President Obama. VP Biden was also present. White House West Wing Wash...
Inside Story - Nouri al-Maliki's visit to the Kurdish north
Iraqi's prime minister makes a rare visit to the self-ruled Kurdish north; a region that could hold the key to Iraq's future prosperity and stability, or it ......
Iraqi's prime minister makes a rare visit to the self-ruled Kurdish north; a region that could hold the key to Iraq's future prosperity and stability, or it ...
wn.com/Inside Story Nouri Al Maliki's Visit To The Kurdish North
Iraqi's prime minister makes a rare visit to the self-ruled Kurdish north; a region that could hold the key to Iraq's future prosperity and stability, or it ...
Eye To Eye: Nouri al-Maliki (CBS News)
In an exclusive interview with Lara Logan, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki talks about the security plan and claims that it has prevented more bloodshed......
In an exclusive interview with Lara Logan, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki talks about the security plan and claims that it has prevented more bloodshed...
wn.com/Eye To Eye Nouri Al Maliki (Cbs News)
In an exclusive interview with Lara Logan, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki talks about the security plan and claims that it has prevented more bloodshed...
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki jugé responsable de la chute de Mossoul
En Irak, une commission d'enquête parlementaire a jugé l'ancien Premier ministre Nouri al-Maliki et 35 autres personnes responsables de la chute de Mossoul aux ...
En Irak, une commission d'enquête parlementaire a jugé l'ancien Premier ministre Nouri al-Maliki et 35 autres personnes responsables de la chute de Mossoul aux mains d'"Etat islamique". Le président du parlement a indiqué qu'il transmettrait le rapport au ministère public, en vue de poursuites judiciaires.
En tant que commandant en chef de l'armée, al-Maliki est accusé d'avoir centralisé le contrôle de l'armée dans ses services et ainsi joué une part importante dans son affaiblissement, choisis…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2015/08/17/irak-nouri-al-maliki-juge-responsable-de-la-chute-de-mossoul
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUW2QcKZiU8aUGg4yxCIditg
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wn.com/Irak Nouri Al Maliki Jugé Responsable De La Chute De Mossoul
En Irak, une commission d'enquête parlementaire a jugé l'ancien Premier ministre Nouri al-Maliki et 35 autres personnes responsables de la chute de Mossoul aux mains d'"Etat islamique". Le président du parlement a indiqué qu'il transmettrait le rapport au ministère public, en vue de poursuites judiciaires.
En tant que commandant en chef de l'armée, al-Maliki est accusé d'avoir centralisé le contrôle de l'armée dans ses services et ainsi joué une part importante dans son affaiblissement, choisis…
LIRE L’ARTICLE: http://fr.euronews.com/2015/08/17/irak-nouri-al-maliki-juge-responsable-de-la-chute-de-mossoul
Aujourd'hui dans l'actualité : les titres en vidéo https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUW2QcKZiU8aUGg4yxCIditg
euronews : la chaîne d'information la plus regardée en Europe.
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- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 226
Irak: Nouri Al-Maliki jette l'éponge
En Irak, la situation politique évolue: Nouri al-Maliki se résout finalement à abandonner le pouvoir. Il renonce donc à un troisième mandat. Pendant ce temps......
En Irak, la situation politique évolue: Nouri al-Maliki se résout finalement à abandonner le pouvoir. Il renonce donc à un troisième mandat. Pendant ce temps...
wn.com/Irak Nouri Al Maliki Jette L'Éponge
En Irak, la situation politique évolue: Nouri al-Maliki se résout finalement à abandonner le pouvoir. Il renonce donc à un troisième mandat. Pendant ce temps...
- published: 15 Aug 2014
- views: 633
author: medi1TV
Iraq Crisis: Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Steps Down
After eight years in office, Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, announced his decision to step down and endorse his successor, Haider al-Abadi, in order to...
After eight years in office, Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, announced his decision to step down and endorse his successor, Haider al-Abadi, in order to "preserve unity" in Iraq.
wn.com/Iraq Crisis Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki Steps Down
After eight years in office, Iraq's Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki, announced his decision to step down and endorse his successor, Haider al-Abadi, in order to "preserve unity" in Iraq.
- published: 15 Aug 2014
- views: 287
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki announces the Iraqi Gov YouTube Channel
السيد رئيس الوزراء يفتتح القناة الحكومية على موقع اليوتيوب
See more videos at youtube.com/iraqigov
Here's a translated transcript of this video, in Englis...
السيد رئيس الوزراء يفتتح القناة الحكومية على موقع اليوتيوب
See more videos at youtube.com/iraqigov
Here's a translated transcript of this video, in English:
In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate.
In the interest of enabling the Iraqi government and the National Media Center to use technology and advanced methods of communications and to present our message to other peoples, and in particular with the Iraqi people at home and abroad;
The National Media Center has created the Iraqi channel on YouTube, a new and advanced method of communication.
The Iraqi government is committed to using this technology to connect to various international communities and to those who follow the issues in Iraq.
Iraq today is experiencing great developments, and we have great ambitions to achieve in regard to communicating with people around the world.
Contrary to some of the misleading information in the news, progress and development are taking place under the national government in Iraq.
Our political process and our democracy, as shown in the context of our elections, have demonstrated the participation of the Iraqi people and civil society organizations in the building of a new Iraq.
Significant achievements have been made in Iraq.
The World has not seen what the Iraqi government has been able to achieve concerning security, economy, politics, and building a federal democratic system.
The government sees in this video technology an opportunity to show our achievements.
The opening of Iraq Channel on YouTube through the National Media Center will be one of the methods that we will adopt to connect with people globally, and to show the situation developing in Iraq.
It is an opportunity to show the image of Iraq, the Iraqi government, and the achievements it has made.
Also, we hope to show to the world what Iraq went through -- a vigorous war on terror. Armed militias and gangs have been left behind in the bygone Baathist regime, which devastated and corrupted the country and the people.
In this attack on Iraq, lots of elements and groups participated in the attack on Iraq. These groups entered Iraq to exercise an act of terrorism.
This is an opportunity to show how we sacrificed, and to demonstrate the scale of devastation that took place - including the recent events in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Finance.
These are examples of terrorist acts carried out by the alliance between the Baath Party and al-Qaeda.
In the past, perhaps our shortfall was the media.
We were not able to show the world the heinous crimes against children. It is well-known how much the world cares about protecting children.
We need to show how children were killed in the bombing of the Ministry of Justice, where thirty children from the day care were killed.
This heinous crime have passed without the knowledge of the world. We do not want to blame the world because it did not respond to the crimes that took place, but we want to offer the people of world the information that they should know, so they can be our partners with us in the fight against terrorism. Terrorism has not affected only Iraq and the Iraqi people, but the all of humanity - and it affects all societies and peoples - it destroys all that progress and development
Therefore, I emphasize that we need to engage the world to fight against terrorism - which is a global war on all of what we have accomplished.
I congratulate the National Media Center and I thank the President of the Center and its employees for their efforts and dedication.
I wish them more success in development, and their attention to using technology that will give Iraq a media presence, and show the Iraqi image to the world, especially in light of our new vision - Iraq will depend on such initiatives as this, which can compensate for our challenges in presenting Iraq in the international arena.
I thank you very much and I wish all the citizens at home and abroad, and those interested in Iraqi affairs as well as those who cares about Iraq, to check this YouTube site, which will be effective, God willing.
Thank you very much.
wn.com/Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki Announces The Iraqi Gov Youtube Channel
السيد رئيس الوزراء يفتتح القناة الحكومية على موقع اليوتيوب
See more videos at youtube.com/iraqigov
Here's a translated transcript of this video, in English:
In the name of God the Merciful, the Compassionate.
In the interest of enabling the Iraqi government and the National Media Center to use technology and advanced methods of communications and to present our message to other peoples, and in particular with the Iraqi people at home and abroad;
The National Media Center has created the Iraqi channel on YouTube, a new and advanced method of communication.
The Iraqi government is committed to using this technology to connect to various international communities and to those who follow the issues in Iraq.
Iraq today is experiencing great developments, and we have great ambitions to achieve in regard to communicating with people around the world.
Contrary to some of the misleading information in the news, progress and development are taking place under the national government in Iraq.
Our political process and our democracy, as shown in the context of our elections, have demonstrated the participation of the Iraqi people and civil society organizations in the building of a new Iraq.
Significant achievements have been made in Iraq.
The World has not seen what the Iraqi government has been able to achieve concerning security, economy, politics, and building a federal democratic system.
The government sees in this video technology an opportunity to show our achievements.
The opening of Iraq Channel on YouTube through the National Media Center will be one of the methods that we will adopt to connect with people globally, and to show the situation developing in Iraq.
It is an opportunity to show the image of Iraq, the Iraqi government, and the achievements it has made.
Also, we hope to show to the world what Iraq went through -- a vigorous war on terror. Armed militias and gangs have been left behind in the bygone Baathist regime, which devastated and corrupted the country and the people.
In this attack on Iraq, lots of elements and groups participated in the attack on Iraq. These groups entered Iraq to exercise an act of terrorism.
This is an opportunity to show how we sacrificed, and to demonstrate the scale of devastation that took place - including the recent events in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, and the Ministry of Finance.
These are examples of terrorist acts carried out by the alliance between the Baath Party and al-Qaeda.
In the past, perhaps our shortfall was the media.
We were not able to show the world the heinous crimes against children. It is well-known how much the world cares about protecting children.
We need to show how children were killed in the bombing of the Ministry of Justice, where thirty children from the day care were killed.
This heinous crime have passed without the knowledge of the world. We do not want to blame the world because it did not respond to the crimes that took place, but we want to offer the people of world the information that they should know, so they can be our partners with us in the fight against terrorism. Terrorism has not affected only Iraq and the Iraqi people, but the all of humanity - and it affects all societies and peoples - it destroys all that progress and development
Therefore, I emphasize that we need to engage the world to fight against terrorism - which is a global war on all of what we have accomplished.
I congratulate the National Media Center and I thank the President of the Center and its employees for their efforts and dedication.
I wish them more success in development, and their attention to using technology that will give Iraq a media presence, and show the Iraqi image to the world, especially in light of our new vision - Iraq will depend on such initiatives as this, which can compensate for our challenges in presenting Iraq in the international arena.
I thank you very much and I wish all the citizens at home and abroad, and those interested in Iraqi affairs as well as those who cares about Iraq, to check this YouTube site, which will be effective, God willing.
Thank you very much.
- published: 25 Nov 2009
- views: 68074
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki Welcomed By Citizens Of The Liberated Town Of Amerli
US airstrikes near a (mostly) Shia Turkoman town north of Baghdad have cleared the way for militiamen and Iraqi troops to rescue 12,000 residents from jihadis w...
US airstrikes near a (mostly) Shia Turkoman town north of Baghdad have cleared the way for militiamen and Iraqi troops to rescue 12,000 residents from jihadis who had besieged them for more than two months.
wn.com/Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki Welcomed By Citizens Of The Liberated Town Of Amerli
US airstrikes near a (mostly) Shia Turkoman town north of Baghdad have cleared the way for militiamen and Iraqi troops to rescue 12,000 residents from jihadis who had besieged them for more than two months.
- published: 07 Sep 2014
- views: 4
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki remporte les législatives
Le Parti du Premier ministre sortant Nouri al-Maliki est arrivé largement en tête des élections législatives, sans toutefois obtenir la majorité des sièges a......
Le Parti du Premier ministre sortant Nouri al-Maliki est arrivé largement en tête des élections législatives, sans toutefois obtenir la majorité des sièges a...
wn.com/Irak Nouri Al Maliki Remporte Les Législatives
Le Parti du Premier ministre sortant Nouri al-Maliki est arrivé largement en tête des élections législatives, sans toutefois obtenir la majorité des sièges a...
Iraq PM Nouri al Maliki arrives for Iraq conference
1. Media waiting on tarmac of Stockholm-Arlanda airport, armed policeman
2. Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (left on screen) speaking to official
3. Long...
1. Media waiting on tarmac of Stockholm-Arlanda airport, armed policeman
2. Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (left on screen) speaking to official
3. Long shot of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's plane landing
4. Swedish and Iraqi flags
5. Plane taxiing on tarmac
6. Armed policeman
7. Wide of plane on tarmac
8. Door of plane opening
9. Airport workers rolling out red carpet
10. Al-Maliki getting out of plane and walking down stairs with delegates
11. Swedish and Iraqi flags on car
12. Bildt and al-Maliki walking on tarmac, talking, Al-Maliki getting into car
13. Various of al-Maliki's convoy driving away
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki arrived in Stockholm amid tight security on Wednesday ahead of a U.N. conference that will review the political and security progress in his country.
Al-Maliki is expected to push for debt relief at Thursday's gathering and demand that some countries cancel debt and war compensation dating back to Saddam Hussein's regime.
Iraq harbours at least 67 (b) billion US dollars in foreign debt - most of it owed to fellow Arab countries Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
The Iraqi delegation also included ministers of foreign affairs, finance, planning and national dialogue.
Iraqi and U.S. officials attending the meeting outside Stockholm are likely to tout recent security gains in Iraq.
The gathering also will see pressure on Iraqi leaders to make similar movement on political goals, such as reconciliation among the country's Sunni Arabs, Shiites and Kurds.
Iraq's largest Sunni Arab political bloc pulled its members out of Iraq's 39-member Cabinet in August, saying it was not getting enough say in decision-making.
Sunni politicians have been negotiating a possible return, but said on Wednesday that they suspended talks due to a dispute over ministry posts.
Iraq's Sunni Arab minority has long felt it is being sidelined by the majority Shiites and the Kurds, who dominate the Iraqi parliament and al-Maliki's government.
The meeting in Sweden comes as the U.S. military says violence in Iraq has reached its lowest level in more than four years, following a series of crackdowns on Sunni and Shiite extremists.
Some 500 delegates from more than 90 countries are to attend the conference, including U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki.
Police said eight different demonstrations were planned in the Stockholm area, including an anti-U.S. rally outside the conference centre in Upplands Vasby, about 15 miles (25 kilometres) north of the capital.
Officers from seven counties, the SAPO security police and a national anti-terror unit will be deployed during the conference.
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wn.com/Iraq Pm Nouri Al Maliki Arrives For Iraq Conference
1. Media waiting on tarmac of Stockholm-Arlanda airport, armed policeman
2. Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt (left on screen) speaking to official
3. Long shot of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's plane landing
4. Swedish and Iraqi flags
5. Plane taxiing on tarmac
6. Armed policeman
7. Wide of plane on tarmac
8. Door of plane opening
9. Airport workers rolling out red carpet
10. Al-Maliki getting out of plane and walking down stairs with delegates
11. Swedish and Iraqi flags on car
12. Bildt and al-Maliki walking on tarmac, talking, Al-Maliki getting into car
13. Various of al-Maliki's convoy driving away
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki arrived in Stockholm amid tight security on Wednesday ahead of a U.N. conference that will review the political and security progress in his country.
Al-Maliki is expected to push for debt relief at Thursday's gathering and demand that some countries cancel debt and war compensation dating back to Saddam Hussein's regime.
Iraq harbours at least 67 (b) billion US dollars in foreign debt - most of it owed to fellow Arab countries Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.
The Iraqi delegation also included ministers of foreign affairs, finance, planning and national dialogue.
Iraqi and U.S. officials attending the meeting outside Stockholm are likely to tout recent security gains in Iraq.
The gathering also will see pressure on Iraqi leaders to make similar movement on political goals, such as reconciliation among the country's Sunni Arabs, Shiites and Kurds.
Iraq's largest Sunni Arab political bloc pulled its members out of Iraq's 39-member Cabinet in August, saying it was not getting enough say in decision-making.
Sunni politicians have been negotiating a possible return, but said on Wednesday that they suspended talks due to a dispute over ministry posts.
Iraq's Sunni Arab minority has long felt it is being sidelined by the majority Shiites and the Kurds, who dominate the Iraqi parliament and al-Maliki's government.
The meeting in Sweden comes as the U.S. military says violence in Iraq has reached its lowest level in more than four years, following a series of crackdowns on Sunni and Shiite extremists.
Some 500 delegates from more than 90 countries are to attend the conference, including U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Iranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki.
Police said eight different demonstrations were planned in the Stockholm area, including an anti-U.S. rally outside the conference centre in Upplands Vasby, about 15 miles (25 kilometres) north of the capital.
Officers from seven counties, the SAPO security police and a national anti-terror unit will be deployed during the conference.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/8ebb5a6869856407118e81e38e5b6e91
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Irak : Nouri al-Maliki refuse de former un gouvernement de salut national
L'armée irakienne tente tant bien que mal de freiner l'avancée des jihadistes. Elle aurait reçu le soutien logistique de l'Iran, notamment des drones de surv......
L'armée irakienne tente tant bien que mal de freiner l'avancée des jihadistes. Elle aurait reçu le soutien logistique de l'Iran, notamment des drones de surv...
wn.com/Irak Nouri Al Maliki Refuse De Former Un Gouvernement De Salut National
L'armée irakienne tente tant bien que mal de freiner l'avancée des jihadistes. Elle aurait reçu le soutien logistique de l'Iran, notamment des drones de surv...
Irak, dorëhiqet Nouri al Maliki - Top Channel Albania - News
Kryeministri i Irakut, Nouri al Maliki ka dhënë dorëheqjen, duke i dhënë fund ngërçit politik në Bagdad. Presidenti i vendit i kërkoi nënkryetarit të Parlamenti...
Kryeministri i Irakut, Nouri al Maliki ka dhënë dorëheqjen, duke i dhënë fund ngërçit politik në Bagdad. Presidenti i vendit i kërkoi nënkryetarit të Parlamentit, Haider al Abadi të krijojë qeverinë e re.
wn.com/Irak, Dorëhiqet Nouri Al Maliki Top Channel Albania News
Kryeministri i Irakut, Nouri al Maliki ka dhënë dorëheqjen, duke i dhënë fund ngërçit politik në Bagdad. Presidenti i vendit i kërkoi nënkryetarit të Parlamentit, Haider al Abadi të krijojë qeverinë e re.
- published: 15 Aug 2014
- views: 228
من هي شخصية العام 2013 ؟ - نوري المالكي - Nouri Al Maliki
رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي هو اللاعب الأقوى في العراق. تميز بوضوح مواقفه العربية والإقليمية.يعلن مواجهة بلا تراجع للإرهاب. بدأ عام 2013 بلا وجود لقوات......
رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي هو اللاعب الأقوى في العراق. تميز بوضوح مواقفه العربية والإقليمية.يعلن مواجهة بلا تراجع للإرهاب. بدأ عام 2013 بلا وجود لقوات...
wn.com/من هي شخصية العام 2013 ؟ نوري المالكي Nouri Al Maliki
رئيس الوزراء العراقي نوري المالكي هو اللاعب الأقوى في العراق. تميز بوضوح مواقفه العربية والإقليمية.يعلن مواجهة بلا تراجع للإرهاب. بدأ عام 2013 بلا وجود لقوات...
ISIS, Maliki, and the US Agenda in Iraq
Eric Draitser of StopImperialism.org appears on RT to discuss the latest developments in Iraq. Draitser explains that Washington is using the situation with IS...
Eric Draitser of StopImperialism.org appears on RT to discuss the latest developments in Iraq. Draitser explains that Washington is using the situation with ISIS as a pretext to execute its agenda which includes ousting PM Maliki, creating a servile puppet government, dislodging the Kurdish North, and dismembering the Iraqi state. He notes that the US has had these goals for quite a while, and that the current situation with ISIS is used as a convenient pretext to achieve geopolitical and strategic goals in the region. Draitser also describes how US policy in Iraq is designed to spread the ISIS problem to beyond Syria and Iraq, specifically to Lebanon, thereby breaking the Shia axis of resistance.
wn.com/Isis, Maliki, And The US Agenda In Iraq
Eric Draitser of StopImperialism.org appears on RT to discuss the latest developments in Iraq. Draitser explains that Washington is using the situation with ISIS as a pretext to execute its agenda which includes ousting PM Maliki, creating a servile puppet government, dislodging the Kurdish North, and dismembering the Iraqi state. He notes that the US has had these goals for quite a while, and that the current situation with ISIS is used as a convenient pretext to achieve geopolitical and strategic goals in the region. Draitser also describes how US policy in Iraq is designed to spread the ISIS problem to beyond Syria and Iraq, specifically to Lebanon, thereby breaking the Shia axis of resistance.
- published: 13 Aug 2014
- views: 982
Camp Ashraf
Camp Ashraf
Camp Ashraf
Camp Ashraf or Ashraf City was a camp in Iraq's Diyala province, having the character of a small city with all basic infrastructure, and headquarters of the exiled People's Mujahedin of Iran. The population used to be around 3,400 in 2012 but nearly all have been more or less forcibly relocated under pressure by the premier minister Nouri al-Maliki's office of the Government of Iraq to Camp Liberty near BIAP.
Camp Ashraf is situated 27.6 km northeast of the Iraqi town of Khalis, about 80 kilometers west of the Iran border and 40 kilometers north of Baghdad. On January 1, 2009, the US Government formally transferred control over to the Iraqi g
KBR Sovereign Day (1 of 2)
KBR Sovereign Day (1 of 2)
KBR Sovereign Day (1 of 2)
Quasi-documentary by Jonty Yamisha on 2008 trip to Nalchik.
On June 30th US troops withdrew from Iraqs cities. Iraqi security forces are now formally responsible for the urban centres. Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki called .
KBR Sovereign Day (2 of 2)
KBR Sovereign Day (2 of 2)
KBR Sovereign Day (2 of 2)
Quasi-documentary by Jonty Yamisha on 2008 trip to Nalchik.
On June 30th US troops withdrew from Iraqs cities. Iraqi security forces are now formally responsible for the urban centres. Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki called .
Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki tells United States to leave
Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki tells United States to leave
Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki tells United States to leave
Debate over Iraq timetable on Hardball with Chris Matthews. ----------------------- BAGHDAD, July 7 -- Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has for the first time suggested .
1. US President George W. Bush walking to podium 2. SOUNDBITE (English) George W. Bush, US President: Good morning, this has been a month of .
The United States and the government of Iraq have negotiated two historic agreements: a Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) that covers our overall political, .
President Bush made a farewell visit Sunday to Baghdad, Iraq, where he met with Iraqi leaders and was .
Irak Nouri al Maliki jugé responsable de la chute de Mossoul
Irak Nouri al Maliki jugé responsable de la chute de Mossoul
Irak Nouri al Maliki jugé responsable de la chute de Mossoul
Maliki Refutes Report Blaming Him for Fall of Mosul to Islamic State
Maliki Refutes Report Blaming Him for Fall of Mosul to Islamic State
Maliki Refutes Report Blaming Him for Fall of Mosul to Islamic State
Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said there was "no value" in a parliamentary report alleging he and other officials were to blame for last year's fall of Mosul to the Islamic State. "There is no value in the report of the parliamentary investigation panel on the fall of Mosul, as the panel was dominated with political differences and its findings were not objective," Maliki, who is reportedly in Iran, said on his Facebook page, adding, "What happened in Mosul was a conspiracy planned in Ankara, then the conspiracy moved to Irbil," referring to the capitals of Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan.
Maleki rejects allegations over Mosul's fall
Maleki rejects allegations over Mosul's fall
Maleki rejects allegations over Mosul's fall
An Iraqi parliamentary committee has voted to submit to the judiciary a report on the fall of the city of Mosul. The report calls for the trial of former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki and dozens of other top officials. It will also be referred to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who can decide on referring the accused to a court martial. However, at a press conference in Tehran Maleki rejected the allegations and questioned the credibility of the committee’s report.
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Al-Maliki: Caída de Mosul no fue derrota militar sino un complot
Al-Maliki: Caída de Mosul no fue derrota militar sino un complot
Al-Maliki: Caída de Mosul no fue derrota militar sino un complot
De visita en Irán, el ex primer ministro iraquí, Nuri al-Maliki, se refirió a la toma de Mosul (norte) por el grupo terrorista EIIL (Daesh, en árabe). Dijo que no fue una derrota, sino una conspiración.
La caída de Mosul no fue una derrota militar, sino un complot, con estas palabras Nuri al-Maliki responde a quienes lo señalan como el principal responsable de aquella derrota.
Mosul es la segunda ciudad iraquí más importante después de Bagdad (capital). Cayó en manos del grupo terrorista Daesh en junio de 2014. Ahora, una comisión parlamentaria responsabiliza al ex primer ministro.
En una rueda de prensa realizada en Teherán, capital iraní
Fmr. Iraqi PM blames Turkey, Iraqi Kurds for ISIL takeover of Mosul in 2014
Fmr. Iraqi PM blames Turkey, Iraqi Kurds for ISIL takeover of Mosul in 2014
Fmr. Iraqi PM blames Turkey, Iraqi Kurds for ISIL takeover of Mosul in 2014
Former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused Turkey and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region of masterminding the fall of Iraq’s second city of Mosul to ISIL in 2014.
Maliki also called Ankara the main supporter of ISIL and al-Qaeda in the region. The Iraqi vice president was speaking at a press conference in the Iranian capital. His remarks come after Iraq’s parliament voted to submit to the judiciary a report on the fall of Mosul. The report calls for the trial of Maliki and dozens of other top officials, alleging that Maliki had undermined the ISIL threat. Maliki questioned the integrity of the investigation.
Live @ http://w
Iraq's parliament demands al-Maliki goes on trial
Iraq's parliament demands al-Maliki goes on trial
Iraq's parliament demands al-Maliki goes on trial
Iraq's parliament has referred to the judiciary a report by the Committee of Defence and Security. It calls for the trial of former
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and more than 30 other top officials in
connection with the fall of Mosul to Islamic State last year.
According to the report, Maliki had an inaccurate picture of the
threat to the northern city because he chose commanders who
engaged in corruption and failed to hold them accountable.
Many Iraqis in Baghdad seemed happy with this d…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/08/17/iraq-s-parliament-demands-al-maliki-goes-on-trial
What are the top stories today? Click to watch: ht
Iraq parliamentary probe blames ex-PM Maliki for the fall of Mosul
Iraq parliamentary probe blames ex-PM Maliki for the fall of Mosul
Iraq parliamentary probe blames ex-PM Maliki for the fall of Mosul
Iraq’s former prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki has been blamed for last year’s fall of the northern city of Mosul to ISIL militants.
In 2014, Iraq’s army retreated in the face of the advancing extremists, abandoning their positions .
An Iraqi parliamentary panel now calling for the ex-leader along with dozens of top officials and military commanders to stand trial.
Sectarian tensions
Maliki who is a Shia, is seen as having fanned sectarian tensions, leading to a growth of discontent in the mainly Sunni Arab areas including the key northern city captured by the Islamic militants.
The panel’s findings allege that Maliki had an inaccurate pi
US Sec of State addresses US soldiers, meets al-Maliki, Talabani
US Sec of State addresses US soldiers, meets al-Maliki, Talabani
US Sec of State addresses US soldiers, meets al-Maliki, Talabani
1. US troops at speech by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State:
"I keep hearing and reading that the American people don't want to fight this war anymore. I don't think that's right. The American people want to know and they want us to succeed because they too want to succeed. And so we will have our discussions and our debates at home but Americans want to win this war, they will leave an Iraq that is better than the one they found, they want to leave an Iraq that is going to be a pillar (inaudible) of the Middle East.
Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki meets British Defence Minister John Hutton
Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki meets British Defence Minister John Hutton
Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki meets British Defence Minister John Hutton
1. British Defence Secretary, John Hutton, arriving with delegates for meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki
2. Al-Maliki shaking hands with Hutton as delegates walk into room
3. Al-Maliki shaking hands with army personnel and delegates
4. Al-Maliki sitting down with Hutton
5. Mid of al-Maliki and Hutton seated
6. Close-up of Hutton, pull out to mid of Hutton and al-Maliki
7. Wide of meeting
8. Mid of Hutton and al-Maliki
8. Close-up of Hutton
9. Close-up of al-Maliki
10. Cutaway of delegates
Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki said talks on the future of Briti
US Secretary of State Kerry meets Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
US Secretary of State Kerry meets Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
US Secretary of State Kerry meets Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
US Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet Iraq's leaders and personally urge the Shiite-led government to give more power to political opponents before a Sunni insurgency seizes more control across the country and sweeps away hopes for lasting peace.
The meeting scheduled between Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was not expected to be friendly, given that officials in Washington have floated suggestions that the Iraqi premier should resign as a necessary first step toward quelling the uprising.
Nor is the meeting likely to bring any immediate, tangible results, as al-Maliki has shown no sign of leavin
Al-Maliki asks parliament to declare state of emergency as militants overrun parts of Mosul
Al-Maliki asks parliament to declare state of emergency as militants overrun parts of Mosul
Al-Maliki asks parliament to declare state of emergency as militants overrun parts of Mosul
Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki asked parliament to declare a state of emergency on Tuesday after Islamic militants overran parts of the country's second-largest city, Mosul.
"We have to declare a comprehensive mobilisation and the utmost alert in political, financial and popular capabilities to defeat terrorism and bring life to normal in all areas occupied by terrorists," he said in a nationally televised news conference.
His comments came after militants overran parts of Mosul, driving security forces from their posts and seizing the provincial government headquarters, security bases and other key buildings.
Under the constitution
Secretary of State John Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki met in Baghdad on Monday. Ker
Secretary of State John Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki met in Baghdad on Monday. Ker
Secretary of State John Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki met in Baghdad on Monday. Ker
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet with Iraq's leaders and personally urge the Shiite-led government to give more power to political opponents before a Sunni insurgency seizes more control across the country and sweeps away hopes for lasting peace.
The meeting scheduled between Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was not expected to be friendly, given that officials in Washington have floated suggestions that the Iraqi premier should resign as a necessary first step toward quelling the vicious uprising. Nor will it likely bring any immediate, tang
Secretary of State John Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki met in Baghdad on Monday. Ker
Secretary of State John Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki met in Baghdad on Monday. Ker
Secretary of State John Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki met in Baghdad on Monday. Ker
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet with Iraq's leaders and personally urge the Shiite-led government to give more power to political opponents before a Sunni insurgency seizes more control across the country and sweeps away hopes for lasting peace.
The meeting scheduled between Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was not expected to be friendly, given that officials in Washington have floated suggestions that the Iraqi premier should resign as a necessary first step toward quelling the vicious uprising. Nor will it likely bring any immediate, tang
Kurds react to Maliki's comments that the northern region is a haven for 'terrorists'
Kurds react to Maliki's comments that the northern region is a haven for 'terrorists'
Kurds react to Maliki's comments that the northern region is a haven for 'terrorists'
Kurdish officials in Irbil reacted on Wednesday to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's comments that the Northern region was a haven for "terrorists."
Safeen Dizayee, a spokesman for the Kurdish Regional Government and Sheikh Abdul Razzaq al Shammari, a spokesperson for the Iraqi People's Movement, a group representing Sunni Arabs largely in the Kurdistan region, denied the region was harbouring extremists and stressed the Kurds' willingness to help Iraqis fleeing clashes.
Shammari said the people in the region "stand against the Iraqi political regime" but he added that Kurds would still entertain "relations with everyone, those who ar
Demonstration in support of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
Demonstration in support of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
Demonstration in support of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
Hundreds of supporters of Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al Maliki gathered on the streets of Baghdad on Saturday, calling for him to remain on as Prime Minister for a third term.
"We condemn those who want to take the will of the Iraqi voters," said one supporter, Hussein Mohammed.
Since elections in April, Iraq's main political coalition still can't decide who to present as the next prime minister, delaying a scheduled discussion in parliament.
Al-Maliki's State of Law party won the most seats in the Parliamentary elections and he has vowed to stay on as Prime Minister, despite pressure to step aside.
But his critics accuse him of monopoli
Obama congratulates Iraqi prime minister-designate; urges him to form govt
Obama congratulates Iraqi prime minister-designate; urges him to form govt
Obama congratulates Iraqi prime minister-designate; urges him to form govt
US President Barack Obama on Monday praised the appointment of a prime minister to replace Nouri al-Maliki and urged the formation of a new government in Iraq as soon as possible.
In brief remarks delivered at his vacation spot in Martha's Vineyard, Obama said he and Vice President Joe Biden had spoken with Haider al-Ibadi, who was designated prime minister by the new president.
al-Ibadi, the deputy speaker of parliament from al-Maliki's Shiite Dawa party, was selected by President Fouad Massoum to be the new prime minister and was given 30 days to present a new government to lawmakers for approval.
Obama urged on al-Ibadi to form an inclu
Iranian Foreign Minister meets Iraqi incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
Iranian Foreign Minister meets Iraqi incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
Iranian Foreign Minister meets Iraqi incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
Iraq's outgoing prime minister Nouri al-Maliki met Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his delegation in Baghdad on Sunday.
Zarif arrived in the Iraqi capital earlier in the day for a two-day visit during which he is also expected to meet his Iraqi counterpart, Hoshyar Zebari, and Prime Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi, according to agency reports.
Talks were expected to centre on bilateral relations as well as the latest political and security developments in Iraq.
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Security and reaction after al-Maliki steps down as prime minister
Security and reaction after al-Maliki steps down as prime minister
Security and reaction after al-Maliki steps down as prime minister
Iraq's embattled Nouri al-Maliki has stepped down as prime minister, caving in to international and domestic pressure to give up his post to a rival politician.
The move defuses a political deadlock that has plunged Iraq into uncertainty and opens way for the formation of a new government that could take on a growing insurgency by Sunni militants that has engulfed much of the country.
Al-Maliki made the announcement on national television late on Thursday, standing alongside senior members of his Islamic Dawa Party, including rival Haider al-Abadi.
The premier-designate al-Abadi, a veteran Shiite lawmaker, now faces the immense challenge o
Camp Ashraf
Camp Ashraf or Ashraf City was a camp in Iraq's Diyala province, having the character of a small city with all basic infrastructure, and headquarters of the exi...
Camp Ashraf or Ashraf City was a camp in Iraq's Diyala province, having the character of a small city with all basic infrastructure, and headquarters of the exiled People's Mujahedin of Iran. The population used to be around 3,400 in 2012 but nearly all have been more or less forcibly relocated under pressure by the premier minister Nouri al-Maliki's office of the Government of Iraq to Camp Liberty near BIAP.
Camp Ashraf is situated 27.6 km northeast of the Iraqi town of Khalis, about 80 kilometers west of the Iran border and 40 kilometers north of Baghdad. On January 1, 2009, the US Government formally transferred control over to the Iraqi government. Over the past 10 years, Camp Ashraf has been attacked several times, the worst being on April 8, 2011 when Iraqi security forces stormed the camp and killed as many as 36 and wounding 320 residents, and on September 1, 2013, leaving a death toll of 52 victims.
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wn.com/Camp Ashraf
Camp Ashraf or Ashraf City was a camp in Iraq's Diyala province, having the character of a small city with all basic infrastructure, and headquarters of the exiled People's Mujahedin of Iran. The population used to be around 3,400 in 2012 but nearly all have been more or less forcibly relocated under pressure by the premier minister Nouri al-Maliki's office of the Government of Iraq to Camp Liberty near BIAP.
Camp Ashraf is situated 27.6 km northeast of the Iraqi town of Khalis, about 80 kilometers west of the Iran border and 40 kilometers north of Baghdad. On January 1, 2009, the US Government formally transferred control over to the Iraqi government. Over the past 10 years, Camp Ashraf has been attacked several times, the worst being on April 8, 2011 when Iraqi security forces stormed the camp and killed as many as 36 and wounding 320 residents, and on September 1, 2013, leaving a death toll of 52 victims.
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Creative Commons image source in video
- published: 13 Oct 2015
- views: 0
KBR Sovereign Day (1 of 2)
Quasi-documentary by Jonty Yamisha on 2008 trip to Nalchik.
On June 30th US troops withdrew from Iraqs cities. Iraqi security forces are now formally respo...
Quasi-documentary by Jonty Yamisha on 2008 trip to Nalchik.
On June 30th US troops withdrew from Iraqs cities. Iraqi security forces are now formally responsible for the urban centres. Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki called .
wn.com/Kbr Sovereign Day (1 Of 2)
Quasi-documentary by Jonty Yamisha on 2008 trip to Nalchik.
On June 30th US troops withdrew from Iraqs cities. Iraqi security forces are now formally responsible for the urban centres. Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki called .
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 0
KBR Sovereign Day (2 of 2)
Quasi-documentary by Jonty Yamisha on 2008 trip to Nalchik.
On June 30th US troops withdrew from Iraqs cities. Iraqi security forces are now formally res...
Quasi-documentary by Jonty Yamisha on 2008 trip to Nalchik.
On June 30th US troops withdrew from Iraqs cities. Iraqi security forces are now formally responsible for the urban centres. Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki called .
wn.com/Kbr Sovereign Day (2 Of 2)
Quasi-documentary by Jonty Yamisha on 2008 trip to Nalchik.
On June 30th US troops withdrew from Iraqs cities. Iraqi security forces are now formally responsible for the urban centres. Prime Minister Nouri Al-Maliki called .
- published: 12 Oct 2015
- views: 0
Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki tells United States to leave
Debate over Iraq timetable on Hardball with Chris Matthews. ----------------------- BAGHDAD, July 7 -- Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has for the first time sug...
Debate over Iraq timetable on Hardball with Chris Matthews. ----------------------- BAGHDAD, July 7 -- Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has for the first time suggested .
1. US President George W. Bush walking to podium 2. SOUNDBITE (English) George W. Bush, US President: Good morning, this has been a month of .
The United States and the government of Iraq have negotiated two historic agreements: a Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) that covers our overall political, .
President Bush made a farewell visit Sunday to Baghdad, Iraq, where he met with Iraqi leaders and was .
wn.com/Iraqi Prime Minister Maliki Tells United States To Leave
Debate over Iraq timetable on Hardball with Chris Matthews. ----------------------- BAGHDAD, July 7 -- Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has for the first time suggested .
1. US President George W. Bush walking to podium 2. SOUNDBITE (English) George W. Bush, US President: Good morning, this has been a month of .
The United States and the government of Iraq have negotiated two historic agreements: a Strategic Framework Agreement (SFA) that covers our overall political, .
President Bush made a farewell visit Sunday to Baghdad, Iraq, where he met with Iraqi leaders and was .
- published: 11 Sep 2015
- views: 0
Maliki Refutes Report Blaming Him for Fall of Mosul to Islamic State
Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said there was "no value" in a parliamentary report alleging he and other officials were to blame for last year's fa...
Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said there was "no value" in a parliamentary report alleging he and other officials were to blame for last year's fall of Mosul to the Islamic State. "There is no value in the report of the parliamentary investigation panel on the fall of Mosul, as the panel was dominated with political differences and its findings were not objective," Maliki, who is reportedly in Iran, said on his Facebook page, adding, "What happened in Mosul was a conspiracy planned in Ankara, then the conspiracy moved to Irbil," referring to the capitals of Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan.
This video was produced by Wochit using http://wochit.com
wn.com/Maliki Refutes Report Blaming Him For Fall Of Mosul To Islamic State
Former Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said there was "no value" in a parliamentary report alleging he and other officials were to blame for last year's fall of Mosul to the Islamic State. "There is no value in the report of the parliamentary investigation panel on the fall of Mosul, as the panel was dominated with political differences and its findings were not objective," Maliki, who is reportedly in Iran, said on his Facebook page, adding, "What happened in Mosul was a conspiracy planned in Ankara, then the conspiracy moved to Irbil," referring to the capitals of Turkey and Iraqi Kurdistan.
This video was produced by Wochit using http://wochit.com
- published: 18 Aug 2015
- views: 5
Maleki rejects allegations over Mosul's fall
An Iraqi parliamentary committee has voted to submit to the judiciary a report on the fall of the city of Mosul. The report calls for the trial of former prime ...
An Iraqi parliamentary committee has voted to submit to the judiciary a report on the fall of the city of Mosul. The report calls for the trial of former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki and dozens of other top officials. It will also be referred to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who can decide on referring the accused to a court martial. However, at a press conference in Tehran Maleki rejected the allegations and questioned the credibility of the committee’s report.
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wn.com/Maleki Rejects Allegations Over Mosul's Fall
An Iraqi parliamentary committee has voted to submit to the judiciary a report on the fall of the city of Mosul. The report calls for the trial of former prime minister Nouri al-Maliki and dozens of other top officials. It will also be referred to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, who can decide on referring the accused to a court martial. However, at a press conference in Tehran Maleki rejected the allegations and questioned the credibility of the committee’s report.
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- published: 18 Aug 2015
- views: 38
Al-Maliki: Caída de Mosul no fue derrota militar sino un complot
De visita en Irán, el ex primer ministro iraquí, Nuri al-Maliki, se refirió a la toma de Mosul (norte) por el grupo terrorista EIIL (Daesh, en árabe). Dijo que ...
De visita en Irán, el ex primer ministro iraquí, Nuri al-Maliki, se refirió a la toma de Mosul (norte) por el grupo terrorista EIIL (Daesh, en árabe). Dijo que no fue una derrota, sino una conspiración.
La caída de Mosul no fue una derrota militar, sino un complot, con estas palabras Nuri al-Maliki responde a quienes lo señalan como el principal responsable de aquella derrota.
Mosul es la segunda ciudad iraquí más importante después de Bagdad (capital). Cayó en manos del grupo terrorista Daesh en junio de 2014. Ahora, una comisión parlamentaria responsabiliza al ex primer ministro.
En una rueda de prensa realizada en Teherán, capital iraní, el ex primer ministro iraquí rechazó el informe del comité del Parlamento, en el que le acusan de ser el principal responsable de la caída de Mosul.
Nuri al-Maliki también se refirió a los intentos de algunos países de la región para desintegrar Irak. Dijo que nunca permitirá la división de su país.
El actual vicepresidente iraquí también arremetió contra Turquía. Dijo que Ankara es el gran patrocinador de grupos terroristas como Daesh y Al-Qaeda. Aseguró que si no fuera por el apoyo de los turcos y los saudíes, no existirían Daesh y Al-Qaeda.
Asa Esfandiari, Teherán.
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wn.com/Al Maliki Caída De Mosul No Fue Derrota Militar Sino Un Complot
De visita en Irán, el ex primer ministro iraquí, Nuri al-Maliki, se refirió a la toma de Mosul (norte) por el grupo terrorista EIIL (Daesh, en árabe). Dijo que no fue una derrota, sino una conspiración.
La caída de Mosul no fue una derrota militar, sino un complot, con estas palabras Nuri al-Maliki responde a quienes lo señalan como el principal responsable de aquella derrota.
Mosul es la segunda ciudad iraquí más importante después de Bagdad (capital). Cayó en manos del grupo terrorista Daesh en junio de 2014. Ahora, una comisión parlamentaria responsabiliza al ex primer ministro.
En una rueda de prensa realizada en Teherán, capital iraní, el ex primer ministro iraquí rechazó el informe del comité del Parlamento, en el que le acusan de ser el principal responsable de la caída de Mosul.
Nuri al-Maliki también se refirió a los intentos de algunos países de la región para desintegrar Irak. Dijo que nunca permitirá la división de su país.
El actual vicepresidente iraquí también arremetió contra Turquía. Dijo que Ankara es el gran patrocinador de grupos terroristas como Daesh y Al-Qaeda. Aseguró que si no fuera por el apoyo de los turcos y los saudíes, no existirían Daesh y Al-Qaeda.
Asa Esfandiari, Teherán.
¡Suscríbete a HispanTV!
El grupo de HispanTV les recuerda a los seguidores de nuestra página en Youtube de que en el caso de que no se suban nuevos vídeos, en 48 horas, esto significa que han bloqueado el acceso de este canal a su cuenta en YouTube. De ser así, haga Clic en el siguiente enlace para obtener nuestra nueva dirección en YouTube:
- published: 18 Aug 2015
- views: 112
Fmr. Iraqi PM blames Turkey, Iraqi Kurds for ISIL takeover of Mosul in 2014
Former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused Turkey and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region of masterminding the fall of Iraq’s second city of Mosul...
Former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused Turkey and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region of masterminding the fall of Iraq’s second city of Mosul to ISIL in 2014.
Maliki also called Ankara the main supporter of ISIL and al-Qaeda in the region. The Iraqi vice president was speaking at a press conference in the Iranian capital. His remarks come after Iraq’s parliament voted to submit to the judiciary a report on the fall of Mosul. The report calls for the trial of Maliki and dozens of other top officials, alleging that Maliki had undermined the ISIL threat. Maliki questioned the integrity of the investigation.
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wn.com/Fmr. Iraqi Pm Blames Turkey, Iraqi Kurds For ISIL Takeover Of Mosul In 2014
Former Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki has accused Turkey and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan region of masterminding the fall of Iraq’s second city of Mosul to ISIL in 2014.
Maliki also called Ankara the main supporter of ISIL and al-Qaeda in the region. The Iraqi vice president was speaking at a press conference in the Iranian capital. His remarks come after Iraq’s parliament voted to submit to the judiciary a report on the fall of Mosul. The report calls for the trial of Maliki and dozens of other top officials, alleging that Maliki had undermined the ISIL threat. Maliki questioned the integrity of the investigation.
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- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 202
Iraq's parliament demands al-Maliki goes on trial
Iraq's parliament has referred to the judiciary a report by the Committee of Defence and Security. It calls for the trial of former
Prime Minister Nuri al-Malik...
Iraq's parliament has referred to the judiciary a report by the Committee of Defence and Security. It calls for the trial of former
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and more than 30 other top officials in
connection with the fall of Mosul to Islamic State last year.
According to the report, Maliki had an inaccurate picture of the
threat to the northern city because he chose commanders who
engaged in corruption and failed to hold them accountable.
Many Iraqis in Baghdad seemed happy with this d…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/08/17/iraq-s-parliament-demands-al-maliki-goes-on-trial
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wn.com/Iraq's Parliament Demands Al Maliki Goes On Trial
Iraq's parliament has referred to the judiciary a report by the Committee of Defence and Security. It calls for the trial of former
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki and more than 30 other top officials in
connection with the fall of Mosul to Islamic State last year.
According to the report, Maliki had an inaccurate picture of the
threat to the northern city because he chose commanders who
engaged in corruption and failed to hold them accountable.
Many Iraqis in Baghdad seemed happy with this d…
READ MORE : http://www.euronews.com/2015/08/17/iraq-s-parliament-demands-al-maliki-goes-on-trial
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- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 79
Iraq parliamentary probe blames ex-PM Maliki for the fall of Mosul
Iraq’s former prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki has been blamed for last year’s fall of the northern city of Mosul to ISIL militants.
In 2014, Iraq’s army retrea...
Iraq’s former prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki has been blamed for last year’s fall of the northern city of Mosul to ISIL militants.
In 2014, Iraq’s army retreated in the face of the advancing extremists, abandoning their positions .
An Iraqi parliamentary panel now calling for the ex-leader along with dozens of top officials and military commanders to stand trial.
Sectarian tensions
Maliki who is a Shia, is seen as having fanned sectarian tensions, leading to a growth of discontent in the mainly Sunni Arab areas including the key northern city captured by the Islamic militants.
The panel’s findings allege that Maliki had an inaccurate picture of the threat to Mosul because he chose commanders who engaged in corruption and failed to hold them accountable.
A Reuters investigation has shown how troop shortages in the city and infighting among top officers and Iraqi political leaders played into ISIL hands and fueled the panic that led to the city’s abandonment.
Anti-corruption reforms
The allegations come a week after Iraq’s current prime minister, Haider al-Abadi launched a wide-raging campaign to reform the governing system. It’s seen as being riddled with corruption and sectarian party patronage.
On Sunday, Abadi announced he was cutting 11 ministerial posts, reducing the size of the cabinet by a third.
ISIL’s seizure of Iraq’s second city Mosul as it swept across the Syrian border and declared a modern “caliphate” exposed the brokenness of the system left in place by the 2003- 2011 US occupation.
wn.com/Iraq Parliamentary Probe Blames Ex Pm Maliki For The Fall Of Mosul
Iraq’s former prime minister, Nouri al-Maliki has been blamed for last year’s fall of the northern city of Mosul to ISIL militants.
In 2014, Iraq’s army retreated in the face of the advancing extremists, abandoning their positions .
An Iraqi parliamentary panel now calling for the ex-leader along with dozens of top officials and military commanders to stand trial.
Sectarian tensions
Maliki who is a Shia, is seen as having fanned sectarian tensions, leading to a growth of discontent in the mainly Sunni Arab areas including the key northern city captured by the Islamic militants.
The panel’s findings allege that Maliki had an inaccurate picture of the threat to Mosul because he chose commanders who engaged in corruption and failed to hold them accountable.
A Reuters investigation has shown how troop shortages in the city and infighting among top officers and Iraqi political leaders played into ISIL hands and fueled the panic that led to the city’s abandonment.
Anti-corruption reforms
The allegations come a week after Iraq’s current prime minister, Haider al-Abadi launched a wide-raging campaign to reform the governing system. It’s seen as being riddled with corruption and sectarian party patronage.
On Sunday, Abadi announced he was cutting 11 ministerial posts, reducing the size of the cabinet by a third.
ISIL’s seizure of Iraq’s second city Mosul as it swept across the Syrian border and declared a modern “caliphate” exposed the brokenness of the system left in place by the 2003- 2011 US occupation.
- published: 17 Aug 2015
- views: 2
US Sec of State addresses US soldiers, meets al-Maliki, Talabani
1. US troops at speech by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Condoleezza Ric...
1. US troops at speech by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State:
"I keep hearing and reading that the American people don't want to fight this war anymore. I don't think that's right. The American people want to know and they want us to succeed because they too want to succeed. And so we will have our discussions and our debates at home but Americans want to win this war, they will leave an Iraq that is better than the one they found, they want to leave an Iraq that is going to be a pillar (inaudible) of the Middle East. The President (US president George W. Bush) has put forward a new plan and hopes to do that. I'm (inaudible), I'm ready to go. I know that each and every one of you is ready to go too. So thank you for what you do everyday, I cannot thank you more on behalf of our nation, all who are here, the coalition, Iraqis and Americans. You're a noble cause and we're going to succeed. Thank you."
3. Rice leaving podium to applause
4. Iraqi officials including Mowaffak Rubaie, National Security Adviser, walking forward to meet Rice
5. Camera operators
6. Rice and Iraqi delegation walking inside
7. Various of Rice and al-Maliki seated, posing for photographers
8. Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, waiting for Rice
9. Rice entering meeting
10. Rice shaking hands with Zebari, then greeting Iraqi President Jalal Talabani
11. Rice greeting other Iraqi officials
12. Various of Rice seated with Talabani
13. Various of Rice leaving meeting
The success of a new security crackdown in Baghdad will be measured largely on how well the US-backed government capitalises on any respite of sectarian violence, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Saturday.
Rice was speaking during an unannounced visit to the Iraqi capital to check on the early days of the campaign to put down tit-for-tat violence between Sunnis and Shiites.
Rice's plane circled the airport for 30 minutes before landing because of military action in the city.
She met with US troops stationed in Baghdad and praised the work they were doing.
"Americans want to win this war, they will leave an Iraq that is better than the one they found," she said. "I cannot thank you more on behalf of our nation, all who are here, the coalition, Iraqis and Americans. You're a noble cause and we're going to succeed. Thank you."
The Secretary of State is the highest-level US official in Iraq since the start of a massive security operation in the Iraqi capital this week.
She told reporters that the campaign appeared to be off to a good start.
After getting an update on the security operation from US generals, Rice held talks with Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, President Jalal Talabani and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari.
Insurgent violence remained a concern in the capital.
Ten bodies were reported by the morgue in Baghdad on Friday, compared to an average of 40- to 50 per day common in recent months.
While the reduction in killings was a relief, the commander of the US forces in Baghdad cautioned that the militias and insurgents may have decided to lie low, at least during these early days of the security crackdown.
But in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk a suicide car bomber rammed into a crowded market on Saturday moments after a booby-trapped vehicle exploded, killing at least nine people and injuring 60, the police said.
Rice is scheduled to leave for Jerusalem later on Saturday and meet with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/e57db7d4c7e6d7bb7dedc4b6083fa6de
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/US Sec Of State Addresses US Soldiers, Meets Al Maliki, Talabani
1. US troops at speech by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice
2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Condoleezza Rice, US Secretary of State:
"I keep hearing and reading that the American people don't want to fight this war anymore. I don't think that's right. The American people want to know and they want us to succeed because they too want to succeed. And so we will have our discussions and our debates at home but Americans want to win this war, they will leave an Iraq that is better than the one they found, they want to leave an Iraq that is going to be a pillar (inaudible) of the Middle East. The President (US president George W. Bush) has put forward a new plan and hopes to do that. I'm (inaudible), I'm ready to go. I know that each and every one of you is ready to go too. So thank you for what you do everyday, I cannot thank you more on behalf of our nation, all who are here, the coalition, Iraqis and Americans. You're a noble cause and we're going to succeed. Thank you."
3. Rice leaving podium to applause
4. Iraqi officials including Mowaffak Rubaie, National Security Adviser, walking forward to meet Rice
5. Camera operators
6. Rice and Iraqi delegation walking inside
7. Various of Rice and al-Maliki seated, posing for photographers
8. Iraqi Foreign Minister, Hoshyar Zebari, waiting for Rice
9. Rice entering meeting
10. Rice shaking hands with Zebari, then greeting Iraqi President Jalal Talabani
11. Rice greeting other Iraqi officials
12. Various of Rice seated with Talabani
13. Various of Rice leaving meeting
The success of a new security crackdown in Baghdad will be measured largely on how well the US-backed government capitalises on any respite of sectarian violence, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said on Saturday.
Rice was speaking during an unannounced visit to the Iraqi capital to check on the early days of the campaign to put down tit-for-tat violence between Sunnis and Shiites.
Rice's plane circled the airport for 30 minutes before landing because of military action in the city.
She met with US troops stationed in Baghdad and praised the work they were doing.
"Americans want to win this war, they will leave an Iraq that is better than the one they found," she said. "I cannot thank you more on behalf of our nation, all who are here, the coalition, Iraqis and Americans. You're a noble cause and we're going to succeed. Thank you."
The Secretary of State is the highest-level US official in Iraq since the start of a massive security operation in the Iraqi capital this week.
She told reporters that the campaign appeared to be off to a good start.
After getting an update on the security operation from US generals, Rice held talks with Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, President Jalal Talabani and Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari.
Insurgent violence remained a concern in the capital.
Ten bodies were reported by the morgue in Baghdad on Friday, compared to an average of 40- to 50 per day common in recent months.
While the reduction in killings was a relief, the commander of the US forces in Baghdad cautioned that the militias and insurgents may have decided to lie low, at least during these early days of the security crackdown.
But in the northern Iraqi city of Kirkuk a suicide car bomber rammed into a crowded market on Saturday moments after a booby-trapped vehicle exploded, killing at least nine people and injuring 60, the police said.
Rice is scheduled to leave for Jerusalem later on Saturday and meet with Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/e57db7d4c7e6d7bb7dedc4b6083fa6de
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki meets British Defence Minister John Hutton
1. British Defence Secretary, John Hutton, arriving with delegates for meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki
2. Al-Malik...
1. British Defence Secretary, John Hutton, arriving with delegates for meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki
2. Al-Maliki shaking hands with Hutton as delegates walk into room
3. Al-Maliki shaking hands with army personnel and delegates
4. Al-Maliki sitting down with Hutton
5. Mid of al-Maliki and Hutton seated
6. Close-up of Hutton, pull out to mid of Hutton and al-Maliki
7. Wide of meeting
8. Mid of Hutton and al-Maliki
8. Close-up of Hutton
9. Close-up of al-Maliki
10. Cutaway of delegates
Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki said talks on the future of British forces in Iraq will start soon after the December 31 expiration of the UN mandate for foreign forces.
Al-Maliki said he'll appoint a team to start discussions with British officials for the future of the 4,100 British troops in southern Iraq.
The prime minister made the announcement in a statement on Sunday issued by his office, after meeting with visiting British Defence Secretary John Hutton.
It was Hutton's first visit to Iraq following his appointment two weeks ago.
Iraq's government is involved in similar negotiations over a longterm security agreement with the United States.
Last Monday, al-Maliki told London newspaper, The Times, that British forces are no longer necessary to provide security but there may be a need for few of them for training and technical issues.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4488b8f7e8538e8d0855bf71c4e2da8d
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Iraqi Pm Nouri Al Maliki Meets British Defence Minister John Hutton
1. British Defence Secretary, John Hutton, arriving with delegates for meeting with Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al-Maliki
2. Al-Maliki shaking hands with Hutton as delegates walk into room
3. Al-Maliki shaking hands with army personnel and delegates
4. Al-Maliki sitting down with Hutton
5. Mid of al-Maliki and Hutton seated
6. Close-up of Hutton, pull out to mid of Hutton and al-Maliki
7. Wide of meeting
8. Mid of Hutton and al-Maliki
8. Close-up of Hutton
9. Close-up of al-Maliki
10. Cutaway of delegates
Iraqi prime minister Nouri al-Maliki said talks on the future of British forces in Iraq will start soon after the December 31 expiration of the UN mandate for foreign forces.
Al-Maliki said he'll appoint a team to start discussions with British officials for the future of the 4,100 British troops in southern Iraq.
The prime minister made the announcement in a statement on Sunday issued by his office, after meeting with visiting British Defence Secretary John Hutton.
It was Hutton's first visit to Iraq following his appointment two weeks ago.
Iraq's government is involved in similar negotiations over a longterm security agreement with the United States.
Last Monday, al-Maliki told London newspaper, The Times, that British forces are no longer necessary to provide security but there may be a need for few of them for training and technical issues.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/4488b8f7e8538e8d0855bf71c4e2da8d
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 04 Aug 2015
- views: 0
US Secretary of State Kerry meets Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
US Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet Iraq's leaders and personally urge the Shiite-led government to give more power to political ...
US Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet Iraq's leaders and personally urge the Shiite-led government to give more power to political opponents before a Sunni insurgency seizes more control across the country and sweeps away hopes for lasting peace.
The meeting scheduled between Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was not expected to be friendly, given that officials in Washington have floated suggestions that the Iraqi premier should resign as a necessary first step toward quelling the uprising.
Nor is the meeting likely to bring any immediate, tangible results, as al-Maliki has shown no sign of leaving and Iraqi officials have long listened to - but ultimately ignored - US advice to avoid appearing controlled by the decade-old spectre of an American occupation in Baghdad.
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wn.com/US Secretary Of State Kerry Meets Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki
US Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet Iraq's leaders and personally urge the Shiite-led government to give more power to political opponents before a Sunni insurgency seizes more control across the country and sweeps away hopes for lasting peace.
The meeting scheduled between Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was not expected to be friendly, given that officials in Washington have floated suggestions that the Iraqi premier should resign as a necessary first step toward quelling the uprising.
Nor is the meeting likely to bring any immediate, tangible results, as al-Maliki has shown no sign of leaving and Iraqi officials have long listened to - but ultimately ignored - US advice to avoid appearing controlled by the decade-old spectre of an American occupation in Baghdad.
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- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Al-Maliki asks parliament to declare state of emergency as militants overrun parts of Mosul
Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki asked parliament to declare a state of emergency on Tuesday after Islamic militants overran parts of the country's second-...
Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki asked parliament to declare a state of emergency on Tuesday after Islamic militants overran parts of the country's second-largest city, Mosul.
"We have to declare a comprehensive mobilisation and the utmost alert in political, financial and popular capabilities to defeat terrorism and bring life to normal in all areas occupied by terrorists," he said in a nationally televised news conference.
His comments came after militants overran parts of Mosul, driving security forces from their posts and seizing the provincial government headquarters, security bases and other key buildings.
Under the constitution, parliament can declare a 30-day state of emergency on a two-thirds vote by its members, granting the prime minister the necessary powers to run the country.
Legal experts said that could include powers to impose curfews, restrict public movements and censor the media.
Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi - a Sunni from Mosul - said in a televised address that militants had seized helicopters at Mosul airport and captured weapons depots and several villages and a military airbase further south in Salahuddin province.
The fight for Mosul was a heavy defeat in Baghdad's battle against a widening insurgency by a breakaway al-Qaida group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which has been trying - with some success - to seize territory both in Iraq and neighbouring Syria.
Earlier this year, the group captured another Iraqi city, Fallujah, in the west of the country, and government forces have been unable to take it back after months of fighting.
The far larger Mosul is an even more strategic prize.
The city and surrounding Ninevah province are a major export route for Iraqi oil and a gateway to Syria.
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wn.com/Al Maliki Asks Parliament To Declare State Of Emergency As Militants Overrun Parts Of Mosul
Iraq's Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki asked parliament to declare a state of emergency on Tuesday after Islamic militants overran parts of the country's second-largest city, Mosul.
"We have to declare a comprehensive mobilisation and the utmost alert in political, financial and popular capabilities to defeat terrorism and bring life to normal in all areas occupied by terrorists," he said in a nationally televised news conference.
His comments came after militants overran parts of Mosul, driving security forces from their posts and seizing the provincial government headquarters, security bases and other key buildings.
Under the constitution, parliament can declare a 30-day state of emergency on a two-thirds vote by its members, granting the prime minister the necessary powers to run the country.
Legal experts said that could include powers to impose curfews, restrict public movements and censor the media.
Parliament Speaker Osama al-Nujaifi - a Sunni from Mosul - said in a televised address that militants had seized helicopters at Mosul airport and captured weapons depots and several villages and a military airbase further south in Salahuddin province.
The fight for Mosul was a heavy defeat in Baghdad's battle against a widening insurgency by a breakaway al-Qaida group, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, which has been trying - with some success - to seize territory both in Iraq and neighbouring Syria.
Earlier this year, the group captured another Iraqi city, Fallujah, in the west of the country, and government forces have been unable to take it back after months of fighting.
The far larger Mosul is an even more strategic prize.
The city and surrounding Ninevah province are a major export route for Iraqi oil and a gateway to Syria.
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- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Secretary of State John Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki met in Baghdad on Monday. Ker
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet with Iraq's leaders and personally urge the ...
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet with Iraq's leaders and personally urge the Shiite-led government to give more power to political opponents before a Sunni insurgency seizes more control across the country and sweeps away hopes for lasting peace.
The meeting scheduled between Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was not expected to be friendly, given that officials in Washington have floated suggestions that the Iraqi premier should resign as a necessary first step toward quelling the vicious uprising. Nor will it likely bring any immediate, tangible results, as al-Maliki has shown no sign of leaving and Iraqi officials have long listened to _ but ultimately ignored _ U.S. advice to avoid appearing controlled by the decade-old specter of an American occupation in Baghdad.
Still, having suffered together through more than eight years of war _ which killed nearly 4,500 American troops and more than 100,000 Iraqis _ the two wary allies are unwilling to turn away from the very real prospect of the Mideast nation falling into a fresh bout of sectarian strife.
"This is a critical moment where, together, we must urge Iraq's leaders to rise above sectarian motivations and form a government that is united in its determination to meet the needs and speak to the demands of all of their people," Kerry said a day earlier in Cairo. He was there in part to meet with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi to and discuss a regional solution to end the bloodshed by the insurgent Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.
Kerry arrived in Baghdad just a day after the Sunni militants captured two key border posts, one along the frontier with Jordan and the other with Syria, deepening al-Malliki's predicament. Their latest victories considerably expanded territory under the militants' control just two weeks after the al-Qaida breakaway group started swallowing up chunks of northern Iraq, heightening pressure on al-Maliki to step aside.
The offensive by ISIL takes the group closer to its dream of carving out an Islamic state straddling both Syria and Iraq. Controlling the borders with Syria will help it supply fellow fighters there with weaponry looted from Iraqi warehouses, boosting its ability to battle beleaguered Syrian government forces.
If the Sunni insurgents succeed in their quest to secure an enclave, they could further unsettle the already volatile Middle East and serve as a magnet for Jihadists from around the world.
The militants' stunning battlefield successes in the north and the west of Iraq have laid bare the inadequacies of the country's U.S.-trained forces. In the north, troops fled in the face of advancing militants, abandoning their weapons, vehicles and other equipment. In some cases in the west, they pulled out either when the militants approached or when they heard of other towns falling.
Sunday's capture by the militants of crossings bordering Jordan and Syria followed the fall on Friday and Saturday of the towns of Qaim, Rawah, Anah and Rutba, all of which are in Sunni-dominated Anbar province, where the militants have since January controlled the city of Fallujah and parts of the provincial capital, Ramadi.
Even before U.S. troops left Iraq for good at the end of 2011, a merciless Sunni insurgency was pounding the country with car bombs, roadside explosions, suicide bombings and drive-by assassinations, mainly targeting the Shiite government, its security forces and Shiite pilgrims. Since the start of this year, and peaking this month, ISIL has overtaken several cities in Iraq's west and north, and over the past weekend was controlling several main border crossings between Iraq and Syria.
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wn.com/Secretary Of State John Kerry And Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Malaki Met In Baghdad On Monday. Ker
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet with Iraq's leaders and personally urge the Shiite-led government to give more power to political opponents before a Sunni insurgency seizes more control across the country and sweeps away hopes for lasting peace.
The meeting scheduled between Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was not expected to be friendly, given that officials in Washington have floated suggestions that the Iraqi premier should resign as a necessary first step toward quelling the vicious uprising. Nor will it likely bring any immediate, tangible results, as al-Maliki has shown no sign of leaving and Iraqi officials have long listened to _ but ultimately ignored _ U.S. advice to avoid appearing controlled by the decade-old specter of an American occupation in Baghdad.
Still, having suffered together through more than eight years of war _ which killed nearly 4,500 American troops and more than 100,000 Iraqis _ the two wary allies are unwilling to turn away from the very real prospect of the Mideast nation falling into a fresh bout of sectarian strife.
"This is a critical moment where, together, we must urge Iraq's leaders to rise above sectarian motivations and form a government that is united in its determination to meet the needs and speak to the demands of all of their people," Kerry said a day earlier in Cairo. He was there in part to meet with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi to and discuss a regional solution to end the bloodshed by the insurgent Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.
Kerry arrived in Baghdad just a day after the Sunni militants captured two key border posts, one along the frontier with Jordan and the other with Syria, deepening al-Malliki's predicament. Their latest victories considerably expanded territory under the militants' control just two weeks after the al-Qaida breakaway group started swallowing up chunks of northern Iraq, heightening pressure on al-Maliki to step aside.
The offensive by ISIL takes the group closer to its dream of carving out an Islamic state straddling both Syria and Iraq. Controlling the borders with Syria will help it supply fellow fighters there with weaponry looted from Iraqi warehouses, boosting its ability to battle beleaguered Syrian government forces.
If the Sunni insurgents succeed in their quest to secure an enclave, they could further unsettle the already volatile Middle East and serve as a magnet for Jihadists from around the world.
The militants' stunning battlefield successes in the north and the west of Iraq have laid bare the inadequacies of the country's U.S.-trained forces. In the north, troops fled in the face of advancing militants, abandoning their weapons, vehicles and other equipment. In some cases in the west, they pulled out either when the militants approached or when they heard of other towns falling.
Sunday's capture by the militants of crossings bordering Jordan and Syria followed the fall on Friday and Saturday of the towns of Qaim, Rawah, Anah and Rutba, all of which are in Sunni-dominated Anbar province, where the militants have since January controlled the city of Fallujah and parts of the provincial capital, Ramadi.
Even before U.S. troops left Iraq for good at the end of 2011, a merciless Sunni insurgency was pounding the country with car bombs, roadside explosions, suicide bombings and drive-by assassinations, mainly targeting the Shiite government, its security forces and Shiite pilgrims. Since the start of this year, and peaking this month, ISIL has overtaken several cities in Iraq's west and north, and over the past weekend was controlling several main border crossings between Iraq and Syria.
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- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Secretary of State John Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki met in Baghdad on Monday. Ker
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet with Iraq's leaders and personally urge the ...
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet with Iraq's leaders and personally urge the Shiite-led government to give more power to political opponents before a Sunni insurgency seizes more control across the country and sweeps away hopes for lasting peace.
The meeting scheduled between Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was not expected to be friendly, given that officials in Washington have floated suggestions that the Iraqi premier should resign as a necessary first step toward quelling the vicious uprising. Nor will it likely bring any immediate, tangible results, as al-Maliki has shown no sign of leaving and Iraqi officials have long listened to _ but ultimately ignored _ U.S. advice to avoid appearing controlled by the decade-old specter of an American occupation in Baghdad.
Still, having suffered together through more than eight years of war _ which killed nearly 4,500 American troops and more than 100,000 Iraqis _ the two wary allies are unwilling to turn away from the very real prospect of the Mideast nation falling into a fresh bout of sectarian strife.
"This is a critical moment where, together, we must urge Iraq's leaders to rise above sectarian motivations and form a government that is united in its determination to meet the needs and speak to the demands of all of their people," Kerry said a day earlier in Cairo. He was there in part to meet with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi to and discuss a regional solution to end the bloodshed by the insurgent Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.
Kerry arrived in Baghdad just a day after the Sunni militants captured two key border posts, one along the frontier with Jordan and the other with Syria, deepening al-Malliki's predicament. Their latest victories considerably expanded territory under the militants' control just two weeks after the al-Qaida breakaway group started swallowing up chunks of northern Iraq, heightening pressure on al-Maliki to step aside.
The offensive by ISIL takes the group closer to its dream of carving out an Islamic state straddling both Syria and Iraq. Controlling the borders with Syria will help it supply fellow fighters there with weaponry looted from Iraqi warehouses, boosting its ability to battle beleaguered Syrian government forces.
If the Sunni insurgents succeed in their quest to secure an enclave, they could further unsettle the already volatile Middle East and serve as a magnet for Jihadists from around the world.
The militants' stunning battlefield successes in the north and the west of Iraq have laid bare the inadequacies of the country's U.S.-trained forces. In the north, troops fled in the face of advancing militants, abandoning their weapons, vehicles and other equipment. In some cases in the west, they pulled out either when the militants approached or when they heard of other towns falling.
Sunday's capture by the militants of crossings bordering Jordan and Syria followed the fall on Friday and Saturday of the towns of Qaim, Rawah, Anah and Rutba, all of which are in Sunni-dominated Anbar province, where the militants have since January controlled the city of Fallujah and parts of the provincial capital, Ramadi.
Even before U.S. troops left Iraq for good at the end of 2011, a merciless Sunni insurgency was pounding the country with car bombs, roadside explosions, suicide bombings and drive-by assassinations, mainly targeting the Shiite government, its security forces and Shiite pilgrims. Since the start of this year, and peaking this month, ISIL has overtaken several cities in Iraq's west and north, and over the past weekend was controlling several main border crossings between Iraq and Syria.
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wn.com/Secretary Of State John Kerry And Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Malaki Met In Baghdad On Monday. Ker
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Baghdad on Monday to meet with Iraq's leaders and personally urge the Shiite-led government to give more power to political opponents before a Sunni insurgency seizes more control across the country and sweeps away hopes for lasting peace.
The meeting scheduled between Kerry and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki was not expected to be friendly, given that officials in Washington have floated suggestions that the Iraqi premier should resign as a necessary first step toward quelling the vicious uprising. Nor will it likely bring any immediate, tangible results, as al-Maliki has shown no sign of leaving and Iraqi officials have long listened to _ but ultimately ignored _ U.S. advice to avoid appearing controlled by the decade-old specter of an American occupation in Baghdad.
Still, having suffered together through more than eight years of war _ which killed nearly 4,500 American troops and more than 100,000 Iraqis _ the two wary allies are unwilling to turn away from the very real prospect of the Mideast nation falling into a fresh bout of sectarian strife.
"This is a critical moment where, together, we must urge Iraq's leaders to rise above sectarian motivations and form a government that is united in its determination to meet the needs and speak to the demands of all of their people," Kerry said a day earlier in Cairo. He was there in part to meet with Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi to and discuss a regional solution to end the bloodshed by the insurgent Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL.
Kerry arrived in Baghdad just a day after the Sunni militants captured two key border posts, one along the frontier with Jordan and the other with Syria, deepening al-Malliki's predicament. Their latest victories considerably expanded territory under the militants' control just two weeks after the al-Qaida breakaway group started swallowing up chunks of northern Iraq, heightening pressure on al-Maliki to step aside.
The offensive by ISIL takes the group closer to its dream of carving out an Islamic state straddling both Syria and Iraq. Controlling the borders with Syria will help it supply fellow fighters there with weaponry looted from Iraqi warehouses, boosting its ability to battle beleaguered Syrian government forces.
If the Sunni insurgents succeed in their quest to secure an enclave, they could further unsettle the already volatile Middle East and serve as a magnet for Jihadists from around the world.
The militants' stunning battlefield successes in the north and the west of Iraq have laid bare the inadequacies of the country's U.S.-trained forces. In the north, troops fled in the face of advancing militants, abandoning their weapons, vehicles and other equipment. In some cases in the west, they pulled out either when the militants approached or when they heard of other towns falling.
Sunday's capture by the militants of crossings bordering Jordan and Syria followed the fall on Friday and Saturday of the towns of Qaim, Rawah, Anah and Rutba, all of which are in Sunni-dominated Anbar province, where the militants have since January controlled the city of Fallujah and parts of the provincial capital, Ramadi.
Even before U.S. troops left Iraq for good at the end of 2011, a merciless Sunni insurgency was pounding the country with car bombs, roadside explosions, suicide bombings and drive-by assassinations, mainly targeting the Shiite government, its security forces and Shiite pilgrims. Since the start of this year, and peaking this month, ISIL has overtaken several cities in Iraq's west and north, and over the past weekend was controlling several main border crossings between Iraq and Syria.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/2249ed4d6efc776fedeef0490e4462e7
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- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Kurds react to Maliki's comments that the northern region is a haven for 'terrorists'
Kurdish officials in Irbil reacted on Wednesday to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's comments that the Northern region was a haven for "terrorists."
Kurdish officials in Irbil reacted on Wednesday to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's comments that the Northern region was a haven for "terrorists."
Safeen Dizayee, a spokesman for the Kurdish Regional Government and Sheikh Abdul Razzaq al Shammari, a spokesperson for the Iraqi People's Movement, a group representing Sunni Arabs largely in the Kurdistan region, denied the region was harbouring extremists and stressed the Kurds' willingness to help Iraqis fleeing clashes.
Shammari said the people in the region "stand against the Iraqi political regime" but he added that Kurds would still entertain "relations with everyone, those who are for and those who are against the Iraqi government."
He also said al-Maliki should "kick out all the 28 Shia terrorist militias from Baghdad."
Iraq's prime minister earlier on Wednesday accused the largely autonomous northern Kurdish region of being a haven for the Islamic extremists and other Sunni militants that had overrun much of the country over the past month.
Al-Maliki's comments were likely to cause more tensions in the central government's already testy relationship with the Kurdish region.
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wn.com/Kurds React To Maliki's Comments That The Northern Region Is A Haven For 'terrorists'
Kurdish officials in Irbil reacted on Wednesday to Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's comments that the Northern region was a haven for "terrorists."
Safeen Dizayee, a spokesman for the Kurdish Regional Government and Sheikh Abdul Razzaq al Shammari, a spokesperson for the Iraqi People's Movement, a group representing Sunni Arabs largely in the Kurdistan region, denied the region was harbouring extremists and stressed the Kurds' willingness to help Iraqis fleeing clashes.
Shammari said the people in the region "stand against the Iraqi political regime" but he added that Kurds would still entertain "relations with everyone, those who are for and those who are against the Iraqi government."
He also said al-Maliki should "kick out all the 28 Shia terrorist militias from Baghdad."
Iraq's prime minister earlier on Wednesday accused the largely autonomous northern Kurdish region of being a haven for the Islamic extremists and other Sunni militants that had overrun much of the country over the past month.
Al-Maliki's comments were likely to cause more tensions in the central government's already testy relationship with the Kurdish region.
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- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 2
Demonstration in support of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
Hundreds of supporters of Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al Maliki gathered on the streets of Baghdad on Saturday, calling for him to remain on as Prime Minister f...
Hundreds of supporters of Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al Maliki gathered on the streets of Baghdad on Saturday, calling for him to remain on as Prime Minister for a third term.
"We condemn those who want to take the will of the Iraqi voters," said one supporter, Hussein Mohammed.
Since elections in April, Iraq's main political coalition still can't decide who to present as the next prime minister, delaying a scheduled discussion in parliament.
Al-Maliki's State of Law party won the most seats in the Parliamentary elections and he has vowed to stay on as Prime Minister, despite pressure to step aside.
But his critics accuse him of monopolising power and alienating Sunni and Kurdish minorities.
The Shiite clerical leadership in Najaf represented by the reverend Ayatollah Ali al Sistani has stressed that the new Iraqi prime minister should have a nationwide acceptance among Iraqi sects and nationalities.
Al-Maliki has been widely blamed for the recent territorial gains across northern Iraq by the Islamic State group.
They've captured a string of towns and villages in the north and sent minority communities fleeing for their lives.
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wn.com/Demonstration In Support Of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki
Hundreds of supporters of Iraqi Prime Minister, Nouri al Maliki gathered on the streets of Baghdad on Saturday, calling for him to remain on as Prime Minister for a third term.
"We condemn those who want to take the will of the Iraqi voters," said one supporter, Hussein Mohammed.
Since elections in April, Iraq's main political coalition still can't decide who to present as the next prime minister, delaying a scheduled discussion in parliament.
Al-Maliki's State of Law party won the most seats in the Parliamentary elections and he has vowed to stay on as Prime Minister, despite pressure to step aside.
But his critics accuse him of monopolising power and alienating Sunni and Kurdish minorities.
The Shiite clerical leadership in Najaf represented by the reverend Ayatollah Ali al Sistani has stressed that the new Iraqi prime minister should have a nationwide acceptance among Iraqi sects and nationalities.
Al-Maliki has been widely blamed for the recent territorial gains across northern Iraq by the Islamic State group.
They've captured a string of towns and villages in the north and sent minority communities fleeing for their lives.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/808704ced04a3aa290cd2d57947dc661
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Obama congratulates Iraqi prime minister-designate; urges him to form govt
US President Barack Obama on Monday praised the appointment of a prime minister to replace Nouri al-Maliki and urged the formation of a new government in Iraq a...
US President Barack Obama on Monday praised the appointment of a prime minister to replace Nouri al-Maliki and urged the formation of a new government in Iraq as soon as possible.
In brief remarks delivered at his vacation spot in Martha's Vineyard, Obama said he and Vice President Joe Biden had spoken with Haider al-Ibadi, who was designated prime minister by the new president.
al-Ibadi, the deputy speaker of parliament from al-Maliki's Shiite Dawa party, was selected by President Fouad Massoum to be the new prime minister and was given 30 days to present a new government to lawmakers for approval.
Obama urged on al-Ibadi to form an inclusive government representing all Iraqi minorities.
"The only lasting solution is for Iraqis to come together and form an inclusive government, one that represents the legitimate interests of all Iraqis and one that can unify the country's fight against ISIL," Obama said.
He called al-Ibadi's nomination a "promising step forward" and he urged "all Iraqi political leaders to work peacefully through the political process."
Obama also said the United States had successfully carried out targeted air strikes to support Kurdish fighters in their battle against fighters from the Islamic State (IS), and conducted humanitarian relief missions to aid thousands of stranded women and children in the Sinjar mountains in Iraq.
"Some have began to escape their perch on that mountain and we are working with international partners to develop options to bring them to safety," Obama said.
US airstrikes have reinvigorated Iraqi Kurdish forces battling the Islamic State and on Sunday, the Kurdish peshmerga fighters retook two towns, Makhmour and al-Gweir, some 28 miles (45 kilometres) from Irbil, from the Sunni militants in what was one of their first victories after weeks of retreat.
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wn.com/Obama Congratulates Iraqi Prime Minister Designate Urges Him To Form Govt
US President Barack Obama on Monday praised the appointment of a prime minister to replace Nouri al-Maliki and urged the formation of a new government in Iraq as soon as possible.
In brief remarks delivered at his vacation spot in Martha's Vineyard, Obama said he and Vice President Joe Biden had spoken with Haider al-Ibadi, who was designated prime minister by the new president.
al-Ibadi, the deputy speaker of parliament from al-Maliki's Shiite Dawa party, was selected by President Fouad Massoum to be the new prime minister and was given 30 days to present a new government to lawmakers for approval.
Obama urged on al-Ibadi to form an inclusive government representing all Iraqi minorities.
"The only lasting solution is for Iraqis to come together and form an inclusive government, one that represents the legitimate interests of all Iraqis and one that can unify the country's fight against ISIL," Obama said.
He called al-Ibadi's nomination a "promising step forward" and he urged "all Iraqi political leaders to work peacefully through the political process."
Obama also said the United States had successfully carried out targeted air strikes to support Kurdish fighters in their battle against fighters from the Islamic State (IS), and conducted humanitarian relief missions to aid thousands of stranded women and children in the Sinjar mountains in Iraq.
"Some have began to escape their perch on that mountain and we are working with international partners to develop options to bring them to safety," Obama said.
US airstrikes have reinvigorated Iraqi Kurdish forces battling the Islamic State and on Sunday, the Kurdish peshmerga fighters retook two towns, Makhmour and al-Gweir, some 28 miles (45 kilometres) from Irbil, from the Sunni militants in what was one of their first victories after weeks of retreat.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/5d2eabf34e379924b07526193076a649
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- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Iranian Foreign Minister meets Iraqi incumbent Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki
Iraq's outgoing prime minister Nouri al-Maliki met Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his delegation in Baghdad on Sunday.
Zarif arrived in the ...
Iraq's outgoing prime minister Nouri al-Maliki met Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his delegation in Baghdad on Sunday.
Zarif arrived in the Iraqi capital earlier in the day for a two-day visit during which he is also expected to meet his Iraqi counterpart, Hoshyar Zebari, and Prime Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi, according to agency reports.
Talks were expected to centre on bilateral relations as well as the latest political and security developments in Iraq.
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wn.com/Iranian Foreign Minister Meets Iraqi Incumbent Prime Minister Nouri Al Maliki
Iraq's outgoing prime minister Nouri al-Maliki met Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and his delegation in Baghdad on Sunday.
Zarif arrived in the Iraqi capital earlier in the day for a two-day visit during which he is also expected to meet his Iraqi counterpart, Hoshyar Zebari, and Prime Minister-designate Haider al-Abadi, according to agency reports.
Talks were expected to centre on bilateral relations as well as the latest political and security developments in Iraq.
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- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 2
Security and reaction after al-Maliki steps down as prime minister
Iraq's embattled Nouri al-Maliki has stepped down as prime minister, caving in to international and domestic pressure to give up his post to a rival politician....
Iraq's embattled Nouri al-Maliki has stepped down as prime minister, caving in to international and domestic pressure to give up his post to a rival politician.
The move defuses a political deadlock that has plunged Iraq into uncertainty and opens way for the formation of a new government that could take on a growing insurgency by Sunni militants that has engulfed much of the country.
Al-Maliki made the announcement on national television late on Thursday, standing alongside senior members of his Islamic Dawa Party, including rival Haider al-Abadi.
The premier-designate al-Abadi, a veteran Shiite lawmaker, now faces the immense challenge of trying to unite Iraqi politicians.
The country's major political factions deeply distrust each other and the army seems unable to regain territory in the north and west taken by militants from the Islamic
State group.
Iraqi political analyst Kareem Hassan Jabr said on Friday that as well as battling militants in the country, al-Abadi must combat "the financial corruption which has prevailed in government institutions."
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/29335a739b98b5906ef4127fccb50c44
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wn.com/Security And Reaction After Al Maliki Steps Down As Prime Minister
Iraq's embattled Nouri al-Maliki has stepped down as prime minister, caving in to international and domestic pressure to give up his post to a rival politician.
The move defuses a political deadlock that has plunged Iraq into uncertainty and opens way for the formation of a new government that could take on a growing insurgency by Sunni militants that has engulfed much of the country.
Al-Maliki made the announcement on national television late on Thursday, standing alongside senior members of his Islamic Dawa Party, including rival Haider al-Abadi.
The premier-designate al-Abadi, a veteran Shiite lawmaker, now faces the immense challenge of trying to unite Iraqi politicians.
The country's major political factions deeply distrust each other and the army seems unable to regain territory in the north and west taken by militants from the Islamic
State group.
Iraqi political analyst Kareem Hassan Jabr said on Friday that as well as battling militants in the country, al-Abadi must combat "the financial corruption which has prevailed in government institutions."
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/29335a739b98b5906ef4127fccb50c44
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 2
Nouri Al Maliki meets with Iranian Leader - Evening News | 10 November | Sahar TV | خبریں
Nouri Al Maliki meets with Iranian Leader - Evening News | 10 November | Sahar TV | خبریں
Nouri Al Maliki meets with Iranian Leader - Evening News | 10 November | Sahar TV | خبریں
Broadcast Date-: 10 November 2014
La vérité de Nouri Al-Maliki [Fr]
La vérité de Nouri Al-Maliki [Fr]
La vérité de Nouri Al-Maliki [Fr]
انداز جہاں|Nouri al-Maliki nominated for PM|Sahar TV Urdu|Political Analysis
انداز جہاں|Nouri al-Maliki nominated for PM|Sahar TV Urdu|Political Analysis
انداز جہاں|Nouri al-Maliki nominated for PM|Sahar TV Urdu|Political Analysis
Broadcast Date-:-May 24 2014
Iraq's State of Law Coalition officially names Nouri al-Maliki as its only candidate for premiership.
Inside Iraq - Nuri al-Maliki's future - 30 Oct 09
Inside Iraq - Nuri al-Maliki's future - 30 Oct 09
Inside Iraq - Nuri al-Maliki's future - 30 Oct 09
What will the future hold for the Iraqi prime minister in light of the upcoming elections and the recent wave of violence that has hit Iraq?
Nuri al-Maliki, Prime Minster of Iraq, on the future of Iraq. Lowy Institute
Nuri al-Maliki, Prime Minster of Iraq, on the future of Iraq. Lowy Institute
Nuri al-Maliki, Prime Minster of Iraq, on the future of Iraq. Lowy Institute
As part of its Distinguished Speaker Series, the Lowy Institute hosted His Excellency Nuri al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq. In this talk Prime Minister al-...
Jeremy Scahill on the Blackwater Security Scandal (2007)
Jeremy Scahill on the Blackwater Security Scandal (2007)
Jeremy Scahill on the Blackwater Security Scandal (2007)
On September 16, 2007, Blackwater military contractors shot at Iraqi civilians killing 17 and injuring 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad. The fatalities occurred ...
نوری مالیکی سەرۆك وەزیرانی عێراق Nouri al-Maliki the Prime Minister of Iraq
نوری مالیکی سەرۆك وەزیرانی عێراق Nouri al-Maliki the Prime Minister of Iraq
نوری مالیکی سەرۆك وەزیرانی عێراق Nouri al-Maliki the Prime Minister of Iraq
نوری مالیکی سەرۆك وەزیرانی عێراق Nouri al-Maliki the Prime Minister of Iraq
Nouri al-Maliki 2014
NRT TV With Nouri al Maliki
NRT TV NUri Maliki, NRT TV Maliki
Has the Iraqi PM outstayed his welcome?
Has the Iraqi PM outstayed his welcome?
Has the Iraqi PM outstayed his welcome?
Nouri al-Maliki remains defiant in the face of increasing isolation and international pressure to step down. Martine Dennis speaks to Shiraz Maher, a senior ...
Bremer attacks ISIS, Maliki and Obama
Bremer attacks ISIS, Maliki and Obama
Bremer attacks ISIS, Maliki and Obama
Paul Bremer says Nouri Al-Maliki's "sectarian" politics are responsible for the current situation in Iraq and blames Obama for "prematurely"withdrawing from Iraq. He admits to making mistakes when he was Iraq's Civilian Administrator but is adamant Iraqis are better off without Saddam no matter the price.
Inside America: Will Obama Back al-Maliki's Seek of a Third Term in Iraq?
Inside America: Will Obama Back al-Maliki's Seek of a Third Term in Iraq?
Inside America: Will Obama Back al-Maliki's Seek of a Third Term in Iraq?
By Namo Abdulla Washington, D.C -- Iraq's Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, was here in Washington last week for the first time ever since the withdrawal of U....
President Obama's Press Conference with Prime Minister Maliki
President Obama's Press Conference with Prime Minister Maliki
President Obama's Press Conference with Prime Minister Maliki
President Obama and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq reaffirm their common vision of a long-term partnership between the United States and Iraq. Decemb...
Will Maliki’s resignation save Iraq?
Will Maliki’s resignation save Iraq?
Will Maliki’s resignation save Iraq?
Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki has agreed to step down at a time of national crisis and deep division.
UrduNEWS|Iran urges united anti-terrorism front,Rouhani's telephone to Nouri al-Maliki|SaharTV|خبریں
UrduNEWS|Iran urges united anti-terrorism front,Rouhani's telephone to Nouri al-Maliki|SaharTV|خبریں
UrduNEWS|Iran urges united anti-terrorism front,Rouhani's telephone to Nouri al-Maliki|SaharTV|خبریں
Broadcast Date-:-December 15 2013 -Website: http://urdu.sahartv.ir/archive/video/
Full Show 8/15/14: The Bigger Picture: Ferguson
Full Show 8/15/14: The Bigger Picture: Ferguson
Full Show 8/15/14: The Bigger Picture: Ferguson
Tonight's “Big Picture Rumble” discusses the latest news coming out of Ferguson, MO, the stepping down of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and whether Ob...
Inside Story - Breaking Iraq's deadlock?
Inside Story - Breaking Iraq's deadlock?
Inside Story - Breaking Iraq's deadlock?
An offer from the Saudi King to break Iraq's political deadlock is welcomed by Iyad Allawi, the former Iraqi PM, but rejected by his rival Nouri al-Maliki. I...
Iraq: The Unraveling (w/ Mark Leon Goldberg)
Iraq: The Unraveling (w/ Mark Leon Goldberg)
Iraq: The Unraveling (w/ Mark Leon Goldberg)
UN Dispatch's Mark Leon Goldberg explains how Iraq's government Nouri al Maliki, has been unable to stop growing violence in the country, the violent extremi...
Iraq and Beyond - Time for New Alliances? | Quadriga
Iraq and Beyond - Time for New Alliances? | Quadriga
Iraq and Beyond - Time for New Alliances? | Quadriga
The sudden advance of the Islamist terror group ISIS in Iraq shows how fragile this multi-ethnic state is. Sunnis and Kurds have long felt oppressed by the g...
Listening Post - Iraq: 'Disciplining' the media
Listening Post - Iraq: 'Disciplining' the media
Listening Post - Iraq: 'Disciplining' the media
In Iraq, tensions have again flared up in a new wave of deadly attacks against political and sectarian targets. Iraqi media, especially outlets that speak to...
Chiites -- sunnites : Un risque de guerre confessionnelle ? (partie 1) - #DébatF24
Chiites -- sunnites : Un risque de guerre confessionnelle ? (partie 1) - #DébatF24
Chiites -- sunnites : Un risque de guerre confessionnelle ? (partie 1) - #DébatF24
Les attentats se multiplient en Irak. Dimanche, au moins 37 personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque suicide au sud de Bagdad. Interrogé sur France 24, le Pr...
Chiites -- sunnites : Un risque de guerre confessionnelle ? (partie 2) - #DébatF24
Chiites -- sunnites : Un risque de guerre confessionnelle ? (partie 2) - #DébatF24
Chiites -- sunnites : Un risque de guerre confessionnelle ? (partie 2) - #DébatF24
Les attentats se multiplient en Irak. Dimanche, au moins 37 personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque suicide au sud de Bagdad. Interrogé sur France 24, le Pr...
Nouri Al Maliki meets with Iranian Leader - Evening News | 10 November | Sahar TV | خبریں
Broadcast Date-: 10 November 2014
Broadcast Date-: 10 November 2014
wn.com/Nouri Al Maliki Meets With Iranian Leader Evening News | 10 November | Sahar Tv | خبریں
Broadcast Date-: 10 November 2014
- published: 10 Nov 2014
- views: 95
انداز جہاں|Nouri al-Maliki nominated for PM|Sahar TV Urdu|Political Analysis
Broadcast Date-:-May 24 2014
Iraq's State of Law Coalition officially names Nouri al-Maliki as its only candidate for premiership.
Broadcast Date-:-May 24 2014
Iraq's State of Law Coalition officially names Nouri al-Maliki as its only candidate for premiership.
wn.com/انداز جہاں|Nouri Al Maliki Nominated For Pm|Sahar Tv Urdu|Political Analysis
Broadcast Date-:-May 24 2014
Iraq's State of Law Coalition officially names Nouri al-Maliki as its only candidate for premiership.
- published: 24 May 2014
- views: 24
Inside Iraq - Nuri al-Maliki's future - 30 Oct 09
What will the future hold for the Iraqi prime minister in light of the upcoming elections and the recent wave of violence that has hit Iraq?...
What will the future hold for the Iraqi prime minister in light of the upcoming elections and the recent wave of violence that has hit Iraq?
wn.com/Inside Iraq Nuri Al Maliki's Future 30 Oct 09
What will the future hold for the Iraqi prime minister in light of the upcoming elections and the recent wave of violence that has hit Iraq?
Nuri al-Maliki, Prime Minster of Iraq, on the future of Iraq. Lowy Institute
As part of its Distinguished Speaker Series, the Lowy Institute hosted His Excellency Nuri al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq. In this talk Prime Minister al-......
As part of its Distinguished Speaker Series, the Lowy Institute hosted His Excellency Nuri al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq. In this talk Prime Minister al-...
wn.com/Nuri Al Maliki, Prime Minster Of Iraq, On The Future Of Iraq. Lowy Institute
As part of its Distinguished Speaker Series, the Lowy Institute hosted His Excellency Nuri al-Maliki, Prime Minister of Iraq. In this talk Prime Minister al-...
Jeremy Scahill on the Blackwater Security Scandal (2007)
On September 16, 2007, Blackwater military contractors shot at Iraqi civilians killing 17 and injuring 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad. The fatalities occurred ......
On September 16, 2007, Blackwater military contractors shot at Iraqi civilians killing 17 and injuring 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad. The fatalities occurred ...
wn.com/Jeremy Scahill On The Blackwater Security Scandal (2007)
On September 16, 2007, Blackwater military contractors shot at Iraqi civilians killing 17 and injuring 20 in Nisour Square, Baghdad. The fatalities occurred ...
نوری مالیکی سەرۆك وەزیرانی عێراق Nouri al-Maliki the Prime Minister of Iraq
نوری مالیکی سەرۆك وەزیرانی عێراق Nouri al-Maliki the Prime Minister of Iraq
Nouri al-Maliki 2014
NRT TV With Nouri al Maliki
NRT TV NUri Maliki, NRT TV Maliki...
نوری مالیکی سەرۆك وەزیرانی عێراق Nouri al-Maliki the Prime Minister of Iraq
Nouri al-Maliki 2014
NRT TV With Nouri al Maliki
NRT TV NUri Maliki, NRT TV Maliki
wn.com/نوری مالیکی سەرۆك وەزیرانی عێراق Nouri Al Maliki The Prime Minister Of Iraq
نوری مالیکی سەرۆك وەزیرانی عێراق Nouri al-Maliki the Prime Minister of Iraq
Nouri al-Maliki 2014
NRT TV With Nouri al Maliki
NRT TV NUri Maliki, NRT TV Maliki
- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 6207
Has the Iraqi PM outstayed his welcome?
Nouri al-Maliki remains defiant in the face of increasing isolation and international pressure to step down. Martine Dennis speaks to Shiraz Maher, a senior ......
Nouri al-Maliki remains defiant in the face of increasing isolation and international pressure to step down. Martine Dennis speaks to Shiraz Maher, a senior ...
wn.com/Has The Iraqi Pm Outstayed His Welcome
Nouri al-Maliki remains defiant in the face of increasing isolation and international pressure to step down. Martine Dennis speaks to Shiraz Maher, a senior ...
Bremer attacks ISIS, Maliki and Obama
Paul Bremer says Nouri Al-Maliki's "sectarian" politics are responsible for the current situation in Iraq and blames Obama for "prematurely"withdrawing from Ira...
Paul Bremer says Nouri Al-Maliki's "sectarian" politics are responsible for the current situation in Iraq and blames Obama for "prematurely"withdrawing from Iraq. He admits to making mistakes when he was Iraq's Civilian Administrator but is adamant Iraqis are better off without Saddam no matter the price.
wn.com/Bremer Attacks Isis, Maliki And Obama
Paul Bremer says Nouri Al-Maliki's "sectarian" politics are responsible for the current situation in Iraq and blames Obama for "prematurely"withdrawing from Iraq. He admits to making mistakes when he was Iraq's Civilian Administrator but is adamant Iraqis are better off without Saddam no matter the price.
- published: 26 Jun 2014
- views: 3931
Inside America: Will Obama Back al-Maliki's Seek of a Third Term in Iraq?
By Namo Abdulla Washington, D.C -- Iraq's Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, was here in Washington last week for the first time ever since the withdrawal of U.......
By Namo Abdulla Washington, D.C -- Iraq's Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, was here in Washington last week for the first time ever since the withdrawal of U....
wn.com/Inside America Will Obama Back Al Maliki's Seek Of A Third Term In Iraq
By Namo Abdulla Washington, D.C -- Iraq's Prime Minister, Nuri al-Maliki, was here in Washington last week for the first time ever since the withdrawal of U....
- published: 12 Nov 2013
- views: 538
author: 11noumenon
President Obama's Press Conference with Prime Minister Maliki
President Obama and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq reaffirm their common vision of a long-term partnership between the United States and Iraq. Decemb......
President Obama and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq reaffirm their common vision of a long-term partnership between the United States and Iraq. Decemb...
wn.com/President Obama's Press Conference With Prime Minister Maliki
President Obama and Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki of Iraq reaffirm their common vision of a long-term partnership between the United States and Iraq. Decemb...
Will Maliki’s resignation save Iraq?
Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki has agreed to step down at a time of national crisis and deep division....
Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki has agreed to step down at a time of national crisis and deep division.
wn.com/Will Maliki’S Resignation Save Iraq
Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki has agreed to step down at a time of national crisis and deep division.
Full Show 8/15/14: The Bigger Picture: Ferguson
Tonight's “Big Picture Rumble” discusses the latest news coming out of Ferguson, MO, the stepping down of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and whether Ob......
Tonight's “Big Picture Rumble” discusses the latest news coming out of Ferguson, MO, the stepping down of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and whether Ob...
wn.com/Full Show 8 15 14 The Bigger Picture Ferguson
Tonight's “Big Picture Rumble” discusses the latest news coming out of Ferguson, MO, the stepping down of Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and whether Ob...
Inside Story - Breaking Iraq's deadlock?
An offer from the Saudi King to break Iraq's political deadlock is welcomed by Iyad Allawi, the former Iraqi PM, but rejected by his rival Nouri al-Maliki. I......
An offer from the Saudi King to break Iraq's political deadlock is welcomed by Iyad Allawi, the former Iraqi PM, but rejected by his rival Nouri al-Maliki. I...
wn.com/Inside Story Breaking Iraq's Deadlock
An offer from the Saudi King to break Iraq's political deadlock is welcomed by Iyad Allawi, the former Iraqi PM, but rejected by his rival Nouri al-Maliki. I...
Iraq: The Unraveling (w/ Mark Leon Goldberg)
UN Dispatch's Mark Leon Goldberg explains how Iraq's government Nouri al Maliki, has been unable to stop growing violence in the country, the violent extremi......
UN Dispatch's Mark Leon Goldberg explains how Iraq's government Nouri al Maliki, has been unable to stop growing violence in the country, the violent extremi...
wn.com/Iraq The Unraveling (W Mark Leon Goldberg)
UN Dispatch's Mark Leon Goldberg explains how Iraq's government Nouri al Maliki, has been unable to stop growing violence in the country, the violent extremi...
- published: 13 Jun 2014
- views: 6027
author: Sam Seder
Iraq and Beyond - Time for New Alliances? | Quadriga
The sudden advance of the Islamist terror group ISIS in Iraq shows how fragile this multi-ethnic state is. Sunnis and Kurds have long felt oppressed by the g......
The sudden advance of the Islamist terror group ISIS in Iraq shows how fragile this multi-ethnic state is. Sunnis and Kurds have long felt oppressed by the g...
wn.com/Iraq And Beyond Time For New Alliances | Quadriga
The sudden advance of the Islamist terror group ISIS in Iraq shows how fragile this multi-ethnic state is. Sunnis and Kurds have long felt oppressed by the g...
Listening Post - Iraq: 'Disciplining' the media
In Iraq, tensions have again flared up in a new wave of deadly attacks against political and sectarian targets. Iraqi media, especially outlets that speak to......
In Iraq, tensions have again flared up in a new wave of deadly attacks against political and sectarian targets. Iraqi media, especially outlets that speak to...
wn.com/Listening Post Iraq 'Disciplining' The Media
In Iraq, tensions have again flared up in a new wave of deadly attacks against political and sectarian targets. Iraqi media, especially outlets that speak to...
Chiites -- sunnites : Un risque de guerre confessionnelle ? (partie 1) - #DébatF24
Les attentats se multiplient en Irak. Dimanche, au moins 37 personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque suicide au sud de Bagdad. Interrogé sur France 24, le Pr......
Les attentats se multiplient en Irak. Dimanche, au moins 37 personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque suicide au sud de Bagdad. Interrogé sur France 24, le Pr...
wn.com/Chiites Sunnites Un Risque De Guerre Confessionnelle (Partie 1) Débatf24
Les attentats se multiplient en Irak. Dimanche, au moins 37 personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque suicide au sud de Bagdad. Interrogé sur France 24, le Pr...
- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 897
author: FRANCE 24
Chiites -- sunnites : Un risque de guerre confessionnelle ? (partie 2) - #DébatF24
Les attentats se multiplient en Irak. Dimanche, au moins 37 personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque suicide au sud de Bagdad. Interrogé sur France 24, le Pr......
Les attentats se multiplient en Irak. Dimanche, au moins 37 personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque suicide au sud de Bagdad. Interrogé sur France 24, le Pr...
wn.com/Chiites Sunnites Un Risque De Guerre Confessionnelle (Partie 2) Débatf24
Les attentats se multiplient en Irak. Dimanche, au moins 37 personnes ont été tuées dans une attaque suicide au sud de Bagdad. Interrogé sur France 24, le Pr...
- published: 10 Mar 2014
- views: 1065
author: FRANCE 24