Josh HorowitzCuntas deimhnithe


MTV News correspondent. Beloved host/creator of AFTER HOURS. Inventor of the cinnabon.

ÜT: 39.760314,-76.063161
Clárú: Aibreán 2007

Tá @joshuahorowitz coiscthe agat

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  1. Happy/Sad/Confused. With Vin Diesel. vindiesel

  2. Also, I believe no character in the history of film has delivered so much exposition so entertainingly as Doc Brown.

  3. BACK TO THE FUTURE 2 has more problems than I'd remembered. It's still manic and fun and clever and bizarre. But also a bit of a mess.

  4. Having just watched BACK TO THE FUTURE 1 & 2 on the big screen, some observations. The original remains a nearly perfect film.

  5. We're there these kinds of BACK TO THE FUTURE festivities in 1885? And were ZZ Top and Flea involved?

  6. I love BACK TO THE FUTURE. The poster hangs next to my desk. That being said I don't need any more retrospectives/interviews/fun facts.

  7. Only & can address the allegations in this Fact or Fiction?

  8. Any LOKI'D fans notice a little reference in THE PARTY?

  9. I asked Vin Diesel if I could smell his head. Here's what happened.

  10. Please enjoy & in our newest sketch, THE PARTY! There is dancing, crying, & a gimp.

  11. Also, Vin says he doesn't want to direct a FAST movie but he names someone else who should.

  12. Have you listened to Vin Diesel on this week's podcast? Some amazing stories in there. Trust me!

  13. The power of the STAR WARS trailer is Han Solo/Harrison Ford's validation. The ultimate cynic says it's worth his/your time. "It's true"

  14. That's all the STAR WARS footage I need before I see the movie. I'm good.

  15. Does football always go this goddamn slowly or just when I'm waiting for a new STAR WARS trailer? Asking for a friend.

  16. One last sneak peek of tomorrow's AFTER HOURS w/Tom Hiddleston & Jessica Chastain. It's epic. There are tears.

  17. And if you want some news on whether Vin wants to direct a FAST movie & what's stopping him from doing INHUMANS, listen to the end!

  18. Vin Diesel is this week's guest on ! And you can listen right now.

  19. Studying the script. Yes, we have scripts. Tuesday at noon EST, witness the madness.

  20. This will be on my office wall as soon as I can photoshop Jar Jar in there. But really, I love this…

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