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    I've decided that who I am is someone who refuses to have a consistent presence -- on social media or IRL.

  2. GG 5.12: Sookie and Lorelai discuss ghosts at the Dragonfly, once again predicting 2016.

  3. I get more done on Wednesday than any other day of the week, since I can't procrastinate with social media bc PLL spoilers.

  4. Everyone knows about Lorelai's "See you when Hillary's president," but can we talk about Sookie's HRC homage in 5.4?

  5. totally forgot I posted this... can't believe it's really happening in 3 months!

  6. honestly I'm not drunk. just unable to sleep because naps. and no I didn't write this just for the pun.

  7. A woman was raped and murdered. Why is her drink count relevant?

  8. Check out everything else and teased during :

  9. .'s lawyers are literally saying I have no base because I'm an indie artist and they're a major corporation.

  10. Overheard 3:20 p.m. Wed: "I want a hipster, psychadelic block party invite. I'm telling people there are going to be midgets there."

  11. The very moment Trump clinched the nomination the Hollywood Hills literally burst into flames.

  12. best thing about a drive thru Starbucks? being the only one not too lazy to actually walk in and there's no line.

  13. in the battle of Taylor v Kimye, I'm on this dude's team

  14. Now I'm depressed bc I just realized that ~20 years after Changes people are just starting to get what Tupac was saying...

  15. From a ghostbusters review. Maybe this is how women feel about the movies where the woman is just the love interest

  16. ...in other words, very little has changed in 10 years.

  17. am I the only one who thinks the blink single sounds more like angels and airwaves? which makes zero sense since no Tom...

  18. Add Nelly's Country Grammar to . I expected more from you, Mo.

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