8 October 2015

UAW announces last-minute agreement with Fiat Chrysler, canceling strike

By Joseph Kishore, 8 October 2015

The UAW will now marshal every possible tool at its disposal to push through the pro-company agreement as rapidly as possible, including lies, threats, redbaiting and intimidation.

The significance of the “no” vote at Fiat Chrysler

”Everyone’s willing to strike…but we don’t trust the UAW International”
Fiat Chrysler workers speak on possible walkout

John Deere workers denounce vote and demand recount

French autoworkers support US workers’ rejection of Fiat-Chrysler contract

By our reporters, 8 October 2015

Autoworkers at the Peugeot-Citroën plant in the Paris suburb of Poissy expressed solidarity with Fiat Chrysler workers in the US and described the similar attacks they face in France.

“You have the support of a lot of other people”
Video: Ferguson, Missouri residents speak on social conditions, autoworkers struggle

By Zac Corrigan and Eric London, 7 October 2015

The WSWS spoke to residents of Ferguson, Missouri about the struggle of auto workers and life in the city more than one year after the killing of Michael Brown.

More on autoworkers struggles »

US officials seek to contain fallout from hospital massacre in Afghanistan

By Thomas Gaist, 8 October 2015

US President Barack Obama apologized to Doctors without Borders Wednesday, while vowing to forge ahead with US military operations in Afghanistan.

Washington’s war crime in Afghanistan

The Geneva Convention and the US massacre of POWs in Afghanistan

EU intensifies anti-refugee military operations in the Mediterranean

By Johannes Stern, 8 October 2015

The second phase of European Union naval operations in the Mediterranean officially began this week.

German political establishment lines up against refugees

By Christoph Dreier, 8 October 2015

The German government is making a systematic effort to deter refugees from entering Europe,encourage xenophobia and seal off continent's borders.

German academic Jörg Baberowski stirs up hatred against refugees

More on the refugee crisis in Europe »

Tsipras wins confidence vote in Greek parliament

By Robert Stevens, 8 October 2015

The vote paves the way for the passage of Syriza’s budget proposal, which unleashes a new round of savage cuts against a beleaguered population.

Syriza budget implements dictates of European banks

Former Greek Finance Minister Varoufakis denounces working class, praises British Tories

More on the crisis in Greece »

UK Conservatives pledge deeper austerity

By Chris Marsden, 8 October 2015

Prime Minister David Cameron’s free-market nostrums were wrapped up in a noxious mixture of repression and militarism.

Canada’s trade union-backed NDP mounts “Harper lite” campaign

By Roger Jordan, 8 October 2015

The NDP campaign has been aimed at demonstrating to big business that it will uphold Canadian capital’s interests as energetically and ruthlessly as its Liberal and Conservative rivals.

Why are Canada’s politicians mute about the Canada-US military integration plans?

More on the Canadian elections »

A dirty deal in Brussels: EU to stop refugees with Erdogan’s support

By Johannes Stern, 8 October 2015

Erdogan expects the European powers to abandon all criticism of his regime, and above all support his foreign policy plans.

French Interior Minstry blocks probe of Charlie Hebdo-Hyper Cacher attacks

By Anthony Torres, 8 October 2015

While exploiting the assault earlier this year to justify imposing police-state measures, the Socialist Party is trying to hide the French state’s own role in the attacks.

“Free Speech” hypocrisy in the aftermath of the attack on Charlie Hebdo

More on the Charlie Hebdo killings »

France, US back purge of leaders of failed Burkina Faso coup

By Stéphane Hugues, 8 October 2015

US officials who view Burkina Faso as strategically central to their military operations in Africa demand that the country be “calm.”

Locked out Allegheny Technologies workers to lose health care November 30

By Evan Winters, 8 October 2015

ATI’s decision to cancel health coverage is part of the company’s drive to break the workers, who are now nearing the end of their eighth week on the picket lines.

Allegheny Technologies claims most production restarted at locked out mills

For a united struggle of US steel, auto and telecommunications workers!

New York mayor promotes gentrification of Brooklyn neighborhood

By Philip Guelpa, 8 October 2015

Democratic mayor Bill de Blasio has announced a housing program that will benefit developers and lead to the displacement of working class residents.

Planned Parenthood fights congressional witch-hunt

By Evan Blake, 8 October 2015

The congressional hearing for Planned Parenthood, the most recent target of a right-wing smear campaign, showcased the degraded state of official politics in Washington.

New in Turkish

Fiat Chrysler’deki “hayır” oyunun önemi

Joseph Kishore, 8 Ekim 2015

Otomotiv İşçileri Bülteni’nin ileri sürdüğü fabrika-taban komiteleri oluşturma çağrısı, bu örgütlerin işçiler üzerindeki diktatörlüğünün üstesinden gelmeyi ve işçilerin kendi bağımsız inisiyatiflerini mümkün olan her yolla geliştirmeyi amaçlamaktadır.

ABD Türkiye’nin Rus jetini önlemesinin ardından Moskova’ya karşı savaş söylemini yoğunlaştırıyor

Thomas Gaist, 8 Ekim 2015

Rus savaş uçaklarının Türk hava sahasını ihlal ettiği yönündeki tartışmalı haberlere sarılan ABD ve NATO yetkilileri, Rusya Devlet Başkanı Vladimir Putin yönetimine karşı söylemlerini tırmandırdılar.

New in French

L'État brandit la menace de licenciements de masse à Air France

Par Alex Lantier, 8 octobre 2015

Craignant un embrasement de la colère ouvrière suite à l'affrontement entre les grévistes et le comité d'entreprise, l'État menace de licencier des milliers de travailleurs.

Le crime de guerre de Washington en Afghanistan

Par Bill Van Auken, 8 octobre 2015

Quatorze ans après avoir envahi l’Afghanistan, l’armée américaine continue à abattre des Afghans afin de garder au pouvoir un régime fantoche corrompu.

Comme la combativité des travailleurs grandit, l'UAW dépose un « préavis de grève » pour Fiat Chrysler

Par Joseph Kishore, 8 octobre 2015

Le préavis de grève est la dernière d'une série d'improvisations de la part de l'UAW suite à la victoire massive la semaine dernière du « non » à un accord soutenu par le syndicat et la direction de Fiat Chrysler.

Avions de chasse russes interceptés en Turquie: les Etats-Unis intensifient leur discours belliqueux envers Moscou

Par Thomas Gaist, 8 octobre 2015

Réagissant à l’information que des avions de chasse russes auraient « harcelé » des jets turcs, les responsables occidentaux ont lancé une série de dénonciations publiques du soutien apporté par l’armée russe au gouvernement Assad.

Les États-Unis et leurs alliés condamnent la Russie pour avoir attaqué Al Qaïda en Syrie

Par Bill Van Auken, 8 octobre 2015

La demande que Moscou limite ses frappes aériennes à des cibles de l'EI revient à une défense tacite du Front Al-Nusra, la principale force sur le terrain contre le gouvernement Assad.

La France soutient la purge des dirigeants du coup manqué au Burkina Faso

Par Stéphane Hugues, 8 octobre 2015

Pour le Pentagone, le Burkina Faso est un pays essentiel à ses opérations militaires en Afrique ; il exige donc q

New in German

EU verschärft Militäreinsatz im Mittelmeer

Von Johannes Stern, 8. Oktober 2015

Der Militäreinsatz verfolgt zwei Ziele: Die Stärkung der Festung Europa zur Abwehr von Flüchtlingen und die Vorbereitung einer neuen Militärintervention in Nordafrika.

VW-Vorstand und Betriebsrat kündigen schmerzhafte Einschnitte an

Von Ulrich Rippert, 8. Oktober 2015

Eine Schlüsselrolle bei der geplanten Umstrukturierung des Konzerns spielen Betriebsrat und IG Metall.

Kita-Tarifstreit: Stimmt mit NEIN!

Partei für Soziale Gleichheit, 8. Oktober 2015

Nachdem die Mitglieder den Schlichterspruch vom Juni 2015 mit überwältigender Mehrheit abgelehnt hatten, legen die Gewerkschaften nun praktisch dasselbe Ergebnis erneut zur Abstimmung vor.

USA und Nato verschärfen in Syrien den Ton gegen Russland

Von Patrick Martin, 8. Oktober 2015

An der syrisch-türkischen Grenze erhöhen mehrere Zwischenfälle die Gefahr eines Militärkonflikts zwischen Russland und der imperialistischen Allianz unter US-Führung.

Die Labour Party als Partei des britischen Militarismus

Von Chris Marsden, 8. Oktober 2015

Der neue Labour-Parteivorsitzende Jeremy Corbyn hat letzte Woche mit seiner Aussage, er werde keinen Atomschlag genehmigen, auf dem Parteitag für Empörung gesorgt.

Pazifikstaaten einigen sich auf Handelsabkommen mit den USA

Von Mike Head, 8. Oktober 2015

Die TPP dient als wirtschaftliches Instrument in der militärischen und strategischen Konfrontationskampagne der USA gegen China.

Other Languages


Syria and the drumbeat of world war

8 October 2015

With its intervention in Syria, Russia has cut across US plans which date back decades to effect regime-change in Syria and redraw the map of the Middle East.

Earlier Perspectives »

Listen to part one now

World Socialist Web Site online interview commemorates 75 years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

5 October 2015

The second part of the interview series will take place Saturday, October 10, at 1:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time.


Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By David North, 30 September 2015

The assassination of the greatest leader of the 1917 October Revolution marked the climax of the Stalinist regime’s eradication of the socialist workers and intellectuals who had secured the victory of the Bolshevik revolution.

Autoworkers Struggles

A reply to the redbaiting by the general counsel of Detroit AFL-CIO

By Eric London, 8 October 2015

The UAW has called on the Metro Detroit AFL-CIO’s lead counsel, Bruce Miller, to launch a dishonest and desperate attack on the WSWS and the Autoworker Newsletter.

UAW president denounces “outside groups” for defeat of Fiat Chrysler deal

The UAW and the Democratic Party

By Tom Mackaman, 22 September 2015

More on autoworkers struggles »


The TPP: A step on the road to war

By Nick Beams, 8 October 2015

The foundation of the TPP is not free trade but an alliance between the US and Japan to weaken China and create the conditions for reducing it to semi-colonial status.

US Pacific Fleet commander threatens China over South China Sea

The flooding in South Carolina and the decay of social infrastructure

By Andre Damon, 7 October 2015

US, NATO step up threats to Russia over Syria

By Patrick Martin, 7 October 2015

More on the war in Syria »

Texas executes 11th inmate of 2015

By Kate Randall, 7 October 2015

Far-right German National Party promotes Professors Münkler and Baberowski

Corbyn victory used to boost illusions in UK Labour Party and trade unions

Twenty-five years since the reunification of Germany

Arts Review

Toronto International Film Festival 2015: Part Four
Guantanamo’s Child, Thank You for Bombing, The Hard Stop: Filmmakers take on the global “war on terror” and police violence at home

By Joanne Laurier, 8 October 2015

Several documentaries and fiction films treat the consequences of war in the Middle East and Central Asia and a police killing.

Toronto International Film Festival 2015: Part Three
I Saw the Light (Hank Williams) and Janis: Little Girl Blue (Janis Joplin)—Popular music and its discontents

Actor Matt Damon repudiates criticisms, embraces Obama

By David Walsh, 8 October 2015

Damon, who made a series of critical comments about President Barack Obama starting in 2011, has had a change of heart.

The Martian: A modern Robinson Crusoe

By David Walsh, 7 October 2015

2016 US Elections

Bernie Sanders backs Obama on Syria war

By Patrick Martin, 7 October 2015

Surge of small donations helps Sanders match Clinton fund-raising

Is Bernie Sanders a socialist?

The New York Times discovers a problem: Too many political parties

By Patrick Martin, 3 October 2015

More on the 2016 US elections »

Workers Struggles

Australian maritime union moves to sell out Hutchison dispute

By Mike Head, 7 October 2015

Germany: Works council and union agree to job cuts at Siemens Power & Gas

By Gustav Kemper, 7 October 2015

Unions renew attempt to sell out German childcare workers

Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka)

SEP/IYSSE meeting in Colombo
Why is the US whitewashing Sri Lankan war crimes?

5 October 2015

25 years ago: Zionist paramilitary forces massacre Palestinians

Israeli security forces shot dead as many as 24 Palestinians and wounded another 150 in Jerusalem on October 8, 1990.

More »

50 years ago: US moves deeper into Vietnam conflict

This week in 1965 saw the United States fall deeper into the quagmire in Vietnam, with significant US casualties in many parts of South Vietnam.

More »

75 years ago: German troops enter Romania

On October 5, 1940 the first trainloads of German soldiers arrived in Romania to bring that Balkan country under the orbit of Nazi Germany.

More »


100 years ago: Serbian capital falls to Austria-Hungary

On October 9, 1915, a combined force of Austro-Hungarian and German troops captured Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, after an assault that began October 7.

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