This is a statement from Revolutionary Anarchist Action / Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet (DAF) on today’s bombing attack on the pro-Kurdish peace rally in Ankara, Turkey, which has so far killed more...

Wu Yiching's book "The Cultural Revolution at the Margins. Chinese Socialism in Crisis" gives a fascinating account of a period that was decisive for the end of Maoism and the rise of a...

A short account about breaks at work and life under capitalism.

Grace Lee & Jimmy Boggs

Grace Lee Boggs, founding member of the Johnson-Forest Tendency (where her party name was Ria Stone), has died at the age of 100 in Detroit. She was born on June 27, 1915 and passed away today,...


A polemic against and history of white racism in the US written in the run up to the 2008 presidential election.

class, race, USA


An article written by the German council communist Helmut Wagner in April 1937 criticizing extensively the political developments in Spain during the civil war and within it the role played by...