Decolonisation and the free movement of people - A conversation between Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance and Refugee Action Collective

Monday, 31 August 2015 - 8:30am to 9:00am

Two staunch women in conversation about decolonisation and the free movement of people. Lucy Honan of the Refugee Action Collective and Meriki Onus from Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance discuss the parallels between their struggles that challenge the border, the nation state, and the violence used to uphold them. 

This is an edited version of a discussion recorded at Melbourne's Anarchist Bookfair, August 2015. Listen to the full, unedited audio Here. (DUR: 1hr 30 min/ 16.79 MB)

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Decolonisation and the free movement of people - A conversation between Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance and Refugee Action Collective

31 Aug 2015
Two staunch women in conversation about decolonisation and the free movement of people. Lucy Honan of the Refugee Action Collective and Meriki Onus from Warriors of the Aboriginal Resistance discuss the parallels between their struggles that challenge the border, the nation state, and the violence used to uphold them.

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