The perfect diary for the leftie in your life

How To Make Trouble And Influence People 2016 Diary

How To Make Trouble And Influence People 2016 Diary by Iain McIntyre.

This 2016 diary features 366 radical dates in Australian history as well as dozens of images and stories. All profits go towards 3CR and Ecuador's Los Cedros Biological Reserve. On sale for $15 here.

Produced by the author of the book How To Make Trouble and Influence People: Pranks, Protests, Graffiti & Political Mischief-Making From Across Australia and regular contributor to 3CR's Seeds of Dissent calendars. Convict escapes, environmental blockades, boycotts over beer prices, unemployed riots, land rights embassies, peace marches, refugee breakouts and strikes in workplaces ranging from tea rooms to aerated water factories to cinemas are just some of the troublemaking activities covered. At 158 pages, including calendars, 2 pages to each week and a forward planner as well as all new dates, this is the perfect diary for the leftie in your life.

Buy them online $15 anytime or during business hours phone 03 9419 8377 and pay with your credit card or drop into the station and pick one up 21 Smith St Collingwood.