Decolonizing Solidarity Book Launch

Decolonizing Solidarity Book Launch

We are very excited about a new book that features lots of 3CR people. It provides much-needed guidance to newly involved supporters of Indigenous struggles. Clare Land’s book, Decolonizing Solidarity: Dilemmas and Directions for Supporters of Indigenous Struggles, will be launched at Readings Carlton on 3 September 2015, 6:30pm.

DecolonizingSolidarity has been eagerly welcomed by more experienced activists who have lived through tensions and dilemmas involved in this kind of politics. Clare says the book ‘Bears the imprint of the conversations I’ve had with Robbie Thorpe over the panel every week on Fire First for the last 10 years.’ It draws on what Clare has learned through her activist work since 1998 alongside Gary Foley and, since 2002, Robbie Thorpe in particular. Clare says that while she was reading academic postcolonial theory for her PhD, she often thought, ‘Yeah, I know this, Robbie already said it.’

The book is based on Clare’s PhD, which was guided by Gary Foley, Marjorie Thorpe and Tony Birch. She rewrote the PhD to make it shorter and snappier. Foley wrote the book’s Foreword.

See more at or contact Clare on 0409 352 297 or