In Ya Face

Friday 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Explores gay, lesbian, queer, bisexual and transgender issues with interviews, music and chat.


James McKenzie


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About In Ya Face

In Ya Face is probably the longest running queer radio show in Australia.

In Ya Face explores gay, lesbian and queer issues with interviews, music and chat. Topics include civil unions, relationships, HIV/AIDS and queer current affairs, plus much more.

We like to interview people doing interesting things in the queer community, whether it be activism, social justice, peer support or entertainment. We’re also big on the quirk factor.

The show prides itself on its eclectic music and its capacity to analyse current issues in creative ways. We also like to air our thoughts on general political issues with a queer bent. Mainstream radio wouldn’t give us the opportunity to do that or explore queer issues with a left perspective.