Green Left Weekly Radio

Friday 8:00am to 8:30am
A weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first. Covering international political issues and struggles against the exploitation of the people and exposing the bias in mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to information.


Green Left Weekly Radio Collective


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Green Left Weekly Radio



Weekly round up of news on the left and an interview with Garry Murray from

A weekly round up of news in Green Left Weekly and an interview with Gary Murray
25 Sep 2015

Weekly news and interview with Ursula Alquier from anti-fracking movement

A round up of weekly news in Green Left Weekly and an interview with Ursula Alquier about the campaign against the coal seam fracking movement
18 Sep 2015

Interview with Dave Holmes regarding the Kurds

GLW News and interview regarding the battle waged on the Kurds in Turkey
11 Sep 2015

Green Left Weekly Radio - Earth worker and Ezekiel Ox on Anti racist rally Bendigo

Discussion with Anna fron Earth worker; Ezekiel Ox on a report back from Bendigo antiracist rally; nes items from this week Green Left Weekly
4 Sep 2015

About Green Left Weekly Radio

Green Left Weekly Radio

A newspaper that campaigns for people and environment before profits

Green Left Weekly (GLW) has been the leading left wing Australian international newspaper since 1990. Covering people's action against Capitalism around the world, environmental news, women's issues, Indigenous struggles around the world as well as the struggle of Aboriginal nations within Australia, human rights issues, race discrimination issues, fights and organises for democracy and equality, and  freedom from the oppression of big corporations. Consistently campaigning against exploitation, discrimination and oppression, GLW includes art, creativity and music as well as politics.

GLW has supported the union movement from the very beginning and continues to do so, advocating for stronger union movement.  It also has advocated for equal rights for women in all sectors of society and supports the annual women’s rights march. Green Left weekly exposes the power brokers and helps better understand the world around us. It calls into question the biased mainstream media that preferences the power brokers and denies access to people's issues. Green Left Weekly provides a weekly source of alternative information which aims to inspire action and organisation to put people and the environment first. It covers international political issues and struggles that inspire organise and activate people against the exploitation of the people. It campaigns around international Capital that is all consuming while dictating how the planet should be managed. Most of all it calls for an overthrow of big corporation directed governments that rule on behalf of large capital. It calls for respect to the Indigenous peoples of the world and the progressive communities for equal rights for the minorities and marginalised and a sustainable environment.