Earth Matters

Sunday 11:00am to 11:30am
Local, national and international environmental issues from grassroots, activist perspectives with a strong social justice focus. Distributed nationally on the Community Radio Network.


Corey Green, Gem Romuld, Teishan Ahearne and Michaela Stubbs

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BP in the Bight: Drilling for oil in our southern ocean

Today on Earth Matters we speak to various South Australian based activists about the campaign to stop BP's plan to drill for oil in the Great Australian Bight's pristine ocean environment. Just five years on from the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, BP are completing their Environment Plan and are hoping to begin exploratory drilling next year but South Australians are banding together to stop them. Today we'll hear some of those voices.
20 Sep 2015

Earth Matters 1000th Episode

A look at the first 999 episodes of Earth Matters - the history, some great archival audio and a look at Earth Matter's contribution to environmental and social justice movements.
13 Sep 2015

Leadfish and shale gas: resistance in the Northern Territory

Action against the McArthur River Mine and shale gas fracking
6 Sep 2015

The Art of the Matter - Activism and the arts

This week on Earth Matters we look at some examples of the way the arts are being employed to address environmental and social justice issues, understand the crisis we're in and move us to action. Arts and media maker Alex Kelly, Science Communicator Joe Duggan and Actorvist Chris Garrard join us on the show to talk about some of the arts based projects that they're involved with as change makers.
23 Aug 2015

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