Neki To Vole Vruce - Teska vremena, prijatelju moj
Nije mi vazno sto te ne znam al' ipak popij sa mnom otkricu ti nesto o necemu prokleto davnom Dugo je nema, dugo vec idem k njoj i uvijek se bojim da neko dr...
Pozivamo vas da nam se priključite u humanitarnoj akciji „STANI.ca“ koja ima za cilj da pomogne tražiocima azila koji se nalaze u parku kod autobuske stanice i Ekonomskog fakulteta.
Već mesecima, ova dva parka su puna ljudi koji su stigli iz daleka i koji žele da odu daleko. Često prođemo pored njih, bude nam žao i pomislimo kako je strašno što ne možemo ništa da uradimo. Malo se i plašimo da im
Alvin and The Chipmunks- Brez mene ti bo lažje
Original song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC6Mw24sE40
A si mela kdaj občutek kt da spala bi na žebljih
Filing-ceu svet proti tebi in nemorš spat ponoči,
Ker ne poznam razlage spet ljubezen ta prekleta
Učasih ljubiš s celim srcem pa kar brez razloga odnehaš..
Nisva za skupi sam nebom priznau poraza
Veš boli da včasih ni ljubezen, to kar si predstavljaš,
Ostajam hladen, sam
Zablujena Generacija - Čas ustavil bi
2Pac Hit 'Em Up Sa Prevodom
Upucaj ih Jel nemam jebene prijatelje? Klovnovi...Zato sam ti jebao kurvu, Debela kurvo, Zapadna Obala! Ubice Bad Boysa, Ti vec znas ko su najozbiljniji crnc...
Minea - Srce zauzeto (novi singl 2013)
Like Minea @ https://www.facebook.com/minea.official www.minea.org Glazba: Branimir Mihaljević Tekst: Antonija Šola Aranžman: Branimir Mihaljević Glazbeni fe...
MARIBOR:RUBIN KAZAN, Europa League 2013/14
Nogometaši Maribora so tretjo zaporedno evropsko jesen začeli s porazom. Rubin Kazan je v zadnjih minutah dosegel visoko zmago (2:5). "Tatarski milijonarji" ...
Špijunski alarmni sat skrivena mikro kamera
Spijunska mikro kamera u digitalnom (alarmnom) satu, spijunski alarmni sat mikro kamera, mini spy kamera u stonom satu
Špijunski digitalni (alarmni) sat je veoma kompaktan špijunski uredjaj sa ugradjenom mikrokamerom. Najbolji način da znate šta vam se dešava u kući ili kancelariji dok vi niste tamo. Postavite ga i iznenadicete se dobijenim odgovorom na ovo pitanje. Odlican izbor ako zelite da
Like Minea @ https://www.facebook.com/minea.official
Režija: Ivan Mijić
Styling: Salon vjenčanica "Penelope"
Frizure: Mario Cerovac (frizerski saloni "Trilab")
Make up: Edita Prodan
Snimljeno na lokaciji: Caffe bar "Ara", Samobor
Glazba: Branimir Mihaljević
Tekst: Antonija Šola
Aranžman: Branimir Mihaljević
© & ℗ Minea & Ivan Mijić
Imam sve što trebam u životu ja,
Imam mladost
Dominik Kozarič - Reka luči
Dominik Kozarič - Reka luči karaoke 2011 by "D.J. PERO"
Neki To Vole Vruce - Teska vremena, prijatelju moj
Nije mi vazno sto te ne znam al' ipak popij sa mnom otkricu ti nesto o necemu prokleto davnom Dugo je nema, dugo vec idem k njoj i uvijek se bojim da neko dr......
Nije mi vazno sto te ne znam al' ipak popij sa mnom otkricu ti nesto o necemu prokleto davnom Dugo je nema, dugo vec idem k njoj i uvijek se bojim da neko dr...
wn.com/Neki To Vole Vruce Teska Vremena, Prijatelju Moj
Nije mi vazno sto te ne znam al' ipak popij sa mnom otkricu ti nesto o necemu prokleto davnom Dugo je nema, dugo vec idem k njoj i uvijek se bojim da neko dr...
Pozivamo vas da nam se priključite u humanitarnoj akciji „STANI.ca“ koja ima za cilj da pomogne tražiocima azila koji se nalaze u parku kod autobuske stanice i ...
Pozivamo vas da nam se priključite u humanitarnoj akciji „STANI.ca“ koja ima za cilj da pomogne tražiocima azila koji se nalaze u parku kod autobuske stanice i Ekonomskog fakulteta.
Već mesecima, ova dva parka su puna ljudi koji su stigli iz daleka i koji žele da odu daleko. Često prođemo pored njih, bude nam žao i pomislimo kako je strašno što ne možemo ništa da uradimo. Malo se i plašimo da im priđemo i pomalo nas je sramota da odnesemo samo jednu flašu vode (jer često za više ni nemamo).
Iz tog razloga organizujemo akciju gde će svako od nas dobiti mogućnost da pomogne i donese nešto (malo ili veliko).
Tokom akcije prikupljaće se sledeće stvari:
- Najpotrebnija je obuća - za decu, muškarce i žene (zatvorena, bez štikle)
- Lagana odeća- za decu, muškarce i žene (majice sa rukavima, bez dekoltea, suknje preko kolena)
Molimo vas da donesete čistu obuću i odeću
- Prostirke za spavanje ( za plažu, jogu ili kamperske)
- Sredstva za higijenu (mala pakovanja): brijači, vlažne maramice, pelene, sapuni, šamponi
- Igračke za decu- bojanke, flomasteri, društvene ige, karte itd
- Novčana donacija za kupovinu gore navedenih stvari kao i hrane
Molimo vas da svako donese i jednu flašu vode
Raspored akcije:
- Četvrtak, 30. jul od 16h do 20h donacije možete doneti u Jevrejsku opštinu Beograd, Kralja Petra 71/A
- Petak, 31. jul od 10h do 14h donacije možete doneti u Jevrejsku opštinu Beograd, Kralja Petra 71/A
- Subota, 1. avgust od 19:30h u donjem parku kod autobuske stanice u Karađorđevoj ulici, priključujemo se akciji „Čaj a ne granice“ https://noborderserbia.wordpress.com/. Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti donesite: crni čaj, šećer, plastične čaše i kašičice.
- Nedelja, 2. avgust od 16h Humanitarni dan uz reggae muziku, Kaya & Gaggie, Klub Gavez, Ada Ciganlija, sredstva za higijenu, garderoba, igračke i voda. Ko ne stigne u nedelju može donaciju da donese do petka 7. avgusta, svakog radnog dana posle 14h. Ulaz na žurku je novčana donacija u iznosu koji je u skladu sa vašim mogućnostima. https://www.facebook.com/gavez.klub
Ukoliko želite da nam pomognete u prikupljanju i organizovanju donacija ili imate kontakt u firmama koje mogu da pomognu i žele da doniraju hranu, piće i kozmetiku pišite nam direktno na haversrbija@gmail.com ili pozovite 060-345-30-08.
Ukoliko vam ni jedan od termina ne odgovara, u mogućnosti smo da dođemo do vas i pokupimo vašu donaciju. U slučaju da prolazite pored parka, nemojte da se plašite, ipak odnesite jednu flašu vode- znači mnogo.
Molimo vas da prosledite obaveštenje o akciji i pozovete prijatelje da se priključe.
Posebno se zahvaljujemo ekipi ``No Border Serbia`` koja vec nekoliko godina u kontinuitetu pomaze Azilantima u Srbiji.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Đenka Mihajlović, Sonja Viličić , Kaya & Gaggie
wn.com/Gaggie Kaya Velika Humanitarna Reggae Zurka U Gavezu Najava
Pozivamo vas da nam se priključite u humanitarnoj akciji „STANI.ca“ koja ima za cilj da pomogne tražiocima azila koji se nalaze u parku kod autobuske stanice i Ekonomskog fakulteta.
Već mesecima, ova dva parka su puna ljudi koji su stigli iz daleka i koji žele da odu daleko. Često prođemo pored njih, bude nam žao i pomislimo kako je strašno što ne možemo ništa da uradimo. Malo se i plašimo da im priđemo i pomalo nas je sramota da odnesemo samo jednu flašu vode (jer često za više ni nemamo).
Iz tog razloga organizujemo akciju gde će svako od nas dobiti mogućnost da pomogne i donese nešto (malo ili veliko).
Tokom akcije prikupljaće se sledeće stvari:
- Najpotrebnija je obuća - za decu, muškarce i žene (zatvorena, bez štikle)
- Lagana odeća- za decu, muškarce i žene (majice sa rukavima, bez dekoltea, suknje preko kolena)
Molimo vas da donesete čistu obuću i odeću
- Prostirke za spavanje ( za plažu, jogu ili kamperske)
- Sredstva za higijenu (mala pakovanja): brijači, vlažne maramice, pelene, sapuni, šamponi
- Igračke za decu- bojanke, flomasteri, društvene ige, karte itd
- Novčana donacija za kupovinu gore navedenih stvari kao i hrane
Molimo vas da svako donese i jednu flašu vode
Raspored akcije:
- Četvrtak, 30. jul od 16h do 20h donacije možete doneti u Jevrejsku opštinu Beograd, Kralja Petra 71/A
- Petak, 31. jul od 10h do 14h donacije možete doneti u Jevrejsku opštinu Beograd, Kralja Petra 71/A
- Subota, 1. avgust od 19:30h u donjem parku kod autobuske stanice u Karađorđevoj ulici, priključujemo se akciji „Čaj a ne granice“ https://noborderserbia.wordpress.com/. Ukoliko ste u mogućnosti donesite: crni čaj, šećer, plastične čaše i kašičice.
- Nedelja, 2. avgust od 16h Humanitarni dan uz reggae muziku, Kaya & Gaggie, Klub Gavez, Ada Ciganlija, sredstva za higijenu, garderoba, igračke i voda. Ko ne stigne u nedelju može donaciju da donese do petka 7. avgusta, svakog radnog dana posle 14h. Ulaz na žurku je novčana donacija u iznosu koji je u skladu sa vašim mogućnostima. https://www.facebook.com/gavez.klub
Ukoliko želite da nam pomognete u prikupljanju i organizovanju donacija ili imate kontakt u firmama koje mogu da pomognu i žele da doniraju hranu, piće i kozmetiku pišite nam direktno na haversrbija@gmail.com ili pozovite 060-345-30-08.
Ukoliko vam ni jedan od termina ne odgovara, u mogućnosti smo da dođemo do vas i pokupimo vašu donaciju. U slučaju da prolazite pored parka, nemojte da se plašite, ipak odnesite jednu flašu vode- znači mnogo.
Molimo vas da prosledite obaveštenje o akciji i pozovete prijatelje da se priključe.
Posebno se zahvaljujemo ekipi ``No Border Serbia`` koja vec nekoliko godina u kontinuitetu pomaze Azilantima u Srbiji.
Srdačan pozdrav,
Đenka Mihajlović, Sonja Viličić , Kaya & Gaggie
- published: 02 Aug 2015
- views: 289
Alvin and The Chipmunks- Brez mene ti bo lažje
Original song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC6Mw24sE40
A si mela kdaj občutek kt da spala bi na žebljih
Filing-ceu svet proti tebi in n...
Original song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC6Mw24sE40
A si mela kdaj občutek kt da spala bi na žebljih
Filing-ceu svet proti tebi in nemorš spat ponoči,
Ker ne poznam razlage spet ljubezen ta prekleta
Učasih ljubiš s celim srcem pa kar brez razloga odnehaš..
Nisva za skupi sam nebom priznau poraza
Veš boli da včasih ni ljubezen, to kar si predstavljaš,
Ostajam hladen, sam na koncu nobenmu ni lažje
Ker tud robot ma čustva, prekleto da meu sem te najraje..
Sovražim uprašanja ko obračam slike
Pogrešajo starga nekromanta, zarad tebe ga ni več!
In spusti 1x solzo, a je tko težko vztrajat
Ker boli me da se v tem momentu med spomine vračam..
Od zdej se ne poznava pa čeprou je to drugače
Srečala boš sam neznanca k nekoč ti izpounu sanje,
Oder bolečine, sama žalost v soju blišča
Obdrži sanje, ker mogoče jim še kdaj slediva.
Oprosti za napake zdej brez tebe jih ne štejem
Oprosti za obljube in use težke besede,
1x bodi srečna prosto pot maš od mene
Oprosti mi ker nisva ista, srečno moja ljubezen..
Boli me ker odhajaš sam ostal bojo spomini
Js šteu bom do deset ti se obrni in odidi,
Ne vračaj se nazaj čeprou bi hotu drugače
Sam bodi mi srečna ker brez mene ti bo lažje..
Pljuvam rime na papir, kot pljuvam čez usak prepir
Rekl so da naj odneham, zdej si prosta brez ovir
Kva sploh rečem, ko spoznam da ni ničesar več
Hvala, oprosti, prosm? Zdej te rotim da mi končn reč
''Konc je mali'', to bi lohka prvi bil korak,
Da razčistiva zrak, ki skriva na tisoče napak,
Odsev v ogledalu več ne vrača mi nasmeha,
Zameri mi spomin na leta, vredna tega greha
Nej se neha trač in govorice, da zmer pljuvaš mi u lice
Vid se, nočeš me, ker ignoriraš čist vse klice
Sploh neveč ko lahko boli ko drugemu odločno pišeš,
Ko prejmeš moje sporočilce, ga sam hladno zbrišeš,
Bojim se te tišine, ker iz nje kriči resnica
Nasmejana lica, zdej zamenja črno bela skica
Motna slika na kateri so zbledela tvoja čustva,
Usta ki bla polna so poljubov zdej so ostala pusta.
Oprosti za napake zdej brez tebe jih ne štejem
Oprosti za obljube in use težke besede,
1x bodi srečna prosto pot maš od mene
Oprosti mi ker nisva ista, srečno moja ljubezen..
Boli me ker odhajaš sam ostal bojo spomini
Js šteu bom do deset ti se obrni in odidi,
Ne vračaj se nazaj čeprou bi hotu drugače
Sam bodi mi srečna ker brez mene ti bo lažje..
E moj nekro dej povej mi neki čist iskreno
Sploh vrjameš v ljubezen in njeno dobro delo?
Ker jst izgublam vero v cilje ki sem jih zarisu,
Nikol si nisem želu, da kej tazga bi napisu,
Veš, vsakič ko srce utripne, da povleče kri,
Se mi zdi da delček mene mojo dušo zapusti,
Zmer ko del srca nekomu da, razbijejo ga,
Ponos več ne zdrži pritiska in hočem da se to konča.
Ljubezen ironija na njo se ne zanašaj
Ker te ubije ravno tisto kar v dvoje ustvarta
Zgubljaš vero v cilje, najdi boljše izhodišče
Pa se spomni da si učasih tud brez nje podiru ovire..
In vem kako je smayo, ko srce ti kar otrpne
Sam zapomni si da ta ljubezen išče samo žrtve
Kokrk kol obrneš se, useen ne more ti očitat
Da nisi ponudu srečo, sama jo je zavrnila..
Oprosti za napake zdej brez tebe jih ne štejem
Oprosti za obljube in use težke besede,
1x bodi srečna prosto pot maš od mene
Oprosti mi ker nisva ista, srečno moja ljubezen..
Boli me ker odhajaš sam ostal bojo spomini
Js šteu bom do deset ti se obrni in odidi,
Ne vračaj se nazaj čeprou bi hotu drugače
Sam bodi mi srečna ker brez mene ti bo lažje..
wn.com/Alvin And The Chipmunks Brez Mene Ti Bo Lažje
Original song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oC6Mw24sE40
A si mela kdaj občutek kt da spala bi na žebljih
Filing-ceu svet proti tebi in nemorš spat ponoči,
Ker ne poznam razlage spet ljubezen ta prekleta
Učasih ljubiš s celim srcem pa kar brez razloga odnehaš..
Nisva za skupi sam nebom priznau poraza
Veš boli da včasih ni ljubezen, to kar si predstavljaš,
Ostajam hladen, sam na koncu nobenmu ni lažje
Ker tud robot ma čustva, prekleto da meu sem te najraje..
Sovražim uprašanja ko obračam slike
Pogrešajo starga nekromanta, zarad tebe ga ni več!
In spusti 1x solzo, a je tko težko vztrajat
Ker boli me da se v tem momentu med spomine vračam..
Od zdej se ne poznava pa čeprou je to drugače
Srečala boš sam neznanca k nekoč ti izpounu sanje,
Oder bolečine, sama žalost v soju blišča
Obdrži sanje, ker mogoče jim še kdaj slediva.
Oprosti za napake zdej brez tebe jih ne štejem
Oprosti za obljube in use težke besede,
1x bodi srečna prosto pot maš od mene
Oprosti mi ker nisva ista, srečno moja ljubezen..
Boli me ker odhajaš sam ostal bojo spomini
Js šteu bom do deset ti se obrni in odidi,
Ne vračaj se nazaj čeprou bi hotu drugače
Sam bodi mi srečna ker brez mene ti bo lažje..
Pljuvam rime na papir, kot pljuvam čez usak prepir
Rekl so da naj odneham, zdej si prosta brez ovir
Kva sploh rečem, ko spoznam da ni ničesar več
Hvala, oprosti, prosm? Zdej te rotim da mi končn reč
''Konc je mali'', to bi lohka prvi bil korak,
Da razčistiva zrak, ki skriva na tisoče napak,
Odsev v ogledalu več ne vrača mi nasmeha,
Zameri mi spomin na leta, vredna tega greha
Nej se neha trač in govorice, da zmer pljuvaš mi u lice
Vid se, nočeš me, ker ignoriraš čist vse klice
Sploh neveč ko lahko boli ko drugemu odločno pišeš,
Ko prejmeš moje sporočilce, ga sam hladno zbrišeš,
Bojim se te tišine, ker iz nje kriči resnica
Nasmejana lica, zdej zamenja črno bela skica
Motna slika na kateri so zbledela tvoja čustva,
Usta ki bla polna so poljubov zdej so ostala pusta.
Oprosti za napake zdej brez tebe jih ne štejem
Oprosti za obljube in use težke besede,
1x bodi srečna prosto pot maš od mene
Oprosti mi ker nisva ista, srečno moja ljubezen..
Boli me ker odhajaš sam ostal bojo spomini
Js šteu bom do deset ti se obrni in odidi,
Ne vračaj se nazaj čeprou bi hotu drugače
Sam bodi mi srečna ker brez mene ti bo lažje..
E moj nekro dej povej mi neki čist iskreno
Sploh vrjameš v ljubezen in njeno dobro delo?
Ker jst izgublam vero v cilje ki sem jih zarisu,
Nikol si nisem želu, da kej tazga bi napisu,
Veš, vsakič ko srce utripne, da povleče kri,
Se mi zdi da delček mene mojo dušo zapusti,
Zmer ko del srca nekomu da, razbijejo ga,
Ponos več ne zdrži pritiska in hočem da se to konča.
Ljubezen ironija na njo se ne zanašaj
Ker te ubije ravno tisto kar v dvoje ustvarta
Zgubljaš vero v cilje, najdi boljše izhodišče
Pa se spomni da si učasih tud brez nje podiru ovire..
In vem kako je smayo, ko srce ti kar otrpne
Sam zapomni si da ta ljubezen išče samo žrtve
Kokrk kol obrneš se, useen ne more ti očitat
Da nisi ponudu srečo, sama jo je zavrnila..
Oprosti za napake zdej brez tebe jih ne štejem
Oprosti za obljube in use težke besede,
1x bodi srečna prosto pot maš od mene
Oprosti mi ker nisva ista, srečno moja ljubezen..
Boli me ker odhajaš sam ostal bojo spomini
Js šteu bom do deset ti se obrni in odidi,
Ne vračaj se nazaj čeprou bi hotu drugače
Sam bodi mi srečna ker brez mene ti bo lažje..
- published: 13 Oct 2013
- views: 32
Zablujena Generacija - Čas ustavil bi
wn.com/Zablujena Generacija Čas Ustavil Bi
- published: 03 Mar 2014
- views: 11
2Pac Hit 'Em Up Sa Prevodom
Upucaj ih Jel nemam jebene prijatelje? Klovnovi...Zato sam ti jebao kurvu, Debela kurvo, Zapadna Obala! Ubice Bad Boysa, Ti vec znas ko su najozbiljniji crnc......
Upucaj ih Jel nemam jebene prijatelje? Klovnovi...Zato sam ti jebao kurvu, Debela kurvo, Zapadna Obala! Ubice Bad Boysa, Ti vec znas ko su najozbiljniji crnc...
wn.com/2Pac Hit 'Em Up Sa Prevodom
Upucaj ih Jel nemam jebene prijatelje? Klovnovi...Zato sam ti jebao kurvu, Debela kurvo, Zapadna Obala! Ubice Bad Boysa, Ti vec znas ko su najozbiljniji crnc...
Minea - Srce zauzeto (novi singl 2013)
Like Minea @ https://www.facebook.com/minea.official www.minea.org Glazba: Branimir Mihaljević Tekst: Antonija Šola Aranžman: Branimir Mihaljević Glazbeni fe......
Like Minea @ https://www.facebook.com/minea.official www.minea.org Glazba: Branimir Mihaljević Tekst: Antonija Šola Aranžman: Branimir Mihaljević Glazbeni fe...
wn.com/Minea Srce Zauzeto (Novi Singl 2013)
Like Minea @ https://www.facebook.com/minea.official www.minea.org Glazba: Branimir Mihaljević Tekst: Antonija Šola Aranžman: Branimir Mihaljević Glazbeni fe...
MARIBOR:RUBIN KAZAN, Europa League 2013/14
Nogometaši Maribora so tretjo zaporedno evropsko jesen začeli s porazom. Rubin Kazan je v zadnjih minutah dosegel visoko zmago (2:5). "Tatarski milijonarji" ......
Nogometaši Maribora so tretjo zaporedno evropsko jesen začeli s porazom. Rubin Kazan je v zadnjih minutah dosegel visoko zmago (2:5). "Tatarski milijonarji" ...
wn.com/Maribor Rubin Kazan, Europa League 2013 14
Nogometaši Maribora so tretjo zaporedno evropsko jesen začeli s porazom. Rubin Kazan je v zadnjih minutah dosegel visoko zmago (2:5). "Tatarski milijonarji" ...
- published: 21 Sep 2013
- views: 661
author: bojangros
Špijunski alarmni sat skrivena mikro kamera
Spijunska mikro kamera u digitalnom (alarmnom) satu, spijunski alarmni sat mikro kamera, mini spy kamera u stonom satu
Špijunski digitalni (alarmni) sat je ...
Spijunska mikro kamera u digitalnom (alarmnom) satu, spijunski alarmni sat mikro kamera, mini spy kamera u stonom satu
Špijunski digitalni (alarmni) sat je veoma kompaktan špijunski uredjaj sa ugradjenom mikrokamerom. Najbolji način da znate šta vam se dešava u kući ili kancelariji dok vi niste tamo. Postavite ga i iznenadicete se dobijenim odgovorom na ovo pitanje. Odlican izbor ako zelite da dokumentujete vazan poslovni sastanak ili ponasanje bebisiterke dok vi niste u kuci.
Opis spijunske kamere u alarmnom satu
Savrsena mikro kamera precizno i vrlo diskretno ugradjena u alarmni sat sa detekcijom pokreta (motion detection), sirokim uglom gledanja (cak do 160 stepeni - tzv riblje oko), snima vrlo kvalitetno i audio i video zapis sa visokom Full HD rezolucijom i mogućnošću proširenja memorije. Poseduje daljinski upravljac tako da sa lakocom mozete njome da manevrisete, slikate, snimate.. Ovaj model spijunske mikro kamere u LCD alarmnog satu se ne mora strogo koristiti kao skrivena kamera za snimanje i pracenje vec moze posluziti i kao odlican zamaskiran audio snimac.
Opis funkcija spijunske kamere u alarmnom satu
Ako zelite da fotografisete, snimate audio/video sa ili bez aktivacije na pokret, sve sto vam treba je daljinski upravljac koji se dobija u kompletu sa ovom spy kamerom. Dugmad su vrlo jasno rasporedjena sa slikovito naznacenim funkcijama za: snimanje zvuka, slikanje, snimanje audio/video zapisa sa ili bez aktivacije na pokret. Nako napravljenog audio/video sadrzaja isti se prebaci na racunar i spreman je za gledanje - vrlo jednostavno, zar ne?
Namena i prednosti spijunske kamere u alarmnom satu
Jedna od najvecih prednosti ovog najnovijeg modela spijunskog sata u odnosu na ostale spijunske kamere za tajno snimanje je ugradjena mikrokamera - tzv riblje oko. Prednost ove mikrokamere je veoma siroki ugao vidnog polja, cak siri od ljudskog oka (kod najnovijeg modela spijunskog sata ide do 160 stepeni). To prakticno znaci da ce kamera videti i ono sto ljudsko oko ne vidi. Najnaprednija opticka tehnologija primenjena u ovom spijunskom uredjaju za pracenje i snimanje cini ga nezamenljivim u mnogim situacijama gde je potrebno tajno belezenje audio/video zapisa. Mozemo slobodno reci da je ovo trenutno na trzistu jedan od najtrazenijih modela spijunskih kamera za tajno snimanje.
I sami znate koliko puta vam je bio preko potreban minijaturni snimac razgovora za tajno i prikriveno snimanje razgovora na sastanku ili u prostoriji i kancelariji kada vi niste tamo, a brinuli ste o tome gde da ga sakrijete kako bi ostao neprimecen. Ovog puta ovaj spijunski alarmni LCD sat mozete bez brige ostaviti na stolu, u vitrini ili komodi, ukljuciti samo audio funkciju te ce ovaj uredjaj snimati razgovore nedeljama u vasem odsustvu a da niko nece ni posumnjati. U ovom slucaju dobijate digitalni prikriveni snimac razgovora sa velikom autonomijom baterije jer u uvom rezimu rada u kome snima samo razgovor baterija moze trajati nedeljama bez punjenja.
Iz postovanja prema diskreciji klijenata u ponudi imamo uvek najnovije modele spijunskih kamera za pracenje i snimanje razlicitog dizajna, koje naravno, necemo uvek pokazivati na websajtu. Iz tog razloga toplo vam preporucujemo da posetite nasu kancelariju i pogledate veliki izbor modela spijunskih kamera u alarmnom i stonom satu.
wn.com/Špijunski Alarmni Sat Skrivena Mikro Kamera
Spijunska mikro kamera u digitalnom (alarmnom) satu, spijunski alarmni sat mikro kamera, mini spy kamera u stonom satu
Špijunski digitalni (alarmni) sat je veoma kompaktan špijunski uredjaj sa ugradjenom mikrokamerom. Najbolji način da znate šta vam se dešava u kući ili kancelariji dok vi niste tamo. Postavite ga i iznenadicete se dobijenim odgovorom na ovo pitanje. Odlican izbor ako zelite da dokumentujete vazan poslovni sastanak ili ponasanje bebisiterke dok vi niste u kuci.
Opis spijunske kamere u alarmnom satu
Savrsena mikro kamera precizno i vrlo diskretno ugradjena u alarmni sat sa detekcijom pokreta (motion detection), sirokim uglom gledanja (cak do 160 stepeni - tzv riblje oko), snima vrlo kvalitetno i audio i video zapis sa visokom Full HD rezolucijom i mogućnošću proširenja memorije. Poseduje daljinski upravljac tako da sa lakocom mozete njome da manevrisete, slikate, snimate.. Ovaj model spijunske mikro kamere u LCD alarmnog satu se ne mora strogo koristiti kao skrivena kamera za snimanje i pracenje vec moze posluziti i kao odlican zamaskiran audio snimac.
Opis funkcija spijunske kamere u alarmnom satu
Ako zelite da fotografisete, snimate audio/video sa ili bez aktivacije na pokret, sve sto vam treba je daljinski upravljac koji se dobija u kompletu sa ovom spy kamerom. Dugmad su vrlo jasno rasporedjena sa slikovito naznacenim funkcijama za: snimanje zvuka, slikanje, snimanje audio/video zapisa sa ili bez aktivacije na pokret. Nako napravljenog audio/video sadrzaja isti se prebaci na racunar i spreman je za gledanje - vrlo jednostavno, zar ne?
Namena i prednosti spijunske kamere u alarmnom satu
Jedna od najvecih prednosti ovog najnovijeg modela spijunskog sata u odnosu na ostale spijunske kamere za tajno snimanje je ugradjena mikrokamera - tzv riblje oko. Prednost ove mikrokamere je veoma siroki ugao vidnog polja, cak siri od ljudskog oka (kod najnovijeg modela spijunskog sata ide do 160 stepeni). To prakticno znaci da ce kamera videti i ono sto ljudsko oko ne vidi. Najnaprednija opticka tehnologija primenjena u ovom spijunskom uredjaju za pracenje i snimanje cini ga nezamenljivim u mnogim situacijama gde je potrebno tajno belezenje audio/video zapisa. Mozemo slobodno reci da je ovo trenutno na trzistu jedan od najtrazenijih modela spijunskih kamera za tajno snimanje.
I sami znate koliko puta vam je bio preko potreban minijaturni snimac razgovora za tajno i prikriveno snimanje razgovora na sastanku ili u prostoriji i kancelariji kada vi niste tamo, a brinuli ste o tome gde da ga sakrijete kako bi ostao neprimecen. Ovog puta ovaj spijunski alarmni LCD sat mozete bez brige ostaviti na stolu, u vitrini ili komodi, ukljuciti samo audio funkciju te ce ovaj uredjaj snimati razgovore nedeljama u vasem odsustvu a da niko nece ni posumnjati. U ovom slucaju dobijate digitalni prikriveni snimac razgovora sa velikom autonomijom baterije jer u uvom rezimu rada u kome snima samo razgovor baterija moze trajati nedeljama bez punjenja.
Iz postovanja prema diskreciji klijenata u ponudi imamo uvek najnovije modele spijunskih kamera za pracenje i snimanje razlicitog dizajna, koje naravno, necemo uvek pokazivati na websajtu. Iz tog razloga toplo vam preporucujemo da posetite nasu kancelariju i pogledate veliki izbor modela spijunskih kamera u alarmnom i stonom satu.
- published: 18 Oct 2014
- views: 8
Like Minea @ https://www.facebook.com/minea.official
Režija: Ivan Mijić
Styling: Salon vjenčanica "Penelope"
Frizure: Mario Cerovac (frizerski sa...
Like Minea @ https://www.facebook.com/minea.official
Režija: Ivan Mijić
Styling: Salon vjenčanica "Penelope"
Frizure: Mario Cerovac (frizerski saloni "Trilab")
Make up: Edita Prodan
Snimljeno na lokaciji: Caffe bar "Ara", Samobor
Glazba: Branimir Mihaljević
Tekst: Antonija Šola
Aranžman: Branimir Mihaljević
© & ℗ Minea & Ivan Mijić
Imam sve što trebam u životu ja,
Imam mladost i ljepotu, više mi ni ne treba
Sve sam evo ja otkazala zbog nas
Hajde budi samo, samo moj, budi od danas
Spremam kuću, spremam krevet,
Spremam mali stol za dvoje
Sve što imam, ako hoćeš,
Sve to može biti tvoje...
Kažu imam, imam u životu sreće
Malo zapne, krene, stane, pa me neće
Samo ljubav, ljubav, ljubavi ja nemam
Al' se svakog dana ja za tebe spremam
Kažu imam, imam na izvoz vrlina,
Al' tu jednu manu sakrivam pred svima
Čuvam rezervaciju na tvoje ime,
Srce zauzeto, nitko ne ljubi me
Već sam davno knjige pospremila sve
a u ljubavi sam još ponavljač, ali briga me
Neki kažu da su slatke brige to, poljubi me
Što se pravdaš, budi muško, budi moj
Spremam kuću, spremam krevet,
Spremam mali stol za dvoje
Sve što imam, ako hoćeš,
Sve to može biti tvoje...
wn.com/Minea Srce Zauzeto (Official Video) 2013.
Like Minea @ https://www.facebook.com/minea.official
Režija: Ivan Mijić
Styling: Salon vjenčanica "Penelope"
Frizure: Mario Cerovac (frizerski saloni "Trilab")
Make up: Edita Prodan
Snimljeno na lokaciji: Caffe bar "Ara", Samobor
Glazba: Branimir Mihaljević
Tekst: Antonija Šola
Aranžman: Branimir Mihaljević
© & ℗ Minea & Ivan Mijić
Imam sve što trebam u životu ja,
Imam mladost i ljepotu, više mi ni ne treba
Sve sam evo ja otkazala zbog nas
Hajde budi samo, samo moj, budi od danas
Spremam kuću, spremam krevet,
Spremam mali stol za dvoje
Sve što imam, ako hoćeš,
Sve to može biti tvoje...
Kažu imam, imam u životu sreće
Malo zapne, krene, stane, pa me neće
Samo ljubav, ljubav, ljubavi ja nemam
Al' se svakog dana ja za tebe spremam
Kažu imam, imam na izvoz vrlina,
Al' tu jednu manu sakrivam pred svima
Čuvam rezervaciju na tvoje ime,
Srce zauzeto, nitko ne ljubi me
Već sam davno knjige pospremila sve
a u ljubavi sam još ponavljač, ali briga me
Neki kažu da su slatke brige to, poljubi me
Što se pravdaš, budi muško, budi moj
Spremam kuću, spremam krevet,
Spremam mali stol za dvoje
Sve što imam, ako hoćeš,
Sve to može biti tvoje...
- published: 19 Nov 2013
- views: 13713
Dominik Kozarič - Reka luči
Dominik Kozarič - Reka luči karaoke 2011 by "D.J. PERO"...
Dominik Kozarič - Reka luči karaoke 2011 by "D.J. PERO"
wn.com/Dominik Kozarič Reka Luči
Dominik Kozarič - Reka luči karaoke 2011 by "D.J. PERO"
- published: 27 Mar 2011
- views: 12418
author: Perocar
Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a leading world centaer of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, sports, technology, and education.
The most important places to visit in Los Angeles are: Los Angeles Downtown (although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown i
California Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination California in the USA.
For some, San Diego - a coastal city with a wonderful climate - is California’s southernmost city, for others it is the northernmost city in Mexico. This is where we begin our tour of California, the most populated state in the USA, the Promised Land!The red tram, known as the San Diego Trolley, leaves Amtrak Station and travels south to Seapor
California Travel Video
California Travel Video Travel Video Guide Vacation Videos,Hotel Videos,Cruise Videos,Video Tours facebook.
San Diego Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour with a stop in Old Town, a historic park filled with buildings dating back to the 1820s. If you want something a little livelier, go a few miles south to check out the Gaslamp District, full of Victorian-era architecture and a thriving bar
San Francisco, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
San Francisco, officially the City and County of San Francisco, is the leading financial and cultural center of Northern California and the San Francisco Bay Area.
The most important places to visit in San Francisco are: Golden Gate Bridge (no trip to San Francisco is complete without a visit to the Golden Gate Bridge. It truly is a special site that you will remember fo
California Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The state of California is located on the West Coast of the United States and is the land of huge palm trees, sandy beaches, girls in bikinis and sunshine; a paradise for surfers and the film industry.San Francisco is famous for the Golden Gate Bridge, the Alcatraz, its trams and the world’s most winding street. Los Angeles is a huge metropolitan that is a collection of unique smaller villages; th
Top 10 Travel Tips - Secrets for Visiting California
SUBSCRIBE! http://tinyurl.com/p2fveuj Hi guys, I'm Veronica Hill with California Travel Tips. If you're a subscriber to this channel, you're either planning ...
Orange, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Orange is located in Orange County, California. Orange is unusual in that many of the homes in its Old Town District were built prior to 1920; whereas many other cities in the region demolished such houses in the 1960s, Orange decided to preserve them. The small affluent city of Villa Park is surrounded by the city of Orange.
The most important places to visit in Orange
✈Monterey, California ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Monterey, California ►Vacation Travel Guide
San Diego, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The whitewashed stucco buildings give a Mediterranean-style flavor to the architecture while the culture has a decidedly Mexican influence to it (Tijuana is just a short drive over the border). Despite this foreign-country look and feel, the
San Diego, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The whitewashed stucco buildings give a Mediterranean-style flavor to the architecture while the culture has a decidedly Mexican influence to it (Tijuana is just a short drive over the border). Despite this foreign-country look and feel, the
Los Angeles ~ California ~ Discover Los Angeles ~ Travel Guide
Los Angeles is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings.
This article is about the city of Los Angeles. For the Los Angeles metropolitan area see Los Angeles County.
For other places with the same name, see Los Angeles (disambiguation).
The city of Los Angeles [1] (also known simply as L.A., and nicknamed the "City of Angel
San Francisco Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Leave the regular world behind when you step into the fog-swathed “City by the Bay.” From shopping adventures in Union Square to a trip on the city’s legendary cable cars, a trip to San Francisco is bound to leave you with incredible memories.
Stop by Fisherman’s Wharf and indulge in its shops and galleries, as well as some o
A Los Angeles Tour and Attractions Travel Guide
Ready to start California dreamin’? Check out our video and get ready to soak up the sea, sand, and Los Angeles attractions!
Los Angeles, California, is a magnetic city on the coast. You can’t help but be drawn to its captivating culture, exciting attractions, and picturesque beaches. Whether you want to get a sense for the
Ventura, CA Travel Guide - "Go or No" Review
Ventura, California Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay & shop in Ventura with travel experts Rachel Rudwall and Andrea Feczko.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
A short 2-hour train ride from LA, Ventura is famous for its surf breaks and quaint charm. But is it worth the trip?
- DO & SEE: Surfing, C-Street, Rincon, Em
Travel Guide: Los Angeles, California
Its nickname is "The City of Angels." Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we learn more about Los Angeles, California.
California travel expert Veronica Hill and husband Jason Hill share their guide to Disneyland California in this episode of "California Travel Tips."
In this Disneyland video, we'll take you on a tour of the Disneyland Resort and share some of our favorite Disneyland tips with you.
Try to buy your Disneyland tickets online so you don't have to hassle with the lines when you arrive. If you're st
Downtown Napa/Napa Valley, CA Travel Guide -- "Go or No" Review
Napa, California Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, drink, eat, stay, & shop with Andrea Feczko & Rachel Rudwall.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Producer of some of the world's finest wines, and home to the newly-renovated Downtown Napa, Napa Valley has a lot to offer. But when it comes to sippin' that wine, should you Go or
Palm Springs - California Travel Tips
California travel expert Veronica Hill of http://www.CaliforniaTravelExpert.com tours Palm Springs in this episode of "California Travel Tips."
Located 114 miles east of Los Angeles off the I-10 and 111 freeways, this balmy desert oasis makes a charming weekend escape.
A few of my favorite Palm Springs attractions are the famous Palm Springs Tram, that whisks you 8,500 feet above Mount San Jacin
Los Angeles Top 10 Attractions - California Travel Guide
Take a tour of Los Angeles, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host Naomi. I would like to show you the top ten attractions of Los Angeles.
Number 10, Los Angeles Downtown. Although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center.
Number 9, Venice Beach. Experi
San Francisco Top 10 Travel Attractions - California Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of San Francisco, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of San Francisco.
Number 10: Cable cars. One of San Francisco's icons, cable cars are not only fun to ride, but also an efficient means for getting to various attractions withi
✈Palm Springs, California ►Vacation Travel Guide
Palm Springs, California ▻Vacation Travel Guide.
How Expensive is San Francisco, California? Budget Travel Tips
How much does it cost for a traveler to stay in San Francisco, California? In this video I chronicle my daily expenses.
PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info, tips and tricks. And it's just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Or fee
Los Angeles, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a leading world centaer of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, ...
Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a leading world centaer of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, sports, technology, and education.
The most important places to visit in Los Angeles are: Los Angeles Downtown (although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center), Venice Beach (experience the colorful lifestyle of the West Coast on the Venice Beach, Boardwalk. Here, you will find a festive atmosphere, eclectic entertainers and funky shops), Santa Monica Pier (by the scene at Santa Monica Beach, is the famous Pier with a perennial carnival like setting. Draws locals, as well as visitors from around the world), Hollywood (everyone knows about Hollywood and you have got to visit the Hollywood sign, when in Los Angeles), Hollywood Walk of Fame (Hollywood celebrates it's contribution to entertainment through these celebrity stars), Griffith Observatory (located in Griffith Park on Mt. Hollywood, this great public observatory has state of the art facilities and excellent views of Los Angeles), Rodeo Drive (if you are a shopping buff, you will love Rodeo Drive. A glamorous shopping District, Rodeo Drive is full of upscale and fashionable shops), Beverly Hills (take a walk around, you might even spot a celebrity in this neighborhood).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Los Angeles travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Los Angeles, California Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Nicknamed the City of Angels, Los Angeles is a leading world centaer of business, international trade, entertainment, culture, media, fashion, science, sports, technology, and education.
The most important places to visit in Los Angeles are: Los Angeles Downtown (although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center), Venice Beach (experience the colorful lifestyle of the West Coast on the Venice Beach, Boardwalk. Here, you will find a festive atmosphere, eclectic entertainers and funky shops), Santa Monica Pier (by the scene at Santa Monica Beach, is the famous Pier with a perennial carnival like setting. Draws locals, as well as visitors from around the world), Hollywood (everyone knows about Hollywood and you have got to visit the Hollywood sign, when in Los Angeles), Hollywood Walk of Fame (Hollywood celebrates it's contribution to entertainment through these celebrity stars), Griffith Observatory (located in Griffith Park on Mt. Hollywood, this great public observatory has state of the art facilities and excellent views of Los Angeles), Rodeo Drive (if you are a shopping buff, you will love Rodeo Drive. A glamorous shopping District, Rodeo Drive is full of upscale and fashionable shops), Beverly Hills (take a walk around, you might even spot a celebrity in this neighborhood).
If you want to save time and money, the most important Los Angeles travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 07 Mar 2014
- views: 327597
California Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination California in the USA.
For some, San Diego - a coastal city with a wonderful climate - is California’s southernmost city, for oth...
Travel video about destination California in the USA.
For some, San Diego - a coastal city with a wonderful climate - is California’s southernmost city, for others it is the northernmost city in Mexico. This is where we begin our tour of California, the most populated state in the USA, the Promised Land!The red tram, known as the San Diego Trolley, leaves Amtrak Station and travels south to Seaport Village on the Mexican border while north of San Diego is Joshua Tree Park, a huge nature reserve that is located between the Mojave and Colorado Deserts. The Mormons who came to this region during their search for the ‘Promised Land’ gave the Joshua Tree its name as it reminded them of the holy prophet of the same name. Las Vegas appears like a mirage in the desert, awake night and day, THE entertainment capital of the world! Guarded by a sphinx that stretches its paws out toward the Strip, a pyramid looms above the desert paradise, the Luxor Hotel, one of many theme hotels in this incredible city. The MGM lion guards one of the largest hotels in the world with over five thousand rooms, whereas the Bellagio is a return to the exclusive nature of the casino hotels of the past: here, luxury is at its zenith - an investment of 1,8 billion dollars speaks for itself! Only two and a half hours by car to the west of Las Vegas is the USA’s most recent national park that extends to the opposite side of California’s border, Death Valley! It was through here that thousands of pioneers took a short cut while journeying west, many of them perishing in the attempt. The Yosemite National Park is a near-impenetrable landscape full of huge granite mountains over the steep slopes of which torrents of roaring water plunge a thousand metres into the valleys of the last Ice Age. Los Angeles is synonymous with Hollywood, and Beverly Hills, a perfect product of the American Dream, is its famous suburb with neat parks and blossoming flower beds. There’s also the Sidewalk Of Fame, Mann’s Chinese Theatre and Rodeo Drive, the most exclusive shopping mile in the world. And of course there’s San Francisco, a city that’s under constant threat of destruction by earthquake. Perhaps that’s why ‘Frisco exudes a strong sense of well-being that has become known as ‘That California Feelin.!’
wn.com/California Vacation Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination California in the USA.
For some, San Diego - a coastal city with a wonderful climate - is California’s southernmost city, for others it is the northernmost city in Mexico. This is where we begin our tour of California, the most populated state in the USA, the Promised Land!The red tram, known as the San Diego Trolley, leaves Amtrak Station and travels south to Seaport Village on the Mexican border while north of San Diego is Joshua Tree Park, a huge nature reserve that is located between the Mojave and Colorado Deserts. The Mormons who came to this region during their search for the ‘Promised Land’ gave the Joshua Tree its name as it reminded them of the holy prophet of the same name. Las Vegas appears like a mirage in the desert, awake night and day, THE entertainment capital of the world! Guarded by a sphinx that stretches its paws out toward the Strip, a pyramid looms above the desert paradise, the Luxor Hotel, one of many theme hotels in this incredible city. The MGM lion guards one of the largest hotels in the world with over five thousand rooms, whereas the Bellagio is a return to the exclusive nature of the casino hotels of the past: here, luxury is at its zenith - an investment of 1,8 billion dollars speaks for itself! Only two and a half hours by car to the west of Las Vegas is the USA’s most recent national park that extends to the opposite side of California’s border, Death Valley! It was through here that thousands of pioneers took a short cut while journeying west, many of them perishing in the attempt. The Yosemite National Park is a near-impenetrable landscape full of huge granite mountains over the steep slopes of which torrents of roaring water plunge a thousand metres into the valleys of the last Ice Age. Los Angeles is synonymous with Hollywood, and Beverly Hills, a perfect product of the American Dream, is its famous suburb with neat parks and blossoming flower beds. There’s also the Sidewalk Of Fame, Mann’s Chinese Theatre and Rodeo Drive, the most exclusive shopping mile in the world. And of course there’s San Francisco, a city that’s under constant threat of destruction by earthquake. Perhaps that’s why ‘Frisco exudes a strong sense of well-being that has become known as ‘That California Feelin.!’
- published: 14 Aug 2013
- views: 49477
California Travel Video
California Travel Video Travel Video Guide Vacation Videos,Hotel Videos,Cruise Videos,Video Tours facebook....
California Travel Video Travel Video Guide Vacation Videos,Hotel Videos,Cruise Videos,Video Tours facebook.
wn.com/California Travel Video
California Travel Video Travel Video Guide Vacation Videos,Hotel Videos,Cruise Videos,Video Tours facebook.
San Diego Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour ...
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour with a stop in Old Town, a historic park filled with buildings dating back to the 1820s. If you want something a little livelier, go a few miles south to check out the Gaslamp District, full of Victorian-era architecture and a thriving bar and club scene. Bringing the kids with you, or looking for a more sedate afternoon? Stop by the San Diego Zoo and spend some time with the many animals taking up residence there – including some of the few pandas outside of China.
Explore San Diego’s ties to the sea by touring the U.S.S. Midway, Navy Pier, and Maritime Museum. From there, it’s just a skip across the bay to Coronado, where you can lay out in the sun and soak up some rays in a quiet beach town.
Round out your day with a trip to “the jewel,” better known as La Jolla, and indulge in some of the best seafood and Mexican food you’ll find anywhere. Don’t forget to say “Hi” to the sea lions.
Visit our San Diego travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/San Diego Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Welcome to San Diego, often called the birthplace of California.
Start your San Diego tour with a stop in Old Town, a historic park filled with buildings dating back to the 1820s. If you want something a little livelier, go a few miles south to check out the Gaslamp District, full of Victorian-era architecture and a thriving bar and club scene. Bringing the kids with you, or looking for a more sedate afternoon? Stop by the San Diego Zoo and spend some time with the many animals taking up residence there – including some of the few pandas outside of China.
Explore San Diego’s ties to the sea by touring the U.S.S. Midway, Navy Pier, and Maritime Museum. From there, it’s just a skip across the bay to Coronado, where you can lay out in the sun and soak up some rays in a quiet beach town.
Round out your day with a trip to “the jewel,” better known as La Jolla, and indulge in some of the best seafood and Mexican food you’ll find anywhere. Don’t forget to say “Hi” to the sea lions.
Visit our San Diego travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 470808
San Francisco, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
San Francisco, officially the City and County of San Francisco, is the leading financial and cultural center of Northern California an...
San Francisco, officially the City and County of San Francisco, is the leading financial and cultural center of Northern California and the San Francisco Bay Area.
The most important places to visit in San Francisco are: Golden Gate Bridge (no trip to San Francisco is complete without a visit to the Golden Gate Bridge. It truly is a special site that you will remember for a long time), Alcatraz Island (located in San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz used to have a prison which housed some of the toughest criminals. You can take a tour of the prison today), Coit Tower (gracing the landscape of San Francisco, the art deco tower was constructed to beautify the city. The observation tower at the top offers excellent city views), Golden Gate Park (it's an oasis that offers an escape from the city. The large park has beautiful landscape design with well-maintained gardens), Architectural heritage (a favorite activity for visitors to San Francisco is enjoying the architecture of local houses. These houses can even be found on many city postcards), Fisherman's Wharf (a popular tourist attraction. Fisherman's Wharf many activities, like boat cruises and you may even be able to watch sea lions in action), Cable cars (one of San Francisco's icons, cable cars are not only fun to ride, but also an efficient means for getting to various attractions within San Francisco) and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important San Francisco travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/San Francisco, California Travel Guide Must See Attractions
San Francisco, officially the City and County of San Francisco, is the leading financial and cultural center of Northern California and the San Francisco Bay Area.
The most important places to visit in San Francisco are: Golden Gate Bridge (no trip to San Francisco is complete without a visit to the Golden Gate Bridge. It truly is a special site that you will remember for a long time), Alcatraz Island (located in San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz used to have a prison which housed some of the toughest criminals. You can take a tour of the prison today), Coit Tower (gracing the landscape of San Francisco, the art deco tower was constructed to beautify the city. The observation tower at the top offers excellent city views), Golden Gate Park (it's an oasis that offers an escape from the city. The large park has beautiful landscape design with well-maintained gardens), Architectural heritage (a favorite activity for visitors to San Francisco is enjoying the architecture of local houses. These houses can even be found on many city postcards), Fisherman's Wharf (a popular tourist attraction. Fisherman's Wharf many activities, like boat cruises and you may even be able to watch sea lions in action), Cable cars (one of San Francisco's icons, cable cars are not only fun to ride, but also an efficient means for getting to various attractions within San Francisco) and many more.
If you want to save time and money, the most important San Francisco travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 26 Apr 2013
- views: 265238
California Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The state of California is located on the West Coast of the United States and is the land of huge palm trees, sandy beaches, girls in bikinis and sunshine; a pa...
The state of California is located on the West Coast of the United States and is the land of huge palm trees, sandy beaches, girls in bikinis and sunshine; a paradise for surfers and the film industry.San Francisco is famous for the Golden Gate Bridge, the Alcatraz, its trams and the world’s most winding street. Los Angeles is a huge metropolitan that is a collection of unique smaller villages; the capital of the film industry reaches from Santa Monica on the coast, through Malibu all the way to the elegant Beverly Hills. The main sight of San Diego is its harbour and the nostalgic Gaslamp Quarter. However, California is made up of more than just huge cities; it is also full of natural beauty, from the giant sequoias to the Yosemite National Park, the small towns that are reminiscent of the “gold rush”; the splendor of Hearst Castle and the famous amusement parks: Disneyland, Universal Studios and Sea World, San Diego.
wn.com/California Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
The state of California is located on the West Coast of the United States and is the land of huge palm trees, sandy beaches, girls in bikinis and sunshine; a paradise for surfers and the film industry.San Francisco is famous for the Golden Gate Bridge, the Alcatraz, its trams and the world’s most winding street. Los Angeles is a huge metropolitan that is a collection of unique smaller villages; the capital of the film industry reaches from Santa Monica on the coast, through Malibu all the way to the elegant Beverly Hills. The main sight of San Diego is its harbour and the nostalgic Gaslamp Quarter. However, California is made up of more than just huge cities; it is also full of natural beauty, from the giant sequoias to the Yosemite National Park, the small towns that are reminiscent of the “gold rush”; the splendor of Hearst Castle and the famous amusement parks: Disneyland, Universal Studios and Sea World, San Diego.
- published: 19 Mar 2015
- views: 23
Top 10 Travel Tips - Secrets for Visiting California
SUBSCRIBE! http://tinyurl.com/p2fveuj Hi guys, I'm Veronica Hill with California Travel Tips. If you're a subscriber to this channel, you're either planning ......
SUBSCRIBE! http://tinyurl.com/p2fveuj Hi guys, I'm Veronica Hill with California Travel Tips. If you're a subscriber to this channel, you're either planning ...
wn.com/Top 10 Travel Tips Secrets For Visiting California
SUBSCRIBE! http://tinyurl.com/p2fveuj Hi guys, I'm Veronica Hill with California Travel Tips. If you're a subscriber to this channel, you're either planning ...
Orange, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
Orange is located in Orange County, California. Orange is unusual in that many of the homes in its Old Town District were built prior ...
Orange is located in Orange County, California. Orange is unusual in that many of the homes in its Old Town District were built prior to 1920; whereas many other cities in the region demolished such houses in the 1960s, Orange decided to preserve them. The small affluent city of Villa Park is surrounded by the city of Orange.
The most important places to visit in Orange are: Old Towne Orange, Irvine Regional Park, Steve Ambriz Memorial Park, Disneyland, Laguna Beach, Orange Zoo and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Orange travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/Orange, California Travel Guide Must See Attractions
Orange is located in Orange County, California. Orange is unusual in that many of the homes in its Old Town District were built prior to 1920; whereas many other cities in the region demolished such houses in the 1960s, Orange decided to preserve them. The small affluent city of Villa Park is surrounded by the city of Orange.
The most important places to visit in Orange are: Old Towne Orange, Irvine Regional Park, Steve Ambriz Memorial Park, Disneyland, Laguna Beach, Orange Zoo and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important Orange travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 06 Sep 2013
- views: 10111
✈Monterey, California ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Monterey, California ►Vacation Travel Guide...
✈Monterey, California ►Vacation Travel Guide
wn.com/✈Monterey, California ►Vacation Travel Guide
✈Monterey, California ►Vacation Travel Guide
- published: 19 Dec 2013
- views: 21837
San Diego, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The...
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The whitewashed stucco buildings give a Mediterranean-style flavor to the architecture while the culture has a decidedly Mexican influence to it (Tijuana is just a short drive over the border). Despite this foreign-country look and feel, the city of San Diego is uniquely American and a truly memorable place to visit.
The most important places to visit in San Diego are: Mission Beach, Balboa Park (one of the greatest urban parks of the world. With museums and gardens inside the park, you can spend days there), Hotel Del Coronado (an amazing ocean front hotel and historic national landmark. It has hosted top celebrities, like Marilyn Monroe, for over 120 years), Old Town (recreates traditional life from the past. Many fascinating buildings and artifacts bring the history alive), Tijuana, San Diego Zoo and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important San Diego travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/San Diego, California Travel Guide Must See Attractions
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The whitewashed stucco buildings give a Mediterranean-style flavor to the architecture while the culture has a decidedly Mexican influence to it (Tijuana is just a short drive over the border). Despite this foreign-country look and feel, the city of San Diego is uniquely American and a truly memorable place to visit.
The most important places to visit in San Diego are: Mission Beach, Balboa Park (one of the greatest urban parks of the world. With museums and gardens inside the park, you can spend days there), Hotel Del Coronado (an amazing ocean front hotel and historic national landmark. It has hosted top celebrities, like Marilyn Monroe, for over 120 years), Old Town (recreates traditional life from the past. Many fascinating buildings and artifacts bring the history alive), Tijuana, San Diego Zoo and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important San Diego travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 27 Mar 2013
- views: 99142
San Diego, California Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. Th...
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The whitewashed stucco buildings give a Mediterranean-style flavor to the architecture while the culture has a decidedly Mexican influence to it (Tijuana is just a short drive over the border). Despite this foreign-country look and feel, the city of San Diego is uniquely American and a truly memorable place to visit.
The most important places to visit in San Diego are: Mission Beach, Balboa Park (one of the greatest urban parks of the world. With museums and gardens inside the park, you can spend days there), Hotel Del Coronado (an amazing ocean front hotel and historic national landmark. It has hosted top celebrities, like Marilyn Monroe, for over 120 years), Old Town (recreates traditional life from the past. Many fascinating buildings and artifacts bring the history alive), Tijuana, San Diego Zoo and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important San Diego travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/San Diego, California Travel Guide Must See Attractions
San Diego, California, is one of the most culturally diverse cities in the United States and, arguably, one of the most beautiful. The whitewashed stucco buildings give a Mediterranean-style flavor to the architecture while the culture has a decidedly Mexican influence to it (Tijuana is just a short drive over the border). Despite this foreign-country look and feel, the city of San Diego is uniquely American and a truly memorable place to visit.
The most important places to visit in San Diego are: Mission Beach, Balboa Park (one of the greatest urban parks of the world. With museums and gardens inside the park, you can spend days there), Hotel Del Coronado (an amazing ocean front hotel and historic national landmark. It has hosted top celebrities, like Marilyn Monroe, for over 120 years), Old Town (recreates traditional life from the past. Many fascinating buildings and artifacts bring the history alive), Tijuana, San Diego Zoo and many more.
This video offers a lot of tips to help you plan the perfect vacation. If you want to save time and money, the most important San Diego travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 21 Jun 2013
- views: 38605
Los Angeles ~ California ~ Discover Los Angeles ~ Travel Guide
Los Angeles is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings.
This article is about the ci...
Los Angeles is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings.
This article is about the city of Los Angeles. For the Los Angeles metropolitan area see Los Angeles County.
For other places with the same name, see Los Angeles (disambiguation).
The city of Los Angeles [1] (also known simply as L.A., and nicknamed the "City of Angels") is the most populous city in California. Located on a broad basin in Southern California, the city is surrounded by vast mountain ranges, valleys, forests, beautiful beaches along the Pacific Ocean, and nearby desert.
The metropolitan area is the second-most populous in the United States and home to over 17 million people who hail from all parts of the globe. The metropolitan area is spread across Los Angeles County, Orange County, and parts of San Bernardino County, Riverside County, and Ventura County.
Los Angeles is an important center of culture, medicine, agriculture, business, finance, energy, aerospace, science, food processing, media, international trade, and tourism. International tourists regard Los Angeles as most famous for "Hollywood," but a long-running trend in favor of outsourcing of film and television production has critically undermined the sector to the point where entertainment and media employ only about 120,000 people in the entire metro area (and most of them work in Burbank or Culver City, not Hollywood). Many major motion picture deals and premieres still occur in Los Angeles, but the vast majority of those films are actually shot elsewhere. However, some post-production, editing, promotion, distribution, and archiving work still occurs in Los Angeles. In addition, L.A. remains a major center for production of television shows and television commercials, as well as music recordings.
Nowadays, the economy of Southern California is primarily driven by its other sectors: its huge oil refineries, its thousands of rather mundane factories and food processing facilities, and its busy seaports and airports, with the result that the U.S. Customs district covering the region is the busiest in the United States. Regardless, Los Angeles continues to attract millions of tourists each year drawn to its history as the place where motion pictures traditionally came from (and where the management of the six major film studios are still largely based, even though they don't make most films there any more).
Furthermore, at least in the English-speaking world, it is still obligatory for most celebrities-to-be to live for several years in L.A. until they make it big in Hollywood. Most of them ultimately flee elsewhere after they get sick and tired of being chased by crazed fans, tourists, and paparazzi, and only after they've hooked up with the top talent agents in Hollywood (meaning that now the best scripts and songs come to them, rather than the other way around). Thus, L.A. is notorious for its celebrity-oriented culture, as exemplified by the "star maps" sold at tourist traps which feature known locations of celebrities' homes.
wn.com/Los Angeles ~ California ~ Discover Los Angeles ~ Travel Guide
Los Angeles is a huge city with several district articles containing sightseeing, restaurant, nightlife and accommodation listings.
This article is about the city of Los Angeles. For the Los Angeles metropolitan area see Los Angeles County.
For other places with the same name, see Los Angeles (disambiguation).
The city of Los Angeles [1] (also known simply as L.A., and nicknamed the "City of Angels") is the most populous city in California. Located on a broad basin in Southern California, the city is surrounded by vast mountain ranges, valleys, forests, beautiful beaches along the Pacific Ocean, and nearby desert.
The metropolitan area is the second-most populous in the United States and home to over 17 million people who hail from all parts of the globe. The metropolitan area is spread across Los Angeles County, Orange County, and parts of San Bernardino County, Riverside County, and Ventura County.
Los Angeles is an important center of culture, medicine, agriculture, business, finance, energy, aerospace, science, food processing, media, international trade, and tourism. International tourists regard Los Angeles as most famous for "Hollywood," but a long-running trend in favor of outsourcing of film and television production has critically undermined the sector to the point where entertainment and media employ only about 120,000 people in the entire metro area (and most of them work in Burbank or Culver City, not Hollywood). Many major motion picture deals and premieres still occur in Los Angeles, but the vast majority of those films are actually shot elsewhere. However, some post-production, editing, promotion, distribution, and archiving work still occurs in Los Angeles. In addition, L.A. remains a major center for production of television shows and television commercials, as well as music recordings.
Nowadays, the economy of Southern California is primarily driven by its other sectors: its huge oil refineries, its thousands of rather mundane factories and food processing facilities, and its busy seaports and airports, with the result that the U.S. Customs district covering the region is the busiest in the United States. Regardless, Los Angeles continues to attract millions of tourists each year drawn to its history as the place where motion pictures traditionally came from (and where the management of the six major film studios are still largely based, even though they don't make most films there any more).
Furthermore, at least in the English-speaking world, it is still obligatory for most celebrities-to-be to live for several years in L.A. until they make it big in Hollywood. Most of them ultimately flee elsewhere after they get sick and tired of being chased by crazed fans, tourists, and paparazzi, and only after they've hooked up with the top talent agents in Hollywood (meaning that now the best scripts and songs come to them, rather than the other way around). Thus, L.A. is notorious for its celebrity-oriented culture, as exemplified by the "star maps" sold at tourist traps which feature known locations of celebrities' homes.
- published: 01 Feb 2015
- views: 7038
San Francisco Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Leave the regular world behind when you step into the fog-swathed “City by the Bay.” Fro...
Leave the regular world behind when you step into the fog-swathed “City by the Bay.” From shopping adventures in Union Square to a trip on the city’s legendary cable cars, a trip to San Francisco is bound to leave you with incredible memories.
Stop by Fisherman’s Wharf and indulge in its shops and galleries, as well as some of the best fresh seafood you’ll ever taste. Walk on the Golden Gate Bridge and take in the fresh sea air and views of the bay and Pacific Ocean. If it’s a more serene environment you’re after, pass through the stately architecture and flowing lagoon of the Palace of Fine Arts.
Of course, San Francisco sightseeing isn’t complete without an excursion to Alcatraz, the island prison that once held some of the country’s most notorious criminals. Look into its empty cells and thick stone walls and wonder, could you escape “The Rock”?
Visit our San Francisco travel guide to plan your Bay Area trip.
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wn.com/San Francisco Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
Leave the regular world behind when you step into the fog-swathed “City by the Bay.” From shopping adventures in Union Square to a trip on the city’s legendary cable cars, a trip to San Francisco is bound to leave you with incredible memories.
Stop by Fisherman’s Wharf and indulge in its shops and galleries, as well as some of the best fresh seafood you’ll ever taste. Walk on the Golden Gate Bridge and take in the fresh sea air and views of the bay and Pacific Ocean. If it’s a more serene environment you’re after, pass through the stately architecture and flowing lagoon of the Palace of Fine Arts.
Of course, San Francisco sightseeing isn’t complete without an excursion to Alcatraz, the island prison that once held some of the country’s most notorious criminals. Look into its empty cells and thick stone walls and wonder, could you escape “The Rock”?
Visit our San Francisco travel guide to plan your Bay Area trip.
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- published: 07 Jan 2013
- views: 987481
A Los Angeles Tour and Attractions Travel Guide
Ready to start California dreamin’? Check out our video and get ready to soak up the sea...
Ready to start California dreamin’? Check out our video and get ready to soak up the sea, sand, and Los Angeles attractions!
Los Angeles, California, is a magnetic city on the coast. You can’t help but be drawn to its captivating culture, exciting attractions, and picturesque beaches. Whether you want to get a sense for the local scene or you’d prefer to plop yourself under a palm tree with an ocean view, you can do it all in “The City of Angels.”
Begin your West Coast romp with a stop at Olvera Street, one of the city’s oldest downtown areas. As part of the El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic Monument, this street market has strong ties to Mexican culture. Today, you can walk around the crafts and restaurants that make up the marketplace. For a different dose of culture, head to Little Tokyo, or J-Town. Home to the Japanese American National Museum, Buddhist temples, and traditional Japanese restaurants, J-Town is known for creating the California sushi roll.
To see a different side of the LA culture, check out the ritzy shopping district, Rodeo Drive. Considered one of the world’s most expensive shopping areas, this three-block strip showcases high-end stores and designer goods, revealing how the other half lives. From here, embark on one of the Los Angeles tours in Beverly Hills to marvel at the immaculate lawns and lavish homes, some of which belong to Hollywood’s most famous celebrities.
After roaming around the streets of LA, it’s time to dig your toes in the sand. When it comes to beaches, take your pick! Santa Monica is one of the country’s favorite resorts, as it boasts a long stretch of sand and sea, and of course, the ever-popular pier. Prefer a slightly kookier vibe? Make your way to Venice Beach, where the weird and wonderful meet on the promenade. From the gym rats at Muscle Beach to the tricksters at Venice Beach Skate Park, there’s no shortage of things to see at this shoreline. To top it all off, don’t miss the epic coastal views of Malibu from the 21-mile stretch of Pacific Coast Highway.
From tours in Los Angeles around famous spots to the ultimate relaxation at the seaside, it’s no wonder they like to call it the “Best Coast.” For more reasons to make you want to pack up your bags and head to SoCal, check out our Los Angeles travel guide video.
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wn.com/A Los Angeles Tour And Attractions Travel Guide
Ready to start California dreamin’? Check out our video and get ready to soak up the sea, sand, and Los Angeles attractions!
Los Angeles, California, is a magnetic city on the coast. You can’t help but be drawn to its captivating culture, exciting attractions, and picturesque beaches. Whether you want to get a sense for the local scene or you’d prefer to plop yourself under a palm tree with an ocean view, you can do it all in “The City of Angels.”
Begin your West Coast romp with a stop at Olvera Street, one of the city’s oldest downtown areas. As part of the El Pueblo de Los Angeles Historic Monument, this street market has strong ties to Mexican culture. Today, you can walk around the crafts and restaurants that make up the marketplace. For a different dose of culture, head to Little Tokyo, or J-Town. Home to the Japanese American National Museum, Buddhist temples, and traditional Japanese restaurants, J-Town is known for creating the California sushi roll.
To see a different side of the LA culture, check out the ritzy shopping district, Rodeo Drive. Considered one of the world’s most expensive shopping areas, this three-block strip showcases high-end stores and designer goods, revealing how the other half lives. From here, embark on one of the Los Angeles tours in Beverly Hills to marvel at the immaculate lawns and lavish homes, some of which belong to Hollywood’s most famous celebrities.
After roaming around the streets of LA, it’s time to dig your toes in the sand. When it comes to beaches, take your pick! Santa Monica is one of the country’s favorite resorts, as it boasts a long stretch of sand and sea, and of course, the ever-popular pier. Prefer a slightly kookier vibe? Make your way to Venice Beach, where the weird and wonderful meet on the promenade. From the gym rats at Muscle Beach to the tricksters at Venice Beach Skate Park, there’s no shortage of things to see at this shoreline. To top it all off, don’t miss the epic coastal views of Malibu from the 21-mile stretch of Pacific Coast Highway.
From tours in Los Angeles around famous spots to the ultimate relaxation at the seaside, it’s no wonder they like to call it the “Best Coast.” For more reasons to make you want to pack up your bags and head to SoCal, check out our Los Angeles travel guide video.
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- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 1010027
Ventura, CA Travel Guide - "Go or No" Review
Ventura, California Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay & shop in Ventura with travel experts Rachel Rudwall and Andrea Feczko.
Watch more @How2Tra...
Ventura, California Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay & shop in Ventura with travel experts Rachel Rudwall and Andrea Feczko.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
A short 2-hour train ride from LA, Ventura is famous for its surf breaks and quaint charm. But is it worth the trip?
- DO & SEE: Surfing, C-Street, Rincon, Emma Wood State Beach, Electric Bike Ride, Ventura-Ojai Bike Path, Ventura Bike Depot, Surf Brewery, Bombay for Comedy, Music & Food
- EAT & DRINK: Lure, Tacos, Taquerias Cuernavaca & Vallarta, Beach House, Scratch Truck, Azu (Ojai)
- STAY: Pierpont Inn, Best Western, Marriott
- SHOP: Patagonia Headquarters, Main Street, Parsons Guitars, Antique Shops, Boutiques
- BONUS! Jimmy Page, Jack White, Guitar-Making Lessons, LA, Union Station, Santa Barbara, Nerdy Motorcycles, Giant Burgers, Dogs in Hats, Romantic Bungalows, Pancakes, Food Trucks
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wn.com/Ventura, Ca Travel Guide Go Or No Review
Ventura, California Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay & shop in Ventura with travel experts Rachel Rudwall and Andrea Feczko.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
A short 2-hour train ride from LA, Ventura is famous for its surf breaks and quaint charm. But is it worth the trip?
- DO & SEE: Surfing, C-Street, Rincon, Emma Wood State Beach, Electric Bike Ride, Ventura-Ojai Bike Path, Ventura Bike Depot, Surf Brewery, Bombay for Comedy, Music & Food
- EAT & DRINK: Lure, Tacos, Taquerias Cuernavaca & Vallarta, Beach House, Scratch Truck, Azu (Ojai)
- STAY: Pierpont Inn, Best Western, Marriott
- SHOP: Patagonia Headquarters, Main Street, Parsons Guitars, Antique Shops, Boutiques
- BONUS! Jimmy Page, Jack White, Guitar-Making Lessons, LA, Union Station, Santa Barbara, Nerdy Motorcycles, Giant Burgers, Dogs in Hats, Romantic Bungalows, Pancakes, Food Trucks
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- published: 22 Sep 2014
- views: 4042
Travel Guide: Los Angeles, California
Its nickname is "The City of Angels." Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we learn more about Los Angeles, California....
Its nickname is "The City of Angels." Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we learn more about Los Angeles, California.
wn.com/Travel Guide Los Angeles, California
Its nickname is "The City of Angels." Join http://www.WatchMojo.com as we learn more about Los Angeles, California.
- published: 31 Aug 2012
- views: 114827
California travel expert Veronica Hill and husband Jason Hill share their guide to Disneyland California in this episode of "California Travel Tips."
In this D...
California travel expert Veronica Hill and husband Jason Hill share their guide to Disneyland California in this episode of "California Travel Tips."
In this Disneyland video, we'll take you on a tour of the Disneyland Resort and share some of our favorite Disneyland tips with you.
Try to buy your Disneyland tickets online so you don't have to hassle with the lines when you arrive. If you're staying in one of the Disneyland hotels, you can enjoy Magic Mornings, which allows early access into the park.
If you live in Southern California, it's worth your while to buy the Disneyland annual pass instead of a Disneyland ticket. It pays for itself after only three visits.
Disneyland Park is home to eight different lands spread across 85 acres. You can pick up a Disneyland map when you pass through the gates.
Be sure to check out the most popular Disneyland rides first, as they usually have the longest lines. Always try to use the Disneyland Fastpass service.
At the guest information board, you can find out about Disneyland character appearances, or the next Disneyland parade showtimes. Disneyland hours are extended during the summer until around midnight. Check their Web site for the daily schedule.
In this video, Veronica and Jason check out Splash Mountain, Disneyland Matterhorn and the Disneyland Haunted Mansion, which takes on a whole new feeling during the Disneyland holiday.
Other fun Disneyland Christmas attractions include Reindeer Roundup in Frontierland and the "Small World Holiday" in Fantasyland.
One of the most fun Disneyland secrets are the Hidden Mickeys. We found two on the Pirates of the Caribbean during our Disneyland trip.
Many Disneyland restaurants cater to special dietary needs, whether you're vegan, kosher or gluten free. Call ahead to Disneyland dining and they'll be happy to help you out. Most restaurants at Disneyland offer discounts to passholders.
If you want a good spot to see the Disneyland Fireworks, grab a seat in front of the Disneyland Castle a few hours before showtime.
One of our favorite Disneyland Tips: If your camera batteries go dead, take them to Main Street Photo Supply for a recharge.
We hope you've enjoyed this quick Disneyland guide. For more Disneyland tips and Disneyland information, go to CaliforniaTravelExpert.com
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ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/ua/app/disneyland-insiders-travel/id528739310?mt=8
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sutromedia.android.guide.disney.guide&hl;=en
California travel expert Veronica Hill and husband Jason Hill share their guide to Disneyland California in this episode of "California Travel Tips."
In this Disneyland video, we'll take you on a tour of the Disneyland Resort and share some of our favorite Disneyland tips with you.
Try to buy your Disneyland tickets online so you don't have to hassle with the lines when you arrive. If you're staying in one of the Disneyland hotels, you can enjoy Magic Mornings, which allows early access into the park.
If you live in Southern California, it's worth your while to buy the Disneyland annual pass instead of a Disneyland ticket. It pays for itself after only three visits.
Disneyland Park is home to eight different lands spread across 85 acres. You can pick up a Disneyland map when you pass through the gates.
Be sure to check out the most popular Disneyland rides first, as they usually have the longest lines. Always try to use the Disneyland Fastpass service.
At the guest information board, you can find out about Disneyland character appearances, or the next Disneyland parade showtimes. Disneyland hours are extended during the summer until around midnight. Check their Web site for the daily schedule.
In this video, Veronica and Jason check out Splash Mountain, Disneyland Matterhorn and the Disneyland Haunted Mansion, which takes on a whole new feeling during the Disneyland holiday.
Other fun Disneyland Christmas attractions include Reindeer Roundup in Frontierland and the "Small World Holiday" in Fantasyland.
One of the most fun Disneyland secrets are the Hidden Mickeys. We found two on the Pirates of the Caribbean during our Disneyland trip.
Many Disneyland restaurants cater to special dietary needs, whether you're vegan, kosher or gluten free. Call ahead to Disneyland dining and they'll be happy to help you out. Most restaurants at Disneyland offer discounts to passholders.
If you want a good spot to see the Disneyland Fireworks, grab a seat in front of the Disneyland Castle a few hours before showtime.
One of our favorite Disneyland Tips: If your camera batteries go dead, take them to Main Street Photo Supply for a recharge.
We hope you've enjoyed this quick Disneyland guide. For more Disneyland tips and Disneyland information, go to CaliforniaTravelExpert.com
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California Essential Guide App:
ITUNES: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id428163062?mt=8
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sutromedia.android.guide.ca.essential.guide568&hl;=en
Yosemite Travel Essentials App:
ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=606694986&mt;=8
ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/ua/app/disneyland-insiders-travel/id528739310?mt=8
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sutromedia.android.guide.disney.guide&hl;=en
- published: 07 Feb 2010
- views: 1511205
Downtown Napa/Napa Valley, CA Travel Guide -- "Go or No" Review
Napa, California Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, drink, eat, stay, & shop with Andrea Feczko & Rachel Rudwall.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Napa, California Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, drink, eat, stay, & shop with Andrea Feczko & Rachel Rudwall.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Producer of some of the world's finest wines, and home to the newly-renovated Downtown Napa, Napa Valley has a lot to offer. But when it comes to sippin' that wine, should you Go or No?
- SEE & DO: Eat, Drink, Bike Ride to Wineries, Kayak Napa River, Catch Show at Uptown Theatre or City Winery
- WINE-TASTE: Use Taste Pass, Naked Wines, Trahan, Wine Train, Silverado Trail, Luna Vineyards, Signorello, 30+ Venues Downtown
- EAT: Oenotri, La Toque, Bounty Hunter's, Carpe Diem, City Winery, Oxbow Market, C Casa, Kitchen Door
- SHOP: Oxbow Market, Downtown 2nd & 3rd Streets, Sunday Flea Market
- STAY: Napa River Inn, Westin, Andaz
- BONUS FUN! Wine, Bourbon, Italian Food, BBQ, Beer Can Chicken, Michelin Stars, Happy Hour, Good Weather, Wine-Tasting Dance
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wn.com/Downtown Napa Napa Valley, Ca Travel Guide Go Or No Review
Napa, California Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, drink, eat, stay, & shop with Andrea Feczko & Rachel Rudwall.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
Producer of some of the world's finest wines, and home to the newly-renovated Downtown Napa, Napa Valley has a lot to offer. But when it comes to sippin' that wine, should you Go or No?
- SEE & DO: Eat, Drink, Bike Ride to Wineries, Kayak Napa River, Catch Show at Uptown Theatre or City Winery
- WINE-TASTE: Use Taste Pass, Naked Wines, Trahan, Wine Train, Silverado Trail, Luna Vineyards, Signorello, 30+ Venues Downtown
- EAT: Oenotri, La Toque, Bounty Hunter's, Carpe Diem, City Winery, Oxbow Market, C Casa, Kitchen Door
- SHOP: Oxbow Market, Downtown 2nd & 3rd Streets, Sunday Flea Market
- STAY: Napa River Inn, Westin, Andaz
- BONUS FUN! Wine, Bourbon, Italian Food, BBQ, Beer Can Chicken, Michelin Stars, Happy Hour, Good Weather, Wine-Tasting Dance
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- published: 23 Jun 2014
- views: 7373
Palm Springs - California Travel Tips
California travel expert Veronica Hill of http://www.CaliforniaTravelExpert.com tours Palm Springs in this episode of "California Travel Tips."
Located 114 mil...
California travel expert Veronica Hill of http://www.CaliforniaTravelExpert.com tours Palm Springs in this episode of "California Travel Tips."
Located 114 miles east of Los Angeles off the I-10 and 111 freeways, this balmy desert oasis makes a charming weekend escape.
A few of my favorite Palm Springs attractions are the famous Palm Springs Tram, that whisks you 8,500 feet above Mount San Jacinto, the Desert Adventures Jeep Tour, which takes you into the California desert and along the San Andreas Fault, and the educational Living Desert zoo and botanical gardens, where you can get a close-up look at native desert plants and desert animals.
If you're looking to stay the weekend, Palm Springs hotels such as Desert Riviera Hotel and Horizon Hotel cater to the swanky crowd looking for a bit of retro chic. Both are located in the Heritage District, which is home to many of Palm Springs Mid Century Modern buildings.
Palm Springs resorts like Rancho Las Palmas and the Desert Springs JW Marriott Resort & Spa are known for their great pools, golf courses and spas.
For a price, you can even stay the night at Frank Sinatra's former Twin Palms estate, or the honeymoon hideaway of Elvis Presley. Daily house tours of the Elvis home ($25 weekdays and $35 weekends) are offered by appointment.
By night you'll find some fun Palm Springs entertainment at the Palm Springs Follies, where an over-55 cast of vaudeville entertainers pay homage to Route 66 in a musical revue.
Before you leave, don't forget to stop at the Shield's Date Farm in Indio, where you can stock up on Medjool dates, moist date nut bread or sample one of their famous creamy date shakes. You'll think you've died and gone to heaven.
Palm Springs weather varies from the 70s in winter and spring to over 110 F during the summer months, so be sure you've packed accordingly. Even during peak season, you should bring a jacket. Evening temperatures often dip into the 40s.
Palm Springs Hotels
Frank Sinatra Twin Palms Estate
1148 Alejo, Palm Springs
(877) 318-2090
Rates start at $2,600 per night
Elvis Honeymoon Hideaway
1350 Ladera Circle, Palm Springs
(760) 322-1192
Desert Riviera Hotel
610 E Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs
(760) 327-5314
Horizon Hotel
1050 E. Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs
(760) 323-1858
Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa
41000 Bob Hope Drive, Palm Springs
(760) 568-2727
Desert Springs JW Marriott Resort & Spa
74855 Country Club Drive, Palm Desert
(760) 341-2211
Palm Springs Attractions
The Living Desert
47-900 Portola Avenue, Palm Desert
(760) 346-5694
Palm Springs Follies
128 South Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs
(760) 327-0225
Palm Springs Tramway
1 Tramway Road, Palm Springs
(888) 515 - 8726
Cabazon Dinosaurs
50800 Seminole Drive, Cabazon
(951) 922-8700
Shield's Date Garden
80-225 U.S. Highway 111, Indio
(760) 347-7768
www.shieldsdates.com SUBSCRIBE! http://tinyurl.com/p2fveuj
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California Essential Guide App:
ITUNES: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id428163062?mt=8
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Yosemite Travel Essentials App:
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ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/ua/app/disneyland-insiders-travel/id528739310?mt=8
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sutromedia.android.guide.disney.guide&hl;=en
wn.com/Palm Springs California Travel Tips
California travel expert Veronica Hill of http://www.CaliforniaTravelExpert.com tours Palm Springs in this episode of "California Travel Tips."
Located 114 miles east of Los Angeles off the I-10 and 111 freeways, this balmy desert oasis makes a charming weekend escape.
A few of my favorite Palm Springs attractions are the famous Palm Springs Tram, that whisks you 8,500 feet above Mount San Jacinto, the Desert Adventures Jeep Tour, which takes you into the California desert and along the San Andreas Fault, and the educational Living Desert zoo and botanical gardens, where you can get a close-up look at native desert plants and desert animals.
If you're looking to stay the weekend, Palm Springs hotels such as Desert Riviera Hotel and Horizon Hotel cater to the swanky crowd looking for a bit of retro chic. Both are located in the Heritage District, which is home to many of Palm Springs Mid Century Modern buildings.
Palm Springs resorts like Rancho Las Palmas and the Desert Springs JW Marriott Resort & Spa are known for their great pools, golf courses and spas.
For a price, you can even stay the night at Frank Sinatra's former Twin Palms estate, or the honeymoon hideaway of Elvis Presley. Daily house tours of the Elvis home ($25 weekdays and $35 weekends) are offered by appointment.
By night you'll find some fun Palm Springs entertainment at the Palm Springs Follies, where an over-55 cast of vaudeville entertainers pay homage to Route 66 in a musical revue.
Before you leave, don't forget to stop at the Shield's Date Farm in Indio, where you can stock up on Medjool dates, moist date nut bread or sample one of their famous creamy date shakes. You'll think you've died and gone to heaven.
Palm Springs weather varies from the 70s in winter and spring to over 110 F during the summer months, so be sure you've packed accordingly. Even during peak season, you should bring a jacket. Evening temperatures often dip into the 40s.
Palm Springs Hotels
Frank Sinatra Twin Palms Estate
1148 Alejo, Palm Springs
(877) 318-2090
Rates start at $2,600 per night
Elvis Honeymoon Hideaway
1350 Ladera Circle, Palm Springs
(760) 322-1192
Desert Riviera Hotel
610 E Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs
(760) 327-5314
Horizon Hotel
1050 E. Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs
(760) 323-1858
Rancho Las Palmas Resort and Spa
41000 Bob Hope Drive, Palm Springs
(760) 568-2727
Desert Springs JW Marriott Resort & Spa
74855 Country Club Drive, Palm Desert
(760) 341-2211
Palm Springs Attractions
The Living Desert
47-900 Portola Avenue, Palm Desert
(760) 346-5694
Palm Springs Follies
128 South Palm Canyon Drive, Palm Springs
(760) 327-0225
Palm Springs Tramway
1 Tramway Road, Palm Springs
(888) 515 - 8726
Cabazon Dinosaurs
50800 Seminole Drive, Cabazon
(951) 922-8700
Shield's Date Garden
80-225 U.S. Highway 111, Indio
(760) 347-7768
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California Essential Guide App:
ITUNES: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id428163062?mt=8
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sutromedia.android.guide.ca.essential.guide568&hl;=en
Yosemite Travel Essentials App:
ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=606694986&mt;=8
ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/ua/app/disneyland-insiders-travel/id528739310?mt=8
GOOGLE PLAY: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.sutromedia.android.guide.disney.guide&hl;=en
- published: 31 Dec 2008
- views: 60751
Los Angeles Top 10 Attractions - California Travel Guide
Take a tour of Los Angeles, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host Naomi. I would like to show you the...
Take a tour of Los Angeles, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host Naomi. I would like to show you the top ten attractions of Los Angeles.
Number 10, Los Angeles Downtown. Although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center.
Number 9, Venice Beach. Experience the colorful lifestyle of the West Coast on the Venice Beach, Boardwalk. Here, you will find a festive atmosphere, eclectic entertainers and funky shops.
Number 8, Santa Monica Pier. By the scene at Santa Monica Beach, is the famous Pier with a perennial carnival like setting. Draws locals, as well as visitors from around the world.
Number 7, Hollywood. Everyone knows about Hollywood and you have got to visit the Hollywood sign, when in Los Angeles.
Number 6, Hollywood Walk of Fame. Hollywood celebrates it's contribution to entertainment through these celebrity stars.
Number 5, Griffith Observatory. Located in Griffith Park on Mt. Hollywood, this great public observatory has state of the art facilities and excellent views of Los Angeles.
Number 4, Grauman's Chinese Theatre. built in nineteen twenty seven, this is among the famous theatres in the world.
Number 3, Rodeo Drive. If you are a shopping buff, you will love Rodeo Drive. A glamorous shopping District, Rodeo Drive is full of upscale and fashionable shops.
Number 2, Beverly Hills. Take a walk around, you might even spot a celebrity in this neighborhood.
And number 1, Malibu. The Los Angeles area has many scenic beaches, Malibu in particular is an excellent place for you to experience how locals enjoy the beach life in California.
Hope you enjoyed this video, see you next time.
wn.com/Los Angeles Top 10 Attractions California Travel Guide
Take a tour of Los Angeles, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host Naomi. I would like to show you the top ten attractions of Los Angeles.
Number 10, Los Angeles Downtown. Although Los Angeles attractions are spread over a large area, the city is architecturally diverse Downtown is a thriving urban center.
Number 9, Venice Beach. Experience the colorful lifestyle of the West Coast on the Venice Beach, Boardwalk. Here, you will find a festive atmosphere, eclectic entertainers and funky shops.
Number 8, Santa Monica Pier. By the scene at Santa Monica Beach, is the famous Pier with a perennial carnival like setting. Draws locals, as well as visitors from around the world.
Number 7, Hollywood. Everyone knows about Hollywood and you have got to visit the Hollywood sign, when in Los Angeles.
Number 6, Hollywood Walk of Fame. Hollywood celebrates it's contribution to entertainment through these celebrity stars.
Number 5, Griffith Observatory. Located in Griffith Park on Mt. Hollywood, this great public observatory has state of the art facilities and excellent views of Los Angeles.
Number 4, Grauman's Chinese Theatre. built in nineteen twenty seven, this is among the famous theatres in the world.
Number 3, Rodeo Drive. If you are a shopping buff, you will love Rodeo Drive. A glamorous shopping District, Rodeo Drive is full of upscale and fashionable shops.
Number 2, Beverly Hills. Take a walk around, you might even spot a celebrity in this neighborhood.
And number 1, Malibu. The Los Angeles area has many scenic beaches, Malibu in particular is an excellent place for you to experience how locals enjoy the beach life in California.
Hope you enjoyed this video, see you next time.
- published: 19 Aug 2010
- views: 367745
San Francisco Top 10 Travel Attractions - California Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of San Francisco, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Nao...
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of San Francisco, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of San Francisco.
Number 10: Cable cars. One of San Francisco's icons, cable cars are not only fun to ride, but also an efficient means for getting to various attractions within San Francisco.
Number 9: Fisherman's Wharf, a popular tourist attraction. Fisherman's Wharf many activities, like boat cruises and you may even be able to watch sea lions in action.
Number 8: De Young Museum. Located inside the Golden Gate Park, the museum houses many great works of art. Natural elements were used for its construction.
Number 7: Architectural heritage. A favorite activity for visitors to San Francisco is enjoying the architecture of local houses. These houses can even be found on many city postcards.
Number 6: Palace of Fine Arts. Built in 1915 for the Panama Pacific International Exposition, this remarkable structure is a cherished San Francisco landmark.
Number 5: Golden Gate Park, a great urban park. It's an oasis that offers an escape from the city. The large park has beautiful landscape design with well-maintained gardens.
Number 4: Coit Tower. Gracing the landscape of San Francisco, the art deco tower was constructed to beautify the city. The observation tower at the top offers excellent city views.
Number 3: Alcatraz Island. Located in San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz used to have a prison which housed some of the toughest criminals. You can take a tour of the prison today.
Number 2: Lombard Street, among America's crookedest streets. It's fascinating to drive down the street or watch other cars. Hard to imagine people actually live here.
Number 1: Golden Gate Bridge. No trip to San Francisco is complete without a visit to the Golden Gate Bridge. It truly is a special site that you will remember for a long time.
Keep watching our travel video series. Ciao.
wn.com/San Francisco Top 10 Travel Attractions California Travel Guide
Take a tour of Top 10 Travel Attractions of San Francisco, California - part of the World's Greatest Attractions series by GeoBeats.
Hi, this is your host, Naomi. I would like to give you a tour of the top 10 attractions of San Francisco.
Number 10: Cable cars. One of San Francisco's icons, cable cars are not only fun to ride, but also an efficient means for getting to various attractions within San Francisco.
Number 9: Fisherman's Wharf, a popular tourist attraction. Fisherman's Wharf many activities, like boat cruises and you may even be able to watch sea lions in action.
Number 8: De Young Museum. Located inside the Golden Gate Park, the museum houses many great works of art. Natural elements were used for its construction.
Number 7: Architectural heritage. A favorite activity for visitors to San Francisco is enjoying the architecture of local houses. These houses can even be found on many city postcards.
Number 6: Palace of Fine Arts. Built in 1915 for the Panama Pacific International Exposition, this remarkable structure is a cherished San Francisco landmark.
Number 5: Golden Gate Park, a great urban park. It's an oasis that offers an escape from the city. The large park has beautiful landscape design with well-maintained gardens.
Number 4: Coit Tower. Gracing the landscape of San Francisco, the art deco tower was constructed to beautify the city. The observation tower at the top offers excellent city views.
Number 3: Alcatraz Island. Located in San Francisco Bay, Alcatraz used to have a prison which housed some of the toughest criminals. You can take a tour of the prison today.
Number 2: Lombard Street, among America's crookedest streets. It's fascinating to drive down the street or watch other cars. Hard to imagine people actually live here.
Number 1: Golden Gate Bridge. No trip to San Francisco is complete without a visit to the Golden Gate Bridge. It truly is a special site that you will remember for a long time.
Keep watching our travel video series. Ciao.
- published: 13 Aug 2010
- views: 338122
How Expensive is San Francisco, California? Budget Travel Tips
How much does it cost for a traveler to stay in San Francisco, California? In this video I chronicle my daily expenses.
How much does it cost for a traveler to stay in San Francisco, California? In this video I chronicle my daily expenses.
PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info, tips and tricks. And it's just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Or feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 adventure travel stories from around the world. It's also available on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/
Gabriel's travel page on Facebook:
Lots more adventure travel at: http://gabrieltraveler.com
Follow Gabriel on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabrieltravel
Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below.
Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit http://gabrieltraveler.com for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more.
Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys!
How Expensive is San Francisco, California? Budget Travel Tips
wn.com/How Expensive Is San Francisco, California Budget Travel Tips
How much does it cost for a traveler to stay in San Francisco, California? In this video I chronicle my daily expenses.
PLANNING A BUDGET TRAVELING TRIP?? "Gabe's Guide to Budget Travel" is a travel guidebook that's packed with practical travel info, tips and tricks. And it's just $10 on Amazon! Click here for more info: http://www.amazon.com/Gabes-Guide-Budget-Travel-Tricks/dp/1470155141/
Or feel like reading something fun, adventurous and inspiring? "Following My Thumb" by Gabriel Morris features 26 adventure travel stories from around the world. It's also available on Amazon here: http://www.amazon.com/Following-My-Thumb-Gabriel-Morris/dp/1846948495/
Gabriel's travel page on Facebook:
Lots more adventure travel at: http://gabrieltraveler.com
Follow Gabriel on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/gabrieltravel
Video created by Gabriel Morris, who is the owner of all video or photo content. See more below.
Gabriel Morris is a world traveler and travel writer who has been adventuring around the world off and on since his first trip to Europe in the summer of 1990. He is author of "Following My Thumb", a collection of 26 exciting and hilarious autobiographical travel stories from his worldly wanderings during the 1990s; and of several other books. Visit http://gabrieltraveler.com for lots more info about his travel writing, photography, videos, budget travel tips and much more.
Thanks a lot for watching, and safe journeys!
How Expensive is San Francisco, California? Budget Travel Tips
- published: 16 Jul 2015
- views: 4167
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Thank you to everyone that watch, lik
2016 HONDA CIVIC SEDAN Redding, Eureka, Red Bluff, Northern California, Sacramento, CA 16H304
Servicing Redding, CA near Eureka, Red Bluff, Northen California, Sacramento, California
2016 HONDA CIVIC SEDAN - Stock#: 16H304 - VIN#: 2HGFC2F50GH510579
For more information on this vehicle and our full inventory, call us at 5302321234
Crown Motors Redding - New
555 Cypress Ave
Warp In Northern California
ValleyToVine.com Best time for California wine tour
ValleyToVine.com Best time for California wine tour
Call Tim Kerrigan, Proprietor 916-838-5139
www.ValleyToVine.com - info@ValleyToVine.com
Wine has been a...
ValleyToVine.com Best time for California wine tour
Call Tim Kerrigan, Proprietor 916-838-5139
www.ValleyToVine.com - info@ValleyToVine.com
Wine has been a focal point of my family’s life for as long as I can remember.
The pure enjoyment of the wine tasting experience has provided a pleasant backdrop to some of the most memorable moments in my life.
It is my family’s legacy to share that same feeling towards wine with as many people as I can.
From this heartfelt reflection comes the impetus for this shared experience we call “Valley to Vine” Wine Tours. We invite you to join us on our journey.
Tour Options Available:
• Private, Guided Group Minibus Tour with Select Itinerary
• Group Limousine Tour with Overnight Bed & Breakfast Lodging
• Weekend Group Limousine Tour with two Night Bed & Breakfast Lodging
All tours include morning pastries & juices, afternoon picnic lunch.
Plymouth, California - Located on Historic Highway 49, Plymouth is in the heart of Gold Country and is a perfect place to stay when visiting beautiful Shenandoah Valley, Amador County's Wine Region. Amador County is now home to over 30 wineries. Many are situated near Plymouth, on scenic back roads in picturesque rural terrain of historic California. Most Amador wineries are small family operations.
El Dorado, California - One of the wine world's best kept secrets lies deep in the heart of El Dorado County in the Sierra foothills. Within an hour's drive from Sacramento, you will find over 20 family-owned boutique wineries who take pride in their land, their wines, and their customers. Since becoming its own appellation in 2001, Fair Play has developed a reputation for high quality wine grapes that yield deeply flavorful, intense wines from an amazingly diverse range of grape varieties. Apple Hill area offers a number of award-winning wineries, as well.
Lodi, California - Lodi is best known from the Creedence Clearwater Revival song "Lodi", and also as a center of wine production (the "Zinfandel Capital of the World"), although its vintages have traditionally been less prestigious than those of Sonoma and Napa counties. However, in recent years, the Lodi Appellation has become increasingly respected for its Zinfandel wine and other eclectic varietals.
Murphys, California - Murphys is rapidly becoming a mecca for wine enthusiasts, with a growing and vibrant wine industry establishing itself in and around the town. The Murphys area is currently home to more than a dozen family-owned and operated boutique wineries, all of which welcome visitors year-round for wine tasting and/or tours. Many of these wineries have tasting rooms right on Main St., within comfortable strolling distance of one another.
Placer Hills, California - The Placer County Wine Trail is a series of small family-run boutique wineries each dedicated to preserving the historic wine-making legacy of the California Sierra Foothills with passion and craftsmanship. Varietals include the highly floral Viognier to dark-berried Tempranillo and lush Barbera as just some of the samplings. Other award winning wines include smoky and spiced Syrahs, Petite Sirah and adventurous blends. Cabernet Franc and flavor intense Zinfandel and dessert wine offerings provide plentiful options for every taste and occasion
Clarksburg, California - The wineries at the Old Sugar Mill, in Clarksburg, California, are a bridge to the rich agricultural heritage of the region, whose vineyards are staking their claim alongside the great wine growing regions of the world. The Old Sugar Mill is home to a unique community of six California wineries and their signature wines: Todd Taylor Wines, Three Wine Company, The Solomon Wine Company, Heringer Estates, Clarksburg Wine Company, and the Carvalho Family Wines. Further down the road Bogle Winery, offers a lush lawn area, nestled between the tasting room deck and the vineyards, which makes for the perfect picnicking spot.
Serving Amador, Lodi, El Dorado, Calaveras, Nevada Counties
Valley To Vine 916-838-5139 eserve wine tours,,,Valley To Vine 916-838-5139 vino van tours,ValleyToVine.com California wine tour train,ValleyToVine.com 916-838-5139 california wine tours inc
wn.com/Valleytovine.Com Best Time For California Wine Tour
ValleyToVine.com Best time for California wine tour
Call Tim Kerrigan, Proprietor 916-838-5139
www.ValleyToVine.com - info@ValleyToVine.com
Wine has been a focal point of my family’s life for as long as I can remember.
The pure enjoyment of the wine tasting experience has provided a pleasant backdrop to some of the most memorable moments in my life.
It is my family’s legacy to share that same feeling towards wine with as many people as I can.
From this heartfelt reflection comes the impetus for this shared experience we call “Valley to Vine” Wine Tours. We invite you to join us on our journey.
Tour Options Available:
• Private, Guided Group Minibus Tour with Select Itinerary
• Group Limousine Tour with Overnight Bed & Breakfast Lodging
• Weekend Group Limousine Tour with two Night Bed & Breakfast Lodging
All tours include morning pastries & juices, afternoon picnic lunch.
Plymouth, California - Located on Historic Highway 49, Plymouth is in the heart of Gold Country and is a perfect place to stay when visiting beautiful Shenandoah Valley, Amador County's Wine Region. Amador County is now home to over 30 wineries. Many are situated near Plymouth, on scenic back roads in picturesque rural terrain of historic California. Most Amador wineries are small family operations.
El Dorado, California - One of the wine world's best kept secrets lies deep in the heart of El Dorado County in the Sierra foothills. Within an hour's drive from Sacramento, you will find over 20 family-owned boutique wineries who take pride in their land, their wines, and their customers. Since becoming its own appellation in 2001, Fair Play has developed a reputation for high quality wine grapes that yield deeply flavorful, intense wines from an amazingly diverse range of grape varieties. Apple Hill area offers a number of award-winning wineries, as well.
Lodi, California - Lodi is best known from the Creedence Clearwater Revival song "Lodi", and also as a center of wine production (the "Zinfandel Capital of the World"), although its vintages have traditionally been less prestigious than those of Sonoma and Napa counties. However, in recent years, the Lodi Appellation has become increasingly respected for its Zinfandel wine and other eclectic varietals.
Murphys, California - Murphys is rapidly becoming a mecca for wine enthusiasts, with a growing and vibrant wine industry establishing itself in and around the town. The Murphys area is currently home to more than a dozen family-owned and operated boutique wineries, all of which welcome visitors year-round for wine tasting and/or tours. Many of these wineries have tasting rooms right on Main St., within comfortable strolling distance of one another.
Placer Hills, California - The Placer County Wine Trail is a series of small family-run boutique wineries each dedicated to preserving the historic wine-making legacy of the California Sierra Foothills with passion and craftsmanship. Varietals include the highly floral Viognier to dark-berried Tempranillo and lush Barbera as just some of the samplings. Other award winning wines include smoky and spiced Syrahs, Petite Sirah and adventurous blends. Cabernet Franc and flavor intense Zinfandel and dessert wine offerings provide plentiful options for every taste and occasion
Clarksburg, California - The wineries at the Old Sugar Mill, in Clarksburg, California, are a bridge to the rich agricultural heritage of the region, whose vineyards are staking their claim alongside the great wine growing regions of the world. The Old Sugar Mill is home to a unique community of six California wineries and their signature wines: Todd Taylor Wines, Three Wine Company, The Solomon Wine Company, Heringer Estates, Clarksburg Wine Company, and the Carvalho Family Wines. Further down the road Bogle Winery, offers a lush lawn area, nestled between the tasting room deck and the vineyards, which makes for the perfect picnicking spot.
Serving Amador, Lodi, El Dorado, Calaveras, Nevada Counties
Valley To Vine 916-838-5139 eserve wine tours,,,Valley To Vine 916-838-5139 vino van tours,ValleyToVine.com California wine tour train,ValleyToVine.com 916-838-5139 california wine tours inc
- published: 24 Dec 2015
- views: 0
tocada sonido el picudo salinas california
aqui pueden apreciar la claridad y fidelidad de las aereas emienece doble 10" y driver de 2" en venta 900$dolares + envio cada una...
aqui pueden apreciar la claridad y fidelidad de las aereas emienece doble 10" y driver de 2" en venta 900$dolares + envio cada una
wn.com/Tocada Sonido El Picudo Salinas California
aqui pueden apreciar la claridad y fidelidad de las aereas emienece doble 10" y driver de 2" en venta 900$dolares + envio cada una
- published: 24 Dec 2015
- views: 12
Roller Coaster - Minecraft Pe - Roller Coaster - California Adventure 2015
Roller Coaster - Minecraft Pe
Roller Coaster - Best Roller Coaster Reaction - Minecraft Pe
Playlist 1: https://goo.gl/oPzPdr
Playlist 2: https://goo.gl/kYwdgK
Roller Coaster - Minecraft Pe
Roller Coaster - Best Roller Coaster Reaction - Minecraft Pe
Playlist 1: https://goo.gl/oPzPdr
Playlist 2: https://goo.gl/kYwdgK
Channel: https://goo.gl/xhU75z
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dailysportfanclub
Thanks for watch videos! LIKE & SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!
Roller coaster phobia is a colloquial and slang term describing an individual's fear of roller coasters. While roller coasters are the most popular theme park attraction,
certain people feel nauseated, afraid, dizzy, or unsafe when riding roller coasters. In the majority of cases, this fear is related to acrophobia, claustrophobia, or a
traumatic event. Roller coaster phobia can be overcome relatively easily, the best cure being going on the tallest/fastest roller coaster before riding roller coasters of a
lesser magnitude. Roller coaster phobia has been linked to previously experiencing an accident, vertigo, and fear of heights. In rare cases, riders may be afraid of roller
coasters due to a painful ride, tight restraints, being thrown around in the restraints, and excessive g-forces on the body of the rider.
Roller Coaster - Best Roller Coaster Reaction - Minecraft Pe,
Roller coaster, Top 5 , Best Roller Coaster, Reactions, roller coaster tycoon world, mod showcase,
roller coaster minecraft, roller coaster in the world 2015, minecraft, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, #Top10-RollerCoaster-LDQ ,
If you see or Please like, share support for us. If not or you see video on coment please leave your opinion I'll get back to you. I'll find the video for you to share your
Thank you.
wn.com/Roller Coaster Minecraft Pe Roller Coaster California Adventure 2015
Roller Coaster - Minecraft Pe
Roller Coaster - Best Roller Coaster Reaction - Minecraft Pe
Playlist 1: https://goo.gl/oPzPdr
Playlist 2: https://goo.gl/kYwdgK
Channel: https://goo.gl/xhU75z
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/dailysportfanclub
Thanks for watch videos! LIKE & SHARE & SUBSCRIBE!
Roller coaster phobia is a colloquial and slang term describing an individual's fear of roller coasters. While roller coasters are the most popular theme park attraction,
certain people feel nauseated, afraid, dizzy, or unsafe when riding roller coasters. In the majority of cases, this fear is related to acrophobia, claustrophobia, or a
traumatic event. Roller coaster phobia can be overcome relatively easily, the best cure being going on the tallest/fastest roller coaster before riding roller coasters of a
lesser magnitude. Roller coaster phobia has been linked to previously experiencing an accident, vertigo, and fear of heights. In rare cases, riders may be afraid of roller
coasters due to a painful ride, tight restraints, being thrown around in the restraints, and excessive g-forces on the body of the rider.
Roller Coaster - Best Roller Coaster Reaction - Minecraft Pe,
Roller coaster, Top 5 , Best Roller Coaster, Reactions, roller coaster tycoon world, mod showcase,
roller coaster minecraft, roller coaster in the world 2015, minecraft, roleplay, minecraft roleplay, #Top10-RollerCoaster-LDQ ,
If you see or Please like, share support for us. If not or you see video on coment please leave your opinion I'll get back to you. I'll find the video for you to share your
Thank you.
- published: 24 Dec 2015
- views: 0
GTA 5 LSPDFR Police Mod 61 | California Highway Patrol I CHP Ford Explorer Police Interceptor
Watch in "HD"
Click Here To Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/acepilot2k7?sub_confirmation=1
GTA 5 LSPDFR Police Mod Ep 61 | California Highway Patrol ...
Watch in "HD"
Click Here To Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/acepilot2k7?sub_confirmation=1
GTA 5 LSPDFR Police Mod Ep 61 | California Highway Patrol I CHP Ford Explorer Police Interceptor Utility
My Computer:
Asus G11 with Intel I7 6700k Processor
Nvidia GTX 980
16gb of RAM.
Thank you to everyone that watch, like, share and comment on my videos. It may seem like a small thing to you but I appreciate each and everyone of you. All of the feedback and comments are what helped this channel grow to what is now.
Check Out My Channel & Subscribe For More Videos Containing GTA 5 & LSPDFR videos.
Stalk Me On Here:
https://twitter.com/kusduece Follow on Twitter @KusDuece
Links the mods used in this video provided by DCP1293. Thanks for taking the time out to make all of these links and allowing me to use them. Be sure to check out his channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1pO6-q94uV-mAPjs5sT5kg
NYPD Peds By Dualift :
NYPD MALECOP 1.1: http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/9641-nypd-malecop/
NYPD FEMALE COP 1.1: http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/9643-nypd-female-cop/
NYPD HWY PATROL 1.0.1: http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/9650-nypd-hwy-patrol/
NYSP TROOPER 1.0.0:http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/9648-nysp-trooper/
NYSP FEMALE TROOPER 1.0.0: http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/9651-nysp-female-trooper/
Vehicles By Policesco
NYPD Ford CVPI HD: https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/nypd-ford-cvpi-hd
Get GTA V Here, this mod is for PC ONLY :
LSPDFR - http://goo.gl/lbsmJ9
ScriptHookV - http://goo.gl/4DsW9m
ScriptHookVDotNet - https://goo.gl/Om9zdb
RagePluginHook - http://goo.gl/OBdOiZ
Simple Trainer - https://goo.gl/SJqAly
Player Location Display - http://goo.gl/ExWcQl
Breathalyzer - http://goo.gl/J2XFma
CalloutsV - http://goo.gl/PIHrhU
Code 3 Callouts - http://goo.gl/wZgAAx
StraysCallouts - http://goo.gl/52le0K
Wilderness Callouts - http://goo.gl/RfvQvN
Simple Callouts - http://goo.gl/dnLx8i
MoreControlV - http://goo.gl/JhnQi0
Traffic Variety - http://goo.gl/9qIekF
Traffic Control - http://goo.gl/VrPl63
Traffic Policer - http://goo.gl/Ef9yy1
HEROCOP - http://goo.gl/Ie5Q19
Cop Holster - http://goo.gl/xgBeBN
More Jail Points - http://goo.gl/0SH5Ek
Coroner Boxville - http://goo.gl/fRJtbU
SS2000 Scanner Texture - http://goo.gl/hX4byI
Lights and Sirens Script - http://goo.gl/EhQ3wz
LED Corona - http://goo.gl/N16ViL
Parking Lights for Stanier - http://goo.gl/8nOLzH
Speed Radar - http://goo.gl/0PKssq
Police Radio by FinKone - http://goo.gl/qFil4c
Spotlight - http://goo.gl/2MOINm
Vehicle Search - http://goo.gl/lepGTf
LAPD SS2000 Siren - http://goo.gl/qD54SA
Crown Victoria by Prophet - http://goo.gl/kWglVW
Rumbler Siren - http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/8110-gta-5-rumbler-ss2200-with-horn/
LAPD SS2000 Siren - http://goo.gl/qD54SA
Crown Victoria Engine Sound - http://goo.gl/2GYhpw
Sheriff CVPI by F5544 - http://goo.gl/VUrC8C
BxBugs Impala - http://goo.gl/8WlLK2
Unmarked CVPI Pack - http://goo.gl/CxqUzS
Ford Taurus - http://goo.gl/NnDqDD
Snow - https://goo.gl/HGyg0Z
LSPD First Response 0.2 Beta: http://www.lcpdfr.com/lspdfr/
The LSPD First Response Modification (LSPDFR) is a police simulation modification (mod) for the PC version of Grand
Theft Auto V which transforms the game into a law enforcement simulation where you can conduct traffic stops, engage
in high speed pursuits, respond to callouts and enforce the law as you see fit.
Hope You Enjoy and do not forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe To My Channel Acepilot2k7.
Hope You Enjoy and do not forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe To My Channel Acepilot2k7.
wn.com/Gta 5 Lspdfr Police Mod 61 | California Highway Patrol I Chp Ford Explorer Police Interceptor
Watch in "HD"
Click Here To Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/user/acepilot2k7?sub_confirmation=1
GTA 5 LSPDFR Police Mod Ep 61 | California Highway Patrol I CHP Ford Explorer Police Interceptor Utility
My Computer:
Asus G11 with Intel I7 6700k Processor
Nvidia GTX 980
16gb of RAM.
Thank you to everyone that watch, like, share and comment on my videos. It may seem like a small thing to you but I appreciate each and everyone of you. All of the feedback and comments are what helped this channel grow to what is now.
Check Out My Channel & Subscribe For More Videos Containing GTA 5 & LSPDFR videos.
Stalk Me On Here:
https://twitter.com/kusduece Follow on Twitter @KusDuece
Links the mods used in this video provided by DCP1293. Thanks for taking the time out to make all of these links and allowing me to use them. Be sure to check out his channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1pO6-q94uV-mAPjs5sT5kg
NYPD Peds By Dualift :
NYPD MALECOP 1.1: http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/9641-nypd-malecop/
NYPD FEMALE COP 1.1: http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/9643-nypd-female-cop/
NYPD HWY PATROL 1.0.1: http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/9650-nypd-hwy-patrol/
NYSP TROOPER 1.0.0:http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/9648-nysp-trooper/
NYSP FEMALE TROOPER 1.0.0: http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/9651-nysp-female-trooper/
Vehicles By Policesco
NYPD Ford CVPI HD: https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/nypd-ford-cvpi-hd
Get GTA V Here, this mod is for PC ONLY :
LSPDFR - http://goo.gl/lbsmJ9
ScriptHookV - http://goo.gl/4DsW9m
ScriptHookVDotNet - https://goo.gl/Om9zdb
RagePluginHook - http://goo.gl/OBdOiZ
Simple Trainer - https://goo.gl/SJqAly
Player Location Display - http://goo.gl/ExWcQl
Breathalyzer - http://goo.gl/J2XFma
CalloutsV - http://goo.gl/PIHrhU
Code 3 Callouts - http://goo.gl/wZgAAx
StraysCallouts - http://goo.gl/52le0K
Wilderness Callouts - http://goo.gl/RfvQvN
Simple Callouts - http://goo.gl/dnLx8i
MoreControlV - http://goo.gl/JhnQi0
Traffic Variety - http://goo.gl/9qIekF
Traffic Control - http://goo.gl/VrPl63
Traffic Policer - http://goo.gl/Ef9yy1
HEROCOP - http://goo.gl/Ie5Q19
Cop Holster - http://goo.gl/xgBeBN
More Jail Points - http://goo.gl/0SH5Ek
Coroner Boxville - http://goo.gl/fRJtbU
SS2000 Scanner Texture - http://goo.gl/hX4byI
Lights and Sirens Script - http://goo.gl/EhQ3wz
LED Corona - http://goo.gl/N16ViL
Parking Lights for Stanier - http://goo.gl/8nOLzH
Speed Radar - http://goo.gl/0PKssq
Police Radio by FinKone - http://goo.gl/qFil4c
Spotlight - http://goo.gl/2MOINm
Vehicle Search - http://goo.gl/lepGTf
LAPD SS2000 Siren - http://goo.gl/qD54SA
Crown Victoria by Prophet - http://goo.gl/kWglVW
Rumbler Siren - http://www.lcpdfr.com/files/file/8110-gta-5-rumbler-ss2200-with-horn/
LAPD SS2000 Siren - http://goo.gl/qD54SA
Crown Victoria Engine Sound - http://goo.gl/2GYhpw
Sheriff CVPI by F5544 - http://goo.gl/VUrC8C
BxBugs Impala - http://goo.gl/8WlLK2
Unmarked CVPI Pack - http://goo.gl/CxqUzS
Ford Taurus - http://goo.gl/NnDqDD
Snow - https://goo.gl/HGyg0Z
LSPD First Response 0.2 Beta: http://www.lcpdfr.com/lspdfr/
The LSPD First Response Modification (LSPDFR) is a police simulation modification (mod) for the PC version of Grand
Theft Auto V which transforms the game into a law enforcement simulation where you can conduct traffic stops, engage
in high speed pursuits, respond to callouts and enforce the law as you see fit.
Hope You Enjoy and do not forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe To My Channel Acepilot2k7.
Hope You Enjoy and do not forget to Like, Comment, and Subscribe To My Channel Acepilot2k7.
- published: 24 Dec 2015
- views: 208
2016 HONDA CIVIC SEDAN Redding, Eureka, Red Bluff, Northern California, Sacramento, CA 16H304
Servicing Redding, CA near Eureka, Red Bluff, Northen California, Sacramento, Ca...
Servicing Redding, CA near Eureka, Red Bluff, Northen California, Sacramento, California
2016 HONDA CIVIC SEDAN - Stock#: 16H304 - VIN#: 2HGFC2F50GH510579
For more information on this vehicle and our full inventory, call us at 5302321234
Crown Motors Redding - New
555 Cypress Ave
Redding CA 96001
wn.com/2016 Honda Civic Sedan Redding, Eureka, Red Bluff, Northern California, Sacramento, Ca 16H304
Servicing Redding, CA near Eureka, Red Bluff, Northen California, Sacramento, California
2016 HONDA CIVIC SEDAN - Stock#: 16H304 - VIN#: 2HGFC2F50GH510579
For more information on this vehicle and our full inventory, call us at 5302321234
Crown Motors Redding - New
555 Cypress Ave
Redding CA 96001
- published: 24 Dec 2015
- views: 6
Colonel Loud - California (Official Video) ft. T.I., Young Dolph, Ricco Barrino
For the single, "California". Out Now!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/california-feat.-ricco-barrino/id1028718403?uo=4&at;=1001l3Iq&app;=itunes
Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/5j7LaLx08i6UrW5ZlRIhW9
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Colonel_Loud_California_feat_Ricco_Barrino_Young_D?id=Bjvzeak6itzzk6izttuw62x2ukq&PAffiliateID;=1101l3z7
Amazon: http://www.amazon
Jack and Jack - California (Official Music Video)
What's up guys? Hope you enjoy the music video. Make sure you check out "California," along with the rest of the Calibraska EP! This song is meant to inspire you to chase whatever dream you may have. You can do anything you set your mind to! Thanks for watching.
#CaliforniaMusicVideo is here!
Check out how tech has helped us do what we love - https://youtu.be/M7dEUyxaU_A
Follow us:
Eagles Hotel California
Eagles - Hotel California Live. At The Capital Centre, 1977.
Hotel California - песня из выступления группы Eagles в Capital Centre, 1977г. Слова Дона Хенли, Гленна Фрея и Дона Фелдера.
Another awesome family vlog! Come along and experience with us Disneyland and California Adventure! We ride lots of rides during the day and end the day with two World of Color shows!
Be sure to join our Kitty Army! http://bit.ly/JoinTheKittyArmy
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kittiesmama
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kittiesmamayt
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KittiesMamaOffi
Sweet California - Down with Ya ft. Madcon (Videoclip Oficial)
Ya disponible "Head for the stars" el nuevo álbum de Sweet California en:
Escúchalo en Spotify: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestarsspo?IQid=youtube
Consíguelo en: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestars?IQid=youtube
Síguenos en:
Web: http://sweetcaliforniaoficial.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SweetCalifornia3
Twitter: @SWTCalifornia
2pac feat Dr.Dre - California Love HD
Phantom Planet - California
Phantom Planet's official music video for 'California'. Click to listen to Phantom Planet on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/PhantomPlanetSpotify?IQid=PPlanetCali
As featured on The Guest. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/PPGuestiTunes?IQid=PPlanetCali
Google Play: http://smarturl.it/PPCaliforniaPlay?IQid=PPlanetCali
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/PhantomPGuestAz?IQid=PPlane
Katy Perry - California Gurls ft. Snoop Dogg
Pre-VEVO play count: 60,798,408
Get the single on iTunes: http://bit.ly/kpcaligurls
Buy the complete 'Teenage Dream' album on iTunes: http://bit.ly/kpTDdelEX
Music video by Katy Perry performing California Gurls. Capitol Records, LLC
Director: Mathew Cullen
Producers: Bernard Rahill, Patrick Nugent, Javier Jimenez, Danny Lockwood
Rihanna - California King Bed
Music video by Rihanna performing California King Bed. (C) 2010 The Island Def Jam Music Group
Alert! Worst Ever Methane Release In California History! Experts Don't Know How To Stop It!
A giant stream of potent climate-warming gas - methane - is blowing hundreds of feet into the air in Los Angeles County for the seventh week.
The release cancels out hundreds of smaller efforts over more than a decade to clamp down on escapes of the gas, a priority because in the short term, methane is a far more powerful climate-warming gas than carbon dioxide.
Pilots flying low have been told by
I Hate California.
Get my new album on iTunes: http://apple.co/1m9HlRm
Merch Store
Snapchat username is SocialRepose
HOTEL CALIFORNIA - Cực đỉnh. Không biết thì phí cả đời
Hotel California phiên bản Acapella . Không nhạc cụ
Day in the Life: California Fishing Day 1 & 2 VLOG
I'M HEADED TO CALIFORNIA!!! Check out this day 1 and day 2 VLOG from my trip to California. My goal is to catch my new PB (personal best) bass while I'm there. My current pb is 6.9lbs.
Day 1 of my quest I flew from Omaha, NE to Sacramento, CA where I met with Team Lucky Tackle Box leader Travis Moran. Travis is a well known angler on the west coast and he loves to catch BIG bass.
On day 2 Trav
Lady Antebellum - Need You Now - Live At Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre, California / 2015
Music video by Lady Antebellum performing Need You Now. (C) 2015 Lady A Entertainment LLC, exclusively licensed to Eagle Rock Entertainment Ltd
Wiz Khalifa- California (Music Video).mp4
new video "California" from the taylor allderdice mixtape coming soon. directed by @billpaladino
Hotel california versión acústica en vivo)
Snoop Dogg - California Roll ft. Stevie Wonder, Pharrell Williams
"California Roll" taken from Snoop Dogg's new album BUSH produced by Pharrell Williams.
Get the album here: http://smarturl.it/BUSHalbum
Follow Snoop Dogg:
Follow The BUSH:
Sweet California - Wonderwoman feat. Jake Miller (Videoclip Oficial)
Videoclip de Sweet California de su nuevo single "Wonderwoman" junto a Jake Miller.
Ya disponible el nuevo single de Sweet California en:
Cómpralo aquí: http://smarturl.it/Wonderwoman_DISP?IQid=youtube
Escúchalo en streaming: http://smarturl.it/WonderWoman_Str?IQid=youtube
Síguenos en:
Web: http://sweetcaliforniaoficial.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SweetCalifornia3
Twitter: @SWTCali
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California [Official Music Video]
"Dani California" is a single from the American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers' ninth studio album, Stadium Arcadium. The song won two Grammy Awards, one for Best Rock Song and the other for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal. The video received ten nominations at the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards; it won the award for Best Art Direction
Download 'Stadium Arcadium' on iTunes: http:
On the scene live at the worst shooting massacre i've ever witnessed out here in my home town of San Bernardino California where I have lived my whole life. Sadly 3 gunmen went to the San Bernardino regional office and killed 14 people and injuring 17 and ran away, a little later the SUV was found and the police shot and killed 2 and one was detained. The POS they said was responsibles name is "Sy
Sweet California - Sorpresa de navidad en el CEMU (Vlog)
Sweet California da una sorpresa en el colegio CEMU a unas niñas que llevaban todo el curso preparando su coreografía de Wonderwoman gracias a Ayuda en Acción.
Ya disponible "Head for the stars" el nuevo álbum de Sweet California en:
Escúchalo en Spotify: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestarsspo?IQid=youtube
Consíguelo en: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestars?IQid=youtube
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Web: http
Colonel Loud - California (Official Video) ft. T.I., Young Dolph, Ricco Barrino
For the single, "California". Out Now!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/california-feat.-ricco-barrino/id1028718403?uo=4&at;=1001l3Iq&app;=itunes
For the single, "California". Out Now!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/california-feat.-ricco-barrino/id1028718403?uo=4&at;=1001l3Iq&app;=itunes
Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/5j7LaLx08i6UrW5ZlRIhW9
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Colonel_Loud_California_feat_Ricco_Barrino_Young_D?id=Bjvzeak6itzzk6izttuw62x2ukq&PAffiliateID;=1101l3z7
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/California-feat-Young-Barrino-Explicit/dp/B013M39EM6/
Official music video by Colonel Loud - California featuring. T.I., Young Dolph, & Ricco Barrino. 2015 Derty North Ent / EMPIRE
wn.com/Colonel Loud California (Official Video) Ft. T.I., Young Dolph, Ricco Barrino
For the single, "California". Out Now!
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/california-feat.-ricco-barrino/id1028718403?uo=4&at;=1001l3Iq&app;=itunes
Spotify: http://open.spotify.com/album/5j7LaLx08i6UrW5ZlRIhW9
Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/music/album/Colonel_Loud_California_feat_Ricco_Barrino_Young_D?id=Bjvzeak6itzzk6izttuw62x2ukq&PAffiliateID;=1101l3z7
Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/California-feat-Young-Barrino-Explicit/dp/B013M39EM6/
Official music video by Colonel Loud - California featuring. T.I., Young Dolph, & Ricco Barrino. 2015 Derty North Ent / EMPIRE
- published: 30 Nov 2015
- views: 998784
Jack and Jack - California (Official Music Video)
What's up guys? Hope you enjoy the music video. Make sure you check out "California," along with the rest of the Calibraska EP! This song is meant to inspire yo...
What's up guys? Hope you enjoy the music video. Make sure you check out "California," along with the rest of the Calibraska EP! This song is meant to inspire you to chase whatever dream you may have. You can do anything you set your mind to! Thanks for watching.
#CaliforniaMusicVideo is here!
Check out how tech has helped us do what we love - https://youtu.be/M7dEUyxaU_A
Follow us:
wn.com/Jack And Jack California (Official Music Video)
What's up guys? Hope you enjoy the music video. Make sure you check out "California," along with the rest of the Calibraska EP! This song is meant to inspire you to chase whatever dream you may have. You can do anything you set your mind to! Thanks for watching.
#CaliforniaMusicVideo is here!
Check out how tech has helped us do what we love - https://youtu.be/M7dEUyxaU_A
Follow us:
- published: 28 Jul 2015
- views: 5488341
Eagles - Hotel California Live. At The Capital Centre, 1977.
Hotel California - песня из выступления группы Eagles в Capital Centre, 1977г. Слова Дона Хенли, Гленна Фрея и Дона Фелдера....
Hotel California - песня из выступления группы Eagles в Capital Centre, 1977г. Слова Дона Хенли, Гленна Фрея и Дона Фелдера.
wn.com/Eagles Hotel California Live. At The Capital Centre, 1977.
Hotel California - песня из выступления группы Eagles в Capital Centre, 1977г. Слова Дона Хенли, Гленна Фрея и Дона Фелдера.
- published: 24 Dec 2014
- views: 6416983
Another awesome family vlog! Come along and experience with us Disneyland and California Adventure! We ride lots of rides during the day and end the day with t...
Another awesome family vlog! Come along and experience with us Disneyland and California Adventure! We ride lots of rides during the day and end the day with two World of Color shows!
Be sure to join our Kitty Army! http://bit.ly/JoinTheKittyArmy
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Monster High Makeup Looks:
Toy & Product Reviews:
Emma's Beauty/Makeup tutorials
Mini-Celebrities Series
KittiesMama Skits and Shorts
KittiesMama Theme Song: Learn to Fly; Artist: Josh Woodward
Royalty Free Music by
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wn.com/Baby Bump Goes To Disneyland And California Adventure | Kittiesmama
Another awesome family vlog! Come along and experience with us Disneyland and California Adventure! We ride lots of rides during the day and end the day with two World of Color shows!
Be sure to join our Kitty Army! http://bit.ly/JoinTheKittyArmy
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kittiesmama
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kittiesmamayt
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Website: http://www.kittiesmama.com
Instagram: http://instagram.com/officialkittiesmamayt
Noah's Instagram: http://instagram.com/noahkittiesmama_official
Jonah's Instagram: http://instagram.com/jonahkittiesmama
Emma's Instagram: http://instagram.com/emma_kitty_offical#
KittiesMama Weekly Family Vlogs
Monster High Makeup Looks:
Toy & Product Reviews:
Emma's Beauty/Makeup tutorials
Mini-Celebrities Series
KittiesMama Skits and Shorts
KittiesMama Theme Song: Learn to Fly; Artist: Josh Woodward
Royalty Free Music by
videoblocks.com incompetech.com ibaudio.com bensound.com
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 90813
Sweet California - Down with Ya ft. Madcon (Videoclip Oficial)
Ya disponible "Head for the stars" el nuevo álbum de Sweet California en:
Escúchalo en Spotify: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestarsspo?IQid=youtube
Ya disponible "Head for the stars" el nuevo álbum de Sweet California en:
Escúchalo en Spotify: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestarsspo?IQid=youtube
Consíguelo en: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestars?IQid=youtube
Síguenos en:
Web: http://sweetcaliforniaoficial.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SweetCalifornia3
Twitter: @SWTCalifornia
wn.com/Sweet California Down With Ya Ft. Madcon (Videoclip Oficial)
Ya disponible "Head for the stars" el nuevo álbum de Sweet California en:
Escúchalo en Spotify: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestarsspo?IQid=youtube
Consíguelo en: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestars?IQid=youtube
Síguenos en:
Web: http://sweetcaliforniaoficial.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SweetCalifornia3
Twitter: @SWTCalifornia
- published: 12 Dec 2015
- views: 522641
Phantom Planet - California
Phantom Planet's official music video for 'California'. Click to listen to Phantom Planet on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/PhantomPlanetSpotify?IQid=PPlanetCali
Phantom Planet's official music video for 'California'. Click to listen to Phantom Planet on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/PhantomPlanetSpotify?IQid=PPlanetCali
As featured on The Guest. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/PPGuestiTunes?IQid=PPlanetCali
Google Play: http://smarturl.it/PPCaliforniaPlay?IQid=PPlanetCali
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/PhantomPGuestAz?IQid=PPlanetCali
More from Phantom Planet
Lonely Day: https://youtu.be/JeFzvePcsqE
Big Brat: https://youtu.be/_qRPcJrqDRc
Hey Now Girl: https://youtu.be/w9DM0mNUiiM
More great alternative 00s videos here: http://smarturl.it/Alternative00?IQid=PPlanetCali
Follow Phantom Planet
Website: http://phantomreunion.tumblr.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phantomplanet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/phantomplanet
Subscribe to Phantom Planet on YouTube: http://smarturl.it/PhantomPlanetSub?IQid=PPlanetCali
We've been on the run
Driving in the sun
Looking out for number 1
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Hustlers grab your guns
Your shadow weighs a ton
Driving down the 101
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Here we come!
On the stereo
Listen as we go
Nothing's gonna stop me now
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Pedal to the floor
Thinkin' of the roar
Gotta get us to the show
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Here we come!
wn.com/Phantom Planet California
Phantom Planet's official music video for 'California'. Click to listen to Phantom Planet on Spotify: http://smarturl.it/PhantomPlanetSpotify?IQid=PPlanetCali
As featured on The Guest. Click to buy the track or album via iTunes: http://smarturl.it/PPGuestiTunes?IQid=PPlanetCali
Google Play: http://smarturl.it/PPCaliforniaPlay?IQid=PPlanetCali
Amazon: http://smarturl.it/PhantomPGuestAz?IQid=PPlanetCali
More from Phantom Planet
Lonely Day: https://youtu.be/JeFzvePcsqE
Big Brat: https://youtu.be/_qRPcJrqDRc
Hey Now Girl: https://youtu.be/w9DM0mNUiiM
More great alternative 00s videos here: http://smarturl.it/Alternative00?IQid=PPlanetCali
Follow Phantom Planet
Website: http://phantomreunion.tumblr.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/phantomplanet
Twitter: https://twitter.com/phantomplanet
Subscribe to Phantom Planet on YouTube: http://smarturl.it/PhantomPlanetSub?IQid=PPlanetCali
We've been on the run
Driving in the sun
Looking out for number 1
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Hustlers grab your guns
Your shadow weighs a ton
Driving down the 101
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Here we come!
On the stereo
Listen as we go
Nothing's gonna stop me now
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Pedal to the floor
Thinkin' of the roar
Gotta get us to the show
California here we come
Right back where we started from
Here we come!
- published: 25 Oct 2009
- views: 10687641
Katy Perry - California Gurls ft. Snoop Dogg
Pre-VEVO play count: 60,798,408
Get the single on iTunes: http://bit.ly/kpcaligurls
Buy the complete 'Teenage Dream' album on iTunes: http://bit.ly/kpTDdelEX
Pre-VEVO play count: 60,798,408
Get the single on iTunes: http://bit.ly/kpcaligurls
Buy the complete 'Teenage Dream' album on iTunes: http://bit.ly/kpTDdelEX
Music video by Katy Perry performing California Gurls. Capitol Records, LLC
Director: Mathew Cullen
Producers: Bernard Rahill, Patrick Nugent, Javier Jimenez, Danny Lockwood
wn.com/Katy Perry California Gurls Ft. Snoop Dogg
Pre-VEVO play count: 60,798,408
Get the single on iTunes: http://bit.ly/kpcaligurls
Buy the complete 'Teenage Dream' album on iTunes: http://bit.ly/kpTDdelEX
Music video by Katy Perry performing California Gurls. Capitol Records, LLC
Director: Mathew Cullen
Producers: Bernard Rahill, Patrick Nugent, Javier Jimenez, Danny Lockwood
- published: 15 Jun 2010
- views: 225816768
Rihanna - California King Bed
Music video by Rihanna performing California King Bed. (C) 2010 The Island Def Jam Music Group...
Music video by Rihanna performing California King Bed. (C) 2010 The Island Def Jam Music Group
wn.com/Rihanna California King Bed
Music video by Rihanna performing California King Bed. (C) 2010 The Island Def Jam Music Group
- published: 07 May 2011
- views: 211723726
Alert! Worst Ever Methane Release In California History! Experts Don't Know How To Stop It!
A giant stream of potent climate-warming gas - methane - is blowing hundreds of feet into the air in Los Angeles County for the seventh week.
The release cancel...
A giant stream of potent climate-warming gas - methane - is blowing hundreds of feet into the air in Los Angeles County for the seventh week.
The release cancels out hundreds of smaller efforts over more than a decade to clamp down on escapes of the gas, a priority because in the short term, methane is a far more powerful climate-warming gas than carbon dioxide.
Pilots flying low have been told by the FAA to stay clear of the plume for fear of ignition.
More than 1,800 families have sought relocation due to the vapors.
Southern California Gas Co. officials say it will be months before it can be stopped.
The mainly methane gas is pouring out of the ground near a damaged well used to inject gas into an old sandstone oil field for storage.
Dahboo7 Video
dutchsinse Video
wn.com/Alert Worst Ever Methane Release In California History Experts Don't Know How To Stop It
A giant stream of potent climate-warming gas - methane - is blowing hundreds of feet into the air in Los Angeles County for the seventh week.
The release cancels out hundreds of smaller efforts over more than a decade to clamp down on escapes of the gas, a priority because in the short term, methane is a far more powerful climate-warming gas than carbon dioxide.
Pilots flying low have been told by the FAA to stay clear of the plume for fear of ignition.
More than 1,800 families have sought relocation due to the vapors.
Southern California Gas Co. officials say it will be months before it can be stopped.
The mainly methane gas is pouring out of the ground near a damaged well used to inject gas into an old sandstone oil field for storage.
Dahboo7 Video
dutchsinse Video
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 6389
I Hate California.
Get my new album on iTunes: http://apple.co/1m9HlRm
Merch Store
Get my new album on iTunes: http://apple.co/1m9HlRm
Merch Store
Snapchat username is SocialRepose
wn.com/I Hate California.
Get my new album on iTunes: http://apple.co/1m9HlRm
Merch Store
Snapchat username is SocialRepose
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 38518
HOTEL CALIFORNIA - Cực đỉnh. Không biết thì phí cả đời
Hotel California phiên bản Acapella . Không nhạc cụ...
Hotel California phiên bản Acapella . Không nhạc cụ
wn.com/Hotel California Cực Đỉnh. Không Biết Thì Phí Cả Đời
Hotel California phiên bản Acapella . Không nhạc cụ
- published: 15 Jul 2014
- views: 901974
Day in the Life: California Fishing Day 1 & 2 VLOG
I'M HEADED TO CALIFORNIA!!! Check out this day 1 and day 2 VLOG from my trip to California. My goal is to catch my new PB (personal best) bass while I'm there. ...
I'M HEADED TO CALIFORNIA!!! Check out this day 1 and day 2 VLOG from my trip to California. My goal is to catch my new PB (personal best) bass while I'm there. My current pb is 6.9lbs.
Day 1 of my quest I flew from Omaha, NE to Sacramento, CA where I met with Team Lucky Tackle Box leader Travis Moran. Travis is a well known angler on the west coast and he loves to catch BIG bass.
On day 2 Travis and I hit the road and drove to Lake Berryessa in search of some trophy sized bass. The conditions were tough on the lake. There was very little wind and lots of sunshine which made it tough to locate the bass. After hours and hours of driving around the lake and making hundreds of casts Travis finally hooked into a bass. Unfortunately it was a dink and was no bigger than the Huddleston swimbait I was throwing. By that time it was beginning to get dark so we headed to the boat ramp and drove back to Travis's place.
The next video will be day 3 of my trip in California. On day 3 we head to Bullards Bar, home of the current world record spotted bass caught by Paul Bailey. Stay tuned because its about to get good! If you enjoyed this VLOG make sure to hit that LIKE button, leave a COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos! Thanks for watching and tight lines!!!
Check out Salt Life’s channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/realsaltlife
▪ Snapchat: aflair430
▪ Periscope: @FishinWithFlair
▪ Facebook: Fishing with Flair https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fishing-with-Flair/387243578030646
▪ Instagram: Fishing_with_Flair http://instagram.com/fishing_with_flair
▪ Twitter: @FishinwithFlair https://twitter.com/FishinWithFlair
▪ Website: http://www.andrewflairfishing.com/
▪ SECOND YouTube Channel "Flair Fishing Reviews”
▪ Castaway Rods: email info@castawayrods.com and tell them I sent you to receive a HUGE discount
▪ Rod Glove: Use promo code "FLAIR" and receive 15% off your entire purchase
▪ NuTech Lures: Use promo code "FLAIR" and receive 15% off your entire purchase
▪ Lucky Tackle Box: Use promo code "FLAIR" and receive your first box for just $5
▪ Bass University TV: Use promo code "flair" and receive 15% off your subscription
▪ Tacklewarehouse: Use promo code “FHABAQ214” and take $5 off your purchase
wn.com/Day In The Life California Fishing Day 1 2 Vlog
I'M HEADED TO CALIFORNIA!!! Check out this day 1 and day 2 VLOG from my trip to California. My goal is to catch my new PB (personal best) bass while I'm there. My current pb is 6.9lbs.
Day 1 of my quest I flew from Omaha, NE to Sacramento, CA where I met with Team Lucky Tackle Box leader Travis Moran. Travis is a well known angler on the west coast and he loves to catch BIG bass.
On day 2 Travis and I hit the road and drove to Lake Berryessa in search of some trophy sized bass. The conditions were tough on the lake. There was very little wind and lots of sunshine which made it tough to locate the bass. After hours and hours of driving around the lake and making hundreds of casts Travis finally hooked into a bass. Unfortunately it was a dink and was no bigger than the Huddleston swimbait I was throwing. By that time it was beginning to get dark so we headed to the boat ramp and drove back to Travis's place.
The next video will be day 3 of my trip in California. On day 3 we head to Bullards Bar, home of the current world record spotted bass caught by Paul Bailey. Stay tuned because its about to get good! If you enjoyed this VLOG make sure to hit that LIKE button, leave a COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE for more videos! Thanks for watching and tight lines!!!
Check out Salt Life’s channel for more videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/realsaltlife
▪ Snapchat: aflair430
▪ Periscope: @FishinWithFlair
▪ Facebook: Fishing with Flair https://www.facebook.com/pages/Fishing-with-Flair/387243578030646
▪ Instagram: Fishing_with_Flair http://instagram.com/fishing_with_flair
▪ Twitter: @FishinwithFlair https://twitter.com/FishinWithFlair
▪ Website: http://www.andrewflairfishing.com/
▪ SECOND YouTube Channel "Flair Fishing Reviews”
▪ Castaway Rods: email info@castawayrods.com and tell them I sent you to receive a HUGE discount
▪ Rod Glove: Use promo code "FLAIR" and receive 15% off your entire purchase
▪ NuTech Lures: Use promo code "FLAIR" and receive 15% off your entire purchase
▪ Lucky Tackle Box: Use promo code "FLAIR" and receive your first box for just $5
▪ Bass University TV: Use promo code "flair" and receive 15% off your subscription
▪ Tacklewarehouse: Use promo code “FHABAQ214” and take $5 off your purchase
- published: 23 Dec 2015
- views: 21303
Lady Antebellum - Need You Now - Live At Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre, California / 2015
Music video by Lady Antebellum performing Need You Now. (C) 2015 Lady A Entertainment LLC, exclusively licensed to Eagle Rock Entertainment Ltd
Music video by Lady Antebellum performing Need You Now. (C) 2015 Lady A Entertainment LLC, exclusively licensed to Eagle Rock Entertainment Ltd
wn.com/Lady Antebellum Need You Now Live At Irvine Meadows Amphitheatre, California 2015
Music video by Lady Antebellum performing Need You Now. (C) 2015 Lady A Entertainment LLC, exclusively licensed to Eagle Rock Entertainment Ltd
- published: 22 Dec 2015
- views: 74843
Wiz Khalifa- California (Music Video).mp4
new video "California" from the taylor allderdice mixtape coming soon. directed by @billpaladino...
new video "California" from the taylor allderdice mixtape coming soon. directed by @billpaladino
wn.com/Wiz Khalifa California (Music Video).Mp4
new video "California" from the taylor allderdice mixtape coming soon. directed by @billpaladino
- published: 16 Dec 2011
- views: 11355009
Snoop Dogg - California Roll ft. Stevie Wonder, Pharrell Williams
"California Roll" taken from Snoop Dogg's new album BUSH produced by Pharrell Williams.
Get the album here: http://smarturl.it/BUSHalbum
Follow Snoop Dogg:
"California Roll" taken from Snoop Dogg's new album BUSH produced by Pharrell Williams.
Get the album here: http://smarturl.it/BUSHalbum
Follow Snoop Dogg:
Follow The BUSH:
Music video by Snoop Dogg performing California Roll. (C) 2015 Doggy Style Records, Inc./i am OTHER entertainment, LLC, under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment
wn.com/Snoop Dogg California Roll Ft. Stevie Wonder, Pharrell Williams
"California Roll" taken from Snoop Dogg's new album BUSH produced by Pharrell Williams.
Get the album here: http://smarturl.it/BUSHalbum
Follow Snoop Dogg:
Follow The BUSH:
Music video by Snoop Dogg performing California Roll. (C) 2015 Doggy Style Records, Inc./i am OTHER entertainment, LLC, under exclusive license to Columbia Records, a Division of Sony Music Entertainment
- published: 20 May 2015
- views: 14795404
Sweet California - Wonderwoman feat. Jake Miller (Videoclip Oficial)
Videoclip de Sweet California de su nuevo single "Wonderwoman" junto a Jake Miller.
Ya disponible el nuevo single de Sweet California en:
Cómpralo aquí: http:...
Videoclip de Sweet California de su nuevo single "Wonderwoman" junto a Jake Miller.
Ya disponible el nuevo single de Sweet California en:
Cómpralo aquí: http://smarturl.it/Wonderwoman_DISP?IQid=youtube
Escúchalo en streaming: http://smarturl.it/WonderWoman_Str?IQid=youtube
Síguenos en:
Web: http://sweetcaliforniaoficial.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SweetCalifornia3
Twitter: @SWTCalifornia
The brand new video from Sweet California for the single, ‘Wonderwoman’, featuring Jake Miller.
Purchase the single here: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestars?IQid=youtube
Stream it here: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestarsspo?IQid=youtube
Official website http://sweetcaliforniaoficial.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SweetCalifornia3
Twitter @SWTCalifornia
Instagram @swtcaliforniaoficial
wn.com/Sweet California Wonderwoman Feat. Jake Miller (Videoclip Oficial)
Videoclip de Sweet California de su nuevo single "Wonderwoman" junto a Jake Miller.
Ya disponible el nuevo single de Sweet California en:
Cómpralo aquí: http://smarturl.it/Wonderwoman_DISP?IQid=youtube
Escúchalo en streaming: http://smarturl.it/WonderWoman_Str?IQid=youtube
Síguenos en:
Web: http://sweetcaliforniaoficial.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SweetCalifornia3
Twitter: @SWTCalifornia
The brand new video from Sweet California for the single, ‘Wonderwoman’, featuring Jake Miller.
Purchase the single here: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestars?IQid=youtube
Stream it here: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestarsspo?IQid=youtube
Official website http://sweetcaliforniaoficial.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SweetCalifornia3
Twitter @SWTCalifornia
Instagram @swtcaliforniaoficial
- published: 31 Jul 2015
- views: 6815243
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Dani California [Official Music Video]
"Dani California" is a single from the American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers' ninth studio album, Stadium Arcadium. The song won two Grammy Awards, one for B...
"Dani California" is a single from the American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers' ninth studio album, Stadium Arcadium. The song won two Grammy Awards, one for Best Rock Song and the other for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal. The video received ten nominations at the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards; it won the award for Best Art Direction
Download 'Stadium Arcadium' on iTunes: http://bit.ly/rm1zSS
The Red Hot Chili Peppers' album 'I'm With You' is available everywhere.
Download 'I'm With You' on iTunes: http://glnk.it/8w
Website: http://redhotchilipeppers.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ChiliPeppers
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/chilipeppers
wn.com/Red Hot Chili Peppers Dani California Official Music Video
"Dani California" is a single from the American rock band Red Hot Chili Peppers' ninth studio album, Stadium Arcadium. The song won two Grammy Awards, one for Best Rock Song and the other for Best Rock Performance by a Duo or Group with Vocal. The video received ten nominations at the 2006 MTV Video Music Awards; it won the award for Best Art Direction
Download 'Stadium Arcadium' on iTunes: http://bit.ly/rm1zSS
The Red Hot Chili Peppers' album 'I'm With You' is available everywhere.
Download 'I'm With You' on iTunes: http://glnk.it/8w
Website: http://redhotchilipeppers.com/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ChiliPeppers
Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/chilipeppers
- published: 27 Oct 2009
- views: 64992544
On the scene live at the worst shooting massacre i've ever witnessed out here in my home town of San Bernardino California where I have lived my whole life. Sad...
On the scene live at the worst shooting massacre i've ever witnessed out here in my home town of San Bernardino California where I have lived my whole life. Sadly 3 gunmen went to the San Bernardino regional office and killed 14 people and injuring 17 and ran away, a little later the SUV was found and the police shot and killed 2 and one was detained. The POS they said was responsibles name is "Syed Farook" an ex San Bernardino county employee. My love and thoughts go out to all the victims of my hometown San Bernardino, CA.
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/bakerxderek
TWITTER - https://twitter.com/bakerXderek_
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/bakerxderekyoutube
SOUND CLOUD - https://soundcloud.com/bakerxderek
TWITCH TV - http://www.twitch.tv/bakerxderek_
2nd Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/MotoVlogDiaries
GamingChannel - http://www.youtube.com/user/MrMeGustaDance
BXD LOGO: https://squareup.com/market/en187/bakerxderek
SEX JUICE: https://squareup.com/market/en187/sex-juice
PePe Frog: https://squareup.com/market/en187/frog-meme
PO BOX: 2909
San Bernardino, CA 92406
Helmets: ICON AirFrame Pro Green | Scorpion EXO 1100
Jackets: ICON Hypersport Prime Hero Green | ICOM Team Merc |
ICON Sanctuary | ICON Overlord
STUNT CAGE: Impaktech
CAMERAS: GoPro Hero 3+ Black | Nikon D3300
wn.com/San Bernardino California Mass Shooting | Live On Location
On the scene live at the worst shooting massacre i've ever witnessed out here in my home town of San Bernardino California where I have lived my whole life. Sadly 3 gunmen went to the San Bernardino regional office and killed 14 people and injuring 17 and ran away, a little later the SUV was found and the police shot and killed 2 and one was detained. The POS they said was responsibles name is "Syed Farook" an ex San Bernardino county employee. My love and thoughts go out to all the victims of my hometown San Bernardino, CA.
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/bakerxderek
TWITTER - https://twitter.com/bakerXderek_
FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/bakerxderekyoutube
SOUND CLOUD - https://soundcloud.com/bakerxderek
TWITCH TV - http://www.twitch.tv/bakerxderek_
2nd Channel - http://www.youtube.com/user/MotoVlogDiaries
GamingChannel - http://www.youtube.com/user/MrMeGustaDance
BXD LOGO: https://squareup.com/market/en187/bakerxderek
SEX JUICE: https://squareup.com/market/en187/sex-juice
PePe Frog: https://squareup.com/market/en187/frog-meme
PO BOX: 2909
San Bernardino, CA 92406
Helmets: ICON AirFrame Pro Green | Scorpion EXO 1100
Jackets: ICON Hypersport Prime Hero Green | ICOM Team Merc |
ICON Sanctuary | ICON Overlord
STUNT CAGE: Impaktech
CAMERAS: GoPro Hero 3+ Black | Nikon D3300
- published: 03 Dec 2015
- views: 226657
Sweet California - Sorpresa de navidad en el CEMU (Vlog)
Sweet California da una sorpresa en el colegio CEMU a unas niñas que llevaban todo el curso preparando su coreografía de Wonderwoman gracias a Ayuda en Acción.
Sweet California da una sorpresa en el colegio CEMU a unas niñas que llevaban todo el curso preparando su coreografía de Wonderwoman gracias a Ayuda en Acción.
Ya disponible "Head for the stars" el nuevo álbum de Sweet California en:
Escúchalo en Spotify: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestarsspo?IQid=youtube
Consíguelo en: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestars?IQid=youtube
Síguenos en:
Web: http://sweetcaliforniaoficial.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SweetCalifornia3
Twitter: @SWTCalifornia
wn.com/Sweet California Sorpresa De Navidad En El Cemu (Vlog)
Sweet California da una sorpresa en el colegio CEMU a unas niñas que llevaban todo el curso preparando su coreografía de Wonderwoman gracias a Ayuda en Acción.
Ya disponible "Head for the stars" el nuevo álbum de Sweet California en:
Escúchalo en Spotify: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestarsspo?IQid=youtube
Consíguelo en: http://smarturl.it/scheadforthestars?IQid=youtube
Síguenos en:
Web: http://sweetcaliforniaoficial.com/
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/SweetCalifornia3
Twitter: @SWTCalifornia
- published: 17 Dec 2015
- views: 230363