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  • Start a Business

    Everything you need to know & valuable resources to get started with a new business
    Risk-Seeking Entrepreneur Wins Richard Branson as Investor

    Risk-Seeking Entrepreneur Wins Richard Branson as Investor

    TJ Sassani was on a business trip for a nanotechnology research company in 2006 when he had a scare. In a weary-looking 60-something-year-old fellow... More »

    Time to gamify wearables? A Business Rockstars Minute

    Time to gamify wearables? A Business Rockstars Minute

    From time to time, Ken Rutkowski on Business Rockstars Minutes discusses an opportunity, an opening in the market that is going on right now and... More »

    The one question every entrepreneur must ask themselves: A Business Rockstars Minute

    The one question every entrepreneur must ask themselves: A Business Rockstars Minute

    There is a lot of soul searching and a lot of questioning whenever anyone sets out on new business venture. It’s an important part of the... More »

    Turn what you are good at into an Online Business: Liz Handlin and Ultimate Resumes

    Turn what you are good at into an Online Business: Liz Handlin and Ultimate Resumes

    [Liz Handlin’s rescue dogs and officemates, from left to right: Luke, Flynn, Duncan, Oliver]Texas native Liz Handlin, founder and CEO of Ultimate... More »


    4 Lessons Entrepreneurs Can Learn From the Cubs’ 2015 Season

    The Chicago Cubs aren’t just a local phenomenon anymore — they are taking the country by storm. As someone who lives two blocks from Wrigley and has... More »


    3 Key Lessons That Contributed to My Success as an Entrepreneur

    People ask me how I knew so young what I wanted to do with my life. Honestly, I never had a clue. I never knew that I wanted to be a telemarketer, a... More »

    Positive Mental Attitude: A Business Rockstars Minute

    Positive Mental Attitude: A Business Rockstars Minute

    The biggest challenge for a new business owner or entrepreneur is handling the never ending stream of problems and issues that must be addressed to... More »

    The Refugee Crisis: Challenges And Opportunities For The Staffing Industry

    The Refugee Crisis: Challenges And Opportunities For The Staffing Industry

    Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free Those lines, from Emma Lazarus’ “The New Colossus,” are immortalized on... More »


    Digital and Social Media Trends for the Financial Services Industry

    The financial services industry has embraced social media, using it to connect with their customers and build their reputations. However, just a few... More »

    Marketing Communications: Out of the Doo with High Tech Connect

    Marketing Communications: Out of the Doo with High Tech Connect

    Is your tech company deep in the doo? This question, prominently positioned on High Tech Connect’s web site, points to one of the central... More »

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