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OpenSecrets Blog

Women charged in UN bribery case were donors to Rep. Calvert

October 7, 2015 Two women arrested Tuesday morning and charged in federal court with laundering money from Chinese businessmen each tried to give a California GOP lawmaker the maximum contributions allowed by law last year, Federal Election Commission records show. Jason Gagnon, communications director for Rep. Ken Calvert (R-Calif.), whose campaign and leadership PAC received the checks, said… Continue Reading »

Millions spent by 487 organizations to influence TPP outcome

October 6, 2015 For interest groups that sought to influence Washington’s thinking on the massive trade package set to bind together 40 percent of the world’s economy, Monday’s announcement of an agreement on the terms of the Trans-Pacific Partnership was a long time coming. Over eight years of negotiations, 487 clients paid lobbyists to meet with or contact lawmakers and administration officials… Continue Reading »

McCarthy dominates Chaffetz and Webster in fundraising, party giving

October 6, 2015 House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) may not be the least giving House speaker candidate, but favorite Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) still dwarfs him in fundraising by $22 million. On Thursday, Republicans will choose among Chaffetz, McCarthy and Rep. Daniel Webster (R-Fla.) to replace Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) as leader of the… Continue Reading »

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