
News Blog - Economics, Opinion, Politics, Conservative, Libertarian.

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Tags: libertarian, conservative, rights, federal reserve, economics

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  • theCL Report: Over-Stimulated, Over-Priced
    on Mar 1, 2014 in theCL Report
    "myRA": An Official Step Toward Seizing Your Retirement Accounts The Con-stitution And The Power To Confiscate Banks Are Obsolete: The Entire Parasitic Sector Can Be Eliminated Over-Stimulated, Over-Priced Revised Q4 GDP Tumbles 26% From Initial Esti...
  • theCL Report: Politicians Behaving Badly
    on Feb 21, 2014 in theCL Report
    Why is it conducive to economic welfare for houses to become less affordable? Companies Must Now Swear — to the IRS — That None of Their Layoffs Are Because of Obamacare Food prices soar as incomes stand still Companies Squeeze 401K Plans From Fa...
  • theCL Report: How the Pros Do It
    on Feb 13, 2014 in theCL Report
    Awkward: CBO More Than Doubles Estimate of ObamaCare Impact on Employment US Towns Declaring Bankruptcy Are The Lucky Ones Community Organizers Chase Trader Joe's Out of Portlandia Who Did Bernanke's Helicopter Money Drops Benefit the Most? The Feder...
  • theCL Report: Crack Boom Bubbles!
    on Feb 4, 2014 in theCL Report
    Peter Schiff Talks Minimum Wages on The Daily Show Paul Krugman Attacks IRA confiscation: it's happening What the Crisis Taught Us: More Bubbles! We Need Bigger Bubbles to Combat Deflation! "Fed Has Fingers & Thumbs On The Scales Of Finance,&...
  • theCL Report: Marxism for Morons
    on Jan 28, 2014 in theCL Report
    Justice Department Pays Linkedin $500,000 For Unlimited Access To Your Personal Information The SEC Is About To Make Crowdfunding More Expensive The Legends Are Bailing on the Markets … For Good Reason If You Are Waiting For An "Economic Collapse",...
  • Rule 5 with the Boss’s Daughter
    on Jan 25, 2014 in Blogosphere Music Rule 5 Video
    It's Rule 5 Friday! Boss's Daughter Michigan's own … Pop Evil   Sunday Pinup   Rule 5 Sunday   Lindsey Vonn Too Sexy for CitiBank   Stripper in Portland!   Going Postal Merry (bela...
  • theCL Report: The Ultra-Constitutional Constitution
    on Jan 7, 2014 in theCL Report
    Stockman: Krugman Wrong, Critics Right About Fed, Economy Inflation: The Economics of Addiction Too Big to Pop Bernanke's Frustrated? … Well Boo-Hoo Bond Tab for Biggest Economies Seen at $7.43 Trillion in '14 New IRS rule could cut into restaurant...
  • Beltway Economics in a Nutshell
    on Jan 2, 2014 in Economic Government Media
    Beltway Economics in a Nutshell is a post from: Classic Liberal Blog CommentBeltway Economics in a Nutshell is a post from: Classic Liberal Blog...
  • theCL Report: Rhetorical Audacity
    on Dec 31, 2013 in theCL Report
    The Fed's Rhetorical Audacity New ObamaCare fees coming in 2014 Economic Illiterate Proposal: "Inflation Creates Jobs"; Inflation Economics 101 Weisenthal: It Looks Like Serious Price Inflation Will Be Back in 2014 The Probability Of A Stock Market C...
  • Freedom with Lindsey Vonn
    on Dec 24, 2013 in Freedom Government Philosophy Rule 5
    Merry Christmas Rule 5! "The initial promises made with such conviction for new government 'solutions' have been unrealized pipedreams. And unlike self-ownership and the jointly beneficial market arrangements it allows, which has produced uncountable...
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