
This is a site to challenge misconceptions on political economy, immigration, liberty. This site also works to counter lies and distortion in our media.

Owner: LeftOutside

Listed in: Politics

Language: English

Tags: Immigration, Economics, Socialism, Capitalism, Liberty

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Latest Blog Posts for Left Outside

  • Published. For Money. Online.
    on Jul 30, 2015 in Politics
    Why we need to start subsidising Uber. Trolly argument, but bet you can’t find a flaw in it. This is a bit late, wrote this earlier in the month. Enjoy. Also look around on Citymetric it is a very interesting website.Filed under: Politics...
  • “You can’t talk about immigration” 
    on May 4, 2015 in Politics
    Latest medium here. Explores how language policing has restricted people’s vocabulary and distorted the immigration debate to focus on economics. Filed under: Politics...
  • Left Outside is 6 years old
    on Apr 27, 2015 in Blogging
    Happy birthday to me.Filed under: Blogging...
  • Nobody cares about fiscal responsibility: Sticking To Tory Spending Plans Edition
    on Apr 13, 2015 in Politics
    When Labour were elected in 1997 they more or less stuck to Tory spending plans for an election. They did this to build up their reputation for fiscal responsibility with financial markets. Everything I’ve just written is wrong. In reality fro...
  • Crooks need safe assets too
    on Apr 12, 2015 in Politics
    One of the problems with the world is a shortage of safe assets, places you can put your money and come back to it later. It sounds simple but if you have lots of money then it starts to get difficult. You can see this shortage in people paying nega...
  • Journalism as a tool of social mobility
    on Apr 12, 2015 in Politics
    A thought occurs to me, one for here rather than Medium. Given that journalism is so dominated by Oxford and Cambridge educated, private school white people (to a greater degree than average, not totally of course, normal disclaimers apply) it is hel...
  • My recent writings
    on Apr 9, 2015 in Blogging
    Hello, not dead, just tweeting. I’ve done a couple of pieces on Medium, which is a lovely site to write on. Not going to close this blog, but will try and use this more for scrappier stuff that’s not meant to look polished and for stuff t...
  • What do Breastfeeding and Buses and Clarice Starling have in common?
    on Dec 11, 2014 in Politics
    There’s two stories this week that interest me. They’re both about power and authority and who can wield it. They look like pretty similar to me, but the reaction to each has been the opposite. Who gets to be violent towards women with c...
  • What do Breastfeeding and Buses and Clarice Starling have in common?
    on Dec 11, 2014 in Politics
    There’s two stories this week that interest me. They’re both about power and authority and who can wield it. They look like pretty similar to me, but the reaction to each has been the opposite. Who gets to be violent towards women with c...
  • Sorry to say it @OwenJones84, but property developers might be our only hope
    on Dec 10, 2014 in Politics
    Owen Jones has a video up at The Guardian on the evils of property developers. He blames them for pricing people out of their homes, but I think he’s wrong. Sure property developers are building unaffordable housing, but that’s because...
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