

Hillary Clinton slaps Barack Obama in the face over TPP.

Hillary Clinton slaps Barack Obama in the face over TPP.

Hillary Clinton doesn’t really care about TPP. She does, however, care about making Joe Biden look like a fringe candidate. ...

Bobby Jindal’s Ambitious Tax Plan

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal today released his tax plan, an ambitious policy proposal that combines pro-growth economic policy with tax simplification, a side order of populism, and a long-range view about the importance of taking the obligations of citizenship seriously. Jindal’s plan may not be the easiest sell or the most poll-tested product in the race, and there are fair debates to be had in | Read More »

Obama unveils Syrian plan: ‘Strategic Paralysis’

My colleague, Dan McLaughlin, wrote a must-read on Obama and Syria yesterday. In it we are given two models to choose from: Obama the Foreign Policy Wizard and Obama the Idiot. Anointing Obama a savant in every field has been an endeavor practiced by the American left with a devotion that would shame the North Korean media’s praise of the Kim du jour. The Nation has | Read More »

Major Setback in Abortion Industry’s Case for Secrecy

Planned Parenthood and the rest of the Culture of Death for profit have been caught red-handed.

Big abortion has been exposed for not only slaughtering the unborn but also selling murdered babies’ organs to pad “their bottom line.” Its only defense is the obfuscation of the truth.

Yet a recent federal court order has dealt a major blow to the abortion industry’s case for secrecy.

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Donald Trump’s Eminent Domain Lie

As Joe Cunningham has already pointed out, Donald Trump thinks he has a right to take your stuff: He is okay with your government seizing your property for “job development.” You get what that means? He wants to extend government’s power into your very home and allow them to take your stuff. Why does Trump believe this is so good? Because’s he’s been in the | Read More »

Democrat tools of Planned Parenthood about to get what they asked for

A federal judge has lifted an injunction that is in place on the pro-life investigative journalism group, Center for Medical Progress, and allowed it to turn over to Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) 81%‘s committee video and documents it obtained from a meeting held by the National Abortion Federation. U.S. District Court Judge William Orrick said Tuesday that he would not prevent activist | Read More »

Obama Administration Not Prepared to Face Its Own Words

There is very little to disagree with in this New York Post editorial. Associated Press reporter Matt Lee caught deputy State spokesman Mark Toner by surprise at a briefing this week. Lee asked about Saturday’sUS bombing of a hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, that left 22 patients and staff dead. The administration has called the attack a tragic mistake. But Lee recalled Israel’s August 2014 shelling | Read More »

Liberals Think Government Regulation is Protecting You from Contaminated Wood (VIDEO)

Ted Cruz chaired a hearing yesterday on the ways that over regulation is hurting minority businesses, and the hearing continues to be a gold mine of liberal idiocy. After Ted Cruz set the President of the Sierra Club on fire and used him as a green energy source (basically exposing that the President of the world’s leading environmental organization knows nothing about global warming), the | Read More »

Donald Trump Needs a New Season

Ashley Parker and Amy Chozick at the New York Times have written a piece on how Donald Trump appears to be slowing down. Here’s one of the quotes they use from me. “It’s kind of a like a season of TV shows — eventually people burn out on them,” said Erick Erickson, a conservative commentator who runs “We’ve had a season of Trump and | Read More »

The Unthinking “Conservative” Resistance to Criminal Justice Reform

A bipartisan consensus is growing that serious changes are needed to America’s criminal justice system. Organizations – both conservative and liberal – are seriously studying issues related to policing, incarceration, rehabilitation, and deterrence, with a view towards reforms that will both respect the constitutional rights of citizens (including minorities) and also reduce crime. If you haven’t yet, visit Right on Crime’s website and check out | Read More »









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