Reclaiming the future of food and farming
  • Finally, a win for farmworkers!

    With your help and strong, persistent coalition efforts, we convinced EPA to strengthen the rules protecting farmworkers from pesticides. Learn more

  • Suit with shadow
    Protect our right to know

    The DARK Act is heading to the Senate for a vote. If passed, this bill would block GE food labeling laws across the country. Let's stop it. Act now

  • Hands on potatoes
    We’re not lovin’ pesticide drift

    Pesticides used on potato fields are known to cause chronic health problems. Tell McDonald's to transition to truly sustainable potato production. Act now

  • Save our bees

    Bees are in serious trouble! Join us in building momentum to protect these vital pollinators. 
    Get involved

  • Cute kids
    Close the pesticide loophole

    Even though cancer-causing Telone was banned in California, it’s still the second most widely used pesticide near schools. Take action

Protect bees from neonics

Congress, protect bees

The science is clear: neonics and other pesticides harm bees. Still, EPA is moving too slowly. Time for Congress to step up.

Act Now

GroundTruth Blog: News and happenings from the frontlines of the movement for fair food & farming.

Paul Towers's picture

Sixteen years ago a group of California parents sued state regulators for failing to protect their children from...

Lex Horan's picture

Crop dusters flying overhead, irrigators pumping, and chemical odors in the air. For people who live near RD Offutt’...

Margaret Reeves's picture

Monday was a great day for the nation’s two million farmworkers and their families. On...

Marcia Ishii-Eiteman's picture

Extended drought in California, freeze warnings in Oregon, flooding in the Southeast…. Today’s mounting...


Tired of Monsanto & Co. undermining healthy food and farming? Stand with PAN.