- published: 10 Sep 2014
- views: 241527
A riza (Russian: риза, "robe") or oklad (оклад, "covered"), sometimes called a "revetment" in English, is a metal cover protecting an icon. It is usually made of gilt or silvered metal with repoussé work and is pierced to expose elements of the underlying painting. It is sometimes enameled, filigreed, or set with artificial, semi-precious or even precious stones and pearls. Although the practice of using rizas originated in Byzantine art, the Russian term is often applied to Greek icons; in Greek the term is επένδυση ("coating"). Icons are described as επάργυρες or επίχρυσες: silver-covered and gold-covered, respectively.
The purpose of a riza is to honour and venerate an icon, and ultimately the figure depicted on it, such as Christ or a saint. Because candles and lampadas (oil lamps) are burned in front of icons, and incense is used during services, icons can become darkened over time. The riza helps protect the icon.
A riza is designed specifically for the icon it is to cover. It leaves open spaces where the face, hands, and feet of the icon's subject can be seen. The haloes on rizas are often more elaborate than on the original icons. Rizas for icons of the Theotokos (Mother of God) often have a crown on them. The robes worn by the subjects often are adorned with pearls or jewels. Usually a riza covers the entire surface of the icon except for the face and hands. Especially in older examples, the riza may cover only the halo of the subject and is then called a venets. Sometimes the riza includes a stylized torc or gorget (neck ring), called a tsata in Russian.
Rize is the capital city of Rize Province in the eastern part of the Black Sea Region of Turkey.
The name comes from Greek ριζα (riza) or Ριζαίον (Rizaion), meaning "mountain slopes". In modern times, its name in Greek was usually Ριζούντα (Rizounta). Its Latin forms are Rhizus and Rhizaeum, the latter of which is used in the Catholic Church's list of titular sees as the name of bishopric of the town, which was once part of the late Roman province of Pontus Polemoniacus). In the Ottoman period, it was called Rize (ريزه). The Armenian name is Rize (Ռիզե), the Georgian name is Rize (რიზე), Laz name is Rizini (რიზინი)
The first written mention of Rize is made by Arrian in a work named Periplus (Ship's Voyage). Dated at 132-131 B.C., the work records how its author, the governor of Cappadocia, made an inspection tour of the Eastern Black Sea territories that were part of his jurisdiction, first visiting the Roman Empire's Eastern Anatolian frontier garrisons before pushing on to the Black Sea coast in the Trabzon (Trebizond) region. Note: Arrian only mentions the River Rhizius, not any settlement by that name. It is quoted as being to the east of the river Ophis after the rivers Psychrus and Calus. Also, the Periplus or Voyage Round the Euxine Sea is a letter written to Emperor Caesar Adrian Augustus, i.e., during the Common Era and not before Christ, so it may have been written more towards 131-132 AD or CE. [ARRIAN'S VOYAGE ROUND EUXINE SEA TRANSLATED AND ACCOMPANIED WITH A GEOGRAPHICAL DISSERTATION,AND MAPS TO WHICH ARE ADDED THREE DISCOURSES, I. On the Trade to the East Indies by means of the Euxine Sea. II. On the Distance which the Ships of Antiquity usually sailed in twenty-four Hours. III. On the Measure of the Olympic Stadium. OXFORD: SOLD BY J. COOKE; AND BY MESSRS. CADELL AND DAVIESr STRAND, LONDON. 1805.
Riza may refer to:
Riza 2014 (Full Album) https://www.facebook.com/villagersofioanninacity/ http://vicband.bandcamp.com/ V.I.C (Villagers of Ioannina City) is an experimental psychedelic/rock band from Ioannina City (Greece). They play a kind of post rock with a big dose of greek-folk traditional music from Epirus. The region’s musical tradition is characterized by polyphony and the use of clarinet. The band’s sound fuses traditional music into modern psychedelic forms, creating a unique sound They formed in 2007 and since then they had played in a numerous of shows all over the country in many different venues and festivals. They have recorded one promo cd in 2010 and in April 2014 they have released their first full length album titled "Riza". Villagers of Ioannina City Greece =============== 01. Kalesma...
Yusuf Hayaloğlu Ah Ulan Rıza
Söz&M;üzik : Rıza Eskici & Zeynel Eskici Aranje : Yakup Kadri Yılmaz Müzik Yönetmeni : Ercan Bekar Klip Yönetmeni : Murat Davulcu Mix&Masterign; : Enver Akarcalı Tulum : Ercan Bekar Perküsyon: Şakir Ozan Uygan Gitar : Bahtiyar Arıca Bas Gitar : Bahtiyar Arıca Piano : Yakup Kadri Yılmaz Aşıklar deresindeyim Sevdamın karşısındayım Doğru söyle sevdiğim Sakın ha yalan deme Kalbinin neresindeyim Baktım Mezdap’dan yukarı Diken sarmış hep ormanı Atma beni kalbinden Ne olur kırma beni Alma yârim bedduamı Kalbinin beşiğindeyim Ayrılık eşiğindeyim Bana öyle birşey de Yıkma umutlarımı Mutluluğun peşindeyim ŞİİR.. İndim dereye kadar Irmaklar mola idi Kör değildim benimde İkbalım olayıdı Dağ başının suları Akar köprü başına Adını yazacağım Yüzüğünün taşına Karanfil kad...
Ispravan način da skuhate bilo koju rižu i to na jako brz i jednostavan način, a da uvijek bude razbrana i ukusna.
ÜnaL Volkan UysaL ( wolkii ) 2010 Gerçi hiç saati olmadı ama.. En azından birine sorar. Cebimde bir lira desen yok! Madara olduk meyhaneye Ahh eşek kafam benim. Nasıl da güvendik bu hergeleye? Gelse balığa çıkacaktık Ne çekersek kızartıp rakıyla yutacaktık. Kafamız tam olunca şarkılar döktürüp, Enterasan hayellere dalacaktık. Bu sandalı geçen hafta çalıntıdan düşürdük Arkadaşlar ısrar etti, Biz de iyi olur, bize uyar diye düşündük. Saat sekizde gelecekti. Bana beş milyon borç verecekti.. Yoksa O nemrut karısıkaçtı da, Onun peşinden mi gitti? Eğer öyleyse yandık! Gudubet gene yaptı yapacağını! Geçen sene merdivenden itip Kırmıştı Rızanın bacağını Korkuyorum, bir gün ya kendini asacak, Ya da horlarken Rızayı boğacak. Bak şimdi acıdım, aşkolsun adama... Ben olsam vall...
Arıza YouTube Kanalına Abone Ol → http://showtv.tv/YwK49f Arıza 1. Bölüm Özeti: Kulaksız mahallesinde taksici Ali Rıza Altay’ın evi telaşlıdır. Ali Rıza ertesi gün kız kardeşi Nihan’ı evlendiriyordur. Nihan’ın ikizi Mert de tezkeresini alıp gece gelir. Tüm bu telaşın arasında Ali Rıza ekmek parası için direksiyon sallamaya devam ediyordur. Diğer yandan Halide Gürkan ise babası Haşmet Gürkan’ın 70. yaş günü sebebiyle Fuat Ersoylu tarafından verilen görkemli davete katılır. Bu davet esnasında Fuat Ersoylu’nun oğlu Burak, Halide’ye evlenme teklif eder ama Halide kabul etmez. Burak’la çıkan tartışma sonunda Halide daveti terk eder ve o sırada orada bulunan Rıza’nın taksisine biner. Peşinden gelen Burak, onu taksiden almaya kalkınca, Ali Rıza müdahale eder ve kavga çıkar. Burak hayatının ilk ...
Kako napraviti rižu za prilog? Vječito pitanje koje na kraju ipak ovisi od vrste riže. Neka riža više nadolazi, neka manje pa samim tim imamo i različit prilog na kraju rada. Začini su ono što je dopunjava. Možete napraviti i bez crvene paprike što sam i naglasila u videu. Jednostavno je pripremate po svom ukusu. Sastojci: - oko 250 gr riže - 80 gr putera - so, biber, suhi začin - crvena paprika - voda Instalirajte aplikaciju Kuhaj i Peci za vaš mobilni telefon klikom na link ispod: https://cutt.ly/0j6ZZDC Imati ćete, uvijek, sve recepte pri ruci i dobiti obavijest o svakom novom receptu. ....................................................................... 📕 Klik na link dole i pogledajte liste sa receptima: 🥘KUHANA JELA I SLANE DELICIJE - https://cutt.ly/fd4nNoZ 🍕PI...
✔ Social Media: https://emdc.yt/cukiton Објављено је (Published): 15.02.2019 Rizica (RIZA) Hamidovic KONTAKT: +4369911036564 ABONNIREN CUKITON KANAL DA NEBI STE NISTA NOVO PROPUSTILI SUBSCRIBE CUKITON CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/suatabel?sub_confirmation=1 Audio script: Aranžman……………Cuki Rototoms…………….Emrah-Masinata Klavijature……………Cuki Sax & Klar.……………Bertan Gitare…………………...Cuki Tekst…………………....Riza Hamidovic Mix i Mastering…….Cuki Video Edit……….. CukiTon Veliko hvala……….Club Troja Wien - Bec Zabranjeno svako kopiranje video i/ili audio snimaka i postavljanje na druge kanale Youtuba i Facebook. #cukito #RIZA #Amor YouTube & Digital distribution: EMDC Network ✔Facebook: http://emdc.yt/EMDCFB ✔Instagram: http://emdc.yt/EMDCIN ✔Web: http://emdcnetwork.com
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Rize is a province along the Black Sea region of Turkey and it is especially famous for producing tea. Turkey consumes the most tea of any country in the world, and in large part that is because the tea produced in Rize is so delicious. Rize Valiliği ve Rize İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü tarafından hazırlanmıştır. The video prepared by the Tourism and Culture directorship of Rize. #rize #rizecity #rizetea #tea #ayder #rizeçay #zilkalesi #ayderyaylasi #karadeniz #blacksea #türkiye #turkey #türkçayı
Reaching the peak takes more than skill. Only those with the ambition to RISE above all others will know its height. For more information on the 2018 League of Legends World Championship visit http://www.lolesports.com. Listen Now: (http://smarturl.it/ewxshd) Spotify: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/spotify Apple Music: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/applemusic iTunes: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/itunes GooglePlay: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/googleplay Deezer: http://smarturl.it/ewxshd/deezer ************************************************ “RISE” Featured artists: The Glitch Mob, Mako, and The Word Alive Written by: Riot Music Team and Alex Seaver of Mako Additional writing by: Justin Tranter Produced by: Riot Music Team, Alex Seaver of Mako, and The Glitch Mob Additional product...
Rize Final Battle clip
Rize belgeseli sizlerle...
Ege ve Akdeniz'de çıkan Orman yangınlarına müdahale etmek ve yardımda bulunmak üzere kardeş Azerbaycan'dan çok sayıda yangın filosu Rize Menderes Bulvarı'ndan geçerek bölgeye intikal etti
Straatjeugd van South Central Los Angeles leert dansen.
After spending 20 days in the countryside of Turkey, I explored the mountains of Trabzon and Rize, the beauty out there is fantastic!! Drone used in this video: Mavic 2 Pro Thanks to Epidemicsound for the music. I hope you enjou watching it. Don't forget to Like this video & subscribe. IG account: Obayda1990 Thanks.
Bizi yakından takip edenler instagramdan zaten storyleri izleye izleye buraları keşfetmiştir :) Karadeniz turu story zehirlenmesine maruz kalmıştınız ahah kendimizi şeyma subaşı gibi hissetmiştik ve storyleri azalttık sonra. Youtube a da güzel içerikler kalsın dedik. Rize gerçekten gezilebilecek mükemmel bir şehir. Her yayla ayrı güzel ama sosyal medyada çok abartılan ayder yaylası bence diğer yaylaların yanında çok sönük kalıyo. Ne demek istediğimi videoyu izleyince daha iyi anlayacaksınız zaten. Bu arada bizi Rize'de misafir eden Loya Otel ailesine, mükemmel bir tur organizasyonu yapan İmera Tur'a, şarkılarıyla videomuzu güçlendiren Herem abimize de buradan sonsuz teşekkürler ediyoruz. Videoda kullanılan müzikler; Herem - Uzaktan Kumandali (Official Video) https://youtu.be/qfzmZG6yVdM ...
Rize Valiliği ve Rize İl Kültür ve Turizm Müdürlüğü tarafından hazırlanmıştır. Fotoğrafçı ve Drone Pilotu Aytekin Kalender tarafından 2 yıl boyunca oluşturulan görüntüler `Suyun her hali, Rize` isimli tanıtım filminde buluştu. Filmde kentin tarihi, doğası ve suyun her halinin anlatıldı.
Şehirden Uzakta’nın bu bölümünde, Kıvanç Kasabalı rotasını Rize’nin Hemşin ilçesine bağlı Ortayol köyü ile Ayder Yaylası’na çeviriyor. Eğlencenin vücut bulmuş hali olan Hanife nine ile korkuluk yapan Kıvanç Kasabalı, elmalı baklava yapımını öğreniyor; Galip amca ile birlikte ahşaplarla konuşuyor ve lezzetli kara kovan balınının özelliklerini keşfediyor. Anadolu’nun samimi ve sıcak insanları ile doğal güzelliklerine şahit olacağımız “Şehirden Uzakta”, TRT Belgesel’de! 00:00 Şehirden Uzakta Tanıtım 01:05 Hemşin’in İlginç Tulumcusu 05:55 Korkuluk Nasıl Yapılır? 13:00 Elmalı Baklava 20:50 Ahşaplar Konuşur mu? 24:55 Kök Nasıl Çıkarılır? 27:40 Köyde Yeni Gün 31:19 Çayın Tohumu 32:50 Kara Kovan Balı 53:00 Çay Sefası 56:03 Şehirden Uzakta Jenerik #ŞehirdenUzakta #Belgesel #TRTBelgesel #Rize ...
A riza (Russian: риза, "robe") or oklad (оклад, "covered"), sometimes called a "revetment" in English, is a metal cover protecting an icon. It is usually made of gilt or silvered metal with repoussé work and is pierced to expose elements of the underlying painting. It is sometimes enameled, filigreed, or set with artificial, semi-precious or even precious stones and pearls. Although the practice of using rizas originated in Byzantine art, the Russian term is often applied to Greek icons; in Greek the term is επένδυση ("coating"). Icons are described as επάργυρες or επίχρυσες: silver-covered and gold-covered, respectively.
The purpose of a riza is to honour and venerate an icon, and ultimately the figure depicted on it, such as Christ or a saint. Because candles and lampadas (oil lamps) are burned in front of icons, and incense is used during services, icons can become darkened over time. The riza helps protect the icon.
A riza is designed specifically for the icon it is to cover. It leaves open spaces where the face, hands, and feet of the icon's subject can be seen. The haloes on rizas are often more elaborate than on the original icons. Rizas for icons of the Theotokos (Mother of God) often have a crown on them. The robes worn by the subjects often are adorned with pearls or jewels. Usually a riza covers the entire surface of the icon except for the face and hands. Especially in older examples, the riza may cover only the halo of the subject and is then called a venets. Sometimes the riza includes a stylized torc or gorget (neck ring), called a tsata in Russian.
Spent so many lonely nights
Dreamin' how you did me wrong
I fall to the ground and I wake up
You could at least, baby, take me on
Then maybe we could go out make out
But the floor, I picked myself up from
Is floating with dust and shit, yeah, the break down
But I've been kicked before
And I've been shown the door
Mostly, it's not new to me
I'm singing, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, dow, dow, dow, dow
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, dow, dow, dow, dow
I'm singing
You got me singing, you got me singing, hey
So, if you wanna open up your eyes
And see, down, baby, baby, you will never be, girl
I'm just squattin' in your mixed up world
And that's the truth, that's the truth
Your poison letters and telegrams
Just go to show you don't give a damn, hey, hey, hey yeah
And I'll stand right back up, my soul is strong itself
I just don't want you as an enemy
I'm singing, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, dow, dow, dow, dow
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, dow, dow, dow, dow
I'm singing
You got me singing, you got me singing
Hate the game, don't hate the player
We only do with what we do
Hate the game, don't hate the player
I know that it can be so hard on you
The hardest gig in the world
Is to be a musician's girl
I said the hardest gig in the world
Is to be a musician's, a musician's girl
You got me singing, you got me singing
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, dow, dow, dow, dow
Hey, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, dow, dow, dow, dow, you got me singing
Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, dow, dow, dow, dow
Hey, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do
Do, do, do, do, do, do, dow, dow, dow, dow