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Rich Chinese mothers spending $38,000 a month to turn ancient tradition into money-spinner


Dan Levin

Li Rui undergoes a moxibustion treatment -- with smoking sticks of mugwort -- to help prevent disease.

Li Rui undergoes a moxibustion treatment -- with smoking sticks of mugwort -- to help prevent disease. Photo: Adam Dean/New York Times

Wearing grey pyjamas and furry purple slippers, Li Rui relaxed on a couch in a plush suite where she had spent the last month since giving birth to her son - without ever going outside.

For more than $US900 a day, a personal nanny had taught her breast-feeding techniques. A chef had prepared six meals a day intended to restore her physical constitution. And a moxibustion practitioner had wafted smoking sticks of mugwort over her body, part of the Chinese therapy sessions to help prevent disease.

Such opulent sequestration is becoming the gold standard in post-partum recovery, inspired by a Chinese confinement custom known as "sitting the month", when new mothers must stay indoors to restore their energy.

Ms. Li watches nurses bathe her baby son at Red Wall Maternity Care Center.

Ms. Li watches nurses bathe her baby son at Red Wall Maternity Care Center. Photo: Adam Dean/ The New York Times

For centuries, the confinement practice was done strictly at home under the stern glare of grandmothers and aunts who banned bathing, fresh air and certain foods. These days, confinement has been rebranded, remodelled and outsourced into a huge state-certified industry of specially trained nannies and maternity-care centres that combine tradition with pampered medical expertise.

The rapidly growing business is catering to the swelling class of affluent Chinese women, who, like millions of new mothers across the country every year, continue to follow the practice prescribed by their ancestors. But decades of disposable income, busy careers and the rise of social media have loosened traditional attitudes, paving the way for an elite level of confinement care that is as much about status as recuperation.

"I haven't been bored for a second," Li, 31, said of her 29 days indoors, as her nanny draped a towel over her neck to ward off the air-conditioned chill. Li paid $US27,000 ($38,000) for her month-long confinement at Red Wall Maternity Care centre. "Without this type of specialised care, I would never have been able to recuperate."

Dong Guangjie, a postpartum nanny (or yuesao), feeds Li Rui’s baby son.

Dong Guangjie, a postpartum nanny (or yuesao), feeds Li Rui’s baby son. Photo: Adam Dean/ The New York Times

In major cities, wealthy families have access to a range of high-end services with spa-like features and fancy amenities. The number of maternity residences reached 700 in 2013 and generated an estimated $US484 million in revenue, according to state media.

"Mothers don't want to do confinement the primitive way anymore," said Chen Chen, the manager at the Red Wall maternity centre in Beijing. The centre charges $US11,000 to $US27,000 for a month-long stay, depending on the services.

Companies are also appealing to more middle-class consumers, with a menu of a la carte options for at-home confinements. Red Wall charges $US1400 to $US3000 a month for a special post-partum nanny, depending on whether she has obtained certificates in mother and baby care, lactation assistance and facial treatments.

Changing societal norms have prompted a broader rethinking of the confinement tradition, with some Chinese mothers rejecting the practice entirely.

Wu Fei, 38, a musician from Beijing who gave birth to her second child last year, decided against confinement, describing it as a superstitious legacy of centuries past when childbirth was fraught with mortal peril. Horrified by the thought of spending a month unwashed and unable to go outside, Wu ate whatever she wanted, regularly took her children to a nearby Beijing park and returned to her yoga classes shortly after giving birth.

The tradition has also come under public scrutiny.

During a heat wave last month in Shanghai, a woman who was undergoing confinement at home died from heatstroke after bundling herself in blankets and refusing to turn on the air conditioning, the state media reported.

"The woman deliberately trapped herself in extreme temperatures in the scorching summer heat to obey the advice of her elders," said an article by the state-owned China News Service, which reported that another new mother died in February during confinement "because she rejected physical exercise".

The practice, though, is still deeply ingrained. Cue the national shock in China in May when Catherine, the Duchess of Cambridge, emerged mere hours after giving birth to pose for the paparazzi with her newborn daughter.

"Doesn't Duchess Kate do confinement?" asked a user on the Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo.

Confinement adherents warn of health problems later in life, like arthritis, that may result from forgoing the custom. Much of the allure of expensive maternity residences is the promise of round-the-clock care by an entourage of trained experts in a pampered setting.

At the higher end of the confinement industry are temporary luxury abodes like Red Wall and the Blessed Month Pavilion maternity residence in central Beijing. Blessed Month, a gated, 75-room complex, includes a yoga studio, a gym, crafting workshops and a catered dining hall.

"Many celebrities come here," said Wei Hua, the marketing manager at Blessed Month, showing off a room filled with bassinets, each monitored by an overhead video camera that beams the live images to a screen in the mother's room.

Within, uniformed nurses gave acupressure massages to their tiny charges, while downstairs, a group of mothers, dressed in matching white robes and pink slippers, learned how to make artisanal soap.

Li Xipu, 33, a television news reporter, enjoyed her $US29,000 VIP confinement so much that after her 28-day stay was up, she extended it.

"It's totally worth it," she said on her 40th day indoors, just after leaving a PowerPoint seminar on breast feeding led by staff in white lab coats.

Eager for more affordable confinement assistance, many Chinese families hire a post-partum nanny, known as a yuesao, to live in their home for the month. Lin Yi, 29, a housewife in the central province of Hubei, paid $US800 for a yuesao, who cooked, cleaned and bathed her baby while she slept or surfed the web.

Growing demand for a trained yuesao has spawned a lucrative certification industry.

Dong Guangjie, 47, quit her job as a vegetable seller four years ago to train as a Red Wall yuesao, paying $US900 for the course. For four months, Dong lived at a company training centre with 50 other women, studying textbooks and using dolls to practice proper bathing, holding and feeding techniques. She has more than doubled her income since obtaining the certification, she said.

Dong said she tried to give her clients' families a "scientific" perspective on confinement.

"I've seen young mums who don't care about confinement at all, while their parents are adamant about it," she said. "Sometimes they listen, sometimes they don't."

Founded 15 years ago, Red Wall, which operates in more than 100 cities, with 15 maternity residences and 300 yuesao dispatch centres, has distilled its service into a pseudoscience.

Dishes prepared by Red Wall's chefs and nutritionists are intended to balance the body's cold and hot properties, or yin and yang. The snakehead fish and mushroom soup, they say, helps reduce blood pressure and clears unwanted heat from the lungs.

Prohibited from drinking water during their confinement, clients instead sip Red Wall's patented Thousand Year Herbal Essence Inheritance, a steaming brown concoction infused with wood fungus, black soybean, jujube and other ingredients the company would not disclose. Red Wall also provides patented herbal washes that "stimulate the meridian for better lactation."

Although skilled medical care is often highlighted as the main draw of a maternity residence, many women cite - in hushed tones - one of the most alluring benefits of residential post-partum recovery: refuge from the archaic and intrusive diktats of their elder relatives.

Li Xiuhua, 33, an internet technology engineer, admitted that the prospect of fighting incessant battles over her mother's orders - that she eat a steady diet of boiled eggs, consume no salt and never wash her hair - made her thankful for a month-long stay at Red Wall.

"I was terrified of arguing with my mom," she said.

At Red Wall, she abstained from eating raw fruit and spicy foods, which the company warned could dry up her breast milk.

"I wanted to do this according to scientific methods," she said.

New York Times


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