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Forecast El Nino dry forces Snowy Hydro to harbour water


Brian Robins

It's estimated 2750 jobs could go at NSW power companies.

It's estimated 2750 jobs could go at NSW power companies. Photo: James Davies

Snowy Hydro is preparing for an El Nino dry that will extend well into 2016 by slashing power generation as it harbours its water reserves to avoid prospective shortages it encountered in the previous big dry a decade ago.

"Our forecasts are telling us the El Nino will extend well into next autumn and more recently it has been extended – month by month – into winter," Snowy Hydro managing director Paul Broad said.

For keen skiers, a prolonged lack of precipitation may signal a poor start to the 2016 winter season but, for large power users the prospect of unseasonably low rainfall over the next six months or so, it may point to increased volatility along with higher wholesale power prices heading into 2016.

Water pipes for a hydro electric plant.

Water pipes for a hydro electric plant. Photo: Getty

These concerns follows a steep fall in power generated by the Snowy in 2014-15 to historic lows of just 2605 megawatt hours, which was down by a third from the previous year.

Water releases also fell steeply, to 1251 gigalitres down from 1835 gigalitres.

A decade ago, during a prolonged drought, water reserves in the Snowy Hydro scheme fell to their lowest level since the scheme was finished in 1974. At the time, water inflows fell to 100-year lows, which prompted concerns that the continued lack of rainfall could result in power shortages.

"In the 2005-06 dry, we got ourselves caught with the very dry weather," Mr Broad said. "So [this time] we've held back, which has put us in a good position over the next 18 months, when we expect some increased [wholesale power price] volatility."

The Bureau of Meteorology has been warning for some time the El Nino weather pattern that is unfolding now may be the strongest since 1997-98 and its latest warning issued late last week ramped up its warnings.

Previously, the bureau had said the unfolding El Nino would peak around the end of the year followed by a rapid weakening heading into next autumn. However, last week, the weather bureau said "the strong El Nino that is likely to persist into early 2016".

This is confirmed by the Showy Hydro in-house forecasters, who have become concerned the El Nino event could extend much further into next year than thought originally, Mr Broad said.

The concern also follows the end of the 50-year wet weather evident through much of eastern Australia from the early 1950s, with caution the more recent drier weather may be a return to weather patterns evident a century ago.

Snowy Hydro supplies less than 10 per cent of the national electricity market, although its role has become more important with the extended roll-out of renewable energy, which has made electricity generation more variable, boosting the need for generators able to commence production quickly to meet looming shortages.

In line with most other big power generators, Snowy Hydro has suffered from the extended low wholesale power prices coupled with limited price volatility, which has limited earnings.

The historically low power generated by the Snowy scheme in fiscal 2014-15 was due in part to increased environmental water releases, coupled with low wholesale power prices along with the decision to hold back water for possibly higher generation in the next few years.

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