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Auto makers push back against emission controls

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Danny Hakim

Automakers, including VW, are essentially conceding that the industry cannot meet pollution regulations outside the testing laboratories.

Automakers, including VW, are essentially conceding that the industry cannot meet pollution regulations outside the testing laboratories. Photo: Chris Ratcliffe

Despite the cloud cast by the Volkswagen scandal, automakers are proposing that they be allowed a 70 percent increase in the nitrogen oxides their cars emit, unreleased documents show, as part of new European pollution tests.

Under the new plan, cars in Europe would for the first time be tested on the road, using portable monitoring equipment, in addition to laboratory testing.

The automakers, which include Volkswagen, General Motors, Daimler, BMW, Toyota, Renault, PSA Peugeot Citroen, Ford and Hyundai, are essentially conceding what outside groups have said for some time - that the industry cannot meet pollution regulations when cars are taken out of testing laboratories.

The move is occurring as Volkswagen, the world's largest automaker, grapples with fallout from the discovery that 11 million of its vehicles were equipped with software meant to cheat emissions tests.

Tests of car emissions required in the United States and Europe take place in laboratories, where vehicles are run through drills on a dynamometer, which is the automotive equivalent of a treadmill.

Automakers have found ways to cheat the tests since emissions were first regulated in the early 1970s.Suspicions about Volkswagen began when an outside testing firm did its own road tests on the company's cars, using portable equipment.

Emissions from Volkswagen cars were found to be as much as 40 times higher than what is allowed under the Clean Air Act in the United States, the Environmental Protection Agency has said.

Europe's plan to move government emissions tests out of the laboratory is sure to be closely watched.

The Volkswagen scandal has raised concern among regulators on both sides of the Atlantic that their tests are ineffective and their emissions standards are not being met.The new tests have been under development for several months.

They apply to diesel and gasoline vehicles, though nitrogen oxide emissions are a particular challenge for diesels.Measuring emissions on the road is not new, even for governments.

Large trucks have faced road tests for nearly two decades, after engine makers were caught cheating on emissions tests in the United States in 1998. Europe's plan is to expand road testing to cars and sport utility vehicles.

European policymakers had proposed allowing for a 30 percent increase in nitrogen oxide emissions as a cushion, in their own acknowledgment that the new tests would be more demanding.

The counterproposal came from the industry's main trade group in Europe, the European Automobile Manufacturers Association, and was made in a document submitted Thursday.

In a statement, the automakers' organizations said, "It is still too early in the process to confirm or comment on hypothetical figures." The group "is waiting to first get more details on the full package from the European Commission before commenting."

The industry's proposal was met with hostility by Transport and Environment, a Brussels-based advocacy group taking part in the development of the new tests. The group's independent testing has shown that cars across the industry are failing to meet emissions rules in real driving conditions."

The industry shouldn't be in a position to request anything, but still they are," said François Cuenot, an air-quality officer at Transport and Environment. "It means they didn't learn from the Volkswagen case."

Nitrogen oxides, which include nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide, are not the only tailpipe emissions to cause concerns. Other pollutants include tiny soot particles known as particulates and various greenhouse gases linked to climate change.

Nitrogen oxides are particularly deadly and are associated with health problems, including asthma attacks, emphysema and bronchitis. In 2010, nearly 6,000 deaths in London alone were linked to long-term exposure to nitrogen dioxide, according to a study sponsored by the London government and conducted by King's College London.

When told of the industry's proposal, Christopher S. Weaver, president of Engine, Fuel and Emissions Engineering, an air-quality consulting firm in Sacramento, California, said, "that seems like an extraordinarily large gap," calling it "an invitation to cheat."

European standards for nitrogen oxide were already less strict than those in America, he said.

The proposal was the latest step by automakers seeking to weaken the new testing rules, after lobbying for months to make road tests, also called "real world" tests, more like laboratory tests. But the political climate in Brussels, the European capital, has changed since the Volkswagen scandal, with Parliament members from several parties seeking action.B

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