Greek antifascists paid a visit and literally demolished the new offices of the nationalist socialist party LEPEN, just a few days before their planned official opening ceremony, not just on any ot…
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Central PA Antifa para No Nazis in Harrisburg! Counter Demo

Here is a flier for November 5th. Print and share widely. PDF coming later today.

Qua 19:00 em EDTNova Iorque, Estados Unidos
108 pessoas interessadas · 35 pessoas confirmaram presença
No More Lesser-Evilism A strategy of “lesser evilism” won’t prepare the Left for the long fights ahead. by James Robertson Tyler Merbler / Flickr Our new issue, “Rank and File,” is out now. To celebrate its release, new subscriptions are discounted. In mid-August, the Working Families Party (WFP) be...
A couple of articles on defence against dog attacks, applicable to not only people engaged in protest and resistance actions but also those living in areas where dogs may present a real threat (i.e…
Today Belongs to Workers Labor Day was born from the most radical struggles of the nineteenth century. Celebrate it. by Tim Goulet Striking railway workers blocking trains in New York city, 1886. Library of Congress Just for Labor Day, new and gift print subscriptions are $19.95 worldwide by followi...

Any help is much appreciated! ///

On November 19, 2016, in Las Vegas, Nevada, there will be a concert held where Punks, Antiracist, Antifascist Skinheads, HxC kids, Hip hop heads, Activists, Rudies, Metalheads, Skaters, Psychobillies, R.A.S.H, S.H.A.R.P, will be united by the same ideal of struggling against racism, xenophobia, s...
by Phil Dickens re-blogged from Libcom // original here Some on the liberal end of the anti-fascist movement have argued that “no platform” is dead and free speech the best antidote to …
Philly Police Officer Outed as White Supremacist with Ties to Blood and Honour Leave a reply Ian Hans Lichterman (left) with 2 fellow Nazi cosplay enthusiasts. Lichterman was previously outed as a member of the WP network Blood and Honour and is an active Philly PD Officer Those of our readers who h...
Bleeding Heart Bullshit A new book by a self-proclaimed “bleeding heart libertarian” reveals libertarianism’s bankrupt conscience. by Jonah Walters Voting booths in Winchester, New Hampshire in 2008. Kelly Taylor / Flickr Our new issue, “Rank and File,” is out now. To celebrate its release, new subs...
The next National Policy Institute (NPI) conference will be held at the same place as the last NPI event – the Ronald Wilson Reagan Building in Washington, DC. It will be the same old thing as before, hating Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and Jews (that is guaranteed with Kevin MacDonald among the spe

"Former Red Army Faction member Ronald Augustin discusses the prevalence of myths, propaganda, and lies in current historical writing about the RAF."…/historiography-and-armed-strug…/

Former Red Army Faction member Ronald Augustin discusses the prevalence of myths, propaganda, and lies in current historical writing about the RAF.

Sent to us by RPG-7, a preview of their newest disc coming out September 5th!…

Esta canción está dedicada a todos los que habeis hecho posible que este nuevo disco saliese a la calle. Sin vosotros nada de esto hubiera sido posible. MUCH...
From Anti-Fascist News Just a few days ago, we ran a story about the Traditionalist Workers ...

KKK holding recruiting rally, make them regret it!…/ku-klux-klan-holding-rally-…

The Ku Klux Klan says it's planning a recruiting rally in Madison County next month.|Por Derrik Thomas
Can't switch off from work? Envy those 'lazy' strikers? In this 1932 essay, Bertrand Russell, socialist and winner of some minor award called the Nobel Prize in Literature, presents the case for idleness. One can also download and/ or listen to an audio version here.
The Hammerskin Nation, a long-running white supremacist organization, has announced that their major “Hammerfest” national gathering will be held in Georgia this October 1st. Hammerskin organizers …