The Orphans are playing in Brooklyn 10/18 w/Subhumans!

Hey NYC and closeby friends: The Orphans will reunite for ONE SHOW at The Acheron in Brooklyn, Sunday Oct. 18th. Subhumans and Opposition Rising are playing too. The show will sell out so buy advance tickets

In Mischief Brew news, we sadly will not be able to play Broken Strings Festival in Sacto. The fest is still going on of ... (Read More)

Posted by: Erik  •  09/16/2015

New music video: "City Of Black Fridays."

Along with DIY filmmakers Shibby Pictures, we are excited to present our new music video for "City Of Black Fridays" off our new LP "This Is Not For Children" (Alternative Tentacles Records). It's a fun trip around our hometown, and goofs around with some Philly folklore involving Santa and snowballs. It's a celebration song in the end, a song for workers and drinkers alike. Oh and it involves baseball. Check it ... (Read More)

Posted by: Erik  •  09/01/2015

Home! Thanks! And future festivals...

Thanks to everyone that came out to our recent jaunt around the midwest and eastern Canada, we had a blast as always! No long tours planned at the moment, but there are a couple "destination" shows including the Joe Hill Centennial Festival in Salt Lake City, then the Broken Strings Music Fest in Sacramento, CA... both in September. Should be fun and smelly! Check the "shows" page for ... (Read More)

Posted by: Erik  •  08/08/2015

We have a new record out!

It's been a while since an update, whew. We had an incredible tour on the west coast with our friends Ramshackle Glory, and are prepping for some dates in the midwest and eastern Canada in July/August. In case you didn't notice, we have a new LP/CD out on Alternative Tentacles! It's called "This Is Not For Children" and you can buy it from them (click "Buy Music" link above). It's also available on ... (Read More)

Posted by: Erik  •  07/08/2015

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