Slingshot issue #119 – article brainstorm and deadline

The article DEADLINE for issue #119 is Saturday, September 12 at 3 pm

Please send articles, art, and items for the calendar.  (A brainstorm of article topics is at the bottom of the page – email us if you want to take one of these ideas and write about it.) The issue will be available in early October so the calendar will cover October 20 – February 1.

Click here to see issue #118

Also, PLEASE bring us your spare rubber bands  – we need them for the mailing!!!!!

The 2016 organizer will be available around Oct 1!  click here! to see a list of local stores that carry the organizer, links to mail-order distro websites, and names of the 2015 cover colors.


ARTICLE BRAINSTORM – issue #119 – we are seeking authors to write on these topics (and any you have on your own) – deadline is Sept. 12 (Saturday) at 3pm:
black lives matter
native solidarity
Arctic drilling protests
Prison industrial complex through eco lense
book reviews and zine review
TPP article
Paris climate conference / upcoming  protests
Election perspetives
Vegetarianism for the earth
coal terminal resistance
oil trains resistance
copwatching  / police abuse
resist 450 in Florida
pink pill  (flibanserin)
sexual assault response w/o cops
$15 an hour / minimum wage struggle
occupy the farm update
DIY projects
inspiration re: freedom/creativity/counter-culture
pot legalization side-effects
divestment from fossil fuels investments – movement update
refugee / migration crisis



The Slingshot Collective