
We have an Iran deal! Now tell Congress to support it.

The US, Iran and five other world powers have announced a historic deal on Iran's nuclear program. But the Republican leadership in Congress is trying to sabotage the deal and put us back on the path to confrontation. Urge your reps in Congress to support the deal and oppose another war of choice in the Middle East by signing our coalition petition.

Sign our petition

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A Story Your Reps Should Hear: Home Evictions in Sheikh Jarrah

Since 2009, over 50 Palestinians have been evicted from their homes in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of East Jerusalem and replaced by Jewish settler families. Many of the Palestinians are refugees from Israeli cities, including the al-Kurds, who have already lost half of their home to settlers—and are under threat of losing the rest. Email Congress >

Blowing Up Iran Talks

To view this video in a larger format, go to its YouTube page.



Just Foreign Policy is an independent and non-partisan membership organization. We are dedicated to reforming U.S. foreign policy to serve the interests and reflect the values of the broad majority of Americans, rather than those of special interests both inside and outside of government.

From The Blog

24 Sep 2015 - 9:43am
Posted by Avram Reisman
10 Sep 2015 - 6:31pm
Posted by Avram Reisman
3 Sep 2015 - 11:58am
Posted by Avram Reisman