Na na na na. Na na na na. Hey hey hey. GOODBYE!

So, the media just called it for Justin Trudeau’s Liberals, and it does indeed smell very much like a majority. I’ll analyze the meaning of it all later. For now, I just want to dedicate this song to Stephen Fucking Harper and his Fucking HarpoCons:

And may I say this much: You won’t be missed. Buhbye!


It’s Election Day in Canada. Do you know where YOUR vote is?


Yes, smartass, I know it’s in the ballot box. But really. Do you know where to make your mark?

Having trouble deciding? Fine. I’ll help you narrow it down a bit.

First off, NOT under the Conservatives. I don’t care how nice the one from your riding is (and if there are still any nice, old-school “Red” Tories left, it would come as news to me, since Harpo’s done a bang-up job of purging them and replacing them with his neo-con CRAP party drones). Do NOT, under any circumstances, put an X in the Conservative box, unless you’re a complete idiot who LIKES seeing your hard-earned taxes going into a police state full of outright Nazi-like paranoia towards women in veils. Or you don’t mind seeing your job going to a chain gang in China under the illegally passed TPP. Or you’re dead keen on the boondoggle that is the F-35, a defective flying crate whose ejection seat can break a pilot’s neck. Or you think it’s somehow good for the Jews to support the unholy land of Israel, where it’s open season on Palestinians all the time since 1948, but especially so of late. And of Robbo and Dougie, it is better not to speak. Under NO circumstances are you to make a checkmark or an X under the Cons, unless you wish to be shunned by the adults, and laughed and pointed at by the kids. Or you really have a fetish for tar and feathers.

Also, do NOT vote Liberal. I don’t care how nice the one from your riding is, either (and I’m sure a lot of them are). They voted, as a party, in favor of Bill C-51, the warrantless police-state bill. They also helped to pass S-7, the so-called “Barbaric Cultural Practices” law that underpins a snitch line where you can report veiled women, men in turbans or fezzes, and other non-criminals for Living In Canada While Brown. Fascist Lite is not an adequate change from Fascist, capisce? And they’re quite bullish on oil pipelines and the conversion of Alberta into one big, tarry Mordor. So don’t be a moron. Be brave! Make your mark in a new square just this once, eh?

Green Party voters? Well, I’m not one; ironically, the Canadian Greens not quite green enough for me, and too corporate besides. Environmentalism is important; environmentalism done right is paramount. I would much prefer an eco-socialist party over an eco-capitalist one. But at least Elizabeth May & Co. are standing up on their hind legs against Harpo & Co. And she’s made it clear that she’s willing to form a coalition, if needed, to stop Harpocracy once and for all. So if there is a Green in your area with a good chance of winning over the other parties, by all means, back them. At least they can be counted on to work with the other progressives, and that’s always a Good Thing. ABC needs unity, and there’s been too little of that all around.

The NDP? Well, I’m no fan of Mulcair, as he’s a bit too close to Conservative for what used to be a real socialist party. (They even openly courted him at one point, which is Vhery Bhad Nhews.) The party is no longer Tommy Douglas’s baby, and that’s a damn shame. The emphasis has shifted from “farmer, soldier, laborer” to “tax cuts for small business” — never mind that the middle class, the backbone of small business owners, is shrinking like it’s got osteoporosis. Never mind, either, that tax cuts don’t create jobs. Too much Zionism in there, too (and sadly, NONE of the parties have a good track record when it comes to Palestinians). They could use some remedial Women’s Studies classes, too. I actually had to hold my nose when I voted for them at the advance polls last Monday. But hey. They did manage to become the official opposition for the first time ever, last time ’round. And they did manage to form a provincial government in hard-to-starboard ALBERTA, of all places. When even a longtime Conservative like Andrew Coyne (who, now that I think about it, is/was one of those old-school, good-egg Progressive Conservatives that Harpo did his best to drive to extinction) is voting NDP, something is in the wind there. Could it be change?

We do not know yet. But we are watching, and waiting for when the polls close.

Stay tuned.


Music for a Sunday: One night in late October…

Fair warning, folks, it’s about to get awful drunk out:

This one goes out to all the Harperites hate-reading me and saying nothing. Probably because you all know that your boy is toast tomorrow, despite Robbo and Dougie promising to deliver all those Toronto votes…eh?


No wankapedia tonight. Sorry.

Got a lot of gardening and other housekeeping to do today, folks. So no Wankers of the Week THIS week, either. With any luck, things will be back more or less to normal next week. In the meantime, enjoy one of my all-time fave songs.


Festive Left Friday Blogging: Photo du soir


Three fabulous presidents, three fabulous ponchos. El Ecuadorable, Evo and Madurito put on the red stripes — a traditional Aymara color scheme reserved for weddings and wars — to jointly announce that they would be fighting climate change and defending Mother Earth at COP21. Go, boys, go!


Burusas is busted!


Manuel Rosales, in the striped shirt, is led off a plane to face arrest upon arrival in Venezuela.

Well, looky-looky. What have we here? Looks like one of Chavecito’s old enemies (and losing would-be rivals for the presidency) is finally daring to show his cowardly face in Venezuela again. Of course, he’s probably going to be showing it mainly from behind bars for some time, as he’s been wanted on various outstanding arrest warrants for the last six years. Here’s the story, via Aporrea:

The former mayor of Maracaibo, Manuel Rosales, who has had outstanding warrants with Venezuelan justice for six years, arrived on Thursday afternoon at La Chinita International Airport, from Aruba, and was immediately detained by SEBIN officers, according to Un Nuevo Tiempo (UNT) party director Diego Scharifker, via his Twitter account, @DiegoScharifker.

The UNT party president arrived on Laser Airlines flight QL 1981, accompanied by parliamentary deputies Enrique Márquez and William Barrientos. The flight was to depart at 3:00 pm, but Queen Beatrix International Airport informed that the flight was delayed. Military police were located around the terminal from the wee hours of the morning.

Among the persons awaiting Rosales’s arrival were his wife, Eveling Trejo, and former governor Pablo Pérez; the UNT directorate were also on site. Pérez stated: “I’m not going to create false hopes. The Prosecutor’s office indicated that he will be detained on arrival. But what we would like is if they let him go to Calle 72.”

“There is an arrest warrant out for him; if he arrives, he will be taken into custody,” said Prosecutor General Luisa Ortega Díaz to the private TV channel Televen. The head of the Public Ministry maintained that Rosales, 62 years old, “will be guaranteed his rights”, but emphasized that “he will be apprehended immediately when he arrives in country.”

Last Friday, from an undisclosed location, Rosales, the former mayor of Maracaibo (in the western Venezuelan state of Zulia), announced that he would return to Venezuela after an exile of six years.

“We will arrive in La Chinita Airport next Thursday, October 15. I will be setting foot on Venezuelan soil come hell or high water, in the face of threats, in the face of everything, because the struggle is for the people and for history and for the Venezuelan homeland,” Rosales stated.

His speech was projected on a giant screen in Calle 72, and watched by a few dozen people gathered by UNT, which Rosales founded.

Translation mine.

Of course, we have to read between the lines a little here. When Burusas — that’s his nickname — talks about a “struggle”, he’s not actually talking about THE struggle in Venezuela, by Bolivarian socialists against poverty and dependency and the menaces of the empire to the north. No, he’s talking about putschism and illegal attempts to halt said struggle. Because, you see, these guys can never seem to get themselves elected. They have a problem with a little concept called Popularity. Like all of the Venezuelan opposition, he’s speaking with a lot of unintended irony, and mainly from his ass.

But hey! At least this time, he managed to do it without mangling any common folk sayings, as he’s normally wont to do. Maybe his time off from active politicking has improved his speechifying skills? Let us pray.


Whoa Canada!

A tale of environmental horror and police-state paranoia, set right here in the Great North. Pull up some frozen lasagna and watch this, folks.

(Courtesy Shit Harper Did.)


Happydance time!


Yes, folks, I’m back on and with a working ‘pute! The fairies came through for me in a big way, and that’s no lie — I really do have ’em. Stay tuned for more blogging soon while I get the hang of this holy-crap-everything-really-works-again thang.

ETA: This scene. I loves it.


Technical difficulties…again.


Please do not adjust your ‘pute.

Yes, I know…it’s been awhile. And it’s gonna be awhile longer. My dear old PowerBook G4 is slowly dying on me, and just typing this is taking me a dog’s age. Help is on its way, but it’s going to take some time getting here. So there won’t be much blogging in the meantime. Please sign up for the RSS feed if you want to know when things get back to normal.

And in the meantime, please enjoy this lovely test pattern with my compliments.

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German women launch new anti-prostitution campaign


Huschke Mau, the formerly prostituted German woman whom you may remember from my “Dear Madame Minister” post awhile back, has been busy lately. She’s banded together with some like-minded colleagues from the political and social-work spheres, and together, they’ve formed a new group aimed at helping women to exit prostitution. Die Welt interviewed them to find out what they’re doing, and why:

Lobbyists of the prostitution industry love to swear by their ideal image of the free and self-determined whore, who provides her quasi-therapeutic services with pleasure, and who provides life help on the side.

For 90 percent of all prostitutes in Germany, however, another reality holds true. They need to service at least seven johns a day just to pay for their rent and food. They get degraded, abused, sometimes even tortured. And the vast majority of them do their job not freely, but out of material necessity or because they were forced to — by pimps, acquaintances, even their own families.

Whore, a normal job? “I know of no job in which it’s normal to be abused every day, in which mental harm is an occupational hazard, and gives men the feeling that it’s hot to degrade women,” says Huschke Mau.

She prostituted for ten years; the “voluntarily”, she puts in quotation marks. Three and a half years ago, she exited, with great difficulties. Now she’s the star witness of the scene for journalists, and tries to explain how prostitution is not a job like any other.

Along with Stuttgart social worker Sabine Constabel, and unionist Leni Breymaier, she campaigns for an exit from prostitution — and for the newly founded group, Sisters e.V., which will accompany [exiting] prostitutes along the way to a new life.

Counseling services to help women exit prostitution are still much too rare, says Sabine Constabel, who has been working with prostituted women for 25 years. “A woman who wants to exit is no happy sex worker. She’s ashamed, she’s disgusted with herself, she takes painkillers daily because her genitals hurt, or she does hard drugs because she just couldn’t take it anymore otherwise. We want to make these women a concrete offer.”

Sisters is to be the cornerstone of a network of volunteers helping exiting women on their way into a life outside of prostitution. For that, above all, Constabel emphasizes engagement by civil society. “I’ve given up all hope that political regulation can protect women,” she says. For that, the planned prostitute-protection law will do little to change things; it includes a registration requirement and regular counselling for the prostituted.

Leni Breymaier says that the real scandal is that Germany has long been Europe’s bordello. “For me, it’s not about morality, but about human rights.”

The picture painted by the two Sisters representatives is altogether different from what is still being presented to the public. 80 to 90 percent of the women come from foreign countries, says Constabel; most recently, from Romania above all. Some were sent by their own families after being told that one can earn enough money through sex in Germany to feed entire families at home. Hardly anyone cares what price the women pay for that.

And what’s up with those who so self-assuredly call themselves “sex workers”? “Half of them are dominatrices, and the other half are madams,” says Huschke Mau, the exited woman. “This pro-sex lobby is not representative for us.” The vast majority of prostitutes, by contrast, have stories much like her own: Violence and abuse in their own families, and the resulting sense that they are only good for sex and nothing else. “I have never met a single prostitute who hasn’t suffered violence,” says Mau.

Whether the planned prostitution law can provide help in exiting is doubtful for the Sisters activists. It still follows the demands of the prostitution industry lobby, according to Constabel. At least a hike in the minimum age from 18 to 21 would have made some sense. But this demand failed. The draft proposal, by family minister Manuela Schwesig (SPD), is still before an interdepartmental committee.

Breymaier, the SPD deputy chair for Baden-Württemberg, is also wrestling with the law. “But anything’s better than the law we have right now. We’re going in the right direction, but of the 100-metre dash we have before us, we’ve only put five behind us.” Most preferable, the women have made more than clear, would be a world without prostitution.

That’s a vision that the sex lobby naturally doesn’t share. The “Hamburg Prostitution Advice” group invited the public to a “Second Hamburg Culture Stroll”, in order to “get to know everything about the topic of sex work in St. Georg — with workplace tours from an hourly hotel to an S/M studio to an exclusive nightclub.” Afterwards, at a question-and-answer session with sex workers, one can then “relax over coffee and sweets” and quiz the experts “in peace about everything you’ve always wanted to know about sex work.”

Welcome to the parallel universe.

Translation mine.

Somehow, I don’t think that info-stroll will include the inmates of the megabordellos. For one thing, a lot of them are foreigners, who can’t speak much German beyond negotiating a transaction, and who in any case are probably much too busy trying to pay the extortionate costs of room and board at the hooker-hotel to have much to do with this Happy Hooker lobby group. For another, even if they could speak fluent German, or talk at length about their work, they’d not have much nice to say. After all, they have to service at least seven johns a day just to break even. Little wonder, then, that the “stroll” will be limited to the “sex work” lobby’s preferred domain of hourly hotels (used by better-paid call girls, not lowly flat-rate brothel prostitutes), S/M “studios” (remember, half the lobbyists are dominatrices) and fancy-pants sex clubs. After all, it wouldn’t do to sicken any prospective clientele — or Amnesty-style supporters — with the shabby truth.

Posted in Confessions of a Bad German, Crapaganda Whores (and PIMPS), Drugs, EuroPeons, Filthy Stinking Rich, Human Rights FAIL, Isn't It Ironic?, Law-Law Land, Uppity Wimmin. Comments Off on German women launch new anti-prostitution campaign »