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Statement submitted by the High Atlas Foundation to the UN Economic and Social council | 2015-10-02
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Open Minds Worldwide
‘Doesn’t sound like he’s Muslim’
‘Doesn’t sound like he’s Muslim’
Some more arguments for why media outlets should use the name of the killer — Chris Harper...
Please ignore Oregon sheriff’s appeal never to mention shooter’s name
Please ignore Oregon sheriff’s appeal never to mention shooter’s name
Douglas County Sheriff John Hanlin yesterday issued a direct request to the media yesterday...
Did Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly blame 2nd Amendment for gun violence?
Did Fox News’s Bill O’Reilly blame 2nd Amendment for gun violence?
In the immediate aftermath of a mass shooting, Fox News is a place where a number of arguments get...
The Precious Opportunity of Climate Change
The Precious Opportunity of Climate Change
We are in the process of burning ourselves and many of the beings on Earth right out of existence....
Watch Nigel Lawson: he is a safer bet than Ukip for Eurosceptics
Watch Nigel Lawson: he is a safer bet than Ukip for Eurosceptics
On the eve of the Conservative conference in Manchester, opinion polls have begun to shift towards...
CNN mass-tweets to Oregon shooting witness
CNN mass-tweets to Oregon shooting witness
(Screenshot from Gawker’s Sam Biddle) Mass shootings in the United States occasion predictable...
’60 Minutes’ denies State Department planted Assange questions, but show’s interview should raise eyebrows
’60 Minutes’ denies State Department planted Assange questions, but show’s interview should raise eyebrows
Aides who e-mailed with Hillary Rodham Clinton during her tenure as secretary of state enjoyed...