Loughnane exit the end for power trio

James Massola 8:13 PM   His relationship with Peta Credlin attracted the headlines, but behind the scenes Brian Loughnane was regarded as a steady hand during 12 years at the helm of the Liberal Party.


Latest political news

Hinch weighs election bid

Derryn Hinch is set to announce he is running for the Senate in the 2016 federal election.

Heath Aston 8:20 PM   Derryn Hinch wants to be part of the democracy show.

Comments 7

Nauru camp 'not controlled by Australia': 

The High Court has been told Australia does not control the Nauru detention camp.

Nicole Hasham 10:33 PM   Australia does not control the controversial Nauru detention camp and a Bangladeshi mother and baby who are "terrified" of being returned there would be free to come and go, the High Court has heard.

Sub build 'would make Japan, Australia closer

Japan says its bid to build Australia's replacement for the Collins Class submarine would bring the countries' two navies closer.

David Wroe 8:18 PM   Japan sees its bid for Australia's $50 billion submarine program as just one step in deepening defence ties that would also see the two nations' navies work closely together on joint-operations such as enforcing freedom on the seas.

Fall in women on government boards

Minister for Women Michaelia Cash.

Judith Ireland 5:49 PM   The number of women on federal government boards has dropped slightly over the past year, with only 39.1 per cent of positions held by women. 

Climate authority may be spared the axe

Wendy Craik, the new chair of the Climate Change Authority, when she was head of the National Farmers Federation in 2000.

Peter Hannam 10:59 AM   The Turnbull government has appointed former National Farmers Federation head Wendy Craik and four others to the board of the Climate Change Authority for five-year terms, indicating the agency may yet be spared the axe.

Thousands back woman's abortion plea

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Latika Bourke 8:54 AM   Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull is under pressure to allow a Somali refugee raped on Nauru to come to Australia for an abortion.

Loughnane quits as Liberal Party director

Brian Loughnane has been federal director of the Liberal Party since 2003.

Latika Bourke 11:53 AM   Brian Loughnane has quit as federal director of the Liberal Party but insists his decision to go was in train well before last month's leadership coup.

Nauru won't meet promise of refugee claims

Asylum seekers on Nauru

Nicole Hasham 3:18 PM   About 150 asylum seekers on Nauru face being sent home as the island's government concedes its promise to process all remaining refugee claims this week will not be met.

Shorten to unveil $10b 'concrete bank' 

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten will announce a major infrastructure policy on Thursday.

Mark Kenny 6:02 AM   Bill Shorten is poised to unveil an ambitious plan aimed at turbo-charging jobs and growth via a $10 billion financing facility for new public works and up-front commitments to get blocked major projects moving.

Switch to Turnbull 'to save five Liberal seats'

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been credited with turning around the Liberal Party's fortunes.

James Massola, Mark Hawthorne 1:34 AM   Victorian Liberal president Michael Kroger has credited Malcolm Turnbull with a dramatic turnaround in the party's fortunes, telling an exclusive party fundraiser the switch of leader meant just one federal seat was now at risk.

Comment & Analysis

Spin doctors trying to distort media's message

Former prime minister Julia Gillard said in The Killing Season the move to depose Kevin Rudd had 'a feeling of uprising about it'.

Sarah Ferguson   In the pursuit of good stories, are journalists colluding with the wrong side?

Comments 25

Running scared from freedom to offend


Paul Sheehan   The Liberal-led federal government is illiberal in its attitudes towards freedom of speech. Switching the leadership from Tony Abbott to Malcolm Turnbull has changed nothing.

Comments 241

Radicalised Muslims not rebels without cause

Australia is conducting air strikes over Iraq in a bid to halt the progress of the Islamic State group.

Julie Szego 12:00 AM   The Turnbull government must defiantly confront radicalised Muslims, many of whom are high-achievers buying in to a deadly ideology, not just disengaged hotheads.

Time to ban non-compete clauses

Restraints of trade in Australia are becoming more common in employment contracts.

Paul Murphy   There is a very simple and cost effective way for the Prime Minister to make good on his promise to promote innovation and knowledge hubs: make it illegal to have post-employment restraints in employment contracts in Australia

Comments 4

How school debating has ruined politics

Jasper Lindell.

Jasper Lindell   High school competitions were the first step in many politicians' careers, but it has left many unable to compromise.

Comments 57

Valuable labour standards must be protected


Joanna Howe   Australia has spent more than a century building up a labour regulation system that is the envy of the world and it is critical these free trade agreements do not result in a race to the bottom in labour standards.

Comments 32

Arm wrestle over drugs: inside the TPP deal

Deserves credit ... Trade Minister Andrew Robb.

John Garnaut   The journey from Mike Froman's 12th-floor presidential suite to Andrew Robb's modest digs on the 58th can take as long as 10 minutes in the Westin Hotel – a gargantuan relic of the Atlanta Olympics, where the lifts go missing when most needed.

Republic should be a priority for Turnbull

Malcolm Turnbull: Nore more cufflinks.

Lucas Grainger-Brown   The republic is integral to our cultural wellbeing. It is not an economic issue.

Comments 36

Why don't we take innovation seriously?

Australia's must put more effort into research and development.

Martin Callinan   It's all very well talking about innovation but we're not doing much to catch up with countries that understand why science and technology matters.

Comments 2

Shorten's wink to aspiration

Bill Shorten says penalty rates are the difference for some people being able to afford to send their children to a private school or not.

Tony Wright   Bill Shorten has offered one of the more startling defences of penalty rates advanced by a Labor leader, elevating private education as the dream of Australian workers.

Shooting a reminder of Middle East unrest

Peter Reith.

Peter Reith   Australia's security will be tied to the fate of Middle East politics for some time yet.

Good news on Nauru masks grim reality

Detention centre

Michael Gordon   Two welcome developments do not change the grim reality for hundreds of people who sought refuge in Australia but are being warehoused indefinitely on the poor, tiny and sweltering island of Nauru.

Outdated laws force couples to take risks

Sam Everingham dinkus

Sam Everingham   Recent research shows Australians are the largest user nation of offshore surrogacy globally. So how did it come to this?

Comments 7

Measuring how government performs


Gai Brodtmann   Accountability starts with getting the key performance indicators right.

Is this the end of the war as we know it?

Judith Ireland dinkus

Judith Ireland   Under Tony Abbott, the culture war has been more of a thematic mixed bag, complete with retro 1990s stylings.

The problem with men


Phil Cleary   We need our politicians to speak with the same fervour about this violence as they do about Islamic State.

Comments 44

Why  we should get five weeks' annual leave

Jessica Irvine

Jessica Irvine   Hands up if you spend 10 minutes each weeknight checking work emails?

Comments 63

Why I want the PM to give up his $500k salary

"One commenter demanded to know where I was when Kevin Rudd was elected to office. I was seven years old and playing with Lego.": Corbin Duncan

Corbin Duncan   How much is a prime minister worth? The way we've discarded them over the past five years, perhaps a dollar sounds generous. 

Comments 29

So that's it for Abbott? Don't bet on it

Mark kenny dinkus

Mark Kenny   Despite his promises to the contrary, the former PM has been doing the rounds telling anyone who will listen that he still has what it takes.

Juvenile detention: Australia is falling behind

Michael Bochenek is senior counsel for children's rights at Human Rights Watch.

Michael Bochenek   For Australia to begin to regain the moral authority it once had on human rights, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has his work cut out for him. A new report is a stark reminder to add juvenile detention to his list.

Comments 1

IS wants nuclear weapons for slaughter

Paul Sheehan.

Paul Sheehan   Given the US inertia, the Australian government should support Russia's military intervention in Syria in support of the Assad regime.

Special features

Robb provides consistency Turnbull craves

Gareth Hutchens Andrew Robb and Malcolm Turnbull haven't always seen eye-to-eye, but the Trade Minister and Abbott backer has proven to be a great asset for the new Prime Minister.

Government running scared from the freedom to offend

Paul Sheehan The Liberal-led federal government is illiberal in its attitudes towards freedom of speech. Switching the leadership from Tony Abbott to Malcolm Turnbull has changed nothing.

Radicalised Muslims are not just rebels without a cause

Julie Szego The Turnbull government must defiantly confront radicalised Muslims, many of whom are high-achievers buying in to a deadly ideology, not just disengaged hotheads.

How the spin doctors try to distort media's message

Sarah Ferguson In the pursuit of good stories, are journalists colluding with the wrong side?

The arm wrestle over drugs: inside TPP deal

John Garnaut The journey from Mike Froman's 12th-floor presidential suite to Andrew Robb's modest digs on the 58th can take as long as 10 minutes in the Westin Hotel.

Our valuable labour standards must be protected

Australia has spent more than a century building up a labour regulation system that is the envy of the world and it is critical these free trade agreements do not result in a race to the bottom in labour standards.

An economic analysis of the TPP? Don't hold your breath

Gareth Hutchens The government says the TPP will boost growth, create jobs, raise living standards, and increase productivity. We'll have to take its word for it.

Turnbull rides favourable trade winds

Mark Kenny It may be little comfort to Abbott but his successor's progress is being fanned by the favourable trade winds of past hard work

Shooting a reminder of Middle East unrest

Australia's security will be tied to the fate of Middle East politics for some time yet.

Good news on Nauru masks grim reality

Michael Gordon Two welcome developments do not change the grim reality for hundreds of people who sought refuge in Australia.

Shorten's wink to aspiration

Tony Wright Bill Shorten has offered one of the more startling defences of penalty rates advanced by a Labor leader, elevating private education as the dream of Australian workers.

Turnbull's response to shooting part of new approach

Responding to the latest instance of politically motivated violence, new Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull struck a deliberately different tone from that of his predecessor, Tony Abbott.

Turnbull must dump draconian citizenship bill

Far from making us safer, legislation allowing Australian citizenship to be stripped from dual nationals would make matters worse.

Worker's paradise or black labour haven?

Ryan Tseng says something is "wrong" when the country once dubbed a 'working man's paradise' is now known for its thriving market in 'black' labour.

The times politicians tried to care about footy

Politicians trying to show they care about football is a bit like mixing hydrogen and oxygen: the results are often unstable and can sometimes blow up in your face.

Pyne never earned 'fixer' title but flatmate might

Matthew Knott As anyone who has lived in a share house knows, cleaning up a flatmate's mess is no fun.

Russian bombing: what are the risks?

What are the risks to Australian pilots of the Russians bombing in Syria? And what are the risks for the future of the country? Analysis with David Wroe.