registrations are closed
But don't worry! Diaspora* is completely decentralized, and any person from any pod can communicate with one another! You can register at any of these other pods. You can also choose to set up your own pod if you'd like.Since August 27th, 2012, all of diaspora*'s development has been done entirely by volunteers out in the open. This has allowed the project to grow in remarkable ways. New features, designs, and improvements have made their way into diaspora*'s code, and the project has evolved far beyond what its original founders could have ever expected.
Our community-driven project is now supported and backed by the Free Software Support Network, a project by Eben Moglen and the Software Freedom Law Center.
By agreement, FSSN is collaborating with diaspora* to provide support for management of branding, finances and legal assets. By donating to FSSN, you're helping support the goals and visions of diaspora*'s community. We're working hard to make the social web a better place, and we believe that, together, we can make something amazing.
Open Source
Our software is completely free, so grab the code and host it wherever you want! Diaspora* is a community effort - contribute on Github
Own your data
Connecting socially is human nature. You shouldn't have to trade away your personal information to participate. Learn more at Diaspora Foundation.
Creative Community
Meet people from all over the world who love the internet and want to see it free as much as you do.