First Nations is a term that collectively refers to various Aboriginal peoples in Canada who are neither Inuit nor Métis. There are currently over 630 recognized First Nations governments or bands spread across Canada, roughly half of which are in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia. The total population is nearly 700,000 people. Under the Employment Equity Act, First Nations are a "designated group", along with women, visible minorities, and persons with physical or mental disabilities. They are not defined as a visible minority under the Act or by the criteria of Statistics Canada.
The term First Nations (most often used in the plural) has come into general use for the indigenous peoples of the Americas located in what is now Canada, except for the Arctic-situated Inuit, and peoples of mixed European-First Nations ancestry called Métis. The singular, commonly used on culturally politicized reserves, is the term First Nations person (when gender-specific, First Nations man or First Nations woman). A more recent trend is for members of various nations to refer to themselves by their tribal or national identity only, e.g., "I'm Haida," or "We're Kwantlens," in recognition of the distinctiveness of First Nations ethnicities.
The Lakota (pronounced [laˈkˣota]; also known as Teton, Titunwan ("prairie dwellers"),Teton Sioux ("snake, or enemy") are an indigenous people of the Great Plains. They are part of a confederation of seven related Sioux tribes,the Oceti Šakowiŋ or seven council fires, and speak Lakota, one of the three major dialects of the Sioux language.
The Lakota are the western-most of the three Sioux-language groups, occupying lands in both North and South Dakota. The seven bands or "sub-tribes" of the Lakota are:
Notable persons include Tataŋka Iyotake (Sitting Bull) from the Hunkpapa band; and Tašuŋke Witko (Crazy Horse) from the Oglala band, Maȟpiya Luta (Red Cloud), Heȟaka Sapa (Black Elk), Siŋte Gleška (Spotted Tail), Billy Mills and Touch the Clouds from the Oglala band.
Siouan language speakers may have originated in the lower Mississippi River region and then migrated to or originated in the Ohio Valley. They were agriculturalists and may have been part of the Mound Builder civilization during the 9th–12th centuries CE. In the late 16th and early 17th centuries, Dakota-Lakota-Nakota speakers lived in the upper Mississippi Region in present day Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, and the Dakotas. Conflicts with Anishnaabe and Cree peoples pushed the Lakota west onto the Great Plains in the mid- to late-17th century.
First Nations Dance of Canada
Dances of First Nations of Canada
Four Host First Nations - The Gathering (Short Film)
First Nations - A Brief History
Idle No More - They Don't Care About Us First Nations
11 facts about the gap between First Nations and the rest of Canada
Midget Lacrosse Gold Ontario vs First Nations
First Nations People Reclaiming Their Heritage
Squamish Nation Pow Wow 2011 FULL REGALIA First Nations Native Dance in Vancouver
First Nations Torontonians not offended by Washington Redskins
First Nations students react to school system
Americas first nations
Carey Price - Believe in yourself - First Nations Vezina Speech
First Nations Dance of Canada
Dances of First Nations of Canada
Four Host First Nations - The Gathering (Short Film)
First Nations - A Brief History
Idle No More - They Don't Care About Us First Nations
11 facts about the gap between First Nations and the rest of Canada
Midget Lacrosse Gold Ontario vs First Nations
First Nations People Reclaiming Their Heritage
Squamish Nation Pow Wow 2011 FULL REGALIA First Nations Native Dance in Vancouver
First Nations Torontonians not offended by Washington Redskins
First Nations students react to school system
Americas first nations
Carey Price - Believe in yourself - First Nations Vezina Speech
Sacred Songs of the Cheyenne, Kiowa, Arikara and other First Nations
First Nations Carvings and Culture
Canadian Federal Government Apology to First Nations
First Nations Cultural Preservation Through Art: Ursula Johnson at TEDxHalifax
Perspectives from First Nations, Inuit and Métis on Health Care
Setting Our Course: Yukon First Nations Self-Government
First Nations Sovereignty in Canada
First Nations' Flute Prayer
Bear Witness: a film by BC's Coastal First Nations
Wab Kinew On Strombo: Full Interview
Interview with Kahnawake's Grand Chief Joe Norton
Rebel Music: Native America | Interview with A Tribe Called Red
FASD Interview Held at Caldwell First Nations Community Hall
Interview with Former Chief of Cold Lake First Nations Walter Janvier
Shawn Atleo: First Nations Vote 2011
Tim Thompson interview on First Nations students in Canada (Part 1 of 6)
Interview with First Nations Chief Jackie Thomas
Jerry Alfred – Interview with First Nations musician
Art Sterritt Executive Director Coastal First Nations CBC Interview
Tim Thompson interview on First Nations education funding (Part 2 of 6)
Tim Thompson interview on First Nations education on reserve (Part 4 of 6)
Doyle Anderson Interview on the Crown - First Nations Gathering and Energy and Mining Education
Tim Thompson interview on the Inequitable funding of First Nations education (Part 3 of 6)
Tim Thompson interview on the Ideal First Nations classroom (Part 5 of 6)
Interview with Freddy Gipp: First Nations ATO
Eskasoni First Nation My son's CTV interview about bullying! Please share!
Great Bear Forest Carbon Project Interview with Coastal First Nations and Nanwakolas Nation
Higher Ground by (Aug 18, 2014)
Interview with Cameron Janvier - Cold Lake First Nations Councillor
Premier Brad Wall CPAC Interview - First Nations
Eskasoni First Nation APTN School Board problem interview
Learning About The Other: First Nations