Massive New York rally supports nuclear agreement with Iran
Massive New York rally supports nuclear agreement with Iran
Massive New York rally supports nuclear agreement with Iran
Despite the overwhelming majority of the American people supporting the proposed nuclear agreement, leading Democratic senator Chuck Schumer has voiced opposition to it. A large group of New Yorkers have gathered outside of Schumer's office in Manhattan to voice support for the proposed deal to end sanctions on Iran.
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Iran, P5+1 drafting final agreement in New York
Iran, P5+1 drafting final agreement in New York
Iran, P5+1 drafting final agreement in New York
Representatives from Iran and the P5+1 group of countries are working on the draft of a final nuclear deal as the July-first deadline is looming. Senior Iranian negotiator Abbas Araqchi has described the process as difficult, explaining that there'll be many bracketed points of disagreement in the text. He expressed hope that the first draft would come out within the next few days. Araqchi has held several rounds of lengthy talks with top EU envoy Helga Schmid in New York since Thursday. The lifting of anti-Iran sanctions is one of the sizzling issues over which the two sides are divided. In April, Iran and the P5+1 reached a mutual understan
New York Endless - Consultants Agreement
New York Endless - Consultants Agreement
New York Endless - Consultants Agreement
follow us on facebook : http://www.facebook.com/lesyeuxorange
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New York Endless - Strategies EP / Golf Channel Recordings – CHANNEL 044
Iran & P5+1 delegates drafting final agreement in New York
Iran & P5+1 delegates drafting final agreement in New York
Iran & P5+1 delegates drafting final agreement in New York
Representatives from Iran and the P5+1 group of countries are working on the draft of a final nuclear deal as the July-first deadline is looming.
Senior Iranian negotiator Abbas Araqchi has described the process as difficult, explaining that there'll be many bracketed points of disagreement in the text. He expressed hope that the first draft would come out within the next few days. Araqchi has held several rounds of lengthy talks with top EU envoy Helga Schmid in New York since Thursday. The lifting of anti-Iran sanctions is one of the sizzling issues over which the two sides are divided. In April, Iran and the P5+1 reached a mutual understa
Prenuptial Agreements Lawyer / Attorney in New York
Prenuptial Agreements Lawyer / Attorney in New York
Prenuptial Agreements Lawyer / Attorney in New York
The Law Offices of Brian D. Perskin http://www.newyorkdivorceattorney.com/ Statistics show that about one in three of all first marriages and an astounding 5...
Should I Do A Prenuptial Agreement In New York? If So, What Should Be Included?
Should I Do A Prenuptial Agreement In New York? If So, What Should Be Included?
Should I Do A Prenuptial Agreement In New York? If So, What Should Be Included?
http://www.wny-lawyers.com/ Click on the name "Robert Friedman" just above to see more videos about Divorce. Friedman & Ranzenhofer explain prenuptial agreem...
!! SEKILAS !! SEJARAH PAPUA !! 50 Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua
!! SEKILAS !! SEJARAH PAPUA !! 50 Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua
!! SEKILAS !! SEJARAH PAPUA !! 50 Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua.
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua.
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua
Agreement on Greece - Ana Gomes: "Read The New York Times editorial: "Germany's destructive anger""
Agreement on Greece - Ana Gomes: "Read The New York Times editorial: "Germany's destructive anger""
Agreement on Greece - Ana Gomes: "Read The New York Times editorial: "Germany's destructive anger""
EN - European Parliament - Debate on the Euro Summit agreement on Greece at European Parliament ECON Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs: statement by Ana Gomes (S&D;, PT): "Read The New York Times editorial of today. The title is: Germany's destructive anger" - 16.07.2015 - European Parliament, Brussels.
Ana Gomes: "I think there is no ownership, neither from Mr Tsípras, nor from Mr. Schäuble, because indeed this agreement is not an agreement at all. It's an ultimatum; it's absurd economically; it's unfair; is cruel; it not feasible; it's a shame, it's incompatible with the EU funding principles! And even worse, it's said it has bee
New York Month to Month Rental Agreement
New York Month to Month Rental Agreement
New York Month to Month Rental Agreement
Download: http://rentalleaseagreement.com/New-York-Month-to-Month-Lease-Agreement-NY.htm Homepage: http://rentalleaseagreement.com The New York Month to Mont...
Oneida County legislators react to Oneida Nation and New York State agreement
Oneida County legislators react to Oneida Nation and New York State agreement
Oneida County legislators react to Oneida Nation and New York State agreement
The Oneida County legislature reacts to agreement between New York State and Oneida Indian Nation
KNPB News JAYAPURA 15 AGUSTUS 2014. Polresta kota Jayapura dibawa pimpinan wakil Kapolresta Kota Jayapura KIKI KURNIA Kembali Membubarkan Aksi Demo damai GEM...
New York Residential Lease Agreement
New York Residential Lease Agreement
New York Residential Lease Agreement
Download:http://rentalleaseagreement.com/New-York-Residential-Lease-Agreement-NY.htm Homepage: http://rentalleaseagreement.com The New York Residential Lease...
The New York Agreement is a broken promise to People of West Papua.
The New York Agreement is a broken promise to People of West Papua.
The New York Agreement is a broken promise to People of West Papua.
Demonstration on the anniversary of New York Agreement 15, August 1962 and Welcoming and thanking a Free West Papua Campaign Office in the Netherlands on 15 ...
new york agreement
new york agreement
new york agreement
New york agreement
TV Papua,De herdenking van 50 jaar New York Agreement
TV Papua,De herdenking van 50 jaar New York Agreement
TV Papua,De herdenking van 50 jaar New York Agreement
Tv Papua Network, 16 augustus 2012
Met vandaag een verslag over de herdenking van 50 jaar New York Agreement. 50 jaar geleden, op 15 augustus 1962, tekende Nederland een overdrachtsakkoord met Indonesië, beter bekend als het Akkoord van New York. Op woensdag 15 augustus 2012 organiseerde de Alliantie van Papua-studenten, de AMP, een demonstratie in Jogjakarta-Indonesië en in Biak-West Papua organiseerde de Nationale Comité West Papua afdeling Biak (KNPB-Biak) een panel-discussie. De panel-discussie werd bijgewoond door circa 500 mensen. Hiermee willen zijn aangeven dat de strijd nog altijd leeft en dat de Papua's hun recht op zelfbeschikking
15 Agustus 2012 50 Tahun New York Agreement
15 Agustus 2012 50 Tahun New York Agreement
15 Agustus 2012 50 Tahun New York Agreement
Aksi Dari Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua
Maka, sesuai kenyataan sejarah dan bertepatan dengan 50 tahun Perjanjian New York (New York Agreement) 15 Agustus 1962-2012, kami Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua Komite Kota Yogyakarta menyatakan sikap politik kami kepada PBB, Amerika, Belanda dan rezim pemerintah Indonesia SBY-Boediona untuk segera :
1. Mengakui kedaulatan Negara Papua Barat dan mengakui 1 Desember sebagai Hari Kemerdekaan Negara Papua Barat.
2. Memberikan ruang demokrasi dan kebebasan berekspresi di Papua serta menghentikan upaya pengekangan dan teror oleh Militer (TNI-Polri) Indonesia kepada Rakyat Sipil Papua.
3. Menarik seluruh pasukan militer
Árni M. Mathiesen video message for UN Fish Stocks Agreement
Árni M. Mathiesen video message for UN Fish Stocks Agreement
Árni M. Mathiesen video message for UN Fish Stocks Agreement
Video message of Mr. Árni M. Mathiesen, Assistant Director-General, FAO Fisheries and Acquaculture Department on the Impact of the UN Fish Socks Agreement on the work of FAO Relationship between the Agreement and FAO instruments - New York, 17 March 2015
Pernyataan Sikap Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) Yogyakarta, Protes New York Agreement 1962
Pernyataan Sikap Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) Yogyakarta, Protes New York Agreement 1962
Pernyataan Sikap Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) Yogyakarta, Protes New York Agreement 1962
Perjanjian New York Agreement tanggal 15 Agustus 1962 Kesepakatan Ilegal maka Penentuan Nasib Sendiri, Solusi Demokratis bagi Rakyat Papua
Selain itu, mendukung dibukanya Kantor Free West Papua Campaign di Belanda. Mahasiswa Papua di Yogyakarta, dikoordinir Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) turun jalan,(15/8/13), di Malioboro.
Perjanjian New York Agreement 15 Agustus 1962 tidak sah
Perjanjian New York Agreement 15 Agustus 1962 tidak sah
Perjanjian New York Agreement 15 Agustus 1962 tidak sah
Agreement signed by the Dutch government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on August 15, 1962 in New York as the News York Agreement 1962 Agreement, does not guarantee the exercise of the right of self-determination of the people of West Papua are not fair, dignity and democracy
The Foreign Ministers of Israel and the Muslim-led government of Bosnia signed an agreement in New York on Friday establishing full diplomatic relations.
Bosnian Foreign Minister Jadranko Prljic said the decision was a sign of his government's commitment to multi-ethnic and multi-religious cooperation.
David Levy said the people of Israel had great sympathy for the Bosnians' suffering.
While in New York, Levy also met U-S Mideast envoy Dennis Ross in an effort to ease tensions between their two countries.
Signing an agreement in New York on Friday to establish full diplomatic relations, the Foreign Ministers of
Bringing Back the Colorado River Delta - 2013
Bringing Back the Colorado River Delta - 2013
Bringing Back the Colorado River Delta - 2013
A new agreement between Mexico and the United States called Minute 319 will ensure more water flows into the Colorado River delta in Mexico, helping to resto...
We West Papuan Not Recognize New York Agreement 1962 xvid
We West Papuan Not Recognize New York Agreement 1962 xvid
We West Papuan Not Recognize New York Agreement 1962 xvid
Massive New York rally supports nuclear agreement with Iran
Despite the overwhelming majority of the American people supporting the proposed nuclear agreement, leading Democratic senator Chuck Schumer has voiced opposition to it. A large group of New Yorkers have gathered outside of Schumer's office in Manhattan to voice support for the proposed deal to end sanctions on Iran.
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wn.com/Massive New York Rally Supports Nuclear Agreement With Iran
Despite the overwhelming majority of the American people supporting the proposed nuclear agreement, leading Democratic senator Chuck Schumer has voiced opposition to it. A large group of New Yorkers have gathered outside of Schumer's office in Manhattan to voice support for the proposed deal to end sanctions on Iran.
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- published: 11 Aug 2015
- views: 345
Iran, P5+1 drafting final agreement in New York
Representatives from Iran and the P5+1 group of countries are working on the draft of a final nuclear deal as the July-first deadline is looming. Senior Iranian negotiator Abbas Araqchi has described the process as difficult, explaining that there'll be many bracketed points of disagreement in the text. He expressed hope that the first draft would come out within the next few days. Araqchi has held several rounds of lengthy talks with top EU envoy Helga Schmid in New York since Thursday. The lifting of anti-Iran sanctions is one of the sizzling issues over which the two sides are divided. In April, Iran and the P5+1 reached a mutual understanding over Tehran’s nuclear energy program. A final deal is due by the end of next month.
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wn.com/Iran, P5 1 Drafting Final Agreement In New York
Representatives from Iran and the P5+1 group of countries are working on the draft of a final nuclear deal as the July-first deadline is looming. Senior Iranian negotiator Abbas Araqchi has described the process as difficult, explaining that there'll be many bracketed points of disagreement in the text. He expressed hope that the first draft would come out within the next few days. Araqchi has held several rounds of lengthy talks with top EU envoy Helga Schmid in New York since Thursday. The lifting of anti-Iran sanctions is one of the sizzling issues over which the two sides are divided. In April, Iran and the P5+1 reached a mutual understanding over Tehran’s nuclear energy program. A final deal is due by the end of next month.
Live @ http://www.presstv.ir/live.html
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- published: 03 May 2015
- views: 90
New York Endless - Consultants Agreement
follow us on facebook : http://www.facebook.com/lesyeuxorange
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New York Endless - Strategies EP / Golf Channel Recordings – CHANNEL 044
wn.com/New York Endless Consultants Agreement
follow us on facebook : http://www.facebook.com/lesyeuxorange
follow us on soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/les-yeux-orange
New York Endless - Strategies EP / Golf Channel Recordings – CHANNEL 044
- published: 07 Oct 2014
- views: 1331
Iran & P5+1 delegates drafting final agreement in New York
Representatives from Iran and the P5+1 group of countries are working on the draft of a final nuclear deal as the July-first deadline is looming.
Senior Iranian negotiator Abbas Araqchi has described the process as difficult, explaining that there'll be many bracketed points of disagreement in the text. He expressed hope that the first draft would come out within the next few days. Araqchi has held several rounds of lengthy talks with top EU envoy Helga Schmid in New York since Thursday. The lifting of anti-Iran sanctions is one of the sizzling issues over which the two sides are divided. In April, Iran and the P5+1 reached a mutual understanding over Tehran’s nuclear energy program. A final deal is due by the end of next month.
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wn.com/Iran P5 1 Delegates Drafting Final Agreement In New York
Representatives from Iran and the P5+1 group of countries are working on the draft of a final nuclear deal as the July-first deadline is looming.
Senior Iranian negotiator Abbas Araqchi has described the process as difficult, explaining that there'll be many bracketed points of disagreement in the text. He expressed hope that the first draft would come out within the next few days. Araqchi has held several rounds of lengthy talks with top EU envoy Helga Schmid in New York since Thursday. The lifting of anti-Iran sanctions is one of the sizzling issues over which the two sides are divided. In April, Iran and the P5+1 reached a mutual understanding over Tehran’s nuclear energy program. A final deal is due by the end of next month.
Live @ http://www.presstv.ir/live.html
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- published: 03 May 2015
- views: 2
Prenuptial Agreements Lawyer / Attorney in New York
The Law Offices of Brian D. Perskin http://www.newyorkdivorceattorney.com/ Statistics show that about one in three of all first marriages and an astounding 5...
wn.com/Prenuptial Agreements Lawyer Attorney In New York
The Law Offices of Brian D. Perskin http://www.newyorkdivorceattorney.com/ Statistics show that about one in three of all first marriages and an astounding 5...
- published: 03 Jan 2008
- views: 3889
Should I Do A Prenuptial Agreement In New York? If So, What Should Be Included?
http://www.wny-lawyers.com/ Click on the name "Robert Friedman" just above to see more videos about Divorce. Friedman & Ranzenhofer explain prenuptial agreem...
wn.com/Should I Do A Prenuptial Agreement In New York If So, What Should Be Included
http://www.wny-lawyers.com/ Click on the name "Robert Friedman" just above to see more videos about Divorce. Friedman & Ranzenhofer explain prenuptial agreem...
!! SEKILAS !! SEJARAH PAPUA !! 50 Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua.
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua.
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua
wn.com/Sekilas Sejarah Papua 50 Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement Di Tanah Papua
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua.
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua.
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua
Tahun Masa Kelabu New York Agreement di Tanah Papua
- published: 20 Feb 2015
- views: 77
Agreement on Greece - Ana Gomes: "Read The New York Times editorial: "Germany's destructive anger""
EN - European Parliament - Debate on the Euro Summit agreement on Greece at European Parliament ECON Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs: statement by Ana Gomes (S&D;, PT): "Read The New York Times editorial of today. The title is: Germany's destructive anger" - 16.07.2015 - European Parliament, Brussels.
Ana Gomes: "I think there is no ownership, neither from Mr Tsípras, nor from Mr. Schäuble, because indeed this agreement is not an agreement at all. It's an ultimatum; it's absurd economically; it's unfair; is cruel; it not feasible; it's a shame, it's incompatible with the EU funding principles! And even worse, it's said it has been made under the humiliating ultimatum to have Greece out of the Eurozone. This is it illegal, this is monstrous. it's a monstrously regime changing the EU.
The debt is indeed the central question., and I really hope that this committee in the Parliament, in particular, which has particular responsibilities, will indeed uphold the parliament's position and will make indeed the community matter be there namely to solve the central question which is the debt question. Where is the European Commission, when for instance this report of the IMF that highlighted the question of the debt was put under the table just before the referendum and it was on the pressure of the Americans, that the IMF put it out.
I think it's outrageous, and I appeal to our German colleagues, from the left and from the right, those who are pro-Europeans: read The New York Times editorial of today. The title is: Germany's destructive anger (www.nytimes.com/2015/07/15/opinion/germanys-destructive-anger.html). Europe is being destroyed. The confidence of its citizens in Europe is being destroyed. We have a tremendous responsibility. Yes, time out - not for Greece - time out for Dr. Strangelove who is working to destroy Euro and EU, and the confidence of the citizens in the Union. (Applause, by some Green & GUE/NGL MEPs among others)"
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - EP - All rights reserved.
wn.com/Agreement On Greece Ana Gomes Read The New York Times Editorial Germany's Destructive Anger
EN - European Parliament - Debate on the Euro Summit agreement on Greece at European Parliament ECON Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs: statement by Ana Gomes (S&D;, PT): "Read The New York Times editorial of today. The title is: Germany's destructive anger" - 16.07.2015 - European Parliament, Brussels.
Ana Gomes: "I think there is no ownership, neither from Mr Tsípras, nor from Mr. Schäuble, because indeed this agreement is not an agreement at all. It's an ultimatum; it's absurd economically; it's unfair; is cruel; it not feasible; it's a shame, it's incompatible with the EU funding principles! And even worse, it's said it has been made under the humiliating ultimatum to have Greece out of the Eurozone. This is it illegal, this is monstrous. it's a monstrously regime changing the EU.
The debt is indeed the central question., and I really hope that this committee in the Parliament, in particular, which has particular responsibilities, will indeed uphold the parliament's position and will make indeed the community matter be there namely to solve the central question which is the debt question. Where is the European Commission, when for instance this report of the IMF that highlighted the question of the debt was put under the table just before the referendum and it was on the pressure of the Americans, that the IMF put it out.
I think it's outrageous, and I appeal to our German colleagues, from the left and from the right, those who are pro-Europeans: read The New York Times editorial of today. The title is: Germany's destructive anger (www.nytimes.com/2015/07/15/opinion/germanys-destructive-anger.html). Europe is being destroyed. The confidence of its citizens in Europe is being destroyed. We have a tremendous responsibility. Yes, time out - not for Greece - time out for Dr. Strangelove who is working to destroy Euro and EU, and the confidence of the citizens in the Union. (Applause, by some Green & GUE/NGL MEPs among others)"
© Frédérick Moulin 2015 - EU2015 - EP - All rights reserved.
- published: 16 Jul 2015
- views: 5
New York Month to Month Rental Agreement
Download: http://rentalleaseagreement.com/New-York-Month-to-Month-Lease-Agreement-NY.htm Homepage: http://rentalleaseagreement.com The New York Month to Mont...
wn.com/New York Month To Month Rental Agreement
Download: http://rentalleaseagreement.com/New-York-Month-to-Month-Lease-Agreement-NY.htm Homepage: http://rentalleaseagreement.com The New York Month to Mont...
Oneida County legislators react to Oneida Nation and New York State agreement
The Oneida County legislature reacts to agreement between New York State and Oneida Indian Nation
wn.com/Oneida County Legislators React To Oneida Nation And New York State Agreement
The Oneida County legislature reacts to agreement between New York State and Oneida Indian Nation
- published: 17 May 2013
- views: 100
New York Residential Lease Agreement
Download:http://rentalleaseagreement.com/New-York-Residential-Lease-Agreement-NY.htm Homepage: http://rentalleaseagreement.com The New York Residential Lease...
wn.com/New York Residential Lease Agreement
Download:http://rentalleaseagreement.com/New-York-Residential-Lease-Agreement-NY.htm Homepage: http://rentalleaseagreement.com The New York Residential Lease...
The New York Agreement is a broken promise to People of West Papua.
Demonstration on the anniversary of New York Agreement 15, August 1962 and Welcoming and thanking a Free West Papua Campaign Office in the Netherlands on 15 ...
wn.com/The New York Agreement Is A Broken Promise To People Of West Papua.
Demonstration on the anniversary of New York Agreement 15, August 1962 and Welcoming and thanking a Free West Papua Campaign Office in the Netherlands on 15 ...
- published: 21 Aug 2013
- views: 57
Yely Lod
TV Papua,De herdenking van 50 jaar New York Agreement
Tv Papua Network, 16 augustus 2012
Met vandaag een verslag over de herdenking van 50 jaar New York Agreement. 50 jaar geleden, op 15 augustus 1962, tekende Nederland een overdrachtsakkoord met Indonesië, beter bekend als het Akkoord van New York. Op woensdag 15 augustus 2012 organiseerde de Alliantie van Papua-studenten, de AMP, een demonstratie in Jogjakarta-Indonesië en in Biak-West Papua organiseerde de Nationale Comité West Papua afdeling Biak (KNPB-Biak) een panel-discussie. De panel-discussie werd bijgewoond door circa 500 mensen. Hiermee willen zijn aangeven dat de strijd nog altijd leeft en dat de Papua's hun recht op zelfbeschikking zullen blijven eisen. Zij doen een oproep aan de Verenigde Naties om haar verantwoordelijkheid te dragen over West Papua en eisen een herziening van de V.N. resolutie nummer 2504. Hier in Nederland organiseerde Free West Papua Campaign (NL) een manifestatie tegenover het Vredespaleis in Den Haag. Onze verslaggever was hier bij aanwezig,
wn.com/Tv Papua,De Herdenking Van 50 Jaar New York Agreement
Tv Papua Network, 16 augustus 2012
Met vandaag een verslag over de herdenking van 50 jaar New York Agreement. 50 jaar geleden, op 15 augustus 1962, tekende Nederland een overdrachtsakkoord met Indonesië, beter bekend als het Akkoord van New York. Op woensdag 15 augustus 2012 organiseerde de Alliantie van Papua-studenten, de AMP, een demonstratie in Jogjakarta-Indonesië en in Biak-West Papua organiseerde de Nationale Comité West Papua afdeling Biak (KNPB-Biak) een panel-discussie. De panel-discussie werd bijgewoond door circa 500 mensen. Hiermee willen zijn aangeven dat de strijd nog altijd leeft en dat de Papua's hun recht op zelfbeschikking zullen blijven eisen. Zij doen een oproep aan de Verenigde Naties om haar verantwoordelijkheid te dragen over West Papua en eisen een herziening van de V.N. resolutie nummer 2504. Hier in Nederland organiseerde Free West Papua Campaign (NL) een manifestatie tegenover het Vredespaleis in Den Haag. Onze verslaggever was hier bij aanwezig,
- published: 16 Aug 2012
- views: 1876
15 Agustus 2012 50 Tahun New York Agreement
Aksi Dari Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua
Maka, sesuai kenyataan sejarah dan bertepatan dengan 50 tahun Perjanjian New York (New York Agreement) 15 Agustus 1962-2012, kami Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua Komite Kota Yogyakarta menyatakan sikap politik kami kepada PBB, Amerika, Belanda dan rezim pemerintah Indonesia SBY-Boediona untuk segera :
1. Mengakui kedaulatan Negara Papua Barat dan mengakui 1 Desember sebagai Hari Kemerdekaan Negara Papua Barat.
2. Memberikan ruang demokrasi dan kebebasan berekspresi di Papua serta menghentikan upaya pengekangan dan teror oleh Militer (TNI-Polri) Indonesia kepada Rakyat Sipil Papua.
3. Menarik seluruh pasukan militer (TNI-Polri) organik dan non-organik Indonesai dari Papua.
4. Membuka akses bagi jurnalis internasional untuk masuk ke Papua.
Demikian pernyataan sikap kami Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua Komite Kota Yogyakarta, dan kami menyerukan kepada seluruh komponen Rakyat Papua untuk bersatu berjuang bersama mewujudkan cita-cita Pembebasan Nasional Bangsa Papua. Kami akan terus berjuang hingga cita-cita kami untuk merdeka sebagai sebuah Negara terwujud.
Yogyakarta, 15 Agustus 2012
Selengkapnya di :
wn.com/15 Agustus 2012 50 Tahun New York Agreement
Aksi Dari Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua
Maka, sesuai kenyataan sejarah dan bertepatan dengan 50 tahun Perjanjian New York (New York Agreement) 15 Agustus 1962-2012, kami Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua Komite Kota Yogyakarta menyatakan sikap politik kami kepada PBB, Amerika, Belanda dan rezim pemerintah Indonesia SBY-Boediona untuk segera :
1. Mengakui kedaulatan Negara Papua Barat dan mengakui 1 Desember sebagai Hari Kemerdekaan Negara Papua Barat.
2. Memberikan ruang demokrasi dan kebebasan berekspresi di Papua serta menghentikan upaya pengekangan dan teror oleh Militer (TNI-Polri) Indonesia kepada Rakyat Sipil Papua.
3. Menarik seluruh pasukan militer (TNI-Polri) organik dan non-organik Indonesai dari Papua.
4. Membuka akses bagi jurnalis internasional untuk masuk ke Papua.
Demikian pernyataan sikap kami Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua Komite Kota Yogyakarta, dan kami menyerukan kepada seluruh komponen Rakyat Papua untuk bersatu berjuang bersama mewujudkan cita-cita Pembebasan Nasional Bangsa Papua. Kami akan terus berjuang hingga cita-cita kami untuk merdeka sebagai sebuah Negara terwujud.
Yogyakarta, 15 Agustus 2012
Selengkapnya di :
- published: 15 Aug 2012
- views: 437
Árni M. Mathiesen video message for UN Fish Stocks Agreement
Video message of Mr. Árni M. Mathiesen, Assistant Director-General, FAO Fisheries and Acquaculture Department on the Impact of the UN Fish Socks Agreement on the work of FAO Relationship between the Agreement and FAO instruments - New York, 17 March 2015
wn.com/Árni M. Mathiesen Video Message For Un Fish Stocks Agreement
Video message of Mr. Árni M. Mathiesen, Assistant Director-General, FAO Fisheries and Acquaculture Department on the Impact of the UN Fish Socks Agreement on the work of FAO Relationship between the Agreement and FAO instruments - New York, 17 March 2015
- published: 18 Mar 2015
- views: 4
Pernyataan Sikap Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) Yogyakarta, Protes New York Agreement 1962
Perjanjian New York Agreement tanggal 15 Agustus 1962 Kesepakatan Ilegal maka Penentuan Nasib Sendiri, Solusi Demokratis bagi Rakyat Papua
Selain itu, mendukung dibukanya Kantor Free West Papua Campaign di Belanda. Mahasiswa Papua di Yogyakarta, dikoordinir Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) turun jalan,(15/8/13), di Malioboro.
wn.com/Pernyataan Sikap Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (Amp) Yogyakarta, Protes New York Agreement 1962
Perjanjian New York Agreement tanggal 15 Agustus 1962 Kesepakatan Ilegal maka Penentuan Nasib Sendiri, Solusi Demokratis bagi Rakyat Papua
Selain itu, mendukung dibukanya Kantor Free West Papua Campaign di Belanda. Mahasiswa Papua di Yogyakarta, dikoordinir Aliansi Mahasiswa Papua (AMP) turun jalan,(15/8/13), di Malioboro.
- published: 16 Aug 2013
- views: 158
Perjanjian New York Agreement 15 Agustus 1962 tidak sah
Agreement signed by the Dutch government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on August 15, 1962 in New York as the News York Agreement 1962 Agreement, does not guarantee the exercise of the right of self-determination of the people of West Papua are not fair, dignity and democracy
wn.com/Perjanjian New York Agreement 15 Agustus 1962 Tidak Sah
Agreement signed by the Dutch government and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on August 15, 1962 in New York as the News York Agreement 1962 Agreement, does not guarantee the exercise of the right of self-determination of the people of West Papua are not fair, dignity and democracy
- published: 16 Aug 2013
- views: 43
The Foreign Ministers of Israel and the Muslim-led government of Bosnia signed an agreement in New York on Friday establishing full diplomatic relations.
Bosnian Foreign Minister Jadranko Prljic said the decision was a sign of his government's commitment to multi-ethnic and multi-religious cooperation.
David Levy said the people of Israel had great sympathy for the Bosnians' suffering.
While in New York, Levy also met U-S Mideast envoy Dennis Ross in an effort to ease tensions between their two countries.
Signing an agreement in New York on Friday to establish full diplomatic relations, the Foreign Ministers of Israel and the Muslim-led government of Bosnia.
Bosnian Foreign Minister Jadranko Prljic said President Alija Izetbegovic was ready to open an embassy in Tel Aviv with a fully accredited ambassador.
This proved his government's belief in working together across ethnic and religious divides, he said.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"We are one state, two entities and three constituted people, three different regions, and we are trying to live together with the help of the international community. We are building the peace and we are building a state, we are trying to achieve this universal concept of a multi-ethnic state in the middle of Europe. They are for a process of integration, Eurasia integration, especially in the region of the Mediterranean."
SUPER CAPTION: Jadranko Prljic, Bosnian Foreign Minister
Levy said the people of Israel had great sympathy for the Bosnians "while you were enduring your suffering" during the 3 1-2 year war, which ended in 1995 with the Dayton peace accords.
"Our two peoples have shared in the past much suffering, but we also have shared our hopes for the future."
SUPER CAPTION: David Levy, Israeli Foreign Minister
During the Bosnian War, the Muslim-led government received considerable financial and political support from Arab and Muslim Asian governments.
They were anxious to preserve an indigenous Muslim community in Europe.
That shouldn't hamper relations with other countries, though, said the Bosnian.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"We want to develop as close as possible relations with the Organisation of Islamic Countries. Islamic countries have supported Bosnia-Herzegovina in the last four years but we also want to have good relations with all countries all around the world."
SUPER CAPTION: Jadranko Prljic, Bosnian Foreign Minister
Levy also on Friday met Dennis Ross, the Clinton administration's envoy in talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Ross met on Thursday with Palestinian representatives.
Israeli officials say they're hopeful the meeting will ease tensions brought on by Israel's plans for more housing on the West Bank.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"There is a mutual wish to have this atmosphere improved because of statements of recent days and apparently on Sunday there will be another meeting between Mr Ross and Mr Levy."
SUPER CAPTION: Aviv Shar-on, Israeli government spokesman
Levy is due for another round of meetings next week with Palestinian envoy Mahmoud Abbas and U-S Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/6a1f9faa736e5e8b34f2cd2bb3b8ffc5
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/USA New York Israel Bosnia Sign Cooperation Agreement
The Foreign Ministers of Israel and the Muslim-led government of Bosnia signed an agreement in New York on Friday establishing full diplomatic relations.
Bosnian Foreign Minister Jadranko Prljic said the decision was a sign of his government's commitment to multi-ethnic and multi-religious cooperation.
David Levy said the people of Israel had great sympathy for the Bosnians' suffering.
While in New York, Levy also met U-S Mideast envoy Dennis Ross in an effort to ease tensions between their two countries.
Signing an agreement in New York on Friday to establish full diplomatic relations, the Foreign Ministers of Israel and the Muslim-led government of Bosnia.
Bosnian Foreign Minister Jadranko Prljic said President Alija Izetbegovic was ready to open an embassy in Tel Aviv with a fully accredited ambassador.
This proved his government's belief in working together across ethnic and religious divides, he said.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"We are one state, two entities and three constituted people, three different regions, and we are trying to live together with the help of the international community. We are building the peace and we are building a state, we are trying to achieve this universal concept of a multi-ethnic state in the middle of Europe. They are for a process of integration, Eurasia integration, especially in the region of the Mediterranean."
SUPER CAPTION: Jadranko Prljic, Bosnian Foreign Minister
Levy said the people of Israel had great sympathy for the Bosnians "while you were enduring your suffering" during the 3 1-2 year war, which ended in 1995 with the Dayton peace accords.
"Our two peoples have shared in the past much suffering, but we also have shared our hopes for the future."
SUPER CAPTION: David Levy, Israeli Foreign Minister
During the Bosnian War, the Muslim-led government received considerable financial and political support from Arab and Muslim Asian governments.
They were anxious to preserve an indigenous Muslim community in Europe.
That shouldn't hamper relations with other countries, though, said the Bosnian.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"We want to develop as close as possible relations with the Organisation of Islamic Countries. Islamic countries have supported Bosnia-Herzegovina in the last four years but we also want to have good relations with all countries all around the world."
SUPER CAPTION: Jadranko Prljic, Bosnian Foreign Minister
Levy also on Friday met Dennis Ross, the Clinton administration's envoy in talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.
Ross met on Thursday with Palestinian representatives.
Israeli officials say they're hopeful the meeting will ease tensions brought on by Israel's plans for more housing on the West Bank.
SOUNDBITE: (English)
"There is a mutual wish to have this atmosphere improved because of statements of recent days and apparently on Sunday there will be another meeting between Mr Ross and Mr Levy."
SUPER CAPTION: Aviv Shar-on, Israeli government spokesman
Levy is due for another round of meetings next week with Palestinian envoy Mahmoud Abbas and U-S Secretary of State Madeleine Albright.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/6a1f9faa736e5e8b34f2cd2bb3b8ffc5
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Bringing Back the Colorado River Delta - 2013
A new agreement between Mexico and the United States called Minute 319 will ensure more water flows into the Colorado River delta in Mexico, helping to resto...
wn.com/Bringing Back The Colorado River Delta 2013
A new agreement between Mexico and the United States called Minute 319 will ensure more water flows into the Colorado River delta in Mexico, helping to resto...
New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants.
New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the easily on foot, by taxi, or via the famous subway system.
No New York sightseeing is complete without a visit to Times Square, which you’ve no doubt seen in many movies. Take in its billboards, its many people, and its food, then cross over to Central
50 THINGS TO DO IN NEW YORK CITY | Top Attractions Travel Guide
50 THINGS TO DO IN NEW YORK CITY | Top Attractions Travel Guide
50 THINGS TO DO IN NEW YORK CITY | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Our recent week in New York City was an action-packed one. We decided to set ourselves a challenge to see and do as much as we possibly could, and that gave way to this travel video guide which highlights 50 of the top attractions. In a city like New York this means we barely scratched the surface, but hopefully this video will highlight the cornucopia of possibilities that is the Big Apple.
We try our best to cover all of the top attractions including fine arts, entertainment, festivals, dining, architecture and museums as well as focusing on lesser known off the beaten path attractions to cover all forms of tourism. If you only have time
New York Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
New York Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
New York Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
New York, the Big Apple for the locals, is the largest city of the United States. Its most famous sight is the monumental Statue of Liberty, but there are the famous skyscrapers like the Empire State Building or the Rockefeller Center, while the twin towers of the World trade Center are sadly missed. Along the streets cabs hunt for customers. The lung of the city is Central Park, the paradise of joggers and dog owners. The Wall Street is the center of the world of money, while the Broadway is the same for Arts. Famous theatres, museums, the cafes and clubs of Greenwich Village and the renewed places of the old docks await the visitors here.
40 Best Things to Do in New York City ♥ New York City Travel Guide
40 Best Things to Do in New York City ♥ New York City Travel Guide
40 Best Things to Do in New York City ♥ New York City Travel Guide
I revisited New York for a week but I've actually lived there for 9 years. Here's my compilation of 40 Best (Free or Cheap) Things to Do in New York City.. Categorized according to neighborhood so you can plan your itinerary! http://wp.me/pNFhP-bSi
New York Travel Guide: http://bit.ly/New-York-Travel-Guide
Everything in New York happens with speed and efficiency. This quick NYC insider travel guide for sightseeing in Manhattan will take you through Things to Do, Eat and Neighborhoods to check out. It will guide you through the top attractions in NYC. Activities are listed by neighborhood so you can tackle this itinerary easily.
Watch as Ann and I travel around NYC on foot. We hit lots of NY hot spots including NY ink, Oddities, Serendipity, Times Square, Central Park and Downtown Manhattan. Please Rate, Comment and Subscribe!
New York City Travel Guide
New York City Travel Guide
New York City Travel Guide
Here are some Things to do in NYC :) This 1st of a "Things to do in NYC" is the BASICS. I will do more in depth videos on neighborhoods like Harlem, Brooklyn, Lower East Side which will include shopping, entertainment, eating, all that :) But for now I hope you find this helpful and excited about exploring NYC. I didn't "forget" to list anything. This is just the first video and trust their are a million things to do. Sorry for not including Brooklyn. I rarely go out there and didn't have footage to include in this video. But here goes!
As for the things I listed check them out here:
Statue of Liberty, is located on Ellis Island. It's since
New York City Travel Guide
New York City Travel Guide
New York City Travel Guide
New York City! We've traveled abroad to many far off corners of the world; however, we've yet to find a city that quite lives up to the Big Apple. Join as we share our New York City travel experiences in the form of a top 50 things to do in the city guide where we cover top attractions along with extended footage in the form of vlogs where we visit places we didn't cover the first time around. From the High Line to Brooklyn Bridge and Smorgasburg to Governors Island our guide offers a bit of something for everyone.
1) 50 Things to do in New York City Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1 Grand Central Terminal
2 The High Line
3 Meatpacking Distr
New York Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
New York Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
New York Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.
The most important places to visit in New York are: Brooklyn Bridge (built in 1883, it is one of the oldest suspension bridges in America and continues to inspire the people of New York City), Wall Street (the bull here makes everyone happy. See where billions are won or lost in seconds), Central Park (one of the world's greatest urban parks. Get involved in an outdoor activity or watch New Yorkers go about their exercise routines), Empire State Buildin
New York City Guide - Lonely Planet travel video
New York City Guide - Lonely Planet travel video
New York City Guide - Lonely Planet travel video
The Big Apple, the USA's largest city, thrives on relentless energy and buzz. Here are its highlights. Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/new-york-city for more information about New York City.
Madison Avenue New York Shopping and Sightseeing - New York City Travel Guide
Madison Avenue New York Shopping and Sightseeing - New York City Travel Guide
Madison Avenue New York Shopping and Sightseeing - New York City Travel Guide
Welcome to http://www.goandseetv.com!! We proudly present our walking tour of Madison Avenue in New York City. We'll show you the best shopping and sights on Madison Avenue, so follow us and goandsee it for yourself!!
NYC Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
NYC Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
NYC Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
NYC Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay, shop & party in New York with Andrea Feczko & Rachel Rudwall.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
As the most densely populated city in the U.S. and most linguistically diverse in the world, NYC has a lot to offer. But is the Big Apple worth a trip?
- SIGHTS: State of Liberty, Central Park, Times Square, Broadway Show, High Line, Brooklyn Bridge
- MUSEUMS: MoMA, MET, Guggenheim
- CITY VIEWS: Top of the Rock (Rockefeller Center), Rainbow Room, Empire State Building
- FOOD: pizza, Grimaldi's, Burger Joint, Chelsea Market, steak
New York Travel Guide - Must-See Attraction
New York Travel Guide - Must-See Attraction
New York Travel Guide - Must-See Attraction
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.
The most important places to visit in New York are: Brooklyn Bridge (built in 1883, it is one of the oldest suspension bridges in America and continues to inspire the people of New York City), Wall Street (the bull here makes everyone happy. See where billions are won or lost in seconds), Central Park (one of the world's greatest urban parks. Get involved in an outdoor activity or watch New Yorkers go about their exercise routines), Empire State Buildin
TOP 5 Essential Tips for New York City | New York City Travel Guide
TOP 5 Essential Tips for New York City | New York City Travel Guide
TOP 5 Essential Tips for New York City | New York City Travel Guide
I revisited New York for a week (but I actually lived there for 9 years.. and I know this: gife in New York City revolves around three things: time, speed and efficiency. In fact a lot of Manhattanites live by daily mental check lists and feel like they never have enough time to everything they want and need to do. Today I'm going to share with you my top 5 travel tips for surviving the Big Bad Apple (aka New York City).
1. Bring comfortable and practical shoes. Now I know a lot of you have probably watched Sex & the City and the women in that TV show always wear high heels. That's because they were taking taxi cabs everywhere. Unless you'
New York Pre 9/11 Travel Video Guide
New York Pre 9/11 Travel Video Guide
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Travel video about destination New York in the United States of America.
New York is capital city of the American Dream, with its population drawn from each corner of the world.The Empire State Building is a symbol of the glamour and fascination of this frenetic city, yet the Chrysler building is just as imposing, its unusual tower being decorated with car motifs such as bonnets, hub caps and car wheels of the 1930‘s. Wall Street derived its name from a wall which had been erected to protect the emerging town from attack by Native American Indians and now most of the city is an open powerhouse of ceaseless activity with a constant mêlée of ca
Insider Travel Tips on New York City
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Get the 'low down' on where to dine, where to shop and the most happening places when visiting the largest city in the United States. Allow an InterContinent...
Johnny T's NYC Tourist Tips
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Planning a trip to NYC? Listen to Johnny T, and you'll have a great time.
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Catskills, New York Part One - Destination Video - Travel Guide
Catskills, New York Part One - Destination Video - Travel Guide
Catskills, New York Part One - Destination Video - Travel Guide
Visit the New York Travel Guide - http://www.resortsandlodges.com/destinations/new-york-united-states/
Travel Tips: Almost Free New York
Travel Tips: Almost Free New York
Travel Tips: Almost Free New York
Cracking the Secret Code of Travel every Thursday.
Sonia Gil gets you ready for New York with her new Ulive original series: Almost Free New York. Sonia shares her travel tips to enjoy New York on the cheap and almost free.
Almost Free New York:
Almost Free Miami Beach:
The Monocle Travel Guide Series: New York
The Monocle Travel Guide Series: New York
The Monocle Travel Guide Series: New York
New York can easily live up to its movie-star good looks but it can be a city that surprises, too. Monocle has had a bureau in New York since its launch in 2007 and this has made us passionate about this city and its ambitions. The Monocle Travel Guide to New York, published by Gestalten, is a celebration of all that we love about the city. Available now at The Monocle Shop: http://www.monocle.com/shop/books-and-music/travel-guides/
New York City - City Video Guide
New York City - City Video Guide
New York City - City Video Guide
New York City is an international metropolis, which welcomes around 50 million tourists annually. In Manhattan's Midtown are some of New York City's most ico...
Welcome to New York City, city guide (original DVD 60min.)
Welcome to New York City, city guide (original DVD 60min.)
Welcome to New York City, city guide (original DVD 60min.)
City guide of New York narrated in English. You can watch full length video on http://www.creativesystemservices.net/english/products1.html.
New York Travel Guide - Top 10 Must-See Attractions
New York Travel Guide - Top 10 Must-See Attractions
New York Travel Guide - Top 10 Must-See Attractions
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake
Travel Guide - Top 5 Things to Check Out in New York City
Travel Guide - Top 5 Things to Check Out in New York City
Travel Guide - Top 5 Things to Check Out in New York City
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents... A look at 5 things you can't miss if visiting NYC.
Subscribe to our new dedicated WatchMojo Travel channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/WatchMojoTravel
New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants.
New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the easily on foot, by taxi, or via the famous subway system.
No New York sightseeing is complete without a visit to Times Square, which you’ve no doubt seen in many movies. Take in its billboards, its many people, and its food, then cross over to Central Park, which comprises 850 acres of lakes and meadows, and is the setting for many a romantic comedy. You also have your pick of art and history museums, as well as the Reflecting Absence Memorial and Museum, where you can pay your respects to the victims of 9/11.
Most of all, enjoy yourself, and get ready to take a bite out of the Big Apple. Visit our New York City travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
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wn.com/New York City Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia
New York City is an international metropolis built on the shoulders of immigrants and their descendants.
New York City is home to eight million people, and the city receives more than 50 million visitors per year. Your New York City tour should include sampling the food of hundreds of different cultures, and you can explore the easily on foot, by taxi, or via the famous subway system.
No New York sightseeing is complete without a visit to Times Square, which you’ve no doubt seen in many movies. Take in its billboards, its many people, and its food, then cross over to Central Park, which comprises 850 acres of lakes and meadows, and is the setting for many a romantic comedy. You also have your pick of art and history museums, as well as the Reflecting Absence Memorial and Museum, where you can pay your respects to the victims of 9/11.
Most of all, enjoy yourself, and get ready to take a bite out of the Big Apple. Visit our New York City travel guide page for more information or to plan your next vacation!
Follow us on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Expedia
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Follow us on our travel blog, Viewfinder:
- published: 07 Mar 2013
- views: 2504741
50 THINGS TO DO IN NEW YORK CITY | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Our recent week in New York City was an action-packed one. We decided to set ourselves a challenge to see and do as much as we possibly could, and that gave way to this travel video guide which highlights 50 of the top attractions. In a city like New York this means we barely scratched the surface, but hopefully this video will highlight the cornucopia of possibilities that is the Big Apple.
We try our best to cover all of the top attractions including fine arts, entertainment, festivals, dining, architecture and museums as well as focusing on lesser known off the beaten path attractions to cover all forms of tourism. If you only have time to visit only one city in the United States it ought to be NYC, USA:
50 Things to do in New York City Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1 Grand Central Terminal
2 The High Line
3 Meatpacking District
4 Greenwich Village
5 Brooklyn Bridge
6 Williamsburg
7 Street Art in Williamsburg
8 Prospect Park
9 Dumbo
10 New York Style Pizza
11 Bryant Park
12 New York Public Library
13 Staten Island Ferry
14 Statue of Liberty
15 Battery Park
16 Little Italy
17 Little Korea
18 Chinatown
19 Coney Island
20 Mermaid Parade
21 The Cloisters
22 Harlem's Apollo Theatre
23 Soul Food in Harlem at Sylvia's
24 World Trade Center Memorial
25 Trinity Church
26 Wall Street
27 Lincoln Center
28 Ride a Bicycle
29 Watch a New York Yankees baseball game at Yankee Stadium
30 MET Museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
31 Flatiron Building
32 Washington Square Park
33 NYU (New York University)
34 National Museum of the American Indian
35 Museum of Natural History
36 Times Square
37 MOMA (Museum of Modern Art)
38 Roosevelt Island Tramway
39 Fifth Avenue Shopping
40 Rockefeller Center
41 Empire State Building
42 Carnegie Hall
43 Central Park
44 Strawberry Fields
45 Street Food
46 Catch a Broadway Theatre Performance
47 Madison Square Garden
48 African Burial Ground
49 Columbus Circle
50 Take the Subway Metro
Most journeys begin at Penn Station or Grand Central, and if you arrive at the later you'll be wowed by the building. The Meatpacking District was once home to markets, slaughterhouses, and packaging plants, but times have changed. Today you'll find a mixture of trendy restaurants, clubs and boutiques. The Village used to be a bohemian neighborhood that drew artists and musicians, but today you're more likely to find upper middle class families living here. Completed in 1883, Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States. Williamsburg has become popular given its lower rent prices. University students and young professionals have been flocking to this part of town.
You can walk along the riverfront for a great view of the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges and the Manhattan skyline. During the summer months, Bryant Park also becomes a popular hangout spot people looking to relax and even work on their tans. The Staten Island Ferry is free of charge and this makes it really popular with visitors who want to catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty from a distance. Battery Park is located on the southern tip of Manhattan. Having both lived in South Korea, we were thrilled to come across Manhattan's own Little Korea. Coney Island is all about good old fashioned fun. You can ride roller coasters, stroll down the boardwalk, enjoy some beach time, and then head over the Nathan's Famous hot dogs. The Cloisters will make you feel like you've travelled over to Europe. Central Park is massive and there are so many places to visit within its boundaries. We managed to visit Belvedere Castle, the Great Lawn, Shakespeare Garden, The Ramble, The Jackie Onassis Reservoir, the Alice in Wonderland Statue, and we still left feeling like we barely scratched the surface. Strawberry Fields is a section of Central Park dedicated to the memory of John Lennon.
And that concludes a look at our very busy week in New York City. I'm still shocked we managed to cover so many attractions, but the great thing about this city is that distances aren't very long and there's always something really cool worth checking out around each corner. Have you been to New York? What are your favorite things about this city? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
This is part of our Travel in the United State of America series. We're making a series of videos showcasing American culture, American arts, American foods, American cuisine, American religion and American people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
This video features the songs World Map, Crimson Fly, Omission,
Monks, Say Yeah & First Day available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Commercial license.
wn.com/50 Things To Do In New York City | Top Attractions Travel Guide
Our recent week in New York City was an action-packed one. We decided to set ourselves a challenge to see and do as much as we possibly could, and that gave way to this travel video guide which highlights 50 of the top attractions. In a city like New York this means we barely scratched the surface, but hopefully this video will highlight the cornucopia of possibilities that is the Big Apple.
We try our best to cover all of the top attractions including fine arts, entertainment, festivals, dining, architecture and museums as well as focusing on lesser known off the beaten path attractions to cover all forms of tourism. If you only have time to visit only one city in the United States it ought to be NYC, USA:
50 Things to do in New York City Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1 Grand Central Terminal
2 The High Line
3 Meatpacking District
4 Greenwich Village
5 Brooklyn Bridge
6 Williamsburg
7 Street Art in Williamsburg
8 Prospect Park
9 Dumbo
10 New York Style Pizza
11 Bryant Park
12 New York Public Library
13 Staten Island Ferry
14 Statue of Liberty
15 Battery Park
16 Little Italy
17 Little Korea
18 Chinatown
19 Coney Island
20 Mermaid Parade
21 The Cloisters
22 Harlem's Apollo Theatre
23 Soul Food in Harlem at Sylvia's
24 World Trade Center Memorial
25 Trinity Church
26 Wall Street
27 Lincoln Center
28 Ride a Bicycle
29 Watch a New York Yankees baseball game at Yankee Stadium
30 MET Museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
31 Flatiron Building
32 Washington Square Park
33 NYU (New York University)
34 National Museum of the American Indian
35 Museum of Natural History
36 Times Square
37 MOMA (Museum of Modern Art)
38 Roosevelt Island Tramway
39 Fifth Avenue Shopping
40 Rockefeller Center
41 Empire State Building
42 Carnegie Hall
43 Central Park
44 Strawberry Fields
45 Street Food
46 Catch a Broadway Theatre Performance
47 Madison Square Garden
48 African Burial Ground
49 Columbus Circle
50 Take the Subway Metro
Most journeys begin at Penn Station or Grand Central, and if you arrive at the later you'll be wowed by the building. The Meatpacking District was once home to markets, slaughterhouses, and packaging plants, but times have changed. Today you'll find a mixture of trendy restaurants, clubs and boutiques. The Village used to be a bohemian neighborhood that drew artists and musicians, but today you're more likely to find upper middle class families living here. Completed in 1883, Brooklyn Bridge is one of the oldest suspension bridges in the United States. Williamsburg has become popular given its lower rent prices. University students and young professionals have been flocking to this part of town.
You can walk along the riverfront for a great view of the Brooklyn and Manhattan Bridges and the Manhattan skyline. During the summer months, Bryant Park also becomes a popular hangout spot people looking to relax and even work on their tans. The Staten Island Ferry is free of charge and this makes it really popular with visitors who want to catch a glimpse of the Statue of Liberty from a distance. Battery Park is located on the southern tip of Manhattan. Having both lived in South Korea, we were thrilled to come across Manhattan's own Little Korea. Coney Island is all about good old fashioned fun. You can ride roller coasters, stroll down the boardwalk, enjoy some beach time, and then head over the Nathan's Famous hot dogs. The Cloisters will make you feel like you've travelled over to Europe. Central Park is massive and there are so many places to visit within its boundaries. We managed to visit Belvedere Castle, the Great Lawn, Shakespeare Garden, The Ramble, The Jackie Onassis Reservoir, the Alice in Wonderland Statue, and we still left feeling like we barely scratched the surface. Strawberry Fields is a section of Central Park dedicated to the memory of John Lennon.
And that concludes a look at our very busy week in New York City. I'm still shocked we managed to cover so many attractions, but the great thing about this city is that distances aren't very long and there's always something really cool worth checking out around each corner. Have you been to New York? What are your favorite things about this city? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below.
This is part of our Travel in the United State of America series. We're making a series of videos showcasing American culture, American arts, American foods, American cuisine, American religion and American people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
This video features the songs World Map, Crimson Fly, Omission,
Monks, Say Yeah & First Day available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Commercial license.
- published: 24 Jul 2014
- views: 187593
New York Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
New York, the Big Apple for the locals, is the largest city of the United States. Its most famous sight is the monumental Statue of Liberty, but there are the famous skyscrapers like the Empire State Building or the Rockefeller Center, while the twin towers of the World trade Center are sadly missed. Along the streets cabs hunt for customers. The lung of the city is Central Park, the paradise of joggers and dog owners. The Wall Street is the center of the world of money, while the Broadway is the same for Arts. Famous theatres, museums, the cafes and clubs of Greenwich Village and the renewed places of the old docks await the visitors here.
wn.com/New York Travel Video Guide • Great Destinations
New York, the Big Apple for the locals, is the largest city of the United States. Its most famous sight is the monumental Statue of Liberty, but there are the famous skyscrapers like the Empire State Building or the Rockefeller Center, while the twin towers of the World trade Center are sadly missed. Along the streets cabs hunt for customers. The lung of the city is Central Park, the paradise of joggers and dog owners. The Wall Street is the center of the world of money, while the Broadway is the same for Arts. Famous theatres, museums, the cafes and clubs of Greenwich Village and the renewed places of the old docks await the visitors here.
- published: 27 Apr 2015
- views: 7954
40 Best Things to Do in New York City ♥ New York City Travel Guide
I revisited New York for a week but I've actually lived there for 9 years. Here's my compilation of 40 Best (Free or Cheap) Things to Do in New York City.. Categorized according to neighborhood so you can plan your itinerary! http://wp.me/pNFhP-bSi
New York Travel Guide: http://bit.ly/New-York-Travel-Guide
Everything in New York happens with speed and efficiency. This quick NYC insider travel guide for sightseeing in Manhattan will take you through Things to Do, Eat and Neighborhoods to check out. It will guide you through the top attractions in NYC. Activities are listed by neighborhood so you can tackle this itinerary easily.
My Other Travel Guides:
New York Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/New-York-Travel-Guide
Coney Island Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Coney-Island-Guide
Los Angeles Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Los-Angeles-Travel-Guide
Venice Beach Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Venice-Beach-Guide
Athens Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Athens-Travel-Guide
Yangon Travel Guide ✈ bit.ly/Yangon-Travel-Guide
Cappadocia Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Cappadocia-Travel-Guide
YouTube commons
Someone_Your_Own_Size by WR Smith
Cameras: Samsung MV900f, Canon 550D
Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons: Daniel Schwen, Jim Henderson, Eldar Kalmalov
wn.com/40 Best Things To Do In New York City ♥ New York City Travel Guide
I revisited New York for a week but I've actually lived there for 9 years. Here's my compilation of 40 Best (Free or Cheap) Things to Do in New York City.. Categorized according to neighborhood so you can plan your itinerary! http://wp.me/pNFhP-bSi
New York Travel Guide: http://bit.ly/New-York-Travel-Guide
Everything in New York happens with speed and efficiency. This quick NYC insider travel guide for sightseeing in Manhattan will take you through Things to Do, Eat and Neighborhoods to check out. It will guide you through the top attractions in NYC. Activities are listed by neighborhood so you can tackle this itinerary easily.
My Other Travel Guides:
New York Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/New-York-Travel-Guide
Coney Island Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Coney-Island-Guide
Los Angeles Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Los-Angeles-Travel-Guide
Venice Beach Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Venice-Beach-Guide
Athens Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Athens-Travel-Guide
Yangon Travel Guide ✈ bit.ly/Yangon-Travel-Guide
Cappadocia Travel Guide ✈ http://bit.ly/Cappadocia-Travel-Guide
YouTube commons
Someone_Your_Own_Size by WR Smith
Cameras: Samsung MV900f, Canon 550D
Photo Credits: Wikimedia Commons: Daniel Schwen, Jim Henderson, Eldar Kalmalov
- published: 20 Dec 2014
- views: 60154
Watch as Ann and I travel around NYC on foot. We hit lots of NY hot spots including NY ink, Oddities, Serendipity, Times Square, Central Park and Downtown Manhattan. Please Rate, Comment and Subscribe!
wn.com/Travel Guide New York City
Watch as Ann and I travel around NYC on foot. We hit lots of NY hot spots including NY ink, Oddities, Serendipity, Times Square, Central Park and Downtown Manhattan. Please Rate, Comment and Subscribe!
- published: 19 Mar 2012
- views: 75719
New York City Travel Guide
Here are some Things to do in NYC :) This 1st of a "Things to do in NYC" is the BASICS. I will do more in depth videos on neighborhoods like Harlem, Brooklyn, Lower East Side which will include shopping, entertainment, eating, all that :) But for now I hope you find this helpful and excited about exploring NYC. I didn't "forget" to list anything. This is just the first video and trust their are a million things to do. Sorry for not including Brooklyn. I rarely go out there and didn't have footage to include in this video. But here goes!
As for the things I listed check them out here:
Statue of Liberty, is located on Ellis Island. It's since been reopened
Central Park is cliche and a MUST! Check out the Boat House this summer and rent a paddle boat for $12/hr. Cash only and a $20 deposit is required
Magnolia Bakery has an amazing to die for Banana Pudding that used to be so secret which is now another MUST HAVE while in town
Katz Deli is a historical landmark that happens to be famous for their sandwiches. Try the pastrami if you're into that...I'm not :/ Yes this is a tourist destination but it's a part of NYC's history hence a MUST!
Patricia Field is a NYC fashion fixture! Made famous for her costume designing in The Devil Wears Prada and Sex and the City: the Movie and sequel, her boutique is another MUST. I love playing dressup here and splurging on accessories!
Need to get around? Rent a bike! I have yet to try this but it seems fabulous! Save your feet and cover more ground. These bikes and bike spots are all over the city. A perfect way to burn calories and see more of the city faster.
Caracas! This happens to be a fav spot of mine! It's uber small and the lines can be long but I love the food. Yes it's fried and oh so good! I've never had an Arepa until I came here and the prices are perfect for us budget minded peeps Try it! just read their yelp reviews!
Summer in NYC isn't really summer until you get your butt on a rooftop. My pick was Jimmy Rooftop. Sunday's after 3pm are bomb! Amazing music courtesy of DJ Cato. I believe it is doorman discretion, which means, dress your best and don't travel with a bunch of dudes. You get an amazing view of the sun setting over the Hudson River and you get to splash around in the pool if you so choose. I chose this spot because I used to work here and loved it!
Yes! Go to Church! After you party it up Saturday night or Sunday afternoon bring your sinful behind to this awesome church! You don't have to be religious to attend. This is a non-denominal church and people from all over the world come here for the amazing sermons and not to mention the interior. This Church is a converted theatre and a must see. Now go and pray!
My spot! We in my hood now. You MUST go to Orange Beauty Supply! I used to buy all my hair products here when I had hair and you def need to buy a wig here. I take all my gurls here and hook them up with a fabulous synthetic or human hair wig just cause!
Apollo!!! You MUST go here on amateur night! It's historical! You either boo or cheer for the talent on stage. You must have an opinion! Quiet indifference is not tolerated :)
A real life YouTube comment board in live action! I've been here countless times and it's a great way to get the energy up!
Meet my Mom:
What is Fear?
Follow me:
instagram @mayasworld
Dope beats by: Jay Ellyiot
Filmed and edited by your Shamelessness :)
Geek Info:
camera: Canon 7D
audio: H4n Zoom Mic
lighting: Ring light
editing: Final Cut Pro X
things to do in NYC, tourism NYC, nyc spots
wn.com/New York City Travel Guide
Here are some Things to do in NYC :) This 1st of a "Things to do in NYC" is the BASICS. I will do more in depth videos on neighborhoods like Harlem, Brooklyn, Lower East Side which will include shopping, entertainment, eating, all that :) But for now I hope you find this helpful and excited about exploring NYC. I didn't "forget" to list anything. This is just the first video and trust their are a million things to do. Sorry for not including Brooklyn. I rarely go out there and didn't have footage to include in this video. But here goes!
As for the things I listed check them out here:
Statue of Liberty, is located on Ellis Island. It's since been reopened
Central Park is cliche and a MUST! Check out the Boat House this summer and rent a paddle boat for $12/hr. Cash only and a $20 deposit is required
Magnolia Bakery has an amazing to die for Banana Pudding that used to be so secret which is now another MUST HAVE while in town
Katz Deli is a historical landmark that happens to be famous for their sandwiches. Try the pastrami if you're into that...I'm not :/ Yes this is a tourist destination but it's a part of NYC's history hence a MUST!
Patricia Field is a NYC fashion fixture! Made famous for her costume designing in The Devil Wears Prada and Sex and the City: the Movie and sequel, her boutique is another MUST. I love playing dressup here and splurging on accessories!
Need to get around? Rent a bike! I have yet to try this but it seems fabulous! Save your feet and cover more ground. These bikes and bike spots are all over the city. A perfect way to burn calories and see more of the city faster.
Caracas! This happens to be a fav spot of mine! It's uber small and the lines can be long but I love the food. Yes it's fried and oh so good! I've never had an Arepa until I came here and the prices are perfect for us budget minded peeps Try it! just read their yelp reviews!
Summer in NYC isn't really summer until you get your butt on a rooftop. My pick was Jimmy Rooftop. Sunday's after 3pm are bomb! Amazing music courtesy of DJ Cato. I believe it is doorman discretion, which means, dress your best and don't travel with a bunch of dudes. You get an amazing view of the sun setting over the Hudson River and you get to splash around in the pool if you so choose. I chose this spot because I used to work here and loved it!
Yes! Go to Church! After you party it up Saturday night or Sunday afternoon bring your sinful behind to this awesome church! You don't have to be religious to attend. This is a non-denominal church and people from all over the world come here for the amazing sermons and not to mention the interior. This Church is a converted theatre and a must see. Now go and pray!
My spot! We in my hood now. You MUST go to Orange Beauty Supply! I used to buy all my hair products here when I had hair and you def need to buy a wig here. I take all my gurls here and hook them up with a fabulous synthetic or human hair wig just cause!
Apollo!!! You MUST go here on amateur night! It's historical! You either boo or cheer for the talent on stage. You must have an opinion! Quiet indifference is not tolerated :)
A real life YouTube comment board in live action! I've been here countless times and it's a great way to get the energy up!
Meet my Mom:
What is Fear?
Follow me:
instagram @mayasworld
Dope beats by: Jay Ellyiot
Filmed and edited by your Shamelessness :)
Geek Info:
camera: Canon 7D
audio: H4n Zoom Mic
lighting: Ring light
editing: Final Cut Pro X
things to do in NYC, tourism NYC, nyc spots
- published: 21 Jun 2013
- views: 179250
New York City Travel Guide
New York City! We've traveled abroad to many far off corners of the world; however, we've yet to find a city that quite lives up to the Big Apple. Join as we share our New York City travel experiences in the form of a top 50 things to do in the city guide where we cover top attractions along with extended footage in the form of vlogs where we visit places we didn't cover the first time around. From the High Line to Brooklyn Bridge and Smorgasburg to Governors Island our guide offers a bit of something for everyone.
1) 50 Things to do in New York City Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1 Grand Central Terminal
2 The High Line
3 Meatpacking District
4 Greenwich Village
5 Brooklyn Bridge
6 Williamsburg
7 Street Art in Williamsburg
8 Prospect Park
9 Dumbo
10 New York Style Pizza
11 Bryant Park
12 New York Public Library
13 Staten Island Ferry
14 Statue of Liberty
15 Battery Park
16 Little Italy
17 Little Korea
18 Chinatown
19 Coney Island
20 Mermaid Parade
21 The Cloisters
22 Harlem's Apollo Theatre
23 Soul Food in Harlem at Sylvia's
24 World Trade Center Memorial
25 Trinity Church
26 Wall Street
27 Lincoln Center
28 Ride a Bicycle
29 Watch a New York Yankees baseball game at Yankee Stadium
30 MET Museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
31 Flatiron Building
32 Washington Square Park
33 NYU (New York University)
34 National Museum of the American Indian
35 Museum of Natural History
36 Times Square
37 MOMA (Museum of Modern Art)
38 Roosevelt Island Tramway
39 Fifth Avenue Shopping
40 Rockefeller Center
41 Empire State Building
42 Carnegie Hall
43 Central Park
44 Strawberry Fields
45 Street Food
46 Catch a Broadway Theatre Performance
47 Madison Square Garden
48 African Burial Ground
49 Columbus Circle
50 Take the Subway Metro
New York City Travel Vlogs:
1) New York City Bagels Taste Test
2) Katz's Deli: Eating Pastrami and Corned Beef Meat Sandwiches in New York City
3) Exploring Governors Island in New York City
4) Smorgasburg Brooklyn Flea Food Market
5) Eating burgers at the original Shake Shack - Madison Square Park, New York City
6) Coney Island Mermaid Parade in New York City
This is part of our Travel in America series. We're making a series of videos showcasing American culture, American arts, American foods, American religion, American cuisine and American people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
wn.com/New York City Travel Guide
New York City! We've traveled abroad to many far off corners of the world; however, we've yet to find a city that quite lives up to the Big Apple. Join as we share our New York City travel experiences in the form of a top 50 things to do in the city guide where we cover top attractions along with extended footage in the form of vlogs where we visit places we didn't cover the first time around. From the High Line to Brooklyn Bridge and Smorgasburg to Governors Island our guide offers a bit of something for everyone.
1) 50 Things to do in New York City Top Attractions Travel Guide:
1 Grand Central Terminal
2 The High Line
3 Meatpacking District
4 Greenwich Village
5 Brooklyn Bridge
6 Williamsburg
7 Street Art in Williamsburg
8 Prospect Park
9 Dumbo
10 New York Style Pizza
11 Bryant Park
12 New York Public Library
13 Staten Island Ferry
14 Statue of Liberty
15 Battery Park
16 Little Italy
17 Little Korea
18 Chinatown
19 Coney Island
20 Mermaid Parade
21 The Cloisters
22 Harlem's Apollo Theatre
23 Soul Food in Harlem at Sylvia's
24 World Trade Center Memorial
25 Trinity Church
26 Wall Street
27 Lincoln Center
28 Ride a Bicycle
29 Watch a New York Yankees baseball game at Yankee Stadium
30 MET Museum (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
31 Flatiron Building
32 Washington Square Park
33 NYU (New York University)
34 National Museum of the American Indian
35 Museum of Natural History
36 Times Square
37 MOMA (Museum of Modern Art)
38 Roosevelt Island Tramway
39 Fifth Avenue Shopping
40 Rockefeller Center
41 Empire State Building
42 Carnegie Hall
43 Central Park
44 Strawberry Fields
45 Street Food
46 Catch a Broadway Theatre Performance
47 Madison Square Garden
48 African Burial Ground
49 Columbus Circle
50 Take the Subway Metro
New York City Travel Vlogs:
1) New York City Bagels Taste Test
2) Katz's Deli: Eating Pastrami and Corned Beef Meat Sandwiches in New York City
3) Exploring Governors Island in New York City
4) Smorgasburg Brooklyn Flea Food Market
5) Eating burgers at the original Shake Shack - Madison Square Park, New York City
6) Coney Island Mermaid Parade in New York City
This is part of our Travel in America series. We're making a series of videos showcasing American culture, American arts, American foods, American religion, American cuisine and American people.
Proudly presented by: http://nomadicsamuel.com & http://thatbackpacker.com
All photos and video taken by Samuel Jeffery (Nomadic Samuel) and Audrey Bergner (That Backpacker).
Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network
- published: 15 Sep 2015
- views: 30
New York Travel Guide - Must-See Attractions
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.
The most important places to visit in New York are: Brooklyn Bridge (built in 1883, it is one of the oldest suspension bridges in America and continues to inspire the people of New York City), Wall Street (the bull here makes everyone happy. See where billions are won or lost in seconds), Central Park (one of the world's greatest urban parks. Get involved in an outdoor activity or watch New Yorkers go about their exercise routines), Empire State Building (an American icon, which was built remarkably during the Great Depression. Ride to the top for unmatched city views), Times Square (best experienced at night. First time visitors are simply in awe amidst the bright neon lights), Statue of Liberty (this is one landmark you must visit. The ultimate symbol of New York City).
If you want to save time and money, the most important New York travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/New York Travel Guide Must See Attractions
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.
The most important places to visit in New York are: Brooklyn Bridge (built in 1883, it is one of the oldest suspension bridges in America and continues to inspire the people of New York City), Wall Street (the bull here makes everyone happy. See where billions are won or lost in seconds), Central Park (one of the world's greatest urban parks. Get involved in an outdoor activity or watch New Yorkers go about their exercise routines), Empire State Building (an American icon, which was built remarkably during the Great Depression. Ride to the top for unmatched city views), Times Square (best experienced at night. First time visitors are simply in awe amidst the bright neon lights), Statue of Liberty (this is one landmark you must visit. The ultimate symbol of New York City).
If you want to save time and money, the most important New York travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 22 Feb 2013
- views: 46931
New York City Guide - Lonely Planet travel video
The Big Apple, the USA's largest city, thrives on relentless energy and buzz. Here are its highlights. Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/new-york-city for more information about New York City.
wn.com/New York City Guide Lonely Planet Travel Video
The Big Apple, the USA's largest city, thrives on relentless energy and buzz. Here are its highlights. Visit http://www.lonelyplanet.com/usa/new-york-city for more information about New York City.
- published: 18 Oct 2013
- views: 38350
Madison Avenue New York Shopping and Sightseeing - New York City Travel Guide
Welcome to http://www.goandseetv.com!! We proudly present our walking tour of Madison Avenue in New York City. We'll show you the best shopping and sights on Madison Avenue, so follow us and goandsee it for yourself!!
wn.com/Madison Avenue New York Shopping And Sightseeing New York City Travel Guide
Welcome to http://www.goandseetv.com!! We proudly present our walking tour of Madison Avenue in New York City. We'll show you the best shopping and sights on Madison Avenue, so follow us and goandsee it for yourself!!
- published: 02 May 2014
- views: 10108
NYC Travel Guide -- "Go or No?" Review
NYC Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay, shop & party in New York with Andrea Feczko & Rachel Rudwall.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
As the most densely populated city in the U.S. and most linguistically diverse in the world, NYC has a lot to offer. But is the Big Apple worth a trip?
- SIGHTS: State of Liberty, Central Park, Times Square, Broadway Show, High Line, Brooklyn Bridge
- MUSEUMS: MoMA, MET, Guggenheim
- CITY VIEWS: Top of the Rock (Rockefeller Center), Rainbow Room, Empire State Building
- FOOD: pizza, Grimaldi's, Burger Joint, Chelsea Market, steak, Smith & Wollensky, Peter Luger's, Quality Meats, BLT Steak, Striphouse
- HOTELS: W, Thompson Hotels, 6 Columbus, 60 Thompson
- SHOPPING: SoHo, 5th Avenue
- NIGHTLIFE: Chelsea, Meatpacking District, Lower East Side, bars, clubbing, party
- BONUS FUN!: Trapeze, Motorcycles, Radio City, Rowboats at Central Park
Follow How 2 Travelers on Twitter!
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Follow us in Instagram!
wn.com/NYC Travel Guide Go Or No Review
NYC Travel Guide! Learn where to explore, eat, stay, shop & party in New York with Andrea Feczko & Rachel Rudwall.
Watch more @How2Travelers videos!
As the most densely populated city in the U.S. and most linguistically diverse in the world, NYC has a lot to offer. But is the Big Apple worth a trip?
- SIGHTS: State of Liberty, Central Park, Times Square, Broadway Show, High Line, Brooklyn Bridge
- MUSEUMS: MoMA, MET, Guggenheim
- CITY VIEWS: Top of the Rock (Rockefeller Center), Rainbow Room, Empire State Building
- FOOD: pizza, Grimaldi's, Burger Joint, Chelsea Market, steak, Smith & Wollensky, Peter Luger's, Quality Meats, BLT Steak, Striphouse
- HOTELS: W, Thompson Hotels, 6 Columbus, 60 Thompson
- SHOPPING: SoHo, 5th Avenue
- NIGHTLIFE: Chelsea, Meatpacking District, Lower East Side, bars, clubbing, party
- BONUS FUN!: Trapeze, Motorcycles, Radio City, Rowboats at Central Park
Follow How 2 Travelers on Twitter!
Like us on Facebook!
Follow us in Instagram!
- published: 24 Feb 2014
- views: 12142
New York Travel Guide - Must-See Attraction
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.
The most important places to visit in New York are: Brooklyn Bridge (built in 1883, it is one of the oldest suspension bridges in America and continues to inspire the people of New York City), Wall Street (the bull here makes everyone happy. See where billions are won or lost in seconds), Central Park (one of the world's greatest urban parks. Get involved in an outdoor activity or watch New Yorkers go about their exercise routines), Empire State Building (an American icon, which was built remarkably during the Great Depression. Ride to the top for unmatched city views), Times Square (best experienced at night. First time visitors are simply in awe amidst the bright neon lights), Statue of Liberty (this is one landmark you must visit. The ultimate symbol of New York City).
If you want to save time and money, the most important New York travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
wn.com/New York Travel Guide Must See Attraction
New York is the most populous city in the United States and the center of the New York Metropolitan Area, one of the most populous urban agglomerations in the world.
The most important places to visit in New York are: Brooklyn Bridge (built in 1883, it is one of the oldest suspension bridges in America and continues to inspire the people of New York City), Wall Street (the bull here makes everyone happy. See where billions are won or lost in seconds), Central Park (one of the world's greatest urban parks. Get involved in an outdoor activity or watch New Yorkers go about their exercise routines), Empire State Building (an American icon, which was built remarkably during the Great Depression. Ride to the top for unmatched city views), Times Square (best experienced at night. First time visitors are simply in awe amidst the bright neon lights), Statue of Liberty (this is one landmark you must visit. The ultimate symbol of New York City).
If you want to save time and money, the most important New York travel tip is to compare prices before booking a hotel room or a flight. You can do this for free on http://bookinghunter.com, a site that searches through hundreds of other travel websites in real time for the best travel deals available.
- published: 21 Jun 2013
- views: 85333
TOP 5 Essential Tips for New York City | New York City Travel Guide
I revisited New York for a week (but I actually lived there for 9 years.. and I know this: gife in New York City revolves around three things: time, speed and efficiency. In fact a lot of Manhattanites live by daily mental check lists and feel like they never have enough time to everything they want and need to do. Today I'm going to share with you my top 5 travel tips for surviving the Big Bad Apple (aka New York City).
1. Bring comfortable and practical shoes. Now I know a lot of you have probably watched Sex & the City and the women in that TV show always wear high heels. That's because they were taking taxi cabs everywhere. Unless you're taking taxi cabs everywhere , be prepared to walk. A lot. you'll be walking up and down stairs, you'll be taking the metro and the bus all around and you'll be walking blocks and blocks and BLOCKS! Being from Hawaii I was practically born in flip-flops and when I moved to New York, I realized they just didn't work there.
2. Don't stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk or at the entry of a subway station. I like to think of busy New York sidewalks as kind of like the pedestrian version of the German Autobahne. If you're going to stop on the sidewalk or when you emerge from the subway station pull off to the side so other people can pass you by. Simple as that.
3. It is a well-known belief that New Yorkers happen to be very impatient, therefore, next tip is if you're waiting in a checkout line, have your wallet ready when you get to the cash register. The last thing you want to do is wait until you get to the very front, have the cash register ring you up your purchase, tell you what it is and then you... open your bag to look for your wallet. You might not make the cashier or the people behind you very happy. Remember, good customer is not a requirement in New York city. It's an option.
4. Now a lot of people think that New York City is an expensive place to live as well as to visit. That can't be furthest from the truth. The two things that tend to be expensive in New York City are rent and a hotel room. Outside of that you'll find that Manhattan actually has a lot of free activities, like concerts in Central Park, or Shakespeare in the park. You have street markets and street vendors who sell things at a very discounted rate. You don't need to rent a car, you can always take public transportation. In fact, you can buy daily, weekly and monthly unlmited metro passes. If you love to eat, there's always hole-in-the-wall restaurants with good food, for cheap! Also if you love shopping, New York doesn't have sale tax on clothes.
Now last, where to find toilets. New York isn't really known for having a whole lot of public toilets and if it did, I don't know if you'd actually really want to use them. People can be dirty. But if you really had to go and were looking for a spot to go in, then my best suggestion is: Mc Donald, Starbucks, public museums as well as the New York public libraries. some parks migh have them but I wouldn't count on them. One handy app I have is Sit n Squat. It's downloadable for free by Charmin and it will help you locate the nearest toilet whether paid or free on your phone.
Hope you enjoyed this video. If you did give me a thumbs up or like. Subscribe to my channel. If you have any tips you'd like to share about surviving New York, then leave em down in the comments section below. And until then, travel safe, smart and fun!
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Travel Survival | Solo Travel | Live with GRRR!
wn.com/Top 5 Essential Tips For New York City | New York City Travel Guide
I revisited New York for a week (but I actually lived there for 9 years.. and I know this: gife in New York City revolves around three things: time, speed and efficiency. In fact a lot of Manhattanites live by daily mental check lists and feel like they never have enough time to everything they want and need to do. Today I'm going to share with you my top 5 travel tips for surviving the Big Bad Apple (aka New York City).
1. Bring comfortable and practical shoes. Now I know a lot of you have probably watched Sex & the City and the women in that TV show always wear high heels. That's because they were taking taxi cabs everywhere. Unless you're taking taxi cabs everywhere , be prepared to walk. A lot. you'll be walking up and down stairs, you'll be taking the metro and the bus all around and you'll be walking blocks and blocks and BLOCKS! Being from Hawaii I was practically born in flip-flops and when I moved to New York, I realized they just didn't work there.
2. Don't stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk or at the entry of a subway station. I like to think of busy New York sidewalks as kind of like the pedestrian version of the German Autobahne. If you're going to stop on the sidewalk or when you emerge from the subway station pull off to the side so other people can pass you by. Simple as that.
3. It is a well-known belief that New Yorkers happen to be very impatient, therefore, next tip is if you're waiting in a checkout line, have your wallet ready when you get to the cash register. The last thing you want to do is wait until you get to the very front, have the cash register ring you up your purchase, tell you what it is and then you... open your bag to look for your wallet. You might not make the cashier or the people behind you very happy. Remember, good customer is not a requirement in New York city. It's an option.
4. Now a lot of people think that New York City is an expensive place to live as well as to visit. That can't be furthest from the truth. The two things that tend to be expensive in New York City are rent and a hotel room. Outside of that you'll find that Manhattan actually has a lot of free activities, like concerts in Central Park, or Shakespeare in the park. You have street markets and street vendors who sell things at a very discounted rate. You don't need to rent a car, you can always take public transportation. In fact, you can buy daily, weekly and monthly unlmited metro passes. If you love to eat, there's always hole-in-the-wall restaurants with good food, for cheap! Also if you love shopping, New York doesn't have sale tax on clothes.
Now last, where to find toilets. New York isn't really known for having a whole lot of public toilets and if it did, I don't know if you'd actually really want to use them. People can be dirty. But if you really had to go and were looking for a spot to go in, then my best suggestion is: Mc Donald, Starbucks, public museums as well as the New York public libraries. some parks migh have them but I wouldn't count on them. One handy app I have is Sit n Squat. It's downloadable for free by Charmin and it will help you locate the nearest toilet whether paid or free on your phone.
Hope you enjoyed this video. If you did give me a thumbs up or like. Subscribe to my channel. If you have any tips you'd like to share about surviving New York, then leave em down in the comments section below. And until then, travel safe, smart and fun!
GOOGLE + PAGE: https://plus.google.com/b/115684422978231046500/+Grrrltraveler
Travel Survival | Solo Travel | Live with GRRR!
- published: 09 Jan 2015
- views: 10384
New York Pre 9/11 Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination New York in the United States of America.
New York is capital city of the American Dream, with its population drawn from each corner of the world.The Empire State Building is a symbol of the glamour and fascination of this frenetic city, yet the Chrysler building is just as imposing, its unusual tower being decorated with car motifs such as bonnets, hub caps and car wheels of the 1930‘s. Wall Street derived its name from a wall which had been erected to protect the emerging town from attack by Native American Indians and now most of the city is an open powerhouse of ceaseless activity with a constant mêlée of car horns, sirens, and screeching tyres.Greenwich Village is one of the few areas of the city that has no clearly-defined symmetry. Attractive steps grace many of its 19th century houses of red brick and brown sandstone and, until the 1960‘s, many important artists and authors lived there, such as Edgar Allen Poe and Henry James. Little Italy, Chinatown, The Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Ellis Island, The Statue of Liberty, Broadway, Times Square…each has its own colourful stories to tell amid the fantastic man-made Manhattan glass horizons: the skyscrapers which shamelessly reach up to the heavens and exclaim that New York is most assuredly the commercial capital of the universe.
wn.com/New York Pre 9 11 Travel Video Guide
Travel video about destination New York in the United States of America.
New York is capital city of the American Dream, with its population drawn from each corner of the world.The Empire State Building is a symbol of the glamour and fascination of this frenetic city, yet the Chrysler building is just as imposing, its unusual tower being decorated with car motifs such as bonnets, hub caps and car wheels of the 1930‘s. Wall Street derived its name from a wall which had been erected to protect the emerging town from attack by Native American Indians and now most of the city is an open powerhouse of ceaseless activity with a constant mêlée of car horns, sirens, and screeching tyres.Greenwich Village is one of the few areas of the city that has no clearly-defined symmetry. Attractive steps grace many of its 19th century houses of red brick and brown sandstone and, until the 1960‘s, many important artists and authors lived there, such as Edgar Allen Poe and Henry James. Little Italy, Chinatown, The Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, Ellis Island, The Statue of Liberty, Broadway, Times Square…each has its own colourful stories to tell amid the fantastic man-made Manhattan glass horizons: the skyscrapers which shamelessly reach up to the heavens and exclaim that New York is most assuredly the commercial capital of the universe.
- published: 12 Aug 2013
- views: 88680
Insider Travel Tips on New York City
Get the 'low down' on where to dine, where to shop and the most happening places when visiting the largest city in the United States. Allow an InterContinent...
wn.com/Insider Travel Tips On New York City
Get the 'low down' on where to dine, where to shop and the most happening places when visiting the largest city in the United States. Allow an InterContinent...
Johnny T's NYC Tourist Tips
Planning a trip to NYC? Listen to Johnny T, and you'll have a great time.
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If you like our puppet web series, visit: http://www.gloveandboots.com
wn.com/Johnny T's NYC Tourist Tips
Planning a trip to NYC? Listen to Johnny T, and you'll have a great time.
Oh, and be friends with us in facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gloveandboots
Subscribe: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=gloveandboots
If you like our puppet web series, visit: http://www.gloveandboots.com
- published: 29 Sep 2013
- views: 1595210
Catskills, New York Part One - Destination Video - Travel Guide
Visit the New York Travel Guide - http://www.resortsandlodges.com/destinations/new-york-united-states/
wn.com/Catskills, New York Part One Destination Video Travel Guide
Visit the New York Travel Guide - http://www.resortsandlodges.com/destinations/new-york-united-states/
- published: 18 Mar 2010
- views: 26261
Travel Tips: Almost Free New York
Cracking the Secret Code of Travel every Thursday.
Sonia Gil gets you ready for New York with her new Ulive original series: Almost Free New York. Sonia shares her travel tips to enjoy New York on the cheap and almost free.
Almost Free New York:
Almost Free Miami Beach:
wn.com/Travel Tips Almost Free New York
Cracking the Secret Code of Travel every Thursday.
Sonia Gil gets you ready for New York with her new Ulive original series: Almost Free New York. Sonia shares her travel tips to enjoy New York on the cheap and almost free.
Almost Free New York:
Almost Free Miami Beach:
- published: 22 Sep 2014
- views: 9301
The Monocle Travel Guide Series: New York
New York can easily live up to its movie-star good looks but it can be a city that surprises, too. Monocle has had a bureau in New York since its launch in 2007 and this has made us passionate about this city and its ambitions. The Monocle Travel Guide to New York, published by Gestalten, is a celebration of all that we love about the city. Available now at The Monocle Shop: http://www.monocle.com/shop/books-and-music/travel-guides/
wn.com/The Monocle Travel Guide Series New York
New York can easily live up to its movie-star good looks but it can be a city that surprises, too. Monocle has had a bureau in New York since its launch in 2007 and this has made us passionate about this city and its ambitions. The Monocle Travel Guide to New York, published by Gestalten, is a celebration of all that we love about the city. Available now at The Monocle Shop: http://www.monocle.com/shop/books-and-music/travel-guides/
- published: 15 Jun 2015
- views: 98
New York City - City Video Guide
New York City is an international metropolis, which welcomes around 50 million tourists annually. In Manhattan's Midtown are some of New York City's most ico...
wn.com/New York City City Video Guide
New York City is an international metropolis, which welcomes around 50 million tourists annually. In Manhattan's Midtown are some of New York City's most ico...
Welcome to New York City, city guide (original DVD 60min.)
City guide of New York narrated in English. You can watch full length video on http://www.creativesystemservices.net/english/products1.html.
wn.com/Welcome To New York City, City Guide (Original Dvd 60Min.)
City guide of New York narrated in English. You can watch full length video on http://www.creativesystemservices.net/english/products1.html.
- published: 02 Aug 2007
- views: 1150753
New York Travel Guide - Top 10 Must-See Attractions
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake
wn.com/New York Travel Guide Top 10 Must See Attractions
Uploaded with Free Video Converter from Freemake
- published: 05 Mar 2014
- views: 2970
Travel Guide - Top 5 Things to Check Out in New York City
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents... A look at 5 things you can't miss if visiting NYC.
Subscribe to our new dedicated WatchMojo Travel channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/WatchMojoTravel
wn.com/Travel Guide Top 5 Things To Check Out In New York City
http://www.WatchMojo.com presents... A look at 5 things you can't miss if visiting NYC.
Subscribe to our new dedicated WatchMojo Travel channel, http://www.youtube.com/user/WatchMojoTravel
- published: 15 Nov 2007
- views: 161639
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against GM & Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against GM & Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against GM & Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Loretta E. Lynch, the Attorney General of the United States, Anthony Foxx, the United States Secretary of Transportation, Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Mark R. Rosekind, Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), Calvin L. Scovel, III, Inspector General of the United States Department of Transportation (“DOT-OIG”), Christy Goldsmith Romero, Special Inspector General of the Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (“SIGTARP”), and Diego Rodriguez, the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federa
The Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan
The Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan
The Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan
Briefing on "The Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan" with Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan Ambassador Donald Booth at the New York Foreign Press Center on October 1, 2015. A transcript is available at http://fpc.state.gov/247697.htm.
Palestine 'no longer bound' by agreements with Israel
Palestine 'no longer bound' by agreements with Israel
Palestine 'no longer bound' by agreements with Israel
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas warned that he may sever the Oslo Accords agreement with Israel.
Al Jazeera's diplomatic editor James Bays reports from New York.
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Abbas says he is no longer bound to agreement signed with Israel
Abbas says he is no longer bound to agreement signed with Israel
Abbas says he is no longer bound to agreement signed with Israel
Mahmoud Abbas criticized Israel for making efforts to destroy the two-state solution. Regarding Israel’s settlement expansion on occupied Palestinian land, Abbas said construction activity has increased by at least 20 percent since the US president urged Tel Aviv to halt its settlement activities two years ago. Speaking at the UN 70th General Assembly in New York, Abbas also questioned how long Israel could remain above the law with impunity. The Palestinian president also criticized the UN for being unable to end the injustice inflicted on the Palestinians, adding that the continuation of the status-quo is unacceptable. Abbas urged the Secur
#SDGs: Historic freedom of information agreement
#SDGs: Historic freedom of information agreement
#SDGs: Historic freedom of information agreement
Alongside other basic rights, the United Nations has included the right to access information as part of their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are being adopted today at the UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015 in New York. A historic step for media development? Watch the analysis on DW News by Dr. Jan Lublinski's, DW Akademie's Head of Research and Evaluation (September 25, 2015)
What is a Prenuptial Agreement in New York State?
What is a Prenuptial Agreement in New York State?
What is a Prenuptial Agreement in New York State?
Mexican Consulate Joins in Agreement to Prevent Abuse of Construction Workers
Mexican Consulate Joins in Agreement to Prevent Abuse of Construction Workers
Mexican Consulate Joins in Agreement to Prevent Abuse of Construction Workers
NEW YORK - Advocates say an agreement between the Mexican consulate and city and federal agencies may help reduce the alarming number of fatalities among Mexican workers at construction sites.
Agreement Support - Downtown Plattsburgh NY - (raw video)
Agreement Support - Downtown Plattsburgh NY - (raw video)
Agreement Support - Downtown Plattsburgh NY - (raw video)
Wednesday, Aug. 25th, 2015 - North country people gather in downtown Plattsburgh showing support for the Iran nuclear agreement.
Many times the local media outlets ignore these gatherings, but this time, many covered the event.
The public gathering was organized thru Vermont based Democracy For America, a out-growth of the former Howard Dean presidential campaign.
It's interesting to view local media coverage at a non right-wing event. Something has changed.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
House GOP Leader Visits Israel As Iran Nuclear Agreement Vote Looms
House GOP Leader Visits Israel As Iran Nuclear Agreement Vote Looms
House GOP Leader Visits Israel As Iran Nuclear Agreement Vote Looms
House Republican Majority leader Kevin McCarthy is hoping to build momentum to disrupt President Barack Obama's nuclear agreement with Iran while on a visit to Israel. McCarthy, from California, is leading a team of 36 Republican members to Jerusalem, where representatives met with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. Congress has until Sept. 17 to vote to accept or reject the agreement with Iran. Obama has threatened to override Congress if it votes against the deal, which was reached last month. If all Republicans in Congress vote together against the deal, they will still need 44 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 13 in the Senate t
Massive New York rally supports nuclear agreement with Iran
Massive New York rally supports nuclear agreement with Iran
Massive New York rally supports nuclear agreement with Iran
Press TV, New York
Despite the overwhelming majority of the American people supporting the proposed nuclear agreement, Chuck Schumer, leader of the Democratic Party in the US Senate, has voiced opposition to it. A large gathering of New Yorkers have gathered outside of Schumer's office in Manhattan to voice support for the proposed deal to end sanctions on Iran.
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How big a deal is Schumer’s vote against the Iran nuclear agreement?
How big a deal is Schumer’s vote against the Iran nuclear agreement?
How big a deal is Schumer’s vote against the Iran nuclear agreement?
Michael Gerson of the Washington Post, Jonathan Martin of the New York Times, Ed O’Keefe of the Washington Post, and USA Today’s Susan Page discuss New York Sen. Chuck Schumer’s 1500-word argument against the Iran nuclear deal and its political fallout
NY Prenuptial Agreement Attorney
NY Prenuptial Agreement Attorney
NY Prenuptial Agreement Attorney
The Storobin Law Firm is a premier New York Law Firm run by David Storobin, a former New York State Senator. We represent people in all family law matters, including the drafting of prenuptial agreements. http://www.storobinlaw.com/prenuptial-agreement.php
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
Hardliners and opponents of interim nuclear agreement protest after prayers
Hardliners and opponents of interim nuclear agreement protest after prayers
Hardliners and opponents of interim nuclear agreement protest after prayers
Hundreds of protesters marched in central Tehran on Friday to rally against Iran making any concessions in ongoing nuclear talks with the West.
The protesters, regarded as hardline conservatives, took to the streets after Friday prayers to demand that Iran make no compromises in nuclear negotiations.
Chanting "Death to Britain" and "Death to America", they carried placards rejecting the negotiations.
"People are concerned that a deal might be struck which will negate the efforts of our nuclear scientists. Our rally is a warning to our negotiators to enter final discussions more cautiously," said one protester.
Many of the protesters are s
Jerome Cohen, a law professor at New York University, hails an apparent agreement allowing Chinese l
Jerome Cohen, a law professor at New York University, hails an apparent agreement allowing Chinese l
Jerome Cohen, a law professor at New York University, hails an apparent agreement allowing Chinese l
HEADLINE: Friend hails deal sending Chinese lawyer to U.S.
CAPTION: Jerome Cohen, a law professor at New York University, hails an apparent agreement allowing Chinese legal activist Chen Guangcheng a chance to study in the U.S. Cohen is offering a fellowship to Chen. (May 4)
[Notes:May 4, 2012]
[Notes:New York]
[Notes:Jerome Cohen / Professor of Law, New York University]
SOT: The original idea was first a period of study at an institution for the blind then at NYU Shanghai then perhaps at NYU New York. Now it may be he'll come here first, stay for a temporary period then go back to China and continue his work. We don't know.
Behind NY prison worker's plea agreement
Behind NY prison worker's plea agreement
Behind NY prison worker's plea agreement
Behind NY prison worker's plea agreement
What led to the plea deal for a prison worker who helped two killers escape prison?
Chinese ambassador on UN agreement on deaths of UN observers in Lebanon
Chinese ambassador on UN agreement on deaths of UN observers in Lebanon
Chinese ambassador on UN agreement on deaths of UN observers in Lebanon
1. Wide shot exterior of United Nations building in New York
2. Chinese Ambassador to United Nations, Wang Guangya, walking to microphone outside Security Council chambers
3. Wide shot Wang Guangya talking to media
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Wang Guangya, Chinese Ambassador to the UN:
"The feelings by almost all council members is quite clear because this is a serious matter and an attack on the UN peacekeepers. So we feel that if the Security Council cannot send a strong political message supporting our guys on the ground, I think it will be very difficult for people to understand, so I believe that we need a strong statement to support our
Thousands protest against Iran nuclear agreement in Times Square rally
Thousands protest against Iran nuclear agreement in Times Square rally
Thousands protest against Iran nuclear agreement in Times Square rally
The "Stop Iran Rally" to protest against the proposed Iran nuclear deal attracted thousands of mainly pro-Israel supporters concerned about closer ties with the ...
07.22.2015 Manhattan,NY AP- Protesters poured into New York's Times Square on Wednesday to denounce the Iran nuclear deal as a threat to Israel and ...
Thousands of protesters packed New York City's Times Square on Wednesday to demand that U.S. Congress reject the proposed nuclear deal between Iran ...
Organizer's recruited thousands to pack New York City's Times Square calling for Congress to reject the accord.
Thousands protest against Iran nuclear agreement in Times Squa
Cabbies Protest Uber Agreement
Cabbies Protest Uber Agreement
Cabbies Protest Uber Agreement
CBS2's Marcia Kramer reports.
Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'..)
Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'..)
Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'..)
Environmentally friendly leaders from around the world, including the New York City Mayor and California Governor, have gathered at the Vatican for a two-day conference rallying momentum ahead of Paris climate negotiations later this year
Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'//
Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'//
Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'//
Environmentally friendly leaders from around the world, including the New York City Mayor and California Governor, have gathered at the Vatican for a two-day conference rallying momentum ahead of Paris climate negotiations later this year.
Vietnam's new representative in America says his country is ready to move towards full diplomatic relations with the United States.
Le (Pronounced: Lee) Van Bang and other Vietnamese government officials are in Washington as part of a joint agreement to open liaison offices between the US and the Hanoi government.
More than twenty years after the U-S pull out from South Vietnam, officials of the Hanoi government are in Washington.
They are there to establish liaison offices in each other's capitals. The agreement marks the first official ties between the United States and Hanoi since the end of the war in Vietnam. G
Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against GM & Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Loretta E. Lynch, the Attorney General of the United States, Anthony Foxx, the United States Secretary of Transportation, Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Mark R. Rosekind, Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), Calvin L. Scovel, III, Inspector General of the United States Department of Transportation (“DOT-OIG”), Christy Goldsmith Romero, Special Inspector General of the Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (“SIGTARP”), and Diego Rodriguez, the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced the filing of criminal charges against General Motors Company (“GM” or the “Company”), an automotive company headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, that has designed, manufactured, assembled, and sold Chevrolet, Pontiac, and Saturn brand vehicles, among others. GM is charged with concealing a potentially deadly safety defect from its U.S. regulator, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), from the spring of 2012 through February 2014, and, in the process, misleading consumers concerning the safety of certain of GM’s cars. The defect consisted of an ignition switch that had been designed and manufactured with too-low torque resistance and could therefore move easily out of the “Run” position into “Accessory” or “Off” (the “Defective Switch”). When the switch moved out of Run, it could disable the affected car’s frontal airbags – increasing the risk of death and serious injury in certain types of crashes in which airbags were otherwise designed to deploy. The models equipped with the Defective Switch were the 2005, 2006, and 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt; the 2005, 2006, and 2007 Pontiac G5; the 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Saturn Ion; the 2006 and 2007 Chevrolet HHR; the 2007 Saturn Sky; and the 2006 and 2007 Pontiac Solstice. To date, GM has acknowledged a total of 15 deaths, as well as a number of serious injuries, caused by the Defective Switch.
For more information, click the following link:
wn.com/Manhattan U.S. Attorney Announces Charges Against Gm Deferred Prosecution Agreement
Loretta E. Lynch, the Attorney General of the United States, Anthony Foxx, the United States Secretary of Transportation, Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Mark R. Rosekind, Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), Calvin L. Scovel, III, Inspector General of the United States Department of Transportation (“DOT-OIG”), Christy Goldsmith Romero, Special Inspector General of the Office of the Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program (“SIGTARP”), and Diego Rodriguez, the Assistant Director-in-Charge of the New York Field Office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), announced the filing of criminal charges against General Motors Company (“GM” or the “Company”), an automotive company headquartered in Detroit, Michigan, that has designed, manufactured, assembled, and sold Chevrolet, Pontiac, and Saturn brand vehicles, among others. GM is charged with concealing a potentially deadly safety defect from its U.S. regulator, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”), from the spring of 2012 through February 2014, and, in the process, misleading consumers concerning the safety of certain of GM’s cars. The defect consisted of an ignition switch that had been designed and manufactured with too-low torque resistance and could therefore move easily out of the “Run” position into “Accessory” or “Off” (the “Defective Switch”). When the switch moved out of Run, it could disable the affected car’s frontal airbags – increasing the risk of death and serious injury in certain types of crashes in which airbags were otherwise designed to deploy. The models equipped with the Defective Switch were the 2005, 2006, and 2007 Chevrolet Cobalt; the 2005, 2006, and 2007 Pontiac G5; the 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, and 2007 Saturn Ion; the 2006 and 2007 Chevrolet HHR; the 2007 Saturn Sky; and the 2006 and 2007 Pontiac Solstice. To date, GM has acknowledged a total of 15 deaths, as well as a number of serious injuries, caused by the Defective Switch.
For more information, click the following link:
- published: 02 Oct 2015
- views: 5
The Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan
Briefing on "The Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan" with Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan Ambassador Donald Booth at the New York Foreign Press Center on October 1, 2015. A transcript is available at http://fpc.state.gov/247697.htm.
wn.com/The Agreement On The Resolution Of The Conflict In South Sudan
Briefing on "The Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan" with Special Envoy to Sudan and South Sudan Ambassador Donald Booth at the New York Foreign Press Center on October 1, 2015. A transcript is available at http://fpc.state.gov/247697.htm.
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 42
Palestine 'no longer bound' by agreements with Israel
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas warned that he may sever the Oslo Accords agreement with Israel.
Al Jazeera's diplomatic editor James Bays reports from New York.
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wn.com/Palestine 'no Longer Bound' By Agreements With Israel
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas warned that he may sever the Oslo Accords agreement with Israel.
Al Jazeera's diplomatic editor James Bays reports from New York.
Subscribe to our channel http://bit.ly/AJSubscribe
Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/AJEnglish
Find us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera
Check our website http://www.aljazeera.com/
- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 213
Abbas says he is no longer bound to agreement signed with Israel
Mahmoud Abbas criticized Israel for making efforts to destroy the two-state solution. Regarding Israel’s settlement expansion on occupied Palestinian land, Abbas said construction activity has increased by at least 20 percent since the US president urged Tel Aviv to halt its settlement activities two years ago. Speaking at the UN 70th General Assembly in New York, Abbas also questioned how long Israel could remain above the law with impunity. The Palestinian president also criticized the UN for being unable to end the injustice inflicted on the Palestinians, adding that the continuation of the status-quo is unacceptable. Abbas urged the Security Council and the general assembly to uphold their responsibilities before it’s too late.
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wn.com/Abbas Says He Is No Longer Bound To Agreement Signed With Israel
Mahmoud Abbas criticized Israel for making efforts to destroy the two-state solution. Regarding Israel’s settlement expansion on occupied Palestinian land, Abbas said construction activity has increased by at least 20 percent since the US president urged Tel Aviv to halt its settlement activities two years ago. Speaking at the UN 70th General Assembly in New York, Abbas also questioned how long Israel could remain above the law with impunity. The Palestinian president also criticized the UN for being unable to end the injustice inflicted on the Palestinians, adding that the continuation of the status-quo is unacceptable. Abbas urged the Security Council and the general assembly to uphold their responsibilities before it’s too late.
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- published: 01 Oct 2015
- views: 162
#SDGs: Historic freedom of information agreement
Alongside other basic rights, the United Nations has included the right to access information as part of their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are being adopted today at the UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015 in New York. A historic step for media development? Watch the analysis on DW News by Dr. Jan Lublinski's, DW Akademie's Head of Research and Evaluation (September 25, 2015)
wn.com/Sdgs Historic Freedom Of Information Agreement
Alongside other basic rights, the United Nations has included the right to access information as part of their Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are being adopted today at the UN Sustainable Development Summit 2015 in New York. A historic step for media development? Watch the analysis on DW News by Dr. Jan Lublinski's, DW Akademie's Head of Research and Evaluation (September 25, 2015)
- published: 28 Sep 2015
- views: 14
Mexican Consulate Joins in Agreement to Prevent Abuse of Construction Workers
NEW YORK - Advocates say an agreement between the Mexican consulate and city and federal agencies may help reduce the alarming number of fatalities among Mexican workers at construction sites.
wn.com/Mexican Consulate Joins In Agreement To Prevent Abuse Of Construction Workers
NEW YORK - Advocates say an agreement between the Mexican consulate and city and federal agencies may help reduce the alarming number of fatalities among Mexican workers at construction sites.
- published: 03 Sep 2015
- views: 0
Agreement Support - Downtown Plattsburgh NY - (raw video)
Wednesday, Aug. 25th, 2015 - North country people gather in downtown Plattsburgh showing support for the Iran nuclear agreement.
Many times the local media outlets ignore these gatherings, but this time, many covered the event.
The public gathering was organized thru Vermont based Democracy For America, a out-growth of the former Howard Dean presidential campaign.
It's interesting to view local media coverage at a non right-wing event. Something has changed.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
wn.com/Agreement Support Downtown Plattsburgh NY (Raw Video)
Wednesday, Aug. 25th, 2015 - North country people gather in downtown Plattsburgh showing support for the Iran nuclear agreement.
Many times the local media outlets ignore these gatherings, but this time, many covered the event.
The public gathering was organized thru Vermont based Democracy For America, a out-growth of the former Howard Dean presidential campaign.
It's interesting to view local media coverage at a non right-wing event. Something has changed.
I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (https://www.youtube.com/editor)
- published: 27 Aug 2015
- views: 13
House GOP Leader Visits Israel As Iran Nuclear Agreement Vote Looms
House Republican Majority leader Kevin McCarthy is hoping to build momentum to disrupt President Barack Obama's nuclear agreement with Iran while on a visit to Israel. McCarthy, from California, is leading a team of 36 Republican members to Jerusalem, where representatives met with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. Congress has until Sept. 17 to vote to accept or reject the agreement with Iran. Obama has threatened to override Congress if it votes against the deal, which was reached last month. If all Republicans in Congress vote together against the deal, they will still need 44 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 13 in the Senate to reject Obama's veto. Democrats who already announced they oppose the agreement include New York Rep. Eliot Engel and New York Sen. Charles Schumer.
This video was produced by Wochit using http://wochit.com
wn.com/House Gop Leader Visits Israel As Iran Nuclear Agreement Vote Looms
House Republican Majority leader Kevin McCarthy is hoping to build momentum to disrupt President Barack Obama's nuclear agreement with Iran while on a visit to Israel. McCarthy, from California, is leading a team of 36 Republican members to Jerusalem, where representatives met with Israeli President Reuven Rivlin. Congress has until Sept. 17 to vote to accept or reject the agreement with Iran. Obama has threatened to override Congress if it votes against the deal, which was reached last month. If all Republicans in Congress vote together against the deal, they will still need 44 Democrats in the House of Representatives and 13 in the Senate to reject Obama's veto. Democrats who already announced they oppose the agreement include New York Rep. Eliot Engel and New York Sen. Charles Schumer.
This video was produced by Wochit using http://wochit.com
- published: 11 Aug 2015
- views: 14
Massive New York rally supports nuclear agreement with Iran
Press TV, New York
Despite the overwhelming majority of the American people supporting the proposed nuclear agreement, Chuck Schumer, leader of the Democratic Party in the US Senate, has voiced opposition to it. A large gathering of New Yorkers have gathered outside of Schumer's office in Manhattan to voice support for the proposed deal to end sanctions on Iran.
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wn.com/Massive New York Rally Supports Nuclear Agreement With Iran
Press TV, New York
Despite the overwhelming majority of the American people supporting the proposed nuclear agreement, Chuck Schumer, leader of the Democratic Party in the US Senate, has voiced opposition to it. A large gathering of New Yorkers have gathered outside of Schumer's office in Manhattan to voice support for the proposed deal to end sanctions on Iran.
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- published: 11 Aug 2015
- views: 92
How big a deal is Schumer’s vote against the Iran nuclear agreement?
Michael Gerson of the Washington Post, Jonathan Martin of the New York Times, Ed O’Keefe of the Washington Post, and USA Today’s Susan Page discuss New York Sen. Chuck Schumer’s 1500-word argument against the Iran nuclear deal and its political fallout
wn.com/How Big A Deal Is Schumer’S Vote Against The Iran Nuclear Agreement
Michael Gerson of the Washington Post, Jonathan Martin of the New York Times, Ed O’Keefe of the Washington Post, and USA Today’s Susan Page discuss New York Sen. Chuck Schumer’s 1500-word argument against the Iran nuclear deal and its political fallout
- published: 09 Aug 2015
- views: 55
NY Prenuptial Agreement Attorney
The Storobin Law Firm is a premier New York Law Firm run by David Storobin, a former New York State Senator. We represent people in all family law matters, including the drafting of prenuptial agreements. http://www.storobinlaw.com/prenuptial-agreement.php
wn.com/NY Prenuptial Agreement Attorney
The Storobin Law Firm is a premier New York Law Firm run by David Storobin, a former New York State Senator. We represent people in all family law matters, including the drafting of prenuptial agreements. http://www.storobinlaw.com/prenuptial-agreement.php
- published: 07 Aug 2015
- views: 1
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
wn.com/Mayor De Blasio Hosts Press Conference To Make Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
- published: 06 Aug 2015
- views: 87
Hardliners and opponents of interim nuclear agreement protest after prayers
Hundreds of protesters marched in central Tehran on Friday to rally against Iran making any concessions in ongoing nuclear talks with the West.
The protesters, regarded as hardline conservatives, took to the streets after Friday prayers to demand that Iran make no compromises in nuclear negotiations.
Chanting "Death to Britain" and "Death to America", they carried placards rejecting the negotiations.
"People are concerned that a deal might be struck which will negate the efforts of our nuclear scientists. Our rally is a warning to our negotiators to enter final discussions more cautiously," said one protester.
Many of the protesters are supporters of former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and share his belligerent approach to the West.
They are concerned that a comprehensive nuclear deal with western powers will further boost the more moderate current president Hassan Rouhani.
A first-step deal with world powers, in effect since January, has curbed some Iranian nuclear activities in return for limited sanctions relief as the two sides work towards a final agreement.
Negotiators face an informal July deadline to come up with a permanent deal.
Nuclear experts from Iran and the P5+1 (US, Britain, Germany, France, Russia and China) held a meeting in New York this week ahead of high-level political talks next week aimed at reaching a comprehensive agreement.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/3a4e4ea1a9462b4f31f8fdd512303056
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Hardliners And Opponents Of Interim Nuclear Agreement Protest After Prayers
Hundreds of protesters marched in central Tehran on Friday to rally against Iran making any concessions in ongoing nuclear talks with the West.
The protesters, regarded as hardline conservatives, took to the streets after Friday prayers to demand that Iran make no compromises in nuclear negotiations.
Chanting "Death to Britain" and "Death to America", they carried placards rejecting the negotiations.
"People are concerned that a deal might be struck which will negate the efforts of our nuclear scientists. Our rally is a warning to our negotiators to enter final discussions more cautiously," said one protester.
Many of the protesters are supporters of former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and share his belligerent approach to the West.
They are concerned that a comprehensive nuclear deal with western powers will further boost the more moderate current president Hassan Rouhani.
A first-step deal with world powers, in effect since January, has curbed some Iranian nuclear activities in return for limited sanctions relief as the two sides work towards a final agreement.
Negotiators face an informal July deadline to come up with a permanent deal.
Nuclear experts from Iran and the P5+1 (US, Britain, Germany, France, Russia and China) held a meeting in New York this week ahead of high-level political talks next week aimed at reaching a comprehensive agreement.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/3a4e4ea1a9462b4f31f8fdd512303056
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 03 Aug 2015
- views: 0
Jerome Cohen, a law professor at New York University, hails an apparent agreement allowing Chinese l
HEADLINE: Friend hails deal sending Chinese lawyer to U.S.
CAPTION: Jerome Cohen, a law professor at New York University, hails an apparent agreement allowing Chinese legal activist Chen Guangcheng a chance to study in the U.S. Cohen is offering a fellowship to Chen. (May 4)
[Notes:May 4, 2012]
[Notes:New York]
[Notes:Jerome Cohen / Professor of Law, New York University]
SOT: The original idea was first a period of study at an institution for the blind then at NYU Shanghai then perhaps at NYU New York. Now it may be he'll come here first, stay for a temporary period then go back to China and continue his work. We don't know. I like the Chinese expression: act flexibly according to the circumstances. And that's what we're doing. And so is the Chinese government. I was delighted to see their statement today. Very matter of fact, very dignified. No angry recrimination at this point. I hope that period has passed on both sides. And this is a way out now.
SOT: If he wants to apply for a period of study abroad like every other Chinese citizen, let him make an application. And I don't think this is empty talk here. I think they mean this is a way out and it's a dignified way out, it's a good way out for the Chinese government and our government and for Chen and his family. So this could be ... I'm excited. I think this is the first opening I've seen in a very tough week.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/1f04c70f9dd1fb1130d234d881dd6f5d
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wn.com/Jerome Cohen, A Law Professor At New York University, Hails An Apparent Agreement Allowing Chinese L
HEADLINE: Friend hails deal sending Chinese lawyer to U.S.
CAPTION: Jerome Cohen, a law professor at New York University, hails an apparent agreement allowing Chinese legal activist Chen Guangcheng a chance to study in the U.S. Cohen is offering a fellowship to Chen. (May 4)
[Notes:May 4, 2012]
[Notes:New York]
[Notes:Jerome Cohen / Professor of Law, New York University]
SOT: The original idea was first a period of study at an institution for the blind then at NYU Shanghai then perhaps at NYU New York. Now it may be he'll come here first, stay for a temporary period then go back to China and continue his work. We don't know. I like the Chinese expression: act flexibly according to the circumstances. And that's what we're doing. And so is the Chinese government. I was delighted to see their statement today. Very matter of fact, very dignified. No angry recrimination at this point. I hope that period has passed on both sides. And this is a way out now.
SOT: If he wants to apply for a period of study abroad like every other Chinese citizen, let him make an application. And I don't think this is empty talk here. I think they mean this is a way out and it's a dignified way out, it's a good way out for the Chinese government and our government and for Chen and his family. So this could be ... I'm excited. I think this is the first opening I've seen in a very tough week.
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Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 31 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Behind NY prison worker's plea agreement
Behind NY prison worker's plea agreement
What led to the plea deal for a prison worker who helped two killers escape prison?
wn.com/Behind NY Prison Worker's Plea Agreement
Behind NY prison worker's plea agreement
What led to the plea deal for a prison worker who helped two killers escape prison?
- published: 29 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Chinese ambassador on UN agreement on deaths of UN observers in Lebanon
1. Wide shot exterior of United Nations building in New York
2. Chinese Ambassador to United Nations, Wang Guangya, walking to microphone outside Security Council chambers
3. Wide shot Wang Guangya talking to media
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Wang Guangya, Chinese Ambassador to the UN:
"The feelings by almost all council members is quite clear because this is a serious matter and an attack on the UN peacekeepers. So we feel that if the Security Council cannot send a strong political message supporting our guys on the ground, I think it will be very difficult for people to understand, so I believe that we need a strong statement to support our people and also to support all those who work for the United Nations."
5. Cutaway of reporters
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Wang Guangya, Chinese Ambassador to the UN:
"But of course I think if we got stuck on this particular issue for political considerations, definitely I think that people will feel frustrated and definitely I think it will affect smooth cooperation on other important issues if people take because I think this organisation cannot discuss issues on a selective basis."
7. Wide shot, exterior of United Nations building
The United Nations Security Council neared agreement on Thursday on a weak statement expressing shock and distress at Israel's bombing of a UN post on the Lebanon border which killed four unarmed military observers.
But the statement does not mention condemnation.
After a day and night of wrangling, all 15 council members agreed on the watered-down statement, which was the first by the Security Council since fighting between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas began on July 12.
In the only reference to the wider conflict, the council expressed its "deep concern for Lebanese and Israeli civilian casualties and sufferings, the destruction of civil infrastructures and the rising number of internally displaced people in Lebanon."
Earlier, when it was unclear whether the council would agree on any statement, China's UN Ambassador Wang Guangya warned that the council's failure to act could have an impact on other issues, including its current efforts to agree on a resolution that would make mandatory Iran's
suspension of uranium enrichment.
"If we got stuck on this particular issue for political considerations, definitely I think that people will feel frustrated, and definitely I think it will affect smooth cooperation on other important issues, because I think this organisation cannot discuss issues on a selective basis," he said.
"We feel that if the Security Council cannot send a strong political message supporting our guys on the ground, it will be very difficult for people to understand," Wang said.
Thursday's statement was read at a formal meeting by the current council president, France's UN Ambassador Jean-Marc de La Sabliere.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/974f5a7d2a657832cd5987bdbb6c6b9b
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/Chinese Ambassador On Un Agreement On Deaths Of Un Observers In Lebanon
1. Wide shot exterior of United Nations building in New York
2. Chinese Ambassador to United Nations, Wang Guangya, walking to microphone outside Security Council chambers
3. Wide shot Wang Guangya talking to media
4. SOUNDBITE (English) Wang Guangya, Chinese Ambassador to the UN:
"The feelings by almost all council members is quite clear because this is a serious matter and an attack on the UN peacekeepers. So we feel that if the Security Council cannot send a strong political message supporting our guys on the ground, I think it will be very difficult for people to understand, so I believe that we need a strong statement to support our people and also to support all those who work for the United Nations."
5. Cutaway of reporters
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Wang Guangya, Chinese Ambassador to the UN:
"But of course I think if we got stuck on this particular issue for political considerations, definitely I think that people will feel frustrated and definitely I think it will affect smooth cooperation on other important issues if people take because I think this organisation cannot discuss issues on a selective basis."
7. Wide shot, exterior of United Nations building
The United Nations Security Council neared agreement on Thursday on a weak statement expressing shock and distress at Israel's bombing of a UN post on the Lebanon border which killed four unarmed military observers.
But the statement does not mention condemnation.
After a day and night of wrangling, all 15 council members agreed on the watered-down statement, which was the first by the Security Council since fighting between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas began on July 12.
In the only reference to the wider conflict, the council expressed its "deep concern for Lebanese and Israeli civilian casualties and sufferings, the destruction of civil infrastructures and the rising number of internally displaced people in Lebanon."
Earlier, when it was unclear whether the council would agree on any statement, China's UN Ambassador Wang Guangya warned that the council's failure to act could have an impact on other issues, including its current efforts to agree on a resolution that would make mandatory Iran's
suspension of uranium enrichment.
"If we got stuck on this particular issue for political considerations, definitely I think that people will feel frustrated, and definitely I think it will affect smooth cooperation on other important issues, because I think this organisation cannot discuss issues on a selective basis," he said.
"We feel that if the Security Council cannot send a strong political message supporting our guys on the ground, it will be very difficult for people to understand," Wang said.
Thursday's statement was read at a formal meeting by the current council president, France's UN Ambassador Jean-Marc de La Sabliere.
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/974f5a7d2a657832cd5987bdbb6c6b9b
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 24 Jul 2015
- views: 0
Thousands protest against Iran nuclear agreement in Times Square rally
The "Stop Iran Rally" to protest against the proposed Iran nuclear deal attracted thousands of mainly pro-Israel supporters concerned about closer ties with the ...
07.22.2015 Manhattan,NY AP- Protesters poured into New York's Times Square on Wednesday to denounce the Iran nuclear deal as a threat to Israel and ...
Thousands of protesters packed New York City's Times Square on Wednesday to demand that U.S. Congress reject the proposed nuclear deal between Iran ...
Organizer's recruited thousands to pack New York City's Times Square calling for Congress to reject the accord.
Thousands protest against Iran nuclear agreement in Times Square rally
Thousands protest against Iran nuclear agreement in Times Square rally
wn.com/Thousands Protest Against Iran Nuclear Agreement In Times Square Rally
The "Stop Iran Rally" to protest against the proposed Iran nuclear deal attracted thousands of mainly pro-Israel supporters concerned about closer ties with the ...
07.22.2015 Manhattan,NY AP- Protesters poured into New York's Times Square on Wednesday to denounce the Iran nuclear deal as a threat to Israel and ...
Thousands of protesters packed New York City's Times Square on Wednesday to demand that U.S. Congress reject the proposed nuclear deal between Iran ...
Organizer's recruited thousands to pack New York City's Times Square calling for Congress to reject the accord.
Thousands protest against Iran nuclear agreement in Times Square rally
Thousands protest against Iran nuclear agreement in Times Square rally
- published: 23 Jul 2015
- views: 26
Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'..)
Environmentally friendly leaders from around the world, including the New York City Mayor and California Governor, have gathered at the Vatican for a two-day conference rallying momentum ahead of Paris climate negotiations later this year
wn.com/Mayors At Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'..)
Environmentally friendly leaders from around the world, including the New York City Mayor and California Governor, have gathered at the Vatican for a two-day conference rallying momentum ahead of Paris climate negotiations later this year
- published: 22 Jul 2015
- views: 2
Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'//
Environmentally friendly leaders from around the world, including the New York City Mayor and California Governor, have gathered at the Vatican for a two-day conference rallying momentum ahead of Paris climate negotiations later this year.
wn.com/Mayors At Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'
Environmentally friendly leaders from around the world, including the New York City Mayor and California Governor, have gathered at the Vatican for a two-day conference rallying momentum ahead of Paris climate negotiations later this year.
- published: 22 Jul 2015
- views: 1
Vietnam's new representative in America says his country is ready to move towards full diplomatic relations with the United States.
Le (Pronounced: Lee) Van Bang and other Vietnamese government officials are in Washington as part of a joint agreement to open liaison offices between the US and the Hanoi government.
More than twenty years after the U-S pull out from South Vietnam, officials of the Hanoi government are in Washington.
They are there to establish liaison offices in each other's capitals. The agreement marks the first official ties between the United States and Hanoi since the end of the war in Vietnam. Getting this far has been a long process.
SOUNDBITE: "We began I think in 1987 when General Rushie came to Vietnam talking on humanitarian issues on both sides, and then we have the MIA issue, you know taken up from 1988 and we focused on that one. And then we have the MIA office in Hanoi to help to resolve the MIA issue in Hanoi but at the same time the relations between the two countries developed. We have economic ties, we have businessmen in Hanoi and that is the way...that the embargo was lifted last year and the liaison office is established now. It's a long way but we do it step by step".
SUPER CAPTION: Le Van Bang, Chief of Vietnamese Liaison Office
Vietnam's representative to the United States, Le Van Bang, says
the agreement is a major step towards full diplomatic relations between the two nations - a step Vietnam wants to take immediately.
SOUNDBITE: "On the Vietnamese side we want to be friends of everyone so we want to be friends of the United States and American people that is our objective and full diplomatic relations is our goal so we are working on that one. From our (stand) point of view maybe tomorrow the day after tomorrow but it depends on the United States so it's very hard for me to anticipate".
SUPER CAPTION: Le Van Bang, Chief of Vietnamese Liaison Office
Bang, the former Vietnamese ambassador to the United Nations, said he also hopes for direct contact with the families of American soldiers listed as missing in action since the Vietnam War.
US officials say more than 1,600 American soldiers are still unaccounted for. The issue of those missing in action, or MIAs, has long been a contentious issue between the US and Hanoi.
Bang is hopeful that the Washington office can work with the families, the Pentagon and other organisations to resolve the matter.
SOUNDBITE: "Now it's better for me to sit down and listen to many of the American families, MIA organisation, people from the Pentagon, anyone that wants to ask us on the MIA issue and then I my answer them and I will relate their opinion to Hanoi and I will request our government to answer or to help them to go to Vietnam. Before I was working in New York at the UN mission and many of them had to fly from here to New York, it's far away and...so it's better, much better now".
SUPER CAPTION: Le Van Bang, Chief of Vietnamese Liaison Office
US relations with Vietnam began to warm in 1993 when President Clinton agreed to stop blocking access to international loans for development.
Bang says more that one hundred American companies are now in Vietnam.
SOUNDBITE: "The trade relations between our two countries began last year already and many of the US big companies are in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city have the offices and oil companies or construction companies are there already - hundred of them but they are at a disadvantaged situation at the moment because they do not have the help from the Government here on the banks on the OPEC even with the most favoured nation some of them are going to produce goods in Vietnam and they want to export"
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/3f30ba8e74207bdcfd0fb0e567653a7b
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
wn.com/USA Vietnam Full Diplomatic Relations Agreement
Vietnam's new representative in America says his country is ready to move towards full diplomatic relations with the United States.
Le (Pronounced: Lee) Van Bang and other Vietnamese government officials are in Washington as part of a joint agreement to open liaison offices between the US and the Hanoi government.
More than twenty years after the U-S pull out from South Vietnam, officials of the Hanoi government are in Washington.
They are there to establish liaison offices in each other's capitals. The agreement marks the first official ties between the United States and Hanoi since the end of the war in Vietnam. Getting this far has been a long process.
SOUNDBITE: "We began I think in 1987 when General Rushie came to Vietnam talking on humanitarian issues on both sides, and then we have the MIA issue, you know taken up from 1988 and we focused on that one. And then we have the MIA office in Hanoi to help to resolve the MIA issue in Hanoi but at the same time the relations between the two countries developed. We have economic ties, we have businessmen in Hanoi and that is the way...that the embargo was lifted last year and the liaison office is established now. It's a long way but we do it step by step".
SUPER CAPTION: Le Van Bang, Chief of Vietnamese Liaison Office
Vietnam's representative to the United States, Le Van Bang, says
the agreement is a major step towards full diplomatic relations between the two nations - a step Vietnam wants to take immediately.
SOUNDBITE: "On the Vietnamese side we want to be friends of everyone so we want to be friends of the United States and American people that is our objective and full diplomatic relations is our goal so we are working on that one. From our (stand) point of view maybe tomorrow the day after tomorrow but it depends on the United States so it's very hard for me to anticipate".
SUPER CAPTION: Le Van Bang, Chief of Vietnamese Liaison Office
Bang, the former Vietnamese ambassador to the United Nations, said he also hopes for direct contact with the families of American soldiers listed as missing in action since the Vietnam War.
US officials say more than 1,600 American soldiers are still unaccounted for. The issue of those missing in action, or MIAs, has long been a contentious issue between the US and Hanoi.
Bang is hopeful that the Washington office can work with the families, the Pentagon and other organisations to resolve the matter.
SOUNDBITE: "Now it's better for me to sit down and listen to many of the American families, MIA organisation, people from the Pentagon, anyone that wants to ask us on the MIA issue and then I my answer them and I will relate their opinion to Hanoi and I will request our government to answer or to help them to go to Vietnam. Before I was working in New York at the UN mission and many of them had to fly from here to New York, it's far away and...so it's better, much better now".
SUPER CAPTION: Le Van Bang, Chief of Vietnamese Liaison Office
US relations with Vietnam began to warm in 1993 when President Clinton agreed to stop blocking access to international loans for development.
Bang says more that one hundred American companies are now in Vietnam.
SOUNDBITE: "The trade relations between our two countries began last year already and many of the US big companies are in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh city have the offices and oil companies or construction companies are there already - hundred of them but they are at a disadvantaged situation at the moment because they do not have the help from the Government here on the banks on the OPEC even with the most favoured nation some of them are going to produce goods in Vietnam and they want to export"
You can license this story through AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/metadata/youtube/3f30ba8e74207bdcfd0fb0e567653a7b
Find out more about AP Archive: http://www.aparchive.com/HowWeWork
- published: 21 Jul 2015
- views: 1
Budget Update - March 27, 2011
Budget Update - March 27, 2011
Budget Update - March 27, 2011
The Russ Belville Show #405 - New York + GW Pharma = Box Canyon
The Russ Belville Show #405 - New York + GW Pharma = Box Canyon
The Russ Belville Show #405 - New York + GW Pharma = Box Canyon
As the New York Governor signs an agreement with GW Pharmaceuticals to supply Epidiolex for epileptic children, medical marijuana is driven further into the ...
1 08 Policy and Decision Models 8 New York City Watershed Agreement
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Mayor Bloomberg Announces Agreement to Create New Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering
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Use the word to tell yourself how wonderful you are, how great you are. Tell yourself how much you love yourself. http://www.miguelruiz.com The Four Agreemen...
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Blue Room, City Hall
December 9, 2014
Donald Trump Signs Loyalty Pledge to GOP FULL Press Conference, RNC Meeting - Sept. 3, 2015
Donald Trump Signs Loyalty Pledge to GOP FULL Press Conference, RNC Meeting - Sept. 3, 2015
Donald Trump Signs Loyalty Pledge to GOP FULL Press Conference, RNC Meeting - Sept. 3, 2015
WATCH: It's a wrong date "August 3/15" The Speaker of the House of Indonesia was on stage with Trump today. Donald Trump Signs Republican Loyalty Pledge. Donald Trump— reportedly under the watchful eye of Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus— has signed a pledge Thursday promising not to mount a third-party run.
“I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party, and to the conservative principles for which it stands,” Trump announced at a press conference in New York City, as he held up the pledge for all to see.
FULL: Donald Trump News Conference of signing loyalty pledge to Republican Party (RNC). Presidenti
Mayor de Blasio Announces Tentative Contract Agreement with Uniformed Sanitationmen's Association
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Mayor de Blasio Announces Tentative Contract Agreement with Uniformed Sanitationmen's Association, Local 831
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
Hitler's Transfer Agreement For Zionist Israel Not Jews
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change the settings to H-D A Deal with the Devil: The Transfer Agreement and the Zionist Pact with Hitler http://www.conflicts.rem33.com/images/ISRAEL%20PALE...
Mayor de Blasio and UFT Reach Preliminary Agreement on 9-year Contract
Mayor de Blasio and UFT Reach Preliminary Agreement on 9-year Contract
Mayor de Blasio and UFT Reach Preliminary Agreement on 9-year Contract
Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the City of New York and the United Federation of Teachers have reached a preliminary contract agreement. The 9-year agr...
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Under 2 Memorandum Of Understanding Climate Agreement Signing Ceremony
Under 2 Memorandum Of Understanding Climate Agreement Signing Ceremony
Under 2 Memorandum Of Understanding Climate Agreement Signing Ceremony
The New School (http://www.newschool.edu/) engages with world-leading Mayors and local government representatives as they pledge their support for the United Nations’ new Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) in their cities and commit to implementing the new urban agenda between now and 2030.
At this event, global urban leaders will offer a roadmap from New York’s UN SDGs to Paris’ climate summit at COP21 (December 2015), with implications for the new urban agenda to be adopted at Habitat III in Quito (October 2016).
The Under 2 Memorandum Of Understanding is an agreement amongst these subnational jurisdictions to limit the increase in g
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Mangano Announces Coliseum Lease Agreement Q & A
Mangano Announces Coliseum Lease Agreement Q & A
Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano and New York Islanders owner Charles Wang take questions on the lease agreement that retains Long Island's only maj...
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal | The New York Times
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal | The New York Times
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal | The New York Times
The Republican presidential candidates Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas hold a rally at the Capitol on Wednesday.
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Guilty Plea Agreement With SAC Capital Management Companies Announced
Guilty Plea Agreement With SAC Capital Management Companies Announced
Guilty Plea Agreement With SAC Capital Management Companies Announced
NEW YORK, NY -- U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara and FBI Special Agent-in-Charge April Brooks announce an agreement to resolve insider trading charges against fou...
Please click here to subscribe to my channel, Thanks http://www.youtube.com/user/AKNewsflash24 From Wall Street and US finance to conspiracies and the latest...
Governor Cuomo and Seneca Nation of Indians Announce Landmark Agreement
Governor Cuomo and Seneca Nation of Indians Announce Landmark Agreement
Governor Cuomo and Seneca Nation of Indians Announce Landmark Agreement
June 13, 2013: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced an agreement between New York State and the Seneca Nation of Indians that resolves a multi-year dispute bet...
Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement on Bill to Establish Medical Marijuana Program
Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement on Bill to Establish Medical Marijuana Program
Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement on Bill to Establish Medical Marijuana Program
June 19, 2014: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and Legislative Leaders announced an agreement on a bill that will establish a medical marijuana program for New York...
Mayor de Blasio Holds Press Conference to Make an Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Holds Press Conference to Make an Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Holds Press Conference to Make an Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Holds Press Conference to Make an Announcement
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
February 26,2015
Bullet-Proofing Your Affiliate Agreement
Bullet-Proofing Your Affiliate Agreement
Bullet-Proofing Your Affiliate Agreement
Bullet-Proofing Your Affiliate Agreement presentation from Affiliate Summit East 2009, which took place August 9-11, 2009 in New York, NY. Speaker: - Pete We...
Mayor de Blasio and DC37 Announce Tentative Contract Agreement
Mayor de Blasio and DC37 Announce Tentative Contract Agreement
Mayor de Blasio and DC37 Announce Tentative Contract Agreement
Mayor Bill de Blasio and DC37 Announce Tentative Contract Agreement Agreement conforms to UFT pattern, marks landmark first contract with group that settled in 2008-2010 collective bargaining...
Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement Reached on Taxi Legislation
Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement Reached on Taxi Legislation
Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement Reached on Taxi Legislation
December 20, 2011: Governor Cuomo announces that an agreement has been reached to provide taxi service to all five boroughs of New York City and improve acce...
The Russ Belville Show #405 - New York + GW Pharma = Box Canyon
As the New York Governor signs an agreement with GW Pharmaceuticals to supply Epidiolex for epileptic children, medical marijuana is driven further into the ...
wn.com/The Russ Belville Show 405 New York Gw Pharma Box Canyon
As the New York Governor signs an agreement with GW Pharmaceuticals to supply Epidiolex for epileptic children, medical marijuana is driven further into the ...
Mayor Bloomberg Announces Agreement to Create New Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering
Mayor Bloomberg and Columbia University President Bollinger Announce Agreement to Create New Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering City Will Assist Columbia's Plan to Create a World-Class...
wn.com/Mayor Bloomberg Announces Agreement To Create New Institute For Data Sciences And Engineering
Mayor Bloomberg and Columbia University President Bollinger Announce Agreement to Create New Institute for Data Sciences and Engineering City Will Assist Columbia's Plan to Create a World-Class...
We create the drama & the beauty - Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreement (15th Anniversary)
Use the word to tell yourself how wonderful you are, how great you are. Tell yourself how much you love yourself. http://www.miguelruiz.com The Four Agreemen...
wn.com/We Create The Drama The Beauty Miguel Ruiz, The Four Agreement (15Th Anniversary)
Use the word to tell yourself how wonderful you are, how great you are. Tell yourself how much you love yourself. http://www.miguelruiz.com The Four Agreemen...
- published: 29 Jan 2012
- views: 26184
Lilou Mace
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Blue Room, City Hall
December 9, 2014
wn.com/Mayor De Blasio Hosts Press Conference To Make Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Hosts Press Conference to Make Announcement
Blue Room, City Hall
December 9, 2014
- published: 10 Dec 2014
- views: 557
Donald Trump Signs Loyalty Pledge to GOP FULL Press Conference, RNC Meeting - Sept. 3, 2015
WATCH: It's a wrong date "August 3/15" The Speaker of the House of Indonesia was on stage with Trump today. Donald Trump Signs Republican Loyalty Pledge. Donald Trump— reportedly under the watchful eye of Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus— has signed a pledge Thursday promising not to mount a third-party run.
“I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party, and to the conservative principles for which it stands,” Trump announced at a press conference in New York City, as he held up the pledge for all to see.
FULL: Donald Trump News Conference of signing loyalty pledge to Republican Party (RNC). Presidential candidate Donald Trump says he is pledging allegiance to Republican Party, won't run as independent. Donald Trump 'not to run as independent' in US election. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump News Conference
US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has agreed not to run as an independent candidate if he loses the Republican nomination for the 2016 elections.
Trump on Kanye West: He loves Trump
"I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican party and the conservative principles for which it stands," he said on Thursday.
He had earlier refused to rule it out.
The billionaire business mogul, who has been soaring in the polls, has come under pressure in recent weeks from the Republican Party to sign the pledge.
His announcement on Thursday will be seen as a victory for the party, who may have seen a split in its support had Donald Trump pressed ahead as an independent candidate.
He said he had received nothing for signing the loyalty pledge, aside from the assurance that he would be treated fairly in the race.
During the Republican presidential debate earlier this month, the audience booed Mr Trump when he refused to rule out a third-party run. He was the only candidate not to commit to back the winner of the party's primaries.
The Republican Party National Committee has since sought a loyalty pledge from each of its presidential hopefuls, in what is believed to be a first for the party.
Donald Trump has come under attack from his rivals in the race who have questioned his conservative credentials and liberal leanings in the past.
Mr Trump made the announcement at his campaign headquarters at the Trump Tower in New York.
Donald Trump has refused to rule out a third-party-run several times during the campaign, including during the first Republican primary debate. Multiple polls have found that a third-party Trump run would effectively sink any chance of Republicans winning the White House in 2016.
2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke to reporters at a news conference at Trump Tower. He announced that he have signed a loyalty pledge to the Republican Party.
wn.com/Donald Trump Signs Loyalty Pledge To Gop Full Press Conference, Rnc Meeting Sept. 3, 2015
WATCH: It's a wrong date "August 3/15" The Speaker of the House of Indonesia was on stage with Trump today. Donald Trump Signs Republican Loyalty Pledge. Donald Trump— reportedly under the watchful eye of Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus— has signed a pledge Thursday promising not to mount a third-party run.
“I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican Party, and to the conservative principles for which it stands,” Trump announced at a press conference in New York City, as he held up the pledge for all to see.
FULL: Donald Trump News Conference of signing loyalty pledge to Republican Party (RNC). Presidential candidate Donald Trump says he is pledging allegiance to Republican Party, won't run as independent. Donald Trump 'not to run as independent' in US election. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump News Conference
US presidential hopeful Donald Trump has agreed not to run as an independent candidate if he loses the Republican nomination for the 2016 elections.
Trump on Kanye West: He loves Trump
"I will be totally pledging my allegiance to the Republican party and the conservative principles for which it stands," he said on Thursday.
He had earlier refused to rule it out.
The billionaire business mogul, who has been soaring in the polls, has come under pressure in recent weeks from the Republican Party to sign the pledge.
His announcement on Thursday will be seen as a victory for the party, who may have seen a split in its support had Donald Trump pressed ahead as an independent candidate.
He said he had received nothing for signing the loyalty pledge, aside from the assurance that he would be treated fairly in the race.
During the Republican presidential debate earlier this month, the audience booed Mr Trump when he refused to rule out a third-party run. He was the only candidate not to commit to back the winner of the party's primaries.
The Republican Party National Committee has since sought a loyalty pledge from each of its presidential hopefuls, in what is believed to be a first for the party.
Donald Trump has come under attack from his rivals in the race who have questioned his conservative credentials and liberal leanings in the past.
Mr Trump made the announcement at his campaign headquarters at the Trump Tower in New York.
Donald Trump has refused to rule out a third-party-run several times during the campaign, including during the first Republican primary debate. Multiple polls have found that a third-party Trump run would effectively sink any chance of Republicans winning the White House in 2016.
2016 Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump spoke to reporters at a news conference at Trump Tower. He announced that he have signed a loyalty pledge to the Republican Party.
- published: 03 Sep 2015
- views: 17303
Mayor de Blasio Announces Tentative Contract Agreement with Uniformed Sanitationmen's Association
Mayor de Blasio Announces Tentative Contract Agreement with Uniformed Sanitationmen's Association, Local 831
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
wn.com/Mayor De Blasio Announces Tentative Contract Agreement With Uniformed Sanitationmen's Association
Mayor de Blasio Announces Tentative Contract Agreement with Uniformed Sanitationmen's Association, Local 831
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
- published: 19 May 2015
- views: 48
Hitler's Transfer Agreement For Zionist Israel Not Jews
change the settings to H-D A Deal with the Devil: The Transfer Agreement and the Zionist Pact with Hitler http://www.conflicts.rem33.com/images/ISRAEL%20PALE...
wn.com/Hitler's Transfer Agreement For Zionist Israel Not Jews
change the settings to H-D A Deal with the Devil: The Transfer Agreement and the Zionist Pact with Hitler http://www.conflicts.rem33.com/images/ISRAEL%20PALE...
Mayor de Blasio and UFT Reach Preliminary Agreement on 9-year Contract
Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the City of New York and the United Federation of Teachers have reached a preliminary contract agreement. The 9-year agr...
wn.com/Mayor De Blasio And Uft Reach Preliminary Agreement On 9 Year Contract
Mayor Bill de Blasio today announced the City of New York and the United Federation of Teachers have reached a preliminary contract agreement. The 9-year agr...
Mayor de Blasio & School Safety Agents Announces Tentative Contract Agreement
Agreement with Teamsters Local 237 conforms with established pattern, secures unprecedented health savings and other key improvements On Women's Equality Day...
wn.com/Mayor De Blasio School Safety Agents Announces Tentative Contract Agreement
Agreement with Teamsters Local 237 conforms with established pattern, secures unprecedented health savings and other key improvements On Women's Equality Day...
Under 2 Memorandum Of Understanding Climate Agreement Signing Ceremony
The New School (http://www.newschool.edu/) engages with world-leading Mayors and local government representatives as they pledge their support for the United Nations’ new Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) in their cities and commit to implementing the new urban agenda between now and 2030.
At this event, global urban leaders will offer a roadmap from New York’s UN SDGs to Paris’ climate summit at COP21 (December 2015), with implications for the new urban agenda to be adopted at Habitat III in Quito (October 2016).
The Under 2 Memorandum Of Understanding is an agreement amongst these subnational jurisdictions to limit the increase in global average temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius - the warming threshold at which scientists say there will likely be catastrophic climate disruptions. Since the global agreement was first signed at a Sacramento ceremony in May, other states and provinces joined in June, July and September. With the addition of Zhenjiang in China and Los Angeles last week, the first cities to endorse the agreement, a total of 23 jurisdictions in 10 countries and five continents have signed or endorsed the Under 2 MOU, collectively representing more than $5.5 trillion in GDP and 141 million people.
- Nilda Mesa
- Francesco La Camera
- Governor Edmund Brown, Jr., Governor of California
- Glen R. Murray
- Ambassador Laurence Tubiana
- Jeffrey Sachs
Thursday, September 24, 2015
6:00 p.m.
The New School, John L. Tishman Auditorium, 63 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10011
wn.com/Under 2 Memorandum Of Understanding Climate Agreement Signing Ceremony
The New School (http://www.newschool.edu/) engages with world-leading Mayors and local government representatives as they pledge their support for the United Nations’ new Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) in their cities and commit to implementing the new urban agenda between now and 2030.
At this event, global urban leaders will offer a roadmap from New York’s UN SDGs to Paris’ climate summit at COP21 (December 2015), with implications for the new urban agenda to be adopted at Habitat III in Quito (October 2016).
The Under 2 Memorandum Of Understanding is an agreement amongst these subnational jurisdictions to limit the increase in global average temperature to below 2 degrees Celsius - the warming threshold at which scientists say there will likely be catastrophic climate disruptions. Since the global agreement was first signed at a Sacramento ceremony in May, other states and provinces joined in June, July and September. With the addition of Zhenjiang in China and Los Angeles last week, the first cities to endorse the agreement, a total of 23 jurisdictions in 10 countries and five continents have signed or endorsed the Under 2 MOU, collectively representing more than $5.5 trillion in GDP and 141 million people.
- Nilda Mesa
- Francesco La Camera
- Governor Edmund Brown, Jr., Governor of California
- Glen R. Murray
- Ambassador Laurence Tubiana
- Jeffrey Sachs
Thursday, September 24, 2015
6:00 p.m.
The New School, John L. Tishman Auditorium, 63 5th Avenue, New York, NY 10011
- published: 30 Sep 2015
- views: 21
Mangano Announces Coliseum Lease Agreement Q & A
Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano and New York Islanders owner Charles Wang take questions on the lease agreement that retains Long Island's only maj...
wn.com/Mangano Announces Coliseum Lease Agreement Q A
Nassau County Executive Edward P. Mangano and New York Islanders owner Charles Wang take questions on the lease agreement that retains Long Island's only maj...
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal | The New York Times
The Republican presidential candidates Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas hold a rally at the Capitol on Wednesday.
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Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube.
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal | The New York Times
wn.com/Donald Trump And Ted Cruz Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal | The New York Times
The Republican presidential candidates Donald J. Trump and Senator Ted Cruz of Texas hold a rally at the Capitol on Wednesday.
Subscribe to the Times Video newsletter for free and get a handpicked selection of the best videos from The New York Times every week: http://bit.ly/timesvideonewsletter
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Whether it's reporting on conflicts abroad and political divisions at home, or covering the latest style trends and scientific developments, New York Times video journalists provide a revealing and unforgettable view of the world. It's all the news that's fit to watch. On YouTube.
Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Rally Against Iran Nuclear Deal | The New York Times
- published: 09 Sep 2015
- views: 22256
Guilty Plea Agreement With SAC Capital Management Companies Announced
NEW YORK, NY -- U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara and FBI Special Agent-in-Charge April Brooks announce an agreement to resolve insider trading charges against fou...
wn.com/Guilty Plea Agreement With Sac Capital Management Companies Announced
NEW YORK, NY -- U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara and FBI Special Agent-in-Charge April Brooks announce an agreement to resolve insider trading charges against fou...
- published: 07 Nov 2013
- views: 111
Please click here to subscribe to my channel, Thanks http://www.youtube.com/user/AKNewsflash24 From Wall Street and US finance to conspiracies and the latest...
wn.com/Alex Jones The Tpp Agreement Revealed
Please click here to subscribe to my channel, Thanks http://www.youtube.com/user/AKNewsflash24 From Wall Street and US finance to conspiracies and the latest...
Governor Cuomo and Seneca Nation of Indians Announce Landmark Agreement
June 13, 2013: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced an agreement between New York State and the Seneca Nation of Indians that resolves a multi-year dispute bet...
wn.com/Governor Cuomo And Seneca Nation Of Indians Announce Landmark Agreement
June 13, 2013: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced an agreement between New York State and the Seneca Nation of Indians that resolves a multi-year dispute bet...
- published: 23 Aug 2014
- views: 3
Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement on Bill to Establish Medical Marijuana Program
June 19, 2014: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and Legislative Leaders announced an agreement on a bill that will establish a medical marijuana program for New York...
wn.com/Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement On Bill To Establish Medical Marijuana Program
June 19, 2014: Governor Andrew M. Cuomo and Legislative Leaders announced an agreement on a bill that will establish a medical marijuana program for New York...
- published: 24 Aug 2014
- views: 11
Mayor de Blasio Holds Press Conference to Make an Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Holds Press Conference to Make an Announcement
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
February 26,2015
wn.com/Mayor De Blasio Holds Press Conference To Make An Announcement
Mayor de Blasio Holds Press Conference to Make an Announcement
Blue Room
City Hall
New York, NY 10007
February 26,2015
- published: 26 Feb 2015
- views: 288
Bullet-Proofing Your Affiliate Agreement
Bullet-Proofing Your Affiliate Agreement presentation from Affiliate Summit East 2009, which took place August 9-11, 2009 in New York, NY. Speaker: - Pete We...
wn.com/Bullet Proofing Your Affiliate Agreement
Bullet-Proofing Your Affiliate Agreement presentation from Affiliate Summit East 2009, which took place August 9-11, 2009 in New York, NY. Speaker: - Pete We...
Mayor de Blasio and DC37 Announce Tentative Contract Agreement
Mayor Bill de Blasio and DC37 Announce Tentative Contract Agreement Agreement conforms to UFT pattern, marks landmark first contract with group that settled in 2008-2010 collective bargaining...
wn.com/Mayor De Blasio And Dc37 Announce Tentative Contract Agreement
Mayor Bill de Blasio and DC37 Announce Tentative Contract Agreement Agreement conforms to UFT pattern, marks landmark first contract with group that settled in 2008-2010 collective bargaining...
Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement Reached on Taxi Legislation
December 20, 2011: Governor Cuomo announces that an agreement has been reached to provide taxi service to all five boroughs of New York City and improve acce...
wn.com/Governor Cuomo Announces Agreement Reached On Taxi Legislation
December 20, 2011: Governor Cuomo announces that an agreement has been reached to provide taxi service to all five boroughs of New York City and improve acce...
- published: 10 Jul 2014
- views: 10