
Motivating, inspiring, and great ideas for organizing and home projects.

Owner: Becky_Hines_Barnfather

Listed in: Home & Garden

Language: English

Tags: Organizing, Motivation, Home, Clutter, Clean

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Latest Blog Posts for Organizing Made Fun

  • Party Pooper - Last Minute Tips for Parties!
    on Jul 3, 2014 in guest party
    If you want to know the truth, we're party animals! Seriously, we must be. Either that or we're just nuts!Read more »...
  • Two Social Outlets!
    on Jul 1, 2014 in backyard organize personal yard
    If there were a couple of social places you may want to catch me, it's on Hometalk and Facebook! Yes, Pinterest too, but I can actually interact with more of you on Hometalk and Facebook than on Pinterest. I wanted to share with you why...why go...
  • Is It Time to Clean Out Your Closet?
    on Jun 30, 2014 in closet clutter organize sponsors
    This post is sponsored by ThredUP but all opinions are 100% my own. Are you constantly looking at your closet and trying to figure out how you can fit any more in it? Or do you KNOW you have outfits in there that you just don't ever wear, but yo...
  • June 2014 End of the Month Sponsor Wrap Up
    on Jun 28, 2014 in month end wrap up sponsors
    Summer is finally here! If you've missed a post this month, be sure to catch up now! Read more »...
  • May 2014 End of the Month Sponsor Wrap Up
    on May 31, 2014 in month end wrap up sponsors
    Summer is just around the corner and we have been very busy getting everything ready. From cleaning the outdoor patio, getting ready for summer entertaining and a complete front yard make over to be more drought tolerant.Read more »...
  • Getting the Front Yard Planted!
    on May 29, 2014 in green living projects yard
    Last week I shared with you the big reveal of our native, drought tolerant front yard and landscape. I worked closely with our landscaper and had many requests for what I wanted from our yard. I'm going to share some of the costs for hiring a lan...
  • Teaching Kids to Be Hospitable!
    on May 26, 2014 in craft Kids
    About a month ago, I was in Salt Lake City for a creative blogger's conference {called SNAP}. I had such a great time and learned so much, and one of the things that came home with me was a lot of crafting stuff. A LOT! My daughter loves to craft...
  • Gift of Clean Came to MY House!
    on May 24, 2014 in Cleaning Kids sponsors
    This post sponsored by Scotch-Brite but all opinions and views are my own. I was compensated for my partnership with Scotch-Brite...but don't let that make you think that I didn't really want this for Mother's Day!My kids are amazing.
  • Amazing Front yard Make-Over!
    on May 22, 2014 in entry garden projects yard
    It.Is.Done!!!! Yay, my front yard make-over is done! I can't believe it and it's so amazing to think that my yard went from this {where I left you last time}....Read more »...
  • Our Outdoor Fireplace Ready for Entertaining!
    on May 15, 2014 in backyard deck yard
    Growing up in Northern California, I remember many nights eating outside on the deck that my dad built, especially in spring and summer. It was one of my favorite things to do - to eat outside. There is something so special about being outside in the...
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